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Research Report
and Findings:
and Guidelines
for Rail Tunnel
and Rehabilitation
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Research Report
and Findings:
Specifications and
Guidelines for Rail
Tunnel Design,
and Rehabilitation
FTA Report No. 0231
Anna Rakoczy
Stephen Wilk
MaryClara Jones
Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
A subsidiary of the Association of American Railroads
55500 DOT Road
Pueblo, Colorado 81001
Federal Transit Administration
Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Metric Conversion Table
Conversion Table
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 Mg (or "t")
(or "metric ton")
o 5 (F-32)/9 o
F Fahrenheit Celsius C
or (F-32)/1.8
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Industry needs related to rail tunnel design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation were identified by reviewing past tunnel
incidents and discussions with multiple transit agencies. Compilation of past tunnel incidents includes available reports published by the
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and other U.S. and European agencies. The tunnel structural design section covers geotechnical
exploration/investigation, geometrical requirements and clearances, load and load combination, structural material and design considerations,
waterproofing, and seismic design. Selection of tunnel type is based on geometrical configurations, ground conditions, type of crossing, and
environmental requirements, and ground/structure interaction is important in the design process. Good knowledge of the expected geological
conditions is essential. Tunnel structural components should satisfy many limit states: (1) service limit state as restriction on stress, deformation,
and crack width under normal service conditions; (2) fatigue and fracture limit state as restriction on stress range; (3) strength limit state to
ensure strength and stability; and (4) extreme event limit state to ensure the structural survival of a tunnel during a major earthquake, flood,
tsunami, collision, blast, or fire. Special consideration is given to waterproofing systems and seismic design.
a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Unlimited 132
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER
1 Executive Summary
4 Section 1 Introduction
5 Section 2 Industry Need
13 Section 3 Review of Tunnel Literature
69 Section 4 Data Collection
78 Section 5 Site Visits
103 Section 6 Standards Gap Analyses: Structural, Construction, Support
Systems, Inspection & Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
110 Section 7 Conclusions and Findings
113 Appendix A Data Collection Form
121 Appendix B Fire Curves
19 Figure 3-1 Single and double track railroad tunnels (AREMA, Chapter 1, Part 8)
30 Figure 3-2 Cut-and-cover tunneling method – Crenshaw/LAX line from above
31 Figure 3-3 Mined tunneling method
31 Figure 3-4 Tunneling method using TBM
32 Figure 3-5 Example of SEM
32 Figure 3-6 Example of immersed tunneling method – Fehmarn Tunnel construction
33 Figure 3-7 Example of jacked box tunneling method – Liberty University Tunnel,
first jacked box tunnel in U.S.
46 Figure 3-8 Longitudinal ventilation controlling smoke and hot gases
(AASHTO 2016)
46 Figure 3-9 Backlayering of smoke in tunnel where backlayer length is L
(modified from AASHTO 2016)
47 Figure 3-10 Extractive ventilation controlling smoke and hot gases
(AASHTO 2016)
51 Figure 3-11 Photograph of the RTP (DHS 2014)
69 Figure 4-1 Year of service or construction of rail transit tunnels in U.S.
70 Figure 4-2 Age of rail transit tunnels in U.S.
70 Figure 4-3 Percentage of tunnels that have been rehabilitated
71 Figure 4-4 Percentage of tunnels with each rail mode
71 Figure 4-5 Percentage of tunnels constructed with each construction method
72 Figure 4-6 Number of transit agencies with tunnels performing tunnel
inspection at different time intervals
72 Figure 4-7 Percentage of transit agencies with tunnels that have risk assessment
73 Figure 4-8 Types of structural design manuals and number of agencies using
74 Figure 4-9 Number of structural design manuals used and number of agencies
using them
74 Figure 4-10 Types of manuals for supporting system design and number of
agencies using them
75 Figure 4-11 Number of supporting system design manuals used and number of
agencies using them
75 Figure 4-12 Types of inspection manuals and number of agencies using them
76 Figure 4-13 Number of inspection manuals used and number of agencies using
17 Table 3-1 Applicable Manuals and Guidelines for Geotechnical Exploration and
20 Table 3-2 Load Designations (AASHTO LRFD)
20 Table 3-3 Load Combinations (AASHTO LRFD)
21 Table 3-4 Load Combinations (LA Metro Rail)
23 Table 3-5 Applicable Manuals and Guidelines for Load and Load Combinations
23 Table 3-6 Other Literature That Addresses Structural Load
25 Table 3-7 Applicable Manuals and Guidelines for Structural Materials
26 Table 3-8 Allowable Infiltration
28 Table 3-9 Applicable Manuals and Guidelines for Seismic Design
This report was prepared for the Center for Urban Transportation Research
(CUTR) by Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI), a subsidiary of the
Association of American Railroads (AAR), Pueblo, Colorado. It is based on
studies conducted by TTCI with the direct participation of CUTR to criteria
approved by them. The contents of this report imply no endorsements
whatsoever by TTCI of products, services, or procedures, nor are they intended
to suggest the applicability of the test results under circumstances other than
those described in this report. The results and findings contained in this report
are the sole property of CUTR. They may not be released by anyone to any
party other than CUTR without the written permission of CUTR. TTCI is not a
source of information concerning these tests, nor is it a source of copies of this
report. TTCI makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied,
with respect to this report or its contents. TTCI assumes no liability to anyone
for special, collateral, exemplary, indirect, incidental, consequential, or any
other kind of damages resulting from the use or application of this report or its
The tunnel security and risk assessment section presents various standards,
guidelines, and regulations regarding tunnel security and risk along with tunnel
support systems. These two areas are combined because tunnel supporting
systems are typically required for security and risk reasons.
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), NFPA 502: Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and Other
Limited Access Highways, 2010.
EU (European Union), Commission Regulation (EU) No 1303/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning
the technical specification for interoperability relating to “safety in railway tunnels” of the rail
system of the European Union. Brussels, Belgium, 2014.
The next section covers data collection on the rail transit tunnels in service in
the U.S. and practices used by U.S. transit agencies. The results show that at
least 17 transit agencies have tunnels and utilize a wide range of inspection
practices and manuals for design, inspection, and maintenance. The purpose
of the data collection was to (1) determine which standards are being used and
(2) summarize general tunnel characteristics, such as age, condition, shape,
construction method, and so on. The range of inspection frequencies in tunnels
varies from one week to six years, and some agencies did not provide this
information. The most common inspection manual used by transit agencies
is the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)/Federal Transit Administration
(FTA) Tunnel Inspection Manual. Other manuals used by transit agencies include
the Tunnel Operations, Maintenance, Inspection, and Evaluation (TOMIE)
Manual, Department of Transportation (DOT) Inspection Manual, and Agency
Five transit agencies were selected to visit and to discuss their current practices
related to new tunnel design and inspection and maintenance of existing
tunnels. The following transit agencies were visited: San Francisco Bay Area
Rapid Transit (BART), Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
(LA Metro), MTA-New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA), Massachusetts Bay
Transportation Authority (MBTA), and Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority (WMATA). Some visits focused on new tunnel design and others on
the inspection and maintenance of existing tunnels and rehabilitation/retrofit.
Topics discussed for new structures included geotechnical aspects, structural
type, and challenges during construction. The discussion for existing tunnels
focused on the inspection techniques and frequencies, common inspection
findings, and recommendations for new design tunnels.
The literature review, site visits, and data collection support analysis of the
needs and gaps in rail transit tunnel design, construction, maintenance, and
rehabilitation standards. Summary tables are provided for each main topic and
available standards, guidelines, and reports.
NTSB Reports
NTSB investigated the following three tunnel incidents. While passenger rail is
the focus of the report, freight rail and roadway incidents are also included due
to the low amount but high impact nature of tunnel incidents. Each description
contains a summary of the incident and corresponding NTSB recommendations.
The probable cause of the incident was summarized in the report as follows:
NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board), Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority L’Enfant
Plaza Station Electrical Arcing and Smoke Accident, NTSB/RAR-16/01. Washington, DC, 2016.
• R-15-7: Audit all rail transit agencies that have subway tunnel environments
to (1) assess the state of repair of tunnel ventilation systems, (2) assess
written emergency procedures for fire and smoke events, (3) assess
training programs to ensure compliance with these procedures, and (4)
verify that rail transit agencies apply industry best standards, such as
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 130,4 Standard for Fixed
Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems, in maintenance procedures
and emergency procedures.
• R-16-01: Issue regulatory standards for tunnel infrastructure inspection,
maintenance, and repair, incorporating applicable industry consensus
standards into those standards.
• R-16-02: Issue regulatory standards for emergency egress in tunnel
NFPA, NFPA 130: Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems, Quincy, MA, 2017.
FTA, National Public Transportation Safety Plan, Washington DC, 2017.
NFPA 130, op. cit.
USDOT (U.S. Department of Transportation), Recommended Fire Safety Practices for Rail Transit
Materials Selection, Washington, DC, 1998.
NTSB, CSX Freight Train Derailment and Subsequent Fire in the Howard Street Tunnel in Baltimore,
Maryland, on July 18, 2001, Railroad Accident Brief, NTSB/RAB-04/08, Washington, DC, 2004.
While the fire occurred on a freight line carrying material that would not be
present along transit lines, the need for maintenance records and emergency
preparedness is relevant to all types of tunnels and crisis situations.
The NTSB investigation determined the probable cause of the accident was the
breaking of a collector shoe assembly on the train when it struck a line switch
box cover, which had fallen from an earlier train. The report also mentioned
inadequate coordination between BART and the Oakland and San Francisco fire
departments, inadequate following of an emergency response plan, a lack of
passenger carbody design to limit or prevent fire from entering the interior, the
release of smoke from the tunnel into the gallery walkway from open doors, and
the plastic materials used in the construction of the transit cars produced heavy
smoke and toxic fumes.
NTSB made several recommendations to the BART district, APTA, and Urban
Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) (currently FTA), including but not
limited to:
NTSB, Bay Area Rapid Transit District Fire on Train No. 117 and Evacuation of Passengers while in the
Transbay Tube, Railroad Accident Report, NTSB-RAR-79-5, Washington, DC, 1979.
• On March 24, 1999, the Mont Blanc Tunnel fire resulted in 39 fatalities
and many injuries due to a fire originating in a truck carrying flour and
margarine. The Mont Blanc Tunnel is a 7.3-mile (11.6-km) single-bore tunnel
with bidirectional traffic that connects France and Italy. The truck in which
the fire started stopped in the tunnel and the temperature quickly rose to
1,832°F (1,000°C). Both fire detection systems were delayed from a lack of
alarm on the French side and a turned-off alarm on the Italian side due to
false alarm issues. The airflow in the tunnel was believed to be traveling
from Italy to France, allowing truckers and passengers on the Italian
side to escape but engulfing the French side in toxic smoke. An Italian
operator decided to introduce oxygen instead of extraction, which fueled
the fire and compounded the adverse effects on the French side. Another
contributing factor was known ventilation deficiencies that had not been
repaired before the incident.
