12 CS QB Ch. 1
12 CS QB Ch. 1
12 CS QB Ch. 1
PART 1 7. Pushing an element into stack already having five
elements and stack size of 5, then stack becomes
Objective Questions (a) Overflow (b) Uses flow (c) Crash (d) Underflow
Ans.(a) Any attempt to insert a new element in already full
stack results shows ‘Overflow’.
Multiple Choice Questions
8. In a stack, if a user tries to remove an element from
1. Data structures are empty stack is called
(a) network structures (a) Underflow (b) Overflow
(b) group of data (c) Empty (d) Garbage collection
(c) different types of data Ans.(a) In a stack, if a user tries to remove an element from
(d) different operations on data empty stack is called ‘Underflow’.
Ans.(b) Data structures are group of data that have different
data types, which can be accessed as a unit.
9. Integer, real, character, pointer and reference are
……… data structures.
2. Which of the following is/are linear data (a) primitive (b) non-primitive
structure(s)? (c) linear (d) non-linear
(a) Array (b) Stack (c) Queue (d) All of these Ans.(a) Integer, real, character, pointer and reference are
Ans.(d) Stack, queue and array all are linear data structures. primitive data structures. Primitive data structures are
3. ………… of data structure means processing all the directly operated by machine level instructions.
data elements of it. 10. Pile of books is an example of ……… .
(a) Traversal (b) Searching (a) stack (b) queue (c) array (d) linked list
(c) Insertion (d) Merging Ans.(a) Pile of books is an example of stack.
Ans.(a) Traversal of data structure means processing all the
data elements of it. l
Case Based MCQs
4. Which data structure is needed to convert infix 11. Direction Read the case and answer the following
notation to postfix notation? questions.
(a) Branch (b) Tree Mr. Rajeshwar has created a stack whose size is
(c) Queue (d) Stack fixed for 10 elements and wants to perform some
Ans.(d) Stack is needed to convert infix notation to postfix operations on it. He wants to push certain elements
notation. and pop some elements from it. He is confused
5. Process of inserting an element in stack is called about the operations and how the elements will
(a) Create (b) Push behave on pushing and popping?
(c) Evaluation (d) Pop Chevrolet
Ans.(b) When we add or insert any element ‘data’ in the list, Suzuki
then it will be called as ‘Push’ operation on stack.
6. Process of removing an element from stack is called Mercedes
(a) Create (b) Push
(c) Evaluation (d) Pop
Ans.(d) When we try to remove elements from the stack, then Help him to find the answers of the following
the operation is called as ‘pop’ operation on stack. questions.
8 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
(i) How many elements can he push more to the 2. What is the value of the postfix expression?
stack? 6 3 2 4 + − *
(a) 3 (b) 5
Ans. Postfix expression is : (6 * (3 − (2 + 4)))
(c) 4 (d) 1 = (6 * (3 − 6))
(ii) How many elements he needs to take out before = (6 * (−3)) = − 18
“RolsRoyce” will come out?
3. Define any two operations on data structure.
(a) 2 (b) 3
Ans. Two operations on data structure are as follows
(c) 4 (d) 1
(i) Insertion It means addition of a new data element in
(iii) If 3 elements are popped out and 2 pushed in , a data structure.
what will be the strength of the stack? (ii) Searching It involves searching for the specific data
(a) 2 (b) 4 element in a data structure.
(c) 0 (d) 1
4. Write the applications of stack.
(iv) If “Tata” and “Datsun” are pushed to the initial
Ans. There are some applications of stack are as follows
stack respectively , which element will be popped
(i) Infix to postfix conversion using stack.
out as a result of a pop operation now?
(a) Chevrolet (ii) Evaluation of postfix expression.
(b) Datsun (iii) Reverse a string using stack.
(c) Tata (iv) Implement two stacks in an array.
(d) RolsRoyce 5. Evaluate the following postfix expression. Show the
(v) If 2 elements are popped out and 4 pushed into the status of stack after execution of each operation
initial stack, how many times a loop needs to iterate separately.
to traverse the stack? T, F, NOT, AND, T, OR, F, AND
(a) 6 (b) 3 Ans.Given postfix expression is
(c) 7 (d) 4 T, F, NOT, AND, T, OR, F, AND
Ans. (i) (b) Though the capacity of the stack is 10 , so he can Scanned Stack
push a maximum of 5 elements. Operation
Elements Status
(ii) (c) Though there are 4 elements above “RolsRoyce”,
so 4 elements need to be taken out. T Push T
(iii) (b) Popping 3 elements means 2 remain. Now, F Push T, F
pushing 2 elements means strength becomes 4.
NOT Pop one operand from stack T, T
(iv) (b) Since ‘Datsun’ is pushed at the end, it will be NOT F = T
popped out first. Push
(v) (c) Since, there are 5 elements in stack and we
popped out 2 elements from it, then 3 elements AND Pop two operands from stack T T
remain. Now, we push 4 elements into stack, then AND T = T
total elements are 7. Hence, a loop needs to iterate to Push
traverse the stack is 7 times. T Push T, T
OR Pop two operands from stack T
T OR T = T
PART 2 Push
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status
/ Pop twice 5 5 Push 30, 5
25 / 5 = 5 2 Push 30, 5, 2
* Pop twice 30, 10
6 Push 5, 6 5 * 2 = 10
* Pop twice 30 Push
5 * 6 = 30 − Pop twice 20
Push 30 – 10 = 20
10 Push 30, 10 Push
+ Pop twice 40 10 Push 20, 10
30 + 10 = 40 / Pop twice 2
Push 20 / 10 = 2
Output 40 Push
10. Evaluate the following postfix expression. Show the Output 2
status of stack after execution of each operation : 12. Obtain the postfix notation for the following infix
10, 20, +, 25, 15, −, *, 30, / notation of expression showing the contents of the
Ans. Given postfix expression is stack and postfix expression formed after each step
10, 20, +, 25, 15, −, *, 30, / of conversion:
(A * B + (C − D/F))
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status
Ans. Given infix expression is
10 Push 10
(A * B + (C − D/F))
20 Push 10, 20
+ Pop twice 30 Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status
10 + 20 = 30
Push ( (
25 Push 30, 25 A ( A
15 Push 30, 25, 15
− Pop twice 30, 10 * (* A
25 − 15 = 10 B (* AB
* Pop twice 300 + (+ AB*
30 * 10 = 300 ( (+( AB*
30 Push 300, 30 C (+( AB* C
/ Pop twice 10 − (+(− AB* C
300 / 30 = 10
Push D (+(− AB* CD
Output 10 / (+ (−/ AB* CD
11. Evaluate the following postfix expression. Show the F (+ (−/ AB* CDF
status of stack after execution of each operation :
20, 10, +, 5, 2, *, −, 10, / ) (+ AB* CDF/−
Ans.Given postfix expression is ) AB* CDF/− +
20, 10, +, 5, 2, *, −, 10, /
Output AB*CDF/–+
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status
13. Evaluate the following postfix expression using
20 Push 20
stack and show the contents of stack after execution
10 Push 20, 10 of each expression.
+ Pop twice 30 120, 45, 20, +, 25, 15, −, +, *
10 + 20 = 30 Ans. Given postfix expression is
Push 120, 45, 20, +, 25, 15, −, +, *
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 11
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status 15. Change the following infix expression into postfix
120 Push 120 expression : ((A + B)*C + D/E − F)
45 Push 120, 45 Ans. Given infix expression is
20 Push 120, 45, 20 ((A + B) * C + D/E − F)
+ Pop twice 120, 65 Scanned Elements Operations Stack Status
45 + 20 = 65 ( (
Push ( ((
25 Push 120, 65, 25 A (( A
15 Push 120, 65, 25, 15 + (( + A
− Pop twice 120, 65, 10 B (( + AB
25 − 15 = 10 ) ( AB +
Push * (* AB +
+ Pop twice 120, 75 C (* AB + C
65 + 10 = 75 + (+ AB + C *
D (+ AB + C * D
* Pop twice 9000
/ (+/ AB + C * D
120 * 75 = 9000
E (+/ AB + C* DE
− (− AB + C * DE/+
Output 9000 F (− AB + C* DE/ + F
14. Use a stack to evaluate the following postfix ) AB + C * DE/ + F –
expression and show the content of the stack after
Output AB+C*DE/+F–
execution of each operation. Do not write any code.
