Peer Reviewed Bi-Monthly

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International Journal of Advance ISSN – 2347-7075

and Applied Research (IJAAR) Impact Factor – 0.899

Peer Reviewed Bi-Monthly Vol.2 No.5 May– June 2015


Prof. Prakash T. Gaikwad.
Head, Department of Sports, Shivaji University, Kolhapur

The famous saying "Today's children are tomorrow's citizens", is very much
true, because, practically every child born on this earth grows up through a
natural phenomenon and in due course of time on attaining a particular age
gains citizenship of some or the other country. That way, about 90–95 % of the
new born babies normally gain the citizenship. However, in the realistic sense,
for a country, which wants to achieve progress and prosperity, become self-
sufficient and flourish in all walks of life, it is not sufficient that, all the children
born in a country are just grown-up and become citizens, but every one of them
should become fit and enthusiastic citizen.
From the ancient period, our country was called as a golden bird, because it
had rich traditions, developed arts and cultures, good productivity, variety of
trades and many other aspects. So, our country was frequently attacked and
ruled by many foreign powers in the past. Hence, it was a dream of our freedom
fighters and earlier social and political leaders that, our country should become
free from the rulings of all foreign powers and shine once again as a developed
country and a superpower in the world. For this purpose a large number of our
ancestors have sacrificed their lives during pre-independence period. Our Ex-
President Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam has also hoped the same and given us the
target to achieve the goal of our ancestors by 2020. These dreams of them will be
realised only when every citizen of our country becomes fit and healthy, efficient,
honest, sincere and a patriot.

According to Charles Bucher, a fit citizen is that person, who is physically
fit, mentally alert, emotionally stable, socially well-accepted. Whereas the
qualities of a good citizen are honesty, intellectuality, spirituality and patriotism.
This means, to become a fit and good citizen, a person should have to have many
good qualities and a fully developed and well-balanced all round personality. In
the normal course, it is noticed that, the fit and good citizens as such are not
born, but they are made so through various processes.
In this modern era many Psychologists and scholars have referred the

IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

external and internal of a man in totality as "Personality" and it has been

defined in different ways. However, they all agree to a fact that, the “personality
of an individual” is not a single entity, but it is a mixture of various aspects such
as physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual etc. As a theoretical
feature, we can just explain each of these aspects separately, but in reality, they
cannot be separated from each other, because they are closely inter-related and
inter-dependent. Their inter-relationship is such that, if a small change occurs in
any one of these aspects, it will cause a relative change in all other aspects and
ultimately there will be a change in the total personality of that individual.
Taking this fact in to consideration, some experiments were conducted and
practically it has been proved that, if we cultivate, develop and strengthen all the
aspects of personality, then there will be a total change in an individual. Hence,
his process of building-up of man, i.e. in other words, bringing in the changes in
various aspects of the personality of an individual through artificial means in the
modern and scientific terms is referred to as “Personality Development” of an
However, the Education has proved itself to be one of most important,
successful and effective tool in the process of personality development. It is
therefore, the education in the present days has become one of the basic needs of
human beings.


The "Education" that way is not a newly developed concept in this modern
world, but it is as old as the existence of the human race. In the initial stages,
the nature of education was very simple and informal. Its main aim in olden
days was just to provide basic knowledge and variety of experiences to human
beings, so as to prepare them to face various situations and make them capable
to protect themselves and their families. In due course of time, various arts,
cultures and sciences were developed and also unbelievable advancement in
technology was achieved, because of the accumulation of a variety of experiences
and knowledge. As result of it a storm of civilisation was developed and it blew
over the world and thereby almost every field got modernised. Under such
changing circumstances, the old concept of education also underwent drastic
changes and modifications from time to time and finally it evolved in to a large
and formal system with many sub-systems as its components.
Education is generally a life-long and continuous process, which is carried
out formally and informally, either in the school or outside, with or without the
help of books, notes, literature etc, in the presence or in the absence of a teacher,
irrespective of caste, creed, religion, age, sex, etc.
Many scholars and educationists have determined (a) Bread and butter (b)
Harmonious development (c) Cultural development (d) Fostering of individuality
(e) Preparation for life etc. as some of the main goals of education in India.
Prakash T. Gaikwad.
IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

