8 Feb SBI Clerk Mains Paper Questions
8 Feb SBI Clerk Mains Paper Questions
8 Feb SBI Clerk Mains Paper Questions
Q. 6-9
Twelve persons M, N, O, P, R, T, S, K, Q, U, W and Y are standing in 2 concentric circles and 6 persons
each are standing on both the circles. The person standing on the inner circle is facing away from the
centre and the one standing on the outer circle is facing towards the centre. Any two persons standing
on a same circle are called as neighbour.
Note- If A facing B or A and B facing each other so A and B either sit in same circle or sit in different
O is standing on the outer circle. M is standing to the immediate left of K. N and O are facing towards
each other. Y is standing second to the left of N. T is neither the neighbour of Y nor the neighbour of N,
but is standing on the same circle as that of Y and N. T is facing W, who is the neighbour of P. R is the
neighbour of W, but is not facing O. P is facing U. Q is not niegbour of T.
बारह व्यक्ति M, N, O, P, R, T, S, K, Q, U, W और Y. 2 सांकेंहिि वत्त ृ ों में खडे हैं और प्रत्येक 6 व्यक्ति
दोनों वत्त
ृ ों पर खडे हैं। आांिररक वत्त ृ पर खडे व्यक्ति का मुख केंि से बाहर की ओर है और बाहऱी वत्त ृ पर
खडे व्यक्ति का मुख केंि की ओर है । एक ह़ी वत्त ृ पर खडे कोई भी दो व्यक्ति पडोसी कहलािे हैं।
नोट- यहद A, B के सम्मुख है या A और B एक दस ू रे के सम्मुख हैं िो A और B या िो एक ह़ी वत्त ृ में बैठे
हैं या अलग-अलग वत्त ृ में बैठे हैं।
O बाहऱी वत्तृ पर खडा है । M, K के ठीक बायीां ओर खडा है । N और O एक दस ू रे की ओर उन्मुख हैं। Y, N
के बायें से दस ू रे स्थान पर खडा है । T न िो Y का पडोसी है और न ह़ी N का पडोसी, बक्कक Y और N के
समान वत्त ृ पर खडा है । T का मुख W की ओर है , िो P का पडोसी है । R W का पडोसी है , लेककन O की
ओर उन्मुख नह़ीां है । P, U की ओर उन्मुख है । Q, T का पडोसी नह़ीां है ।
Q. 10-14
They are also playing the ludo game in which they get different numbers on the dice and based on the numbers they
interchange their positions according to the following conditions. / वे लूडो खेल भी खेल रहे हैं क्िसमें उन्हें पासे पर अलग-अलग
सांख्याएँ ममलिी हैं और सांख्याओां के आधार पर वे तनम्नमलखखि शिों के अनुसार अपना स्थान बदलिे हैं।
I. If the person gets “1”, then the person interchanges the position with that person who sits 2nd to the left of the person.
II. If the person gets “2”, then the person interchanges the position with that person who sits Fourth right of person.
III. If the person gets “3”, then the person interchanges the position with that person who sits 2nd to the right of the person.
IV. If the person gets “4”, then the person interchanges the position with that person who sits opposite to the person at the
same table.
V. If the person gets “5”, then the person interchanges the position with that person who sits immediate right of the person.
VI. If the person gets “6”, then the person interchanges the position with that person who sits immediate left of the person.
I. यहद व्यक्ति को "1" प्राप्ि होिा है , िो वह व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के साथ अपना स्थान बदल लेिा है िो उस व्यक्ति के बाएां से
दस ू रे स्थान पर बैठिा है ।
II. यहद व्यक्ति को “2” प्राप्ि होिा है , िो वह व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के साथ स्थान बदल लेिा है िो उस व्यक्ति के दायें से चौथे
स्थान पर बैठिा है ।
III. यहद व्यक्ति को “3” प्राप्ि होिा है , िो वह व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के साथ स्थान बदल लेिा है िो उस व्यक्ति के दायें से दस ू रे
स्थान पर बैठिा है ।
IV. यहद व्यक्ति को "4" ममलिा है , िो वह व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के साथ स्थान बदल लेिा है िो उसी टे बल पर उस व्यक्ति के
ववपऱीि बैठिा है ।
V. यहद व्यक्ति को “5” प्राप्ि होिा है , िो वह व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के साथ स्थान बदल लेिा है िो उस व्यक्ति के ठीक दाएां बैठिा
है ।
VI. यहद व्यक्ति को “6” प्राप्ि होिा है , िो वह व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के साथ स्थान बदल लेिा है िो उस व्यक्ति के ठीक बाएां
बैठिा है ।
The numbers they get after
throwing the dice is as follows:
As the given sequence:
P-> 3
Y-> 4
Yes Marry Favorite Human Days is coded as V1P S6D H15A B6A N12A
Buy Tasty Pizza Like Always is coded as G5A K15D V7D Y23A H18D
Modern Model More Demand Rupee is coded as W0D I13I M1D N1D V8D
Slide New What Arrange Format is coded as M9A G3A Z4I G14D H14D
Q. 15-18
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are born in four countries on four different
dates i.e. 2nd, 4th, 7th and 9th of four different months August, September, October,
November. Four countries are namely India, Australia, Nepal and Malaysia, but not
necessarily in the same order. At least one person born on each date. Maximum four
persons can be born on same date but none of them born in same month.