• On May 29, 1999, a fire in the Tauern Road Tunnel resulted in 12 fatalities
and 42 injuries. The Tauern Road Tunnel is a 4-mile (6.5-km) single-bore
tunnel in Austria. The fire started due to collision between a truck and
a stationary vehicle waiting at a traffic signal. This incident eventually
NFPA 130, op cit.
Partly due to these fires, the European Union passed directive 2004/54/EC on
April 29, 2004,11 on road tunnel safety. Additionally, the European Union passed
directive 2008/168/EC on safety in railway tunnels on July 3, 2008, and it was
updated November 18, 2014, with Commission Regulation No. 1303/2014.12
The 1996 and 2008 fires closed the Channel Tunnel for 7 and 16 hours,
respectively. Both incidents occurred on trains carrying heavy goods vehicles
and resulted in minor passenger injuries due to smoke inhalation. The 2006
fire resulted in a minor shutdown time. The authors of this report are unaware
of any action taken in response to these fires. The lack of fatalities during the
tunnel fires was partially attributed to the three-tunnel layout of the Channel
Tunnel, as opposed to a single-tunnel system such as the Mont Blanc, Tauern
Road, and St. Gotthard Tunnels.
EU, Directive 2004/54/EC on minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the Trans-European Road
Network. Brussels, Belgium, 2004.
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
The authors of this report are unaware of any push for additional regulations
after the incident; however, it gives an example of how improper construction
techniques can result in tunnel collapses.
Tunnel Flooding
Tunnel flooding from rainstorms, hurricanes, or dam breaks can cause damage
exceeding billions of dollars. In recent decades, two significant subway flooding
events occurred in the United States: the Chicago flood in 1992 and Hurricane
Sandy in New York City in 2012 (DHS 2014).13
The Chicago flooding was caused by piling driven into the Chicago River bottom
producing a leak in the tunnel causing damage to city property estimated at
nearly $2 billion. The damage from flooding due to Hurricane Sandy is estimated
to be tens of billions of dollars.
• Use of materials that can withstand fire temperatures and not contribute to
toxic smoke and gases
• Adequate installation of ventilation and agency employee knowledge of
best practices for ventilating tunnels during fire, smoke, or gas incidents
• Adequate measures to ensure passenger egress from tunnels and
emergency responder access points
• Adequate emergency response plans for agencies and emergency
responders and proper communication between these parties
• New technologies to mitigate against flooding risks
While emergency response in rare but high-risk events is a significant focus, the
industry has additional daily operational needs. The following list was compiled
based on discussions with U.S. transit agencies:
• Inspection and maintenance guidelines that agencies can use for tunnel
structure integrity and supporting systems
• Dynamic movement from train vibrations or seismic events
• New technologies that can be implemented to improve tunnel safety and
that could be used for inspections
DHS (U.S. Department of Homeland Security), Resilient Tunnel Project, DHS Science and Technology
The literature review is divided into six sections based on the topics:
The tunnel security and risk assessment section describes agency planning
for and response to incidents instead of the equipment that will be used
(supporting systems). This also incorporates security and emergency response.
The specified 150-year design life is appropriate for the design of tunnel
geotechnical features and soil-structure-interaction-systems given high
capital costs of rehabilitation and replacement and the likely importance to
the transportation network. Internal structures such as roadway slabs and
suspended ceilings as well as system components, such as signs, piping, and
their supports; communication and signal devices; and ventilation equipment
that are more easily replaced, may have design lives assigned to them by the
According to LA Metro Rail Design Criteria and New York City Transit Authority
(NYCT) Structural Design Guidelines DG452a, the tunnel structures are to be
designed for 100 years. The criteria that must be met include crack width and
crack control, concrete composition, waterproofing, and corrosion control of
rebar and structural steel.
The AASHTO LRFD tunnel structural components should satisfy the following
limit states:15
• The service limit state as restriction on stress, deformation, and crack width
under regular service conditions.
• The fatigue and fracture limit state as restriction on stress range as a result
of repetitive machinery or ventilation loads at the number of expected
stress range cycles.
AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), LRFD Road Tunnel
Design and Construction Guide Specifications, Publication Code LRFDTUN-1, First edition, 2017.
• The strength limit state taken to ensure that strength and stability, both
local and global, are provided to resist the specified statistically significant
load combinations that a tunnel and its component parts are expected to
experience in its design life.
• The extreme event limit state taken to ensure the structural survival of a
tunnel during a major earthquake, flood, tsunami, collision, blast, or fire, or
when an immersed tunnel is subject to sinking vessels or anchor drag loads
possibly during, or in conjunction with, a scour event.
Geotechnical Exploration/Investigation
The first step for railway tunnel design will always be geotechnical investigation
of ground conditions. Geotechnical investigations are critical for proper planning
of a tunnel. Selection of the alignment, cross-section, and construction methods
is influenced by the geological and geotechnical conditions, as well as the site
constraints. Knowledge of the expected geological conditions is essential.
FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), Technical Manual for Design and Construction of Road
Tunnels – Civil Elements, Publication No. FHWA-NHI-10-034, December 2009.
AREMA (American Railway Engineering Maintenance-of-Way Association), Manual for Railway
Engineering, Chapter 1 – Roadway and Ballast, Part 8 – Tunnels, 2017.
FHWA’s technical manual for tunnels18 and AASHTO’s LRFD road tunnel guide19
provide phases of the geotechnical investigation program:
FHWA-NHI-10-034, op. cit.
Table 3-1 Applicable Manuals and Guidelines for Geotechnical Exploration and
Document Applicability
FHWA-NHI-10-034, December 2009, Technical Manual for Design
Direct application
and Construction of Road Tunnels – Civil Elements
AASHTO LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction Guide
Direct application
Specifications, First Edition, 2017
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 8, Part 11 – Lining
Direct application
Railway Tunnels
Essex, Randall J. Geotechnical Baseline Reports for Underground Supplementary
Construction: Guidelines and Practice. New York: ASCE, 1997 information
Raines, Gregory L. Geotechnical Investigations for Mechanical Supplementary
Tunneling. American Society for Civil Engineering. information
International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). Bedrock
Classification System. Basic Geotechnical Description of Rock
Masses, 1980.
International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). Bedrock
Classification System. “Suggested Methods for the Quantitative
Description of Discontinuities in Rock Masses,” International
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics
Abstracts 15: 319–68. 1977.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Geophysical Exploration for
Engineering and Environmental Investigations. EM 1110-1-1802,
August 1995.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Geotechnical Investigations. Supplementary
EM 1110-1-1804, January 2001. information
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Laboratory Soils Testing. Supplementary
EM 1110-2-1906, November 1980, updated August 1986. information
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Soil Sampling. EM 1110-1-1906, Supplementary
September 1996. information
U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Geotechnical Earthquake Supplementary
Engineering. FHWA H1-99-012, December 1998. information
U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Geotechnical Supplementary
Instrumentation. FHWA H1-98-034, October 1998. information
U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Subsurface Investigations. Supplementary
FHWA HI-97-021, November 1997. information
FHWA-NHI-10-034, op. cit.
AASHTO LRFDTUN-1, op. cit.
NFPA 502, op. cit.
AREMA Manual 2017, Chapter 1, op. cit.
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
AASHTO LRFDTUN-1, op. cit.
LA Metro Rail specified more load cases within the Live Load LL group that are
specific for rail tunnels:
Also, other specifics to the rail operation load were defined, such as:
Table 3-4 describes load combinations used in the LA Metro Rail standard.
Load combination relating only to tension in prestressed concrete substructures with the objective
Service IV
of crack control.
Service V Load combination relating only to control of uplift and concrete tension during derailment.
Load combination relating only to segmental bridges, with no live loads and full temperature
Service VI
Fatigue and fracture load combination relating to repetitive live load and dynamic response for
Fatigue I
transit and roadway vehicles.
Fatigue and fracture load combination relating to repetitive live load and dynamic response for
Fatigue II
transit and roadway maintenance and permit vehicles.
NYCT Structural Design Guidelines (DG 452A)28 defined train axle loads on subway
tracks. Also, the guidelines provide tables with maximum values of shear,
moment, and floor beam reaction due to train load on various span lengths
from 6 to 100 ft (1.8 to 30 m). In addition, the impact and centrifugal forces (if
applicable) should be added to the dead load and train load.
Other applicable manuals and guidelines for load and load combinations are
listed in Table 3-5 and additional literature addressing structural load is listed in
Table 3-6.
LA Metro Rail Design Criteria Section 05 Structural/Geotechnical.
NYCT (New York City Transit), DG 452A Structural Design Guidelines: Subway and Underground
Structures, Issue No. 3, November 24, 2015.
Table 3-5 Applicable Manuals and Guidelines for Load and Load Combinations
Document Applicability
AASHTO LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction Guide Specifications, First Edition, 2017. Direct application
LA Metro Rail Design Criteria Section 05 Structural/Geotechnical. Direct application
NYCT DG 452A Structural Design Guidelines: Subway and Underground Structures Issue No. 3,
Direct application
November 24, 2015.
Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE/SEI 7-16),
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), describes the means for determining dead, live, soil, Supplementary
flood, tsunami, snow, rain, atmospheric ice, earthquake, and wind loads, and their combinations information
for general structural design.
Design Loads on Structures during Construction (ASCE/SEI 37-14), American Society of Civil Supplementary
Engineers (ASCE). information
International Existing Building Code and Commentary, International Code Council, ICC IEBC-2015.
California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2 (Volumes 1 & 2 - Includes Parts 8 & 10), International Code Supplementary
Council, ICC CBC-2016. information
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Engineering and Design, Tunnels and Shafts in Rock. Supplementary
EM 1110-2-2901, May 1997. information
Concrete Structures under Impact and Impulsive Loading. Information Bulletin No. 187, Supplementary
International Federation for Structural Concrete, August 1988. information
LA Metro Rail Design Criteria29 provide details about structural materials, for
Other applicable manuals and guidelines for structural materials are listed in
Table 3-7.
LA Metro Rail, op. cit.
AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction), Steel Construction Manual: Load and Resistance
Factor Design, Third edition, 2001.
NYCT DG 452A, op. cit.
Waterproofing must be designed to resist the anticipated hydrostatic pressures
and negative effects of groundwater infiltration. There are two basic types of
waterproofing systems: drained (open) and undrained (closed).
Permanent walls that do not have applied waterproofing, along with slurry
walls, secant pile walls, and tangent pile walls used as the temporary support of
excavation, should be subject to the permissible leakage criteria.
The allowable water infiltration values listed in Table 3-8 are based on criteria
obtained from the International Tunneling and Underground Space Association
(ITA), Singapore’s Land Transport Authority, Singapore’s Public Utilities Board,
Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Rail Corporation, and the German Cities Committee,
as well as criteria used by various projects in the United States (e.g., Washington
D.C., San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston, Baltimore, Buffalo) and others abroad
(Melbourne, Australia, Tyne & Wear in the UK, and Antwerp, Belgium) for both
highway and transit tunnels.