Whereas, the specific goals, - (1) Health (2) Character (3) Citizenship (4) Worthy
home-membership (5) Worthy use of leisure (6) Vocational training (7)
Command of fundamental processes, are being considered as cardinal principles
of Secondary Education in U.S.A. Thus, the main aim of education lies in
achieving the specified goals and the development of one's personality.
Education in the present day context is perhaps the single most important
means for individuals to improve personal endowments and build capability
levels, overcome constraints and choices for a sustained improvement in well-
being. It is equally important for enabling the process of acquisition,
assimilation and communication of information and knowledge, all of which
augments a person’s quality of life. More importantly it is a critical invasive
instrument for bringing about social, economic and political inclusion and a
durable integration of people.
In case, the programmes and policies of education are developed properly
and implemented seriously, then achieving these goals is not a difficult task.
Thus looking at these facts, it could be said that in this modern era the education
has become one of the basic needs of human beings.


Analysis of the progress of education in India, reveals that:
1) The history of education in India reveals that, from the early ancient period
every stratum in the Indian society was fully aware of the importance of
education in the life of an individual and the community. Therefore,
education has been an integral part of Indian culture since then. In the past,
various systems of education were developed in India to impart knowledge
and the ‘Gurukul’ system was pioneer and prominent amongst all. Other
major systems of education existed in India were - Parishads i.e. the
assemblies of Brahmins learned in Vedas and Dharma Shastras, also well
organisedcentres of learning having a status of universities such as
Takshashila, Nalanda, Vikramshila and Odantpuri in northern part of India,
Vallabhi in Kathiawad, Kanchi in south India, Nadia in Bengal. The
references of all these systems illustrate the rich educational tradition of
India. Education in ancient India was entirely a private venture of the
intelligent persons and its nature was set according to the social
requirements of different groups. However, in due course of time, the pattern
of education in India was changed with the changes in the political life of the
2) These age old various Systems of Education in India were replaced by the
modern and formal system of education during the British Regime in the pre-
independence period. After the Independence, in the name of new National
Educational Policies (NEP) suggested by Indian experts, the same modern
system was followed with few modifications in it. At present, the National
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IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

Educational Policy of 1986 is in implementation and according to this policy,

we have a 10+2+3 pattern of education in operation in our country. Its first
lap of 10 years is known as “School Education”, the second lap of 2 years is
known as “Intermediate or Junior Collegiate Education” and the third lap of 3
years is known as “Degree level or Senior Collegiate Education”. These three
tiers and the curricula of each of the classes included in every tier have been
formulated in accordance with the psycho-physiological principles, various
theories of growth and development and the theories of learning.
3) In India today, a man normally enters into this educational process at the age
of 5-6 years and studies various subjects, completes different assignments
included in the curriculum of each class for about 15 to 16 years, in various
educational institutions so-called schools and colleges, and become a graduate
at the end at the age about 20-22 years. The educational pattern at collegiate
level may vary sometimes depending upon the faculty of education. Also after
the graduation there are some post- graduation studies in almost all faculties
have been made available in the recent years through universities.
4) The main objective of the educational system during British Regime was
mainly to train the Indians and make them capable for services in British
organisations or in armed forces; hence it was mainly dominated by
examinations and certifications. After the independence, in-spite of
implementation of our national policies much difference is not seen in the
educational systems followed thereafter.
5) During this period of learning, every individual spends about 8 to 10 hours
every day in various institutions – so called schools and colleges, there he
mutely studies a large number of subjects included in the curricula just from
the examination point of view. Here, it has also been noticed that, as a part of
study the pupils generally have to attend the lectures arranged in classrooms.
Then, the major part of today's education generally involves reading, writing,
memorising some parts of the textbooks or readymade notes, notes and lastly
appear for the examination and get through it by obtaining a minimum of 35
percent marks. Thus the main nature of existing educational system has
become more theoretical, bookish and supported by a little practical work,
which undoubtedly brings-in only the mental and intellectual development in
an individual. No doubt, the intellectual skills, mental power, knowledge,
understanding are very much required for making wise decisions, good
judgements and logical analysis of problems, etc. in the life.
6) Each curriculum in the present educational system in India includes a
number of subject in order to achieve various objectives, but the nature of all
those subjects has remained mainly academic, theoretical, literature oriented
and leading to intellectual development only.
7) Every educational policy and the curricula so far implemented in India, aims
at the development of total personality of an individual. But in reality, no-
Prakash T. Gaikwad.
IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