Assume as if you are using Push and Pop member 16. Evaluate the following postfix expression using a
methods of the stack. stack and show the contents of stack after execution
AB − CD + E * + of each operation :
(where A = 5, B = 3, C = 5, D = 4 and E = 2) 100, 40, 8, +, 20, 10, −, +, *
Ans. Putting the values of the operands, we get the postfix Ans. Given postfix expression is
expression as 100, 40, 8, +, 20, 10, −, +, *
5, 3, −, 5, 4, +, 2, *, + Scanned
Operation Stack Status
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status Elements
5 Push 5 100 Push 100
3 Push 5, 3 40 Push 100, 40
− Pop twice 2 8 Push 100, 40, 8
5 −3=2 + Pop twice 100, 48
Push 40 + 8 = 48
5 Push 2, 5
20 Push 100, 48, 20
4 Push 2, 5, 4
10 Push 100, 48, 20, 10
+ Pop twice 2, 9
− Pop twice 100, 48, 10
5 + 4=9 20 − 10 = 10
Push Push
2 Push 2, 9, 2 + Pop twice 100, 58
* Pop twice 2, 18 48 + 10 = 58
9 * 2 = 18 Push
Push * Pop twice 5800
+ Pop twice 20 58 * 100 = 5800
2 + 18 = 20 Push
Output 5800
Output 20
12 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
17. Evaluate the following postfix expression using a Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status
stack and show the contents of the stack after True Push True, False,
execution of each operation : True, True
5, 6, 9, +, 80, 5, *, −, /
OR Pop two operands True, False,
Ans. Given postfix expression is Evaluate : True OR True
5, 6, 9, +, 80, 5, *, −, / True = True
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status
OR Pop two operands True, True
5 Push 5
Evaluate : False OR
6 Push 5, 6 True = True
9 Push 5, 6, 9 Push
+ Pop twice 5, 15 AND Pop two operands True
6 + 9 = 15 Evaluate : True AND
Push True = True
80 Push 5, 15, 80
5 Push 5, 15, 80, 5 Output True
* Pop twice 5, 15, 400 19. Consider the following sequence of numbers:
80*5 = 400 1, 2, 3, 4
Push These are supposed to be operated through a stack
to produce the following sequence of numbers:
− Pop twice 5, −385
2, 1, 4, 3
15 − 400 = − 385
Push List the Push and Pop operations to get the
required output.
/ Pop twice −1 / 77 Ans. (i) Push (1) (ii) Push (2)
5/−385 = − 1 / 77 (iii) Pop (2) (iv) Pop (1)
Push (v) Push (3) (vi) Push (4)
Output −1 / 77 (vii) Pop (4) (viii) Pop (3)
18. Evaluate the following postfix expression using a 20. Consider the following stack of characters, where
stack. Show the contents of stack after execution of STACK is allocated N = 8 memory cells.
each operation. STACK : A, C, D, F, K, ..., ..., ...
True, False, True, False, NOT, OR, True, OR, OR, AND Describe the STACK at the end of the following
Ans. In the given expression True and False are operands and operations. Here, Pop and Push are algorithms for
AND, NOT and OR are operators. deleting and adding an element to the stack.
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status (i) Pop (STACK, ITEM) (ii) Pop (STACK, ITEM)
True Push True
(iii) Push (STACK, L) (iv) Push (STACK, P)
(v) Pop (STACK, ITEM) (vi) Push (STACK,R)
False Push True, False
(vii) Push (STACK, S) (viii) Pop (STACK, ITEM)
True Push True, False,
Ans.The stack contents will be as follows after the operations
of stack
False Push True, False, (i) STACK : A, C, D, F (ii) STACK : A, C, D
True, False (K is deleted) (F is deleted)
NOT Pop one operand NOT True, False, (iii) STACK : A, C, D, L (iv) STACK: A, C, D, L, P
False = True True, True (L is inserted) (P is inserted)
Push (v) STACK : A, C, D, L (vi) STACK : A, C, D, L, R
(P is deleted) (R is inserted)
OR Pop two operands True, False,
Evaluate : True OR True (vii) STACK : A, C, D, L, R, S
True = True (S is inserted)
Push (viii) STACK : A, C, D, L, R
(S is deleted)
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 13
21. Suppose STACK is allocated 6 memory locations 23. Evaluate the following postfix expression:
and initially STACK is empty (Top = 0). 20, 10, −, 15, 3, /, +, 5, *
Given the output of the program segment. Ans.Given postfix expression is
AAA = 4 20, 10, −, 15, 3, /, +, 5, *
BBB = 6
Scanned Stack
Push (STACK, AAA) Operation
Elements Status
Push (STACK, 4)
Push (STACK, BBB +2) 20 Push 20
Push (STACK, AAA + BBB) 10 Push 20, 10
Push (STACK, 10) − Pop twice 10
while (Top>0) : 20 − 10 = 10
Element = STACK. Pop ( )
15 Push 10, 15
3 Push 10, 15, 3
/ Pop twice 10, 5
15/3 = 5
8 Push
4 + Pop twice 15
4 10 + 5 = 15
22. Evaluate the following postfix notation of Push
expression 5 Push 15, 5
True, False, NOT, AND, True, True, AND, OR
* Pop twice 75
Ans.Given postfix expression is
15 * 5 = 75
True, False, NOT, AND, True, True, AND, OR
Scanned Stack Output 75
Elements Status
24. Evaluate the following postfix using stack and show
True Push True the content of the stack after the execution of each.
False Push True, False 20, 4, +, 3, −, 7, /
NOT Pop one element True, True Ans.Given postfix expression is 20, 4, +, 3, −, 7, /
from the stack
NOT False = True Operation Stack Status
20 Push 20
AND Pop two elements from True 4 Push 20, 4
the stack
True AND True = True + Pop (4) 24
Push Pop (20)
25. Evaluate the following postfix expression using a (iii) Traversal Operation The traversal operation
stack. Show the contents of stack after execution of means traversing through the elements of the stack
each operation: starting from the 1st element to the last. It does not
10, 40, 25, −, *, 15, 4, *, + involve any modifications to the contents of the
Ans.Given postfix expression is stack.
10, 40, 25, −, *, 15, 4, *, + 27. Write Push (contents) and Pop (contents) methods
in Python to add numbers and remove numbers
Scanned considering them to act as Push and Pop operations
Operation Stack Status
of stack.
10 Push 10 Ans. def Push (contents) :
40 Push 10, 40 if(len(stack) >= limit) :
print(“Stack Overflow!”)
25 Push 10, 40, 25
else :
− Pop (25) 10, 15 stack . append (contents)
Pop (40) print (“Stack after Push”, stack)
Push (40 − 25) = 15 def Pop ( ) :
if (len (stack) <= 0 ) :
* Pop (15) 150 print(“Stack Underflow!”)
Pop (10) return 0
Push (10 * 15) = 150 else :
15 Push 150, 15 return stack. Pop( )
4 Push 150, 15, 4 28. Write the Push operation of stack containing
person names. Notice that the name should only
* Pop (4) 150, 60 accept characters, spaces and period (.) except
Pop (15) digits. Assume that Pname is a class instance
Push (15 * 4) = 60 attribute.
Ans. def insert():
+ Pop (60) 210
name_pattern = re.compile
Pop (150)
(r “[A-Za-zs.]”)
Push (150 + 60) = 210 while True :
n = input (“Enter name:”)
Output 210
while name_pattern. search (n) :
Long Answer Type Questions print (“Invalid name”)
print (“Enter name correctly”)
26. Explain the different operations possible in a stack. n = input( )
Ans. The stack provides three major operaions, which are as Sname. append (n)
follows c = input (“Enter more name
(i) Push (ii) Pop <y/n>”).upper ( )
(iii) Traversal if (c! = ‘y’):
(i) Push Operation Whenever we add any element break
‘‘data’’ in the list, then it will be called as ‘Push
operation’ on stack. 29. A linear stack called status contains the following
information :
Before every Push operation, the value of ‘‘Top’’ is
incremented by one and then value is inserted at the (i) Phone number of Employee
top of the stack. (ii) Name of Employee
(ii) Pop Operation Whenever we try to remove Write the following methods to perform given
elements from the stack, then the operation is called
operations on the stack status :
as ‘Pop operation’ on stack.
After every Pop operation, the value of ‘‘Top’’ is (i) Push_element ( ) To Push an object containing
decremented by one and then value is deleted from Phone number of Employee and Name of
the top of the stack. Employee into the stack.
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 15
(ii) Pop_element ( ) To Pop an object from the stack Ans. Given postfix expresion is
and to release the memory. 7 8 2 * 4/+
Ans. (i) def Push_element (Status, Top) : Stack
Scanned Elements Operation
phone_no = int (input (“Enter phone number Status
:”)) 7 Push 7
emp_name = input (“Enter employee
8 Push 7, 8
name :”)
St = (phone_no, emp_name) 2 Push 7, 8, 2
Status.append (St) * Pop two operands from 7, 16
Top =Top + 1 stack 8*2 = 16
return Top Push
(ii) def Pop_element (Status, Top) : 4 Push 7, 16, 4
Slen = len (Status) / Pop two operands from 7, 4
if (Slen <= 0) : stack 16/4 = 4
print (“Status is empty”) Push
else : + Pop two operands from 11
phone_no, emp_name = Status. Pop ( ) stack 7 + 4 = 11
Top = Top − 1 Push
print(“Phone number %s and name %s Output 11
deleted” % (phone_no, emp_name))
return Top
32. Change the following infix expression into postfix
30. Convert the expression given below from infix to
(A + (B * C) − D / E + C ^ H
postfix using stack , showing each operation.
