URBAN ENCOUNTER: Location-Based Collective Storytelling

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Location-Based Collective Storytelling

Thierry Giles Michael Marianek Sarah K. Freidel
K3 School of Art, Culture and Bauhaus University of Weimar Architect
Communication Malmö Coudraystrasse 9 1st line of address
University 99 423 Weimar, Germany Ny Ny, USA
8a Ivögatan, Malmö, +49 177 674 64 04 1 917 345 9992
214 22 Sweden [email protected] [email protected]
+46 739 973 463 m
[email protected]

ABSTRACT idea of an urban game to enable exploration of place-based

In this paper, we describe the workshop activity; Urban narratives; such as RIDER SPOKE [6], 34 North, 118 West [1],
Encounter, which creates opportunities to discuss common NOKIA VINE [6] and Proboscis’s Urban Tapestries,[4]. Yet most
narratives of places through a street game experience. The of these projects recount stories developed and presented through
workshop is base on the concept of place-based storytelling where digital media such that they cannot be changed or influenced once
participants assume both the role of Guest and Host of the story. they have been created. In this way they tend to represent a one
Participants of the workshop creates personalized adventure route way narrative, which does not enable participation of a whole
through a space defined by the organizer and publishes it to a range of actors in creating a common shared narrative.
digital map. Each collected stories are merge into a main These humanistic geography projects are very much a place of
adventure route. The participants then have the opportunity to re- rootedness and authenticity to become a symbol of reactionary
explore the known space through an unraveling of a series of exclusivity. “As long as place signifies a tight and relatively rather
clues left by the other host, which lead them through a particular immobile connection between a group of people and a site then it
spatial experience. The treasure at the end of the game is not a will constantly implicated in the construction of ‘us’ (people who
material reward but rather the construction of a shared social belong to that place) and ‘them’ (people who do not).” In Urban
experience; the exploration and revealing of each individual encounter, views of the city are fluid entities highlighted through
stories developing as a valuable artifact in the memory of all game the participation of a wide range of actors, to mimic its dynamic
participants. The workshop measures its outcome with an open nature in the sharing of stories. The proposed workshop
discussion on sharing common stories of a place, and in particular approaches the challenge of cultural knowledge exchange and
those that support the construction of social framework. networking with the creation of a cultural street game. Through
providing a place for both publication and re-interpretation of
Categories and Subject Descriptors cultural common knowledge, the proposed workshop explores the
H.5.2 [User Interfaces], H.5.3 [Group and Organization use of locative storytelling to locate and enable discussion within
Interfaces] existing social settings.

General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Human Factors.