दस व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I और J चार शहरों में चार अलग-अलग िाऱीखों यानी
अगस्ि, मसिांबर, अतटूबर, नवांबर के चार अलग-अलग मह़ीनों की 2, 4, 7 और 9 िाऱीख
को पैदा हुए हैं। चार दे श इांडडया, ऑस्रे मलया, नेपाल और मलेमशया हैं, लेककन िरूऱी नह़ीां
कक इसी क्रम में हों। प्रत्येक तिथथ पर कम से कम एक व्यक्ति का िन्म होिा है । एक
ह़ी िाऱीख को अथधकिम चार व्यक्तियों का िन्म हो सकिा है लेककन उनमें से कोई
भी एक ह़ी मह़ीने में पैदा नह़ीां हुआ है ।
Q. 19-23
G is born on 7th September in Malaysia. C is not born on 7 and 9th of any month. I is born on same date of A but in a
month immediately after A is born. J is born in Nepal. F is born in the same country as B. No other person is born on the
same date as D is born. E is born on an odd date but not on same date as G. Only two persons are born in Malaysia and
both on an odd date. B is born on an even date in August but not on 2. H is born on an odd date in India. The persons born
on 4, born in the month having 31 days. Equal number of persons are not born on the no two dates. The total number of
persons born on the even date, not more than three. I is not born on same date as E. Both F and I born in the same month.
Only two persons are born in Australia and both in month of October. Only two persons are born in Malaysia and both in
same month. H is born in the same month as J. J is not born on same date as F. Both D and E is born in the same month
having 30 days. One of the person born in India will be born on an even date of the September. I is born in the same
country as D. Equal number of persons are born in India and Nepal. Only three persons are born in the month of August. F
is not born on 7th. G का िन्म 7 मसिांबर को मलेमशया में हुआ है| C का िन्म ककसी भी मह़ीने की 7 और 9 िाऱीख को नह़ीां हुआ है। I का िन्म A की
समान तिथथ को हुआ है , लेककन A के िन्म के िरु ां ि बाद एक मह़ीने में । J का िन्म नेपाल में हुआ है . F का िन्म B के समान दे श में हुआ है । कोई अन्य
व्यक्ति उसी िाऱीख को पैदा नह़ीां हुआ है क्िस हदन D का िन्म हुआ है । E का िन्म ववषम तिथथ को हुआ है लेककन G के समान तिथथ को नह़ीां। मलेमशया में
केवल दो व्यक्तियों का िन्म हुआ है और दोनों का िन्म ववषम तिथथ को हुआ है । B का िन्म अगस्ि में सम तिथथ को हुआ है लेककन 2 को नह़ीां। H का िन्म
इांडडया में ववषम तिथथ को हुआ है । क्िन व्यक्तियों का िन्म 4 िाऱीख को हुआ है , उनका िन्म 31 हदनों वाले मह़ीने में हुआ है । समान सांख्या में व्यक्तियों का
िन्म ककन्ह़ीां दो तिथथयों में नह़ीां होिा है । सम तिथथ को िन्म लेने वाले व्यक्तियों की कुल सांख्या, िीन से अथधक नह़ीां। I का िन्म E के समान िाऱीख को नह़ीां
हुआ है । F और I दोनों का िन्म एक ह़ी मह़ीने में हुआ है । ऑस्रे मलया में केवल दो व्यक्तियों का िन्म हुआ है और दोनों का िन्म अतटूबर के मह़ीने में हुआ है ।
मलेमशया में केवल दो व्यक्तियों का िन्म हुआ है और दोनों का िन्म एक ह़ी मह़ीने में हुआ है । H का िन्म J के समान मह़ीने में हुआ है । J का िन्म F के
समान िाऱीख को नह़ीां हुआ है । D और E दोनों का िन्म उसी मह़ीने में हुआ है , क्िसमें 30 हदन हैं। इांडडया में िन्म लेने वाले व्यक्ति का िन्म मसिांबर मह़ीने
की सम तिथथ को होगा। I का िन्म D के समान दे श में हुआ है । इांडडया और नेपाल में समान सांख्या में व्यक्ति पैदा हुए हैं। अगस्ि के मह़ीने में केवल िीन
व्यक्तियों का िन्म हुआ है । F का िन्म 7 िाऱीख को नह़ीां हुआ है ।
G is born on 7th September in Malaysia. C is not born on 7 and
9th of any month. I is born on same date of A but in a month
immediately after A is born. J is born in Nepal. F is born in the
same country as B. No other person is born on the same date as
D is born. E is born on an odd date but not on same date as G.