The WMATA Standard Specifications (Section 7) allow for water leakage at rates
of 0.08 to 0.14 gallons per 250 linear feet of tunnel, depending on the type of
tunnel structure. Earlier tunnel designs did not incorporate a waterproofing
membrane within the final tunnel liner construction nor in the station area.
Significant water infiltration and corrosion were common problems with the
previous design. WMATA adopted the new waterproofing method in 1983/1984
as part of a construction contract value engineering change proposal when
it decided to utilize the SEM, also known as New Austrian Tunneling Method
(NATM), for the Outer B Route.
At final cast-in-place liner construction joints and certain other locations, PVC
water stop is attached to the membrane by heat welding. The water stop is used
to define discrete liner segments (typically 50 ft long). After the waterproofing
geomembrane has been installed, grout pipes are placed at specified locations
prior to pouring the final concrete lining. The final concrete liner is then poured
directly against the installed waterproofing system. If water intrusion later
becomes a problem, these pipes can be accessed to inject a grout material that
will seal the leak and provide an additional waterproof barrier.
Seismic Design
The tunnel structures should be designed to accommodate the deformations
imposed by the ground. The structure must provide a high level of assurance
for protection of life safety during and after a maximum design earthquake
(MDE), or a safety evaluation earthquake (SEE). This earthquake produces
the maximum level of ground motion for which a structure is to be designed
or evaluated. The structure must also provide a high level of assurance of
continued operation during and after a functionality evaluation earthquake
Applicable manuals and guidelines for seismic design are listed in Table 3-9 and
supplementary documents are listed in Table 3-10.
Document Applicability
Youd, T. L., and I. M. Idriss, eds. Proceedings of the NCEER Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Supplementary
Resistance of Soils. Technical Report NCEER-97-0022, National Center for Earthquake Engineering information
Research, 1997.
Wang, J. Seismic Design of Tunnels: A Simple, State-of-the-Art Design Approach, William Barclay Supplementary
Parsons Fellowship, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Monograph 7, 1993. information
U.S. Department of Transportation, Seismic Design Considerations for Mass Transit Facilities, Supplementary
Publication No. DOT-T-94-19, 1994. information
Tunnel Construction
Railway tunnel construction incorporates the physical construction process
of the tunnel. This section includes tunnel construction methodologies and
relevant aspects for tunnel construction.
• Ground condition
• Required clearance
• Economics
• Environment and available land around the portals
• Risk
Many rail tunnel construction aspects are similar to those typically used for
road tunnel construction, so the material either overlaps or is similar. A notable
exception is clearance, as that aspect is railroad specific. Another exception
is tunnel finish, as the aesthetic of the tunnel finish is not as important for
railroads as for roadways.
Tunnel Shape
The shape of railroad tunnels can vary and will depend on the depth, subsurface
conditions, and surrounding structures. The existing literature does not specify
or recommend tunnel shapes but lists the various types and typical situations in
which each tunnel shape is used.32
• Bored tunnels are constructed using TBMs without disturbing the ground
• Rock tunnels are excavated through the rock by drilling and blasting, by
mechanized excavators in softer rock, or by using rock TBMs (Figure 3-4). In
certain conditions, SEM is used.
• Immersed tunnels (Figure 3-6) are made from very large precast concrete
or concrete-filled steel elements that are fabricated in the dry, floated
to the site, placed in a prepared trench below water, connected to the
previous elements, and then covered up with backfill.
• Jacked box tunnels (Figure 3-7) are prefabricated box structures jacked
horizontally through the soil using methods to reduce surface friction.
Jacked tunnels are often used for shallow depths where the surface must
not be disturbed, such as beneath runways or railroad embankments. By
using this method, flat tunnel structures can be built underneath existing
infrastructure without affecting traffic on the surface.
Figure 3-7 Example of jacked box tunneling method - Liberty University Tunnel,
first jacked box tunnel in U.S.
Tunnel Lining
Lining railway tunnels is important for maintaining the structural tunnel
integrity and preventing the negative effects of groundwater infiltration.
• AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering Chapter 8, Part 1137 – Covers cast-in-
place concrete and shotcrete with steel sets
• LA Metro Rail – Cast-in-place concrete, precast segmental concrete,
fabricated steel, and shotcrete38
SRT TSI39 Section states that the integrity of the tunnel lining must
be maintained during a fire to allow for the safe evacuation of passengers.
SRT TSI Section states the same but for the tunnel’s structure. More
information about fire resistance of tunnel structures is presented in the Tunnel
Supporting Systems section of this report.
Tunnels are often lined with concrete and internal finish surfaces. Some rock
tunnels are unlined except at the portals and in certain areas where the rock is
USACE (U.S Army Corps of Engineers), Rock Reinforcement, EM 1110-1-2907, Washington DC,
February 1980.
USACE, Tunnels and Shafts in Rock, EM 110-2-2901, Washington DC, May 1997.
Bischoff, J. A., and J. D. Smart. “Method of Computing Rock Reinforcement System which is
Structurally Equivalent to an Internal Support System,” Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of Rock
Mechanics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, September 22-24, 1975, 179-184.
AASHTO LRFDTUN-1, op. cit.
AREMA, Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 8, Part 11 – Lining Railway Tunnels, 2017.
LA Metro Rail, op. cit.
less competent. In this case, rock reinforcement is often needed. The following
types of linings are described in more detail in FHWA’s technical manual for
• Cast-in-Place Concrete
• Precast Segmental Lining
• Steel Plate Lining
• Shotcrete Lining
• Selecting a Lining System
LA Metro Rail has established the general requirements and design procedures
for tunnel linings utilizing FHWA’s technical manual for tunnels,41 Chapter 10 –
Tunnel Lining, current edition, which incorporates LRFD.
The TOMIE Manual42 recommends tunnel linings to have the following attributes:
enhance visibility, be fire-resistant, not generate toxic fumes during fire,
attenuate noise, and be easy to clean.
Refuge niches are another aspect that can be included in tunnel linings. In the
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, refuge niches are described as openings
within the tunnel lining that can be used to store equipment and people
temporarily. Chapter 8, Part 11 (Section 8.11.27)43 states that refuge niches
should be placed at intervals of 200 ft (60 m) and staggered with opposite sides
so the spacing of niches is approximately 100 ft (30 m) apart. The niche size
should protect people and maintenance equipment. However, material should
not be stored in refuge niches.
Chapter 12, Part 4 of the AREMA Manual44 specifies that hazardous materials
arise as problems in two instances: design and construction. Hazardous soil
materials must be properly identified, transported, and removed. Gases must
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
FHWA-NHI-10-034, op. cit.
FHWA, Tunnel Operations, Maintenance, Inspection, and Evaluation (TOMIE) Manual, Publication No.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, July 2015.
AREMA Manual 2017, Chapter 8, op. cit.
Ibid, Chapter 12, Part 4.7 Rail Transit – Tunnels.
be detected using air quality detection systems and removed using ventilation
• Airflow requirement of 100 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per total equipment
diesel brake horsepower plus 200 cfm per person in tunnel.
• Linear air velocity requirement is 60 feet per minute.
• Carbon monoxide requirement is below 20 parts per million (ppm),
nitrogen dioxide below 5 ppm, less than 20% for any flammable gas such as
methane, and between 19.5 and 22% for oxygen.
The NFPA 13046 code focuses on passenger rail stations, trainways, and
vehicles, emphasizing enclosed trainways, which would cover rail transit
tunnels. The NFPA 50247 code focuses on general highway locations with limited
access, which would cover roadway tunnels. Both NFPA documents cover fire
protection and fire and life safety requirements. The scope of the SRT TSI48
includes preventing or mitigating the risks related to evacuation or rescue
operations following a tunnel-specific railway incident. This means the codes
have different scopes and focus on different topics. Specifically, the NFPA codes
focus on fire prevention or mitigation, and the European SRT TSI codes focus on
passenger evacuation. However, there are common sections in these codes and
much overlap.
Ibid, 2017, Chapter 1, op. cit.
NFPA 130, op. cit.
NFPA 502, op. cit.
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
AREMA Manual 2017, Chapter 12, op. cit.
SRT TSI Section states that unauthorized access should be prevented
to technical rooms, and emergency exits should be locked from the outside
but always allowed to open from the inside.50 NFPA 130 and NFPA 502 do not
cover this topic specifically, but the egress specifications in the documents are
detailed in the next section.51
SRT TSI Section states that safe areas should be located every 0.62 mi (1
km) and specifies size, length of survivable conditions, egress, door clearance,
communication, lighting, and signage. SRT TSI Section states that escape
walkways should be of a certain size and have handrails.
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
NFPA 502, op cit.
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
120 minutes. The fire curves are described in Appendix B of this report. SRT
TSI Section states that tunnel lining and surrounding structures must
withstand temperatures of fire for sufficient periods. This period must be in
accordance with evacuation scenarios included in the emergency plan. SRT
TSI Section states that the integrity of the tunnel lining should be
maintained during a fire to allow for the safe evacuation of passengers. SRT TSI
Section states the same but for the tunnel structure.
The SRT TSI requirements are more general, in which the fire resistance should
be determined based on location, type of traffic, and so on. The NFPA standards
assume a tanker truck of 50 m3 of fuel with a fire load of 300 megawatts
that lasts for 120 minutes, which is an assumption for road trucks and not
necessarily applicable for railway vehicles. The SRT TSI guidelines suggest using
the EUREKA curve (see Appendix B).
NFPA 130 Section 6.2 is dedicated to fire resistance and preventive measures
during construction. This includes the use of standpipes during construction
(6.2.1), types of material that can be used for each construction method (6.2.2),
walkways (6.2.6), and multiple other railway components. NFPA 220, Standard
on Types of Building Construction, is a common reference for fire resistance of
construction materials.
NFPA 502 provides fire protection and life safety requirements for road tunnels,
such as protection of structural elements, fire detection, communication
systems, traffic control, fire protection, tunnel drainage system, emergency
egress, and electrical and emergency response.
SRT TSI Section states that construction products and building elements
inside tunnels should comply with 2000/147/EC standards. These products
include liners and all other non-structural products. NFPA 502 does not cover
this topic.
Fire Detection
Fire detection systems are installed in tunnels to quickly communicate to the
operations control center and emergency responders that a fire is present
within a tunnel. All three documents cover fire detection. NFPA 130 Section 6.4.4
states that automatic heat and smoke detectors should be installed at traction
power substations and signal bungalows. NFPA 502 Section 7.4 states manual
and/or automatic alarms should be present depending on tunnel length and
type. For tunnels with manual fire alarms, the alarms should be present every
300 ft (90 m) and at every cross-passage and means of egress. These alarms
should be installed, inspected, and maintained in compliance with NFPA 72,
National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. Automatic fire detectors should be able
to locate fire within 50 ft (15 m) and correspond to tunnel ventilation zones.
SRT TSI Section states that fire detectors in technical rooms are required
for tunnels longer than 0.62 mile (1 km) and that they should alert infrastructure
managers in case of fire.
