Introduction To Relational Databases (RDBMS)

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4. Introduction to Relational
Databases (RDBMS)
Semana 1
Review of data fundamentals
Information and Data Models
Information model
Data model
ERDs and types of relationship
Mapping entities to tables
Data types
Relational model concepts
Summary and highlights
Database architecture
2-Tier database architecture
3-Tier database architecture
Distributed architecture and clustered databases
Share disk architectures
Partitioning and sharding
Database usage patterns
Data engineers and database administrators
Data scientists and business analysts
Application developers and programmers
Introduction to Relational Database Offerings
Cloud park for data
Storage engines
Clustering options
Summary and highlights
Semana 2

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 1

Types of SQL statements (DDL vs DML)
DDL (data definition language) statements
DML (data manipulation language) statements
Creating tables
CREATE TABLE statement
Data movement utilities
Loading data
Summary and highlights
Database Objects & Hierarchy (Including Schemas)
Primary and foreign keys
First normal form
Second normal form
Third normal form
Relational Model Constraints - Advanced
Summary and highlights
Semana 3
Getting started with MySQL
Creating Databases and Tables in MySQL
Loading Data in MySQL
LAB on the command line
LAB on phpMyAdmin
Using Keys and Constraints in MySQL
Summary & Highlights
Getting Started with PostgreSQL
Creating Databases and Loading Data in PostgreSQL
LAB from command line

Code to define a view in pgadmin

Summary & Highlights
Semana 4
Approach to Database Design (Including ERD)
Database design process
ERROR unique constrain
Final quiz

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 2

Semana 1
Review of data fundamentals
Data is unorganized information, that is processed to make it




some organizational properties but not enought for table format

tags and metadata


does not follow any specific semantics


OLTP (Transactional or Online transaction processing System)

desgined to store high volume day-to-day operational data

typically, relational but can also be non-relational

OLAP (Analytical or Online analytical processing System)

optimized for complex data analytics

incllude relational and non-relational databases, data warehouses, data lakes

and big data stores

Relational databases examples

ibm db2

microsoft sql server

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 3



Information and Data Models

can be from the real world

Information model


can be hierarchical (child nodes...)

a child node can have only one parent node

a parent node can have many children

Data model
blueprint of a database system

relational model

data independence

data is stored in tables

logical data independence

physical data independence

physical storage independence

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 4

ER data model
Entity relational data model (like genexus)
Entity relational diagram ERD

entities and attributes

attributes tell us more about the entity

entity → rectangle

attribute → oval

ERDs and types of relationship

One book needs to be written by AT LEAST 1 author

One author can write many books

One book can be written by many authors

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 5

Mapping entities to tables

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 6

Book = table

Attributes = columns

The entity becomes the table

Data types
character string

fixed lenght CHAR(10)

variable lenght VARCHAR(20), LONGCHAR






Relational model concepts

set of relations

relation = table

relation schema

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 7

name of a relation, name and type of each column (attributes)

relation instance

table made up of rows and columns

rows are tuples

cardinality refers to number of tuples or rows

degree number of columns or attributes

Summary and highlights

The relational model is the most used data model for databases because this
model allows for logical data independence, physical data independence, and
physical storage independence.

Entities are objects that exist independently of any other entities in the database,
while attributes are the data elements that characterize the entity.

The building blocks of a relationship are entities, relationship sets, and crows
foot notations.

Relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many.

When translating an Entity-Relationship Diagram to a relational database table,

the entity becomes the table and the attributes become columns in the table.

Data types define the type of data that can be stored in a column and can
include character strings, numeric values, dates/times, Boolean values and

The advantages of using the correct data type for a column are data integrity,
data sorting, range selection, data calculations, and the of standard functions.

In a relational model, a relation is made up of two parts: A relation schema

specifying the name of a relation and the attributes and a relation instance,
which is a table made up of the attributes, or columns, and the tuples, or rows.

Degree refers to the number of attributes, or columns, in a relation.

Cardinality refers to the number of tuples, or rows in a relation.

