9.6 Hungary
9.6 Hungary
9.6 Hungary
amount of savings held available: other additional income/properties or assets as means of subsistence:
Employer’s tax number / tax identification code: KSH number (no. recorded TEÁOR number (Hungarian NACE
by the Hungarian Central number):
Statistical Office):
8. Date of preliminary agreement with the employer: 9. Job title (FEOR number, i.e. the Hungarian Standard
year month day Classification of Occupations):
10. The applicant’s skills and knowledge required for the position:
The period of professional experience relevant to the position to be filled:
Specific knowledge and skills related to the job to be performed:
Language skills
Native language:
Other language(s):
Do you speak Hungarian? yes no
I am aware that if my residence permit ceases to be valid, the immigration authority will order my expulsion to the country
indicated by me and will publish the decision on the website of the immigration authority.
It is known to me that if I do not comply with the provisions of the decision of expulsion by the deadline specified in the
decision, the immigration authority will carry out the expulsion under law enforcement escort and impose a ban on my entry
and stay.
12. In the cases listed in Section 242 (7) of Act XC of 2023, the Government Office is not involved as a specialised authority
in the single application procedure. Do any of them apply to the applicant?
Yes, Point of Section 242 (7) of Act XC of 2023. (Indicating the case of exempt is mandatory.)
13. Shall the applicant’s employment be exempt from having a work permit pursuant to Section 15 (1) of Government
Decree 445/2013 (of 28 November)?
Yes, the applicant’s employment shall be exempt from having a work permit pursuant to Point of Section 15 (1) of
Government Decree 445/2013 (of 28 November). (Indicating the case of exempt is mandatory.)
14. Shall the applicant’s employment be exempt from examination of the labour market pursuant to Section 9 (1) of
Government Decree 445/2013 (of 28 November)?
Yes, the applicant’s employment shall be exempt from examination of the labour market pursuant to Point of Section 9
(1) of Government Decree 445/2013 (of 28 November). (Indicating the case of exempt is mandatory.)
During the procedure, the immigration authority may request the submission of further documents for clarification of facts of
the case.