The Mafinga Mountains, Zambia:: Report of A Reconnaissance Trip, March 2018
The Mafinga Mountains, Zambia:: Report of A Reconnaissance Trip, March 2018
The Mafinga Mountains, Zambia:: Report of A Reconnaissance Trip, March 2018
October 2018
Jonathan Timberlake, Paul Smith, Lari Merrett, Mike Merrett, William Van
Niekirk, Mpande Sichamba, Gift Mwandila & Kaj Vollesen
A brief trip was made in May 2018 to the high-altitude grasslands (2000–2300 m) on the
Zambian side of the Mafinga Mountains in NE Zambia. The major objective was to look at
plants, although other taxonomic groups were also investigated. This report gives an outline
of the area's physical features and previous work done there, especially on vegetation, as well
as an account of our findings. It was done at the request of and with support from the Wildlife
and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia under a grant from the Critical
Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
Over 200 plant collections were made representing over 100 species. Based on these
collections, along with earlier, unconfirmed records from Fanshawe's 1973 vegetation study,
a preliminary checklist of 430 taxa is given. Species of particular interest are highlighted,
including four known endemic species and five near-endemics that are shared with the Nyika
Plateau in Malawi. There were eight new Zambian records.
Based on earlier studies a bird checklist is presented, followed by a brief discussion on
mammals and herps. More detailed accounts are given on Orthoptera and some other
arthropod groups.
A discussion on the ecology and range of habitats is presented, with particular focus on
the quartzite areas that are rather similar to those on the Chimanimani Mountains in
Zimbabwe/ Mozambique. The role of fire is also discussed.
Five conservation recommendations are given ranging from reducing the incidence of
wildfires and development of the ecotourism potential to the neccessity for further basic
biodiversity survey work.
We would like to thank the Mafinga District Agricultural Officer, Mr Elias Kunda, who
accompanied us. Alan Gardiner and Colin Congdon provided information on butterflies, while
Bob Dowsett provided comments on the bird section and additional references. Kaj Vollesen
(RBG Kew) carried out most of the plant identifications, while Nicholas Wightman identified
the orchids.
The Mafinga Mountains (sometimes termed the Mafinga Hills) are a relatively small montane
massif in north-eastern Zambia lying between 9o55' and 10o00' S and 33o15' and 33o25'E along
the border with Malawi (White 1962, Fanshawe 1973). Its total extent above 1500 m is here
estmated at around 120 km2. Perhaps 30% of the massif above this altitude is in Malawi
(although Fanshawe suggests only 10%), but the greater part lies in Zambia (Figure 1). Falling
within the newly-created Mafinga District in Muchinga Province of Zambia (formerly in
Northern Province), and in Chitipa District in Malawi, the nearest towns or larger settlements
are Isoka in Zambia some 75 km away to the south west, while Chitipa is 26 km away to the
north west in Malawi.
Montane habitats such as those found on the Mafingas are of limited extent in Zambia, being
confined to a small part of the Nyika Plateau some 80 km to the south-east and to the Makutu
mountains 50 km to the south. They are thus of particular interest from a biodiversity viewpoint.
Although a significant amount of information exists on the birds found there (see section on
birds and Leonard 2005), and an unpublished but detailed account on the plants and vegetation
was written almost 50 years ago (Fanshawe 1973), much less is known on other groups of
organisms or on the conservation significance and threats on the plateau.
Because of its importance as a watershed, and having being provisionally designated a priority
Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF 2012a, see
also under its
Eastern Afromontane Hotspot initiative, the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society
of Zambia (WECSZ) developed a Conservation Action Plan for the area involving riparian
forest rehabilitation, species inventory, alternative livelihood promotion and other activities to
help with conservation (WECSZ 2015). Particular focus is being given to ensuring the integrity
of the upper Luangwa river catchment. In order to assist this project, and with the support of
WESCZ, a small group of biologists and interested individuals planned a 5-day trip to the
Zambian side of the Mafingas from 10 to 14 March 2018 in order to make a preliminary
collection of plants, to add to the bird list, to look at arthropod groups (especially Orthoptera),
and to assess the current habitat condition and any conservation issues. Team members were:
Lari and Mike Merrett (Mutinondo Wilderness Area, Mpika, Zambia), Gift Mwandila
(WESCZ), Elias Kunda (Muchinga Agricultural Officer, Chifungwe), Mpande Sichamba
(Forest Research Division, Kitwe), Paul Smith (Botanic Gardens Conservation International,
UK), Jonathan Timberlake (independent botanist, UK) and William Van Niekirk (Lusaka).
The starting point for this trip was the small town of Chifungwe (Thendele) from where we
drove on what was often a very bad road to the small village of Maliko at 1530 m altitude. From
there the team walked through miombo woodland on the steep southern slopes following the
Insinza River up to the plateau at 2000 m. The full route taken, and subsequent trek across the
plateau, is shown in red on the Google Earth image (Figure 2). The team camped close to a
small patch of Afromontane forest at 10o00'10.0"S, 33o19'49.2", alt. 2213 m, which was used
as a base for the following three field days.
This report gives an account of this fieldtrip and its findings, along with a discussion of earlier
studies, particularly on plants and vegetation. Some preliminary conclusions are also given
regarding the conservation status and importance of the Mafingas, and some recommendations
to WESCZ and others on conservation actions that could be taken.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 4 of 41
Figure 1. Map sheets of Zambia (1:250,000 scale) showing the Mafinga Mountains.
Lying 25–30 km south-southwest of the Misuku Hills in northern Malawi, the Mafinga
Mountains appear as a massif, albeit not as large as those of the Nyika and Mt Mulanje, and
rise abruptly some 500–700 m above the surrounding plains of the Mid-Tertiary erosion surface.
The metamorphosed rocks belong to the Mafinga System and are composed of quartzites,
phyllites and feldspathic sandstones of sedimentary origin
( Owing to the steep dips of the quartzite that
forms the upper parts, the slopes here are very steep and frequently precipitous. About 32 km
in length and running north-north-west and south-south-east, the relatively narrow plateau is
dissected by deep ravines. Towards the south the massif splits into several parallel ridges, with
transverse ridges at each end (White 1962). The international boundary between Malawi and
Zambia follows the watershed on the eastern side, with drainage into the Upper Lufira River on
the Malawi side and into the Luangwa River on the Zambian side.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 5 of 41
Figure 2. Google Earth image of the Mafinga Mountains showing the international
border (yellow line) and tracks taken by the 2018 trip (red lines).
Above c.1500 m the plateau is around 120 km2 in extent (calculated from Google Earth), while
Dowsett-Lemaire (2006) suggests 42 km2 in Malawi and Leonard (2005) gives 130 km2 for
Zambia. The CEPF description of the Mafingas Key Biodiversity Area (CEPF 2012a, KBA no.
144) shows the area as being 187.2 km2 in extent, but the boundary appears to be rather
simplistically defined, possibly incorporating just the Forest Reserves in Zambia and Malawi.
For unknown reasons, the actual Eastern Afromontane Hotspot boundary (CEPF 2012b) differs
significantly from that of the KBA, presumably in error.
