PR - Ai.2019-11 Strasbourg - Cybercrime Octopus 2019
PR - Ai.2019-11 Strasbourg - Cybercrime Octopus 2019
PR - Ai.2019-11 Strasbourg - Cybercrime Octopus 2019
Artificial Intelligence
The Guardian
Deep fake
The Guardian
“Fake news”
At Least 70
Countries have had
Public data are not protected
Almost entire population of Ecuador had data leaked !
The Guardian
I feel threatened by machines
Who does
not use a
smartphone ?
My phone is my DNA
I am always connected
AI monitors my health
Medical wearables:
will your doctor soon
prescribe a fit bit ?
I am being profiled
What are we talking about?
Artificial intelligence
Whole discipline
Including developments IA
totally speculative
Machine learning
Represents a given environment
by statistical techniques
Deep learning
Machine Learning Category,
based on multiple levels of
neural networks
Where do we meet AI ?
Where are we going ?
Global AI market
in billon euros
2020 40,6
Source: Tractica
The future is uncertain
✓ Freedom of Expression
✓ Right to participate in
democratic processes, such as
elections, free from undue
Council of Europe action
5 principles
✓ Principle of respect of fundamental rights
✓ Principle of non-discrimination
✓ Principle of quality and security
✓ Principle of transparency, neutrality and
intellectual integrity
✓ Principle “under user control”
ECRI study on discrimination