The International Fire Code (IFC)54 provides minimum regulations for fire
prevention and fire protection systems using prescriptive and performance-
related provisions.
Maevski, I., Guidelines for Emergency Ventilation Smoke Control in Roadway Tunnels, National
Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP Research Report 836, Transportation Research
Board, 2017.
video cameras attached for visual confirmation and can detect fires
within 60 seconds (the fastest based on current testing). Disadvantages
include nuisance (false) alarms from welding, lightning, and so on, and a
long detection range that allows a fire to be detected by multiple devices,
making it difficult to determine the exact fire location.
• Spot-type heat detectors: These devices are more traditional and
include many types such as duct smoke detectors, projected beam-type
smoke detectors, and heat detectors. Advantages include being readily
available, not requiring specialized contractors, and being inexpensive.
Disadvantages include difficulties with reducing nuisance alarms to detect
fires quickly.
Using two or more alarm systems enhances fire detection capabilities and
tunnel fire safety. Care should be taken when using automatic devices, as
conditions can rapidly change.
SRT TSI Section 4.2.7 states the number of firefighting points be determined
based on the tunnel length and type of rolling stock. These firefighting points
should be equipped with sufficient water supply and accessible to emergency
response units.
Train control technologies are important for reducing the number of incidents
within tunnels. Chapter 12 Section of the AREMA Manual mentions
coordinating signals between equipment rooms, trackside equipment, and
emergency communications. In addition, there should be an equipment room
with emergency communication capabilities and emergency telephones along
escape walkways.
Electricity Supply
Keeping a backup electricity supply is imperative to ensure supporting systems
have the power to function as intended during emergencies if the primary
power source shuts down. NFPA 130 Section 6.4.8 and NFPA 502 Section
12.4 state that emergency power must be in accordance with Article 700
of NFPA 70.56 NFPA 130 states that emergency lighting, protective signaling
systems, emergency communication systems, and the fire command center
should be covered. NFPA 502 states that emergency power should cover the
following: emergency lighting, tunnel closure and traffic, exit signs, emergency
communication, tunnel drainage, emergency ventilation, fire alarm and
detection, closed-circuit television (CCTV) or video, and firefighting. SRT
TSI Section states that the electricity supply should be sufficient for
emergency response.
NFPA, NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC), 2017.
Electrical Cables
As with the electricity supply, ensuring the electric cables are protected and
working during an emergency is imperative to maintaining power for support
systems to function as intended. NFPA 502 Section 12.2 states that all cable and
conductors should be moisture resistant and heat resistant with temperature
ratings that correspond to the conditions of application. Additionally, all wiring
should be listed as fire-resistant and low smoke-producing. NFPA 502 Section
12.3 states that cables and conductors should be protected through metallic
armor/sheath, metal raceways, electric duct banks embedded in concrete, or
other approved methods. The cabling in certain locations, such as supply air
ducts, should have fire-resistant and low smoke-producing characteristics. SRT
TSI Section states that all exposed cables must have low flammability,
low fire spread, low toxicity, and low smoke density characteristics.
Emergency Lighting
Tunnel lighting during an emergency is needed for passenger egress. NFPA 130
Section 6.3.5 states that the illumination of emergency walkways should be
2.7 lx or greater, and exit lights, essential signs, and emergency lights should
be in accordance with NFPA 70. NFPA 502 Section 12.6 states that electrical
systems should be in accordance with NFPA 70,57 NFPA 110,58 and NFPA 11159
and that emergency lights, exit lights, and essential signs should be included
in the emergency lighting system and powered by an emergency power
supply. Additional standards include wiring, no greater than 0.5 seconds of
light interruption, illumination levels between 1 and 10 lx, and maximum-
to-minimum illumination ratios of 40 or less. SRT TSI Section states
that for tunnels greater than 0.31 mi (0.5 km), emergency lighting must
guide passengers and staff to a safe area and have an alternative power
supply. Additional topics include lighting location, the position of lights, and
illuminance of at least 1 lx.
NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 2010.
NFPA 111: Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 2016.
Other relevant documents for lighting and emergency lighting are ANSI/IEEE-
ANSI C2,60 ANSI/IES RP-22,61 CIE 88:2004,62 and CIE 193:2010.63 Two documents by
the Illuminating Engineering Society include:
Electrical Safety
The following codes are relevant to electrical safety:
During an incident that releases heat, smoke, or other toxic emissions, a
ventilation system is necessary to provide a non-contaminated environment
for passenger evacuation and to facilitate firefighting and rescue operations.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IEEE-ANSI C2-2017, National Electric Code
Lighting, 2017.
IES (Illuminating Engineering Society), ANSI/IES- RP-22, Standard Practice for Tunnel Lighting, 2011.
CIE (Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage), Guide for the Lighting of Road Tunnels and
Underpasses, Technical Report CIE 88:2004, 2004.
CIE, Emergency Lighting in Road Tunnels, Technical Report CIE 193:2010, 2010.
There are multiple types of ventilation systems that have specific benefits and
downsides, depending on the tunnel characteristics. This section discusses
ventilation during emergencies; ventilation in non-emergency situations is
discussed in the Tunnel Construction section of this report.
The authors are unaware of standards for tunnel ventilation during transit
tunnel operations because natural ventilation from the piston effect of the
passing train is generally considered sufficient for electrically powered vehicles
(third rail). Tunnels with operations of diesel-powered vehicles may require
different ventilation needs. Ventilation may also be used during inspection and
maintenance on an as-needed basis.
NFPA 130 and NFPA 50264 cover emergency ventilation requirements for road
tunnels and can be supplemented by NCHRP Report 836,65 which states that
the best practices mentioned do not apply to railway tunnels. However, both
the NFPA 130 and NCHRP 836 documents can serve as a foundation for what is
required for railway tunnels. The authors are unaware of European standards,
as SRT TSI does not cover emergency ventilation.
There are three major forms of railroad tunnel ventilation: (1) piston effect with
an open-ended tunnel, (2) piston effect with a portal gate, and (3) mechanical
ventilation with a portal gate (AREMA). TOMIE66 suggests five main types of
ventilation: natural, longitudinal, semi-transverse, full-transverse, and single-
The longitudinal ventilation concept directs smoke inside the tunnel in the
opposite direction of egress by completely pushing the smoke to one side
of the fire (preferably applied to non-congested unidirectional tunnels). It
introduces air into or removes smoke and gases from the tunnel at a limited
number of points, primarily by creating longitudinal airflow through the
length of the tunnel from one portal to another. This can be accomplished
by injection, central fans, jet fans, nozzles, or some combination. The system
must generate sufficient longitudinal air velocity, called critical velocity, to
prevent backlayering of smoke. A diagram of longitudinal venting is illustrated
in Figure 3-8 and a diagram of backlayering is displayed in Figure 3-9. NFPA 502
states that longitudinal systems must (a) prevent backlayering by producing
a longitudinal air velocity that is calculated based on critical velocity in the
NFPA 502, op. cit.
NCHRP Report 836, op. cit.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, op. cit.
direction of traffic flow, and (b) avoid disruption of the smoke layer initially by
not operating fans that are located near the fire site, and operating fans farthest
from the site first.
Figure 3-8 Longitudinal ventilation controlling smoke and hot gases (AASHTO 2016)
Figure 3-9 Backlayering of smoke in tunnel where backlayer length is L (modified from
AASHTO 2016)
NFPA 502, op. cit.
Figure 3-10 Extractive ventilation controlling smoke and hot gases (AASHTO 2016)
The design also should incorporate fire scenarios and fire profiles; station and
trainway geometries; the effects of elevation, elevation differences, ambient
temperature differences and ambient wind; a system of fans, shafts, and devices
for directing airflow in stations and trainways; a program of predetermined
emergency response procedures capable of initiating prompt response from
the operations control center during a fire emergency; and a ventilation system
reliability analysis that, as a minimum, considers electrical, mechanical, and
supervisory control subsystems.
Chapter 12 Part 4 of the AREMA Manual68 states that fire is considered the worst
type of crisis because the confined nature of a tunnel can trap passengers,
heat, and gases. Underground transit tunnels must provide ventilation plants
for bidirectional air movement and meet required flow characteristics. These
plants must communicate so they can blow smoke in the opposite direction
of the evacuation route. Fire mains and access for firefighters must be
incorporated into the design.
Chapter 1 Part 8 Section of the AREMA Manual lists the following
thresholds for air contaminants:
AREMA Manual 2017, Chapter 12, op. cit.
Maevski, I. Design Fires in Road Tunnels. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP
Synthesis 415, Transportation Research Board, 2011.
World Road Association-PIARC, Integrated Approach to Road Tunnel Safety R07, 2007.
NFPA 92B: Standard for Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, and Large Spaces, 2015.
AMCA (Air Movement and Control Association International), AMCA Fan and Air System Applications
Handbook, June 2012.
• Airflow of 100 cubic ft per minute (cfm) per total equipment diesel brake
horsepower plus 200 cfm per person in tunnel.
• Minimum linear airflow velocity is 60 ft/minute.
• Air quality alarms should be set if the following requirements are exceeded:
20 parts per million (ppm) for carbon monoxide, 5 ppm for nitrogen
dioxide, 20% for methane or other flammable liquid, and an oxygen level
below 19.5% or above 22%.
Some advantages of FFFS are protecting tunnel users and structure and
supporting rescue and firefighting in the early stages of a fire. Some
disadvantages include reduced visibility, destruction of smoke stratification, a
slippery environment, and possible reduction in ventilation effectiveness. Due
to the interaction between ventilation and FFFS, the two systems should be
coordinated to prevent reduced effectiveness of both systems during a fire. Two
types of water-based FFFS systems per NCHRP Report 83673 include:
Fusible link or high expansion foam sprinkler systems are also available but less
Drainage should be considered during all phases of the tunnel life span to
prevent the negative effects of groundwater. In case of toxic or flammable
materials spills, proper drainage prevents the material from spreading.
NFPA 130 does not mention drainage. NFPA 520 states that a tunnel drainage
system should be provided to collect, store, or discharge effluent from the
NCHRP Report 836, op. cit.
Chapter 8 of the AREMA Manual74 states that vertical and diagonal openings,
trench drains, PVC, or iron pipe drains should be installed between the concrete
lining and rock whenever groundwater is encountered to port water away from
the tunnel structure. This drainage should consider groundwater constituents to
discourage the formation of precipitates or adverse chemical reactions that may
plug or damage the drainage system.
The flooding of the New York City subway system during Hurricane Sandy
resulted in damages upward of $10 billion. As a result, new technologies to
mitigate flooding damage have been proposed and tested. While hurricanes and
storms represent the primary motivation, flooding from other sources such as
dam breaks also apply.
AREMA Manual, 2017, Chapter 8, op. cit.
FRA, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 213 – Track Safety Standards. 49 CFR 213, October 2011.
FRA, Track and Rail and Infrastructure Integrity Compliance Manual, Volume IV, Chapter 1, Bridge
Safety Standards, January 2015.
EU 1302/2014, op. cit.
