Press Release 2023 Bgcse Results FM 07.03.2024
Press Release 2023 Bgcse Results FM 07.03.2024
Press Release 2023 Bgcse Results FM 07.03.2024
Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) has released the 2023 Botswana General
Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) examination results. A total of 36 509
candidates wrote the 2023 examination showing an increase of 3.7% in candidature
compared to the 2022 cohort of 35 199. There were 14 751 (40.40%) male candidates
and 21 758 (59.60%) female candidates.
The grades available at this level are on a scale of A* to G, where A* represents the
highest level of performance and G the lowest level of performance. Candidates failing
to reach the minimum requirement for Grade G are ungraded and assigned letter U, and
those who do not meet the requirements for grading for various reasons are assigned letter X.
Letter Q indicates that a result cannot be issued at present but will follow in due course.
Overall performance for government schools, private schools and individual private
candidates indicates that among all the grades awarded this year, 95.80% were Grade G
or better compared to 95.90 in 2022. The proportion of grades at E or better is 75.00%
compared to 74.41% in 2022 which is an improvement of 0.59%. The proportion of
grades at C or better is 32.30% compared to 31.17% indicating an improvement of
1.13%. Just to pause at reflect on performance trends, the proportion of grades at C or
better was 30.20% in 2020 and improved to 30.32% in 2021. Likewise, the proportion of
grades at A or better is 3.70% from 3.19% in 2022 which is an improvement of 0.51%.
Back in 2020 the proportion of grades at A or better was only 2.80%. The results show
that generally, for the four years (2020 – 2023) there has been gradual improvement
across credit grades.
For Government Centre candidates, performance in 2023 has generally remained more
or less the same across grades compared to 2022. However, the proportion of candidates
awarded 6 C’s or better has increased from 21.37% to 22.15% in 2023, an improvement
of 0.78%. A gradual improvement at 6 C’s or better has been observed since 2019,
indicating an improvement in the quality of performance. The proportion of
candidates achieving 6 E’s or better is 62.28% compared to 62.59% in 2022. The
proportion of candidates achieving 6 G’s or better is 95.07% in 2023 compared to 95.45%
in 2022.
Outstanding Performance
This year, twenty (20) candidates from seven (7) centres, compared to fourteen (14) from
six (6) Centres in 2022, who have demonstrated outstanding performance. The criterion
for outstanding performance in the BGCSE examination is the achievement of at least six
(6) A*s in at least eight (8) of the syllabuses that a candidate may have taken.
The top candidate achieved 10A*, 1B, 9A*, 1A and 1B from 11 syllabuses whilst the
2022 top candidate achieved 9A*, 1A* and 1B from 11 syllabuses, the top candidate in
2021 achieved 9A*, 1A, 1B and 1C from 12 syllabuses. The achievement profile of the
top candidate in 2020 was 11A* from 11 syllabuses the record yet to be broken.
The distribution of the results will be done as follows:
1. Individual Candidates: Candidates will be able to access the results through the
BEC Website as well as through SMS lines dial 16688 on all mobile platforms.
2. Distribution to Centres: Centres will be granted access to view and print the
results reports through the Malepa application.
2. All individual private candidates should collect their Statements of Results from
the following locations:
For further enquiries please contact the BEC toll free number 0800 601 025.
Fingile Makgalemele
Corporate Communications Manager