Ans. Given infix expresion is
(A+ B/(C *D)-E)
Ans. Given infix expression is (A+B/(C*D)-E) (A + (B * C) − D/ E + C ^H
Scanned Elements Operation Stack Status Scanned Elements Operations Stack Status
( ( ( ( −
A ( A A ( A
+ (+ A + (+ A
( (+( A
B (+ AB
B (+( AB
/ (+/ AB
* (+(* AB
( (+/( AB
C (+(* ABC
C (+/( ABC
) (+ ABC*
* (+/(* ABC
− (− ABC*+
D (+/(* ABCD
D (− ABC*+D
) (+/ ABCD* / (−/ ABC*+D
− (− ABCD*/+ E (−/ ABC*+DE
E (− ABCD*/+E + (+ ABC*+DE/−
) ABCD*/+E− C (+ ABC*+DE/− C
Multiple Choice Questions For Detailed Solutions
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) Scan the code
18 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
Computer Networks
and Web Services
In this Chapter...
l Evolution of Networking l Types of Network
l Data Communication l Network Devices
l Switching Techniques l Network Topology
l Data Communication l Network Protocols
l Web Services
l Transmission Media
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer Five components in data communication are :
networks. In short, the web is a way of exchanging information (i) Sender It is a computer or any such device which is
between computers on the Internet. capable of sending data over a network. It can be a
computer, mobile phone, smartwatch, walkie-talkie,
Internet (INTERconnection NETwork)
video recording device, etc.
The Internet is a network of the interlinked computer networking (ii) Receiver It is a computer or any such device which
worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. is capable or receiving data from the network. It can
Internet is a huge network of several different interlinked be any computer, printer, laptop, mobile phone,
networks relating to the business, government, academic and television, etc. In computer communication, the
even smaller domestic networks. Therefore, Internet is known as sender and receiver are known as nodes in a
the network of all the other networks. network.
These networks enable the Internet to be used for various (iii) Message It is the data or information that needs to
important functions, which include the several means of be exchanged between the sender and the receiver.
communications like the file transfer, the online chat and even Messages can be in the form of text, number, image,
the sharing of the documents and websites on the WWW or the audio, video, multimedia, etc.
World Wide Web. (iv) Communication Media It is the path through which
the message travels between source and destination.
It is also called medium or link which is either wired
It is a client/server program that allows multiple users to or wireless.
communicate online with real-time audio, video and text chat in (v) Protocols It is a set of rules that need to be followed
dynamic 3D environments. by the communicating parties in order to have
Interspace provides the most advanced form of communication successful and reliable data communication.
available on the Internet today.
The Interspace is a future vision of what the Internet will Switching Techniques
become tomorrow, when users cross-correlate the information Switching techniques are used for transmitting data across
of multiple sources. It will be an application environment for networks. Different types of switching techniques are
interconnecting spaces to manipulate information like Internet. employed to provide communication between two
Intranet computers. These are as follows
An intranet is a network that connects the computers and Circuit Switching
networks with in an organisation that is based on Internet Circuit switching is a methodology of implementing a
technology. telecommunication network in which two network nodes
It uses the TCP/IP protocols, server and browser software used establish a dedicated communication channel (circuit).
for the Internet. With an intranet, the basic services of the The main advantage of circuit switching is guaranteed
Internet like E-mail, FTP, etc. are used. delivery. The circuit switching guarantees the full
bandwidth of the channels and remains connected for the
Data Communication duration of the communication session.
Communication is an act of sending or receiving data. Thus,
data communication refers to the exchange of data between two
Node Node
or more networked or connected devices. 5 7
The defining example of a circuit switched network is the Comparison between the various switching techniques
early analog telephone network. When a call is made from Criteria Circuit Message Packet
one telephone to another, switches within the telephone Switching Switching Switching
exchanges create a continuous wire circuit between the two
Path established in advance Yes No No
telephones for as long as the call last.
Store and forward technique No Yes Yes
Message Switching Message follows multiple routes No Yes Yes
Message switching is a network switching technique, in
which data is routed entirely from the source node to the
destination node. In this technique, no physical path is
Data Communication Terminologies
established between source and destination. The various data communication terminologies are as shown
During message routing, every intermediate switch in the below
network stores the whole message. Channel
Store full message Store full message A communication channel is a medium that is used in the
and then forward and then forward
transmission of a message from one point to another. It may
refer to the entire physical medium such as a tele- phone
line, optical fibre, co-axial cable or twisted pair wire.
Message Depending on their speed, there are three broad categories
of communication channels
¢ Narrow band is slow and used for telegraph lines and low
Sender Intermediate Switching Devices Receiver speed terminals.
Message switching ¢ Voice band used for ordinary telephone communication.
If the entire network’s resources are engaged or the network
Broad band, is fastest and used for transmitting large
becomes blocked, the message switched network stores and volumes of data at high speed.
delays the message until some resource become available for Baud Rate
effective transmission of the message.
It is a measure of the number of symbols (signals) transferred or
Packet Switching line changes every second. It may represent more than one
In packet based networks, the message gets broken into small binary bit. Each symbol can represent or convey one (binary
data packets. encoded signal) or several bits of data. For a binary signal of
These packets are sent out from the computer and they travel 20 Hz, this is equivalent to 20 baud (there are 20 changes per
around the network seeking out the most efficient route to second).
travel as circuits become available.
It is the frequency range of a channel, measured as the
Node Node Receiver difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that
5 7 the channel supports. The maximum transmission speed is
dependent upon the available bandwidth.
Node Node Node
The larger the bandwidth, the higher the transmission speed.
2 4 6 In analog systems, bandwidth is defined in terms of the
difference between the highest frequency signal component
and the lowest frequency signal component. Frequency is
Node Node measured in cycles per second, i.e. hertz (Hz). One Hz
1 3 equals one cycle per second.
Here, A kilohertz (kHz) represents a thousand Hz per second and
denote packets a megahertz (MHz) represents a thousand kHz per second.
Packet switching
Data Transfer Rate (DTR)
The main advantage of packet switching is that the packets from A data transfer rate (or just data rate) is the amount of digital
many different sources can share a line, allowing for very data that is moved from one place to another in a given time,
efficient use of the communication medium. usually in a second on a network. In telecommunication, data
transfer is usually measured in bits per second.
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 21
Transmission Media
The media through which data is transferred from one place
to another is called transmission or communication media.
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
Transmission media is grouped into two types
Advantages of Twisted Pair Cable
Transmission ¢
Simple structure.
Media ¢
Physically flexible.
Easy to install.
Guided Media or Unguided Media or
Low weight.
Wired Technologies Wireless Technologies ¢
Very inexpensive.
Guided Media or Wired Technologies Disadvantages of Twisted Pair Cable
Due to high attenuation, signals cannot be transported
In guided media or wired technologies, the computers in a
over a long distance without using repeaters.
network are connected through wire or cable. The data signal
physically gets transferred from the transmitting computer to ¢
Due to low bandwidth, it is unsuitable for broadband
the receiving computer through the wired transmission application.
medium. Some of guided media are given below ¢
Data rates supported are 1 Mbps to 10 Mbps.
transporting multi-channel television signals in cities. The two There are two types of fibre optic cables
most commonly used types of co-axial cable are: (i) Single Mode It supports a segment length of upto
Copper 2 kms and bandwidth of upto 100 Mbps.
Conductor (ii) Multi Mode The maximum segment length of multi
mode is upto 100 kms and bandwidth of upto 2
Advantages of Optical Fibre Cable
PVC Sheath
¢ It is immune to electrical and magnetic fields. So, the
data does not get disturbed and pure data is retrieved
Co-axial cable on the other end.
(i) Thicknet This form of co-axial cable is thick. The length ¢ Highly suitable for harsh industrial environment.
of thicknet co-axial cable segments can be upto 500 metre ¢ It guarantees secure transmission and has a very high
long. transmission capacity.
(ii) Thinnet This form of co-axial cable is thinner and using
¢ It can be used for broadband transmission, where
this cable, nodes having maximum distance of 185 metre several channels are handled in parallel.
can be joined.
¢ Bandwidth is upto 10 Gbps.
Advantages of Co-axial Cable Disadvantages of Optical Fibre Cable
¢ Transmission quality of co-axial cable is better than twisted
¢ Connecting two fibres together or a light source to a
pair cable. fibre is difficult.
¢ It can be successfully used for shared cable network.
¢ Because of noise immunity, these are virtually
impossible to tap.
¢ It can transmit several channels simultaneously, so that used
for broadband transmission.
Optical cables are expensive to install but last longer
than copper cables.
It offers high bandwidth.
Optical fibres require more protection around the
Disadvantages of Co-axial Cable
cable as compared to copper cables.
It is expensive compared to twisted pair cable. ¢
Installation problem. Fibre optic cables are quite
These are difficult to manage and reconfigure as compared fragile and may need special care to make them
to twisted pair cable. sufficiently robust for an office environment.
3. Optical Fibre Unguided Media or Wireless Technologies
Optical fibre or fibre optic cable consists of thin threads made When the computers in a network are interconnected and
up of glass or glass like material, which are capable of carrying data is transmitted through waves, then they are said to be
light signals from a source at one end to another end. At the connected through unguided media. Some of the
source, there are either Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) or Laser unguided media are given below:
Diodes (LDs) present, which modulate the data into light beam
using frequency modulation techniques. At the receiver’s end, 1. Bluetooth
the signals are demodulated. There are three main parts in It is used for exchanging data over a short distance from
optical fibre: fixed and mobile devices. The name bluetooth is derived
Protective Coating from Harald Bluetooth, a king in Denmark.
