Security Economics Knowledge Guide
Security Economics Knowledge Guide
Security Economics Knowledge Guide
Knowledge Guide
Issue 1.0.0
Tyler Moore University of Tulsa
Yulia Cherdantseva Cardiff University
Ross Anderson University of Cambridge
Daniel Arce University of Texas at Dallas
Rainer Böhme University of Innsbruck
Jason Nurse University of Kent
The Cyber Security Body Of Knowledge
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The subdiscipline of security economics was instigated by Ross Anderson in 2001 [4], with the
first annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security held in 2002. This knowledge
guide does not seek to summarise the entire field in a few short pages, an impossible task to
be sure. Instead, the goal is to introduce the reader to some of the most impactful ways in
which economics has helped to shed light on cybersecurity problems and frame solutions
that blend private and public action. The guide focuses on the organisational, rather than
individual, perspective, which is where the majority of scholarly activity has focused.
Section 2 describes canonical security failures from an economic perspective. Section 3
describes key measurement challenges. Section 4 reviews firm-level approaches to improving
cybersecurity while Section 5 discusses available public-policy options.
The CyBOK introduction identifies Cyber Security Economics as a cross-cutting theme [36].
We cross-reference relevant CyBOK knowledge areas throughout this guide for the interested
reader to explore further.
We know that security failures happen. Financial institutions leak account data on millions of
customers. Municipal services shut down for weeks upon discovering that systems have been
encrypted and rendered inaccessible until a ransom is paid. Nation-state hackers penetrate
electricity grids, prompting fears of sudden shutdowns.
In each case, there are often perfectly understandable technical explanations for why the
attacks succeeded, which vulnerabilities were exploited, and so on. By focusing on the details
of how the attackers succeeded, it is easy to miss the more profound questions lurking
beneath the surface: Why are so many systems vulnerable to attack? Why do some attacks
such as ransomware continue to proliferate when common-sense defences could stop them
from succeeding? Why is society less secure today even though we are spending far more on
information security defences than in the past?
An economic perspective offers compelling answers to each of these questions, by explaining
shortcomings that would otherwise seem baffling when only adopting computer science
that way. In the United Kingdom, for example, fraud regulations have historically favoured
banks [3]. This has made it easier for the banks to disclaim liability for fraud and push
the responsibility back onto the cardholder. For example, when a fraud dispute arises, the
standard argument from UK banks would be that the customer was careless with their PIN
and somehow must have disclosed it to the criminal.
So we have two countries with different regulatory environments – which country suffers
more fraud per capita? The United Kingdom. The reason why goes back to the incentives
at play. US banks have had to pay for disputed transactions, which meant that there was no
getting out of it. This created a very strong incentive for US banks to invest in technologies that
reduce fraud. Conversely, UK banks could blame customers for fraud in many circumstances.
This dulled their incentive to invest in technologies to reduce fraud. Consequently, UK banks
experienced much higher rates than observed in the United States [3]. This early example
illuminated many researchers to the importance of understanding the circumstances in which
a technology operates beyond the purely technical considerations.
Outside of banking, we see misaligned incentives appear in many other contexts. For instance,
we see insecure devices and supply chains, as well as differing and competing interests
in public versus private attitudes toward critical infrastructure protection. Let us take one
deeper dive into the incentives involving critical infrastructure protection. Industrial control
systems configure and operate many critical infrastructure systems, including power, pipelines
and even wastewater treatment. The devices in control systems were not designed to be
connected to the Internet because they have very limited security capabilities built in, and
because they are often used to program other devices in the system. And yet a researcher
found that thousands were globally accessible and available to all [34]. If the best practice is
not to connect to the Internet, why do so many people do it anyway? We can find an answer
by taking a closer look at the incentives at play among the various stakeholders.
Critical infrastructure operators definitely want to protect industrial control systems from
attacks. However, there is a clear benefit to connecting systems to the Internet, in order to
ease remote administration. Maintaining physical separation of IP-connected networks and
industrial control systems inevitably drives up costs. This is compounded by the fact that
historically there have been very few attacks on critical infrastructure, at least not many that
have been publicly disclosed. Finally, if something actually does go wrong, the full cost of
an attack is borne not just by the operator but also by society at large. Taken together, the
rational decision for many critical infrastructure operators is to connect the devices online,
despite the recommendations from best practice.
