581115HSSC IIComputerScience
581115HSSC IIComputerScience
581115HSSC IIComputerScience
Time: 20 Minutes
Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on this page and
handed over to the Centre Superintendent .Deleting /Overwriting is not allowed .Do not
use lead pencil.
Q.1 Fill the relevant bubble for each part on the bubble sheet. Each part carries One
1 Which one of the following states transitions is valid?
A Ready to B Blocked to C Running to D Terminated to
block Running Ready Running
2 In which state, a process is waiting to be assigned to the processor by the
operating system scheduler?
A New State B Ready State C Waiting State D Running State
3 The first step in the system development life cycle is
A Analysis B Design C Problem D Development and
Identification Documentation
4 The decision Symbol in a flowchart indicates:
A Progress B Condition C Output D Input
5 Which of the following is an arithmetic operator?
A && B % C <= D >=
6 The number of bytes used by float data type in C++ is
A 2 B 4 C 6 8 Line
7 If the value of x=2 and y=4 then what will the output of the expression
x>y ? x*y :x+y;
A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8
8 How many times the following code print “AJK BISE MIRPUR”
Int c=0;
C++ ;
A 8 B 9 C 10 D 11
9 Which of the following identifies first element in array named temp?
A Temp[0] B Temp[1] C Temp(1) D Temp(0)
10 Another name for built-in function is:
A User defined B Library C Sub[rogram D Custom-made
function function function
11 The operator used to get value at address stored in a pointer variable is:
A * B & C && D ||
12 The name of destructor is always preceded by the symbol:
A + B % C - D ~
13 Which type of files data can be accessed randomly?
A Access file B Binary file C Text file D b-file
Time: 02:40 Hours Marks: 62
Note: Answer 14 parts from Section ‘B’ and 04 questions from Section ‘C’ on the E-sheet.
Write your answer on the allotted/given spaces.
SECTION-B(Marks 42)
Q.2 Attempt any 14 questions from the following.All parts carry equal marks. 14x3=42