Database architecture
Local / Desktop

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 8

resides on the user's system

single user enviroment

single-tier architecture

Client / Server

resides on a database server

users access database from client systems

middle-tier (application server layer)

typical for production enviroments


no need to download of install software

users can access the cloud easily

access through application server layer or interface in the cloud

development, testing and full production enviroments

2-Tier database architecture

The Data Access layer server includes interfaces for different types of clients which
can include data industry standard APIs such as JDBC and ODBC, Command Line
Processor (CLP) interfaces as well vendor specific or proprietary interfaces.

3-Tier database architecture

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 9

Distributed architecture and clustered databases
mission critical / large scale workloads

high availability / high scalability requirements

databases distributed on a cluster of servers

shared disk architecture

share common storage

shared nothing architecture



Share disk architectures

workload processes faster

In case of a failure, the clients connected to that server can be re-routed to

another server

high availability

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 10

if the replica is in the same location → high availability replica

geographically distributed → disaster recovery replica

Partitioning and sharding

multiple logical partition

each partition has a subset of the original data


very large tables are split across multiple logical partitions


each shard contains its comput resources

Database usage patterns

Data engineers and database administrators
GUI or web-based tools

command line

db2 create database sample

db2 > connect to sample

sql scripts or batch files

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 11


Data scientists and business analysts

DS tools: jupyter, R studio, zeppelin, SAS, SPSS

BI tools: excel, cognos, powebi, tableau, microStrategy

sql query tools

Application developers and programmers

programming languages: c++, c#, java, javascript, python, rubi, .NET, php

they talk to de DB

sql interfaces and APIs: JDBC, ODBC, REST APIs

ORM frameworks

example: django

Introduction to Relational Database Offerings

Commercial databases:


microsoft sql server

ibm db2

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 12

Opensource databases:




db2 database

db2 warehouse

db2 on cloud

db2 warehouse on cloud

db2 big sql

db2 event store for z/OS

AI-powered funcionallity

machine learning algorithms

column store

data skipping

Common SQL-Engine

Support for all data types

High availability and disaster recovery


Table partitioning in db2 warehouse

Db2 database:

on premises

supported on linuc and windows


4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 13


high availability



Db2 warehouse:

on premises

optimized for OLAP


advanced data analytics

massively parallel processing (MPP)

machine learning

Db2 on cloud:

fully managed




high availability



Db2 warehouse on cloud:

fully managed



advanced data analytics


machine learning

Db2 big sql:

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 14



advanced querying

works with:

hadoop HDFS and webHDFS




cloudera data platform

ibm cloud park for data

Db2 event store:


analyze streamed data for event-driven applications

includes IBM watson studio

Db2 for z/OS:

enterprise data server

runs on IBM Z providing:




mission critical

Cloud park for data

fully intergated and AI platform

runs on red hat openshift

enables you to connect to data, organize data, analyze it and infuse AI

MySQL is an object-relational database management system.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 15

It is a popular low maintenance database and is available in various flavors and
editions, including a clustered version for demanding workloads.

You can run MySQL on many versions of UNIX, as well as Microsoft Windows
and Linux and you can write client applications for it using most modern
programming languages.

MySQL uses standard SQL syntax, as well as its own extensions for additional
functionality such as the LOAD DATA statement that very quickly reads rows
from a text file into a database table


Storage engines


row-level locking

clustered indexes

foreign keys


for data warehouse and web applications (mainly read operations)

table-level locking



high availability

high redundancy

Clustering options
InnoDB storage engine

primary and secondary dbs

MySQL cluster edition: NDB storage engine

server nodes access data nodes stored in memory

multiple nodes → prevents failure

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 16

LAPP stack

extensions PostGIS

object-relational db (inherital, overloading)

two node synchronous replication

multi-master read/write replication → replicate changes with each other


sharding (horizontal partitions)

Summary and highlights

There are four types of database topology:

Single tier. The database is installed on a user’s local desktop.

2-tier. The database resides on a remote server and users access it from client

3-tier. The database resides on a remote server and users access it through an
application server or a middle tier.

Cloud deployments. The database resides in the cloud, and users access it
through an application server layer or another interface that also resides in the

In shared disk distributed database architectures, multiple database servers process

the workload in parallel, allowing the workload to be processed faster. There are
three shared nothing distributed database architectures:

Replication. Changes taking place on a database server are replicated to one

or more database replicas. In a single location, database replication provides
high availability. When database replica is stored in a separate location, it
provides a copy of the data for disaster recovery.