Consumers, meanwhile, value the reliability of critical infrastructure services and do not want
them to be attacked. Yet the same time, consumers prefer low cost of service, and it is not
feasible for consumers to distinguish between the security among critical infrastructure firms.
Governments, like consumers, value reliability of service, and they are especially wary of
the potential of being blamed for an attack. Governments are definitely worried about cyber
security, but they are not in a strong position; they do not have the budget to fund security in
the private sector, nor do they often control it.
In the absence of any regulatory intervention, the stakeholder with the most control usually
determines the outcome. In this case, it’s clear that the incentives of critical infrastructure
operators matter most because they’re the ones who actually decide how to make their
investments in security and make the trade-off between connectivity and security. Clearly, they
are choosing to connect their systems to the Internet, which is what the observed experience
market for secure software and products is a market for lemons. Vendors may believe that
their software is secure. They may be marketed as such, but it is very hard for a buyer to
credibly evaluate such claims. Consequently, buyers are unwilling to pay a premium for more
secure software. Instead, they prioritise other features that they can measure the quality of,
such as the user interface and price. Developers in turn put more effort into satisfying the
qualities that can actually be observed. But this leads to a bad outcome because security is
not emphasised as it should be.
We can see this in other areas besides software. Notably in security investment for firms
more generally, where a firm needs to convince its customers that it respects their data. It
can be very difficult to demonstrate good security. By contrast, poor security can be readily
confirmed when a breach occurs.
The second broad area where we see information asymmetries arises from the lack of data
relating to cybersecurity incidents. Companies prefer not to disclose when they suffer an
attack. If they are not required to by law to do so, many firms simply will choose not to. While
not disclosing may be a sensible strategy for an individual firm, this approach makes it very
difficult to get a grip on the true nature and extent of cyber risks within the larger context of a
lack of available evidence. Firms cannot easily estimate the probability that an incident will
take place or what it might cost them. In other words, if nobody is talking about when an
attack happens or what it costs them, then it is very difficult for other firms who have not yet
been targeted to know what the real risk is. Thus, we have an information asymmetry that
exists between firms. Even when firms do share that they have been attacked, they tend to
avoid discussing the financial fallout. Thus, we end up with a lack of accurate information on
losses, which makes it difficult to know if past investments have been effective. Measurement,
as explained later, is a huge challenge.
What are the consequences of markets with asymmetric information? There are two classical
outcomes: adverse selection and moral hazard. Adverse selection could happen in the cyber
insurance market [46]. It is very difficult for an underwriter to discriminate between firms
based on their operational security practices. Insecure firms are more likely to buy cyber
insurance, which could trigger higher premiums and lower participation than otherwise. We
also see adverse selection in the abuse of signalling devices, as discussed later.
The second outcome of asymmetric information is moral hazard. People may change their
behaviour if they are given some kind of protection. For example, in auto insurance, people
may drive more recklessly if they are fully insured and have a very low deductible because
they know they will be covered. In practice, moral hazard has not been a significant issue
in cybersecurity so far since insurance does not fully cover all harms that result from cyber
attacks [28].
Moral hazard can also arise in situations other than insurance. For example, in a cloud
environment, customers cannot observe the providers’ security efforts while providers cannot
always observe their customers’ security practices. In both cases, each side may be tempted
to shirk their responsibilities and operate insecurely. Hence, cloud security is an example of
double moral hazard.
Externalities come in two varieties: positive and negative. A negative externality occurs when
the action of an individual or firm imposes a cost on a third party that does not participate
directly in the transaction. Environmental pollution is a classic example [8]. Suppose a factory
produces widgets, but as a consequence of producing those widgets, they dump sludge into
the river. If the buyer does not have to account for the costs of this pollutant in the price they
pay for the widget, the lower price will stimulate higher demand and create excess pollution
and harm to society.
Information insecurity often exhibits negative externalities. Botnets provide the best exam-
ple [58]. When computers are infected with malware and recruited into a botnet, the harm is
not restricted to the operator of the compromised computer. In fact, computers in botnets
can be used for a variety of purposes: to send spam, to infect other computers, or to launch
denial-of-service attacks. In these cases, the harm is borne by someone other than the owner
of the infected computer. Consequently, the incentive for users participating in a botnet to
clean up is weakened because they do not fully experience the harm themselves.