Core Coating Advantages of Bluetooth
Core ¢
We are able to share data without any cord.
Cladding ¢
We are able to share data without disclosing our
private data.
Optical fibre ¢
We can use bluetooth on many different devices, as it
(i) Core It is the section through which data travels in the is available in all devices such as laptops, cell phones,
form of light. music players, hand sets, printers and a lot more other
(ii) Cladding The cladding is covering of the core. Its products.
function is to reflect back the light into the core, as it is a Disadvantages of Bluetooth
denser medium. ¢
Battery consumption
(iii) Protective Coating It is the outer cover of cladding for ¢
Data transfer is very slow
the protection of the optical fibre.
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 23
Advantages of Radiowave
Cheaper than wired network.
Provides mobility. Transmitting Receiving
Easy to use over difficult terrain. Earth Station Earth Station
Advantages of Satellite Communication Like the LAN, most WANs are not owned by any one
¢ It covers a vast range of area. organisation, but rather exist under collective or
¢ The wired communication is almost impossible and too costly distributed ownership and management. The world’s
to use across the continents, where the satellite communication most popular WAN is the Internet.
proves to be the best alternative. Personal Area Network (PAN)
¢ It is very useful in long distance television distribution.
PAN refers to a small network of communication. It is a
¢ Earth station, which receives the signals can be fixed position computer network organised around an individual
or relatively mobile. person. These networks typically involve a mobile
Disadvantages of Satellite Communication computer, a cell phone and/or a handheld computing
¢ It is very costly. So, it is not used for personal or low budget devices such as a PDA. Person can use these networks to
communication. transfer files including e-mail and calendar appointments,
¢ There is atmospheric loss of transmitted signals. digital photos and music. These are used in a limited
range, which is in the reachability of individual person. It
¢ Due to low antenna signals, bandwidth are over crowded. generally covers a range of less than 10 metres and can be
constructed with cables or wirelessly. Few examples of
Types of Network PAN are Bluetooth, Wireless USB, Z-wave and Zig Bee.
Networks can be widely divided into following types
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Local Area Network (LAN) VPN is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a
In a LAN, a group of computers and other devices are connected device to a network. It can be used to access region -
over a relatively short distance. Generally, it is a privately owned restricted websites, shield your browsing activity from
networks within a single building or campus, upto a few prying eyes on public Wi-Fi and more.
kilometres in size. Users can share expensive devices, such as It prevents unauthorised people from eavesdropping on
laser printers, as well as data on LAN and can also use the LAN the traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely.
to communicate with each other, by sending mails or engaging in VPN technology is widely used in corporate
chat sessions.
Mostly, cables are used to connect the computers in LANs.
However, there is also a limit on the number of computers that Network Architecture
can be attached to a single LAN.
Network architecture is the logical and structural layout
Now-a-days, we also have WLAN(Wireless LAN) which is based
of the network, consisting of transmission equipment,
on wireless network.
software, communication protocols and infrastructure (i.e.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) wired or wireless), transmission of data and connectivity
between components.
This is basically a bigger version of LAN and normally uses
There are two types of network architecture
similar technology. It might cover few buildings in a city and
might either be private or public. This is a network which spans Point-to-Point (P2P) Network
a physical area (in the range of 5 to 50 km) that is larger than a In P2P or Peer-to-Peer network, each node can receive
LAN but smaller than a WAN. from exactly one sender and each sender sends to exactly
MANs are usually characterised by very high-speed connections one receiver. Sending and receiving can be done on
using optical fibres or other digital media and provides uplink separate wires or they can take turns over the same wire
services to Wide Area Networks (WANs) and the Internet. e.g. in using a variety of techniques.
a city, a MAN, which can support both data and voice might Client/Server Network
even be related to local cable television network. The model of interaction between two application
It is also frequently used to provide a shared connection to other programs in which a program at one end (client) requests
networks using a link to a WAN. a service from a program at the other end (server). It is a
network architecture which separates the client from the
Wide Area Network (WAN)
server. It is scalable architecture, where one computer
WAN spans a large geographical area, often a country or a works at server and other as client.
continent and uses various commercial and private In this architecture, client acts as the active device and
communication lines to connect computers. Typically, a WAN server behaves as passively.
combines multiple LANs that are geographically separated.
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 25
Network Topology
The arrangement of computers and other peripherals in a Node 4 Node 3
network is called its topology.
The main network topologies are as follows Ring or Circular topology
Network Protocols
Protocol refers to the set of rules applicable for a network.
The protocol defines standardised format for the data packet
to be transmitted through the network.
Some of the commonly used protocols are as follows
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
HTTP is an application layer protocol. It is widely used
Tree topology
protocol. This protocol is used by the world wide web. HTTP
Advantages of Tree Topology defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and
The tree topology simulates hierarchical flow of data. So, what actions web servers and browsers should take in
response to various commands. It is a request/response
it is suitable for applications, where hierarchical flow of standard between a client (end-user) and a server (website).
data and control is required.
e.g. when you enter a URL in your browser, this actually
We can easily extend the network. sends an HTTP command to the web server directly to fetch
Faulty nodes can easily be isolated from the rest of the and transmit the requested web page. It is generic, stateless
network. and object oriented protocol.
28 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) is the most recent
Protocol) version of a standard protocol for receiving E-mail. POP3
is a client/server protocol in which E-mail is received and
TCP/IP is the communication protocol for the Internet. It
held for you by your Internet server.
defines the rules, computers must follow to communicate with
each other over the Internet. The TCP/IP is a protocol used in Each POP3 mail server has a different address, which is
E-mail transmission. usually provided to an individual by their web hosting
company. This address must be entered into the E-mail
The TCP/IP is a protocol, which is responsible for finding path
program so that the program can connect effectively with
for the destination. It also splits the message into several
the protocol.
datagrams, if it does not fit in one datagram. Therefore, these
datagrams are sent through different alternate paths towards the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
destination. The TCP makes sure that the datagram arrives at SMTP is the protocol used for sending E-mail over the
the destination correctly. While IP is responsible for moving Internet. Your E-mail client uses SMTP to send a
packet of data from source to destination. It handles the address message to the mail server and the mail server uses SMTP
part of each packet so that it reaches to the right destination. to relay that message to the correct receiving mail server.
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Basically, SMTP is a set of commands that authenticate
and direct the transfer of electronic mail. When
It is a data link layer protocol, which encapsulates other network
configuring the settings for your E-mail program, you
layer protocols for transmission on synchronous and
usually need to set the SMTP server to your local Internet
asynchronous communication lines.
Service Provider’s SMTP settings.
The PPP is used with dial-up Internet connections including
ISDN. It is a layered protocol, which is used for transmitting the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
IP data packets over usual telephone lines. It encapsulates
packets into PPP frames and then forwards them to the server VoIP is a technology that enables voice communications
over the serial transmission lines. PPP defines the format of over the Internet through the compression of voice into
frame to be exchanged between devices on one or multiple links data packets that can be efficiently transmitted over data
and also defines the authenticity of the two devices. networks and then converted back into voice at the other
end. It required broadband connection.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Various benefits of VoIP are as follows
It is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one (i) Using services of VoIP, subscribers can call one
host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the another at no cost to other party.
Internet. (ii) Routing phone calls over existing data networks
FTP is based on client/server principle. It establishes two eliminate the need for separate voice and data
connections between the hosts. One connection is used for data networks.
transfer, which is opened and closed for each file transfer and (iii) The ability to transmit more than one telephone call
the other for control information, which remains connected over a single broadband connection.
during the entire interactive FTP session.
(iv) VoIP consists advance telephone features, e.g. call
Remote Login (Telnet) routing, screen POP and IVR.
Telnet is a protocol used for creating a connection with a remote
computer. Once your telnet client establishes a connection to Web Services
the remote host, telnet client becomes a virtual terminal, Web services are built on many technologies, which work
allowing you to communicate with the remote host from your in conjunction with emerging standards to ensure the
computer. It establishes a connection either with command line manageability and standards, which extend the World
client or with a programmatic interface. Telnet provides an error Wide Web infrastructure to provide the means for
free connection, which is always faster than the latest software to connect to other software applications.
conventional modems. Applications access web services via web protocols and
data formats such as HTTP, XML and SOAP, with no
Post Office Protocol (POP)
need to worry about how each web service is
POP is an application-layer Internet standard protocol, used by implemented. Web services combine the best aspects of
local E-mail clients to retrieve E-mail from a remote server over component based development.
a TCP/IP connection.
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 29
A web page can be of two types or files in file systems. The major web browsers are Google
Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.
Static Web Page
A web page which displays same kind of information Web Server
whenever a user visits, it is known as a static web page. A The term web server can refer to either the hardware (the
static web page generally has .htm or .html as extension. computer) or the software (the computer application) that helps
Dynamic Web Page to deliver web content, accessible through the Internet. The
most common use of web server is to host websites, but there
An interactive web page is a dynamic web page. A
are other uses such as gaming, data storage or running
dynamic web page uses scripting languages to display
enterprise applications.
changing content on the web page. Such a page generally
has .php, .asp or .jsp as extension. Any computer can be turned into a web server by installing
server software and connecting the machine to the Internet.