Partitioning. Very large tables are split across multiple logical partitions.

Sharding. Each partition has its own compute resources.

There are different classes of database users, who use databases in different ways:

Three main classes of users are Data Engineers, Data Scientists and Business
Analysts, and Application Developers.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 17

Database users can access databases through Graphical and Web interfaces,
command line tools and scripts, and APIs and ORMs.

Major categories of database applications include Database Management tools,

Data Science and BI tools, and purpose built or off the shelf business

Relational databases are available with commercial licenses or open source.

MySQL is an object-relational database that supports many operating systems, a

range of languages for client application development, relational and JSON data,
multiple storage engines, and high availability and scalability options.

PostgreSQL is an open source, object-relational database that supports a range

of languages for client application development, relational, structured, and non-
structured data, and replication and partitioning for high availability and

Semana 2
Types of SQL statements (DDL vs DML)
DDL (data definition language) statements
define, change or drop data

define or change objects in tables

types of sql statements


alter: create new column

truncate: detele data in a table but not the table

drop: delete table

DML (data manipulation language) statements

read and modify data

manipulate data in tables

CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete rows)

types of sql statements

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 18

insert: insert rows


update: edit rows

delete: remove rows

Creating tables
visual or UI tools

db2 on cloud console

mysql phpMyAdmin

postgreSQL PGAdmin

create table SQL statement

administrative APIs

1. select schema to hold the tables

2. fully name of table = schemaName.tableName

3. add columns until you construct the entire table

CREATE TABLE statement

CREATE TABLE table_name

column_name1 datatype optional_parameters,
column_name2 datatype optional_parameters,

CREATE TABLE provinces(

name varchar(24)


lastname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(40),
country CHAR(2)


4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 19

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN column_name_1 datatype
ADD COLUMN telephone_number BIGINT

DROP TABLE table_name;



Data movement utilities

2 main categories

back up and restore

preserve all objects in a data base: schemas, tables, user defined types,
security, data

import and export

command line, API, GUI, third party tools


DEL → delimited ascii, ex, csv

ASC → non delimited ascii

PC/IXF → PC version of integration exchange format


db2 command line:

db2 import from filename of fileformat messages messagesfile into


db2 export to filename of fileformat messages messagesfile select *

from table


xml, large objects, user-defined types

faster than import, because import performs sql commands

doesnt perform as many checks

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 20

preferred option for lading very large datasets

initiate from command line / API / Visual tool

Loading data
INSERT is not practical for loading thousands of records:

INSERT INTO authors (author_id, lastname, firstname, email, city, country)

(1001, 'Thomas, 'John', 'asd@asd', 'New York', 'USA'),

you can load data from different sources and in different formats

db2 web console load utility supports

delimited text files on local computer

s3 object storage

cloud object storage

1. source → authenticate

2. target

3. define configurable aspects

4. finalize


Other Contributor(s)
Estimated time needed: 30 minutes In this lab, you will learn
how to create tables and load data in Db2. In this lab, you will
use IBM Db2 Database. Db2 is a Relational Database
Summary and highlights
DDL statements, including CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, and DROP, are used
for defining objects like tables in a database.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 21

DML statements, including INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE, are used
for manipulating data in tables.

Many Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) have schemas that

contain tables, views, functions, and other database objects.

Most RDBMS provide a GUI through which you can create and alter the
structure of tables.

You can also create and alter tables by using DDL SQL statements:

CREATE TABLE. Creates entities (tables) in a relational database and sets the
attributes (columns) in a table, including the names of columns, the data types of
columns, and constraints (for example, the Primary Key.)

ALTER TABLE. Changes the structure of a table by adding or removing columns,

modifying the data type of columns, and adding or removing keys and

DROP TABLE. Deletes a table from a database.

TRUNCATE TABLE. Removes all rows in a table.

There are utilities that help you to manage the movement of data:

You use the BACKUP and RESTORE utilities to create and recover copies of
entire databases, including all objects like tables, views, constraints, and data.

You use the IMPORT utility to insert data into a specific table from different
formats, such as DEL/CSV, ASC and IXF, and the EXPORT utility to save data
from a specific table into various formats, such as CSV.

