Waja Elec Wiring 26112013165107

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Electrical Wiring 4. 4 1 INTRODUCTION ° WAJA 00 INTRODUCTION Model YR 2000 English Ecition ROWE-OGA030 Destination: MHR September 2000 Printed in Malaysia Copyright Perusahaan Otomobil reven Chua ane Se ees Eso ED waroliservic® INTRODUCTION QE Content nN @ % NRoDUCTION FOREWORD .. We reeeeteweere 00/1 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL .. Heep taarann 00/1 CONTENTS ..... en ~ 001 PAGE NUMBERS zs 00/1 OPERATION AND TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS” * oo MODELS | 00/1 Sedan - 00/1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT ... 00/1 1, BREAKDOWN OF THE FUNCTION INTO THREE. DIAGRAMS: . 00/1 2. CONSTITUTION OF THE DIAGRAMS: ........ _ 00/2 HOW TO READ CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS eee 00/3 HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS. » 00/4 ® (CODE OF DESTINATION SYSTEM ... 00/16 WIRE AND CONNECTOR COLOUR CODES Connector Coding Wire Coding .. TYPE OF SYMBOL .. ABBREVIATION SYMBOLS . siesenyy The abbreviation symbols used in wiring diagrams are defined below. Abbreviation symbols used for combination meter & Abbreviation symbols used for switches and relays... APPLICABLE MODEL CATEGORIES ...... ‘All information, ilustrations and product descriptions contained in this manual ate correct at time of publication. We however reserve the| ht to make changes at any time without prior notice or obligation, Copyright Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad. Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng LY) INTRODUCTION 1" FOREWORD / HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL/ MODELS / OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT. FOREWORD \wericoorwoRoo01 This Electrical Wiring Manual contains information necessary for inspection and servicing of PROTON electrical wiring in the form of wiring harness configuration diagrams and function-separated circuit diagrams. It is recommended that all service mechanics engaged in the servicing of the vehicle refer to the following publications as well as this manual. [WORKSHOP MAN : Engine Overhaul _ _ RDWE-0GA020 = Chassis RDWE-OGAO10 PARTS CATALOGUE SS [Parts Catalogue ____ | RDGE-0GAO70 - 7 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL CONTENTS The preceding page contains GROUP.INDEX which lists the group/sub-group title and group/sub— group number. # PAGE NUMBERS All page number consist of two sets of numbers, three digits at the above and_ slash follows by number at the bottom. The digits preceding at the above position indentify the number of the group. The slash following with digits at the bottom represent the consecutive page number within the group. This numbers can be found together on the top left or right of each page OPERATION AND TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS In the module 3 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS, the operation and troublesho: previous page or following page for each circuit where necessary. ‘wew/oooHustasoot ig hints are given on the MODELS \ewoonHREADDOH Sedan SNQERMA2 F5M41(2WD-SM/1) SRQERMAZ |g conc FaAA1(2WD-4A7T) ce SNQERMAS | tsea'tit(i667.318 |_FaMai@wD-swm vm SRQERMA3 U.S.qts; 1375.545 FAAA1(2WD-4AT) SNPERMA3 mesa) ) | FS5Ma1(2WD-SMT)_ SRPERMA3 : _[ Fanas2wo-aamp OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT 1, BREAKDOWN OF THE FUNCTION INTO THREE DIAGRAMS: * Wiring harness configuration diagrams. * Single part installation posi wrewoonr nEADOOR Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng INTRODUCTION 00 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS DOCUMENT ips * Greuit diagrams. 2. CONSTITUTION OF THE DIAGRAMS: Wiring harness configuration | Connector locations and harness wiring configurations on actual diagrams vehicles are illustrated. ‘Single part installation posi- | Locations are shown for earth points of relays, control units, sensors, tion diodes, check terminals, fusible links, fuses, etc. the parts lists, parts are listed in alphabetical order. ircuits from power supply to earth are shown completely, classified according to system. There is a main division into power circuits, and circuits classified by system. The circuits classified by system also include operation and troubleshooting hints » Power supply circuits, : Circuits from the battery to fusible link, dedicated fuses, ignition switch, general purpose fuses, etc. | * Gircuits classified by system. For each system, the circuits are shown from fuse to earth, excluding ‘the power supply sections. + Operation |The normal operation of each system is briefly described, following the route of current flow. * Troubleshooting hints. This is briefly explanation of the inspection points that serve as hints when troubleshooting. Explanations of the circuits controlled by the electronic control unit are omitted. Refer to the related publication as required. Junction block. Here is the circuit for the entire junction block since only the part of the junction block needed is normally show in each circuit diagram. Circuit diagrams Printed in Melaysia 18 Septernber 2000 Eng oh) INTRODUCTION rE} HOW TO READ CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS HOW TO READ CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS mnaniccnl gy ‘The wiring harness diagrams clearly show the connector locations and harness routings at each site actual vehicles. eeu pm i eax (8) Aoux| — 6) Aosx xox! eam ass — pon000R8001 a SRE | innicationga a A__|Denotes a section covered by a corrugated tube, B [Denotes earth point. Same earth number is used throughtout circuit diagrams to facilitate search of earth point, Refer to GROUP 2 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION — EARTH MOUTING | LOCATIONS for details of earth points. c Denotes connector No. The same connector No. is used throughout the circuit diagrams to facilitate connector location searches. The first alphabetical symbol indicates the location site of the connector and a number ‘that follows is the unique number. Furthermore, to make searching easier, number of connector pins and connector colours (except in the case of milky white) are listed.Refer to Section Wire and Connector Colour Code page0/18 D ___|The mark * shows the standard mounting position of wiring harness. Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 €ng INTRODUCTION 00 HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ir’ HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS FUSE BOX (ENGINE COMPARTMENT) ‘wenccotneaneod ore = UU it omoooR8095 1 380A Battery/Power onooons0se 3 60A - ABS (if equipped) euriooR0057 4 30A |Ignition| — tf ‘omicoonoasa Frinted in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng) ly} "INTRODUCTION hd HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS, Horn Relay bo E - 7 Front Fog Lamp Relay | 20 ‘potnooogco72 F — Condenser Fan (HI) Relay ouincenses e = Spare _ __| Auto Tail Lamp Relay Bomoonscre 1 Radiator Fan (LO) Relay omnes | Air-conditioner Compressor Relay ct omicecnse7s e K |Light sensor Relay (if equipped) =@ | comieecnsoan Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng INTRODUCTION 00 HOW TO. READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS. @ LNCTION BLOCK (DRIVER COMPARTMENT) Bs 7 “|| 4k . - Back-up lamp omeconsees 2 "108, — ” "Alarm aad councooroare 3 TOA oS | Air-Bag (SRS) omiccorao82 Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng 00 INTRODUCTION 19 HOW TO'READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS: 4 104 Engine ECU Hey ot oopoece : 104 Gauge oun nopeaees 6 10A - Turn signal SD om noone 7 208 - Front wiper/ washer otaoonaess 8 158 Cigar loghter omaponae8s - 8 108 ~~ [Radio om noonaee7 10 108 Heated mirror ot nomnaees 1 108 Navigation (if equipped) orn ooonaens 12 308 Blower | omicooreee Printed in Mataysia 18 September 2000 Eng INTRODUCTION 00 HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS rat) B 20A Defogger oti ecorooes 14 15A _ - Door lock (sunroof ~ if as equipped) owner [45 154 powouneos: [TVC GF equipped) 16 15A Power antenna > ponecroon 7 10a Remote con _ trol mirror GQ omiecoross4 18 154 Horn bo Donn econor? A y ~ Defogger ootnecrones ACC onnecronee € l Blower oowiecoroiee Printed In Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng i) INTRODUCTION HOW TO READ ‘CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS D Flasher uni E - [Power wine | dow omoonsoeo F Rain sensor (if equipped) omhaconson e é Rain sensor (if . equipped) omacons20 H Rear fog lamp (if equipped) oF omeonso73 ' Heated mirror omnicipcooe H Timer o someorsice ‘We itacd tis ealayeds “18 Sapmmrnber 20800 ne. INTRODUCTION rhe) HOW TO READ. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS. ara: @ “RCUT DiAGrams NOTE: The circuit of each system from fuse (or fusible link) to earth is shown. The power supply is shown at the top and the earth at the bottom to facilitate understanding of the current flow. a neiavetemaao>——{5] powe029002 roup name |Indicates group/sub-group title Indicates groupisub-group number [Indicates page number [Indicates circuit diagram title |!ndicates harness junction point/bonded for another system. It corresponds to the junction |Point number indicated on the destination system circuit diagram. Example: B-02 where, B |: harness name which is listed as below: B = Rody harness C_: Control harness | F : Front harness D_: Door harness sfofulaluly | | Ro: Rear harness |: Instrument panel harness and 02 represent the bonded number. _ _ | © | 6 [indicates the destination code system(Refer section Codes of the Destination System)| Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng 00 ‘ INTRODUCTION IgEMEE HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 9 IF no space is provided to show the connector symbol, the subjected connector No. is expressed with C*yand the connector symbol is shown in another blank space. 10 [An "X” at the end of a connector number indicates that the connector is connected to a centralized junction that is shown in the section Centralized Junction. | 11 [in the case of single pole connector, the terminal number and connector symbol are omitted, re 12 indicates that diagram is continued at <@7on next page. 13 _ indicates connector number. The same number as the wiring harnes diagram is used. 14 |Indicates the power supply in the control unit. If no voltage is displayed, t system voltage. al | 15 _ |indicates shield wire ; _ |_16 indicates the operating conditions of the coolant temperature switch, etc 17 Indicates continuity of harnesses on both pages. ‘duirbedk bs Waals i Mepinubar a Bae INTRODUCTION HOW TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS. MPI SYSTEM 20) (CONTINUED) 76] 19 _|Abroken-line indicates that these connectors are the same intermediate connectors. 