The flat and undulating plateau is mostly at an altitude of 2100 to 2200 m, with peaks along the
international border reaching 2330 m. The highest point indicated on published maps appears
to be just over 7600 ft (2316 m) on the Zambia 1: 50,000 scale map series, or 7750 ft, (2362 m)
on the 1: 250,000 series, but a GPS reading taken at what appears to be one of the highest points
was 2330 m. Wikipedia ( gives the highest point
as Mafinga Central at 2339 m altitude.
No rainfall or other climatic data appear to be available for the Mafingas, although records for
11 years are noted by White (1962) from Chisenga in Malawi, not far from the eastern
footslopes (altitude 1525 m). Here main annual rainfall, presumably recorded in the 1950s, was
972 mm with four months receiving more than 100 mm of rain, and only 11 mm (1.09%) falling
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 6 of 41
in the six months May–October. But, as he notes, the mountains are frequently enveloped in
cloud at higher altitudes and rainfall is likely to be significantly higher than this. White suggests
that rainfall is less than it is in the Misuku Hills, and the dry season more pronounced.
Regarding the vegetation of the Mafingas as a whole, it may be best to use Fanshawe's own
words (Fanshawe 1973):
"The highest parts of the mountains are predominantly covered by montane grassland,
smooth in a few places but rocky in most. Hill miombo woodland covers most slopes,
sometimes up to the crests. Some ridges are almost completely bare or with a sparse cover
of montane scrub. Where the valleys begin to flatten out riparian forest is bordered by a
narrow fringe of secondary chipya, reduced almost to a very luxuriant scrub of shrubs and
tall herbs. Montane forest can be vaguely differentiated into a moister submontane forest
along the streams and a drier montane forest as a fringe. Some of the submontane and
most of the montane forest is secondary, the latter varying from low forest to scrub.
The vegetation in general compares well with that of the much better preserved Makutu
Mountain forests, but not so well to that of the Nyika plateau. The total woody flora –
forest, woodland, scrub and grassland – is of the order of 400-450 species, of which 360
are so far known."
Chapman & White (1970) describe well the miombo woodland and riverine forests:
"Except in the gorges, Brachystegia woodland ascends to about 1830 m (6000 ft),
consisting chiefly of Brachystegia microphylla [now B. tamarindoides subsp.
microphylla] above and Brachystegia taxifolia and Uapaca kirkiana below. Above 1830
m the rocky slopes are occupied by an open shrubland with Protea, Vellozia [Xerophyta],
Aeschynomene nyikensis and Helichrysum densiflorum.
Below the gorges, Adina microcephala [Breonadia salicina] is the most conspicuous
streambank tree. With it may be found Bridelia micrantha, Cyathea dregei, Ficus
capensis and Syzygium cordatum. At the entrance to the gorges the streambank forest
becomes much more luxuriant and the species begin to change. Ficalhoa laurifolia is
particularly abundant, associated with Macaranga kilimandscharica [M. capensis],
Parinari excelsa and Polyscias fulva; Cephaelis peduncularis [Psychotria peduncularis]
is common in the understorey. Further back in the depths of the gorges, where the streams
come cascading down between rocks thickly covered with moss and ferns, and the fronds
of Marattia fraxinea [Ptisana fraxinea] arch out over the water, the forest reaches its best
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 7 of 41
The actual Afromontane forests are described in some detail by Dowsett-Lemaire (1989),
although this refers primarily to the Malawi side:
"The forests have a somewhat broken canopy and no emergents. The dominant large trees
(in the north) are Albizia gummifera, Ficus capensis, Macaranga capensis, Parinari
excelsa and Prunus africana. At the bottom of Chisenga Gorge (1600 m), Harungana
madagascariensis reaches the 25 m high canopy and Syzygium guineense subsp.
afromontanum is dominant. Macaranga kilimandscharica [now also M. capensis]
appears higher up (1700 m) and overlaps with M. capensis. At that altitude, Canthium sp.
(10-12 m tall) is not uncommon in the understorey. The one Malawi record of Teclea
simplicifolia [Vepris simplicifolia] comes from shrubby growth near the crest of the
northern range, near 2000 m. The fern flora is rather poor, especially in epiphytes; but the
epiphytic orchid Aerangis carnea occurs in numbers....."
In Fanshawe's account (Fanshawe 1973) he described the vegetation under seven 'national'
categories, with lower altitude and upper altitude forests, riparian forest along watercourses,
just one type of miombo woodland, and up on the plateau two montane vegetation types,
grassland and scrub. Rather than describing these again based on our limited observations,
Fanshawe's account, greatly simplified here, is given below. Nomenclature has been updated
where certain and the main focus is on the principal trees and shrubs.
1. Closed Forest
A. Climatic
1. Chipya scrub
2. Submontane forest
(a) Secondary submontane forest
3. Montane forest
(a) Secondary montane forest
B. Edaphic
4. Riparian forest
2. Open Forest
1. Hill miombo woodland
3. Grasslands
1. Montane grassland
2. Montane scrub
Secondary Chipya Scrub: A tangle of shrubs and tall herbs to 2-3 m with occasional emergent
tree to 6 m on deep valley soils; probably only an extension of secondary montane forest with
Piliostigma thonningii and Azanza garckeana. Characteristic is Acacia abyssinica, along with
Harungana madagascariensis and the shrubs Dissotis princeps, Bothriocline longipes,
Platostoma rotundifolium, Heteromorpha arborescens, Leonotis equisetiformis[?], Tecoma
capensis and Baccharoides adoensis. There are few climbers but Clematis brachiata,
Microglossa pyrifolia, Mikania natalensis and Tragia benthamii are frequent.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 8 of 41
Figures 3 & 4. Miombo woodland, middle slopes of Mafingas [JT]; Uapaca robynsii [JT].
Submontane Forest: A typical 3-storey evergreen forest with canopy dominants at c.24 m,
especially Parinari excelsa and Syzygium guineense subsp. afromontanum along streamsides,
and Ficalhoa laurifolia, Macaranga capensis, Podocarpus milanjianus and Polyscias fulva.
Smaller trees include Aphloia theiformis, Cassipourea malosana, Diospyros whyteana,
Garcinia smeathmannii, G. volkensii, Olea capensis and Tricalysia pallens. Common shrubs
include Chassalia cristata, Mellera nyassana, Mostuea brunonis, Peddiea fischeri and
Psychotria succulenta. Climbers are Artabotrys stolzii, Landolphia buchananii, Opilia
amentacea and Tiliacora funifera. The ground layer is bare or with a sparse cover of
Acanthaceae or Oplismenus grass. In this area the forest is mostly secondary, occurring in gaps,
the main trees being Bersama abyssinica, Neoboutonia melleri and the climbing fern
Dicranopteris linearis.
Montane Forest: Forming a drier fringe to the moister submontane forest, the evergreen
canopy is c.15 m high, with dominants of Aphloia theiformis, Faurea saligna, Nuxia floribunda
and Rapanea melanophloeos. The main shrub is Psychotria djumaensis, while climbers include
Landolphia buchananii, Smilax kraussiana and Tiliacora funifera. On the fringes the vegetation
is secondary, similar to chipya scrub found lower down, and trees are absent. Common shrubs
include Aeschynomene schliebenii, Dissotis princeps, Dodonaea viscosa, Harungana
madagascariensis, Erica benguelensis, Protea madiensis, Pycnostachys sphaerocephala,
Tecomaria capensis and Xerophyta equisetoides. On the fire-induced ecotone stands of Bracken
fern Pteridium aquilinum occur.