Only two persons are born in Malaysia and both on an odd
date. B is born on an even date in August but not on 2. H is born
on an odd date in India. The persons born on 4, born in the
month having 31 days. Equal number of persons are not born
on the no two dates. The total number of persons born on the
even date, not more than three. I is not born on same date as E.
Both F and I born in the same month. Only two persons are
born in Australia and both in month of October. Only two
persons are born in Malaysia and both in same month. H is born
in the same month as J. J is not born on same date as F. Both D
and E is born in the same month having 30 days. One of the
person born in India will be born on an even date of the
September. I is born in the same country as D. Equal number of
persons are born in India and Nepal. Only three persons are
born in the month of August. F is not born on 7th.
A ! B means that ‘A is neither greater nor equal to B’/ A ! B का अथथ है कक 'A, B से ना िो बडा
है ना ह़ी बराबर है ‘
A & B means that ‘A is not greater than B’/ A & B का अथथ है कक ‘A, B से बडा नह़ीां है ‘
A @ B means that ‘A is neither greater nor less than B’/ A @ B का मिलब है कक ‘A, B से ना
िो बडा है ना ह़ी छोटा है ‘
A $ B means that ‘A is neither less nor equal to B’/ A $ B का मिलब है कक ‘A, B से ना िो
छोटा है ना ह़ी बराबर है ‘
A % B means that ‘A is not less than B’/ A % B का अथथ है कक ‘A, B से छोटा नह़ीां है '
Q. 27-31
Stadium Z did not get the highest water can. BB coded can sent to that Stadium who got 50 water can. The number
of chairs of Stadium Z is 25 more than W. DD coded water can sent to the Stadium T. The number of chairs of
Stadium T and X in the ratio of 7:9 and the total number of water can sent to these two Stadium is not more than
550. Stadium U and Z got twice water can according to the number of it’s chair. Stadium Y which got CC coded
water can, gets less water can than U but more than V. The number of GG coded water can are highest in number.
The number of chair of Stadium U is 100 less than V. The number of AA coded water can are more than the number
of EE coded water can but less than the number of FF coded water can. Stadium Z got more than 55 water can.
Stadium W has less than 100 chairs. Stadium Z has more than 50 chairs.
स्टे डडयम Z को सबसे अथधक पानी का कैन नह़ीां ममला। BB कोडडि कैन उस स्टे डडयम को भेिा गया क्िसे 50 वाटर
कैन ममले। स्टे डडयम Z की कुमसथयों की सांख्या W से 25 अथधक है । स्टे डडयम T में DD कोडडि वाटर कैन भेिा गया है ।
स्टे डडयम T और X की कुमसथयों की सांख्या 7:9 के अनुपाि में है और इन दोनों में भेिे गए कुल वाटर कैन सांख्या 550
से अथधक नह़ीां है । स्टे डडयम U और Z को उसकी कुमसथयों की सांख्या का दग ु ना वाटर कैन ममले हैं। स्टे डडयम Y, क्िसे
CC कोडडि वाटर कैन ममला है , उसे U से कम लेककन V से अथधक वाटर कैन ममलिा है । GG कोड वाले वाटर कैन की
सांख्या सबसे अथधक है । स्टे डडयम U की कुमसथयों की सांख्या V से 100 कम है । AA कोड वाले पानी के डडब्बे की सांख्या
EE कोड वाले पानी के डडब्बे की सांख्या से अथधक है लेककन FF कोड वाले पानी के डडब्बे की सांख्या से कम है ।
स्टे डडयम Z को 55 से अथधक पानी के डडब्बे ममले। स्टे डडयम W में 100 से भी कम कुमसथयाँ हैं। स्टे डडयम Z में 50 से
अथधक कुमसथयाँ हैं।
Stadium Z did not get the highest water can. BB
coded can sent to that Stadium who got 50 water
can. The number of chairs of Stadium Z is 25 more
than W. DD coded water can sent to the Stadium T.