20 |indicates that the diagram is continued from G7 on the previous page. 21 incase two or more connectors are connected to same device, marking indicating the same connector are connected by a broker -_ 22 Indicates input/output to/from contro}-unit (current fl flow direction). where, 1: input, 2: output, 3 : input/output ostaocRscos Printed In Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng ) INFRODUCTION ‘HOW'TO READ CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS* B ates current flow downward or upward as controlled by control unit. e 24 _|Indicates harness junction point for an earth where the wire diameter or colour changes, 25 _ | Indicates vehicle body earth point. (Same number as that of earth point in wiring harness _| diagram and installation locations of individual parts). Indicates wire size and colour(Refer section and Connector Colour Code) 27 | indicates that the terminal is a spare one in case the device (sensor in this case) i not supplied according to the specifications. a J} Delisted tix Weidansia' 46 Mectieiebsin S68 in CODE OF DESTINATION SYSTEM Name of destination system are identified by following codes. INTRODUCTION il) CODE OF DESTINATION SYSTEM: Cals \WevvoconteAvoos [Assistant Mechanism aM : ag System (SRS) AMo1 Power Window AMoz Headlamp Leveling ‘Moz Sunroof AMoa Central Door Lock Mos Remote Control AMO6 Auto-cruise AMO? |__Rear Sunblind ee ____|amos Centralized Junction a Fusible Link cot Dedicated Fuse cio? Multi-purpose Fuse cos Centralized Relay Coa _ Driver Aids DA ABS System DAOT | __Rain Sensor —|paoz __ | Driver Comfort pc Radio & Cassette Player cor Defogger coz Cigarette Lighter C03 Alarm System Dcoa Air-conditioner ocos Heater pcos Blower Dco7 Clock pcos Rear View Mirror pcoa ETV (Entertainment) is _| Driver Information DI Pressure Warning Lamp pio1 Fuel Warning Lamp Diz Parking Brake Warning Lamp pi03 Navigation System Dios Seat Belt Warning Lamp Di05 Meter & Gauge _ Di06 Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng 00 INTRODUCTION rahe CODE OF DESTINATION SYSTEM ™ Engine Management System . —M MPI System — WT EMo1 MPI System — AT EMmo2 418 System EMO03 Renault 4FP_ _ _ Moa Exterior Lighting & Signaling is Ignition Key Reminder & Lighting Monitor Buzzer Lso1 Ignition Key Illumination Lamp Lso2 Headlamp Ls03 FronvRear Fog Lamp 1soa Tail Lamp, Licence Plate Lamp & Position Lamp isos Stop Lamp @ HMSL. sos © Turn Signal & Hazard Lamp 1s07 Back-Up Lamp isos Horn Lso9 Reverse Sensor ee isto Interior Lighting 7 1 | Room Lamp ior Trunk Room & Map Lamp 102 [__ tight sensor _ 1Lo3. Junction Block a JB Internal Circuit JB01 Front & Rear JB02 Junction Connector i Je Joint Connectors List - Jcor Power Unit a PU Power Distribution System Puot Starting System Puoz Charging System PUuo3 Ignition System Puoa Diagnosis Connector PUOs Immobilizer System PUOS |___Cooling system Puo7 Wipe and Wash ww __Windshield Wiper and Washer _ wwot INTRODUCTION ble) WIRE AND CONNECTOR COLOUR CODES. - MAWES WIRE AND CONNECTOR COLOUR CODES wre ecorREADOO9 Wire colour and connector colour are identified by the following colour codes. B Black P Pink BR [Brown R Red __| ¢ Green $B Sky Blue _ GR Gray Vv Violet cen __ Blue a we White “| is Light green a _ Yellow ° Orange _ Connector Coding For connector the first appearence in bracket indicates the colour of the connector (if no colour listed ‘means that connectors colour are milky white). and the second code indicates number of connector pins and connector location site symbol. Example: (2-GR) Number of connector pins and connector colour code A-07 (connectors with no colour listed are milky white) Which, 07 — indicates number specific to connector (seriafunique number) A — indicates connector location site symbol. Where, A: engine compartment B dash panel C: instrument panel D: interior E: door r luggage compartment ae G: under rear floor Wire Coding If a cable has two colours, the first of the two colour code characters indicates the basic colour (colour ‘of the cable coating) and the second indicates marking colour. Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng 00 INTRODUCTION fee, WIRE AND CONNECTOR COLOUR CODES Example: thdigation Marking colour 2 Basic colour 3 Wire size 1. No code indicates 0.5 mm? (0.0008 in” ). 2, Cable colour code in parentheses indicates 0.3 mm?(0.0005 in’ 4 : Flexible wire ns e) Doinnoonso1 Fusible link Crossing of wires with connection _— hes vo noaae039 ECU interior earth | Transistor ‘omiccon9035 ° onoorere | Speaker Coil ovmiconsn36 owppen9037 ABBREVIATION SYMBOLS \wewooonREAdo1 The abbreviation symbols used in wiring diagrams are defined below. EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation —_ [MF Multi-purpose fuse ELC-4 AVT Electronic control 4-speed IGN Ignition switch jautomatic transmission e@ smiidacnesh Be pines ee ter tae INTRODUCTION. 00 ABBREVIATION SYMBOLS. ez arth lunination lamp Stator coi IND Indicator lamp Field col 8 [junction block Voltage regulator FL Fusible link Engine control unit Short connector Dedicated fuse Spark plug Battery @ |ecam Upper beam indicator lamp _ | BRAKE Brake warning lamp _ ‘CHECK ENGINE ‘Check engine warning lamp CHG —___| Charging warning lamp DOOR Door warming lamp - _ - FGA Fuel gauge - — FUEL - Fuel (remaining) warning lamp HAZARD Hazard warning indicator Lamy —_ OL Oil pressure warning lamp _ | RFOG Rear for indicator lamp REED Reed switch (vehicle speed sensor) ‘SPEED ‘Speedometer ~ TACHO ____|Tachometer _ @ [rica ___ [Engine coolant temperature gauge TURN (LH) Tum signal indicator la [TURN (RH) : ‘Turn signal indicator lamp (RH) Abbreviation symbols used for switches and relays Dimmer/passing switch Lighting switch ence-plate and panel lamps ON _ i HEAD Headlamps ON Room lamp switch DOOR Room lamp ON when a door is open é Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng 00 