Final English!!!!
Final English!!!!
Final English!!!!
A Research Paper
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in
English 102 – Advanced Composition
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Approval sheet…………………………………………………………………………i
Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………iii
Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………4
Local literature…………………………………………………………………..….5
Foreign literature…………………………………………………………………….7
IV. Bibliography………………………………………………………………………..
V. Resume ……………………………………………..…………………………...…
102- A Advanced Composition and submitted to the department of English and Foreign
Ms. Lina Hervas
We would like to thank the Lord God, who provided us the strength, hope and
courage to continue doing our work. Ms. Lina Hervas, who helped and guided us as we
are writing our paper, Also to the librarians who lend us some books about Hypertension.
Refuerzo and Barameda family welcomed us warmly to their house, for the food we have
enjoyed there. This term paper is a product made possible though the contributions of
many writers. The names of the authors are listed in the bibliography.
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 1
People should be more conscious of their heart nowadays. Clinical studies show
that cases of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) continue to increase. The World Health
Organization predicts that by the year 2020, up to 40 percent of all deaths will be
cardiovascular disease related. The leading cause of death in the World is cardiovascular
cardiovascular diseases is quite alarming, there are about 17 million deaths annually
causes of death. The World Health Organization said that 30 percent of deaths are due to
cardiovascular disease, as against HIV/AIDS five percent, and malaria two percent.
In the United States, the diseases of the heart and circulation are the leading cause
of death and disability, afflicting more than 27 million children and adults, and killing
more than 1 million annually. Among the 27 million people having heart and blood vessel
diseases, high blood pressure is present in about 21 million, coronary heart disease and
heart attack in over 4 million, rheumatic heart disease in 1.6 million, and stroke in 1.6
million. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all other causes of death
combined, and heart attack alone is the largest single cause of death in the United States,
accounting for one-third of all male deaths between the ages 35 and 65.
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 2
Cardiologists warn that the rapid change in people’s lifestyle and diet are causing
the prevalence of different heart disease not only among older but also younger people.
The Pharmaceutical companies continue to seek better means of discovering new and
effective drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Pfizer, a global health-care
company has budget of $4.7 billion and 12,000 highly-skilled researchers working at
research and development facilities in more than 20 countries around the world. The
Pfizer is able to discover safe and cost-effective medicines for hypertension and high-
cholesterol, the tow main causes of cardiovascular disease. Its investment in the study of
the human genome will allow them to know other causes of cardiovascular disease in the
future, and help develop new drug treatments for the said disease. Pfizer is a union
between Pfizer Inc. and Warner-Lambert. It is a global research base company that
Patients” tends to find and seek best answers and solutions to the following questions:
hypertension in adults?
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 3
The researcher will discuss the common illness suffered mostly by people called
“Hypertension”. The research is limited only on the prevention on how to stay away from
hypertension on adult patients. The researchers will discuss all preventive ways in order
to avoid hypertension. These preventions will help the readers especially those who are
concern understand and gain knowledge about the topic which in one way they can also
apply to hypertension. Furthermore, the readers will also elaborate some effective and
This study would be beneficial not only to the researchers, but also to the
following people:
To the students, this study will give them some relevant information about
To the adult patients, they will be aware of the possible risks of having
To the nursing students, that they will attain some useful information and facts
about hypertension.
To the non hypertensive people, this paper will serve them as a warning that
hypertension is a silent killer and to change their lifestyle as early as possible. This will
be an informative paper for them to know the importance of their heart while they are
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 4
Definition of Terms
These are the following terms that the researchers used in this study:
Blood pressure. This refers to the force exerted by circulating blood on the
walls of blood vessels, and constitutes one of the principal vital signs.
Complications. Any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or
mmHg with a systolic pressure above 140 with a diastolic pressure above 90.
LDL cholesterol. Is more likely to clog blood vessels because it carries the
cholesterol away from the liver into the bloodstream, where it can stick to the blood
Lifestyle. A way or style of living that reflects the attitude and values of a
person or group.