The number of chairs of Stadium T and X in the ratio
of 7:9 and the total number of water can sent to
these two Stadium is not more than 550. Stadium U
and Z got twice water can according to the number
of it’s chair. Stadium Y which got CC coded water
can, gets less water can than U but more than V.
The number of GG coded water can are highest in
number. The number of chair of Stadium U is 100
less than V. The number of AA coded water can are
more than the number of EE coded water can but
less than the number of FF coded water can.
Stadium Z got more than 55 water can. Stadium W
has less than 100 chairs. Stadium Z has more than
50 chairs.
‘A % B’ means ‘All A are B’.
‘A & B’ means ‘No A is B’.
‘A @ B’ means ‘Some A are not B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘Some A are B’.
Statement: Chair & Table $ Pen % Fan
I. Pen @ Chair.
II. Table $ Fan.
Q. 32
‘A % B’ means ‘All A are B’.
‘A & B’ means ‘No A is B’.
‘A @ B’ means ‘Some A are not B’
‘A $ B’ means ‘Some A are B’.
Statement: Bus $ Truck & Car % Jeep
I. Truck @ Jeep
II. Jeep % Truck
Q. 33
First 12 even numbers are written from top to bottom. The letters of word ‘TROZEN’ are written
from top to bottom against each multiple of 4 (One letter against one number).
K is written somewhere above Z. The number of letters between K and N is same as the number
of letters between O and S. Third vowel according to the English alphabet written exactly
between S and U. X is written below U but above E. One of the letter is A. (No letter is repeated
against any number) / पहले 12 सम सांख्याएां ऊपर से नीचे िक मलखी िािी हैं। शब्द 'TROZEN' के अिर 4 के
प्रत्येक गण
ु ि (एक सांख्या के सामने एक अिर) के सामने ऊपर से नीचे िक मलखे गए हैं।
K को Z के ऊपर कह़ीां मलखा गया है । K और N के बीच अिरों की सांख्या O और S के बीच अिरों की सांख्या के समान है ।
िीसरा स्वर अांग्रेिी वणथमाला के अनसु ार S और U के ठीक बीच में मलखा गया है । X, U के नीचे लेककन E के ऊपर मलखा
गया है । (ककसी भी सांख्या के सामने कोई अिर दोहराया नह़ीां गया है | इनमें से एक अिर A है |
How many words can be formed by letters against numbers 2, 8, 12 and 20? Marked Z if more than
one meaningful word formed. Marked Y if none meaningful word formed. Marked third letter of
word if one meaningful word formed.
(a) S
(b) Y
(c) E
(d) R
(e) Z
Q. 34- 35
First 12 even numbers are
written from top to bottom. The
letters of word ‘TROZEN’ are
written from top to bottom
against each multiple of 4 (One
letter against one number).
K is written somewhere above
Z. The number of letters
between K and N is same as
the number of letters between
O and S. Third vowel according
to the English alphabet written
exactly between S and U. X is
written below U but above E.
One of the letter is A. (No letter
is repeated against any
Who among M, N, O, P, Q and R got the highest marks in an exam?
I. M’s marks was more than P and R and N’s marks was less than that of O.
II. O scored more than M and Q scored more than R. P scored more than M.
III. N scored less than P. R scored more than P and Q. No one scored marks between O and P or O and Q.
M, N, O, P, Q और R में से ककसने ककसी पऱीिा में सबसे अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए हैं?
I. M के अांक P और R से अथधक थे और N के अांक O से कम थे।
II. O ने M से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए और Q ने R से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए। P ने M से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि
III. N ने P से कम अांक प्राप्ि ककए। R ने P और Q से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए। O और P या O और Q के
बीच ककसी ने भी अांक प्राप्ि नह़ीां ककए।
a) If data in only Statement III is required to answer the question.
b) If data in only Statement I & II is required to answer the question.
c) If data in all Statement I, II & III is not required to answer the question.
d) If data in Statement I and III is required to answer the question.
e) If data in All Statement I, II & III is required to answer the question. Q. 36
Who among M, N, O, P, Q and R got the highest marks in an exam?