The proliferation of data breaches can also be partially explained by negative externalities. In
2017, the US credit bureau Equifax experienced a data breach in which the credit reports of
143 million customers were exposed [10]. While Equifax was responsible for protecting the
confidentiality of such sensitive data, they did not bear the full cost of the harm resulting from
the disclosure. Many harms affected people and organisations beyond Equifax [38]. As well
as the individuals whose data was compromised, other financial institutions and healthcare
organisations might have been impacted by increased fraud. Moreover, U.S. government
was adversely impacted, primarily through weakened national security resulting from the
compromise of sensitive personal financial information of employees with security clearances.
When the potential harms of insecurity affect individuals and organisations other than the one
who is responsible for taking precautions, we should not be surprised by underinvestment in
defensive countermeasures.
A positive externality is a benefit to a third party as a consequence of another’s actions. But
why is this a market failure? Is an extra benefit to a third party not a good thing? The reason
positive externalities causes problems is that the people or firms involved in the transaction do
not capture the full benefits and therefore undervalue the transaction. This is harmful because
many security investments generate positive externalities by reducing risks for others. For
example, if more firms protect themselves successfully against ransomware, there will be
fewer successful ransomware gangs. Each firm that successfully protects itself lowers by
some small amount the risk to all firms, where the firms who take fewer countermeasures
could free ride on the investments of others.
The discovery of software vulnerabilities also creates external benefits. Security researchers
work hard to find bugs and disclose them to the software vendor. This benefits the vendor and,
downstream, all users of the software. The private benefits of the researcher might be to gain
reputation or to learn new skills. The vendor might have a bug bounty program that rewards
researchers for finding the bug. Yet in no case will the researcher reap all the downstream
benefits. As a result, we should expect less effort devoted to vulnerability discover than is
socially optimal.
Information sharing also exhibits positive externalities. Any firm with a security team that
monitors cyber attacks against their infrastructure naturally gathers threat intelligence data
that might benefit other organisations. Sharing the threat intelligence would create a positive
Moreover, positive network externalities tend to create dominant platforms [33]. A platform
is simply a system of interconnected users, such as a telephone network, a social network,
or even an operating system. In each case, the network becomes more valuable as it adds
more users. We see this with Facebook, where each new person that joins creates some new,
albeit minor, additional value to all of the other people who are already on the platform. And
they did not have to do anything to get this benefit. Such positive network externalities are
captured in Metcalfe’s Law, which asserts that the value of a network grows with the square
of its size [37].
When positive network externalities are present, a few dominant platforms tend to emerge
that crowd out new entrants. This has serious implications for security, in particular. There is
a very significant market reward to pushing out products quickly and ignoring security until
the firm establishes itself as the dominant platform. For example, the Windows operating
system was quite insecure until well after Microsoft achieved market dominance. Windows XP
had lots of significant security holes. With a dominant position secured, Microsoft belatedly
invested heavily in security when developing the next version called Vista [45]. Unfortunately
for Microsoft, they learned that it is hard to add security in after the fact. Vista was delivered
late and over budget [44]. While security improved, significant problems remain to this day.
Moreover, dominant platforms exhibit correlated risk. For example, there was a huge spike
in ransomware targeting organisations running the same vulnerable Windows file sharing
network protocol. Had there been more diversity in the software running on enterprises, such
attacks might not be so pervasive today.
Both positive and negative externalities are bad from an economic perspective. With positive
externalities, we tend to have less of the good than is desirable. With negative externalities,
we end up with more of the bad thing than is desirable. In other words, in a world rife with
externalities, we end up with less security investment from the good guys and more harm
emanating from the bad guys than would be socially optimal.
The presence of a market failure justifies a regulatory intervention and in turn informs how
public policy should be designed. Even when public policy interventions are politically im-
practical, pointing out the existence of a market failure is still useful for two reasons. First it
helps explain why we have suboptimal investment in cyber security. Some puzzles as to why
things don’t work can be explained in the context of these failures. Second, it could create
opportunities and guidance for private actors to come in and correct the problem.
A second major thrust of research in security economics over the past two decades has
focused on measuring security. Measurement is naturally connected to studying the harms re-
sulting from insecurity. Information asymmetries can arise from a lack of good measurement,
such as not documenting the prevalence of attacks or the impact of such attacks, or assess-
ing the effectiveness of countermeasures. We organise this section around two influential
frameworks that have systematised the literature to date [5, 6, 60]. These papers contain
extensive citations to relevant literature. We encourage readers who might be interested in a
deeper dive to check out those papers and associated references.