NFPA 130, op. cit.
One technology currently being tested during the assembly of this report
is a Resilient Tunnel Plug (RTP) developed by ILC Dover, working with the
Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate,
Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and West
Virginia University. The Plug is essentially a resilient balloon stored near the
track that rapidly inflates to plug the tunnel when activated (Figure 3-11). While
the RTP was originally designed for subway floods, it could also be used to
mitigate against the spread of smoke, fire, and chemical/biological agents.
Spinoff technologies from the RTP, which uses high-strength Vectran® fabric,
involve gates, walls, and covers for stairwells, portals, and other entrances.
Video Surveillance
Video surveillance can play many roles in tunnel security by detecting and
identifying trespassers, smoke, and fires. Advances in CCTV and video analytics
allow specialized detection systems to optimize security. These can include
object detection and classification, which allows the video analytic software
to differentiate between trains, animals, and human trespassers, determine
direction flow, and count people to help aid emergency response.
Multiple companies provide video analytic systems. To date, the authors are
unaware of any best practices for these types of systems that can be used for
transit tunnels.
International Technology Scanning Program, Underground Transportation Systems in Europe: Safety,
Operations, and Emergency Response, Report No. FHWA-PL-06-016, June 2006. https://international.
Tunnels present themselves as threat targets for a wide range of antisocial
activities for various reasons. These reasons can range from vandalism and
trespassing to terrorist attacks because some tunnels represent a chokepoint in
a transportation system.
Risk analysis and management are essential for any underground project.
Major risk categories include construction failures, public impact, schedule
delay, environmental commitments, failure of the intended operation and
maintenance, technological challenges, unforeseen geotechnical conditions,
and cost escalation.
It its Recommended Practice for tunnel security, APTA (2015) lists the following
potential threats:80
• Explosive
• Chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR)
• Improvised incendiary device (IID), fire, arson
• Sabotage
• Cyber attack
• Maritime accident
Table 3-13 and Table 3-14 list threats and the associated consequences
produced inside a tunnel structure. The tables also list potential mitigation
techniques for each threat (from APTA 2015).
APTA, Tunnel Security for Public Transit, APTA Standards Development Program Recommended
Table 3-13 Potential Consequences from Each Tunnel Threat (APTA 2015)
Structural Extended
Fire/ Utility Public
Threats Flooding Integrity Contamination Loss of
Smoke Disruption Health
Loss Use
Explosive (small, large) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
CBR ✓ ✓ ✓
IID, Fire, Arson ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sabotage ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cyber ✓ ✓
Maritime Incident ✓ ✓ ✓
Other documents that have recommendations on tunnel security are the AREMA
Manual for Railway Engineering (Chapter 12.4) and SRT TSI.
Some tunnel security designs include emergency call stations (ECS), global
positioning systems (GPS), automated vehicle locator (AVL), positive train
control (PTC), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
Chapter 12.4 of the AREMA Manual treats security differently from safety, as
security involves preventing undesired access or undesired acts by individuals
with antisocial intent. Mitigations typically involve locks, alarms, and making
access difficult.
Due to the complex nature of emergencies and the multiple agencies that must
participate, many agencies must participate and coordinate in developing or
approving emergency response plans. These agencies include the following
(NFPA 130, 2017):
• Ambulance services
• Building department
• Fire department
• Medical service
• Police department
• Public works
• Sanitation department
• Utility companies
• Water supply
• Local transportation companies
• Red Cross, Salvation Army, and similar agencies
SRT TSI Section 4.4.2 states that an emergency plan should (1) be developed
under the direction of the Infrastructure Manager, in cooperation with the
emergency response services and the relevant authorities for each tunnel; (2)
be consistent with the self-rescue, evacuation, firefighting, and rescue facilities
available; and (3) include detailed tunnel-specific incident scenarios adapted to
local tunnel conditions.
The AREMA Manual Chapter 12.4 lists many tunnel crises: stalled trains, loss of
power, derailments, collisions, and fires. Coordinated egress and emergency
escape routes should be designed into tunnels to evacuate passengers.
SRT TSI83 covers two main types of incidents. The first type is called “hot”
incidents and covers fire, an explosion followed by fire, or emission of toxic
gas and smoke. These incidents are especially dangerous, as there is a time
constraint on passenger evacuation because of the hostile environment. The
second type is called a “cold” incident and covers collisions, derailments, and
fires that have been extinguished. These incidents are dangerous but do not
have the same time constraints of “hot” incidents. However, passenger panic in
a “cold” incident can lead to dangerous scenarios.
The AREMA Manual (Chapter 1, Part 8) specifies the following potential defects:
concrete spalls, rock falls, drainage, icing, and timber sets. Further details
about tunnel inspection checklists can be found in the AREMA Bridge Inspection
SRI TSI Section 4.5 covers maintenance rules for railway tunnels. This
includes identifying elements subject to wear, failure, aging, or other forms of
deterioration or degradation; specifying the limits of use of elements subject to
deterioration and describing measures to prevent this deterioration; identifying
elements relevant to emergencies; and periodic checks of the emergency
equipment to ensure proper functioning.
EU 1303/2014, op. cit.
AREMA Bridge Inspection Handbook, Chapter 11 – Tunnel Inspection, 2010.
Tunnel inspection requires multiple-disciplinary personnel familiar with various
functional aspects of a tunnel, including civil/structural, mechanical, electrical,
drainage, and ventilation components, as well as some operational aspects
such as signals, communication, fire-life safety, and security components. The
inspectors should be certified and know inspector responsibilities.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, op. cit.
FHWA developed the National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS),86 the TOMIE87
Manual, and the Specifications for National Tunnel Inventory (SNTI)88 to help
safeguard tunnels and to ensure reliable levels of service on all public roads. The
NTIS contains the regulatory requirements of the National Tunnel Inspection
Program (NTIP); the TOMIE Manual and SNTI have been incorporated by reference
into the NTIS to expand upon the requirements. The TOMIE Manual is a resource
for aiding the development of tunnel operations, maintenance, inspection,
and evaluation programs; it provides uniform and consistent guidance. The
SNTI contains instructions for submitting the inventory and inspection data to
FHWA, which will be maintained in the National Tunnel Inventory (NTI) database
to track the conditions of tunnels throughout the United States. The general
requirements of the program can be summarized as follows:
FHWA, Rule 80 FR 41349, 23 CFR Part 650, National Tunnel Inspection Standards, 2015.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, op. cit.
FHWA, Specifications for the National Tunnel Inventory, Publication No. FHWA-HIF-15-006, July 2015.
time and consist of clear, concise, factual notification of events and appropriate
sketches. Field records, notes, and the inspection database must be maintained
in one location.
The three types of field notes required for effective inspection of tunnels are:
The NTIS 23 CFR Part 650 Subpart E89 is a minimum standard for the proper
safety inspection and evaluation of all highway tunnels in accordance with
23 U.S. Code § 144(h) and the requirements for preparing and maintaining an
inventory in accordance with 23 U.S. Code § 144(b).
FHWA, Rule: 80 FR 41349, op. cit.
To track the conditions of tunnels throughout the United States and to ensure
compliance with NTIS, FHWA established an NTI database to contain all
the initial tunnel inventory and inspection data. The preliminary inventory
includes data items described in the specifications for the NTI (incorporated by
reference, see 23 CFR § 650.515) for all tunnels subject to NTIS by December 11,
NTI is an inventory of all highway tunnels subject to NTIS that includes the
preliminary inventory information, reflects the findings of the most recent
tunnel inspection conducted, and is consistent and coordinated with the
specifications for NTI.
NCHRP, Best Practices for Implementing Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Tunnel Inspection,
NCHRP Project 20-07, Task 261 Final Report, October 2009.
NCHRP, Development of Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Existing Highway and Rail Transit Tunnels,
NCHRP Project 20-07, Task 276 Final Report, July 2010.
AREMA Handbook, op. cit.
Inspection Reports
Inspection reports are formal summaries of inspection findings for each
element and system that was inspected. The report should be submitted in
accordance with written procedures established by the tunnel inspection
organization and the owner. The completed report should be furnished to the
tunnel owner, along with any repair recommendations.
Evaluation of Tunnels
The cost of maintaining and improving tunnel systems must be balanced
against available funding. Resources are limited for making repairs and
upgrades; therefore, repairs must be evaluated and prioritized to make
informed investment decisions. Evaluations are normally performed after the
inspection data are received. Sound engineering judgment is used to evaluate
the consequences of tunnel system or component failure in terms of overall
safety, service level, and costs. In some instances, supplementary inspections
and testing may be needed where data are lacking. Risk assessment techniques
should include strategies for deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and
cost-effectively disposing of tunnel system components.
Tunnel Rehabilitation
The most significant problem in constructed tunnels is groundwater intrusion.
The presence of water in a tunnel, especially if uncontrolled and excessive,
accelerates corrosion and deterioration of the tunnel liner. Electrical,
mechanical, and drainage systems could also be affected.
Groundwater Intrusion
Groundwater intrusion can be mitigated either by treating the ground outside
the tunnel or by sealing the inside of the tunnel. Selecting the proper repair
procedures and products for the project’s conditions, such as the degree
of leakage into the tunnel from the defect, is key to the success of a leak
containment program. Typically, the tunnel defects that cause leakage are
construction joints, liner gaskets, and cracks that are the full depth of the liner.
• Liner – The most common way to seal a tunnel liner is to inject a chemical
or cementitious grout. The grout can be applied to the outside of the
tunnel to create a “blister” type repair that seals off the leak by covering
the affected area. Grout selection depends on the groundwater inflow and
chemical properties of the soil and water.
• • Cracks and joints – The most common method of sealing leaking cracks
and joints is to inject a chemical or particle grout directly into the crack or
joint. This is accomplished by drilling holes at a 45-degree angle through
the defect. The holes are spaced alternately on either side of the defect at
a distance equal to half the thickness of the structural element. The drill
holes intersect the defect and become the path for injecting the grout
into the defect. All holes must be flushed with water to clean any debris
from the hole and the sides of the crack or joint before injection to ensure
proper bonding of the grout to the concrete.
For joints that move, only chemical grout is appropriate. The joint or crack
movement will fracture any particle grout and cause the leak to reappear. In
situations where the defect is not subject to movement and is dry at the time
of repair, epoxy grout can be injected into the defect in the same manner that
concrete is structurally re-bonded.
Three types of resin are typically available for injecting into tunnel structural
cracks: vinyl ester resin, amine resin, and polyester resin. Amine and polyester
resins are best suited for the structural re-bonding of cracks in tunnels. Both
resins are unaffected by moisture during installation and will bond surface-
saturated concrete.
Steel Repair
Structural steel is commonly used at tunnel portals, to support internal
ceilings, columns, and segmental liners, and as standoffs for tunnel finishes.