Riparian Forest: A comparatively low forest, 12 m high, on lower reaches of streams. Apart
from Cyathea and Osmunda most common species are lowland. Common trees are Breonadia
salicina, Bridelia micrantha, Englerophytum magalismontanum, Faurea saligna, Gardenia
imperialis and Syzygium cordatum. Shrubs include Psychotria peduncularis, Craterispermum
laurinum, Cyathea dregei, Dodonaea viscosa, Maesa lanceolata, Pycnostachys
sphaerocephala and Raphia farinifera. Osmunda regalis is the only common plant at shrub
level, while Dalbergia arbutifolia is the only common climber.
Hill Miombo Woodland: A variable open woodland on the slopes occasionally right up to the
crests. It becomes more open with a more restricted composition with altitude. At lower levels
Brachystegia bussei, B. longifolia, B. manga and Julbernardia paniculata are dominant,
frequently with Anisophyllea boehmii. At mid-levels B. manga and B. bussei disappear to be
replaced by Brachystegia spiciformis and Julbernardia globiflora, while at the highest level
Brachystegia tamarindoides appears. Near the crest the woodland becomes open with just
Monotes africanus, Uapaca robynsii and Protea petiolaris. Smaller trees throughout include
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 9 of 41
Protea petiolaris, P. rupestris, Syzygium guineense subsp. macrocarpum and Uapaca kirkii,
with the tree heather Erica pallidiflora and Uapaca robynsii on the upper slopes. Common
shrubs include Haumaniastrum rupestre, Xerophyta equisetoides and Vernonia bellinghamii.
Climbers are virtually absent.
Montane Scrub and Grassland: The highest parts of the mountains support a suffrutex
grassland, with grass cover directly related to the amount of outcropping rock and depth of soil.
With outcropping rock, a relatively smooth tussock grass/suffrutex sward is seen, but as
outcropping rock increases, rock crevice suffrutexes, shrubs and small trees become dominant.
The grass/sedge sward contains small clumps of Protea heckmanniana while rocky sites are
dominated by the shrubs Aeschynomene rubrofarinacea, A. schliebenii, Dissotis lanata, Erica
benguelensis, Protea madiensis, P. petiolaris and locally P. wentzeliana, Tephrosia interrupta
and Xerophyta equisetoides. Subshrubs in the scrub grassland include Haumaniastrum
rupestre, Aloe duckeri, Diplolophium zambesianum, bracken Pteridium aquilinum and
Vernonia poskeana.
Fanshawe also says that, from his viewpoint, the best-preserved forest is at Mulangale on the
mid-western slopes. He is rather dismissive of other forest patches – "... Mulangale Forest is
too small to make protection worthwhile even if protection could be enforced so far from
civilization. There will always be fires in the montane grasslands and the forest has almost
reached the stage when it is no longer worthwhile protecting. It is rapidly being degraded and
encroached upon, oddly enough by miombo dominants, e.g. Brachystegia spiciformis, along its
upper edge" – and also, surprisingly, of the 'frequently burnt' montane grasslands.
Our observations in 2018 supported this earlier work. Miombo woodland, with clear signs of
disturbance and past cutting and regeneration in places, was seen going up to the lip of the
plateau at around 2100 m (Figure 3). Brachystegia tamarindoides subsp. microphylla was most
common, or even restricted to, outcrops of quartzite of fine-grained sandstone at above 1900
m, and the Uapaca kirkiana found lower down was replaced by U. robynsii at around 1800 m
(Figure 4). There was a noticeable lack of epiphytes, which are often seen in such situations.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 10 of 41
We did not pass through any patches of evergreen or riparian forest (other than very thin fringes
flanking the Insinza stream) on our ascent.
Figures 6 & 7. Upland grassland (L) and shallow quartzite outcrops on ridge [JT].
Once on the plateau, we visited only few and very small Afromontane forest patches (Figure
5). These relatively small patches consist of larger trees (to 15 m high), mostly Agarista
salicifolia with Myrica serrata on the margins. At the forest edge, a shrubby fringe is seen,
often with bracken fern Pteridium aquilinum, small shrubs and woody herbs.
Our main focus was on the grassland vegetation (Figures 6 & 7), and any of the endemic or
restricted-range species found there. A major finding in that regard, elaborated upon later in
Section 5, was the difference in geomorphology and soils between the quartzite/fine-grained
sandstone substrates and those on medium-textured sandstone or schists. The vegetation also
differed in its structure and in the proportions of some species, but whether certain species are
confined to just one substrate and not found on the other was not determined. It would be
interesting to investigate further whether any of the known Mafinga endemics are confined to
the more nutrient-impoverished quartzite soils, as is the case in the Chimanimani Mountains
along the Zimbabwe-Mozambique border.
Plant Species
The total number of plant specimens collected in 2018 was 217 (numbers from Lari Merrett,
Mpande Sichamba, Paul Smith, Jonathan Timberlake and two others), representing 109
different species. Unfortunately, many of them became mouldy after inadequate drying, hence
some identifications are uncertain and many were too poor to accession into the Kew herbarium.
Identifications were done by Kaj Vollesen at RBG Kew, Nicholas Wightman (Lusaka) looked
at the orchids, and Elena Phiri (NDO) did some preliminary identifications. A complete set of
specimens was deposited at the Forest Herbarium in Kitwe (NDO).
From these collections, sight records, and records cited in Fanshawe (1973) with updated
nomenclature, a preliminary checklist was compiled (Annex 1). Unfortunately, nearly all
Fanshawe's records do not cite a specimen so it has not been possible to get confirmation. The
checklist contains a total of 430 confirmed taxa from 110 families, comprising 10
Pteridophytes, 2 gymnosperms, 379 dicotyledons and 39 monocotyledons. The main families
are shown in Table 1.
With more complete plant collecting, including in the forests and miombo woodlands on the
upper slopes and carried out at different times of year, we estimate a complete checklist would
be expected to cover around 550 to 600 species.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 11 of 41
Figure 8. Interesting species from the Mafinga grasslands [all JT]. Top L, Protea kibarensis subsp.
cuspidata; top R, Xerophyta equisetoides or X. nutans; middle, Dissotidendron lanatum (endemic);
bottom L, Ochna cf. confusa; middle, Lapeirousia erythrantha; bottom R, Moraea schimperi.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 12 of 41
Figure 9. Further interesting species from the Mafinga Mountains [all LM]. Top L, Helichrysum
tillandsiifolium; top R, Eriosema lebrunii; bottom, Streptopcarpus sp. nov? from quartzite rock
crevices at high altitude.