Defence costs
Cybercrimes Supporting
because individual crime categories have wide ranging confidence intervals, and combining
them would yield an unacceptably large range of possibilities. The authors also point out that
many important threat types, such as espionage, critical infrastructure attacks and intellectual
property theft, lack sufficient data to provide any quantitative estimate of harm at all. Hence,
answering the question of what cybercrime costs the economy in total remains an important
open question.
and bonds yields fall two years later [32]. In other words, the municipalities are seen as less
risky following a ransomware incident. Another study of the broader bond market found
that bondholders lose wealth in both the short and long term when firms experience cyber
attacks [31].
Apart from changes in stock prices, very few harm studies use financial loss as the outcome
variable. Hence, it remains a largely open empirical question as to the extent to which cyberse-
curity investment by organisations actually impacts the financial harms resulting from cyber
Firms face many decisions in how to manage cybersecurity in their organisations. Standard
risk management approaches have been adapted to cybersecurity, so that cyber risks are
treated like any other business risk. The four categories of risk management are acceptance,
mitigation, avoidance, and transfer. Most cybersecurity technology can be interpreted as risk
mitigation. Cyber insurance is a form of risk transfer. Ideally, firms mange their risks using a
combination of all four categories.
Since its inception, security economics researchers have developed models and methods to
help firms answer the question of how much security spending is enough. One approach is to
develop metrics. A significant challenge with these investment models and metrics is how to
quantify the benefit of security. While some may lament that cybersecurity is doomed to be a
cost centre, a simple change of perspective can help. Typically, these models define security
benefits as the expected loss prevented by having security controls in place. The return on
security investment can be calculated as the reduction in expected losses divided by the
money spent to achieve the reduction. For these and other metrics, see [11]. See also Section
6.6 of the CyBOK Risk Management and Governance knowledge area for further discussion
of security metrics [14].
Another challenge with security metrics is how to obtain reliable data. Typically, metrics
require an estimate of losses associated with successful attacks and the probability of loss,
both before and after an investment is made. In some cases, researchers construct best-
effort point estimates based on available public data. For example, Papa et al. estimated
the losses and probabilities associated with attacks on wastewater facilities using public
data [43]. One way to cope with uncertain data is to conduct cost-benefit analysis and identify
breakeven points for parameters with unknown values. Another is to construct datasets on
losses and probabilities by systematically surveying experts [22, 30]. Nonetheless, it remains
an open research problem to collect suitable empirical data to apply security metrics in a
robust fashion for many cybersecurity scenarios.
A related effort has been to develop models for security investment. The most influential
model of this nature was developed by Gordon and Loeb [25]. The model incorporates a
breach probability function that relates a security investment level and inherent vulnerability
parameter to the probability of experiencing a loss. The function is chosen so that as spending
increases, the marginal benefit in terms of improved security decreases. Such decreasing
marginal returns make intuitive sense, particularly when the most cost-effective controls are
implemented first. From there, the model identifies the point at which security investment is
optimised. It selects the point at which the marginal cost of additional security investment
equals the marginal benefit of reduced expected losses.
The Gordon and Loeb model has been influential for several reasons. It established that
limitless cybersecurity budgets, even if somehow feasible, are not actually desirable. Instead,
there comes a point at which there can be too much security investment. The model produced
a rule of thumb, now known as the Gordon-Loeb rule, stating that organisations should never
spend more than 37% of their expected loss on security.
It is worth noting that the model, and most of the refinements and extensions that came
afterwards (e.g., [26, 27, 50]), are conceptual in nature. They help explain relationships between
security investments and outcomes. They are not designed to be directly applied to assist
a particular organisation with how to set its exact security budget. The breach probability
functions discussed in the paper have been selected for mathematical convenience. It remains
an open research question to devise models that have been empirically validated and can be
used to guide specific practitioner decisions.
Moreover, it is worth noting that the Gordon-Loeb model adheres to a decision-theoretic
perspective, rather than a game-theoretic one. Game theoretic models study strategic in-
teractions between players. In security, those players are typically attackers and defenders.