where it has been seen that, a complete development of all other aspects of
personality except mental or intellectual are achieved. No doubt, some efforts
were made to achieve the development of other aspects by the inclusion of
respective subjects in the curriculum, however effective results were not
achieved successfully.
8) In this regard, it is a point worth noting is that, AcharyaRamamurthi
Committee appointed by the Central Government in the year 1990, to review
the outcomes and effectiveness of the NEP-1986, has mentioned in its report
that, the educational system in India as a whole has failed to achieve its total
Taking all above mentioned points into consideration, it could be
concluded that, the present educational system in India is insufficient to achieve
its total goals of Education. Even today, a majority of courses are just preparing
a person intellectually and certifying him/her fit for some jobs in various
organisations. Hence there is a need to reform the educational system in India,
in such a way that it could cater to the needs of all the citizens of the country.


Health Education:
From the practical point of view, good health and fitness are very much
required to lead a long, happy and cheerful life. The “Health”, according to the
World Health Organisation (WHO) "is a humilant feeling and a complete state of
physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being but not merely the
absence of any disease or infirmity in an individual".
To attain good health one should have to have good habits, complete
knowledge about the body, diseases, diet, nutrition, regular physical exercises,
rest and sleep in his life style. The childhood and later studentship are the right
stages where one can be properly oriented about all above facts and for this
purpose, a study of Health Education has to be introduced in the curricula of all
educational systems. That way, some of the topics of Health Education have
already been introduced in the science subjects up to X standard in the schools
curricula. The students at this stage look at such important topics just from the
examination point of view. So they read it or mug it up without understanding
its meaning and importance. At that situation, their age is minor and their
mental capacities are insufficient to understand the Health Education properly.
It is therefore, very essential to introduce Health Education at the college level.
Physical Education:
The concept of physical activities or physical culture or physical education
is not new to man. The history of Physical Education also reveals that, various
physical cultures and different games and sports have been a part of everyone’s
life, right from the days of epic period. On realising its importance, various
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IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

physical cultures and activities were used since the past few centuries in
different countries with different aims.
Few research studies in Psycho-Physiological fields, Medical Sciences and
Education, have shown that, (a) personality building takes place in stages and
through a continuous process, (b) physical growth and development is the
fundamental aspect of life, so, unless we achieve a complete growth and
development of physical aspect, we cannot achieve total development of other
aspects successfully, (c) for attaining optimum development of personality it is
initially essential to attain the maximum growth and development of physical
Few other experimental researches have also proved that, a regular practice
of various physical exercises and participation in games and sports will brings-
about a rapid and optimum growth and development of physical aspect as well as
other aspects of personality. Hence, the inclusion of a planned programme of
physical education and sports as a subject in every curriculum of all the
educational systems will definitely help to achieve the total growth and
development of physical as well as other aspects of personality. This in turn will
help to achieve the ultimate aims and objectives of education successfully.
Games and Sports:
"Work while you work, Play while you play, that is the way to be
happy and gay". These are words from the poem “work is worship” written by a
famous English poet William Wordsworth. In these words, the poet has rightly
said that, to gain happiness or joy in the life, both work and play are equally
Various Games and Sports are the modified forms of play and are
normally the socially organised activities. Participation in sports and games
basically improves general health and fitness, develops physical and mental
abilities and finally help to obtain an all-round development of personality of the
growing adult population. It also helps in the development of will power, moral
values and aesthetic education. Therefore, in a socialist society, it is said that,
(a) Sports ennoble man, as does everything that is beautiful, (b) Sports provide
energy and good health, which is required by the society, (c) Sports set new
records in physical education and performance, (d) Sports are essential aspect of
education that needs to be implemented at all levels, (d) Sports provide
recreation that is required by everyone.
According to Rabinder Nath Tagore, there is a deep connection between
the body and mind and the rhythm of life is broken, if harmony was not
developed between the two. According to his opinion education, art, music, and
games are the important means to achieve a co-ordinated development of mental,
physical and spiritual aspects of personality.
According to Darwin and many other scientists, human race has come into
existence through the process of evolution in the animal kingdom. So, the Man
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IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