Plants listed by CEPF (2012a) as being priority species within the KBA are shown in Table 2,
essentially because they were believed to be endemic. Endemic is here defined as a taxon that
is only known from the Mafinga Mountains in either Zambia or Malawi, whilst near-endemic
is a taxon that is also known to occur on the Nyika and/or Makutu hills. As can be seen, three
of the 11 taxa (species or subspecies) listed were included in error as they are moderately
widespread, being found also in southern Tanzania on as well as on the Nyika (Ocimum
obovatum subsp. crystallinum and Rytigynia adenodonta) or are not known to occur on the
Mafingas at all (Cyphostemma vollesenii). It is not clear how these species got incorporated
into the CEPF list. Another important taxon, Protea heckmanniana subsp. heckmanniana,
known just from the Mafingas and the Nyika Plateau (see Chisumpa & Brummitt 2006: 81),
should also be included.
All nine restricted-range taxa, endemic or near-endemic, occur in montane grassland above
2100 m altitude, and only two of these also occur in high-altitude miombo woodland. However,
one, the shrub Dissotidendron lanatum (previously known as Dissotis lanata), seemed to us to
occur primarily on rocky outcrops, not in woodland. Taxa from montane grassland can often
be restricted to just one or two mountains, whilst miombo woodland species can be widespread
over large areas, as are Afromontane forest species. In part this reflects the limited extent and
great separation of montane grasslands across south-central Africa. The Nyika, for example,
has 33 endemic species (1.7% of its flora) while Mt Mulanje has 71 (5.4%), and most of these
are found in the grassland or montane scrub areas (Wursten, Timberlake & Darbyshire 2017).
Of the four Mafinga endemics and five near-endemics shown in Table 2, we found only three
on the 2018 trip – Cyphia mafingensis, Dissotidendron lanatum (Figure 8c) and Protea
kibarensis subsp. cuspidata (Figure 8a). Given the frequency of quartzite outcrops at high
altitude, and the nutrient-deficient soils that result, it is possible there are more endemics to be
found. A similar quartzite crag and grassland environment on the Chimanimani Mountains on
the Zimbabwe–Mozambique border, for example, has 74 known endemic plant species
(Wursten et al. 2017), although from a significantly larger area (530 km2).
One interesting find was of a species of prostrate herb Streptocarpus (LM 2397), growing in
quartzite crevices under a Podocarpus tree at c.2300 m altitude (Figure 9d). This was
unmatched in the Kew Herbarium and appears to be potentially new. Other collections of
interest were of very range-restricted species (Aframni longiradiatum, Spermacoce samfya) or
represent new records for Zambia (Pimpinella mulanjiensis, Impatiens eryaleia, Crassula alba,
Eriosema lebrunii (figure 9b) Kotschya uguenensis, Lotus goetzei, Cyphia mafingensis and
Lippia baumii var. nyassensis), although in nearly all cases the species is known from not far
over the Malawi border on the Nyika Plateau. There would appear to be eight new records for
Zambia, according to available records at Kew.
Although Cyphia mafingensis is a Mafinga endemic, it was previously only known from one
specimen in the northern part of the range on the Malawi side; it is likely to be more common
than the few records suggest. Pimpinella mulanjiensis was believed to be endemic to Mt
Mulanje in southern Malawi, but was later found on Mt Namuli in northern Mozambique; this
is now the most northerly record.
Spermacoce samfya appears to have a very strange distribution. This is only the second record,
the first being from seasonally flooded grassland around Lake Bangweulu in northern Zambia,
a quite different habitat and at a much lower altitude (1200 m rather than 2200 m). It is possible,
of course, that these represent two different taxa, but with the existing material they are not
convincingly separable. Within the Apiaceae family, Aframni longiradiatum also has a strange
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 14 of 41
distribution. It is otherwise only known from Kalambo Falls in far north-eastern Zambia and
just over the border in Katanga in the D.R. Congo, again in a quite different habitat.
Table 2. Listed 'priority' plant species for the Mafinga KBA (from CEPF consultancy
One interesting species is Podocarpus elongatus (Figure 10). This has previously been recorded
from the Mafinga Mountains (Chapman 58 (K) and Angus 828 (K), both collected in 1952) and
from the Chimanimani Mountains at a similar altitude (Timberlake et al. 2016: 48), but
otherwise appears to be only recorded from the Cape Region of South Africa (Farjon 2010,
Farjon & Filer 2013). In both the Mafingas and Chimanimanis the trees are stunted, but do not
look out of place, growing in similar situations on exposed quartzite outcrops, and also (in
Chimanimani) at lower altitudes (± 1000 m) on bare rocks at the edge of riverbeds. Although
very similar morphologically, to the point where it is difficult to separate them (the leaves of P.
elongatus are significantly shorter, despite its specific name!), this species is quite different in
form and habitat from Podocarpus milanjianus, which is a fairly large montane forest tree.
There appears to be confusion with the taxonomy, which may only get resolved with genetic
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 15 of 41
studies. Ecologically P. elongatus is a clearly separate entity from the forest P. milanjianus,
although they do occur on the same mountains.
Figure 10. Podocarpus elongatus, tree and fruits, summit ridge of Mafingas [JT].
There have been two published studies of the avifauna of the Mafingas in Zambia (Dowsett &
Stjernstedt 1973 and Leonard et al. 2001), while from the Malawi side a brief account is found
in Dowsett-Lemaire (2006) with more detail available in Dowsett-Lemaire (1989). Additional
information on the birds is given in Aspinwall (1976) and Dowsett, Berry & Foot (2003). These
accounts resulted in the area – upland grassland and the surrounding miombo woodlands,
totalling c.1300 ha – being designated as a Zambian Important Bird Area (no.39, Leonard
2005). The IBA was not mentioned in the initial book on African IBAs (Fishpool & Evans
2001) either under Zambia or Malawi but was added in later with the advent of increased
knowledge. Recently, an ornithological study of the whole montane and woodland area was
carried out by BirdWatch Zambia, funded by CEPF, resulting in a list of 207 species (Reynolds
& Willems 2018).
Leonard mentions a total of 144 bird species recorded from the Zambian portion of the
Mafingas, an area that includes miombo woodland, montane grassland, Afromontane and
riparian forest. The species that help define the IBA are the restricted range species Sharpe's
Akalat (very localised resident), Black-lored Cisticola (scarce resident) and Chestnut-headed
Apalis (common resident). In addition, there are 38 biome-restricted species – 18 Afromontane
endemics, 12 Afromontane near-endemics, 1 sub-Afromontane endemic, 1 Eastern near-
endemic, 3 Zambezian endemics and 5 Zambezian near-endemics.
A preliminary checklist is given as Appendix 2 based solely on Dowsett & Stjernstedt (1973),
the IBA account and our own observations. More species could be added from the bird atlases
for Malawi and Zambia (Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2006 (updated by Dowsett-Lemaire
2006) and Dowsett et al. 2008, respectively) and the other studies mentioned earlier, but this is
not done here.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 16 of 41
The mammal fauna is said to be not well known (Leonard 2005), although the area is included
in publications by Ansell and others (Ansell & Ansell 1973, Ansell 1974, Ansell 1978, Ansell
& Dowsett 1988).