Website There are many web server software applications including
A group of related web pages that follow the same theme public domain software from NCSA and Apache and commercial
and are connected together with hyperlinks is called a packages from Microsoft, Netscape and others.
website. A website displays related information on a
Web Hosting
specific topic. Each website is accessed by its own
address known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator). The A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that
main or first page of a website is known as home page. allows individuals and organisations to make their website
accessible via the World Wide Web.
Web Browser A web host is the business of providing server space, web
A web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a services and file maintenance for websites controlled by
software application for retrieving, presenting and individuals or companies that do not have their own web
traversing information resources on the World Wide servers. Many ISPs (Internet Service Providers), such as
Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform America Online will allow subscribers a small amount of server
Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, space to host a personal web page.
video or other piece of content. Web hosting can be of four types as follows
Although, browsers are primarily intended to use the (i) Free Hosting (ii) Virtual or Shared Hosting
World Wide Web, they can also be used to access
(iii) Dedicated Hosting (iv) Co-location Hosting
information provided by web servers in private networks
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 31
PART 1 6. A modem is connected in between a telephone line
and a
Objective Questions (a) computer
(c) network
(b) serial port
(d) communication adapter
Ans.(a) Modems has to be connected internally or externally
Multiple Choice Questions with a computer.
1. Which of the following is a collection of 7. Geometric arrangement of devices on the network
independent computers and other hardware is called
interconnected by communication channels? (a) topology (b) protocols
(a) Computer (b) Networking (c) media (d) LAN
(c) Sharing (d) None of these
Ans.(a) Geometric arrangement of devices on the network is
Ans.(b) A computer networking is the practice for exchanging called topology. It is the arrangement of how computers
information between two or more computer devices will be connected with each other.
together for the purpose of data sharing.
8. In which of the topology, network components are
2. Which of the following is an advantage of connected to the same cable?
networking? (a) Star (b) Ring
(a) Application sharing (b) File sharing (c) Bus (d) Mesh
(c) User communication (d) All of these
Ans.(c) In bus topology, network components are connected
Ans.(d) Computers connected in a network are able to share to the same cable. The figure explains the arrangement:
applications, files, resources etc. They also can
communicate with each other. Printer Server Scanner
Ans.(b) Start Topology allows several types of cables in same 17. If all devices are connected to a central hub, then
network, which increases speed. Failure of single system topology is called
will not bring down the entire network and all system are
(a) bus topology (b) ring topology
connected to the central hub.
(c) star topology (d) tree topology
11. In order to allow data transfer from server to only Ans.(c) If all devices are connected to a central hub, then
the intended computers which network device is topology is called star topology.
required in the lab to connect the computers?
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
18. The WWW is made up of the set of interconnected
……… that are linked together over the Internet.
(a) Switch (b) Hub
(a) electronic documents (b) web pages
(c) Router (d) Gateway
(c) files (d) All of these
Ans.(a) Switch forwards a data packet to a specific route by
Ans.(b) Web pages are the HTML documents which are
establishing a temporary connection between the source
linked with each other and together known as website or
and the destination.
12. ……………… network device is known as an 19. In URL, http://www.arihant.com/index.htm, which
intelligent hub. [CBSE Question Bank 2021]
component identifies the path of a web page?
(a) Switch (b) Hub (a) http
(c) Router (d) Gateway (b) www.arihant.com
Ans.(a) A hub forward each incoming packet (data) to all the (c) /index.htm
hub ports, while a switch forwards each incoming packet
(d) All of the above
to the specified recipient.
Ans.(c) The most general form of a URL syntax is as follows
13. Which of the following topology contains a protocol://domain name/<directory path>/<object name>
backbone cable running through the whole length
So, here we can see /<directory path>/<object name>
of the network? is the path.
(a) Star (b) Bus (c) Mesh (d) Tree
Ans.(b) A bus topology is an arrangement in which the
20. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true
computers and the peripheral devices are connected to a about URL?
common single data line. (a) URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
(b) You can enter URL into address bar.
14. Computer connected to a star topology fails, the
(c) Both (a) and (b)
entire network will
(d) It is not necessary for URL to be unique.
(a) also fail (b) work unaffectedly
Ans.(c) URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the
(c) only server will work (d) None of these
global address of documents and other resources on the
Ans. (b) In star topology, each communicating device is World Wide Web and the resources can be searched
connected to a central node which is a networking device through writing resource name on the browser address
like a hub or a switch. So, when the hub fails the whole bar.
network goes down.
But when any computer in the star topology fails, the 21. A website is a collection of
other computers in the network continue to work (a) web server (b) web page
unaffectedly. (c) web browser (d) WWW
15. Network device that sends the data over optimising Ans. (b) A group of related web pages that follow the same
theme and are connected together with hyperlinks is
paths through connected loop is
called a website.
(a) gateway (b) hub
(c) router (d) bridge 22. Home page helps viewers to find out what they can
Ans.(c) Network device that sends the data over optimising find on the particular site. Home page is the
paths through connected loop is router. (a) first page of a website (b) index page
(c) about page (d) None of these
16. In specific, if systems use separate protocols, which
Ans. (a) Home page is the first page of a website.
one of the following devices is used to link two
systems? 23. Which of the following website is not used for job
(a) Repeater (b) Gateway search?
(c) Bridge (d) Hub (a) monster.com (b) recruitment.com
Ans.(b) If the system used separate protocols, gateway device (c) naukri.com (d) Myspace
is used to link two systems.
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 33
Ans.(d) Myspace is not used for searching job and rest all (ii) Which network is suitable to connect computers
websites mentioned are used to search job. across different cities?
24. Web page is created using language (a) WAN (b) MAN
(a) XML (b) Java (c) C (d) HTML (c) PAN (d) LAN
Ans.(d) The HyperText Markup Language or HTML is the (iii) The company wants to increase their bandwidth
standard markup language for documents designed to be and speed for communication at any cost. Which of
displayed in a web browser. the following cable(s) is/are suitable for that?
25. By default, web pages are saved in the ……… (a) Coaxial Cable (b) Optical Fibre
folder. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
(a) Download (b) Document (iv) What will be the best possible connectivity out of
(c) Picture (d) Music the following? You will suggest to connect the new
Ans.(b) Documents is the default location for all downloaded set up of offices in Bangalore with its London based
web pages. office.
26. A browser is a program, which is used to (a) Satellite Link (b) Infrared
(a) connect to Internet (c) Ethernet (d) None of these
(b) create websites (v) Which of the following device will be suggested by
(c) view sites on web you to connect each computer in each of the
(d) All of the above buildings?
Ans.(d) A browser is a program, which is used to connect to (a) Switch (b) Modem
Internet, create websites and view sites on web. (c) Gateway (d) None of these
Browsers are primarily intended to use the World Wide Ans. (i) (b) They should use repeater. As repeater is a device
Web, they can also be used to access information used to amplify the signals.
provided by web servers in private networks or files in (ii) (b) MAN It is a computer network that connects
file systems. computers within a metropolitan area, which could
27. Which of the following is developed by Apple be a single large city, multiple cities and towns.
Incorporation? (iii) (b) Optical Fibre They are designed for
(a) Lynx (b) Opera long-distance, high-performance data networking and
telecommunications. Compared to wired cables, fiber
(c) Safari (d) Mozilla Firefox
optic cables provide higher bandwidth and transmit
Ans.(c) Safari is a graphical web browser developed by Apple data over longer distances.
Incorporation, which based primarily on open-source
(iv) (a) Satellite Link Through satellites communication
software properties notably including WebKit. It was across countries is easily possible.
first introduced on Mac OS X Panther in 2003, and was
later incorporated to the iPhone and iPod Touch with (v) (a) Switch is a networking hardware that connects
iPhone OS 1 in 2007. devices on a computer network to receive and
forward data to the destination device. Therefore,
switch will help in communication between each of
Case Based MCQs the buildings.
28. Direction Read the case and answer the following 29. Web server is a special computer system running
questions. on HTTP through web pages. The web page is a
Beauty lines fashion incorporation is a fashion medium to carry data from one computer system to
company with design unit and market unit at another. The working of the web server starts from
Bangalore 135m away from each other. The the client or user. The client sends their request
company recently connected their LANs using through the web browser to the web server. Web
Ethernet cable to share the stock related server takes this request, processes it and then
information. But after joining their LAN’s they are sends back processed data to the client. The server
not able to show the information due to loss of gathers all of our web page information and sends it
signal in between. to the user, which we see on our computer system
(i) Which device out of the following should you in the form of a web page. When the client sends a
suggest to be installed for a smooth request for processing to the web server, a domain
communication? name and IP address are important to the web
(a) Modem (b) Repeater server. The domain name and IP address are used
(c) UPS (d) None of these to identify the user on a large network.
34 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
Ans. Node 2 Higher data rate Due to higher bandwidth, data rate of
Node 1
Node 1 optical fibre is more than the data rate of ethernet cable
Node 3
(upto 1 Gbps).
Node 5 Node 2
12. Compare and contrast the two wireless
transmission media : bluetooth and infrared.