has naturally inherited many fundamental characteristics from his ancestors in

the form of various Physical movements, exercises, play and games, which form
the fundamental activities among the human beings from his early age.
As referred earlier, the researches related to sports have proved that,
regular physical exercises and participation in sports help to attain physical
fitness, good health, emotional balance, better social relationship, and qualities
of true sportsmanship, efficiency in the work, refinement of their basic
movements etc. Sport also provides mental satisfaction, recreation and serves as
a leisure activity. It is therefore, the Physical exercises and sports are very
much required to be included in the lifestyle of every individual.
Present status of Health, Physical Education and Sports as a subject:
Since the past few decades, in many foreign countries, Physical Education
and sports has been considered to be most important subject than other
academic subjects. That is why, in recent years we notice that, many small
countries like Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, etc., are securing large number
of medals in international sports and also they have made rapid progress in all
walks of life.
During the Pre-independence period in India, the Britishers included
physical education and sports as one of the compulsory subject in the curricula at
all levels of education. Their basic aim was to make every individual physically
fit and partially trained with military skills so that, they could be recruited in
the army. After independence, with the implementation of our own National
Education Policies, the inclusion of physical education and sports as one of the
subjects in the curricula was continued no doubt, but in reality, we see that,
proper weightage and due recognition has not been given to this subject. Hence
the programme of Physical Education was not implemented effectively and as a
result, the education system started fading day by day.
In the recent years it has been noticed that, the Indian education lay more
stress on the mental and intellectual development of an individual at every
stage. Also a T.V. culture has developed all over the country and our younger
generation is blindly following the westernised culture. This situation has
resulted in many ill happenings. On one hand, the physical and overall fitness of
the younger generation is diminishing day by day, they are becoming incapable
to meet the strain and stress of the life situations, while on the other hand, they
are becoming more and more undisciplined, immoral and inactive. So, presently
there is a great need to develop their physical fitness, moral values and build up
their personality. These circumstances clearly imply that, there is great need to
implement the programme of physical education and sports effectively with great
enthusiasm and zeal.
When the existing curricula of all the three tiers of educational system were
analysed in view the above needs, the following facts were noticed,
(1) During the implementation of every educational policy, or during the post-
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war situations or after the few international sports festivals like Olympics,
Asian Games etc, the drums of Physical Education and sports were beaten
up loudly in the country. During such situations big plans were prepared,
large announcements were made, exaggerated promises for allocation of lots
of funds were made, and total enthusiasm was shown in the initial period.
But gradually its gas passes away and everything becomes stand still.
(2) In the recent years, the field of Physical Education and Sports has started
gaining some firm roots in few states like Punjab, Haryana, Madhya
Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat. In these states, Physical
Education and sports has been included as one of the compulsory subject in
the curricula at all levels of educational system and they have implemented
its programme effectively.
(3) In the state of Maharashtra, Physical Education and Sports has been
included as an integral part of the curricula at Primary, secondary and
Higher Secondary levels no doubt, but, this subject has remained optional,
non-examination and very much neglected at levels.
(4) Physical Education and Sports has not been included as a compulsory
subject in the curricula of any of the technical and non-technical graduation
level degree courses of all the Universities of Maharashtra. However, 4 non-
agricultural Universities of Maharashtra, viz. Shivaji University, Kolhapur,
Dr. B.A.M.University Aurangabad, Amravati University and S.R.T.
University, Nanded just allow their students of the Arts faculty (i.e. B.A.
Course) to opt this subject as one of the optional subjects at their graduation
level studies. However, only in the Shivasji University, Kolhapur there is a
compulsory Examination in Physical Education of 10 Marks for the students
of First Year of all the courses.