You can use the LOAD utilities, instead of INSERT statements, to quickly insert
large amounts of data a variety of different data sources into tables.

The Load Data utility is a simple to use interface in the Db2 Web Console

Database Objects & Hierarchy (Including Schemas)

1. instance

logical boundary for databases, objects and configuration

unique database server enviroment

allows isolation between databases

2. database

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 22

stores, manages and provides access to data

containts objects like tables, views, indexes

relational database → relations between tables

3. schema

organize database objects

naming context

database configuration information

1. tables

2. constraints

a. example: an employee number must be unique

3. indexes


Primary and foreign keys


book_id INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(book_id);

A foreign key is a column that contains the same information as the primary key on
another table


copy_id INT NOT NULL,
book_id INT NULL,
CONSTRAINT fk_copy_book FOREIGN KEY(book_id)
REFERENCES book(book_id)

Note: ON UPDATE NO ACTION means if any existing row is updated in the foreign key colu
mn of the referencing table (the table containing the foreign key), the update will on
ly be allowed if the new value of the foreign key column exists in the referenced prim
ary key column of the referenced table (the table containing the primary key). Howeve
r, any update on a row of the referenced primary key column of the referenced table is
always rejected if there is the existence of a corresponding row in the referencing fo
reign key column of the referencing table.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 23

ON DELETE NO ACTION means if any row in the referenced table (the table containing
the primary key) is deleted, that row in the referenced table and the corresponding ro
w in the referencing table (the table containing the foreign key) are not deleted.


SELECT title FROM book WHERE unique_book_id = 4;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_book_id

ON book(book_id);

when you create a primary key, an index is created based on that key, but you can
also create your own indexes

improved performance of SELECT queries
reduce need to sort data

guaranteed uniqueness of rows


each index uses disk space

decreased performance of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries

data duplication leads to inconsistencies

normalization reduces data duplication

increases speed of transction

improves the integrity of data

most used

first normal form

second normal form

third normal form

First normal form

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 24

each row must be unique

each cell must contain only a single value

also called 1NF


Let’s look at how you would normalize a simple table.

In this example, the Book table contains some basic information about books,
including title,

formats, and authors.

To meet first normal form requirements, each cell must contain a single value,
not a list.
In this example, you can see that all formats of a book are listed in the same cell.

To normalize this table, you can add an extra row, and split the two formats of

of Software into their own row.

So now you have a row for the paperback version, and a row for the hardback
Each cell in the table now has only one entry, and .so the table is in first normal


4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 25

Second normal form
database must be in fist normal form

create separate tables for sets of values that apply to multiple rows

also called 2NF




4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 26

Third normal form
database must be in first and second normal form

eliminate columns that do not depend on the key

also called 3NF



the Ships from data does not depend on the Primary Key.

To meet the requirements of 3NF, you must separate the Publisher and Ships from

into a Publishers table.


4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 27

There are other higher normal forms.


data is written and read frequently

OLAP → 3NF or 1NF

data is mostly read-only

Relational Model Constraints - Advanced

constraints help implement the business rules


entity integrity

primary key

prevent duplicate values

no null primary key

referential integrity

relationships between tables

semantic integrity

correctness of the meaning of the data

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 28




limiting values accepted by an attribute

enforce domain integrity


Exercise 3: Constraints
Estimated time needed: 25 minutes In this lab, you will learn
about normalization, keys, and constraints in IBM Db2 on Cloud
using SQL. First, you will learn how to minimize data

Summary and highlights

The objects in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) object
hierarchy include:

Instances. This is a logical boundary for a database or set of databases where

you organize and isolate database objects and set configuration parameters.

Relational databases. This is a set of objects used to store, manage, and

access data.

Schemas. A user or system schema is a logical grouping of tables, views,

nicknames, triggers, functions, packages, and other database objects. Schemas
provide naming contexts so that you can distinguish between objects with the
same name.

Database partitions. You can split very large tables across multiple partitions to
improve performance.

Database objects. Database objects are the items that exist within the
database, such as tables, constraints, indexes, views, and aliases.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 29

Primary key and Foreign Keys have several uses:

Primary keys enforce uniqueness of rows in a table, whereas Foreign keys are
columns in a table that contain the same information as the primary key in
another table.

You can use primary and foreign keys to create relationships between tables.
Relationships between tables reduce redundant data and improve data integrity.