The most recent version of the American Welding Society’s Structural Steel
Welding Code AWSD1.1/D1.1 should be utilized for the construction of all welded
steel connections. Repairs to rivets and bolting must comply with AASHTO
Masonry Repair
The restoration of masonry linings composed of clay brick or ashlar (dimension)
stone consists of repointing deficient mortar. The repointing of masonry joints
involves raking out the joint to a depth of approximately 1 in (2.54 cm). Once the
joint has been raked clean and all old mortar removed, the joints are repointed
with a cementitious mortar or with a cementitious mortar fortified with an
acrylic bonding agent.
Another more frequent cause for the need to repair unlined rock tunnels is
falling rock fragments, which become loose and drop onto the roadway over
time. There are many ways to prevent this from occurring, the most common
of which is to scale (remove) all loose rock from the tunnel roof and walls
The repair technique of ceiling hangers depends on the type of defect. If the
hanger rod, clevis, turnbuckle, or connection pins are broken or damaged, they
can be replaced with similar components that match the requirements for the
environment and the strength requirements of the support system.
The repair of loose connections at the tunnel arch is of primary concern. The
recommended repair for failed adhesive anchors is to replace them with
undercut mechanical anchors.
15 16
14 13
Number of Tunnels
8 8
5 6
1 1 1
Years in Service
Number of Tunnels
11 11
9 9 10
7 8 7
3 4
2 1
Figure 4-3 shows the percentage of tunnels that experienced some sort of
rehabilitation. The results show about 20% of U.S. rail transit tunnels have been
rehabilitated, 47% have not, and 33% are unknown. The “yes” response includes
both full and partial rehabilitation.
Rail Mode
Figure 4-4 shows the rail mode that passes through each tunnel. Most tunnels
(58%) have heavy rapid rail service. The rest have lower values of light rail (24%)
and commuter rail (15%) service.
Construction Methods
Figure 4-5 shows various construction methods used by agencies. The
percentages do not add up to 100% because more than 40% of tunnels
had multiple construction methods. The results show the most common
construction method was cut-and-cover, with significant portions constructed
using shield-driven or boring methods.
Inspection Frequencies
Concerning the frequency of tunnel inspections, Figure 4-6 shows that just over
half of transit agencies with tunnels inspect their tunnels within a one- to three-
year range (9 out of 17 = 50%). Two agencies (12.5%) inspect at shorter and
longer intervals than the one- to three-year range.
Figure 4-7 Percentage of transit agencies with tunnels that have risk
assessment plans
Structural Design
Transit agencies with tunnels use a wide range of structural design manuals,
These standards are used about equally (Figure 4-8), and many transit agencies
use multiple standards (Figure 4-9) or only their agency standards, which
may be comprehensive and reference the general standards. The 56% of
tunnel agencies without codes (9 out of 16) either do not plan on designing
or constructing new tunnels in the near future or may outsource design to
consulting companies.
Figure 4-8 Types of structural design manuals and number of agencies using
American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14),
Farmington Hills, MI, 2018.
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, PCI Design Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete, 8th
edition, Chicago, IL, 2017.
American Institute of Steel Construction, Steel Construction Manual, 14th edition, Chicago, IL, 2011.
Figure 4-9 Number of structural design manuals used and number of agencies
using them
Supporting Systems
For supporting systems design, similar distributions are found in Figure 4-10 and
Figure 4-11, but additional sources are used, such as NFPA 13096 and local codes.
Figure 4-10 Types of manuals for supporting system design and number of
agencies using them
NFPA 130, op. cit.
Figure 4-11 Number of supporting system design manuals used and number of
agencies using them
Tunnel Inspection
The three most common manuals and standards for tunnel inspections are the
FHWA/FTA manual,97 TOMIE Manual,98 and agency standards (Figure 4-12 and
Figure 4-13).
Figure 4-12 Types of inspection manuals and number of agencies using them
FHWA/FTA, Highway and Rail Transit Tunnel Inspection Manual, 2005.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, op. cit.
Figure 4-13 Number of inspection manuals used and number of agencies using
Transbay Tube Overview
The Transbay Tube is a 3.6-mi (5.8-km) BART underwater rail transit tunnel
connecting the Market Street Subway in San Francisco with the West Oakland
Station in Oakland. Construction began in 1965 and the tunnel opened for
operations in 1974.
Geological Investigation
To determine the profile underneath the San Francisco Bay, numerous boring
and test programs were conducted prior to construction. The geological profile
was determined to be heterogeneous with different layers of alluvium and
Structural Design
The Transbay Tube has a concrete liner that is sealed by a 0.625-in (16-mm) steel
shell. The individual sections were connected using welds.
The tunnels consist of a slab track rail transit line powered by a 1,000-volt third
rail located on the outside of the tunnel away from the corridors. A 2.5-ft
(0.76-m) walkway is located on the side near the inner corridor.
Seismic Retrofit
Water intrusion is an important aspect in every tunnel. If leakage occurs, electrical
issues may arise. The biggest challenge with the Transbay Tube is the variable
stratigraphy underlying the tunnel that can produce a differential site response
during an earthquake and may cause sections of the tunnel to pull apart.
Liquefaction of the backfill material is a concern in that it would cause sections
of the tube to become buoyant and rise. Reduced friction between the tube and
backfill material would also cause added movement at the seismic joints. Further,
inadequate welds holding the sections together may not sufficiently resist the
tensile forces, potentially resulting in ruptures and major leaks.
On the interior of the tube, BART began a major retrofitting initiative in March
2013, which involved installing heavy steel plates at various locations inside the
tube that most needed strengthening (in four sections of 1 mi/1.6 km length total)
to protect them from sideways movement in an earthquake. The 3.6 long tons
(4,000 lb), 2.5-in (64-mm) thick plates are bolted to the existing concrete walls and
welded together, end-to-end. Figure 5-1 shows the prefabricated plates.
The two side layers of the plates were installed in 2013. In December 2016,
BART awarded a $267 million contract to perform further seismic retrofitting.
In this phase, a new steel liner and higher-capacity pumps will be installed to
reduce the possibility of the tube flooding, as the existing pumps would not be
adequate in the worst-case seismic event. Other materials besides steel liners
were considered in this project, but steel liners proved to be the best choice for
the seismic retrofit.
Work is projected to begin in the summer of 2018 and is scheduled to take more
than two years to complete. Service through the tube would be reduced or
eliminated during the first and last three hours of the service day. The project’s
goal is to improve the strength of the structural components of the tunnel to
resist seismic activities.
Supporting Systems
The upper gallery of the Transbay Tube houses the ventilation system typically
used only in emergency situations. Other supporting systems are lighting,
ventilation, drainage pumps, and fire detection systems. The tunnel is also
equipped with an accelerometer-based seismic monitoring system.
Tunnel Maintenance
Since the structure was completed in 1969, minimal maintenance has been
required on the Transbay Tube, except for some minor spalling of the lower
gallery floor concrete, minor leaks, and rusty pumps. Typical and most common
maintenance includes performing regular track maintenance; cleaning out
sumps; cleaning out dust; replacing light bulbs; inspecting pumps for proper
operation; checking upper gallery exhaust dampers for proper operation
(monthly); and performing other low-key activities.
Cathodic protection is used to control the corrosion of the metal surface of the
Transbay Tube. Structural inspection is performed every 24 months using BART
agency standards. Track inspection is performed according to FRA standards.
The Fremont Central Park subway includes a mile-long tunnel under Fremont
Central Park, an embankment for the BART trackway, two ventilation structures,
and the relocation of recreational facilities within Fremont Central Park. The
contract work area extends from just south of Walnut Avenue, under Stevenson
Boulevard and Fremont Central Park, including a portion of Lake Elizabeth, and
to the east side of the Union Pacific Railroad freight tracks just north of Paseo
Padre Parkway. The site visit focused on the underground subway structure of
the extension.
Geological Investigation
Prior to subway design, a geological investigation was performed, which
included the following activities:
Major construction on the Warm Springs Extension (WSX) began in August 2009
with the commencement of the Fremont Central Park Subway Contract. The
Subway Contract was completed in April 2013. Major construction of the design-
build Line, Track, Station, and Systems contract, which began in October 2011,
was completed in the summer of 2016. The Warm Springs Extension opened for
revenue (passenger) service on March 25, 2017, following a period of rigorous
testing and California Public Utilities Commission approval.
The cut-and-cover method was used for constructing the subway based on the
geological conditions and depth of the structure (relatively shallow). The lake
depth at the location of the subway is only 6 ft (1.8 m).
Two types of excavation support systems were used during construction: sheet
piles and cement deep soil mixing walls with soldier piles. Before excavation,
a grout plug layer of up to 25 ft thick was constructed below the subway box
A seasonal work restriction from October to April for Lake Elizabeth work
activities presented a scheduling challenge. In addition, bird nesting (several
Structural Design
The design was performed in accordance with BART facility standards. Four
seismic joints in the subway (two at each ventilation structure) were designed to
mitigate potential movements during seismic activities.
The noise due to train operations was analyzed along the track using FTA
criteria. Noise mitigation measures included the use of sound walls and acoustic
wall treatments.
Waterproofing System
The waterproofing system was designed for roof slab, base slab, and walls. It
consists of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sheet (16 mils), geo-composite
mesh (called miracle mesh), poly rubber gel (minimum 90 mils), and water-
soluble membrane. During construction, the waterproofing system for the
blind side application on the exterior box walls was exposed to sunlight, high
temperatures up to 100°F, and sometimes extensive rain. These extreme
weather conditions caused some sagging of the waterproofing poly rubber gel.
The solution was to eliminate or minimize the waterproofing system exposure
by doing smaller sections and covering them with protective white sheeting that
reflects sunlight. The waterproofing system on walls that were damaged due to
sunlight was repaired prior to pouring concrete.
Other Systems
The gravity drainage system was designed with pumps located at the low point
of the subway under Lake Elizabeth.
The ventilation system was designed to pull smoke away from passenger egress
routes no matter the location of the fire. The system includes two ventilation
structures, each containing two fans, and it was tested along with the
emergency response drills prior to the subway opening. While it was determined
the piston effect is sufficient for ventilation during operations, the ventilation
system is still often used during rail grinding maintenance.
The Warm Springs Extension subway is equipped with a seismic alarm system
in the event of quake activity and an automatic train control system to ensure
safety by monitoring train movements. In addition, the subway has a security
system that consists of video cameras, an imaging processing system, and an
intrusion detection system.
Tunnel Maintenance
The Warm Springs Extension was opened on March 25, 2017. The periodic
inspection methods used in the subway include visual inspections, ultrasonic
inspections, and track geometry runs. The interval of inspection depends on the
system requirements.
Geological Investigation
Prior to design and construction, geological investigations were carried out that
involved sampling using sonic coring methods. This method is more expensive
than typical sampling, but it was used to obtain higher quality samples using
soil penetration techniques that strongly reduce friction on the drill string
and drill bit due to liquefaction, inertia effects, and a temporary reduction of
porosity of the soil. High-quality soil sampling helps minimize ground surface
settlement, which LA Metro considered a high priority. Samples were obtained
from 4–6 in (102–152 mm) diameter boreholes that extended 20 ft (6.1 m) below
the bottom of the tunnel (80 ft/24.4 m below the surface) to ensure that the
lower layers of soil would not present any problems. Geological investigation
revealed large deposits of natural gas, which had to be dealt with during design
and construction.
