Process Audit Report

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Department: Production M/C Number – MC/07,- 125 T

Date of Audit – 20th Oct - 2023 Shift – 1st Shift

Process Name – Molding Product - MAIN CAM (PLATE)- 616567-2910-0-L

Name of Auditee –Mr. Rajabhau Name of Auditor: - Mr. Siddheshwar Phad

Requirements SCORE Auditor’s Notes /

0 1 2 3 Objective Evidence
A. Personnel / Qualification
1. Awareness about responsibility & Role, responsibility & authority of
authority for monitoring the product / Operator, Supervisor and quality inspector
process quality? √ found evident through format no #
 Operator FM/LPIPL/HR/18.
 Production supervisor -Verified Roll and responsibility of machine
operator is as discussed with previous
 Quality inspector
machine operator related to major defect and
quality related issue then allow him to go to
home, found evident in Role, responsibility

2. Suitability of employees to perform the √ Suitability of employees to perform

required tasks the required tasks verified & found
3. Availability of skill records Operator and production supervisor
 Operator and quality inspection competency
 Production supervisor are recorded through skill matrix.
 Quality inspector √ Verified Skill Matrix of Operator,
Supervisor and Quality inspector
found evident through format no-
FM/LPIPL/HR/11. Skill matrix is Record
and sheet is in place of below
Operator- Mallika
Supervisor – Mr.shantanu
Quality In-charge – Mr. Sagar
4. Availability of multi-skill personnel Multi Skill of personals verified &
√ found OK for Supervisor –,
5. Awareness about special characteristics? Awareness about special
 Operator characteristics is verified of each part
 Production supervisor and QA inspector is aware about SC
 Quality inspector and CC characteristics and also
mention in control plan and display at
√ inspection table.
6. Awareness about impact on customer Quality inspector and operator and
(internal & external) due to non-conformity production supervisor aware about
of their operation? impact of non- conforming product
 Operator (internal and external).
 Production supervisor √ Verified in CP and impact of NG
 Quality inspector production mention on control plan
and Quality inspector – Sagar
madane are aware of severity of NG

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Requirements SCORE Auditor’s Notes /

0 1 2 3 Objective Evidence

7. Use of personnel protective equipment as Work Instruction of Molding Machine

detailed in the Work Instructions? verified. & found Ok
√ Operator Mr mallika, properly wear of,
Mask, and Goggles

B. Production Materials / Equipment/Process

8. Process Capability √ Process Capability study is done of
each part
Verified process capability study
report and found evident through
format no # FM/LPIPL/QA/03
Verified Product –snap discharge right ,
dimension of 26.00±0.20 and CP-2.08 nd cpk-
1.74 found evident & report is in place.
9. Process validation Process Validation is done for
molding process .and process sheet
√ is evident. & found ok .
10. Adherence of maintenance plan of √ Mould maintenance plan of
equipment equipment found evident through
format No#:FM/LPIPL/MAINT/08 .
Verified -mold name- cooling case lower
last PM done on 06/10/23 as pre
schedule and no spared used during
maintenance .mold owner- Subros ltd.
11. Fulfillment of Product Specific quality Verified product requirement i.e. Free
requirements with the existing production from flashes & burr
equipment / tools? √ Verified product and no such
abnormality found.,.
12. Monitoring of process parameters Verified Process parameters check
sheet and found evident through
√ format no# FM/LPIPL/PRO/03 and
match with machine display and pps
found both are same parameter
Barrel Temp at zone-1 is 215ºC,
Injection time- 03 sec,
Cooling time-65 sec
Injection pressure-48 kg,Speed-
13. Monitoring of product characteristics Verified of each product, Product
√ Sink Mark, Warpage, Blow hole,
Rough surface, Mold Damage. and
found OK.
14. Suitability of work stations? √ Verified work station and found
adequate work station available.