The most comprehensive account of mammals in the Mafinga Mountains is that of Ansell &
Ansell (1973). Recorded species (abbreviations in brackets indicate IUCN conservation
assessments) include Chequered Elephant Shrew Rhynchocyon cirnei subsp. reichardei (LC),
Common Duiker Sylvicapra grimmia (LC), Common Mole Rat Cryptomys hottentotus (LC),
Red-legged Sun Squirrel Heliosciurus rufobrachium subsp. mutabilis (LC), Mozambique
Thicket Rat Grammomys cometes (LC), Red Rock Rat Aethomys chrysophilus (LC), Delectable
Soft-furred Mouse Praomys delectorum (LC), Yellow-spotted Brush-furred Rat Lophuromys
flavopunctatus (LC), Grey-bellied Mouse Mus triton subsp. murillus and Giant Mastiff Bat
Otomops martiensseni (NT). Species occurring in the Mafingas with limited distribution in
Zambia include Welwitsch's bat Myotis welwitschii (LC), Smith's Red Rock Hare Pronolagus
rupestris (LC), Lesser Pouched Rat Beamys hindei and the Nyika Bush-rat Aethomys nyikae.
In the past, occasional lion (Panthera leo) were reported to occur on the Mafingas, and
Burchell's Zebra (Equus burchelli), Wild Pig (Potamochoerus porcus), Roan Antelope
(Hippotragus equinus) and Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) were all recorded during earlier
scientific expeditions (see Ansell & Ansell 1973 pp. 64-65).
On the present trip we surprisingly did not note any sign of rock rabbit, hyrax or small buck in
the form of droppings, although a small troop of Yellow Baboons Papio cynocephalus were
seen. It is possible that there never were any significant herds of larger herbivores present in
the past, owing probably to the relatively small size of the grasslands and also to its poor forage
quality compared to the far more extensive grasslands on the Nyika Plateau and the high
frequency there of the palatable grass Themeda triandra, which we did not see at all up on the
Mafinga plateau. Indeed, the grasslands mostly comprise sourveld grasses, which are not
particularly good or able to support larger numbers of grazers. Given the lack of raptors seen
by us, this may indicate that there are also few small mammals in the grasslands.
On the present trip a small puff adder (Bitis arietans) was seen, and numerous frogs were heard
calling including Nutt's river frog Amietia nutti (Boulenger, 1896) and the sharp-nosed grass-
frog Ptychadena oxyrhynchus (Smith, 1849); there is a previous photographic record of a
puddle frog, which may be Phrynobatrachus mababiensis FitzSimons, 1932. Descriptions of a
second snake seen by a guide are consistent with a bush-snake, Philothamnus sp., of which
several species are likely present in the area. Being very overcast, cold and wet, the period there
was not the most suitable for seeing cold-blooded animals.
According to Leonard (2005) there is a possibly endemic butterfly Iolaus stewarti on the
Mafingas. However, this species is also recorded from the Nyika (Alan Gardiner, pers. comm.
June 2018, Congdon n.d.). Populations of the restricted-range Pilodeudorix zelomina are found
on both the Mafingas and the nearby Makutu mountains, while Iolaus pamelae, which breeds
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 17 of 41
on Phragmanthera and Erianthemum (Loranthaceae) and which Leonard says is very local, is
actually quite widespread across north-eastern Zambia (Alan Gardiner, pers. comm.). There is
a species of Lepidochrysops taken from the Mafingas by Ivan Bampton which may be
undescribed, although similar specimens have been recorded near Mutinondo some 350 km to
the southwest (Alan Gardiner, pers. comm.).
A full butterfly checklist is available for the Nyika Plateau nearby (Congdon n.d.), and many
of these species can be expected to occur on the Mafingas.
Although both Nyika and Mbala have been reasonably well surveyed previously, there do not
appear to be existing records of Orthoptera from the Mafingas. A total of 19 species of the order
were recorded from the various levels of the mountain on the present trip, of which three cannot
be identified from material seen or collected (immatures). Five widespread, fully flighted
species were recorded in upland areas, of which the grass-mimic Acrida coronata Steinmann
1963, Dnopherula cruciata (Bolivar 1912), Heteropternis couloniana (Saussure 1884) and the
Nigerian Locust Oedaleus nigeriensis Uvarov 1926 (all true grasshoppers, family Acrididae)
were abundant in montane grasslands and scrub, while the Giant Leaf Katydid Arantia fasciata
(Walker, 1869) (family Tettigoniidae) was present only in wooded areas around streams; of
these, A. coronata, D. cruciata and A. fasciata are essentially restricted to eastern and southern
Africa, while H. couloniana and O. nigeriensis are present over much of sub-Saharan Africa.
All of these species, with the possible exception of A. coronata, can be found in a wide range
of habitats, including relatively disturbed areas. Some of therse are shown in Figure 11.
Seven flightless, range-restricted species were also recorded from Mafinga's montane
Chokwea bredoi Uvarov, 1953 (Acrididae), a grasshopper so far known only from the types
from Mbala;
Acrophymus veseyi Dirsh, 1963 (Acrididae), which is recorded across the eastern portion of
Zambia and into southern Tanzania;
Lophothericles carinatus Descamps, 1977 (Thericleidae), recorded from Nyika and other
plateaux within Malawi, but not previously confirmed from Zambia;
Stenoscepa obscura (Kevan, 1962) (Pyrgomorphidae), a blubber locust described from Mbala
which is also recorded from southern Tanzania (with some Mbala specimens mistakenly
referred to as Zimbabwean by subsequent authors);
Ruspolia near R. lemairii (Griffini, 1909) (Tettigoniidae). If conspecific with R. lemairii, this
flightless conehead katydid is also known from types collected from an unspecified site
in what is now Tanganyika Province of the D.R. Congo, but specimens seen and collected
show distinct differences from Griffini's types so may prove to represent a new species;
An undescribed species provisionally referred to Chortoscirtes Hemp 2010 (Tettigoniidae)
but appearing to me to be intermediate between Chortoscirtes and the related
Melanoscirtes Hemp 2010. A specimen will be forwarded to Dr. Hemp for confirmation
and description as most described species of the East African subtribe Karniellina are
extremely narrow-range endemics thus it is likely to be endemic to the Mafinga Hills;
The armoured cricket Enyaliopsis nyika Glenn, 1991 (Tettigoniidae) previously only recorded
from Nyika.
Of these, only Enyaliopsis nyika was not abundantly recorded, and only Acrophymus veseyi
was detected on the wooded slopes, where it remained fairly conspicuous. Chokwea bredoi,
Ruspolia nr. R. lemairii and the 'Chortoscirtes' were primarily found on grass and continued to
feed on these in captivity, while Lophothericles carinatus was typically found on the legume
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 18 of 41
Rhynchosia, which it continues to feed on in captivity. No foodplant was identified for the
remaining species but other Enyaliopsis are typically omnivorous.
Figure 6. Orthoptera, Diptera and arachnids from the Mafinga uplands [all WN]. Top L, Ruspolia sp. nr.
R. lemairii; top R, Chokwea bredoi; upper middle L, Stenoscepa obscura; upper middle R,
Lophothericles carinatus; lower middle L, Enyaliopsis nyikae; lower middle R, Chortoscirtes sp. male;
bottom L, Peltacanthina mythoides; bottom R, Nephila senegalensis nyikae.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 19 of 41
Three further species were identified from open woodland on the mountain slopes. Of these,
the armoured cricket Enyaliopsis parduspes Glenn, 1991 (Tettigoniidae) and the painted
grasshopper Poecilocerastis striata Ramme, 1929 are widespread in woodland and distributed
areas across Katanga and much of Zambia, while the bush hopper, Litothericles marginatus
Descamps, 1977, is known previously from type material collected at Mbala.