The readings presented are the collection of related literatures that were by the
were published locally and internationally. The readings are related to the topic
Local Literature
General hospital says that in managing patients, doctors also consider the long-term
hypertension which damages the heart and kidneys, both vitals organs. He also stated that
if we want to live our lives longer, invest in ourselves. We should have less-sodium and
fat-trimmed diet. Avoid smoking and drinking. But he added also that diet and lifestyle
may not be enough to control our high blood pressure thus, we have to maintain drug
which we have to take at the same time everyday. Based on research studies conducted by
and that the prevalence in the elderly population is near half. This means that every one
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 6
are affected as well. It tends to run in families (Dr. J. J. Pujalte Jr., 2004). There are some
conditions that may lead to hypertension as follows: pregnancy, use of hormones like
estrogen (found in birth control pills), and tumors that secrete hormones that raise blood
pressure (for example, the adrenal glands). He also enumerates the following symptoms:
headaches, nape pains, chest pain or tightness, nosebleeds, blurring of vision, confusion,
and memory loss. These are the warnings of severe hypertension. The following may lead
to secondary hypertension such as: palpitations or the sensation of the heart jumping, too
heart disease and some sort of chronic inflammation affecting the arteries. One leading
infections, also causes heart attacks by disrupting the plaques that build up and narrow
diseased arteries. Large trials are under way to see whether giving antibiotics to heart-
disease patients will show tangible results. Pfizer Inc. is testing its popular antibiotic
wizard trial.
Ms. Julie E. Buring stated that the multivariate relative risks across increasing
quintiles of high-fat dairy product intake, in contrast, were 1.00, 1.02, 1.01, 1.00, and 0.97
(P for trend: 0.17). It was found that intakes of low-fat dairy products, calcium, and
vitamin D were each inversely associated with risk of hypertension in middle-aged and
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 7
older women, suggesting their potential roles in the primary prevention of hypertension
In fact, people with hypertension actually appear to be eating worse than before
in the Feb. 11 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. The study said young people,
blacks and the obese fared the worst in their dietary habits.
A diet high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products has been shown to help
This Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) method, first published in 1997,
complements other lifestyle changes, such as reducing sodium and losing weight, and can
also help lower cholesterol levels, previous studies have shown.The DASH diet is
of High Blood Pressure for all patients with hypertension.The study analyzed dietary,
health and personal data of adults collected in surveys done by the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention from 1988 to 1994 and from 1999 to 2004. Using the
DASH guidelines, researchers identified goals for eight target nutrients and calculated
scores ranging from zero to nine for individuals with and without hypertension from the
surveys; those who scored a 4.5 or higher were considered to be following the diet.
Foreign Literature
In an article of Malaya, the World Heart Federation states that the number of
cardiovascular diseases cases is quite alarming. There are about 17 million deaths
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 8
As stated by Dr. Ronald Santos, the prevalence rate of Hypertension in the United
States. Europe and Japan is 3:5, while in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia it is 2:5. A data
obtained from National Center for Health Statistics, Hypertension and other
cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death rates in United States.
The study, based on data collected on 10,874 Chicago men ages 18-39 who were
studied from 1967 to ’73 and then followed for an average of 25 years, is comprehensive
yet on the long term effects of high blood pressure in young men said Dr. Martha
Referring to New York Reuters Health, the more belly sticks out the greater your
risk of developing heart disease. A new study shows that the more Sagittal Abdominal
which was conducted in 9,193 patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy
(enlarged heart), showed that losartan significantly reduced the combined risk of
In an article found in Manila Star, said by British researchers, it’s the brain and
not the heart that is responsible for high blood pressure. In details, the scientist said that
hypertension can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and kidney damage is an inflammatory
vascular disease of the brain rather than the heart. Professor Julian Paton from Bristol
University Western England states that finding lead to new ways of treating condition. A
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 9
statement from Boston (Reuters) says a blood test that detects damage caused by a heart
attack is far more reliable than previously thought because it works in people with kidney
Study, showed that losing the weight will lessen the risk for hypertension. An increase in
controlled high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol, treatment with a
Getting blood pressure and "bad" LDL-cholesterol under control has been harder
to do in African Americans than in the overall U.S. population, note the researchers in a
report in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a medical journal. The current study, they say,
suggests that the single-pill option may help more of them reach their goals.
The single pill combo is marketed as Caduet by Pfizer, the company that
supported the study. Caduet contains the drug amlodipine, used to treat high blood
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 10
African Americans with poorly controlled hypertension and dyslipidemia that single-pill
M. Flack, from Wayne State University Health Center in Detroit and colleagues report.
percent of patients at study entry but was attained by almost half by week 20," they
further note.
More specifically, they report that 236 (48.3 percent) of 489 patients reached both
their blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol goals, versus 4 (0.8 percent) of 484 at baseline.