I. M’s marks was more than P and R and N’s marks was less than that of O.
II. O scored more than M and Q scored more than R. P scored more than M.
III. N scored less than P. R scored more than P and Q. No one scored marks between O and P or O and Q.
M, N, O, P, Q और R में से ककसने ककसी पऱीिा में सबसे अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए हैं?
I. M के अांक P और R से अथधक थे और N के अांक O से कम थे।
II. O ने M से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए और Q ने R से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए। P ने M से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि
III. N ने P से कम अांक प्राप्ि ककए। R ने P और Q से अथधक अांक प्राप्ि ककए। O और P या O और Q के
बीच ककसी ने भी अांक प्राप्ि नह़ीां ककए।
A, B, C, D, and E study in same school, where playing one sport is mandatory out of the five sports i.e.
Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, and Kabaddi. No two students play the same sport in this case.
What sport does A play?
A, B, C, D, और E एक ह़ी स्कूल में अध्ययन करिे हैं, िहाां पाांच खेल अथािथ कक्रकेट, वॉल़ीबॉल, बास्केट बॉल,
हॉकी और कबड्डी में से एक खेल खेलना अतनवायथ है । इस क्स्थति में कोई भी दो छात्र एक ह़ी खेल नह़ीां
खेलिे हैं। A कौन-सा खेल खेलिा है ?
I. B and C play Kabaddi and Basketball but not necessarily in the same order. / B और C, कबड्डी और
बास्केटबॉल खेलिे हैं लेककन एक ह़ी क्रम में िरूऱी नह़ीां है ।
II. D plays either Cricket or Volleyball./ D या िो कक्रकेट या वॉल़ीबॉल खेलिा है ।
III. A does not play volleyball and E does not play Hockey./ A वॉल़ीबॉल नह़ीां खेलिा है और E हॉकी नह़ीां
खेलिा है ।
a) All the statements are needed
b) Only I and II are sufficient
c) Only II and III are sufficient
d) Only I and III are sufficient
e) Insufficient data Q. 37
A, B, C, D, and E study in same school, where playing one sport is mandatory out of the five sports i.e.
Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, and Kabaddi. No two students play the same sport in this case.
What sport does A play?
I. B and C play Kabaddi and Basketball but not necessarily in the same order.
II. D plays either Cricket or Volleyball.
III. A does not play volleyball and E does not play Hockey.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H sit in a straight row facing north direction. How many persons sit between B
and D? / आठ व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H एक सीधी पांक्ति में उत्तर हदशा का सामना करिे हुए बैठे हैं| B और D के बीच ककिने
व्यक्ति बैठे हैं?
Statement I: C sits 2nd to the right of F, who sits at the extreme left end. W sits to the right of B. Four persons sit
between F and E. / C, F के दाएँ से दस ु रे स्थान पर बैठा है और F अांतिम बाएां छोर पर बैठा है | H, B के दाएँ ओर बैठा है |चार व्यक्ति
F और E के बीच बैठे हैं|
Statement II: B sits adjacent to A. One person sits between B and G. G doesn’t sit adjacent to E. H sits to the right of
D./ B, A के बगल में बैठा है |एक व्यक्ति B और G के बीच बैठा है | G, E के बगल में नह़ीां बैठा है | H, D के दाएँ ओर बैठा है |
Statement III: At least two persons sit between A and H. D doesn’t sit to the left of C, who sits adjacent to G./ कम से
कम दो व्यक्ति A और H के बीच बैठे है | D, C के बाएां ओर नह़ीां बैठा है और C, G के बगल में बैठा है |
Q. 39-42
Only three cars are scheduled between Ferrari and Toyota where Toyota takes place before Ferrari.
Ferrari and Ford do not schedule immediately after one another. The scheduled of Tesla does not take
place last. The scheduled of BMW does not take place immediately before or immediately after Tesla. The
BMW is scheduled before Ford but not immediately before. The total duration of the arrival and
departure of Ferrari, Porsche and Tesla is 5hrs. The arrival and departure duration of Tesla half hour less
than the duration of Ferrari. The arrival and departure duration of Honda and Toyota is same. The arrival
and departure duration of Toyota is half an hour more than the arrival and departure duration of BMW.
The scheduled of Ford takes place after 6:30 am. Only one car scheduled between the Porsche and Ford.
