Surgical Dressing
Surgical Dressing
Surgical Dressing
Surgical Dressings
Surgical dressing is a term applied to a wide range of materials
used for the dressing of wounds. They are employed as coverings,
absorbents, protectives or supports for injured or diseased tissues.
They can be classified into following categories
1. Fibres plain and medicated;
2. Fabrics plain and medicated;
3. Bandages;
4. Self adhesive plaster;
TABLE 10.1
Classification of Fibres
per inch.
+ Muslin-Absorbent muslin
Plain with
Nap (cotton)
Unmedicated ; Medicated
Abbreviations Used
w. Plaster elastic self ad
hesive ban
wt. -Warp
Weft dage and hal
swabbing during
should be visible. Small gauze pads are used for
surgery. Variety of padsare used for wound dressing and for packing
Crepe Bandage
fabric of plain weave
It is an elastic bandage made by an elasticwool and weft threads
in which the warp threads are of cotton
threads is as shown in Fig.
are of cotton. The arrangement of warp
W W C2 W
useful :
1. For giving light support to sprains and strains.
2. For convectional purposes.
3. As a compression bandage.
Plaster of Paris Bandage
This is a cotton cloth of leno weave, impregnated with dried
calcium sulphate consisting of a mixture of the amorphous and
crystalline forms and suitable adhesives such as methyl cellulose of
high methoxy content and hypromellose.
In use it is thoroughly moistened with water and applied to the
limb or body, where it sets in not more than 8 minutes to form a
splint. The setting time can be modified by suitable additives. The
water should be of high bacteriological purity.
Uses :
Plaster of paris bandage is used for immobilisation and correction
of fractures, and for the construction of body supports or for similar
These consists of a self adhesive mass spread on a supporting
material that may be a plain or elastic cloth or a plastic film. The
Support may be tinted in flesh colour.
Unlike adhesive bandage, they are often (but not always) used in
strips (rather than long length) to cover a restricted area.
Belladonna self-adhesive plaster (Belladonna plaster)
A belladonna plaster consists of a rectangular or
cotton, rayon or mixed cotton and rayon circular piece of
cloth spread
mass containing an extract of belladonna herb or root. evenly with a
be perforated and the mass is made The plaster may
adhesive surface is covered with a protector. or permeable to air. The
Uses :
This plaster is used as a counter irritant in
and neuralgia. rheumatism, lumbago
Waterproof microporous self-adhesive plaster
This is similar to the previous dressing but both
are permeable to air and water vapour. The film s in film and mass
the forn of a
have di=
extract reserved in the previous test. Shake it add the portion of the currents
to stand for oneminute and shake again for 30 vigorously and allow acid ane
the height of the froth does not exceed 2 mmtimes. After 5 minutes, operatic
the liquid. above the surface of
0.5 mg
4. Fluorescence
9. Loss
Examine a layer about 5 mm in No
having a maximum output at 365 mm. Itthickness
under a U.V. lamp at 105
violet fluorescence and a few yellow only a slight brownisn determi
isolated fibres show an intense blue particles, not more than Iew We
5. Colouring matter
fluorescence. dried fc
test. Pu
Slowly extract 10 gm in a narrow bottle a
50 ml of extract is percolator with alcohol unu
obtained. Pour the ligquid by gent
cylinder and examine a 20 cm layer against ainto acolourless glass the loaC
very faint yellow tinge may be white
tinge is apparent. observed but no bluishbackground.
the stop
time sE
6. Water soluble substance
Not more than 0.5% as
with 500 ml of water for 30 determined by this method. Boil 5 gm bottle
min, stirring frequently
water lost by evaporation. Decant the and replace the applica
liquidinto a beaker, squeeze
ition, the fibres the residual liquid from the material carcfully with a glass rod, mix
the liquids and filter the extract while hot. Evaporate 400 ml and dry
ibre is scen to the residuc to constant wcight at 105°C.
Oum wide. 7. Ether soluble substances
Not more than 0.5% determined by this method. Extract 5 gm
wo hours in a
with solvent ether in continuous extraction apparatus such as soxhlet
apparatus for 4 hours. Evaporate the ether extract and dry the residue
it the residual to constant weight at 105°C.
surface active
8. Sulphated ash
enolphthalein Not more than 0.59% : Heat a silica or platinum crucible to redness
nge solution. for 10 minutes, allow to cool in a desicator and weigh. Put 1 to 2
gm of the substance, accurately weighed into the crucible ignite gently
at first, until the substance is thoroughly charred. Cool and moisten
the residue, with 1 ml of sulphuric acid, heat gently until white fumes
er previously are no longer evolved and ignite at 800 ± 25° until all black particles
ortion of the have disappeared. Conduct the ignition in a place protected from air
y and allow currents. Allow the crucible to cool, add a few drops of sulphuric
er 5 minutes, acid and heat. Ignite as before, allow to cool and weigh. Repeat the
e surface of operation until two successive weighings do not differ by more than
0.5 mg.
9. Loss on drying
U.V. lamp Not more than 8.0% determined on 5.0 gm by drying in an oven
ht brownish at 105°C. Loss on drying is the loss in weight in per cent w/w
e than few determined by the procedure given below :
Weigh a glass stoppered shallow weighing bottle that has been
dried for 30 minutes under the same condition as employed in the
test. Put the sample in the bottle, cover it and accurately weigh the
lcohol until bottle and the contents. Distribute the sample as evenly as practicable
urless glass by gently sidewise shaking to a depth not exceeding 10 mm. Place
kground. A the loaded bottle in the drying chamber (oven or desicator). Remove
or greenish the stopper and leave it also in the chamber. Dry the sample for the
time specified in the monograph or to constant weight at the
prescribed temperature:
Boil 5 gm After drying is completed, open the drying chamber, close the
replace the bottle promptly and allow it to come to room temperature (where
er, squeeze applicable) in a desicator before weighing.