Indexes provide ordered pointers to rows in tables and can improve the
performance of SELECT queries, but can decrease the performance of INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE queries.

Normalization reduces redundancy and increases consistency of data. There are two
forms of normalization:

First normal form (1NF). In this form, the table contains only single values and
has no repeating groups.

Second normal form (2NF). This form splits data into multiple tables to reduce

You can define six relational model constraints:

Entity integrity constraint. Ensures that the primary key is a unique value that
identifies each tuple (or row.)

Referential integrity constraint. Defines relationships between tables.

Semantic integrity constraint. Refers to the correctness of the meaning of the


Domain constraint. Specifies the permissible values for a given attribute.

Null constraint. Specifies that attribute values cannot be null.

Check constraint. Limits the values that are accepted by an attribute.

Semana 3
Getting started with MySQL
opensource RDBMS

mariaDB is fork of mysql

available in the cloud or for installation

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 30


mysql command line


mysql workbench desktop applicaion

phpMyAdmin web interface

Creating Databases and Tables in MySQL


USE employees;

CREATE TABLE employee_details (firstname VARCHAR(20), lastname VARCHAR(20), startdate

DATE, salary DECIMAL);

DESCRIBE employee_details; #show in command line the table

Loading Data in MySQL

mysqldump -u root employees > employeesbackup.sql #CREATE BACKUP

mysql -u root resstored_employees < employeesbackup.sql #RESTORE BACKUP

mysql > source employeesbackup.sql #RESTORE BACKUP already in command line

load data infile 'employeesdata.csv' into table employees_details #importing data usin
g load data infile

mysqlimport employees employees_details.csv #importing using mysqlimport. Table name c

omes from the file automatically, they must be exactly the same!!

LAB on the command line

#to fetch the database from the command line


#start mysql service


#access that will ask for password = MTIxMzMtbWFqb2Nh -> this password was generated w
hen i run the start_mysql command and it was shown on the terminal
mysql --host= --port=3306 --user=root --password

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 31

mysql> create database sakila;
mysql> use sakila;
mysql> source sakila_mysql_dump.sql; #restore the mysql dump file
mysql> SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE'; #show tables
mysql> DESCRIBE staff; #explore the structure of staff
mysql> \q #quits the mysql command prompt session

#dump(backup the staff table

mysqldump --host= --port=3306 --user=root --password sakila staff > sakila_st

#view contents of the dump file from terminal

cat sakila_staff_mysql_dump.sql

LAB on phpMyAdmin

start_mysql #generates pass = MTIxMzMtbWFqb2Nh, php link = https://majocarbajal-8080.t

#that link should be pasted into the address bar in another tab

Using Keys and Constraints in MySQL

primary keys

can be created on one clumn or a combination of columns

not null



auto increment (A_I)

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 32

foreign keys

null contraints

Summary & Highlights

MySQL is a free, open-source RDMS that you can download and install on your own
systems or access on the Cloud. You can either self-manage a Cloud instance of
MySQL or use a managed services provider, including IBM Cloud, Amazon RDS for
MySQL, Azure Database for MySQL, or Google Cloud SQL for MySQL.
MySQL includes several options for creating databases and tables, loading and
querying data, and importing and exporting data relational databases:

mysql and mysqladmin command line interfaces. You use these CLIs to run SQL

MySQL Workbench. A desktop application for designing, developing, and

administering MySQL databases.

phpMyAdmin. An easy to use, third-party web interface for working with MySQL

API calls.

Using phpMyAdmin, you can:

Add and modify columns after you create a table.

Use backup and restore functionality to populate databases.

Use import and export functionality to populate tables and save their data to

Create primary keys by defining a primary index on one or more columns.

Use autoincrement to automatically generate sequential numeric data in a


When creating foreign keys, you can define ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions.
MySQL columns are NOT NULL by default.

You can configure a column to only accept unique values.

