Vocab Class 35 Vol. 01
Vocab Class 35 Vol. 01
Vocab Class 35 Vol. 01
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Biting (adj.)
used to describe words or people that criticize someone or
something, usually in an unkind way:
He made some biting remarks about the whole occasion.
Incisive (adj.)
expressing an idea or opinion in a clear and direct way
incisive questions/comments
sardonic (adj.)
humorous in an unkind way that shows you do not respect someone or
a sardonic smile/look/comment
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mordant (adj.)
cruel and criticizing in a humorous way:
a mordant remark
abusive (adj.)
using rude and offensive words:
an abusive letter/phone call
Antonyms: Mild, nice, calm, kind
Mild (adj.)
not violent, severe, or extreme:
She can't accept even mild criticism of her work.
He has suffered a mild heart attack - nothing too serious.
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Estrange (verb)
Hindi Meaning: दरू रखना, छडाना, बहहष्कार करना
English Meaning: Cause someone to be no longer on friendly terms
with someone or to cause you to feel that you do not understand
someone or something
Usage: His life style estranged her from her parents.
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Alienate (verb)
to make someone feel that they are different and not part of
a group:
Disagreements can alienate teenagers from their families.
Alien (adj.)
strange and not familiar:
When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me.
Enrage (adj.)
to cause someone to become very angry
He was enraged at the article about him.
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Incense (verb)
to cause someone to be extremely angry:
The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by
my article on class.
Inflame (verb)
to cause or increase very strong feelings such as anger or excitement:
Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the
already angry medical profession.
Disaffect (verb)
make (someone) dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or
a system of control; alienate.
"what these ads do is disaffect the voting public"
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Antonyms: Reconcile, ingratiate, mollify, pacify, placate
Reconcile (verb)
to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to
each other can agree and exist together:
It's difficult to reconcile such different points of view.
Ingratiate (verb)
to make someone like you by praising or trying to please them:
He's always trying to ingratiate himself with his boss.
Mollify (verb)
to make someone less angry or upset:
I tried to mollify her by giving her flowers.
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Pacify (verb)
to cause someone who is angry or upset to be calm and satisfied:
It was difficult for the police to pacify the angry crowd.
Placate (verb)
to stop someone from feeling angry:
Outraged minority groups will not be placated by
promises of future improvements.
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Voluble (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: चंचल, बातूनी
English Meaning: Speaking a lot with confidence and enthusiasm
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Glib (adj.)
speaking or spoken in a confident way, but
without careful thought or honesty:
He's a glib, self-centred man.
Gabby (adj.)
A gabby person talks a lot or too much:
He is pretty gabby: he asks a lot of questions and is always keen to
get into a discussion.
Loquacious (adj.)
Someone who is loquacious talks a lot.
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Garrulous (adj.)
having the habit of talking a lot, esp. about unimportant things:
I had talked too much about myself and felt like a
garrulous old fool.
Expansive (adj.)
very happy to talk to people in a friendly way:
He was in an expansive mood on the night of the party.
Effusive (adj.)
expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way
that shows very strong feeling:
They gave us such an effusive welcome it was quite embarrassing.
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Antonyms: Laconic, shy, reserved, reticent, evasive, introverted
Laconic (adj.)
using very few words to express what you mean:
“I might,” was the laconic reply.
Reticent (adj.)
unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings:
He is very reticent about his past.
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Evasive (adj.)
1st answering questions in a way that is
not direct or clear, especially because you do not want to give
an honest answer:
The Minister was
her usual evasive self, skilfully dodging reporters' questions about
her possible resignation.
2nd done to avoid something bad happening:
By the time the pilot realized how close the plane was to
the building, it was too late to take evasive action.
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