Textile Insights February 2024 Issue
Textile Insights February 2024 Issue
Textile Insights February 2024 Issue
Textile Insights | February 2024 COVER STORY
COVER STORY Textile Insights | February 2024
COTTON INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
SUSTAINABILITY INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
BHARAT TEX INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
he textile industry, historically ernance within the Indian textile in-
associated with significant en- dustry.They aim to balance economic
vironmental social and gover- growth with environmental and social
nance (ESG) impact, has undergone responsibility, driving the industry to-
a paradigm shift. The specific timing wards a more sustainable future.
of the need for ESG in the Indian textile
industry can be traced back to the Challenges and Opportunities
early 2000s when global attention be- Despite commendable progress,
gan focusing more on sustainable and challenges persist. There is crucial
responsible business practices. How- need for continual investment in sus-
ever, the momentum gained consid- tainable technologies, addressing wa-
erably in the past decade as aware- ter scarcity issues and ensuring wide-
ness about climate change, spread adoption of ethical practices
environmental degradation and social across the industry. However, these
issues has significantly increased challenges also present opportunities
worldwide. Chemistry Practices. Indian textile adopting traceability tools and certi- for innovation, investment and the
It is a matter of pride how India's manufacturers have invested in inno- fications that provide buyers with vis- evolution of sustainable practices in
textile sector, which is steeped in tradi- vative technologies and processes ibility into the entire supply chain.The the Indian textile sector. These initia-
tion and innovation, has responded to aimed at minimizing the industry's Indian government has also intro- tives introduced and implemented
this transformation by adopting and ecological footprint. By embracing re- duced various certifications like GOTS across the textile sector of India
introducing various initiatives that ad- newable energy sources and imple- - Global Organic Textile Standard, demonstrate the nation’s commit-
dress the need of the hour. Today, menting efficient waste management which is an official indication of the ment to reducing environmental im-
where ESG goals are at the forefront systems, these manufacturers not textile standards. pact.
of business strategies across the only cater to buyer demands, but also Furthermore, adherence to ethical As ESG considerations continue
world, international textile buyers are contribute positively to the environ- business practices and compliance to shape business decisions, the on-
increasingly recognizing the impor- ment. with international standards ensures going collaboration between interna-
tance of sustainable sourcing prac- good governance with international tional textile buyers and India's textile
tices.India,renowned for its rich textile Social Responsibility and Ethical partnerships. sector serves as a beacon of hope, il-
heritage, has emerged as a pivotal Practices lustrating the potential for industries to
hub for global buyers seeking to fulfil Indian textile manufacturers and Government Initiatives: thrive while remaining environmen-
their ESG commitments while engag- stakeholders across the value chain The Government of India has in- tally conscious and socially responsi-
ing in mutually beneficial partner- have significantly improved the sus- troduced several initiatives and poli- ble.The convergence of international
ships. tainable livelihood and earnings of the cies aimed at promoting ESG which buyers' ESG objectives with India's
labour and improved their working brings the practices within the reach sustainable initiatives has fostered
Improved Measures & Practices: conditions while also emphasising of textile industry. Some notable ini- collaborative partnerships that tran-
Measures have been taken by the their skill development. tiatives include the Sustainable Ap- scend traditional buyer-supplier rela-
Indian textile players and the Indian This makes it imperative for inter- parel Coalition (SAC), Technology tionships.