Separately, they found that 280 (56.8 percent) of 493 patients reached BP goals,
versus 7 (1.4 percent) of 494 at baseline, while 361 (73.7 percent) of 490 reached LDL-
The single-pill combination was well tolerated; the most common treatment-
related adverse events were peripheral swelling (3.4 percent), headache (2.2 percent),
muscle pain (2.2 percent) and constipation (2.0 percent), none of which were considered
This study is relevant to adults because they have the greater chances of having
hypertension. Adults are more prone of having this disease because as they get older,
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 11
their bodies get weak also. Therefore, they have less ability to fight that specific disease.
In other words, their immune system weakens. This study also states that it is highly
alcohol, eating high-cholesterol foods and even stress can damage the heart by blocking
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 12
The following stated below are the summary, conclusion, and the
recommendation of the researchers for the readers in the topic Prevention and Treatment
In this study, the researchers found out that the hypertension in adult patients can
be prevented by changing the bad habits like: smoking, drinking alcohol, eating too much
fatty foods, too much drinking of coffee. It can also be prevented by exercising, balnce
produced by Pfizer Inc. The writers also found out that hypertension can be treated if the
high blood person will lose weight, stop eating fatty foods, exercising daily and
The researchers found out that hypertension can be found more often in men than
in women. Postmenopausal women are affected as well. There are some conditions that
may lead to hypertension as follows: pregnancy, use of hormones like estrogen and
pains, chest pain or tightness, nosebleeds, blurring of visions, confusion and memory
loss. The following may lead to secondary hypertension such as palpitation or the
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 13
sensation of heart jumping, too much perspiration, muscle cramps, weakness and frequent
The researchers also discovered that intakes of low-fat dairy products, calcium,
and vitamin D were each inversely associated with risk of hypertension in middle age and
older women, suggesting their potential roles in the primary prevention of hypertension
and cardiovascular complications. A diet high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy
Hypertension in adult patients can be prevented by kicking the bad habits in order
to have a healthy heart: quit smoking, exercise, maintain, reduce dietary cholesterol,
reduce coffee intake and avoid stress. The researchers have found that the DASH diet
(Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension), which is very similar to the Pritikin Eating
Plan, lowers blood pressure as well as or better than any drug. Both DASH and Pritikin
promote menus that are low in fats, salt, cholesterol, red meat, and sweets; high in fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and beans; and moderate in seafood, poultry, nuts, and low-fat
Adult patients are more hypertensive because of unhealthy lifestyle practices and
reckless diet in their younger age. Hypertension in adult patients can be prevented by
kicking the bad habits in order to have a healthy heart: quit smoking, exercise, maintain,
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 14
Adult patients are more hypertensive because of unhealthy lifestyle practices and
reckless diet in their younger age. Adults are more prone of having of having this disease
because as they get older, their bodies will also get weak.
Here are the recommendations that the researchers would like to share to all the
1. The adult patients it is highly recommended that they should change their lifestyle.
They should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, exercise daily, and reduce coffee intake
and stress. By having the right kind of food, hypertension and other diseases can be
prevented. Eating too much of fatty foods which contains bad cholesterol that can clog
the arteries in the heart, thus preventing the blood to flow normally.
2. The government should endorse about stop or drinking moderately, making programs
like exercising, jogger’s lane, aerobics, Taebo, walking marathon, eating low and non-fat
foods, and reducing weight. So that people will be encourage to lessen their weight and to
prevent hypertension.
3. The nursing students should have knowledge about hypertension for they will be
handling hypertensive patients. Nurses are the one who will take charge of the patients
while the doctor is not around so they should be well informed about this disease they are
supposed to know the first aids when hypertension had started infecting the patients’
4. And lastly, the non hypertensive people should watch on their diet and lifestyle. They
should stop abusing their health and stop their bad habits. And to keep their body fit and
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 15
healthy, they should find time for exercising. In the times they are at the party and can’t
help but to eat too much fatty food, they must drink supplements that can help their
digestion. Or most likely, they should control the intake of these fatty foods. One last
Department of Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients 16
[email protected]
Department of English, Literature and Foreign Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients - 18 -
Mylene B. Refuerzo
208 J. Ruiz Street
San Juan Metro Manila
[email protected]
Jackylin L. Tan
56 Scout Limbaga Street
Timog Ave., Quezon City
[email protected]/[email protected]
Department of English, Literature and Foreign Languages
Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients
- 20 -
Department of English, Literature and Foreign Languages