INTRODUCTION feefees APPLICABLE MODEL CATEGORIES Condenser fan motor control Condenser fan motor operates at high speed relay 5 TT _ 10 Condenser fan motor operates at low speed Blower speed control switch [to Blower operates at low speed ML Blower operates at medium low speed [MH Blower operates at medium high speed Ho lower operates athigh speed ‘Air conditioner switch [ECONO 1st position (economical operation) —_—_| . ee DRY 2nd position (full load operation) | Wiper switch Lo [Wipers operate at low speed INT Wipers operate intermittently “| Turn signal switch LH ~_|LH. turn signal lamps ON [RH RH. tum si |e Power window switch «UP indow closed _ DOWN Window opened - Door lock actuator/Door lock [LOCK Door locked cia eee ORY Tumock Door unlocked Remote controlled mirror - switch ae Up direction Down direction Right direction t Left direction _ | Others __ [Switched on - L ~__| Switched off APPLICABLE MODEL CATEGORIES wewwooore=0012 The applicable model categories are indicated below for easy identification Indicates vehicles with 4G18-SOHC engine Indicates vehicles with multi-point injection Indicates vehicles with single overhead camshaft engine indicates vehicles with double overhead camshaft engine | Indicates vehicles with air conditioner ___| Indicates vehicles with automatic transmission - Indicates vehicles with manual transmission Printed in Malaysia 18 September 2000 Eng Electrical Wiring A . 2 HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM & SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION WAJA 02 HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 03 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION Model YR 2000 English Edition RDWE-0GA030 Destination: MHR September 2000 Printed in Malaysia HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM & SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION Content e 2 HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS . OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM... - OU ENGINE COMPARTMENT <4G18> ..... o23 ENGINE <4G18> .. o2s, DASH PANEL ... cece OUT DASH PANEL (Continued) 02/9 DASH PANEL (Continued) — oat INSTRUMENT PANEL ....2..ssscssseessceesesensersensaee 02/13 INTERIOR... - —— 02/15 DOOR ... 02/17 LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ..... 0219 ® UNDER REAR FLOOR... 02/21 3 SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION RELAY... : - 03/1 Engine Compartment ......---..cececcesereeee ‘ - BA CONTROL UNIT sesesesees 03/2 interior 038 SENSOR .-....es.20005 03/3 Engine Compartment 03/4 Under Floor ........- 08/4 SOLENOID VALVE 03/6 Engine Compartment .... 03/6 = INSPECTION CONNECTOR .. 03/7 Copyright Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad Se eee ree Se ee, Content Engine Compartment interior ay FUSIBLE LINK AND FUSES .. Engine Compartment Interior EARTH CABLE ... Engine Compartment EARTH Ere Engine Compartment . Al information, ilustrations and product descriptions contained in this manual right to make changes at any time without prior notice or obligation, LARA HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM & SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION 03/7 03/8 e@ 03/8 03/9 03/9 03/10 03/10 03/11 03/1 ‘are correct at time of publication. We hovrever reserve the| Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM & SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION aT Content Fai Printed in Malaysia-26 September 2000 Eng ij gE HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS weveezconrsno: Ie OVERALL WIRING DIAGRAM Donoosnacer 295% a = < = G sg 4 z Q 3 5 2 = 2 ° G 8 2 z z < = = Fy g < a g = =£ = i 3 PIs UBL er 28 peddinbe oxy: , (2) ‘sassauiray Buu Jofe Sue mous euoiseas ssousey Buyin se3y 4 ssauiey Buyin spy y ssauiey Burm duind fang 3 ssousey Buuim aiqe> Kioneg f ssauiey BUUIM Joo a ssauiey Bum jox340>, if ssauey 6uiuim Apog 2 3S59u/2y Bulljm Joop yuo. | ssewey Suan joued juownnsuy a 5 sSouiey Buuim suos4 vy CREEPER eae REMERTEMMCS TT) HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL [ieee remoomoS 80-8 povoanoazcamay za qg0-a MSO 268 250-8 LOB era ord <69-G MUA 40-8 Joquiks 40}23UU09> ANVd HSVG Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS. DASH PANEL. ejar Mopuym Jamog X6b-8 =a [ = aya uoneulwiniti ay uoRIUSy sw | XUz-8 | Asse 192208 ta Ae je. souiw paren xiza WPUMS yB0] Bulse=xs op-a sejossan.y xoe-a - » na soa un sayseis x6l-8 £93 ora Avior 12660}eq| xei-g 2.93) eva Agia samojg Xe-8 i fpa ze uous uMOp >> 91-8 (aims woRIUBy lea =| sa (epis s,te6uassed) ssausey 100p su0dd ore USieuinuner eae etait 2pL-d " lun jonuo> 3901 1000 6e-3 Apoq pue'ssousey Gunn joued aueluresur gee | 8e-8 - epi-g Buuiyn fpog pue ssousey Bul json ie (2s S/enup) Sauzey Joop Wold) ea | 4 ‘Aiayes Bequiy za uoneuiquioa ssewey =| sea Suri yuo. pue ssouey Buyin Apog Ls = vE-8 upums aunssaid ing ole = fea wpaims we} dors 60-8 = 268 un jonues dwejpesy oany 20-8 = 1e8 Dams YAN 0-8 = oee yun J0.9U09 Jou} 0.3409 ayoWEY 20-8 omen ea () wpaias uuunjo5 2s0-8 Ga (a) woayas uuin|oD aso-e - = tea _ (v) pays uLuN|o> 20-8 Aeas WW p73 9z-a 7 po-a Aejes jonuos eujSug asta 7 = sue Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng e é : e e Tees PEE TORIES ee ere tre cre ecee aea og / g g | : 3 : 808 N08 FOG zoa o58 LOA © 90-8 ea ea ore HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS J <€5-8 nauyp 06-8 JoquiAs Jox22UUOD> (penuguo>) 13NVd HSWa w 3 G < a z Q S 2 oO r 2 6 Vv a 2 = z < = a z 2 = 5 a Buds 99919 euusque Jazyiqoww) sop ioiieuue Z i i ‘ E i THR SCENTOORIOS HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL (penuuo>) 14aNVd HS¥G Printed in Malays'a 26 September 2000 Eng y eel HARNESS CONFIGURATION. DIAGRAMS DASH PANEL. Unis Jomora zea 4o,OW apo bS-8 UPLMs 4aUOR I PUOD-sNy | leg a UoReUIquiOD sau upaims ap/oay of-a ey Buluim Dyy pue ssousey Busia kpog era ze Se-9 Jo30w a)2h>a4 Ysa 0-8 Jayydure ouDyL ve 4020 JBMO]S. €0-8 tea yy SANe-1u95) SONNE /H015/504 zo-8 Eoiopouue, J yslondibtepnepeuuoy, i & z i i: = : i wenceacontao07 HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS “DOOR * N 4 aN, - SNA E if 8 8 3 OG a fa i | | Driver's side door ounaonsea6 e259 Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng DOOR HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS g 5 oneUIqWOD (H7) ssauIeH BULLY uoReUIquiD (Hy) same} BULA, § 400 iuosd pue ssauieH uni Apog wa Joog iuoiy pue ssauseyy Suni Kpog Wa 2 (@pis s,s96uasseg) 1842005 1uOIy ia (epis s,1an1iq) 4942005 Juo1y os z ‘en1s 5 siebueasey Joie niapulya saiuay een 07-3 (2015 5.80110) JOLOWN MopuIpA 4aMog UO ve 2 (epls s4e5uassed) die Asayino> 100q 6l-a (pis 538A11Q) dure Asauinoy 400g 80-3 : (HT) Joxenty 3907 300g Jeay 1-3 (Hu) so3ena2y 3907 100g Jeay 103 (HT) 42qAS MOpUIAA 49M0d Jeo Lb3 (HY) YHMS MOpU!AA J8/0¢ Jeey | 90-3 | (H7) JO70W MopUIAA Jamog seay 91-3 (H¥) JO}OW MopUIA Jamog say 50-3 uoneuiquios sseueH BULLI, UoneuIquioD ssuieH BULIM 400g Jeay pue ssauieH Bui Apog sia 4009 Jeay pue ssauiiey; Buln A008 | 0-3 I (ap: s.40uassed) Jem ay 4907 100g Odd We |_(@pIs suanyig) so¥em>y 9p07 400g yuory 0-3 (apis s4aBuassed) Yaains MOpuIAA Jamog £13 (eps s.santiq) payers MOpUIA JaMOg 20-3 (apis) $J2A10) JOLOW JOM! pal|onUOD aOWIey $4901) JOLOWN 40.u) cr pete - = apie aavdoe aE HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT sca5.no>zooman ANAWLYvdINOD JDVDDN1 a IS LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT. HARNESS CONFIGURATION. DIAGRAM: BuUBIUY Buns 65g Bhs quaunseduioy abe66njuicoy a 04 (iH) dwen dew (H7) dey uoneulquioy seoy ‘a0-4 UN [OnUOD J0suas asiaRay (Hw) wows 00g seul _—_L0-d (H1) due] aejg 2248977 (Hy) duie7 voeuiquies sedy 90-4 | upaas I (Hy) dwey areig a2ua2r7 pied quaUpedWo> aBebSn7y~wooy yun], 0-4 (Hu) due] dew | Ebed (+) 18660389 0-4 = (HY) 1942005 E04 (Hi) uous 100 say CisWH) dwey doys pazunow ubIy Z0-d (H1) 4axeads Lond sp lajpouuied| Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS UNDER REAR FLOOR Swoneacomecnd gy omicotnses2 —___ | Fuel Pump Unit G02 ABS Speed Sensor (LH) ~ if equipped 6 G3 ABS Speed Sensor (RH) — if equipped ESE SEAT ree aE CN HARNESS CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMS 2 UNDER REAR FLOOR pe Srinivas fi Msesiha 28 Seetaenber ed Gn SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION i A RELAY RELAY wcmesenn gg Location Alarm Relay _ Headlamp Relay Tail Lamp Relay Horn Relay Front Fog Lamp Relay ‘Auto Tail Lamp Relay Radiator Fan Relay (LO) Air-Conditionér Compressor Relay Windsheild Intermittent Wiper Relay (built in column switch) Defogger Relay ACC Relay Blower Relay Power Window Relay Heated Mirror Relay Timer Relay [Engine Control Relay NOTE * If so equipped. Engine Compartment omreornso10 a a at SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION CONTROL UNIT omoinsos0 _____vomoasrs049] CONTROL UNIT \wevvoo2senrroo2 Name Indication symbol Door lock control unit peu | A ELC-4AT control unit ae ELCAAT | Engine control unit EU , Pilirted iv Caapcak 58 Gece BAN tas SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION SENSOR Interior pomoorns012 \ ELC-anT ve eu 2 - Vo Tomo ese - omncrnsou SENSOR ‘Wwewouaseanron2 ____Name Indication Location Pressure Sensor (Buildin Temperature PS ae A Sensor) a Throttle Position Sensor ___1s B Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor | ECT c Detonation Sensor a os D Crank Angle Sensor cas E Camshaft Position Sensor - crs F _| Input Shaft Speed Sensor __1ss. Vehicle Speed Sensor VSS 6 JOutput Shaft Speed Sensor O85 | _ |A/T Fluid Temperature Sensor AT ANT Control Solenoid Valve Assembly Ac wu Rear Oxygen Sensor _ROS Front Oxygen Sensor - _ FOS _— ee SINGLE PART. INSTALLATION, POSITION SENSOR e Engine Compartment Under Floor = e a os | Sy SHG Ne yy oO Bs fc Sg = . : = (es JE ani et | | EMME SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION (Ema) sensor Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng SINGLE PART. INSTALLATION POSITION SOLENOID VALVE SOLENOID VALVE e_ “Name “| tadication ~__ Location EGR Solenoid Valve EGR |Purge Control Solenoid Valve __ Ps : B AMT Control Solenoid Valve Assembly AG id Valve 7 Solenoid Valve Under Drive Solenoid Valve [Second Solenoid Valve [Dumper Clutch Solenoid Vaive ‘wevioosspartoos Engine Compartment _poweorRs9os INSPECTION CONNECTOR Soe a SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION onneornso4s} INSPECTION CONNECTOR \wewrouasPanro0s [_ Name Indication Location © Diagnosis Connector 7 - pc e Engine Speed Detection Connector _ ESD AB Fuel Pump Check Connector FPC Ignition Timing Adjustment Connector ITA Be Engine Compartment | @ | —_ como nse Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng SINGLE PART. INSTALLATION POSITION FUSIBLE LINK AND-FUSES. @ Interior — —____otneotno23 FUSIBLE LINK AND FUSES Wewonssrantoos _ Name Indication Location Fusible Links No. 1-9 _ FL A Dedicated Fuses _ } CO a hn MulticPurposes Fuse MF ____8 Ce ee ee SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION “FUSIBLE LINK’ AND FUSES Engine Compartment Interior pomoornsor owcor 002 onwowsnas onnootso%9| (Pringedl te-Mttaysia 26 Septesnboer 2000 Era SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION Ei _ EARTH CABLE 10 