Getting Started with PostgreSQL

object-relational database management system

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 33

reliable and flexible

relational and non-relational



data analytics

geographic information systems

download and install or cloud


psql command line


ERD tool (entity relational diagram)

Navicat, DBeaver

cloud vendor tools and APIs

when you first connect to a postgresql database server, it connects automatically

to the database DEFAULT

Creating Databases and Loading Data in PostgreSQL


\connect employees;

CREATE TABLE employee_details (firstname VARCHAR(20), lastname VARCHAR(20), startdate

DATE, salary DECIMAL);

\d employee_details #command line

psql restored_employees < employeesbackup.sql #restore backup

pg_dump employees > employeesbackup.sql #create backup of entire schema and data

LAB from command line


4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 34


psql --username=postgres --host=localhost --password

create database sakila;

\connect sakila;

\include sakila_pgsql_dump.sql;

#to restore the database dump file OUTSIDE of the psql commmand prompt:


pg_restore --username=postgres --host=localhost --password --dbname=sakila < sakila_


\dt; #list all tables names from sakila database

\d store; #explore the structure of the store table

SELECT * FROM store; #retrieve all the records from the store table

\q #quit postgres

#dump/backup the store table from the database

pg_dump --username=postgres --host=localhost --password --dbname=sakila --table=store
--format=plain > sakila_store_pgsql_dump.sql

#To only dump/backup the table store from the database in non-text format .tar,
pg_dump --username=postgres --host=localhost --password --dbname=sakila --table=store
--format=tar > sakila_store_pgsql_dump.tar

#view dump file within the termminal

cat sakila_store_pgsql_dump.sql

A view is an alternative way of representing data from one or more tables or
other views.

You can interact with views in the same way as you interact with tables,
inserting, updating, and deleting data as required.

Views are a useful way of limiting access to sensitive data, simplifying data
retrieval, and reducing access to underlying tables.

For example, you could create a view to include the name and email columns
from these two tables.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 35

One view can have records from different tables

materialized views

needs to be refreshed to be updated with the data in the underline tables

result set is materialized or saved, for future use

cannot insert, update or delete rows

can imporove performance

limit access to sensitive data

Code to define a view in pgadmin

SELECT firstname, lastname, email

FROM employee_details

INNER JOIN employee_contact_info

ON employee_details.empid = employee_contact_info.empid

Summary & Highlights

PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database management system that
you can download and install on your own systems or access on the Cloud.
You can either self-manage a Cloud instance of PostgreSQL or use a managed
services provider, including IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL, Amazon RDS,
Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB cloud, or Microsoft Azure for

PostgreSQL includes several options for creating databases and tables, loading and
querying data, and importing and exporting data relational databases:

The psql command line interface. You use this CLI to run SQL statements.

pgAdmin. A graphical interface to the database server, which is available as a

desktop application or as a web application that you can install on your web

Navicat and Dbeaver. Commercial graphical interface options that you can use
to access PostgresSQL, MySQL, and other types of databases.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 36

Cloud vendor tools and APIs.

Using pgAdmin, you can:

Use pg_dump to back up databases and psql to restore them.

Use the Import/Export tool to load data into and export data from tables.

Using views:

You can use views to limit access to sensitive data and simplify data retrieval.

Views can be materialized, which means that the view store the result set for
quicker subsequent access.

Materialized views enhance performance because the view is saved and often
stored in memory. However, you cannot insert, update, or delete rows in a
materialized view, and they must be refreshed before you can see updated data.

Semana 4
Approach to Database Design (Including ERD)
Database design process
Requirements analysis

identify main objects and their relationships


interview users and potential users

Logical design

how to organize your data

should not specify technical requirements

characteristics of the objects become attributes

objects become entitites

identify many-to-many relationships and resolve them creating many 1-many



Physical design

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 37

how to implement your logical desgin in yout database

how your database will look

data types, naming rules, indexes, constraints

In this scenario, you have recently been hired as a Data Engineer by a New York
based coffee shop chain that is looking to expand nationally by opening a number of
franchise locations. As part of their expansion process, they want to streamline
operations and revamp their data infrastructure.

Your job is to design their relational database systems for improved operational
efficiencies and to make it easier for their executives to make data driven decisions.

Currently their data resides in several different systems: accounting software,

suppliers’ databases, point of sales (POS) systems, and even spreadsheets. You will
review the data in all of these systems and design a central database to house all of
the data. you will then create the database objects and load them with source data.
Finally, you will create subsets of data that your business partners require, export
them, and then load them into staging databases that use different RDBMS.