The three species that could not be satisfactorily identified include:- a singing grasshopper
(Acrididae subfamily Gomphocerinae) of which nymphs were very common in the upper
grasslands (from the small wing-scales of these nymphs, adults of this species may be flightless
and could prove to be another endemic); a leaf katydid (Tettigoniidae subfamily
Phaneropterinae) which appears close in structure to the flightless Brinckiella of South Africa,
of which a single female nymph was found in seepage vegetation; and a true cricket (Gryllidae,
probably subfamily Gryllinae) of which nymphs were relatively common on the wooded slopes,
although no adult males usually necessary for identification of members of this family were
seen or heard.
Other Invertebrates
Excluding caterpillars, nymphs, and largely unidentifiable alates of ants and termites, a further
76 species of non-orthopterans insects (25 Coleoptera, 19 Lepidoptera, 14 Diptera, 8
Hymenoptera, 7 Hemiptera, 1 Odonata and 1 Dictyoptera) were recorded on the current trip, as
well as 7 spiders (Araneae), 1 non-parasitic mite (Trombidiformes), 1 harvestman (Opiliones),
2 tropical millipedes (Spirostreptida), 1 woodlouse (Isopoda) and 2 snails (Gastropoda). A full
list of these is in progress. Species of note include:
recorded from Zambia, where only one other member of the order is known. It was fairly
common, if usually inconspicuous, in montane grassland and scrub.
Below some of the main botanical, ecological and conservation findings are discussed in more
Interestingly, this is a similar situation to that found in the Chimanimani Mountains on the
Zimbabwe/Mozambique border, where the exceptionally high levels of plant endemism are
associated almost entirely with the quartzite substrates (Wild 1964, Timberlake et al. 2016).
What would be interesting to follow up on is (a) in an analogous situation with that on the
Chimanimanis, once more comprehensive plant collecting has been undertaken are there found
to be more endemic species on the Mafingas, and (b) whether the known endemics are primarily
or only found on nutrient-poor quartzite substrates.
Vegetation Condition
Vegetation above 2000 m is in good condition, although fires are apparently not infrequent.
The woodland from 1500–2000 m, however, has been much disturbed, at least on the southern
slopes, but is still relatively intact and able to regenerate well.
The small patches of Afromontane forest above 2000 m appear to have been affected by
frequent fires, often having 'hard' margins. Continued frequent fire will slowly destroy the
scrubby and regenerating margins and may well lead to a diminution of forest extent.
It was not possible to determine whether the windward and wetter Malawi side of the massif
had better-developed Afromontane forest, or whether grassland on the drier western side
differed from that in the east. The prevailing moisture-bearing clouds come mostly from the
east, from the Indian Ocean coast some 700 km away and across Lake Malawi about 80 km
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 21 of 41
away. The eastern slopes of the Mafingas should be significantly wetter than the drier western
Plant Species
A significant aspect of conservation interest is the range-restricted and endemic species, mostly
plants, that are primarily found up on the grassland plateau above 2000 m altitude. Our
collections did not cover all of these species (see Section 3), but certainly the near-endemic
suffrutex Protea kibarensis subsp. cuspidata (also found on the Nyika Plateau but here seen
only in grassland on reddish sandstone soils) and the endemic Dissotidendron lanatum were
noted to be common, albeit localised.
Interestingly, there was little sign of miombo woodland or typical miombo species occurring
on the plateau itself or above 2000 m. Whether it is just too cold, or whether this is due to poorer
drainage conditions, is not known. Google Earth imagery shows that most miombo occurs up
to 1900 m altitude, but small patches can be seen on the plateau margin up to 2150 m.
On some of the quartzite outcrops small, stunted, small-leaved Podocarpus elongatus trees are
seen, which appear similar to those seen in similar situations on the Chimanimani Mountains.
This is possibly a new taxon, but Podocarpus taxonomy remains unclear. What is new is a
species of Streptocarpus, a herb found in quartzite crevices. This is unmatched with other
species, but more material is required.
Effects of Fire
Fire seems to be the most significant threat to biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services
up on the plateau. Although many grassland and scrub species can withstand it, a high frequency
(say, any particular area burning more often than once every three or four years) is likely to
shift composition towards fire-tolerant and fire-resistant species, hence some interesting but
fire-sensitive species (possibly including some of the endemics) could be lost. It was interesting
to note that nearly all plants of Xerophyta nutans had clear fire scars; the species itself is fire-
Frequent fires seem to have reduced available standing plant biomass across the grasslands
which may have caused, especially in the quartzite areas, a loss of humus and soil leading to
more exposed rock and much more rapid runoff. It was notable that in heavy rains runoff from
the quartzite areas was significantly higher than that from grassland on sandstone/gneiss. This
reduces the integrity and value of the area as a catchment for the upper Luangwa River, as there
is more rapid run-off and lesser storage capacity.
Where there is a forest patch, the soils are significantly more humus-rich and far better drained.
Loss of extent of such patches will also reduce the moisture storage capacity of the plateau.
Conservation Issues
As stated above, high fire frequency is probably the biggest single threat to both biodiversity
and provision of ecosystem services on the Mafinga plateau. Fire itself is undoubtedly natural,
and plants and vegetation have evolved with it, but the present high frequency is man-made.
The cause of fires is probably local people setting fire to the grass in order to provide a green
flush for grazing cattle, or possibly to flush out mammals for hunting.
Cattle were seen to be grazing in the miombo woodland on the slopes, and some dung was seen
across the grasslands. However, the grazing pressure does not seem high; not surprising as the
quality of grasses is quite poor. The presence of cattle up in the open grasslands and without
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 22 of 41
herders (they are rounded up and brought down to the village only every two or three weeks,
Mwandila, pers. comm.) also suggests a lack of any large predators.
Of particular note is the lack of large mammals up on the top. Given the sourveld grasses that
dominate up there, the plateau probably never had great carrying capacity, or perhaps grass
composition has been altered by repeated fire, but it would be interesting to look more closely
at animal-plant interactions, particularly seed dispersal, to better understand any long-term
impacts on the woody vegetation and general ecology.
Up on the plateau no evidence was seen of harvesting of plants, such as tree cutting, but this
practice was not uncommon in miombo woodland lower down (at least on the southern slopes).
Small patches of coppice were noted, obviously after clearance many years previously, and the
occasional tree of Pericopsis angolensis had been cut to make bee-hives.
1. As a high fire frequency is probably the main conservation issue on the Mafingas, efforts
should be made to try and reduce fire frequency across the plateau grasslands, probably in
the form of awareness-raising and education among the surrounding villages. It is not
suggested that firebreaks are cut or any early-burning measures taken.
2. The ecotourism potential of the massif should be built upon. On both sides there are
gazetted Forest Reserves, so the two Forest Departments are probably a good place to start.
Access is realistically easier and quicker from the Malawi side, so perhaps some form of
cross-border or joint-management between the Zambian and Malawi authorities is
required. Access from the Zambian side would be much easier if the road being built from
Isoka was resumed. If this happened, it would be useful to have a tourism presence from
both the local livelihoods and biodiversity conservation perspectives.