EARTH CABLE © wewonaspartcor e_ Name Indication |___Location [Earth cable _ E __aA Engine Compartment bomnoresore ibid ti Wieland Un Siti SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION | EARTH® EARTH Engine Compartment Printed in Maleysia 26 September 2000 Eng e ae EARTH. SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION NGltei is teehee Ue Wii SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION EARTH Printed in Malaysia 26 September 2000 Eng . SINGLE PART INSTALLATION POSITION: EARTH | Domioniasene w — onoo:R3035 12 - Domioornsos painted in Malaysia 26 i MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) 3 MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) Copyright Perusahaan Otomobil ational Berhad Content an an 5/1 5/3 SIS 61 74 72 7B PAPKed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Junction Block ‘JUNCTION BLOCK JUNCTION BLOCK PCB Schematic wemaaesLocreot € MN ABD. IK| DEFOGGER -econror sielels) Eee] elle =] oNo02Ks007 298% $ Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Junction Block Fy JUNCTION BLOCK ~y REMARK x % siConnector numbers are keyed to the configuration diagram (dashboard panel) and each circuit diagram. Xz No Connection Y : Multi-Purpose Fuses Z: Blower Relay (I) JUNCTION BLOCK CONNECTOR Location of PIN SYMBOL on junction block connector powooks002 4 A/Cond ECU | A2 3 Thermo amplifier fm 2__ [Heated mirror relay _ 12134] r ae 1 ans ‘DowHoozRs003 4 Junction Block 13 °JUNCTION BLOCK Blower motor Bt 3 B2 2 |Ground _ 7 fiz oni 83 1__|ace 7 [als Ba 6 ie lounonzsecoa 85 5__|Ground 86 | 4 _ [Defogger c a 2 - a | 4 7 112) oa | 4 a F ca 3 [intermittent wiper relay pomnoznsces D1 6 Ground 7 - - D2 D3 (l2is D ee turn _| omnoo2nscos Da 3 Ds 2__|srs D6 1 [Back-up lamp switch et 9 _|Alarm control unit _ e2 8 _|Cigarette lighter 8 7 __ [Turn signal switch (turn left) an EA 6 [Door switch omoanseor eS 5__[Turn signal switch (tum right) £6 4 |Auto cruise control switch (if equipped) e 3__|Heated mirror relay Br £8 2 [Buzzer assy gm [a i E a id — eM 19 _ [Rear view mirror control unit E12 18 __ [Turn signal rear (turn left) £3 17 _ [Door switch E14 16 _|ACC radio E15 1s |— Heated mirror relay Room lamp | Diagnostic su Navigation (if equipped) £20 10 [Turn signal switch RES, Bis: £2 SEILER ee Eng: Junction Block JUNCTION BLOCK iat 6 Power antenna [2 5 __ [Sunroof (if equipped) B 4 |Sun roof control unit (if equipped) _ sates 4 a 5 2 Room lamp = 16 | _1 [Map lamp | 37 | _11_ [engine ecu (diesel Je 10_[eTV relay B+ (if equipped) _| J9 9 . 310 8 |Goarette lighter Zs _ {om _7__ [Fuel pump relay i > [kt 5 [Hazard switch _| Kk? | a [cluster 3 3__ [Door ajar ka 2 [Hazard (turn left) coezeo0s KS 1 [cluster __ « K6 12__ [Rear view mirror switch KZ 11__ [Hazard switch (FL) | ks 10 |Ciock Ko 9 |Defogger swith | Kio | 8 [Ground ki 7__|Hazard (right tum) Ki2 6 [Tail tamp (rheostat) -[| } M M1 1 [Slow blow fuse 1(804) | oimecaroo10 NM 4 [Tail lamp — N2 3 [Turn signal (eft tum) | oa Na ~ 2 [Horn relay <8+> sebratitel Na 1__|Condenser fan relay otmionan NS 40 [aps " __NG 9 _|Short connector Nn? | 8 __|Turmsignal (right turn) | NB ie Short connector | | __No 6 |Ground 3 io [5 [short connector Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng yg Centralized Junction Th > FUSIBLE LINK FUSIBLE LINK wewooscivnicoo: Relay box in engine compartment / O Cc} O cr [J CF ( = 1 Fl LI _ — oucenoi2 NOTE: (Connected directly to battery positive terminal) 3 _ _ Bowronzeseer a 80 Battery/Alternator + 2 = in 2 _ on 3 __ Antilock braking system _ _ 4 30 Power source a 5 30 Radiator fan _ ) 6 30 Power window 3 Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Centralized Junction 5 DEDICATED FUSE 7 7 20 Auto-Transmission, Headlamp | *8 80 Diesel engine _ _ 9 100 Battery/Alternator _ DEDICATED FUSE (Relay box in engine compartment) wrwooscsumcoaa . 2 3. | 45 Headlamp 4 15 Headlamp | 5 | 10 rail lamp, Headlamp | 6 | 10 Tail lamp, Headlamp z_| 15 EMSs _ as | 15 [Turn signal and hazard lamp _ a 9 | 15 stop lamp Printed In Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng 5 Centralized'Junction fz} MULTI-PURPOSE FUSE Battery € Fog lamp _[Rear fog lamp _B a = MULTI-PURPOSE FUSE (In Junction Block) wewvooscsuncoo2 owwonzas01a Ignition | 161 1 10 Back-up lamp switd | 2 10 Alarm control unit 3 10 Airbag (SRS)-(if equipped) 4 | 40 Engine control unit | 5 | 10 Fuel pump relay - 6 10 Buzzer assy Printed in Mataysia 22 September 2000 Eng Centralized Junction MULTI-PURPOSE FUSE Ignition Wiper motor, intermittent wiper relay 8 Cigarette lighter, rear view mirror control | - unit (folded) _ 9 10 Auto cruise control switch (if equipped) _| 162 10 10 Heated mirror relay, thermo amplifier _ ACC 1 10 Navigation (if equipped) Battery | B+ 2 _ Blower motor 3B Defogger at 14 Sun roof control unit (if equipped) 15 15 EtV relay {if equipped) 4 16 15 Power antenna : W 10 Diagnosis, Buzzer assy, Remote control _ : mirror Ignition [ACC 8 5 Horn relay _ Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng El Centralized Junction ( CENTRALIZED RELAY CENTRALIZED RELAY Relay box in engine compartment A Alarm relay g | 8 Headlamp relay _— 7 c Tail tamp relay [ i D Horn relay AL15X E Front fog lamp relay [| atex E Condenser fan relay ATX « |- — H___|Auto tail lamp relay a= A-19X foo Radiator fan relay _ A-20x 4 __|Air-conditioner compressor relay A-21X K Light sensor relay (if equipped) _ A-22K Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Centralized Junction CENTRALIZED. RELAY 3p Relay box in passenger compartment Flasher unit Power window. B-49X Rain sensor (if equipped) = Rai