15. Suitability of inspection stations? √ Verified work station and found

adequate work station with lux
maintaining of inspection table.
Found – 870 lumen in inspection

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Requirements SCORE Auditor’s Notes /

0 1 2 3 Objective Evidence
16. Are monitoring & measurement devices √ Measuring instrument such as Vernier
calibrated & kept at designated location? caliper found calibrated with id no-
LPIPL/DV-01 calibration Date -
07.07.2023 ,Due Date -06.07.2024

17. Availability of the relevant details in the √ Production documents like daily
production documents? production report found evident
through format no # FM/LPIPL/PRO/11
and report found evident.
Verified of each mould short and
found on date-20.10.2023 closing
stroke85 and report is in place.
18. Availability of the relevant details in the √ For product release like FPA sheet
quality documents? found through format no #
FM/LPIPL/QA/08, and report of each part
is evident in FPA sheet,
Verified 70 product ok and 15 part reject
Scrap note is evident.
19. Availability of necessary tools for process √ No such requirement for molding
adjustments? process.
20. Is the set-up approval at the start of √ Follow first of production from QA.
production followed? After pass the part then continue
production start.
FPA report of each part is evident
through format no # FM/LPIPL/QA/08,
and report found in hard copy.
21. Are process adjustment details as well as √ As of now no deviation reported
deviations recorded?
22. Are the required corrective actions carried √ Internal CAPA available given
out on schedule and checked for provision on MRM whenever internal
effectiveness? rejection is high,
Verified internal rejection June 23
0.03 and target is 2 % which is within
23. Is applicable SPC tool being applied & √ As per control plan, SPC plan as per
monitored at defined frequency as per control plan.
Control Plan? -Verified SC and CC dimension
24. Is Cpk being maintained more than or √ mention on Control plan.
equal to Product Approval Process?
25. Is productivity being achieved as √ Production plan vs actual verified for
planned? last month – may 2023 & found actual
production achieved.
26. Are rework instructions available at No Rework is applicable for molding
appropriate locations? process. .
27. Are Control plan and FMEA Effectively
implemented for new and Existing part ?
Has audit done of FMEA & Control plan .?

C. Transport / Parts Handling

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Requirements SCORE Auditor’s Notes /

0 1 2 3 Objective Evidence
28. Are products / components appropriately √ Dedicated Bins available for part
stored? storage .

29. Are transport means / packing equipment √

tuned to the special properties of the
product / components?

30. Are rejects, reworks, internal residues and √ Red bin kept for non- conforming
adjustment parts strictly separated and product to avoid mixing with OK part.

31. Is labeling / identification provided on the Labeling for identification of individual

products & at the location? as per part is available and found evident of
procedure to avoid mix-ups & ensuring √ each part.
Date shift provided over part to
identified separately of individual part
for traceability.
32. Is labeling/ identification adequate to √
avoid mix-ups & ensuring traceability?

D. Fault Analysis / Corrective Action / Continual Improvement

32 Are quality and process data recorded √ Quality & Process data verified for
complete and ready to be evaluated? june -2023 & found all data properly
33 Are the causes of product and process √ Defect rate analysis and evaluation of
non-conformances analyzed and the effectiveness is monitor through
corrective actions checked for their internal CAPA once non- conformity
effectiveness? arise.

34 Are target parameters (rework, scrap) √ Rejection data monitored monthly

available for product and process and is basis. And summary of rejection
their compliance monitored? verified and may 2023 is under target

35 Shift Handover Details √ Log register available for shift

handover with adequate information.

36 Customer Specific Requirement √ CSR is available through format no#

Verified manual of automotive
customer – Subros ltd and all
requirement cover in CSR,
CSR matrix is evident.

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Requirements SCORE Auditor’s Notes /

0 1 2 3 Objective Evidence
Total score


Acceptance criteria of Process audit

Criteria Score Score %
Excellent 90 to108 100%
Good 80-90 ≥ 90 %
conditionally accepted 70-80 ≥ 80 %
Not accepted 60-70 ≥ 70 %

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