In your scenario, you will be working with data from the following sources:

Staff information held in a spreadsheet at HQ

Sales outlet information held in a spreadsheet at HQ

Sales data output as a CSV file from the POS system in the sales outlets

Customer data output as a CSV file from a bespoke customer relationship

management system

Product information maintained in a spreadsheet exported from your supplier's



4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 38

Entities to create:








4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 39









Normalize tables to second normal form:

Review the data in the sales transaction table. Note that the transaction id column
does not contain unique values because some transactions include multiple

→ to put the transaction table in second normal form, i create sales_detail table to
put productid and price

Review the data in the product table. Note that the product category and product
type columns contain redundant data.

One to many relationship example:

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 40

ERROR unique constrain
This EDR:

Generates this SQL:

-- This script was generated by a beta version of the ERD tool in pgAdmin 4.
-- Please log an issue at
if you find any bugs, including reproduction steps.

CREATE TABLE public."Sales_Transaction"

"Sales_Transaction_Id" integer NOT NULL,
"Sales_Transaction_Date" date,
"Sales_Transaction_Time" time with time zone,
"Sales_Outlet_Id" integer,
"Customer_Id" integer,
"Quantity" integer,
PRIMARY KEY ("Sales_Transaction_Id")

CREATE TABLE public."Product"

"Product_Id" integer NOT NULL,
"Product_Name" "char"[],
"Product_Desc" "char"[],
"Product_Price" integer,
"Product_Type_Id" integer,

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 41

PRIMARY KEY ("Product_Id")

CREATE TABLE public."Sales_Detail"

"Sales_Detail_Id" integer NOT NULL,
"Product_Id" integer,
"Product_Price" integer,
"Sales_Transaction_Id" integer,
PRIMARY KEY ("Sales_Detail_Id")

CREATE TABLE public."Product_Type"

"Product_Type_Id" integer NOT NULL,
"Product_Type_Category" "char"[],
"Product_Type_Type" "char"[],
PRIMARY KEY ("Product_Type_Id")

ALTER TABLE public."Sales_Detail"

ADD FOREIGN KEY ("Sales_Transaction_Id")
REFERENCES public."Sales_Transaction" ("Sales_Transaction_Id")

ALTER TABLE public."Product"

ADD FOREIGN KEY ("Product_Type_Id")
REFERENCES public."Product_Type" ("Product_Type_Id")

ALTER TABLE public."Product"

ADD FOREIGN KEY ("Product_Id")
REFERENCES public."Sales_Detail" ("Product_Id")


When I run the SQL, I get:

there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced

table "Sales_Detail"


In PostgreSQL, it’s vitally important that a foreign key references columns that either
are a primary key or form a unique constraint. If your query references a column that
does not have the UNIQUE constraint, you’ll get the “There is no unique constraint
matching given keys for referenced table” error.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 42

I created the tables separatley and then went to the Sales_Detail table and manually
created the UNIQUE contraint for Sales_Detail_Id and another one for Product_id

Upload and run this SQL code, it creates all the other tables:

-- This script was generated by a beta version of the ERD tool in pgAdmin 4.
-- Please log an issue at
if you find any bugs, including reproduction steps.

-- The DROP statements have been added to ensure that no errors occur if the script is
mistakenly run more than once
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.sales_outlet CASCADE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.sales_detail CASCADE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.product_type CASCADE;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.sales_transaction CASCADE;

CREATE TABLE public.staff

staff_id integer,
first_name character varying(50),
last_name character varying(50),
"position" character varying(50),
start_date date,
location character varying(5),
PRIMARY KEY (staff_id)

CREATE TABLE public.sales_outlet

sales_outlet_id integer,
sales_outlet_type character varying(20),
address character varying(50),
city character varying(40),
telephone character varying(15),
postal_code integer,
manager integer,
PRIMARY KEY (sales_outlet_id)

CREATE TABLE public.customer

customer_id integer,
customer_name character varying(50),
email character varying(50),
reg_date date,
card_number character varying(15),

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 43

date_of_birth date,
gender character(1),
PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)

CREATE TABLE public.sales_detail

sales_detail_id integer,
transaction_id integer,
product_id integer,
quantity integer,
price double precision,
PRIMARY KEY (sales_detail_id)