sensor (if equipped) = Rear fog lamp (if equipped) = Heated mirror Timer alel—|zlaja|mjoin/e|> Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng m6 Power Unit ° rr POWER DISTRIBUTION ‘SYSTEM POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 208Y poo07%9915 ») Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) _ Power Unit J POWER. DISTRIBUTION: SYSTEM. - onnoaznsezo | Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng a 6 Power Unit: fF POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) sien Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Power Unit POWER DISTRIBUTION. SYSTEM: 6 a ) POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTINUED) 5 poe asso Ae soe wine Bowe AMS BGS Boe Ber Poa aT — omwares072 Printed in ttalaysia 22 September 2000 Eng tae Engine Management System Vbeea MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> - MPI SYSTEM<4G18 M/T> wewsco7eMsys001 6 BATTERY A@ 1G Z al = soe 5 y dJeose tll [_mecmncrom | oF Me D3 Tt alt 2 mle ay oa) ity ENGINE GONTHON RELAY | @ B25 O85R-Y O.85R-¥ O85RY GaSENSOA [FAT ‘O2SERGOR TAR BH soa lel so ESR ea es se Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Engine Management System MPI_SYSTEM<4G18 M/T> MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) te METER COMBINATION vu eA | [se [Di chitinrrrosmionsenson G@igOUENOD PaRAEcouTrO. WTERTEwerarne od ap An 72 ars o. EES EG a a cD ee omiooenge2e Printed in Malaysia 22: vi Engine Management System Et MPI SYSTEM<4G18 M/T> MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) METER: CONBINATION OLE SPEEI [2] cainrrrosmonserson GRUgENOD Eyforoowa yaIEATeireRATURE ace Gp Ant hare ara ole eee Eee Ee Gee) ee cx Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Engine Management System i MPI SYSTEM<4G18:-M/T> rr y MPL SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) . 7 i y ERyEEROSTOn SSF Sen AS ES Ars GaGa ; : — Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng, Engine Management System MPISYSTEM<4618 M/T> MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) BATTERY ict VOLTAGE REGULATOR _ owioe2R9026 ) — —_— Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng, MPI SYSTEM <4G18 M/T> (Continued) Engine Management System vi MPLSYSTEM<4618 M/T> Ts Ist BATTERY oniceznso27 Printed in Malaysia 22 Seotember 2000 Eng ‘Em «Engine Management System “(EB mei systemeacis Arts MPI SYSTEM<4G18 A/T> _ Sea ig BATTERY 6-01 GRD FUEL GAUGE PUMP | (les ‘O2SENSORCR) ‘Oz SENSOR (AR) GRANKANGLE-SENSOR 0 soa Bel sao Bl Ass ia es) - omenzreze $ Printed ii Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Engine Management System MPI SYSTEM<4G18 A/T> - €.05 Roe a IDLE SPEED CONTROL MOTOR KE] cANsnarTPosiTION SeNsoR An oe nee GD Ge HG} EGR SOLENOID PURGE CONTROL VALVE SOLENOID VALVE a Somiomseas vi Engine Management System WB ! MPI SYSTEM<4G18 A/TS. MPI SYSTEM <4G18 A/T> (Continued) iat 2B.W 3B.W 2BW 2B. sonmon fT COIL Ab2 ROD PULSE GENERATOR (4) 1-30 ED ee Gs) coe =) ownoaznsono | Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 trig Engine Management System 7 MPI.SYSTEM<4G18 A/T>. RT) ' BATTERY 5 FUSBLE LINK@ TRIGTIEPoamTN — BOGSTSENGOR sear 451 SOEEED a-74 OEP Re Q -_oumoaresoat Printed in Malaysia 22 Septernber 2000 Eng “e Engine Management System “(EEE versystenicacis avt> MPI SYSTEM <4G 18 A/T> (Continued) Ist BATTERY. © a B33 owoonnses2 _ Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Engine Management System MPI SYSTEM<4G18 A/T> ‘Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng 8 Exterior Lighting & Signaling ia) BUZZER ‘ BUZZER @ er = z 8 A A © lo.wsao|z iz o.asa-w| 8 a Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Ena Exterior Lighting & Signalin ig IGNITION KEY ILLUMINATION on ‘wencarioR0o? | | ‘ponnooz4s035 Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng ty Exterior Lighting & Signaling rr HEADLAMP” ~ i HEADLAMP BATT @ a wewoosxrionocs ow o2ns067 Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling 8 FRONT FOG LAMP rE FRONT FOG LAME eat ’ A® q RB = 2RB 7 a HeAnLAMe ¢ 3 | ’ | acta Bose eee ’ y YL ow ocansors J Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng, Exterior Lighting & Signaling a FRONT FOG LAMP FRONT FOG LAMP (Continued) © 8 bn A6x & 1.25R, aor a: B aP ae 3 3| Ey 4 g -neostar ‘ommicazn2076 | 2 Printad in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling TAIL LAMP & LICENCE PLATE LAMP y TAIL LAMP & LICENCE PLATE LAMP wewooaxeore0s ) Pot |" fi TeT Te) 108 Se 3 = 8 4 | Q | g ’ ) pees } onvonnson ) — Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling TAIL LAMP'8’ LICENCE PLATE LAMP TAIL LAMP & LICENCE PLATE LAMP (Continued) _ € ae cocoa | Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling 8 STOP. LAMP.@... (HMSL) 18 ySTOP LAMP @ (HMSL) Wweweoexsiond0s * 250. (s10tH) g (sTOP-AHy Foe Fos re a 0.968 0868 oO Bp omncoen9es7 Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling TURN 'SIGNAL LAMP"& HAZARD LAMP — NOVOONET ey 380) a ~ _vomonsor e Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling t TURN SIGNAL LAMP-& HAZARD LAMP ral @ TURN SIGNAL LAMP & HAZARD LAMP (Continued) ist 5 3 ele] | A reap a ’ Bs ie a] oF gl gi a) 3] 3 9 sete sme) 3 EI fof 5 = a Printed.in Maleysio 22 September 2000 Eng 8 Exterior Lighting & Signaling a ;ACK-UP' LAMP * j BACK-UP LAMP _ Viens gy (ct) —_ scons] Printed in Malaysia 22'September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling C HORN aw WewnoexnioRee® HORN HORN Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng 8 Exterior Lighting & Signaling 7/13. fea eels HORN sup RING Shedd ‘088 = 7 08st oF you a REVERSE SENSOR © _ Printed in Mataysia 22 September 2000 Eng Exterior Lighting & Signaling fs REVERSE SENSOR rae ‘WevooexRIoRo10 Z| -arcomene on |suppresson| 7 omocznsos Printed in Malaysia 22 Septernber 2000 Eng 9 Interior Lighting ‘(ER ROOM-LAMP AND. LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LAMP ROOM LAMP AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LAMP Sea FROOORSWICH . omonson | Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng interior Lighting é) ROOM LAMP, AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT: LAMP’ iP) groom LAMP AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LAMP (Continued) = pow oozns074 Printed in Maleysie 22 September 2000 Driver Information METER & GAUGE METER & GAUGE Eng Bue sex) 5p cw eo come Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driver Information ty METER’& GAUGE iP QMETER & GAUGE (Continued) - 7 a ee Privted in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng a) Driver Information TB METER & GAUGE METER & GAUGE (Continued) € 389 Law, Bes PE 3/@ & rey | °| B = : | comonrreoce (Me Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driver Information METER & GAUGE 10 I Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2900 Eng ni) Wipe & Wash i WINDSHIELD WIPER AND’ WASHER’ ~ WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER Weworwasiooy 8 (0) 1.25 WAL s2swer | Printed in Meloysia 22 September 2000 Eng Wipe & Wash WINDSHIELD WIPER AND. WASHER Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng P3 Assistant Mechanism iB ENTRAL DOOR'LOCK‘” CENTRAL DOOR LOCK (Continued) tonne Printed in Mataysia 22 September 2000 Eng Assistant Mechanism iP REMOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR’ fT WeworaMecroot e REMOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR _ Lso5 IGN SW (Aco) = + RHEOSTAT ei ep ERs om BB cay pomoore9078 Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng v3 Assistant Mechanism fF REMOTE CONTROLLED'MIRROR ~~ REMOTE CONTROLLED MIRROR (Continued) Ian sw (acc) oe Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Assistant Mechanism REMOTE, CONTROLLED, MIRROR 12 18 Frinted.in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng | Driving Comfort rT “RADIO, CASSETTE PLAYER & ANTENNA RADIO, CASSETTE PLAYER & ANTENNA weworsocomroot IB fo pT beet] 2 Ls se RB. ew Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort ac RADIO, CASSETTE PLAYER & ANTENNA. iPS RADIO, CASSETTE PLAYER & ANTENNA (Continued) JB JB 2B 2 @ = 5 € 6 6 RADIO AND CASSETTE PLAYER TWEETER, DOOR SPEAKER EARL SPERER BEER a sas iar ear coli 2 om EES ee hn FAT. DOOR HARNESS (AS) FAT DOOR HARNESS OR) AR HARNESS + BODY HANES ownoo2nsa87 Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng) re Driving Comfort iB DEFOGGER: =< ° DEFOGGER [ FL® “gel, IGN SW (IG2) a] a6) wewora0conon2 Tuy ai ee a ‘rinted in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort ic) CIGARETTE LIGHTER Ts CIGARETTE LIGHTER weworsoconroes aA® tes 0) 0.858 ottico2n90s8 Printed in Malaysia 22-September 2000 Eng crs Driving Comfort 15 ALARM SYSTEM ALARM SYSTEM ‘selina: Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng 14 Driving Comfort ‘ALARM SYSTEM ALARM SYSTEM _—_ ___Weworsocowteoa Is1 Ist A@ ALARM CONTROL UNIT 3B-Y SEPT “TS BY Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort cy CIGARETTE LIGHTER i CIGARETTE LIGHTER _ Weve conrons a (ce) aw = g <= 0.858, 2.858 0.858, 3 v : somecamns Printed in Maleysia 22 September 2000 &ng) Driving Comfort ALARM.SYSTEM gAlARM SYSTEM (Continued) iiijidiiiiens. Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng C3 Driving Comfort 11 ALARM SYSTEM ALARM SYSTEM (Continued) e uy can cu «ru 8] a i seed) ALARM CONTROL UNIT SWITCH ASSY ‘CONTROL EABTHDOOR, SIDE ‘Printed in bAataysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort cy ALARM SYSTEM It o.3s6n-B rea B13 TERT B14 FRONT DOOR, DOOR Lock LOCK ACTUATOR CONTROL UNIT (a8) 830 q _ — Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 fing cy Driving Comfort 9 COOLING’AND AIR-CONDITIONER COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER “ seis Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort cc COOLING AND.AIR-CONDITIONER [WAT 9 COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER (Continued) | THERMO ANPUIFIER | } ¢ oo Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort COOLING AND’ AIR-CONDITIONER COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER (Continued) e Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort COOLING. AND. AIR-CONDITIONER - Dourreoans0ss | cy ara \COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER (Continued) cB Frinted in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng oe) Driving Comfort ~ [EERE COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER wengrancomons ogous] THERMO AMPLIFIER |! tee Max TEMP asin |! 4 BR vite TEMP. CONTROL OT LT —- _DOMHDOZRIOS? | e Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng Driving Comfort ar COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER WEP (COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER (Continued) (ad § Printed in Mataycia-22 September 2000 tng) a Driving Comfort fRe@ee COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER COOLING AND AIR-CONDITIONER (Continued) iH) - J Games sje o , Bite =| Eisen Ap 0.856-W =a + tL i | Printetin Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng \ ‘ Driving Comfort ac clock Mia CLOCK wera a0couroa? e ef _ — isan PERE Tap Printed in Malaysia 22 September 2000 Eng fae, Circuit Diagram i INDEX e

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