Shin 2018
Shin 2018
Shin 2018
A compact 6 MeV electron linear accelerator (linac), intended to be used as an X-ray source for a
dual-head gantry radiotherapy system has been developed. In order to meet the size requirements
of the dual-head gantry machine, an X-band radio frequency (RF) technology is used, which facili-
tates a reduction in the size of the linac, which is nine times smaller than the conventional medical
purpose linac using S-band RF technology. Nevertheless, the X-band RF technology requires much
higher machining precision and higher-quality surface finish owing to the electrical breakdown phe-
nomena resulting from its small size. After the design was completed, the RF cavity was machined
using high-precision machining technology, achieving machining tolerances of ±2 μm, and a sur-
face roughness less than 50 nm. Various RF properties were measured in the fabricated RF cavity
by using a network analyzer, and the distribution of the electric field generated in the RF cavity
was verified by a bead-pull measurement technique. RF conditioning and beam commissioning
experiments were performed, following the fabrication and tuning of the RF cavity.
Parameters Value
Operating Frequency 9.3 GHz
Input RF power (pulsed) < 2 MW
Pulse Length 4 us
Duty Factor 0.0018
E-gun Volage 15 kV
Output Beam Current
Fig. 1. (Color online) Structural figure of the Entire Elec- 30 mA
(Pulsed Maximum)
tron Linac.
Average Beam Current 55 uA
Beam Spot Size (FWHM) 2 mm
generally act as X-ray generators and accelerate electrons Output Beam Energy 6 MeV
to several MeV depending on the treatment application. Effective Shunt Impedance
For clinical use, these devices use operating frequencies 90 MΩ/m
per Unit Length
including the S-band (2.856 GHz) [4], C-band (6 GHz)
Operating Mode Standing Wave, Pi/2 mode
[5], and X-band (9.3 GHz) [6,7] depending on the appli-
Structure Type Side-coupled Cavity
cation. The higher the frequency band used, the shorter
the wavelength, which facilitates a smaller footprint and Structure Aperture Radius 4 mm
ease of configuration. Since linac systems are typically Length of the
< 30 cm
bulky and the developmental cost can be high, the sys- Accelerating Structure
tem under consideration exploits a frequency of 9.3 GHz
in the X-band.
Owing to a wide variety of factors such as machining
tolerance, brazing tolerance and surface roughness that should be designed according to the voltage that does not
are critical aspects during the fabrication process of an cause electrical breakdown. In the 1950s, Kilpatric stud-
accelerator, there is always a difference between the de- ied the relationship between electrical breakdown and
sign and the final product. Therefore, it is necessary to resonant frequency when a RF signal was applied to a
measure the characteristics of the radio frequency (RF) metal structure under vacuum conditions. RF cavities
cavity such as the resonance frequency and the electric were designed based on the limit proposed by Kilpatric.
field distribution, prior to tuning. In this paper, we will The Kilpatric limit at an operating frequency 9.3 GHz is
focus on RF cavity testing, tuning, RF conditioning, and 79.37 MV/m. However, the presented RF cavity has a
beam commissioning of a side-coupled standing-wave- significantly improved vacuum state and surface rough-
type RF cavity with a resonance frequency of 9.3 GHz, ness compared to those of the 1950s, so the Kilpatric’s
with 6 MeV accelerated electrons. criterion value is scaled by multiplying the brave factor to
give a value of 1.5 - 2. The peak value of the electric field
of the proposed RF cavity is 86.6 MV/m, which is 1.09
times higher than that of the Kilpatric’s criterion value.
Experimental results of the X-band RF cavity from var-
ious institutes show that a peak electric field value of
more than 300 MV/m can be generated [8–10]. There-
The electron linac for the dual-head gantry radiother- fore, an electric field of 86.6 MV/m is in the safe range
apy machine consists of 17 cells in total. The 17 cells taking electrical breakdown into account. In addition, if
consist of 7 bunching cells, 9 accelerating cells, and one the gap between the nose-cones is narrowed, dissipation
power coupler cell. The 1st bunching cell and 17th cell power increases inside the cell, so it is important to find
were modified to connect with the beam pipe. The E-gun an optimal value. The effective shunt impedance value
for electron generation is coupled to the 1st bunching cell designed for effective electron beam acceleration of the
and there is a port for the vacuum pump in between. In accelerating cell is 105 MΩ/m. A preliminary study on
7 bunching cells, cell lengths were determined incident the design of the electron linac for the dual-head gantry
electrons to be bunched efficiently, accelerated efficiently radiotherapy machine can be found in [11]. The detailed
to 1 MeV. The overall structure is shown in Fig. 1. By specification of the electron accelerator is shown in the
reducing a gap between nose-cone, we can achieve incre- Table 1.
ment of the shunt impedance which leads to increment A mechanical design process is required for the fabri-
of an acceleration efficiency in accelerating cell. How- cation of accelerators as actual products. For stable ac-
ever, if the gap between the nose-cones is too narrow, celerator operation, a constant temperature needs to be
the a electric field inside the cell will become too high maintained in the accelerator. For temperature control,
and electrical breakdown may occur. Therefore, cells a cooling line is created, in which water passes through
-820- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 72, No. 7, April 2018
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