MSTE 4 April 2024 - PROBLEMS

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1. The local weather forecaster says “no 10. How many must be present in order to
rain” and his record is 2/3 accuracy of provide at least an even chance that two
prediction. But the Federal or more were born on the same day of the
Meteorological Service predicts “rain” week?
and their record is 3/4. With no other A. 14 B. 22 C. 6 D. 4
data available, what is the chance of
rain? 11. A prisoner is given 10 white balls, 10
A. 3/5 C. 1/6 black balls and two boxes. He is told that
B. 1/4 D. 5/12 an executioner will draw one ball from
one of the two boxes. If it is white, the
2. Find the volume of the parallelepiped prisoner will go free; if it is black, he
whose edges are represented by the will die. The prisoner should arrange the
following vectors: balls in the boxes to give himself the
best chance for survival. Determine his
A = 2i - 3j + 4k highest survival rate.
B = i + 2j – k A. 73.7% B. 47.4% C. 50% D. 82.6%
C = 3i - j + 2k
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 12. A girl on a wharf is pulling a rope tied
to a raft at the rate of 0.9 m/s. If the
3. If a bus passes as many light poles in hands of the girl pulling the rope are
two minutes as it goes in km/hr, how far 3.8 m above the level of water, how fast
apart are the poles? is the raft approaching the wharf when
A. 45.4 m C. 33.3 m there is 6 m of rope out?
B. 23.2 m D. 16.7 m A. 1.228 m/s C. 1.342 m/s
B. 1.562 m/s D. 1.163 m/s
4. The probability that both stages of a two-
stage missile will function correctly is 13. Water is being poured into a
0.95. The probability that the first hemispherical bowl of radius 3 inches at
stage will function correctly is 0.98. the rate of 1 cubic inch per second. How
What is the probability that the second fast is the water level rising when the
stage will function correctly given that water is 1 inch deep?
the first one does? A. 0.0763 in/sec C. 0.0673 in/sec
A. 0.931 B. 0.965 C. 0.969 D. 0.667 B. 0.0736 in/sec D. 0.0637 in/sec

5. Two trains, one 350 ft long, the other 14. What is the largest number of pigeonholes
450 ft long, on parallel tracks, can pass that can be occupied by 100 pigeons if
each other completely in 8 seconds when each hole is occupied, but no two holes
moving in opposite directions. When contain the same number of pigeons?
moving in the same direction, the faster A. 12 C. 14
train completely passes the slower one in B. 13 D. cannot happen
16 seconds. Find the speed of the faster
train. 15. There are n points on a circle. A
A. 25fps B. 40fps C. 50fps D. 75fps straight line-segment is drawn between
each pair of points. How many
6. A freight train leaves a station and intersections are there the circle if no
travels at the rate of 30 kph. Two hours 3 lines are concurrent?
later, an express train leaves the same A. (nP4)/24 C. nC3
station traveling in the same direction B. (nC4)/24 D. nP3
at a rate of 50 kph. In how many hours
will the express train be 10 km behind 16. Find the values of b for which the line y
the freight train? = 3x + b and the parabola y2 = 5x will
A. 3.5 B. 5 C. 4 D. 4.5 have no common point.
A. b > 12/5 C. b < 12
7. Find the sum of the roots of the equation B. b > 5/12 D. b < 14
x4 - 4x3 - 6x2 + 4x + 5 = 0
A. 4 B. 6 C. 3+2i D. 3–2i 17. Given the Fourier equation:

8. The polynomial f(x) = ax3 – 10x2 – 3x + b f(t)=5cos(20pt)+2cos(40pt)+cos(80pt)

has a factor of x + 5. When f(x) is What is the frequency?
divided by x – 2, the remainder −77. Find A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. 30
the values of a and b.
A. a=2 & b=15 C. a=2 & b=-15
B. a=-2 & b=15 D. a=-2 & b=-15 Situation 1. A multiple-choice examination
has 200 questions, each with 4 possible
9. Lots of 40 components each are called answers, of which only one is correct.
unacceptable if they contain as many 3 18. What is the probability that sheer guess
defectives or more. The procedure for work yields from 25 to 30 correct answers
sampling the lot is to select 5 components for 80 of the 200 problems about which
at random and reject the lot if a the student has no knowledge?
defective is found. What is the A. 0.1245 C. 0.1193
probability that exactly 1 defective is B. 0.1321 D. 0.2122
found in the sample if there are 3 19. Solve the problem using Normal
defectives in the entire lot? Approximation.
A. 0.3011 C. 0.1668 A. 0.1243 C. 0.1197
B. 0.2382 D. 0.1853 B. 0.1318 D. 0.2119

Review Innovations Baguio § Cebu § Davao § Manila

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