India is one of the oldest and largest countries in the world. Area wise it is
ranked seventh while population wise it stands second in the world. Our
present population is more than 110 crores, however, winning a "Gold Medal" in
Olympics has yet remained a dream for us. Our performance at Asian games
and other competitions is also not that appreciable.
As the result of our failure at Asian Games held at New Delhi in 1982 and
then in Seoul in 1986, there has been an intense nation-wide awareness
regarding the importance of physical education and sports. Since then, we notice
that, in order to promote sports and implement the programme of Physical
Education effectively in the country, our Government so far has undertaken the
following measures:
1) A full-fledged Ministry for Sports and Youth Welfare has been established
both at the Central and State Government levels.
2) Both the Central and State Governments are now making necessary
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IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

provisions in their Annual Budgets, and providing funds to the tune of 2% to

5% of their budgeted amount to the Ministry of Sports and Youth Welfare for
the implementation of various sports schemes and plans.
3) The Ministry of Sports and Youth Welfare has established various
organisations in the country, such as NetajiSubhash National Institute of
Sports, Sports Authority of India, staff training Institutions like Lakshmibai
National College of Physical Education at Gwalior and at Trivendrum. Then,
through these organisations the Ministry is implementing various schemes
and plans, such as National Sports OrganisationProgramme, National Sports
Talent Scholarships, Sports Awards, Orientation and refresher courses for
the Physical Education Personnel, players and others to improve the
standard of sports and performance.
4) The Physical Education and sports has been included as an integral part in
General Education and hence it has been incorporated as a compulsory
subject in the curricula of school and college level courses.
5) Substantial resources have been provided for the construction, development
and improvement of sports facilities in the country.
The above facts clearly show that, the Government authorities are trying to
promote sports and implement the programmes of physical Education effectively
and derive all the benefits out of it. However, in order to achieve better results
an overwhelming response from the society is very necessary.
The National Sports Policy of 1984 and the new educational policy of 1986
emphasised the need for the integration of sports in academic programme of
schools and college and a provision of required infrastructure in all education
systems. Accordingly, our government authorities have implemented many new
plans and schemes in the country to promote the basic health, physical fitness
and better quality of life of younger generation and to produce top level athletes
and sports persons.
Main features of one of the major schemes in sports being implemented recently
in India are:
(1) The Physical Education and sports has been given a status of a subject and
included in all the educational systems as a compulsory subject. Also it has
been made an integral part of the evaluation procedure of the students in
schools and colleges.
(2) The responsibility of providing a primary training in sports to the students
has been given to school level authorities, while the universities and colleges
were assigned the duty of providing advanced coaching and nurturing the
talents available to them.
(3) Young talents are being searched at school levels and they are put under
long and vigorous training in the specialised schools and training centres, to
prepare them in various sports and games, so that, they can give their best
performance when they reach the age of 15-17 years.
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IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

In view of the above scheme, the University Grants Commission (U.G.C.)

has prepared a National Sports Organisation (N.S.O) Programme and requested
all the Indian universities and its affiliated colleges to implement this N.S.O
programme effectively in their institutions.
The main recommendations of the U.G.C. in the (N.S.O) Programmeare :
(1) A properly planned and executed programme of Physical Education, Games
and other outdoor activities promotes social harmony, discipline,
development of right attitudes and values in the students at the individual
level and increased productivity, human resource development and
preparation of a balanced, integrated and healthy citizens at the nation
level. So, Physical Education and Sports should be an integral part of the
Higher Education also.
(2) In order to promote Physical Education and Sports in the Higher Education,
necessary infrastructure should be developed in all the universities and its
affiliated colleges. Also the necessary qualified staff should be appointed in
adequate number in every Institution.
(3) To achieve the aims and objectives of Physical Education and Sports the
following line of action should be followed,
a) At both Junior and Senior college level classes, Physical Education and
Sports must be made a compulsory subject with specified syllabus and it
should be consider as one of the subjects in the evaluation procedure.
b) The students of the 3 years degree level classes shall be allowed to opt
Physical education and sports as one of their optional subjects like
Economics, Sociology, History, Etc., and wherever possible, the student
should be allowed to major this subject at their graduation level course.
c) In order to implement the programme of physical education and sports
effectively, every college should have the basic facilities such as a
Gymnasium with indoor game facilities, a running track with all other
facilities, a Swimming pool, Basketball and Volleyball courts, play fields
for Indian games, etc.
In light of above facts, the analysis of the situation in all the Universities
of Maharashtra and in its affiliated colleges reveals that, since the subject of
Physical Education and Sports is totally neglected everywhere and hence the
needs of the students are not fulfilled and they are totally deprived of its
Secondly, the total hours a student spends in the college for the study
purpose is very less as compared to the hours a child spends in a school. So
naturally the college students have more leisure and in this period they need
some activities to kill the time and have some Recreation. Under such
circumstances, as the saying goes, "An empty mind is devil's workshop",
various destructive thoughts comes to the minds of students. So, in such a
situation, if these students are not provided with any proper activity, then they
Prakash T. Gaikwad.
IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