Ans. Bluetooth and infrared both are short range wireless
Node 4 Node 3 transmission media. This is the only point at which both
Node 5 Node 4 these data transmission technologies look similar but
Star topology Ring topology there is a lot of differences between the two. Infrared is
mostly used in TV remotes and there must be a direct
7. Explain the term line-of-sight between the transmitter and the receiver
(i) Bandwidth (ii) Broadband while on the other hand bluetooth uses a radio frequency
which allows transmission through walls and other objects.
Ans. (i) Bandwidth It is the communication capacity of a
network. It refers to the data carrying capacity of a 13. Explain two problems that can occur during
channel or medium. transmission of data.
(ii) Broadband It is a wide bandwidth data transmission Ans. Two problems that can occur during transmission of data
with an ability to simultaneously transport multiple are as follows
signals and traffic types. (i) Crosstalk Disturbance caused by the electric or
magnetic fields of one signal in an adjacent signal.
8. In twisted pair cable, two insulated wires are
twisted around each other which provides (ii) Attenuation During transmission, the signal strength
protection against noise. Explain. is reduced, this phenomenon is called attenuation.
Ans. Twisting the cables keep them close together so that, any 14. Write down any two points of differences between
external magnetic fields must cross both cable at the LAN, MAN and WAN.
same time, so the interference created in one cable is Ans.Two major points of differences among LAN, MAN and
cancelled by the almost exact opposite amount of WAN are as follows
interference in the other.
9. Explain the three main parts of an optical fibre
cable. Generally Within
Across the
Geographical within a a city
Ans. The three main parts of an optical fibre cable are as continents
Area Distance building Upto
follows Unlimited
Upto 5 km 160 km
(i) Core It is the section through which the data travel
in the form of light. 15. Write the difference between LAN and MAN.
(ii) Cladding It is the covering part of core. Its function Ans.Differences between LAN and MAN are as follows
is to reflect back the light into the core, as it is a
denser medium. LAN MAN
(iii) Protective Coating It is the outer cover of cladding LAN stands for Local MAN stands for Metropolitan
for the protection of optical fibre from damage and Area Network Area Network.
LAN’s ownership is MAN’s ownership can be
10. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of using private private or public.
optical fibre cable. The speed of LAN is high. The speed of MAN is average.
Ans. Advantage of using optical fibre cable It is immune to There is more fault There is less fault tolerance.
electrical and magnetic interference, i.e. the data does tolerance in LAN
not get disturbed and pure data is retrieved on the other
end. LAN’s design and MAN’s design and
maintenance is easy maintenance is difficult than
Disadvantage of using optical fibre cable Connecting LAN
either two fibres together or a light source to a fibre is a
difficult process. LAN’s cost is high but less MAN’s cost is higher than
than MAN. LAN
11. Write two advantages of using an optical fibre cable
over an ethernet cable to connect two service 16. Which device is used to connect dissimilar
stations, which are 190 m away from each other. networks?
Ans. Low power Because signals in optical fibres degrade Ans. A gateway is a device, which is used to connect dissimilar
less, lower power transmitters can be used. networks. The gateway establishes an intelligent
36 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
connection between a local network and external 21. What is the difference between star topology and
network, which are completely different in structure. bus topology of network?
Gateway also serve as proxy server and a firewall system Ans.Differences between star topology and bus topology are
that prevents the unauthorised access. as follows :
17. Identify the following devices Star Topology Bus Topology
(i) An intelligent device that connects several nodes
All the nodes are There is a single length of
to form a network and redirects the received directly connected transmission medium on which
information only to intended node(s). with the central various nodes are attached and the
(ii) A device that regenerates (amplifies) the node or server. server can be anywhere in the
transmission cable.
received signal and re-transmits it to its
destinations. Easy to detect faults. Faults cannot be easily detected.
Ans.(i) Switch (ii) Repeater It is fast in Becomes slow with increase
18. Identify the following devices transmission in node.
(i) A device that is used to connect different types of 22. Define tree topology. Also, write down its two
networks. It performs the necessary translation limitations.
so that the connected networks can communicate Ans.A tree topology is an extension and variation of bus
properly. topology. Its basic structure is like an inverted tree,
(ii) A device that converts data from digital bit where the root acts as a server.
stream into an analog signal and vice-versa. Limitations
Ans. (i) Router (ii) Modem ● Long cables are required for this kind of topologies.
There is the dependence on the root node.
19. Mr. GopiNath Associate Manager of Unit Nations
corporate recently discovered that the 23. What is the significance of HTTP?
communication between his company’s accounts Ans.HTTP is a protocol used on Internet. It works in
office and HR office is extremely slow and signals combination with WWW. It allows us to access hypertext
drop quite frequently. These offices are 120 metre documents on WWW. Since, WWW allow us to access or
away from each other and connected by an use multimedia files on the Internet and the hypertext
Ethernet cable. files supports multimedia.
(i) Suggest him a device which can be installed in 24. What is protocol? Which protocol is used to copy a
between the office for smooth communication. file from/to a remote server?
(ii) What type of network is formed by having this Ans.Protocol is a set of rules that two or more computers must
kind of connectivity out of LAN, MAN and follow to communication on network. FTP (File Transfer
WAN? Protocol) is used to copy a file from/to a remotely located
Ans. (i) The device that can be installed between the office
for smooth communication is repeater. 25. In which communication, the computers in a
(ii) The type of network is Local Area Network (LAN). network are connected through wire or cable?
Explain its types, if any.
20. Write one advantage of bus topology of network.
Ans.Wired communication is the communication in which the
Also, illustrate how four computers can be
wires or cables are used for connecting different devices
connected with each other using star topology of in a network.
There are three types of wired communication.
Ans.Advantage of bus topology In bus topology, computers
(i) Twisted pair cable Two identical wires are wrapped
can be connected with each other using server (host)
together and twisted around each other.
along a single length of cable.
(ii) Co-axial cable It consists of a core wire surrounded
Four computers can be connected with each other using
by foil shields or conducting braid or wire mesh.
star topology in the following way:
(iii) Optical fibre cable It consists of thin threads made
Comp 1 Comp 3 up of glass like substance, which are capable of
Hub carrying light signal from one end to another.
Optical fibre consists of the following parts
Comp 2 Comp 4 ●
Core ●
Protective coating
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 37
26. How is co-axial cable different from optical fibre? Differences between LAN and WAN are as follows
Ans. Differences between co-axial cable and optical fibre. LAN WAN
Co-axial cable Optical fibre LAN stands for Local Area WAN stands for Wide Area
Network. Network.
It is used to transmit the It is used to transmit the
signal in electrical form. signal in light form. The speed of LAN is high. The speed of WAN is
slower than LAN.
Co-axial cable is made of Optical fibre is made of
plastics, copper wires etc. plastics and glasses. There is less congestion There is more congestion in
in LAN. WAN.
The cost of co-axial cable is The cost of optical fibre is
less. high. There is more fault tolerance There is less fault tolerance
in LAN. in WAN.
Installation and Installation and
implementation of co-axial implementation of optical LAN’s design and WAN’s design and
cable is easy. fibre is difficult. maintenance is easy. maintenance is difficult
than LAN.
Co-axial cables are less These cables are not affected
affected due to the external due to external magnetic field. LAN covers small area WAN covers large
magnetic field. i.e. within the building. geographical area.
Transmission medium used in WAN uses satellite link as a
27. Explain wireless technology and give a brief note LAN is co-axial or UTP cable. transmission or
on the following communication medium.
(i) Bluetooth (ii) Radiowave 30. Define hub and write its functions and types.
Ans.Wireless technology is also known as unguided media. Ans. A hub connects several computers together and acts as a
This media does not use any wires or cable for its central node or server.
connectivity in the network. It uses electromagnetic
waves. Some of the wireless technologies are : Function of a hub
(i) Bluetooth (ii) Radiowave
● Interconnects number of computers or users.
(iii) Infrared (iv) Microwave ●
All the incoming data packets received by the hub are
(v) Satellite communication send to all hub ports and from their, the data is sent to
all the computers, connected in a hub network.
(i) Bluetooth It is used for exchanging data over a short
distance from fixed and mobile devices. This type of Hub are of two types
media comes under PAN (Personal Area Network). (i) Active hub It acts as repeater. It amplifies the signal
(ii) Radiowave When two terminals are connected by as these move from one device to another.
using radio frequencies, then such type of (ii) Passive hub It simply passes the signal from one
communication is known as radiowave transmission. connected device to another.
Radiowave transmission set-up has two parts.
31. What are the functions of the following devices?
Transmitter Devices, which transmit signals are
termed as transmitter. (i) Repeater (ii) Switch
Receiver Devices, which receive signals are known Ans. (i) Repeater It is a network device, that amplifies and
as receiver. restores signals for long distance transmission.
It interconnects identical network. Useful for long
28. Write a short note on LAN and PAN.
distance transmission, as they assure that there is no
Ans.LAN A Local Area Network is a computer network loss of data packets on the way.
covering a small geographical area like a home, office or
(ii) Switch It is a device used to segment networks into
small group of building such as building in a school.
different subnetworks, called subnets or LAN
Computer connected to a LAN can share information
segments. This prevents traffic overloading. Switches
and peripheral equipments.
are responsible for filtering, i.e. transforming data in a
PAN It stands for Personal Area Network. It is a specific way and forwarding packets.
computer network used for communication among
computer and different technological devices close to it. 32. Define repeaters with its two types.
