E-Learning in Teaching of Microeconomics
E-Learning in Teaching of Microeconomics
E-Learning in Teaching of Microeconomics
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Abstract: - Distance learning is a very powerful and a cheap mean, but poorly used. Microeconomics, with its graphical
representations and a strong need for the use of the advanced software is a fertile field for its implementation, in a
several ways. Several authors offer a variety of the ways to use and implement the eLearning systems. We analyzed
several cases in which distance learning offers even greater possibilities than the traditional ones, through the use of the
illustrative graphical representations, thoroughly explained steps in modelling deductions and connecting the theory
and practice through the use of the statistical and econometrical programmes and methods. There are many fields in
which the lectures could be improved, while decreasing the teaching costs, and increasing the comprehension of the
Key-Words: - Microeconomics, 3d graphs, e-learning, education, distant learning, multimedia materials, interactive
spare time to attend the lectures. Therefore E-learning is learning involves the software tools used to create the
not only crossing the space limits, but it crosses the time content. Selecting the right piece of software will go a
spaces as well. long way to ensuring a successful rapid e-learning
program. [8]
Timely access to learning helps the organization to
2 Literature Overview achieve its business goals and maintain competitiveness.
Sadler-Smith in his holistic research described The company could also benefiting from significant cost
learning methods. He said that learning methods can be savings. For example, the use of e-learning in one
grouped into at least three categories: (1) autonomous: company is helping to achieve a 67 percent cost
guided reading; programmed instruction (distance reduction per training intervention in comparison to
learning, computer based learning), (2) collaborative: traditional instructor-led training due to reduced travel,
games/simulations; projects; case studies; experiential; accommodation, room and tutor costs. [9]
role playing and (3) dependent: lecture; seminar. [4] Roffe explores the practical and theoretical issues
Fry tried to demonstrate how digital technologies are involved in the evaluation, quality assurance and
affecting the organisational learning process, drawing on engagement of operating an e-learning programme as a
material presented to an industry forum held by the distance learning service on an international basis for
University of Technology in Sydney (UTS) with the people in employment. He suggests that the prefix ‘’e’’
specific aim of bringing together users and providers of in learning applications needs to shift from electronic to
e-learning to explore a range of issues around e-learning the more supportive descriptions of engagement,
markets and provision. [5] enhancement and execution of the student learning
Crucial issues in shaping organisational e-learning programme.[10]
future will be the quality of technological delivery and Bose described one of the e-learning pilot projects
developing effective learning pedagogies for a variety of that resulted in a flexi-time, student-centred, e-learning
educational and strategic objectives. [5] package that retained the learning qualities of traditional
Organisations now seek metrics for evaluating e-learning teaching and personal guidance and mentoring and
and quality benchmarks are recommended. [5] enabled enhancement of research skills and certain
Organisations aim is to be a ''Learning Organisation'', computing skills in students. [11]
where every employee constantly engages in learning in But still, content is a king. All rapid e-learning
order to continually adapt to the company’s changing implementations promise reduced content creation time,
environment. [6] there still needs to be content produced. It is critical to
Littig identifies the main focus of eLearning projects ensure that an enterprise rapid e-learning project has a
supported by the European Leonardo da Vinci committed team to ensure its completion will be driven
programme and gives recommendations for the future. forward, not dragged along. [8]
The need for innovation in e-learning is not in the area of E-learning requires planning, a planning which is
technological innovation, rather pedagogical innovation especially important for courses that are dependent on a
and increased value, for the learners need to play a more particular technology. [11]
important role in e-learning projects. What is needed, Panian says that eLearning is a system which consists
however, is a stronger focus on the learners and their of many technological means. It offers a possibility to
needs. [7] watch an entire lecture, to receive all the necessary
The success of e-learning implementation depends to materials, to discuss about the matter with the co-
a great extent, according to human resources students and teachers [1], to solve online-puzzles, tests,
professionals and potential learners, primarily on the multiple-choice questions and problems, to use
attitude of the learner himself towards the learning interactive 3D graphical representations of the models,
situation. All other considerations are secondary: which are frequent in microeconomics. These options
learning processes in which the learner himself does not render the learning process easier and much more
constitute the primary focus are doomed to failure from interesting than it used to be in the traditional tutoring.
