What Makes This World A Beautiful Place To Live In?

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"What makes this world a beautiful place to live in?

NOTE: The following essay is subject to subjective opinion, other than that, everything is settled.

At the dawn of civilization itself when all of humanity and society was on its infancy stage, we as a
species has been exposed to unfathomable and mind bogglingly amounts despair and hardships
through-out the countless of centuries and even before written text were standardized as a means of
keeping records. Our stalwart species have weathered and endured plagues, famines, illogical and
unreasonable bloodshed caused by wars, and acts of terrorism that has shaped and molded societies in
this modern era which also caused a great rapture between races and cultures worldwide.

Nonetheless, the world that we live in today as grim as it might sound and look has hope, the earth in
which we set our feet upon, the seas that we’ve tirelessly circumnavigated, and the air in which our air
planes fly in to still retains its capacity to harbor hope within all of us. After all, the brightest of light
shines through the darkest of places.

People, places, and experiences are the pillars in which makes this world and existence itself exceptional
and purposeful.

Individuals, are the people we met along the way as we grow as human beings, it is the
interactions with these individuals that relationships and history are forged. Rich diversity and deep
differences are what makes an individual genuine and unique. Cultures, beliefs, and circumstances
make-up the majority of the staggering diversity that we as a species possess. That means at every point
of your lifetime you’ll have the freedom and opportunity to share your grievous of defeats and greatest
moments of triumph. Friendships and romantic relationships are two of the most common types of
relationships that people tend to get themselves into, thus making the diversity deep and at times scary.

We humans are social beings, without social interaction and/or exchange we can’t function as efficiently
and effectively as supposed to working within a group. The brunt of existence is made out of short and
quick interactions and long and persistent meaningful interactions, with that in mind this is where the
beautify of it lies, the freedom for you to choose and nit-pick for the several interactions that you are
going to be involved with. That beauty would be profoundly seen and felt with the strong and stable
relationships that you have established throughout the years.

Geological locations, the beauty of our planet alone can speak volumes for itself. From the highest of
mountain peaks, down to the shallow ravines, and the deep cold oceans, just by imagining and
visualizing our planet’s allure alone can make the mind go on and on for hours, different places mean
different values to it’s diverse populous. Historical sites, religious monuments, and scientific places litter
our planet’s 510.1 million km² surface area. Not to mention the also diverse and equally fascinating and
flora and fauna that inhabit it.

Distinct cultures and societies view geological locations differently, and holds them in contrasting
values, like a work of art the beauty that lies within is the creative and unusual interpretations that
people give to these areas, historical importance also plays a role in us humans in protecting and
maintaining these important locations.

Lastly experiences, which encompasses the past, present, and the possible future, akin to interactions
experiences also make-up a large amount of a person’s lifetime. Bad experiences teach us to become a
better version of ourselves through often challenging means, good experiences enlighten us to become
humbler and contemplative to the events that occurred, that is occurring, and the possible occurrences
that we are bound to encounter in the future.

Keeping and remembering memories is one of the many differences that separates us from the wild
beasts that we differentiate ourselves with, memories of people, interactions, places, and experiences
holds the beauty in it all. We are very fortunate that we are given the chance and opportunity that we
are currently enjoying now at the cost of mortality and hardships, and even though sometimes when the
times gets tough, we got our past experiences to look back at as reference to keep us from doing the
same mistakes over-and-over again. And for me, that thought alone is as mesmerizing and inspiring as
any other positive thought


People change, and some people are fated to be left behind whether by there own actions or due to
someone else’s, circumstances like graduating from high school or collage where the greatest of bonds
and friendships are born, or entering family life where all of your available and remaining time and
attention are put into taking care of your spouse and your child/children.

Nonetheless people are bound to change, it’s in their nature to change and adapt for them to better suit
and weather the challenges that they as an individual need to face as things and time change with them.
And as ironic as it sounds, if you think about it, the only constant in this world is change. That is why you
are given the freedom to choose your own path and people to stick-up to, including the life that you
choose to live.

Climate change, and the several other issues that come with it, which endangers our coastal cities,
Important sites whether it may be holy/religious or holds an importance in the culture, biodiversity, and
the ecosystem itself which encloses the status of the flora and fauna. Due to humanities greed our very
survival is threated because of the effects of climate change, where the icecaps in the north and south
pole are melting that then causes the rise of sea level and changing of underwater sea currents which is
vital in supporting the volatile ecosystem that relies on them.

Studies show that we humans are innovating to change the course of fate, reducing carbon immersions,
and overall use of plastic as a reusable and unsustainable material used in the market, electric cars,
sustainable and reusable energy from the Sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy are being
standardized at this very moment, given enough time our species can turn this problem on its head if all
countries participate in a sustained amount of time.

Experiences end up just being fading memories, Living is a double edged sword, by that the cost of living
is the possibility of getting hurt, getting left behind, and being forgotten. Serious and deep cutting, these
notions will trouble a person for quite a while, until he/she accepts the fact that everything has a price,
that you cannot win every time, and the fact that you are fated to fail.

But equal to that notion is the possibility in obtaining genuine happiness and content whether it may be
because of your own making or your significant other’s doing. The beauty of living in this world is the
limitless possibilities that you are prone and fated to experience and learn from. And every step forward
is as scary and exciting as the past ones before.

To conclude, true beauty is present and can be found in our unsurprisingly challenging world and
existence by extension, that with uncertainty comes the power to step forward and face the challenges
head on without fear of failure and repercussions. Which empowers everyone who is brave and strong
enough to start their truly exciting life’s adventure.

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