Ford schedule before Porsche. The scheduled of Porsche takes place immediately after or immediately
before the car which scheduled from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. More than one car scheduled after Porsche.
फेराऱी और टोयोटा के बीच केवल िीन कारें तनधाथररि हैं िहाां टोयोटा, फेराऱी से पहले तनधाथररि है । फेराऱी और फोडथ एक दस ू रे के
िुरांि बाद शेड्यूल नह़ीां होिे हैं। टे स्ला का शेड्यूल आखखऱी में नह़ीां होिा है | बीएमडब्कयू का शेड्यूल टे स्ला के ठीक पहले या िुरांि
बाद नह़ीां होिा है । बीएमडब्कयू को फोडथ से पहले तनधाथररि ककया गया है लेककन ठीक पहले नह़ीां। फेराऱी, पोशथ और टे स्ला के
आगमन और प्रस्थान की कुल अवथध 5 घांटे है । टे स्ला के आगमन और प्रस्थान की अवथध फेराऱी की अवथध से आधा घांटा कम है।
होंडा और टोयोटा की आगमन और प्रस्थान अवथध समान है । टोयोटा के आगमन और प्रस्थान की अवथध बीएमडब्कयू के
आगमन और प्रस्थान की अवथध से आधे घांटे अथधक है । फोडथ का शेड्यूल सब ु ह 6:30 बिे के बाद होिा है । पोशथ और फोडथ के बीच
केवल एक कार तनधाथररि है । पोशथ से पहले, फोडथ का शेड्यूल है । पोशे कार का शेड्यूल उस कार के ठीक बाद या ठीक पहले होिा है ,
िो सुबह 8:30 बिे से सुबह 10:00 बिे िक तनधाथररि है । पोशे के बाद एक से अथधक कार तनधाथररि।
Only three cars are scheduled between Ferrari and
Toyota where Toyota takes place before Ferrari.
Ferrari and Ford do not schedule immediately after
one another. The scheduled of Tesla does not take
place last. The scheduled of BMW does not take place
immediately before or immediately after Tesla. The
BMW is scheduled before Ford but not immediately
before. The total duration of the arrival and departure
of Ferrari, Porsche and Tesla is 5hrs. The arrival and
departure duration of Tesla half hour less than the
duration of Ferrari. The arrival and departure
duration of Honda and Toyota is same. The arrival and
departure duration of Toyota is half an hour more
than the arrival and departure duration of BMW. The
scheduled of Ford takes place after 6:30 am. Only one
car scheduled between the Porsche and Ford. Ford
schedule before Porsche. The scheduled of Porsche
takes place immediately after or immediately before
the car which scheduled from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.
More than one car scheduled after Porsche.
(i) If an odd number is followed by a two digit even number then they are to be
added./यहद ककसी ववषय सांख्या के बाद कोई दो अांकीय सम सांख्या आिी है िो उन्हें
िोडना है ।
(ii) If an odd number is followed by a two digit odd number then the second number
is to be subtracted from the first number./यहद ककसी ववषम सांख्या के बाद कोई दो
अांकीय ववषम सांख्या आिी है िो दस ू ऱी सांख्या पहल़ी सांख्या से घटाई िानी है ।
(iii) If an even number is followed by a number which is a perfect square of a number
then the second number is to be divided by the first number./यहद ककसी सम सांख्या के
अलावा कोई ऐसी सांख्या आिी है िो कक ककसी सांख्या का पूणथ वगथ है , िो दस ू ऱी सांख्या
का पहल़ी सांख्या से ववभािन ककया िाना है ।
(iv) If an even number is followed by a two digit even number then the first number is
to be multiplied by the second number./यहद कोई सम सांख्या के बाद कोई दो अांकीय
सम सांख्या आिी है , िो पहल़ी सांख्या को दस ू ऱी सांख्या से गण
ु ा ककया िाना है ।
(i) If an odd number is followed by a two
digit even number then they are to be 20 40 6400
added. 15 24 17
(ii) If an odd number is followed by a two
digit odd number then the second number What is the sum of the two resultant
is to be subtracted from the first number. numbers of the set of numbers given
above? ऊपर द़ी गई सांख्याओां के सेट की
दो पररणामी सांख्याओां का योग तया है ?
(iii) If an even number is followed by a
(a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 22 (d) 30
number which is a perfect square of a (e) None of These
number then the second number is to be
divided by the first number.
Q. 50