the beginning. The value of media-supported learning The administrative purposes can be easily substituted by
scenarios does not depend so much on the technical distance tools, such as the application for the exams,
perfection with which such scenarios are implemented, overview of the personal student record and other. The
but rather are dependent upon the essential relationships office hours are not even to be discussed here, since e-
that are established between learner and learning mail and telephone has already been used widely [1].
facilitator. [7] It also makes it possible to listen to the best lecturers,
Unneberg discuss the key issues of deployment for which would be impossible in the traditional way of
large enterprises keen to adopt new web-based learning education, because of the size of the lecture rooms, and
techniques. The final aspect of traditional rapid e- the distance. It would enable the faculty, for example, to
6th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, Spain, December 14-16, 2007 229
It is now obvious to a student that a company is able 3D graphs and their explanations – possibility of
to deduct their own demand function only if they do a drawing 3D graphs for microeconomic functions that
proper market research, and thus simplifying the require space dimension (3 variables included).
decision process.
Video lectures of professors – the base of all lectures
4 Recommendations for microeconomics which have been recorded or transferred through
e-learning system
Here are some concrete suggestions how to
Scientific papers and publications – all publications
implement e-learning system in microeconomics:
and scientific papers written by the professors from the
field of microeconomics. On that way a completely new
Knowledge base – the most important part of the whole
base of scientific work would be created. Also a good
system, the place for information which could be used
idea is to establish some links with others bases of
in education of members like electronic books, tutorials,
scientific papers in the field of microeconomics, and to
materials from conferences, professors' presentations
enlarge the sources of information, which would
etc. Knowledge base would consist of several sources
stimulate scientific work.
of information:
Search engine - with the progress of the knowledge
Professors' presentations – on one place could be
base, the new need would emerge – the need for a
found all materials from the lectures of one professor,
search engine. Searching would perform by the key
all materials connected to some subject (.ppt
words, terms, text, date, type of content (lectures of
presentations, .pdf documents, synopsis, abstracts,
professor, student papers, news, discussions, links etc.),
papers...). With updating the materials from the
author etc. The results of the searching process would
lectures, also the other materials would be updated. As
be grouped by the type of content, but also by the
the substance is changing every day, so would change
importance (lecture of the professor is more important
the materials. Because of that, all the materials from the
from some discussions or links). It is also important to
lectures should be updated. On this way all the students
implement the detection of Croatian letters and that the
who attended the lectures in the past (although they
searching algorithm recognize the word root – for
were contemporary at that time, today could be a bit
example if the user writes ''Mreža'' (''Net''), the results
old) could learn all the news from the field of
should consist the words ''Mreža'', ''Mreže'' (''Nets''),
''Mreži'' (''to the net''), ''Mrežni'' (''from the Net'') etc.
Students' papers – during the time of study, students
Exams – possibility of testing the knowledge like on
write, as a part of their exam, different papers,
the real exam.
presentations, seminar works, different analysis etc.
Their work is known only to their professors and
Statistics of the student progress – all students’ results
students who have listened the presentation. There are
would be saved in the base, so that there would exist the
lots of quality papers which should be accessible to
possibility to compare students over time and with
other professors and students. It would also be
others. Online evaluation provides a facility to collect
interesting to see how papers differ form one generation
evaluation data that not only reduced costs but also
to another. Some papers definitely could help students
provides real time data on the progress of a scheme. [10]
in the process of learning, as well as give them some
new ideas and incentives to write some other paper.
News – lecturers would inform their students about
different things like new teaching materials or the time
Microeconomics' terms – dictionary of the terms from
when it would be possible to chat with professor. All
published news could be commented, what would
enlarge the information and give different vision.
Formulas – the possibility of calculating variables of
Important news would be archived and would make a
the microeconomic models using given formulas and
part of the knowledge base.
entering data.
Forum – for different discussions between the students.
Exercises from microeconomics – solving
Discussions between the members would be led about
microeconomic exercises using formulas and theoretical
different topics from the microeconomics, but also
about the problems which could appear during
6th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, Spain, December 14-16, 2007 231
Events calendar – publication of different events like These are some suggestions for implementing e-
schedules of the lectures from microeconomics, learning system in microeconomics. With the
conferences, and chat with professor. Calendar should development of the whole system, new methods could
be connected with the news. be introduced.