Street game, social networking, experiential mapping, narratives,
land marking

Culture takes place when the traveler is able to link found
information to encountered space during a journey. From the
block to the borough to the entire network of the city; diversified
stories all call out at once, shouting for the attention of the
dominant narrative. While each alternative narrative has its own
richness and complexity, there is a need to be able to combine and
discuss these immobile connection between a group of people. A Figure 1: Host projecting story over the space
number of art projects have been developed which draw on the The key question the workshop seeks to address is; which
strategies can stimulate dialogue among a group by tapping into
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). existing individual knowledge in public space, and how can each
MobileHCI’09, September 15 - 18, 2009, Bonn, Germany. unique view be unveiled and communicated?
ACM 978-1-60558-281-8.
2. THE STREET GAME EXPERIENCE multimedia technology will also actively contribute to the story.
On their device the Guest will be able to record their point of
2.1 Place, openness and change interest in contrast with the one defined by their Host. The
Viewed by architects and planners, abandoned spaces are often collection of Guest experiences will then be overlaid and
seen negatively as a problem or eyesore. They are labeled as compiled to create a final exploration path through the same site.
derelict, outdated, and foreign to the city fabric. However, artists In this way the role of the Guest/host is inverted as they now,
and photographers view the same spaces in an entirely different collectively, host a new collective story describing their
light. They understand these forgotten spaces to bear the most experiences of overlooked Bonn.
potential within the urban context. Within the rough and gritty
nature of the overlooked, artists communities value an underlying 2.4 Place, openness and change
framework laden with history and mystique. Upon encountering In order to empower visitors and residents to relive, visualize, and
such spaces one seems to have left the urban fabric behind, listen actively to these hidden cultural stories, the workshop
breaking away from the expected, the order, and the rationality solicits Hosts to take photograph, annotate items along their way,
imposed by the city. Once thriving, the space is now and record their thoughts with a voice recorder. All these digital
underappreciated. Yet, in this zone, there exists an indescribable collectibles are mapped as an adventure route, and submit to the
quality of intrigue. Hidden beneath layers of time, these Guests device. The interface can load onto a user’s personal
overlooked spaces of the city are alive with untold stories. For its device through any normal Wi-Fi connection. For people without
experiment, urban encounter will take on one specific area of access to mobile web devices, the service is also available in
overlooked spaces within Bonn City as its site. The area will then paper format, where Guests can print out the adventure in
become the subject of the Guest/Host narratives and interaction. advance.
These stories are an individual’s weaving of memories, images The suspense of following each route looking for clues to answer
traditionally shared through oral narration that enables the transfer the Host’s site-specific questions, allows for a new heightened
of personalized knowledge from one individual to another or awareness of this space that they might have otherwise completely
others. It is vital to be able to give a voice to allow such local overlooked. These autonomous initiatives of mapping stories use
narratives of place to be discussed and continued. The urban a language of persuasion to follow events that allow both Host
encounter workshop creates a framework for extracting and and Guest to organize cultural knowledge, interpreting their
sharing these personal experiences of place as a narrative game. meanings, while experiencing them in the street. [see Fig 2]. This
dynamic process of exchanging experiences directly between
2.2 Sharing and Discussing Knowledge members of the society often provides a far richer understanding
Urban Encounter is a game played between ‘Hosts’ and ‘Guests’. of the constantly changing human and urban condition than
Hosts invite and challenge Guests to follow their story through a traditional organization can keep up with.
sequence of question nodes linked to an adventure route indicated
on a map. All game participants will assume once the role of
Guest and once the role of Host of a story during the experiment.
By accepting the challenge, the Guest places trust in the Host’s
adventure. This confidence may help allow them to spot and act
upon opportunities to further discover interesting people and
situations along their route. These discoveries are where different
stories intersect and open for discussion of the same located
Urban encounter will identify 5 participants to communicate their
unique relationship with the chosen site. Each Host will have a
unique background to ensure the telling of four different stories.
Hopefully, there will be represent of each of the following
categories: Architect/Planner, Artist/Photographer, Resident,
Student and Historian/Academic. The best would be to find an
already existing community such has a “Junge Gemeinde” in the
city. Ultimately, they should come from diverse social group but
share a common typology.
Figure 2: Illustration of how Host and Guest formulate stories
2.3 Weaving Spatial Memories of a place, transform it into a game adventure and share it
Urban encounter organizer will begin by identifying a specific with a guest.
area of overlooked spaces in Bonn City as its site and selecting
five people of diverse backgrounds to participate as Hosts. Each 2.4.1 The Game Scenario
Host will create an exploration path through the chosen site, The game consists of series of elements which the Host uses to
weaving their own personal narrative of the place. The same build up a personalized game. The game is structured around a
participants will then participate as Guests by accessing and series of clues, derived from the physical environment. These are
following the narratives created by other Hosts through the same displayed on an adventure map with a trail linking the various
site. Guests, however, will not just be passively following a clues in a sequence of game ‘chapters’. In the interface each clue
prescribed path, but through the use of a mobile device equipped is represented as graphic ‘landmark’ node in the Urban Encounter
interface, which the Host introduces by placing them onto the or elements of interest, they would like to include in their
adventure map [see Fig 3]. These landmark nodes are where exploration path narrative. The Hosts will then enlist the help of
Host’s virtual clue and the corresponding physical place in the the project authors to create the digital sequence of clues that will
environment interconnect to create the Host’s game narrative. guide guests from node to node. Using images, video, audio and
text, clues will call on the Guest to look for something specific in
2.4.1 Mapping the storyline the physical space, something they might not have discovered
The game scenario is developed by linking these clues into a trail, otherwise. It should be remembered that these are clues, and
which is visualized as a grey route on the adventure map. Once should not disclose the full experience. A photograph, for
the game is complete and published to the Guest, they download example, should avoid showing the entire space, but rather portray
the adventure route onto their mobile device. The adventure then a detail. The workshop authors will assist Hosts in crafting their
starts when the Guest answers the Host’s starting point question clues forming a 10 to 20 nodes storyline. Once each sequence of
by entering the answer into the mobile interface. If the answer clues has been completed, the project authors will upload the full
matches the physical landmark where they are located then the exploration paths onto urban encounter workshop devices
first chapter of the adventure is activated. (anything from a Nokia n95, Nokia n810 to Itouch) and distribute