These models can identify equilibrium outcomes when attackers and defenders operate
simultaneously, which offers a more realistic perspective on such interactions (see, e.g., [59]).
There is a rich literature applying game theory to security that the interested reader is invited
to pursue.
If firms are not using security investment models to guide their decision making, what do they
do instead? Chief information security officers (CISOs) rely on process-oriented frameworks
such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, COBIT, or Critical Security Controls [39]. These
frameworks sidestep questions about estimating probabilities and expected losses. Instead,
they lay out a number of security controls that can be adopted at various levels of sophistica-
tion. In essence, these frameworks codify best practice in a structured manner with unified
terminology. CISOs who are effective in securing resources often report that security metrics
can be helpful when they frame security investments in language chief financial officers
(CFOs) understand, like return on investment (ROI) and net present value (NPV).
Cyber insurance has long been advocated not only as a way to manage risk, but also as a
private means of solving many of the security failures identified above. Insurers are naturally
incentivised to collect data on security investments and their effectiveness to improve under-
writing. Once they have access to such data, they can make evidence based recommendations
on which security controls are most effective. Might cyber insurance mitigate the information
asymmetries that have plagued the cybersecurity industry? While the potential is undoubtedly
there, reality has been less clear cut [61]. Cyber insurance policies grew in prominence only
after data breach notification laws came into force, requiring companies to disclose when
attacks took place. For other types of cyber attacks not covered by notification requirements,
some firms prefer to hide that they have been hacked rather than file an insurance claim, out
of concern that this could damage their reputation. It could be hard for insurers to accurately
observe the security practices of insureds, particularly during underwriting. The state of the art
approach is a detailed questionnaire asking about security practices within the organisation.
Unfortunately, these answers are not always accurate, either at the time when answered or
as time passes, which weakens the utility of these questionnaires in adjusting premiums to
match risks. For a deeper discussion of data quality issues in cyber insurance underwriting,
see [42]. Interested readers can also refer to the discussion of insurance in Section 5.4 of
the CyBOK Security Operations and Incident Management knowledge area [17]. Nonetheless,
the market is maturing, and the potential for cyber insurance to help cybersecurity practice
become more empirically grounded remains high.
Thus far we’ve discussed how to measure security, which helps to quantify these problems
and progress towards tackling them. We then discussed different approaches firms can
take to manage cybersecurity in their organisations. We now investigate solutions from the
perspective of public policy.
This leads to the question: why do we need public policy to solve the security problems
identified here? As we have already seen, many cybersecurity issues could be solved indepen-
dently. However, there are circumstances in which firm-led solutions will fall short. Policy is
needed to set the boundaries of unlawful behaviour involving cybersecurity and crime. Policy
interventions are needed when market failures like information asymmetries and externalities
are present. Governments are useful to solve coordination problems. They are also needed to
enforce policies.
Most policy interventions are mandatory. This includes traditional safety regulation and ex
post liability. It also includes less traditional approaches, such as certification and information
disclosure. Note that there are also policy options available that are voluntary in nature. This
includes standardising practices, as well as governments convening and coordinating relevant
private actors. Incentives can also be used as part of regulations, such as public procurement
rules, to encourage more secure behaviours.
on price and features, but not security. Labels could potentially change that. Singapore was
the first country to launch an IoT cybersecurity labeling program [16]. As should be clear by
now, the devil is in the details. Ensuring that the labels accurately measure cybersecurity and
communicate it clearly to consumers is essential, and likely to be a work in progress in the
years ahead.
information exposed [51]. This clause was inserted into a larger bill at the behest of Deirdre
Mulligan, who was working with the state assembly at the time, and is now a professor
of Information at the University of California Berkeley. Prof. Mulligan was inspired by the
TRI, arguing that consumers should be similarly empowered to take precautions when their
personal information was breached. She also argued that companies might similarly reduce
the amount of personal data pollution dumped online. She convinced a legislator to insert the
clause into the law and it stuck. As a result, the past decade has seen a cascade of data breach
reports which had arguably been going on for years prior to the disclosure requirement. Now
these laws are on the books or under consideration in many more US states and countries,
including the European Union.