move towards other activities that may prove to be destructive in nature. At this
condition, the sports and games prove to be a proper substitute. Hence, there is
a great need to include sports and games in the curriculum of the college classes.
The student life in a college is said to be a junction. At this junction many
types of students meet each other. Few of them are really good and career
oriented, while some are innocent and studious, where as the remaining are bad
elements. So at this stage, a student either becomes a thorough gentleman or he
becomes a bad element depending upon the company he maintains. It is the age,
where majority of student falls in many bad habits and spoils their lives. It is
therefore, at this stage there is a great need to introduce Health and Physical
Education, so that it could create proper awareness and orientation in the lives
of the students.
Thus, going through all the above situations, one could definitely realise
that, there is a great need to prepare a curriculum in Health and Physical
Education and sports for the students of various degree courses in the
Universities of Maharashtra and implement it effectively and sincerely.
Advantages of having a curriculum of Health, Physical Education and
Sports at college level :
Advantages of having a core curriculum of Physical Education and Sports at
college level are:
(1) It will provide a platform for individual and team achievements in the field
of games and sports. It can be translated into better results in the academic
sphere. It also helps in goal setting and a pre-requisite for successful
(2) It brings about improvement in self-esteem, self-confidence, leadership
qualities and a balanced personality.
(3) Acceptance of academic premises in a sound frame of mind.
(4) Common platform for physical education on par with other academic
(5) Result oriented participation in sports and games.
(6) It will provide a total fitness of mind, body and soul.
(7) It will provide an opportunity to students to spend the pent-up energy
Disadvantages of having a curriculum of Health, Physical Education
and Sports at college level
Disadvantages of not having a core curriculum of Physical Education and Sports
at college level are
1) Lack of continuity of sports activities from school to college level.
2) Lack of basic levels of physical fitness to carry out day to day activities,
mental alertness, socialisation and unbalanced personality.
3) Lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, and mental trauma leading to untoward
incidents like depression, frustration, and suicidal tendencies due to
Prakash T. Gaikwad.
IJAAR Vol.2 No.5 ISSN – 2347-7075

academic pressure and high expectations of the parents.

4) Lack of professionalism in sports.
5) An unorganised system of participation in sports and games.

In the foregoing paragraphs we saw that, Health, Physical Education and
Sports are the oldest and fundamental educational systems having vital
importance in the life of every human being. So, there is a great need of its
regular study and practical implications in the lives of all the school and college
students. Thus, there is a great need to give a top priority to Health Education
as well as physical education and sports and include them as a compulsory
subject of every curriculum in all the courses of graduation level education in all
the universities in Maharashtra.

1. Bucher Charles A. "Foundations of Physical education", St .Louis: C.V.Mos
by Co., 1975, PP.13-14.
2. Kothari Prof. D.S. “Report of the Education Commission – 1964-66”
Government of India, Ministry of Education, New Delhi, 1966, P-6
3. Government of India, Planning Commission, “India – National Human
Development Report – 2001”, OxfordUniversity Press, New Delhi, 2002; P-
4. Chauhan C.P.S. “Higher Education in India”, Ashish Publishing House,
New Delhi, 1990 ; PP 17
5. Govt. of India, Ministry of Edn. “Report of the Committee for review of
National Policy on Education, 1986” Ministry of Edn. Govt. of Inida, New
Delhi, 1990
6. Manjal J. S. “ Health Education and Hygiene”, (Universal Publishers,
Agra, 1974) p. 8
7. Hurlock, E . B. “Child Development”, (McGraw Hill Book Co, New York,
1968) PP. 23-34.
8. Kothiwale D. B. “SharirikShikshanachaVikas” (Marathi Edition),
ShriLekahanVachanBhandar, Pune, 1956, p 26.
9. University Grants Commission “Guidelines for the development of
infrastructure for Physical Education and Sports under the National
Sports Organisation (NSO) Progamme”, U.G.C.Publication, 1985.Pp 1-4.

Prakash T. Gaikwad.

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