Technologies such as bluetooth and infrared Ans.Repeaters are used to amplify the signals, when they are
communication form a wireless PAN around the device. transported over a long distance.
29. In networking, what is WAN? How is it different Repeaters are of two types
from LAN? (i) Amplifier It amplifies or boosts the incoming signals.
Ans.The network which connects the different countries is So, it amplifies both the signal and any concurrent
known as WAN. noise.
38 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
(ii) Signal repeater It only amplifies the signal and The IP address consists of four numbers from 0 to 255
filters out the noise signals. So, we get only the clear separated by dots.
signal at the receiver end. The characteristics of an IP address are as follows
33. When the computer network uses telephone lines (i) IP addresses are unique.
as communication channel then MODEM is used (ii) IP addresses are global and standardised.
as a data communication device. Now, explain the 38. Distinguish between website and web browser.
working of MODEM.
Ans.Website is a place on the net servers to keep web pages.
Ans.MODEM performs the task of modulation at sender’s Web browser is a software application for retrieving,
site and DEModulation at the receiver’s site. Basically, presenting and traversing information on the world wide
our computer generates data in the form of digital web.
signals, which need to be forwarded to the receiver
through telephone lines. Since, telephone lines can carry 39. Discuss the functioning of a web browser and web
only analog signals. So, digital signals need to be server.
converted to analog signals at sender’s site, this is called Ans.Web browsers became such a pervasive way to access
modulation. At receiver’s site, again analog signals information that users and organisations desired to
should be converted back to the original digital signals, access. So, web servers had to be extended to allow
then this is called demodulation. software application development and access to database.
34. Write one advantage of star topology over bus A web server provides four major functions
topology and one advantage of bus topology over (i) Surfing web pages.
star topology. (ii) Running gateway programs and returning output.
Ans. Advantage of star topology over bus topology The star (iii) Controlling access to the server.
topology is the most reliable as there is a direct (iv) Monitoring and logging server access statistics.
connection of every nodes in the network with the
central node, so any problem in any node will affect the l
Long Answer Type Questions
particular node only. While in bus topology, if problem
exists in common medium, it will affect the entire node. 40. Trine Tech Corporation (TTC) is a professional
Advantage of bus topology over star topology consultancy company. The company is planning to
Extension of network is very easy in bus topology. We set up their new offices in India with its hub at
can connect new node along its length. While in star Hyderabad. As a network adviser, you have to
topology, it is difficult to expand, as the new node has to understand their requirement and suggest them the
connect all the way to central node and there is not best available solutions. Their queries are
available port in central node. mentioned as (i) to (v) below.
35. Differentiate between XML and HTML. Physical locations of the blocks of TTC
Ans.XML was designed to describe data and to focus on what
data is. HTML was designed to display data and to focus Human Resource Conference
on how data looks. Block Block
HTML is about displaying information while XML is
about describing information.
36. What is the difference between domain name and Block
IP address?
Block to block distance (in m)
Ans.IP address is an identifier for a computer or device on a
TCP/IP network. Block (From) Block (To) Distance
e.g. could be an IP address. Human Resource Conference 110
A domain name is a name that identifies one or more IP Human Resource Finance 40
addresses. Conference Finance 80
e.g. The domain name microsoft.com represents about a
dozen IP addresses. Expected number of computers
37. Write a short note on IP address and give its Block Computers
characteristics. Human Resource 25
Ans.Internet internally follows number based addressing Finance 120
system. Numeric address of a computer is called IP Conference 90
address by a scheme called Domain Name System
CBSE Term II Computer Science XII 39
(i) Which will be the most appropriate block, where Number of computers
TTC should plan to install their server?
Building RAVI 25
(ii) Draw a block to block cable layout to connect all
Building JAMUNA 150
the buildings in the most appropriate manner for
efficient communication. Building GANGA 51
(iii) What will be the best possible connectivity out Head Office 10
of the following, you will suggest to connect the
new set up of offices in Bengalore with its (i) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to
London based office. house the server of this organisation. Also, give a
Satellite Link reason to justify your suggested location.
Infrared (ii) Suggest a cable layout of connections between
Ethernet the building inside the campus.
(iv) Which of the following device will be suggested (iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices
by you to connect each computer in each of the with justification:
buildings? (a) Switch (b) Repeater
Switch (iv) The organisation is planning to provide a high
Modem speed link with its head office situated in the
Gateway Kolkata using a wired connection. Which of the
following cable will be most suitable for this job?
(v) Company is planning to connect its offices in
Hyderabad which is less than 1 km. Which type (a) Optical fibre (b) Co-axial cable
of network will be formed? (c) Ethernet cable
Ans. (i) TTC should install its server in finance block as it is (v) Consultancy is planning to connect its office in
having maximum number of computers. Faridabad which is more than 10 km from Head
(ii) office. Which type of network will be formed?
Human Resource Conference Ans. (i) The most suitable place to house the server is
Block Block
JAMUNA because it has maximum number of
Finance Building
Block RAVI Building
Number of computers in each of the blocks/centre Physical locations of the blocks of TUC
are as follows
Law Block 15 Conference Human
Block Resource
Technology Block 40
HR Centre 115
Business Block 25 Block
(i) Suggest the most suitable place Block to block distances (in metre)
(i.e. block/centre) to install the server of this
Block (From) Block (To) Distance
university with a suitable reason.
Human Resource Conference 60
(ii) Suggest an ideal layout for connecting these
block/centre for a wired connectivity. Human Resource Finance 120
(iii) Which device you will suggest to be Conference Finance 80
placed/installed in each of these blocks/centre to
efficiently connect all the computers with in Expected number of computers to
these blocks/centre ? be installed in each block
(iv) The university is planning to connect its Block Computers
admission office in the closest big city, which is
more than 250 km from university, which type of Human Resource 125
network out of LAN, MAN or WAN will be Finance 25
formed? Justify your answer.
Conference 60
(v) Expand the following
(i) What will the most appropriate block, where
Ans. (i) HR centre as it has maximum number of computers. TUC should plan to install their server?
(ii) (ii) Draw a block to block cable layout to connect all
the buildings in the most appropriate manner for
Business efficient communication.
(iii) What will be the best possible connectivity out
Block of the following, you will suggest to connect the
new setup of offices in Bengalore with its
London based office?
Law l
Block HR
Satellite Link
Ethernet Cable
(iii) Switch. (iv) Which of the following devices will be suggested
(iv) WAN as it is another city. by you to connect each computer in each of the
(v) ● Local Area Network buildings?
Wide Area Network l
44. Tech Up Corporation (TUC) is a professional l
consultancy company. The company is planning to l
set up their new offices in India with its hub at (v) Company is planning to connect its Block in
Hyderabad. As a network adviser, you have to Hyderabad which is more than 20 km. Which
understand their requirement and suggest to them type of network will be formed?
the best available solutions. Their queries are
Ans. (i) TUC should install its server in Human Resource
mentioned as (i) to (v) below. Block as it has maximum number of computers.
42 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
Local Area Network
Delhi Head 46. Expertia Professional Global (EPG) in an online
corporate training provider company for IT related
Administration Academics
courses. The company is setting up their new
campus in Mumbai. You as a network expert have
to study the physical locations of various buildings
Shortest distances between various blocks and the number of computers to be installed. In the
Human Resources to 100m planning phase, provide the best possible answers
Administration for the queries (i) to (v) raised by them.
Human Resources to Academics 65m Physical locations of the buildings of EPG
Academics to Administration 110m
Delhi Head Office to Bengaluru 2350 km
Office Setup
(iii) (a) Switches are needed in every building as they help (iv) The NGO is planning to connect its international
share bandwidth in every building. office situated in Mumbai, which out of the
(b) Repeaters may be skipped as per above layout following wired communication link, will you
(because distance is less than 100 m), however if suggest for a very high speed connectivity?
building GREEN and building RED are directly
connected, we can place a repeater there as the
(a) Telephone analog line (b) Optical fibre
distance between these two buildings is more than (c) Ethernet cable.
100 m. (v) Expand the following
(iv) (b) Co-axial cable. l
(i) Suggest a cable layout of connection between the Expected wire distance between
buildings. various locations
(ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to Research Building to Admin Building 90 m
house the server for this NGO. Also, provide a
suitable reason for your suggestion. Research Building to Academic Building 80 m
(iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices Academic Building to Admin Building 15 m
with justification: Delhi Admission Office to Parampur Campus 1450 km
(a) Repeater (b) Hub/Switch.
Expected number of computers to be installed at
(iv) The NGO is planning to connect its international various locations in the university are as follows
office situated in Delhi. Which out of the
following wired communication links, will you Research Building 20
suggest for a very high speed connectivity? Academic Building 150
(a) Telephone analog line (b) Optical fibre Admin Building 35
(c) Ethernet cable. Delhi Admission Office 5
(v) Expand the MODEM.
(i) Suggest the authorities, the cable layout amongst
Ans. (i)
various buildings inside the university campus
Main Resource for connecting the buildings.
Building Building (ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to
house the server of this organisations with a
suitable reason.