10. Absorbency
1. Test for sinking time
Weigh the dry cylindrical copper wire basket to the ncares
centigram. Take fine portions each of approximately I gm from
different places in the sample, pack loosely in thc basket and weigh
the packed packet to the nearest centigram. Hold the basket in the
horizontal position and drop it from a height of about 10 mm into
water at 20°C contained in a beaker at lcast 12 cm in diamcter and
filled to a depth of 10cm. Measure with a stop watch the timc taken
by the basket to sink below the surface of the water. Repcat the
procedure on two further samples and calculate the average valuc.
Absorbent cotton wool requires not more than 10 seconds.
2. Test for water holding capacity
After the sinking time has been recorded, remove the basket from
the water, allow it to drain for 30 seconds in the horizontal position,
transfer it to a tared beaker and weigh to the nearest centigram.
Calculate the weight of water retained by the sample. Repeat the
procedure onto further samples and calculate the average value.
Absorbent cotton wool retains not less than 2. gm of water per g.
Catheters are used to collect urine from the patients who are
unable to void naturally or where incontinence parts and urinals are
Flexible and non-flexible catheters are available. The flexible soft
rubber type of catheter is commonly preferred for both male
female patients. _and
Flexible soft rubber catheters
aclosed solid tip At one end is a consist of small rubber tubes with
attachment of the catheter to a glassfunncl shaped opening to facilitate
junction or another tube leading
to a collection unit.At the
inserted end is_a wide opening which
Jeads to the channel through which
(This type of cathcter is referred to asurine
flows to thc collection unil,
Straight Catheter in
to the retention catheter
which is designed to remain in the contrast
for long periods of time
as Balloon Retention catheters are commonly urethra
Catheters. The balloon catheters are designed in known
way that the Catheter tip remains
within the such
are two channelsone for the patient's
paSsing of urine and thebladder. There
other for the
intravenously are sterile.
Administration sets used to deliver fluids
free and disposable.) They_have certain basic components.
plastic spike to pierce the rubber closure or plastic
These include a chamber to trap air and to permit
IV.container, a drip
seal on the to 180 inch) of polyvinyl
adjustiment of flow rate, and a length (60injection port. At the tip of
chloride tubing terminating in a rubber adapter is used. An adjustable
the port is rigid needle or catheter
roller type) on the tubing pinches the tubing to
clamp (screw or rubber port is self sealing, additional
regulate flow. Since the gum
(Fig. 10.5.) at these ports
medication can be added to the V system
of entry.
procedure is adopted for administration of IV fluid :
administration set is inserted into
1, The spike adapter of the
stopper or seal of the IV container.
Syringes are instruments meant for injection of parenteral
preparations into the body or its cavities. They are classified according
to the differences in principle of action into various categories :
A. Plunger syringes -(hypodermic syringes.)
2. Bulb syringes.
Hypodermic syringes
These syringes are used to administer medication
or intradermally, intravenous or subcutaneously
of the hypodermic syringes is to intramuscularly.) The basic principle
use a combination of a glass barrel
through which a carefully fitted glass plunger passes and a needle
attachment which pierces the skin.
A. Non-disposable syringes (Fig. 10.8.)
1. All glass
2. Half record
3. Record
4. Nylon
B. Disposable syringes (Fig. 10.9.).
Disposable syringes are meant for use on one occasion only and
are most often made from transparent polystyrene.The
a white opaque variety of same material, At the end ofplunger
is of
the plunger
is rubber grummet that may have been treated with a silicone.>
Luer syringes
Luer syringes are comparatively expensive and more accurate in
measuring medication for administration. The latest type of luer
syringe has an unground glass barrel with a fitted ground glass
Hypodermic syringes are always of the plunger type, characterised
by the type of piston and difference in size or capacity. The tuberculin
syringe is a small syringe not exCeeding 1 ml in capacity. The
hypodermic syringe is usually 2 ml to 50 ml capacity.
Bulb Syringes
Bulb syringes are frequently prepared for use where sterility is not
necessary. Bulb syringes are of particular value in the nose and ear :
1. Nasal syringes are soft rubber bulbs of about 1 ounce
A - Transparent polystyrene
B Opaque polystyrene plunger
C- Rubber grummet
Ilird mark at 60 cm
Ilnd mark at 50 cm
Fig. 10.l1. Ryle's Tube.
Uses :
1/ Feeding is done with these tubes.
2./ To remove poison from stomach.
3. To do gastric lavage (washing) with KMn04 etc.
4. To suck out gastric juices in different surgical cases.
Short Answer Questions :
1. Write short note on pharmacopoeial tests for surgical
dressings. (1996)
2. Write short note on official standards for evaluation of
surgical dressings. (1996)
3. Write short note on surgical dressings.
Long Answer Questions :
1. Discuss Pharmacopoeial tests for
surgical dressing and
disposables. (1995, 1997)
2. What are various types of surgical
dressings used in hospital?
Enlist the I.P. standards of absorbent cotton?
3. Mention four categories of surgical
adhesives in details. dressings. Give any two