אנגלית - The Road Not Taken - סיכום
אנגלית - The Road Not Taken - סיכום
אנגלית - The Road Not Taken - סיכום
by Robert Frost
David Gellman
The Road Not Taken
Read by Robert Frost
Understanding the Poem:
Viewing a choice as a fork in a path, it becomes clear that we must choose one
direction or another, but not both.This poem is about the road taken, to be
sure, as well the road not taken, not necessarily the road less traveled.
Any person who has made a decisive choice will agree that it is human nature
to contemplate the "What if..." had you made the choice you did not make.
● Four stanzas, each five lines in length.
● Has a steady rhythmical four beat.
● First Person
● Rhyme scheme of ABAAB.
● The tone is meditative.
Symbols and Meaning
● Literally, "The Road Not Taken" tells the story of a man who reaches a fork
in the road, and randomly chooses to take one and not the other.
● The road, itself, symbolizes the journey of life, and the image of a road
forking off into two paths symbolizes a choice.
● The whole poem is an extended metaphor; the road is life, and it diverges,
that is, splits apart–forks. There is a decision to be made and a life will be
changed. Perhaps forever.
Frost describes the forest as a "yellow wood." Yellow can be considered a
middle color, something in-between and unsure of itself.