Since the introduction of fiber in the 1970s, optical fibers have revolutionized communications,
transmitting more information over greater distances than could ever be achieved in copper wires.
But this being said, fast forward a few years, and today, the uncompromising amount of bandwidth we
demand from Internet services is nearly insatiable. Why then do we need all that bandwidth? The past
years have seen a tremendous increase in Internet bandwidth requirements , driven by high capacity
business data services, increasingly powerful 3G/4G wireless smart phones and video-intensive
such as YouTube, Netflix, Amazon’s Prime. And, of course, lets for forget about the live-streaming video
Glossary :
FTTH: Fiber To The Home
FTTA : Fiber To The Antenna
FTTB : Fiber To The Building
FTTN : Fiber To The Neighborhood
FTTC : Fiber To The Curb
GPON: Gigabit Capable Passif Optical Network
PON : Passive Optical Network
NRO: Nœud de Raccordement Optique
ONT: Optical Network Terminal
OLT: Optical Line Terminal
BPE: Boitier de Protection d’Epissure (joint optique)
D1: Distribution 1 (SRO vers BPE)
D2: Distribution 2 (BPE vers PBO)
D3 : Distribution 3 ( PBO vers PTO)
PBO: Point de Branchement Optique
PTO: Prise Terminale Optique
SRO: Sous Répartiteur Optique.
T: Transport (NRO vers SRO)
ODN: Optical Distribution Network
ODF : Optical Distribution Frame
CDN : Copper Distribution Network
Coupleur: Splitter
PMP : Point to multipoint
P2P : Point to point
LEDs : Light Emitting Diodes
WDM : Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Chapter 1
Introduction to the optical fiber network