Main Street Letter
Main Street Letter
Main Street Letter
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Ligao City
BicoI RegionaI Science High SchooI
Tuburan, Ligao City
October 27, 2011
The City of Ligao will be celebrating the feast day of St. Stephen Protomartyr on December 25 and 26, 2011. n line
with this, the local government of Ligao City will be holding the Main Street Parade and Float Competition on the 25
of December at 12:00 noon. The event will be competed by clusters made up of elementary, secondary and tertiary
schools in cooperation with the barangays. The Tuburan cluster is headed by the Bicol Regional Science High School
supported by the schools in the locality.
n connection thereof, the students of BRSHS will be part of the competing contingent depicting a Disney theme.
Furthermore, this is an invitation for your son/daughter to participate in the said event.
The success of our contingent is every part and parcel of everyone's effort. Thank you very much in anticipation.
Alfons Jayson O. Pelgone
Technical Director
BRSHS Dance Theatre
Randy B. Briz
Coordinator for Music
BRSHS Dance Theatre
Eduardo L. Nanoz
Reply Slip
Name of Student __________________________________________ Yr. & Section __________________________
Please check the appropriate box below.
am allowing my son/daughter to participate in the Main Street Parade and Float Competition
am not allowing my son/daughter to participate in the Main Street Parade and Float Competition
would like to be a sponsor of the contingent
Since stakeholders are enjoined to participate, would like to personally be part of the contingent
Signature over Printed name of Parent/Guardian