government to actively promote national buyers who source from In- Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS),
these practices across the value dia to benefit from partnerships that SAMARTH Scheme, National Clean Bridging the Gap with Bharat Tex
chain. Sustainable farming practices, prioritize fair wages, safe working con- Energy Fund (NCEF),Amended Tech- 2024
regenerative farming, reducing the ditions and community welfare pro- nology Upgradation Fund Scheme As the Indian textile sector weaves
use of chemicals, promoting soil grammes. The implementation of (ATUFS),Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) sustainability into its fabric, Bharat
health, use of recycled fabrics, conser- labour standards aligned with inter- Norms, National Policy on Textiles, Tex 2024 stands as a beacon for pro-
vation of water through recycling and national norms, coupled with initia- Skill Development Initiatives and sev- gressive dialogue facilitating crucial
investing in renewable energy tives supporting local communities, eral others. discussions and transformative col-
sources, energy-efficient technolo- underscores India's commitment to Additionally, there is a growing laborations.With dedicated pavilions
gies and machinery to achieve the de- social sustainability. By boosting in- trend among consumers towards on sustainability and recycling, the
sired outcomes are contributing on a clusive growth and empowering arti- eco-friendly and sustainable prod- mega textile event will also host
massive scale towards meeting the sans and workers, the industry con- ucts, which is pushing the industry to knowledge sessions and discussions
ESG goals of Indian companies and tributes to the socio-economic adopt more responsible practices. led by industry experts. With ex-
the government. development of the regions involved. These initiatives signify the na- hibitors showcasing sustainable tex-
The use of eco-friendly dyes and tion’s commitment to promoting sus- tile products, the event will serve as
chemicals has started gaining a lot of Transparency and Governance tainable practices, enhancing environ- the gateway for international textile
prominence in the Indian textile in- India's textile sector has made mental stewardship, improving social buyers seeking to forge meaningful al-
dustry, which align with the Green strides in enhancing transparency by conditions and promoting good gov- liances with India's textile sector. ❑
BHARAT TEX INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
Dewang Shah
Managing Editor
Prakash Patil
Asst. Editor
Haimanti Gupta
Special Correspondent
ndia’s textile industry is positioned manufacturing processes and lever- Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
Neeraj Mathuria
at the cusp of a transformative aging technology for efficiency and scheme, National Technical Textiles
journey and is well-poised to shape quality. Innovation and skill develop- Mission (NTTM) and SAMARTH
the global textile landscape. With a ment play pivotal roles in catapulting Scheme that aim to enhance manu-
Hemal Semlani
rich heritage dating back centuries Indian textiles onto the global fashion facturing competitiveness, create em-
[email protected]
and a promising trajectory into the fu- scene. ployment opportunities and promote
ture, the industry's evolution prom- sustainable practices across the value
Editorial/Press Releases
ises innovation, sustainability, trace- India vs World chain.
[email protected]
ability and global supply chain The Indian textile industry is gear- The Indian government's support
[email protected]
integration. ing up to deliver a formidable chal- through initiatives like the Amended
As the world's largest producer of lenge on the global stage in the years Technology Upgradation Fund
cotton, silk and jute and second to come. With a potent blend of cen- Scheme (ATUFS), the Scheme for In-
[email protected]
largest producer of chemical fibres, turies-old craftsmanship, technologi- tegrated Textile Parks (SITP) and the
[email protected]
backed by a strong value chain capa- cal advancements and a renewed fo- launch of Pradhan Mantri Mega Inte-
bility in textiles and garments, India cus on sustainability, India's textiles grated Textile Region and Apparel
Registered Office
has cemented its position as a reliable are poised to captivate international Parks (PM MITRA Parks) have en-
ABS Media and Events
sourcing base for global brands/retail- markets. Its commitment to sustain- couraged investments in infrastruc-
B-21 Gnat Vikrant CHS,17
ers. Its diverse textile sector encom- ability, coupled with its diverse prod- ture, technology and skill develop-
Poddar Street,
passes everything from traditional uct range, positions the country ment. These initiatives aim to fortify
Opp Surya Hospital,
handlooms to modern, technologi- favourably amidst evolving consumer the entire textile value chain, from fi-
Santacruz (W),
cally advanced manufacturing units preferences worldwide. Indian textiles bre to fashion.
Mumbai 400054.
across all key segments, including tex- are increasingly being recognized for Additionally, the NTTM seeks to
Ph: 9833977743/ 8356862511
tiles, apparel, home textiles and tech- their uniqueness, quality, craftsman- position India as a global leader in
nical textiles. However, the true ship and ethically sourced raw materi- technical textiles, opening up new av- * Responsible for selection of news
essence of India's textile industry lies als, carving a niche in international enues and applications across sec- under PRB Act. Publishers regret that
tors like automobiles, infrastructure, they cannot accept liability for errors &
in its ability to seamlessly blend sus- markets.
omissions contained in this publication,
tainable fibres and tradition with inno- Furthermore, the integration of logistics, healthcare and agriculture, howsoever caused. The opinion & views
vation to attract global players across digital technologies like AI, IoT and among others. contained in this publication are not
necessarily those of the publisher.
various segments from luxury to blockchain is set to revolutionize the Government initiatives and cam-
Readers are advised to seek specialist
mass market products. industry, enhancing transparency, paigns like ‘Vocal for Local’, ‘Atmanirb- advice before acting on the information
Looking ahead, the Indian textile supply chain efficiency and customer har Bharat’ and ‘Make in India Make contained in the publication which is
provided for general use & may not be
industry is set to undergo a paradigm experiences. for the World’ have empowered the appropriate for the readers’ particular
shift. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s MSMEs to scale up their potential, circumstances.
visionary 5F framework—Farm to Fi- Government Support driving the growth of the Industry.