Three excavation methods were used for the underground lines: cut-and-cover,
TBM, and SEM. The cut-and-cover method was used for transition lines that
connect below-grade track to at-grade track and stations. TBM was used to
connect two below-grade stations, and SEM was used for the cross passages in
the TBM tunnel.
The cut-and-cover method presented many issues because the line was planned
directly underneath existing road structures and disruption of traffic flow had
The Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is used to excavate tunnels with a circular
cross-section through various soil and rock strata. Urban tunneling, such as the
Crenshaw/LAX line, requires the ground surface to be undisturbed. This means
that ground subsidence and subsequent collapse must be avoided. TBMs with
positive face control, such as earth pressure balance (EPB) machines, were used
in such situations. EPB tunneling reduces the risk of surface subsidence and
voids if operated properly and the ground conditions are well documented.
The machine operates by first excavating the soil in 5-ft (1.5-m) increments. This
is done in a controlled manner that maintains a specified face support pressure,
as shown in Figure 5-6. Afterward, pressure is maintained in the inner tunnel
to reduce changes in the surrounding stress state and a liner is immediately
installed. The purpose is to prevent changes in the stress state of the soil around
the tunnel, therefore minimizing surface settlement.
To ensure settlement reduction and to avoid sinkholes, the surface was highly
instrumented and minimal settlement was recorded throughout the project.
The only location with settlements above the projected goal was an area in
which the TBM had temporary issues and had to be fixed.
Structural Design
The TBM Crenshaw/LAX tunnel (Figure 5-7) consists of two circular tunnels
with concrete lining and cross passages. LA Metro used its own agency design
standards for the design, with multiple references to the general design
standards such as AASHTO LRFD, ACI, PCI, and AISC. In addition, LA Metro had
a tunnel committee with three experts from academia who provided valuable
comments to the project design.
Three aspects of vibration due to train movement were considered in the design
process: passenger comfort, adjacent structures that could be affected, and the
natural frequency of supporting systems. A special track design using springs
was implemented to mitigate the potential side effects of track vibration.
Seismic Design
The seismic design keeps the tunnel in the elastic range for an ordinary
earthquake, allowing for minimal plastic hinging in the occurrence of a
maximum design earthquake (MDE) or a safety evaluation earthquake (SEE).
Seismic joints were also incorporated into the tunnel. Tunnel lines were also
designed to be perpendicular to any known faults.
Supporting Systems
The ventilation system includes booster fans installed in ceilings of certain
underground segments for smoke control and four emergency fans installed
in each underground station that can be activated from the rail control center,
stations, or fan rooms. The station emergency fans have two modes: high-
power mode for emergencies and low-power mode for typical use. The low-
power mode is continuously on to vent any dirt, soot, or other contaminants
that are believed to come down from the surface of stations. The fans must be
turned on sequentially during emergencies to avoid overloading the electrical
trespassers. The emergency response plan will be available after the tunnel is
open for operation.
Mechanical standards used for design are NFPA, AMCA, ASHRAE, and NYCT-CPM
Design Guidelines (DGs), 302 (Subway Emergency Ventilation Facilities), 303
(Pump Rooms), and 312 (Flood Resiliency).
Structural Type
The shape of the tunnel is mostly dictated by the construction method. Shallow
construction usually uses the cut-and-cover method, resulting in a rectangular
structure. Construction in rock uses the mining method and usually results in
a cavern structure with an arch ceiling and flat base. Deep construction using a
TBM results in a circular structure.
The tunnel’s liners are cast-in-place or precast liners depending mostly on the
ability to deliver concrete to the location. NYCT’s tunnels typically do not receive
any finish. Stations have architectural finishes.
Supporting Systems
NYCT uses both drained and undrained tunnels. Track drains are installed and
spaced at 50-ft (15-m) intervals within the track bed. Catch basins drain to a
sump. Sumps are provided with three pumps—one emergency and two smaller
Passive ventilation from the piston effect due to train movement is used
for daily operations, and mechanical ventilation uses fans and dampers for
emergency situations. Bidirectional axial fans are typically installed to control
fire/smoke in tunnels.
For train control (signals), the Second Avenue Subway (SAS) Phase 1 is built
with conventional wayside signaling system. SAS Phase 2 will be built with
communication-based train control (CBTC), and MTA-NYCT will retrofit Phase 1
with CBTC.
The biggest challenge is the coordination and integration between contracts
and between trades. Changes during construction usually have cost and
schedule impacts and are performed under change orders.
Maintenance Handbook
Each contract provides Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals and
conducts training sessions on all systems installed under the contract.
Figure 5-9 Example of leakage and corrosion on beam (view from station)
Other inspection findings include missing bolts, concrete spalling, and corrosion
of steel components. The deterioration is more visible near ventilator banks.
After each inspection, the action items are sent to the maintenance group for
repairs. If the items are small and low budget, the in-house group will perform
scheduled maintenance. If the findings are complex and require a higher budget
and more expertise, the project will be awarded to an outside contractor.
Due to operational demands, the challenges for inspection and maintenance are
related to the available time and clearance. It is difficult to perform inspections
in short periods during non-revenue hours. It is also very difficult to obtain
exclusive track rights and construction time for more complex projects. The
Supporting Systems
The most common issue for tunnel supporting systems is security intrusions
from stations and emergency exits.
The primary purpose of structural rehabilitation is to restore structural
elements (steel/concrete— beams, columns, ceilings, walls, etc.) to a state of
good repair and to protect against future deterioration.
New materials are similar and generally compatible with historical materials
(primarily structural steel and concrete). New steel is normally of higher
strength than historic steel; likewise, new concrete, with additives to enhance
durability, control shrinkage, and facilitate placement in remote and difficult-to-
access locations.
The subway system has three heavy rail rapid transit lines (Red, Orange, and
Blue Lines) and two light rail lines (Green Line and Ashmont–Mattapan High-
Speed Line, designated an extension of the Red Line).
FHWA/FTA Manual, op. cit.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, op. cit.
Other issues related to tunnel exploitation are brake dust and trash collection,
as both can lead to a fire in a tunnel.
Figure 5-10 Leak on tunnel wall, deteriorated concrete, and exposed rebar
The purpose of rehabilitation is to restore structural elements to a state of
good repair. MBTA is looking for a rating system to help schedule its tunnel
rehabilitation. Some tunnels are already 100 years old and will require major
repairs soon.
MBTA has not performed a full rehabilitation on any of its tunnels. The largest
maintenance work performed was to replace some steel columns that were
The old allowable stress design compared actual and allowable stresses,
whereas LRFD compares required strength to actual strengths. The difference
between looking at strengths versus stresses does not present much of a
problem since the difference is normally just multiplying or dividing both sides
of the limit state inequalities by a section property, depending on which way
you are going. However, there are more differences between ASD and LRFD, the
second major difference involving how the relationship between applied loads
and member capacities is handled. The LRFD specification accounts separately
for the predictability of applied loads using load factors applied to the required
strength side of the limit state inequalities and for material and construction
variabilities through resistance factors on the nominal strength side of the limit
state inequality. The ASD specification combines the two factors into a single
factor of safety. By breaking the factor of safety into the independent load and
resistance factors (as done in the LRFD approach), a more consistent effective
factor of safety is obtained, which can result in safer or lighter structures,
depending on the predictability of the load types being used.102
The WMATA tunnels are not in a seismic zone so the design does not cover
seismic load.
The tunnel liners are usually cast-in-place concrete, but there is also a small
percentage of steel liners (~5 %) and precast liners (~5 %). WMATA tunnels do not
receive finish even within the station area.
The risk assessment plan is created during the design and construction phase.
Every new tunnel project has a general geological consultant to develop a
comprehensive geotechnical study, including a water table profile.
Changes are considered at different stages during the design and construction
process, and if the proposed change is beneficial, it could be implemented.
Waterproofing System
The waterproofing system is important in every underground structure.
Depending upon the construction type, different waterproofing systems are
used in WMATA tunnels. For example, the TBM tunnel waterproofing is installed
between two layers of concrete liners (precast concrete initial lining and cast-in-
place concrete final lining). The waterproofing membrane consists of geotextile,
Supporting Systems
Every tunnel contains a drainage pipe beneath the track slab that discharges
water by gravity to a drainage pumping station located at the lowest points
in the tunnel profile. Tunnels have passive ventilation shafts to handle the
piston effect from train movement and mechanical ventilation systems
consisting of ducts, shafts, and fans for emergency situations. Fans may be
reversible and centrally controllable to direct the airflow away from stranded
trains. Emergency procedures for trained operational personnel and regular
ventilation maintenance checks, testing, and repairs are essential to ensure fans
work properly during an incident.
Emergency Response
Emergency response procedures and an emergency response plan are
prepared for each new tunnel. Emergency response drills are performed in
the tunnel itself and in a training tunnel and train simulator. The tunnel is used
by the agency and other outside fire and rescue agencies. WMATA owns the
training tunnel that was designed to provide a realistic training environment
for fire, police, and emergency response departments from local and national
jurisdictions. Located at the Carmen Turner Facility in Landover, Maryland, the
facility is available for emergency response departments to use in mock fire
and rescue exercises, disaster drills, and other simulations. The tunnel training
facility is the first one built in the United States.
WMATA is also interested in new technologies that will help estimate steel
component thickness and percentage of corrosion. The steel liner panels are
usually 0.5-in (12.7-mm) thick and the steel ribs are 1-in (25.4-mm) thick. The
corrosion could start on the side that is not visible, making them difficult to
inspect; therefore, a technology that can help estimate the remaining steel
thickness will be valuable for evaluating structures for rehabilitation.
WMATA has not performed a full rehabilitation of any of its tunnels. The biggest
maintenance work effort involved replacing structural steel panels that were
severely corroded. WMATA does not have any plans for major rehabilitations in
the foreseeable future.
Structural Design
The rail transit tunnel structure should be designed for a specified limit state
to achieve the objectives of constructability, safety, and serviceability with
respect to inspectability, maintenance, and economy issues. The first edition
of AASHTO’s LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction Guide Specifications,
published in 2017, is the most comprehensive structural design document for
tunnels. Despite being focused on road tunnels, AASHTO provides complete
lists of load and load combinations, design requirements for structural
materials, geotechnical information, initial ground support details, ground
stabilization/improvement, and seismic considerations. Further, the reference
details cut-and-cover structures, mined/bored tunnels, and immersed tunnels.
All these aspects of road tunnel design are largely applicable to rail transit
tunnel design with consideration to the peculiarities of rail loads, vibration, and
egress requirements. The AASHTO LRFD Guide can be adapted for rail transit
tunnel design. Additional documents that focus on specific aspects of rail tunnel
structural design are listed in Table 6-2.
AASHTO LRFD, op. cit.
NCHRP, Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining Walls, Buried Structures, Slopes, and Embankments,
NCHRP Report 611, Transportation Research Board, 2008.
