Chapter 24 L19 Endocrine Function of Pancreas
Chapter 24 L19 Endocrine Function of Pancreas
Chapter 24 L19 Endocrine Function of Pancreas
1. Which cell type in the pancreatic islets is responsible for secreting insulin?
a) A cells
b) B cells
c) D cells
d) F cells
e) None of the above
10.What effect does insulin have on glucose entry into adipose tissue?
a) Decreases glucose entry
b) Has no effect on glucose entry
c) Increases glucose entry
d) Converts glucose into fatty acids before entry
e) Enhances glucose oxidation
12.How does insulin affect glucose transport into muscle and adipose tissues?
a) Decreases the number of glucose transporters (GLUTs) in cell
b) Increases the activity of glucokinase in the cell membranes
c) Enhances glucose entry by increasing the number of GLUTs in cell
d) Inhibits secondary active transport of glucose with Na+
e) Induces phosphorylation of glucose outside the cell
15.In which tissues does glucose enter cells by secondary active transport with
a) Liver and adipose tissue
b) Intestine and kidneys
c) Muscle and brain
d) Pancreas and spleen
e) Heart and lungs
16.What effect does insulin have on glucose output from the liver?
a) Increases gluconeogenesis
b) Decreases glycogen synthesis
c) Stimulates ketogenesis
d) Enhances glucose output
e) Decreases gluconeogenesis
25.Why does the plasma level of free fatty acids (FFA) increase in diabetes?
a) Increased insulin secretion
b) Increased activity of hormone-sensitive lipase
c) Decreased plasma glucose level
d) Decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase
e) Decreased triglyceride synthesis