What has been the effect of data breach legislation? Before the legislation, data breaches
were not taken seriously as a risk by many companies. Now, it has the full attention of
boards [9]. This illustrates a more general principle: many hard security problems can actually
be managed if we can only measure the risks appropriately and assign responsibility when
things go wrong. Before the legislation, data breaches didn’t meet these criteria, and so it
seemed an intractable problem. Now, the scope of the problem has been made abundantly
clear, companies will sell insurance policies, and firms know what they need to do in order to
protect personal information they hold.
What other aspects of cybersecurity might benefit from greater information disclosure?
Financial fraud figures are often not reported, which makes it hard to estimate the true
magnitude of cybercrime risks. Cyber espionage is fiendishly difficult to detect, and when it is
discovered, firms usually prefer not to admit it publicly. Control systems that manage critical
infrastructure may be threatened by hackers, yet we don’t really know the true extent because
reports have been sporadic and non-attributed. More broadly, a more comprehensive and
ongoing collection of data on cybercrime losses would help society rate its improvement in
managing cybersecurity overall.
Another example of information disclosure comes from the US Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), which issued guidance that it expects publicly traded firms to disclose all
material cyber incidents in their regulatory filings [55, 56, 57]. This is significant, because it
covers incidents of any type, not just data breaches. The SEC guidance illustrates another
general lesson about information disclosure: without standards on the shape disclosures
should take, the resulting information will be messy and hard for others to learn from. Firms
are free to discuss breaches in their regulatory filings as they see fit. These documents are
typically verbose, full of legalese, and written in such a way to reflect as favourably as possible
on the company. It can be hard to identify when attacks are being reported and to determine
the significance [29]. The contrast with the TRI, which is reported to the EPA in a standardised
format and shared in a public database, is striking.
The final information disclosure effort we’ll discuss is very different than the ones presented
so far. A software bill of materials (SBOM) provides a machine-readable record of external
packages and libraries utilised in software [41]. Without an SBOM, it can be impossible to
identify vulnerable dependencies, particularly for proprietary software. Hence, SBOMs can
help correct the information asymmetry that exists in software when it comes to observing
its security.
Compared to other policy interventions such as safety regulation and liability, information
disclosure is not very ambitious. It simply compels disclosure of relevant information, such
as security incidents, but does not assign further blame or require any change in behaviour.
Any security problems involving externalities are not helped. Even so, it is widely believed that
As cybersecurity has grown in importance in recent decades, scholars have realised that
a wide range of disciplinary perspectives beyond computer science are valuable. Social
sciences in general, and economics in particular, provide a useful lens to describe many of the
fundamental challenges as well as identify sound approaches to tackle them. This knowledge
guide has shared some of the key insights made possible through economic analysis.
At the most basic level, incentives matter, both for attackers and defenders. When a system
is not protected or an unthinkable attack is reported, look at the incentives first. While there
undoubtedly will be technical explanations for failure, the root cause is more likely to be
economic in nature. Cyber insecurity can also often be explained by the presence of market
failures, notably information asymmetries and externalities. Recognising and naming these
failures is an important first step. Next is to seek countermeasures that can correct market
failures. Mandatory breach notification laws and liability to internalise externalities are two
promising approaches.
Looking ahead, economics is bound to continue to play an important role in improving cyber-
security writ large. By blending technical and economic approaches, the state of cybersecurity
may ultimately be improved.
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adverse selection consequence of information asymmetries in which the party with more
information benefits more than the party with less information.
ex ante safety regulation policy intervention in which risky behaviour is regulated in order to
make its occurrence less likely.
ex post liability policy intervention in which responsibility for failure is assigned to a decision
maker in order to deter the bad outcome from happening.
externality market failure that occurs when the action of an individual or firm imposes a cost
or benefit on a third party that does not participate directly in the transaction.
market failure situations in which reality differs from models of perfect competition, usu-
ally one of the following categories: monopoly, oligopoly, public goods, information
asymmetries, and externalities.
Metcalfe’s Law assertion that the value of a network grows with the square of its size.
monopoly market failure that occurs when a good or service has only one provider.
moral hazard consequence of information asymmetries in which decision makers adopt a
riskier behaviour in response to receiving protection from the behaviour’s consequences.
oligopoly market failure that occurs when a good or service has only a small number of
public good goods that are both nonexcludable, i.e., there is no practical way to prevent people
who don’t pay from consuming the good, and nonrival, i.e., when someone consumes
the good, others can still consume it too plural.
ATM Automated Teller Machine.