Printed, Published and Owned
bre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign— This USD 154 billion industry is by Arvindraj Babulal Semlani and
is the roadmap guiding this evolution. one of the largest workforce employers Stage Set For India To Be Global printed at Mangal Paper Mart,
Unit No. D-3, Akruli Industrial Estate,
This holistic approach emphasizes in India and contributes 2.3% of the Textile Hub
Akurli Road, Kandivali (East), Mumbai -
the integration of every stage of pro- country’s Gross Domestic Product In addition to the above initiatives, 400101 and published at B-21 Gnat
duction,from cultivating raw materials (GDP). In recent years, the Indian gov- a consortium of 11 Export Promotion Vikrant CHS, 17 Poddar Street,
Opp Surya Hospital, Santacruz (W),
to presenting finished products on a ernment has introduced several Councils (EPCs) supported by the Mumbai 400054.
global platform.The 'Factory to Fash- schemes to bolster the growth of the Ministry of Textiles will be organising
ion' facet emphasizes modernizing Indian textiles industry such as the Continued On Page 14 Editor: Arvindraj B Semlani
BHARAT TEX INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
EXCLUSIVE TETE-E-TETE Textile Insights | February 2024
Address Global Warming’ mills and cotton grown in different states leads to
reduced efficiency with higher costs. We also lack
FTA trade agreements with global purchasing
Indian textile spinning has modern machineries and very good work countries and strong government polices to
achieve higher market share in global trade. India
practices to produce good quality cost-effective high-quality yarn, says must streamline its cotton to garment supply
Kiran Hanchate, in conversation with Henry Dsouza, the Associate chain, leverage spinning expertise and establish
Editor of Textile Insights. robust garment manufacturing capabilities.
How has technology in the spinning industry tion has led to high production with less HOK. How are changing market trends, such as the
evolved over two decades and what kind of im- Better feeding and control system right from demand for sustainable and eco-friendly prod-
pact did it have on productivity and quality? blowroom like the Trützschler advanced conti- ucts, influencing the cotton and spinning in-
Over the past 25 years, technology in the spin- feed system, the high precision servo drives, ad- dustries?
ning industry has significantly improved produc- vanced sensor for auto levelling system in cards Sustainability is crucial in the textile industry
tivity and quality. The latest generation machinery and draw frames, T-Go the Trützschler auto- to reduce landfill. More than the demand for sus-
right from blowroom to winders are equipped with matic cylinder to flat tops setting, the Magnatop tainable yarn there is an urgent need to create sus-
high technology engineering, demands less main- in Trützschler cards, twin drive and piecing op- tainable yarn to address global warming. Handling
tenance intervals and few breakdowns, AI for prob- timizers contribute to high quality sliver which post-consumer wastes like segregation of cotton,
lem-solving and data base management, automa- helps to produce high quality and consistent Continued On Page 20
TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
n October 2023, TeraSpin, a rated its lean manufacturing line, less than 0.5%,” Mr Hemant Turkey, Uzbekistan, and South
manufacturer of spinning a spindle inserts assembly line, Apastamb, Vice President – Op- Africa being their key export mar-
drafting components inaugu- which completely follows princi- erations, at TeraSpin said. kets. ❑
EXCLUSIVE TETE-E-TETE Textile Insights | February 2024
EXCLUSIVE TETE-E-TETE Textile Insights | February 2024
Art & Empowering Women With The name "Bunko Junko" has a unique ring to it.
How did you come up with this distinctive
moniker, and what does it symbolize for your up-
MARKET INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
MARKET INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
MACHINERY INSIGHTS Textile Insights | February 2024
Key Highlights
Business Climate Improvement: The survey
reveals a significant improvement in the overall busi-
ness climate, with industry stakeholders express-
ing growing optimism. Factors such as better infla- Stability in Backlog and Capacity Utilization: in January 2024—the lowest figure since May
tion rates, increased real wages and improved While the average order backlog has remained 2023. Moreover, there has been a shift towards
consumer sentiment, particularly in the USA mar- steady at approximately 2 months since July 2023, reduced rather than cancelled orders, indicating a
ket, have contributed to this positive shift. capacity utilization has lingered at its lowest more resilient response to market challenges.
Enhanced Order Intake and Expectations: Or- recorded level of 67%. This cautious approach to Nuanced Market Perspectives: Survey partic-
der intakes have shown marked improvement production reflects a nuanced understanding of ipants hold varied views on current market condi-
across various regions, particularly in North & Cen- market dynamics among industry players. tions, with 57% describing inventories as average.
tral America and South America. This uptick in de- Decreased Concerns Over Weakening De- South American respondents reported higher in-
mand has led to heightened business expectations mand: Concerns regarding weakening demand in ventory levels, while garment producers noted the
for July 2024, reaching levels unseen since late the global textile value chain have eased, with only lowest inventories, highlighting the complexity of
2021. 67% of respondents citing it as a primary concern market dynamics. ❑
CYBER SECURITY INSIGHT Textile Insights | February 2024