156 Visigoths - 284 AD - 565 AD
156 Visigoths - 284 AD - 565 AD
156 Visigoths - 284 AD - 565 AD
284 AD - 565 AD
Leadership 8 (0-1 per Army) 40 Points
Leadership 7 (0-4 per Army) 20 Points
Leadership 6 10 Points
Min 75% Infantry
Max 40% Cavalry
Max 25% Skirmishers
Max 10% Nobles
Max 50% Roman Allies
Max 10% Sarmatian Allies
Alaric - Athanaric - Theodoric I - Gothic War (376 AD – 382 AD) - Battle of Adrianopolis (378 AD) - Hunnic Invasion of RomanGaul (450 AD - 451 AD) - Battle of the Campus Mauriacus (451 AD) - Visigothic Kingdom
Germanic Nobles Heavy Cataphract Cavalry
Weapons Notes Clash Sustained Short Long Morale Stamina Special Points
Kontos 410 AD + 9 6 3/0 - 5+ 6 Stubborn 40
Add ‘Brave’ @ 3 Points per Unit
0-2 per Army
Germanic Skimishers
Weapons Notes Clash Sustained Short Long Morale Stamina Special Points
Javelins 3 2 2 - 0 4 11
Bows 2 2 2 2 0 4 12
Army List for Warlord Games Hail Caesar - Written 2022 by Steffen Seitter Version 1.0 08/2022