3. Thought could be given to the construction and maintenance of one or two small wooden
rest-huts at suitable locations on the plateau, similar to those seen on Mt Mulanje. These
would not necessarily need to be manned or furnished. Such provision would encourage
more national and international visitors as camping is not easy in the area, with not many
sheltered places. It would also help facilitate formal and informal monitoring of illegal
offtake activities.
4. A more comprehensive survey should be done of the plants of the area with particular
reference to (a) range-restricted species and those of conservation concern, (b)
Afromontane forest patches, and (c) riparian forests coming off the plateau. This is likely
to turn up some new and endemic species, and may also identify species vulnerable to
other threats (e.g. loss of pollinators or seed dispersers). The upper reaches of Mulangale
Forest on the western flanks should also be of interest.
5. A comprehensive bird checklist has recently become available, but surveys looking at other
species groups are now required, particularly reptiles and amphibians, butterflies and small
mammals. For larger mammals a suitable survey time might be just before the rains when
animals are concentrated near water sources. Once complete these surveys should be
published and made more widely available, perhaps a special part of the Journal of Science
& Technology (Zambia) or some other local or regional journal such as Kirkia.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 23 of 41
Ansell, W.F.H. (1974). Some mammals from Zambia and adjacent countries. Puku, Supplement
1: 1–49.
Ansell, W.F.H. (1978). The Mammals of Zambia. National Parks & Wildlife Service, Chilanga,
Ansell, W.F.H. & Ansell, P.D.H. (1973). Mammals of the north-eastern montane areas of
Zambia. Puku 7: 21–69.
Ansell, W.F.H. & Dowsett, R.J. (1988). Mammals of Malawi: an annotated check list and atlas.
Trendine Press, St Ives, UK.
Aspinwall, D.R. (1976). Notes from the Mafinga Mountains. Bulletin of Zambian
Ornithological Society 8: 38–40.
Broadley, D.G. (1971). The reptiles and amphibians of Zambia. Puku 6: 1–143.
Broadley, D. (2013). List of reptiles and amphibians of Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh
Wildlife Reserve. Available at:
Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. [editors] (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau. Southern African
Botanical Diversity Network Report no. 31. Sabonet, Pretoria, South Africa.
CEPF (2012a). Ecosystem Profile: Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot. Final version. 280
pp. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
CEPF (2012b). Conservation outcomes: Eastern Afromontane. Map at scale 1:7 million. CI maps.
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Chapman, J.D. & White, F. (1970). The Evergreen Forests of Malawi. Commonwealth Forestry
Institute, Oxford, UK.
Chisumpa, S.M. & Brummitt, R.K. (2007). Protea. In: Flora Zambesiaca (edited G.V. Pope, R.M.
Polhill & E.S. Martins), vol. 9(3): 61–85. Royal Botanic Gardens. Kew, UK.
Congdon, C. (n.d.). The butterflies of Nyika National Park. Available at: http://www.nyika-
Dowsett, R.J., Aspinwall, D.R. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. (2008). The Birds of Zambia, an atlas
and handbook. Tauraco Press & Aves, Liège, Belgium.
Dowsett, R.J., Berry, P.S.M. & Foot, D. (2003). Sharpe's Starling Cinnyricinclus sharpii new
to Zambia, and its status in eastern Africa. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 10: 125–126.
Dowsett, R.J. & Stjernstedt, R. (1973). The birds of the Mafinga Mountains. Puku 7: 107–123.
Dowsett-Lemaire, F. (1989a). The flora and phytogeography of the evergreen forests of Malawi.
I: Afromontane and mid-altitude forests. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique
59: 3–131.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 24 of 41
Dowsett-Lemaire. F. & Dowsett, R.J. (2006). The Birds of Malawi, an atlas and handbook.
Tauraco Press & Aves, Liège, Belgium.
Fanshawe, D.B. (1971). The vegetation of Zambia. Forest Research Bulletin No. 7. Division of
Forest Research, Kitwe, Zambia.
Fanshawe, D.B. (1973). Vegetation of the Mafinga Mountains. Forest Research Pamphlet No. 48.
Division of Forest Research, Kitwe, Zambia. 14 pp.
Farjon, A. (2010). A Handbook of the World's Conifers, Vol. 2. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands.
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Newbury & Cambridge.
Jeffery, R. [editor] (1993). A Guide to Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes of Zambia. Wildlife
Conservation Society of Zambia, Lusaka.
Johnson, S.A. (2017). Nyika: A Guide to Nyika National Park, Malawi, second edition. Nyika
Vwaza Trust, UK.
Leonard, P.M., Van Daele, P. & Beel, C. (2001). Birds of the Mafinga Mountains. Zambia Bird
Report 1999: 6–15.
Leonard, P. (2005). 39. Mafinga Mountains. In: Important Bird Areas in Zambia, pp.163–165.
Zambian Ornithological Society, Lusaka, Zambia.
Reynolds, L. & Willems, F. (2018). BWZ Mafinga Mountains Survey 2018. The Wattled Crane
48(5): 12–22. BirdWatch Zambia, Lusaka.
Timberlake, J.R., Darbyshire, I., Wursten, B., Hadj-Hammou, J., Ballings, P., Mapaura, A.,
Matimele, H., Banze, A., Chipanga, H., Muassinar, D., Massunde, M., Chelene, I., Osborne,
J. & Shah, T. (2016). Chimanimani Mountains: Botany and Conservation. Report produced
under CEPF Grant 63512. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
WECSZ (2015). Conservation Action Plan for Mafinga Hills, 2016–2025. Wildlife and
Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia, Lusaka.
White, F. (1962). Forest Flora of Northern Rhodesia. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
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Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 25 of 41
White, F., Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Chapman, J.D. (2001). Evergreen Forest Flora of Malawi.
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checklist. Kirkia 19: 70–100.
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 26 of 41
Records are taken from Fanshawe (1973) – although no specimen citations are available – and
collections made on the present trip. All specimens from 2018 identified by Kaj Vollesen, with
the assistance of Nicholas Wightman (orchids). Nomenclature follows the African Plants
Database and current usage at RBG Kew.
Species / Family Fanshawe types WESZ NOTES
PTERIDOPHYTES 1.A1 1.A2 1.A3 1.B 2.1 3.1 3.2
Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn X LM2361
Cyathea dregei Kunze (=C. dregeana) X
Cyathea manniana Hook. X
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn subsp. centrali-africanum X X X s.r.