FHWA-NHI-10-034, op. cit.
AREMA Handbook, op. cit.
FHWA-HIF-15-005, op. cit.
FHWA 23 CFR Part 650, op. cit.
Table 6-2 Additional Documents for Structural Design of Rail Transit Tunnels
Main Topic Documents Applicability
Geometric AASHTO LRFD, 2017, First Edition Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Geometric Transit Agency Standards Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Geometric FHWA-NHI-10-034 Technical Manual for Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Requirements Design and Construction of Road Tunnels –
Civil Elements
Geometric AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Requirements Chapters 1 and 28
Geometric SRT TSI Section 4.2.16 Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Structural AASHTO LRFD, 2017, First Edition Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Component Design
Structural Transit Agency Standards Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Component Design
Structural ACI 318-08 Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Structural ACI-224R Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Structural PCI Design Handbook Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Structural AISC Steel Construction Manual Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Structural AWSD1.1/D1.1 Structural Welding Guide Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Structural ASCE-SEI Design of Wood Structures Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Structural ASTM and ANSI Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Component Design
Seismic Design AASHTO LRFD, 2017, First Edition Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Seismic Design Transit Agency Standards Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Seismic Design NEHRP Requirements Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Seismic Design AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Seismic Bridge Design
Seismic Design NCHRP Report 611 Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Seismic Design AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Chapter 9
Tunnel construction involves excavating the native material and assembling
the tunnel structure in its desired location. The process is highly variable and
depends on geological conditions and the level of disruption allowed in the
surrounding environment.
Support Systems
Supporting systems standards primarily focus on safety to ensure passenger
egress and emergency response access during emergency situations. NFPA
130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems is
recommended as the most relevant supporting system document covering
rail transit tunnels. NFPA 130 is already implemented by many U.S. agencies
or included within their agency standards. NFPA 130 includes fire resistance
of tunnel structures and materials, fire detection systems, firefighting
points, emergency communication and train control, evacuation facilities
and walkways, electrical supply, electrical wiring and installations, security,
emergency ventilation, and emergency response plans. A list of these topics is
shown in Table 6-4.
Table 6-4 Documents That Address Supporting Systems of Rail Transit Tunnels
Main Topic Documents Applicability
Fire Detection, Firefighting, NFPA 130 Section 6.2 – Fire Resistance of Codes/standards and
and Fire Resistance Tunnel Structures and Materials guidelines fully applicable.
Fire Detection, Firefighting, Codes/standards and
NFPA 130 Section 6.4.4 – Fire Detection
and Fire Resistance guidelines fully applicable.
Fire Detection, Firefighting, Codes/standards and
NFPA 130 Section 6.4.5 – Firefighting Points
and Fire Resistance guidelines fully applicable.
Fire Detection, Firefighting, NCHRP Report 836 Section 5 – Fixed Supplementary Standards
and Fire Resistance Firefighting Systems and Guidelines
Codes/standards and
Electrical System NFPA 130 Section 6.4.8 – Electrical Supply
guidelines fully applicable.
NFPA 130 Section 10 – Emergency Codes/standards and
Emergency Systems
Communication and Train Control guidelines fully applicable.
Emergency Systems – NCHRP Report 836 Section 3 – Tunnel Supplementary standards
Ventilation Emergency Ventilation and Smoke Control and guidelines.
Supplementary standards
Security Systems APTA – Tunnel Security for Public Transit
and guidelines.
While NFPA 130 covers the relevant topics in rail transit tunnel supporting
system design, additional supplementary material that expands upon the NFPA
130 standards may be helpful for agencies. For emergency ventilation, NCHRP
Report 836 (2016)110 on roadway emergency ventilation best practices could
be adapted for rail transit tunnel designs. For security, APTA’s Tunnel Security
for Public Transit (2015) or TCRP Report 86/NCHRP Report 525 (2006) on tunnel
security could be updated. The APTA guidelines primarily list the various security
threats and mitigation techniques but do not detail how the technologies could
be implemented. The TCRP Report 86/NCHRP Report 525111 guidelines could be
updated to reflect recent innovations in tunnel security systems.
NCHRP Report 836, op. cit.
TCRP/NCHRP, Making Transportation Tunnels Safe and Secure, TCRP Report 86/NCHRP Report 525,
Volume 12, Transportation Research Board, 2006.
FHWA developed the Specifications for the National Tunnel Inventory (SNTI)112 to
help safeguard tunnels and to ensure reliable service levels on all public roads.
The SNTI contains instructions for submitting the inventory and inspection
data to FHWA, which will be maintained in the NTI database to track tunnel
conditions throughout the United States. It is recommended to follow the FHWA
standard of NTI for rail transit tunnels. A similar approach could be adopted for
FTA’s Transit Asset Management system.
Table 6-5 Documents for Maintenance and Inspection of Rail Transit Tunnels
Main Topic Documents Applicability
AREMA Bridge Inspection Handbook, Chapter 11 –
Inspection Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Tunnel Inspection
FHWA/FTA Highway and Rail Transit Tunnel Inspection
Inspection Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Inspection TOMIE Manual Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Maintenance AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 1.8 Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Maintenance SRT TSI, Section 4.5 Codes/standards and guidelines fully applicable.
Inventory Specifications for the National Tunnel Inventory Supplementary standards and guidelines.
Tunnel rehabilitation is performed to ensure proper serviceability, upgrade
tunnels to meet higher specifications, and repair unacceptable tunnel
performance and conditions.
Like inspection procedures, no industry standards are available for rail transit
tunnel rehabilitation. FHWA’s Technical Manual for Design and Construction of
Road Tunnels – Civil Elements is the only document with guidelines about tunnel
rehabilitation, including many methods of structural repairs for concrete, lining,
steel, and masonry. Despite focusing on road tunnels, the FHWA document
would be a good foundation for developing rail transit standards or guidelines.
A summary of standards and guidelines for all the topics discussed is shown in
Table 6-6. It lists currently available standards and guidelines that rail transit
agencies and construction companies could adopt for design, construction,
support system elements, inspection and maintenance, and rehabilitation of
transit tunnels.
FHWA-HIF-15-006, op. cit.
• Regulations for fire safety and passenger evacuation were made a priority
in the United States after the WMATA smoke incident in 2015 and multiple
road tunnel fires in Europe between 1999 and 2001. Three recent NTSB
recommendations for FTA related to rail transit tunnels are:
– R-15-7: Audit all rail transit agencies that have subway tunnel
environments to (1) assess the state of repair of tunnel ventilation
systems, (2) assess written emergency procedures for fire and smoke
events, (3) assess training programs to ensure compliance with these
procedures, and (4) verify that rail transit agencies apply industry best
standards, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 130
Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems113 in
maintenance procedures and emergency procedures.
– R-16-01: Issue regulatory standards for tunnel infrastructure inspection,
maintenance, and repair, incorporating applicable industry consensus
standards into those standards.
– R-16-02: Issue regulatory standards for emergency egress in tunnel
• In the United States, there are 102 rail transit tunnels owned by 17 public
transportation agencies. Of these tunnels, half are more than 50 years old,
suggesting an aging infrastructure and potential difficulty in retrofitting
with the current best supporting system practices.
• AASHTO’s LRFD Road Tunnel Design and Construction Guide Specifications is
the most comprehensive structural design document that can be adapted
for rail transit tunnel structural design and construction.
• NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
provides standards mostly for supporting system design.
• Modifications of the Recommended AASHTO Guidelines for Emergency
Ventilation Smoke Control in Roadway Tunnels (2016) to focus on rail transit
tunnels would be a beneficial supplement to NFPA 130 for supporting
system design.
• A handbook of best tunnel security practices could be based on APTA’s
Tunnel Security for Public Transit (2015) and TCRP Report 86/NCHRP Report
525 (2006).
• Site visits and agency queries noted tunnel inspection and rehabilitation
are not standardized, but best practices could be based on the TOMIE
Manual and FHWA NHI-10-034 Manual. Practices of rail transit agencies may
NFPA 130, op. cit.
Based on the results of the research and the feedback and suggestions of
CUTR’s Transit Safety Standards Working Group, the following findings are
provided for industry consideration.
If technical specifications can be provided in addition to the answers to the questions, please send
them to [email protected].
3. Does your agency own or operate through railway transit tunnel(s) or have plans to own or
operate through railway transit tunnels in the future? (Yes/No) _____
• Circular
• Horseshoe
• Single-box
Construction method:
• Cut and Cover
• Shield Driven
• Bored
• Drill and Blast
• Immersed Tube
• Sequential Excavation Method
• Jacked Tunnel
• Other_____
• Unlined
• Rock Reinforced (e.g., rock bolts)
• Shotcrete
• Ribbed systems
• Segmental
• Poured concrete
• Slurry Walls
• Other_____
• Ceramic
• Porcelain-Enameled Metal
• Epoxy-Coated Concrete
• Coated Cementboard
• Precast Concrete
• Metal
• Other_____
e. Does the tunnel have a risk assessment plan? If yes, please provide the standard(s)
that was used to develop the risk assessment plan. ____
4. Has your agency designed a new tunnel in the past 10 years, or currently designing a new
tunnel? (Yes/No) _____
a. If yes, please provide the type of tunnel (shape, construction method, liner, finish, and
any other specific information) (select all applicable).
• Circular
• Horseshoe
• Single-box
• Double-Box
• Oval
• Other_____
Construction method:
• Cut and Cover
• Shield Driven
• Bored
• Drill and Blast
• Immersed Tube
• Sequential Excavation Method
• Jacked Tunnel
• Other_____
• Unlined
• Rock Reinforced (e.g., rock bolts)
• Shotcrete
• Ribbed systems
• Segmental
• Poured concrete
• Slurry Walls
• Other_____
• Ceramic
• Porcelain-Enameled Metal
• Epoxy-Coated Concrete
• Coated Cementboard
• Precast Concrete
d. If yes, are there any design/technical/other aspects that were not covered by any
standards? If so, please list them. _____
• Unlined
• Rock Reinforced (e.g., rock bolts)
• Shotcrete
• Ribbed systems
• Segmental
• Poured concrete
• Slurry Walls
• Other_____
• Ceramic
• Porcelain-Enameled Metal
• Epoxy-Coated Concrete
• Coated Cementboard
• Precast Concrete
• Metal
• Other_____
• Circular
• Horseshoe
• Single-box
• Double-Box
• Oval
• Other_____
Construction method:
• Cut and Cover
• Shield Driven
• Bored
• Drill and Blast
• Immersed Tube
• Sequential Excavation Method
• Jacked Tunnel
• Other_____
• Unlined
• Rock Reinforced (e.g., rock bolts)
• Shotcrete
• Ribbed systems
• Segmental
• Poured concrete
• Slurry Walls
• Other_____
• Ceramic
• Porcelain-Enameled Metal
• Epoxy-Coated Concrete
• Coated Cementboard
• Precast Concrete
• Metal
• Other_____
Please provide contact information in case TTCI has any technical questions regarding the
Name: _____
Phone: _____
Email: _____