CREATE TABLE public.product

product_id integer,
product_name character varying(100),
description character varying(250),
product_price double precision,
product_type_id integer,
PRIMARY KEY (product_id)

CREATE TABLE public.product_type

product_type_id integer,
product_type character varying(50),
product_category character varying(50),
PRIMARY KEY (product_type_id)

CREATE TABLE public.sales_transaction

transaction_id integer,
transaction_date date,
transaction_time time without time zone,
sales_outlet_id integer,
staff_id integer,
customer_id integer,
PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id)

ALTER TABLE public.sales_transaction

ADD FOREIGN KEY (staff_id)
REFERENCES public.staff (staff_id)

ALTER TABLE public.sales_transaction

ADD FOREIGN KEY (sales_outlet_id)
REFERENCES public.sales_outlet (sales_outlet_id)

ALTER TABLE public.sales_transaction

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 44

ADD FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
REFERENCES public.customer (customer_id)

ALTER TABLE public.sales_detail

ADD FOREIGN KEY (transaction_id)
REFERENCES public.sales_transaction (transaction_id)

ALTER TABLE public.sales_detail

ADD FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
REFERENCES public.product (product_id)

ALTER TABLE public.product

ADD FOREIGN KEY (product_type_id)
REFERENCES public.product_type (product_type_id)


Run the other sql script to populate tables

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 45

This is the correct EDR, generated from the tables created with the create
tables script:

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 46

Generate view:

The external payroll company have requested a list of employees and the locations
at which they work. This should not include the CEO or CFO who own the company.
In this task, you will create a view in your PostgreSQL database that returns this
information and export the results to a CSV file.

Create the view and put this in the code tab:

SELECT staff.staff_id,

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 47

FROM staff
WHERE "position" NOT IN ('CEO', 'CFO');

Create a materialized view and export the data:

A marketing consultant requires access to your product data in their MySQL

database for a marketing campaign. You will create a materialized view in your
PostgreSQL database that returns this information and export the results to a CSV

Go to Materialized-View on the tree menu and use this code:

SELECT product.product_name, product.description, product_type.product_category

FROM product
JOIN product_type
ON product.product_type_id = product_type.product_type_id;

After that refresh the materialized view with data

Import data into a IBM Db2 database

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 48

1. create database

2. create columns

3. import staff_locations.csv

Import data into a MySQL database

For this part we are using phpMyAdmin

Create coffee_shop_products database and import product_info_m-view.csv into a

new table

When I imported the csv, column names were taken as first row so I run this to
delete only that row DELETE FROM product-info LIMIT 1 , case I didint find an
option to take first row as column name.

Final quiz
1. Question 1: Data types define the type of data that can be stored in which part of
a database table?

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 49

2. Question 2: Popularity of cloud databases has more than doubled in the past
decade. Which cloud service model is driving this?
SaaS model

3. Question 3: The DBMS on the server in a 2-tier environment includes multiple

layers. Which layer is also referred to as the persistence layer?
Database Storage Layer

4. Question 4: Which NoSQL functionality does PostgreSQL use to store non-

hierarchical data?

5. Question 5: How can the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) model be used?
The ERD model helps you to define entities and their attributes, and map them
to tables, and identify the relationships between the tables

6. Question 6: Which of the following sources is NOT supported by the Db2 Web
Console for loading data?
Python Code

7. Question 7: When creating a foreign key, how can you define an action to take if
a parent table row is updated?
NOT create table command and NOT alter table command

8. Question 8: Which of the following is a disadvantage of using Indexes?

Uses disk space

9. Question 9: Which of the following constraints limits the values accepted by an

Check constraint

10. Question 10: What is the difference between system schemas and user
System schemas store configuration information and metadata.

11. Question 11: Which MySQL tool can you use to visually design a MySQL
MySQL workbench

12. Question 12: When creating a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin, at which
point in the process do you define the length of the data in a column?
When you define the columns in the table

13. Question 13: What is the maximum size of a data file you can import with

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 50


14. Question 14: On which operating systems can you install PostgreSQL?
macOs, windows, linux

15. Question 15: Why would you refresh a materialized view in a PostgreSQL
database before you use it?
The materialized view stores the data, so if you need to use the most current
data you should refresh the view first.

4. Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) 51

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