them to the guest in the beginning of the afternoon.
3.2 Guest rediscover the space
Guests will be brief on the game mechanism onto the device and
access the exploration paths with a digital map, headphones and
set of photographs / videos as clues. If desired, a Guest will be
able to follow each of the four other paths. Upon uploading the
sequence of clues, they are ready to begin. At the starting point of
the path, the Guest will activate their mobile. The device will
sequentially display clues that comprise the exploration path they
are to follow. The Guest will look at the first clue on the screen of
their device. The image and/or text they see will describe a
particular pocket of space in the physical world. Prompted by the
clue, they will scan their surroundings to locate the space and go
it, successfully encountering their first overlooked space. When
they are ready the Guest will return to their mobile device and
advance to the next clue, repeating the process of taking in
information from the screen and using it to find specific spaces
while navigating through the real world. The Host’s exploration
path is successfully accomplished when all clues have been
answered and overlooked spaces have been found.
Through the use of mobile GPS technology, the Guest will
Figure 3: Example of superposed traced stories contribute in two ways. The first method of contribution occurs as
each Guest records the path they actually travel while moving
The adventure sequence is executed at a low scale,; focusing on through the area of overlooked spaces, in contrast with path
building the Guest’s suspense for the next chapter in the story. A defined by their Host. Upon logging in, the device will record
chapter is successfully achieved when the correct answer to a clue where the Guest goes, and how long they remain in a particular
is entered into the game interface at the corresponding correct location. While the path created by the Host indicates a prescribed
landmark node. A game scenario is successfully accomplished adventure route, this GPS recorded data represents the actual path
when all clues at landmark nodes have been found and answered. followed by the Guest. It is of value for two reasons. Firstly, the
The Guest’s objective is not simply to find their way from A to B preferred nodes along the route can be determined based on the
along the Host’s adventure route, instead the next chapter is only duration that the Guest spends in one particular location along the
revealed when the previous chapter is successfully completed. As path. Additionally, it takes into consideration the spontaneous
the Guest proceeds through the game, updates on the completed encounters that the Guest makes along the exploration path, not
route are displayed on the map. In this way, the Guest can always foreseen by the Host.
look back at the progress made, but still has to solve the entire
sequence of clues to reveal the entire adventure route.
The second method of contribution made by Guests occurs as they
mark their thoughts and reactions along the exploration path. Prior
3. WORKSHOP EXECUTION to beginning the route, Guests will be informed of a tag it button
3.1 Host create stories on their mobile device. They will be instructed to depress this tag
The game is initiated in the morning of the workshop day as the it button along the course of the hunt at moments when they
Hosts create their exploration path. Each of the five Hosts will be strongly identify with something they encounter. In this sense,
given the same area of overlooked spaces for the site of their path. where the GPS tracking assigns value based on duration of stay,
The area will be large enough to ensure a diversity of experiences, the tag it button assigns value through direct user feedback.
but yet compact enough to be easily walkable and ensure an Guests will be instructed to use the tag it button two or three times
overlapping of each host stories. Hosts will have a period of time along the exploration path, but will not be limited so that if they
to explore the site themselves and determine the specific spaces,
encounter something toward the end of their path they will not 4. THE TREASURE AT THE END
have to worry about having used up their tags. The use of mobile multimedia technology can sometime be
3.3 Guest and Host combine stories frustrating in the following of a place-specific story and limiting
The project authors will receive the collection of Guest the host creativity. As for example, photos and videos are nearly
experiences and overlay them digitally, compiling them into a not visible on most mobile screens under sunny weather while
final story map, new adventure route based entirely on real-world audio offer to possibility to the host to be more prosaic in
user experience. The GPS tracking data will be imported as a developing Guest’s experience but confusing to orient them. The
series of lines overlaying the chosen area of overlooked space. presented workshop proposes a low-fi experiment at the end of the
Much like a map of flight patterns, the Guest paths will cross the space exploration that demand each of the 5 host to draw their
site area and converge upon certain nodes identified as significant interpretation of the presented space by using a glass mounted
by multiple participants. The tag it data will be imported as a canvas and a set of thick markers [see Fig 5]. Using a language of
series of points overlying the site. The project authors will seek a persuasion, the 5 hosts are one after the other one invited to create
critical density of tag points as nodes, identified collectively by a fictional projection of what the framed space “could be”. A
Guests as they moved through the overlooked spaces. The nodes camera installed over their shoulder film in real time the
from each method of Guest contribution, GPS paths and tag progression of their drawing over the physical space. Once the 5
points, will then be combined to identify a shared set of Guest host stories are recorded, the workshop author will combine the
nodes. These nodes will define the final, Guest-created collected media in a final document that, once more, will serve as
exploration path. The author will then export the final map onto a material to open the discussion between the workshop participants
projected wall and engage a discussion with the 5 participants. and generate the “prognosis exchange”.
The workshop duration will be of maximum 3 hours for the host
story creation, 3 hours for the space exploration and maximum 2
hours discussion for a total of 8 hours workshop.
3.4 Technology Narrative
Although the proposed workshop use particular technologies, we
do not ‘live or die’ based on these technological frameworks.
Moreover, for the proposed workshop, Urban Encounter may call
for the use of already existing technology and open source
software. In all the cases the used technology aren’t prescribing
the outcome but rather offering a base where each individuals
weave their own practice of the use of these technology. In the
end, the product is the stories and the experiment is about the
overlapping of these place-based narratives.

Figure 5: Photo of a portable in space drawing glass.

In this paper we introduced a street game whose aim is to support
the sharing of cultural knowledge. We described the motivation
for creating an experience, where participants actively create a
personalized platform for authoring and publishing a narrative
based game. The game is played between Guest’s and Host’s,
where the Host creates a challenge which is published on a web
based network. The Guest must then solve a series of clues in the
environment, which are ordered into sequential game chapters.
We explained how the game enables Host and Guest to take a role
in developing their own narratives and thus creates a platform for
stimulating an individual’s awareness and cultural knowledge of a
common place.

Figure 4: Graphic illustrating the virtuous cycle of host and
Our thanks to Department of Interaction Design, K3 School of art
guest knowledge transfer
culture and Communication, Malmö, Sweden and the Media
Design department, Bauhaus University of Weimar, Weimar,
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