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Introduction :

Since the introduction of fiber in the 1970s, optical fibers have revolutionized communications,

transmitting more information over greater distances than could ever be achieved in copper wires.

But this being said, fast forward a few years, and today, the uncompromising amount of bandwidth we

demand from Internet services is nearly insatiable. Why then do we need all that bandwidth? The past

years have seen a tremendous increase in Internet bandwidth requirements , driven by high capacity

business data services, increasingly powerful 3G/4G wireless smart phones and video-intensive

such as YouTube, Netflix, Amazon’s Prime. And, of course, lets for forget about the live-streaming video

Glossary :
FTTH: Fiber To The Home
FTTA : Fiber To The Antenna
FTTB : Fiber To The Building
FTTN : Fiber To The Neighborhood
FTTC : Fiber To The Curb
GPON: Gigabit Capable Passif Optical Network
PON : Passive Optical Network
NRO: Nœud de Raccordement Optique
ONT: Optical Network Terminal
OLT: Optical Line Terminal
BPE: Boitier de Protection d’Epissure (joint optique)
D1: Distribution 1 (SRO vers BPE)
D2: Distribution 2 (BPE vers PBO)
D3 : Distribution 3 ( PBO vers PTO)
PBO: Point de Branchement Optique
PTO: Prise Terminale Optique
SRO: Sous Répartiteur Optique.
T: Transport (NRO vers SRO)
ODN: Optical Distribution Network
ODF : Optical Distribution Frame
CDN : Copper Distribution Network
Coupleur: Splitter
PMP : Point to multipoint
P2P : Point to point
LEDs : Light Emitting Diodes
WDM : Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Chapter 1
Introduction to the optical fiber network

Optical fiber networks represent a critical component of modern

telecommunications infrastructure. They serve as the backbone for high-speed
data transmission, enabling the transfer of vast amounts of information over long
distances with minimal signal degradation. The memory of the master, in this
context, likely refers to the knowledge retained by a person who has mastered
the subject matter.
Basic Components:
1. Optical Fiber: The core component of an optical fiber network is the optical
fiber itself. These fibers are made of glass or plastic and are designed to
transmit light signals over long distances through internal reflection. They
are typically very thin, with diameters measured in micrometers.
2. Transmitters: Transmitters are devices that convert electrical signals into
optical signals for transmission through the optical fiber. These may include
lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit light pulses into the fiber.
3. Receivers: Receivers are responsible for detecting and converting the
optical signals received from the fiber back into electrical signals that can
be processed by electronic devices. They typically consist of photodiodes or
4. Amplifiers: Optical amplifiers are used to boost the strength of optical
signals as they travel through the fiber, compensating for signal loss due to
attenuation. Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) are commonly
employed for this purpose.
5. Multiplexers/Demultiplexers: These devices allow multiple signals to be
transmitted over a single optical fiber simultaneously. Wavelength-division
multiplexing (WDM) is a commonly used technique where different signals
are assigned different wavelengths of light for transmission.
1. High Bandwidth: Optical fiber networks offer extremely high bandwidth
capabilities, allowing for the transmission of large amounts of data at very
high speeds.
2. Low Attenuation: Optical fibers experience minimal signal loss (attenuation)
over long distances compared to traditional copper cables, enabling data to
be transmitted over much greater distances without the need for signal
3. Immunity to Electromagnetic Interference: Unlike copper cables, optical
fibers are not susceptible to electromagnetic interference, making them
ideal for environments with high levels of electromagnetic noise.
4. Security: Optical fiber signals are difficult to intercept, providing a higher
level of security for transmitted data compared to traditional copper-based
5. Lightweight and Compact: Optical fibers are lightweight and occupy less
physical space compared to traditional copper cables, making them easier
to install and manage, especially in densely populated areas.
Optical fiber networks are used in a wide range of applications, including:
 Telecommunications networks
 Internet backbone infrastructure
 Cable television networks
 Data centers
 Industrial automation and control systems

 Medical imaging and diagnostics (1)

Fibre Construction:
Fiber can either be single-mode (SM) or multimode (MM). Fiber sizes are
expressed by using two numbers
e.g. 9/125. The first number refers to the core size in microns and the second
number refers to the core
and cladding size combined in microns. It is impossible to differentiate between
SM and MM fiber with the
naked eye. There is no difference in the outward appearances; both are 125
microns in size - only the core
size differs.
(1): Title: Optical Fiber Telecommunications Volume VIB: Systems and Networks
Editors: Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, and Alan E. Willner
Publisher: Academic Press
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-0124016739

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