Training Accounts
(iii) Suggest an efficient device for the following to
Building Building be installed in each of the building to connect all
the computers
(ii) The most suitable place to house the server for this
(a) Gateway
NGO is Training Building because it has the
maximum number of computers. (b) Modem
(iii) (a) Repeater As per one layout (shown in (i)), the (c) Switch
repeater can be avoided as all distances between the (iv) Suggest the most suitable (very high speed)
compounds are < = 100 m. service to provide data connectivity between
(b) Hub/Switch Training building as it is hosting the admission building located in Delhi and the
server. campus located in Parampur form the following
(iv) (b) Optical fibre. (v) Modulator Demodulator options:
50. Eduminds University of India is starting its campus l
Telephone line
in a small town Parampur of Central India with its l
Fixedline dial-up connection
centre admission office in Delhi. The university has l
Co-axial cable network
three major buildings comprising of Admin building, l
Academic building and Research building in 5 km
area campus.
Leased line
As a network expert, you need to suggest the
Satellite connection.
network plan as per (i) to (v) to the authorities (v) University is planning to connect its campus in
keeping in mind the distances and other given Delhi which is less than 100 km. Which type of
parameters. network will be formed?
46 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
Ans. (i) (iv) The Institute is planning to link its study centre
situated in Delhi. Suggest an economic way to
connect it with reasonably high speed. Justify
Academic your answer.
(v) Expand the following
(ii) The most suitable place to house the server is Ans. (i) Since, the distance between Lib Wing and Admin
Academic Building as it has maximum number of Wing is small. So type of networking is small, i.e. LAN.
computers. Thus, it decreases the cabling cost and (ii) Since, maximum number of computers are in Student
increase efficiency of network. Wing, so suitable place to house the server is Student
(iii) (c) Switch is to be installed in each of building to Wing.
connect all the computers. (iii) (a) Repeater should be installed between Student Wing
(iv) Satellite connection. and Admin Wing as distance is more than 60 m.
(v) MAN (b) Switch should be installed in each wing to connect
several computers.
51. Institute of Distance Learning is located in Pune
and is planning to go in for networking of four (iv) Broadband connection as it is between economical
and speedy.
wings for better interaction. The details are shown
below: (v) ● Personal Area Network
● Wide Area Network
Student Lib 52. Bias Methodologies is planning to expand their
Wing Wing network in India, starting with three cities in India to
build infrastructure for research and development of
Admission Admin
their chemical products. The company has planned to
Wing Wing set up their main office in Pondicherry at three
different locations and have named their offices as
Back Office, Research Lab and Development Unit.
The distance between various wings The company has one more research office namely
Student Wing to Admin Wing 150 m Corporate Unit in Mumbai. A rough layout of the
same is as follows:
Student Wing to Admission Wing 100 m
Student Wing of Lib Wing 325 m Corporate
Unit Research
Admission Wing to Admin Wing 100 m [Mumbai] Lab
Admission Wing to Lib Wing 125 m
Admin Wing to Lib Wing 90 m Office
Research Lab 158 locations and have named their offices as Production
Back Office 79 Unit, Finance Unit and Media Unit. The company
Development Unit 90 has its Corporate Unit in Delhi. A rough layout of
Corporate Unit 51 the same is as follows:
(i) Suggest the type of network required (out of INDIA
LAN, MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the Corporate Chennai
following office units. Unit [Delhi]
Research Lab and Back Office
l Unit
(ii) Which one of the following device, will you Unit
suggest for connecting all the computers with in Media
each of their office units?
Switch/Hub Modem
Telephone. Approximate distance between these units are as
(iii) Which of the following communication medium, follows
will you suggest to be procured by the company From To Distance
for connecting their local office units in
Pondicherry for very effective (high speed) Production Unit Finance Unit 70 m
communication? Production Unit Media Unit 15 km
Telephone cable l
Optical fibre Production Unit Corporate Unit 2112 km
Ethernet cable. Finance Unit Media Unit 15 km
(iv) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the
company’s local office units located in Pondicherry. In continuation of the above, the company experts
Also, suggest an effective method/technology for have planned to install the following number of
connecting the company's office unit located in computers in each of their office units
Mumbai. Production Unit 150
(v) Which building is suitable to install the server Finance Unit 35
with suitable reason? Media Unit 10
Ans. (i) LAN and MAN. Corporate Unit 30
(ii) Switch/Hub.
(iii) Optical fibre. (i) Suggest the kind of network required (out of
LAN, MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the
(iv) Pondicherry following office units:
Corporates LAN Back l
Production Unit and Media Unit
Unit Office l
Production Unit and Finance Unit.
Research (ii) Which one of the following device will you
suggest for connecting all the computers with in
Development each of their office units?
Switch/Hub l
An effective method/technology for connecting the
(iii) Which of the following communication media, will
company's offices–unit located in Mumbai is dial-up
you suggest to be procured by the company for
or broadband.
connecting their local office units in Chennai for
(v) Research lab is suitable to install the server because it very effective (high speed) communication?
has maximum number of computers. l
Telephone cable l
Optical fibre
53. China Middleton Fashion is planning to expand their l
Ethernet cable.
network in India, starting with two cities in India of (iv) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the
provide infrastructure for distribution of their company's local office units located in Chennai.
Also, suggest an effective method/technology for
product. The company has planned to set up their connecting the company's office unit located in
main office units in Chennai at the different Delhi.
48 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
(v) Suggest the most suitable place to install the Number of computers installed at various
server with reason. buildings are as follows
Ans. (i) MAN and LAN. ADMIN 110
(ii) Switch/Hub. ENGINEERING 75
(iii) Optical fibre.
(iv) Delhi Chennai MEDIA 10
Corporate LAN Mumbai Head Office 20
Unit Unit
Production (i) Suggest the most appropriate location of the
Unit server inside the Nepal Campus (out of 4
Media buildings), to get the best connectivity for
Unit maximum number of computers. Justify your
An effective method/technology for connecting the (ii) Suggest and draw the cable layout to efficiently
company’s office in Delhi and Chennai is broadband connect various buildings within the Nepal
connection. Campus for connecting the computers.
(v) Production unit is suitable to install the server
because it has maximumk number of computers. (iii) Which hardware device will you suggest to be
procured by the company to be installed to
54. Gargi Education Service Ltd. is an educational protect and control the Internet uses within the
organisation. It is planning to set up its India campus.
campus at Nepal with its head office at Mumbai. The
Nepal campus has 4 main buildings– ADMIN, (iv) Which of the following will you suggest to
ENGINEERING, BUSINEES and MEDIA. establish the online face-to-face communication
between the people in the ADMIN office of
You as a network expert have to suggest the best Nepal Campus and Mumbai Head Office?
network related solutions for their problems raised
in (i) to (v), keeping in mind the distance between (a) Cable TV (b) E-mail
the buildings and other given parameters. (c) Video Conferencing (d) Text Chat
Nepal (v) Expand the following
Mumbai Campus l
Ans. (i) ADMIN is the most appropriate location of the Nepal
ADMIN Campus because it has maximum number of
BUSINESS computers.
Shortest distance between various buildings
ENGINEERING To BUSINEES 60 m (iii) Firewall.
ENGINEERING To MEDIA 50 m (iv) (c) Video Conferencing.
(v) ● Metropolitan Area Network
Personal Area Network
Mumbai Head Office To Nepal Campus 2175 m
Chapter Test
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is not a feature of networking? [CBSE 2011]
(a) Resource sharing
(b) Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
(c) Reduced cost
(d) Reliability
2. What is the use of bridge in the network?
(a) To connect LANs (b) To amplify signals
(c) To control network speed (d) All of these
3. Data is converted in a form so as to travel over telephone lines using this device.
(a) Modem (b) Hub
(c) Switch (d) Router
4. If a Lawyer sharing the case files via bluetooth from his phone to the client’s phone, considered as which of the network
(a) LAN (b) PAN
(c) MAN (d) CAN
(i) Which will be the most appropriate block, where TTC should plan to install their server?
(ii) Draw a block to block cable layout to connect all the buildings in the most appropriate manner for efficient
(iii) Which of the following device will be suggested by you to connect each computer in each of the buildings?
(a) Switch (b) Modem
(c) Gateway
(iv) The company is planning to connect its admission office in Hyderabad which is more than 1000 km from
company. Which type of network will be formed?
50 CBSE Term II Computer Science XII
9. Granuda consultants are setting up a secured network for their office campus at Faridabad for their day-to-day office and web
based activities. They are planning to have connectivity between three buildings and the head office situated in Kolkata.
Answer the questions (i) to (iv) after going through the building positions in the campus and other details, which are given
Distance between various buildings
Building RAVI to Building JAMUNA 120 m
Building RAVI to Building GANGA 50 m
Building GANGA to Building JAMUNA 65 m
Faridabad Campus to Head Office 1460 km
Number of Computers
Building RAVI 25
Building JAMUNA 150
Building GANGA 51
Head Office 10
(i) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to house the server of this organisation. Also, give a reason to justify your
suggested location.
(ii) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the building inside the campus.
(iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification:
(a) Switch (b) Repeater
(iv) Consultancy is planning to connect its office in Faridabad which is more than 10 km from head office. Which type of
network will be formed?
For Detailed Solutions
Multiple Choice Questions
Scan the code
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b)