Hieron (=P. aquilinum)
Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. X
Ptisana fraxinea (Sm.) Murdock (=Marattia fraxinea) X
Osmunda regalis L. X
Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Willd.) Kaulf. LM2409
Cheilanthes inaequalis (Kunze) Mett. LM2342
Cheilanthes multifida (Sw.) Sw. LM2388
Podocarpus milanjianus Rendle X
Podocarpus elongatus (Aiton) Pers. JT6225,
Blepharis buchneri S.Moore X
Dicliptera maculata Nees subsp. maculata (=D. lingulata) X
Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roem.& Schult. X
Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) Roem.& Schult. (=H. X X
Isoglossa strigosula C.B.Clarke X
Justicia nuttii C.B.Clarke LM2389
Justicia nyassana Lindau X
Mellera nyassana S.Moore X
Monechma sp. (DF 11,966) X
Rawsonia lucida Harv.& Sond. X
Achyranthes aspera L. X
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 27 of 41
Garcinia huillensis Oliv. X
Garcinia kingaensis Engl. (=G. mlanjiensis) X
Garcinia smeathmannii (Planch.& Triana) Oliv. X
Garcinia volkensii K.Schum. subsp. spathulifolia (Stapf X
& Hutch.) Verdc. (=G. volkensii)
Harungana madagascarensis Poir. X X
Psorospermum febrifugum Spach X
Combretum molle G.Don X
Agelaea pentagyna (Lam.) Baill. (=A. ugandensis) X
Ipomoea alpina Rendle LM2408
Crassula alba Forssk. PS2105, 1st Zam record
Crassula vaginata Eckl.& Zeyh. JT6214
Monotes africanus (Welw.) A.DC. X
Diospyros abyssinica (Hiern) F.White subsp. abyssinica X
Diospyros hoyleana F.White X
Diospyros whyteana (Hiern) F.White X X
Euclea crispa (Thunb.) Gürke (=E. dekintii) X
Euclea racemosa Murray subsp. schimperi (A.DC.) X
F.White (=E. schimperi)
Agarista salicifolia (Lam.) G.Don X JT6209,
Erica benguelensis (Engl.) E.G.H.Oliv. (=Philippia X X JT6218,
benguelensis) PS2081
Erica mannii (Hook.f.) Beentje subsp. pallidiflora (Engl.) X
E.G.H.Oliv. (=Philippia pallidiflora)
Erica silvatica (Engl.) Beentje (=Blaeria patula) X MS555
Ericinella microdonta (C.H.Wright) Alm & T.C.E.Fr. X
Acalypha psilostachya A.Rich. X X X X
Euphorbia sp., possibly E. depauperata A.Rich. JT6202
Macaranga capensis (Baill.) Sim var. kilimandscharica X s.r.
(Pax) Friis & M.G.Gilbert (=M. kilimandscharica)
Shirakiopsis elliptica (Hochst.) Esser (=Sapium X
Tragia benthamii Baker X
Mostuea brunonis Didr. X
Pelargonium luridum (Andr.) Sweet LM2367
Streptocarpus sp. nov.? LM2397
Hypericum quartinianum A.Rich. X X
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 30 of 41
Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey. X X
Phyllocosmus lemaireanus (De Wild.& T.Durand) T.& X
Achyrospermum serratum E.A.Bruce X
Aeollanthus buchnerianus Briq. (=A. njassae) X
Aeollanthus engleri Briq. X
Aeollanthus subacaulis (Baker) Hua & Briq. var. linearis LM2406
(Burkill) Ryding
Endostemon dissitifolius (Baker) Ashby X X
Haumaniastrum rupestre (R.E.Fr.) A.J.Paton X X
(=Acrocephalus rupestris)
Leonotis leonurus (L.) R.Br. X X
Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm.f.) Iwarsson var. raineriana X
(Vis.) Iwarsson (=L. mollissima)
Leonotis myrothamnifolia Iwarsson & Y.B.Harvey PS2095
Leonotis pole-evansii Hutch. X X
Ocimum obovatum Benth. subsp. obovatum (=Becium X or ssp.
obovatum) crystallinum
Platostoma rotundifolium (Briq.) A.J.Paton X
(=Geniosporum angolense)
Plectranthus alboviolaceus Gürke X
Plectranthus equisetiformis (E.A.Bruce) Launert X X
Plectranthus esculentus N.E.Br. X
Plectranthus shirensis (Gürke) A.J. Paton X
(=Solenostemon zambesiacus)
Pycnostachys de-wildemaniana Robyns & Lebrun X
Pycnostachys schliebenii Mildbr. X
Pycnostachys sphaerocephala Baker (=P. perkinsii) X X
Stachys pseudonigricans Gürke LM2370
Cassytha filiformis L. X
Leg.: Caesalpinioideae
Brachystegia bussei Harms X
Brachystegia floribunda Benth. X
Brachystegia longifolia Benth. X
Brachystegia manga De Wild. X
Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. X JT sn
Brachystegia tamarindoides Benth. subsp. microphylla X s.r.
(Harms) Chikuni (=B. microphylla)
Brachystegia taxifolia Harms X
Burkea africana Hook. X
Chamaecrista mimosoides (L.) Green (=Cassia X JT6216,
mimosoides) LM2354
Cryptosepalum exfoliatum De Wild. subsp. pseudotaxus X
(Baker f.) P.A.Duvign.& Brenan
Cryptosepalum maraviense Oliv. X
Dialium angolense Oliv. X
Julbernardia globiflora (Benth.) Troupin X
Julbernardia paniculata (Benth.) Troupin X
Peltophorum africanum Sond. X
Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. X
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 31 of 41
Chlorophytum pusillum Baker vel. sp. aff. LM2407
Chklorophytum cameroonii (Baker) Kativu var. NN01
pterocaulon (Baker) Nordal
Chlorophytum colubrinum (Baker) Engl. LM2384
Chlorophytum sphacelatum (Baker) Kativu var. LM2350
milanjianum (Rendle) Nordal
Raphia farinifera (Gaertn.) Hyl. X
Asparagus africanus Lam. X
Asparagus racemosus Willd. X
Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop X
Dracaena laxissima Engl. X
Bulbine abyssinica A.Rich. PS2082,
Gloriosa superba L. MS539
Commelina africana L. sensu lato LM2389a,
Commelina kituloensis Faden LM2343
Ascolepis capensis (Kunth) Ridl. sensu lato LM2382
Bulbostylis boeckleriana (Schweinf.) Beetle LM2345
Bulbostylis scabricaulis Cherm. LM2411
Bulbostylis filamentosa (Vahl) C.B.Clarke LM2353,
Cyperus alternifolius L. subsp. flabelliformis Kük. X
Cyperus angolensis Boeck. LM2376
Kyllinga alba Nees LM2346,
Scleria bulbifera A.Rich. LM2352
Dioscorea schimperiana Kunth (=D. schimperana) X
Lapeirousia erythrantha (Klatt) Baker JT6220,
Moraea schimperi (Hochst.) Pic.Serm. PS2084
Romulea camerooniana Baker LM2395
Habenaria hologlossa Summerh. JT6205,
Polystachya mafingensis P.J.Cribb FZ record
Andropogon schirensis Hochst. JT6230,
Mafinga Mountains, Zambia: a preliminary account, page 38 of 41
This list is preliminary – no attempt has made here to incorporate records from published
sources other than Dowsett & Stjernstedt (1973) and Leonard (2005, who lists 144 species) or
from grid squares in the two bird atlases. In particular, the recent detailed checklist from
Reynolds & Willlems (2018) has not been included.
Sources: 1, Leonard 2005 (Zambia); 2, Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett 2006 (Malawi); 3, Dowsett &
Stjernstedt 1973 (Zambia); 4, this trip. References in square brackets [ ] indicate uncertainty. Names
and arrangement follow Dowsett et al. (2008).