Abaqus FS Level3
Abaqus FS Level3
Abaqus FS Level3
14 2,502
3 authors:
Ebrahim Jabbari
Iran University of Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Mehdi Yaghoobi Kalourazi on 15 August 2020.
5 1,575
5 authors, including:
Ebrahim Jabbari
Iran University of Science and Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mehdi Yaghoobi on 29 May 2014.
Free spans or suspended spans normally occur in subsea pipelines due to the irregularity of seabed and by
scouring phenomena around the installed non-buried pipeline. The hydrodynamic around the pipeline can
lead to a vibration of the pipeline.This kind of vibration may cause fatigue damage to the pipeline. In order
to study the hydrodynamic around the pipeline, calculating the natural frequency of the marine pipeline in
free spans accurately is very important. Resonance phenomenon may occur when the frequency of the
hydrodynamic forces induced by a vortex shedding approach the natural frequency of pipelines. A
resonating span can experience significant deflections and associated stresses. Several parameters such as
pipeline profile, axial forces, seabed soil and boundary conditions influence the natural frequency of the
pipeline. The soil characteristic is an important factor which should be considered in determining the
natural frequency of pipeline in free span. In this paper, attempts have been made to investigate the natural
frequency of free spanning pipelines and influence of soil characteristic in support of pipeline in free span.
In this regard, various boundary conditions were considered and the results were analyzed.
Keywords: Offshore pipeline, Free span, Natural frequency, Finite element method
Yeghoobi et al. / Determining Natural Frequency of Free Spanning Offshore Pipelines…
Journal of the Persian Gulf (Marine Science)/Vol. 3/No. 8/June 2012/9/25-34
𝐿𝐿 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒
on the natural frequency by finite element method in ∫0 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸(1+𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶)∅" (𝑥𝑥)2 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 +
𝑘𝑘 = 𝐿𝐿 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝐿𝐿
ABAQUS software. Review of previous studies ∫0 𝑘𝑘� ∅(𝑥𝑥)2 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 +∫0 𝑁𝑁 ∅́ (𝑥𝑥)2 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑
showed that the influence of soil characteristic was
not considered in determining the natural frequency Where φ (x ) the first mode shape; E, modulus of
of free span. Therefore, the purpose of this study was elasticity; I, bending moment of inertia of pipeline, k�
calculating the natural frequency of free subsea the spring stiffness per unit length; N, axial force; m,
pipeline due to soil characteristic of supports of effective mass in the above equation, CSF, Concrete
pipeline in free span. In this regard, first, a formula Stiffness Factor; Leff, effective Length; L, free span
length- can be calculated from the following
for determining the natural frequency of pipeline in
relations according to DNV guidelines (DNV, 2006).
free span which can take into account the soil 0.75
EI (4)
characteristic of pipeline supports was presented. CSF = k c conc
EI steel
This formula could be soil bed by applying the
analytical Rayleigh method. Second, a pipeline
including its seabed characteristics around the supports (5)
has been modeled in ABAQUS.
m =∫
m φ (x ) dx ∫ m( x) φ ( x) dx
2 2
0 0
Yeghoobi et al. / Determining Natural Frequency of Free Spanning Offshore Pipelines…
Solving the above integrals, the natural frequency described in the following formula as:
of the pipelines specifications was obtained as: 2 ρs 1
C L (1 + υ )(
kL = + ) D (10)
EI (1 + CSF ) 3 ρ 3
f n = k1 (9)
mLeff 4 C v 2 ρs 1 (11)
=kv ( + ) D
Where k1 is a constant that depends on end 1−υ 3 ρ 3
conditions (C=1.57 for pinned/pinned ends, C=2.45 In which the pipe diameter D is in units of meters
for fixed/pinned ends, and C=3.54 for fixed/fixed and the coefficients CV and CL are taken according
ends). The relation obtained is the same as the to Table1 and Table2 and ν is Poisson’s ratio.
formula given by the DNV and ABS guidelines. Table 1. Dynamic stiffness factor and static stiffness for pipe
soil interaction in clay
Therefore, the results can be used as a basis for
comparison and evaluation of the accuracy results for
the effect of seabed soil on natural frequency.
Journal of the Persian Gulf (Marine Science)/Vol. 3/No. 8/June 2012/9/25-34
Where φ (x ) the first mode shape; E, modulus of x-, y and z-axis, respectively.
elasticity; I, bending moment of inertia of pipeline, k�
the spring stiffness per unit length; CSF, concrete
stiffness factor; Leff, effective length; L, free span length
which are calculated from the following relations
according to DNV guidelines. Substitution of equations
(13) and (2) into equation (1), without Considering
axial force leads to the following formula: Fig. 5a: Modeling pipeline in ABAQUS software
In the proposed relationship, k2 was determined 2.5. Boundary Conditions in the ABAQUS model
using the following equation:
The ABAQUS model uses the boundary
∫ [φ ( x)] [φ ( x)]
a Leff
dx + ∫
2 2
dx conditions at the pipe-ends as shown in Figure 6 but
0 Leff − L − a
k2 = (16)
with additional restraints on the nodes of the PSI-
(2π k1 ) ∫ [φ ( x) ] dx
1 2
0 elements since these are not restrained by default.
The axial, lateral and vertical displacement of each
Equation (15) is the proposed relationship to
node of a PSI-element that is away from the pipeline
determine the natural frequency of formula, free
must be zero which are denoted with "A" in figure 6.
spanning offshore pipelines by considering the seabed
Recall that the displacements and rotations at the
soil characteristics and pipelines specifications.
pipe-ends are fixed which are denoted with "B". The
remaining nodes of the pipeline are free which are
2.4. Natural Frequency Analysis with Finite Element denoted with "C". The red contour indicates the
boundary of a single PSI-element.
Another method of calculating natural frequencies is
finite element methods by simulation pipeline and soil
interaction in the ABAQUS software. The ABAQUS
model uses two-nodal 3-D beam elements from the
library of ABAQUS v. 6.9.1. The pipeline at the side-
spans and mid-span was modeled as a series of
PIPE31-beam elements.
The beam element at the side-span were attached
to PSI34 (Pipe Soil Interaction) elements with non-
linear material behavior. The elements in the
ABAQUS model are illustrated in Figure 5. The
axial, lateral and vertical directions are given by the Fig. 6: Boundary conditions in the ABAQUS Model
Yeghoobi et al. / Determining Natural Frequency of Free Spanning Offshore Pipelines…
For verifying pipeline model in ABAQUS 3.1. Evaluation of Results of Seabed Soil on Natural
software, used the pipeline with a length of 20 m laid Frequency
on seabed with the dense sand formation is used. In
the first step the pipeline is modelled with 60 To determine natural frequency of free spanning
elements (40 PIPE-elements and 20 PSI-elements). offshore pipelines with equations and FEA methods,
In this case the natural frequency of 12.241 kHz is the pipelines project at the Persian Gulf were
obtained. In the second step, the Mesh increases by considered with outside diameter of 812.8 mm and a
the increase of the number of elements. wall thickness and concrete thickness of 20.6 mm and
The pipeline is modelled with 110 elements (70 68 mm, respectively. The pipelines are laid on seabed
PIPE-elements and 40 PSI-elements); so, the natural with the dense sand, dense clay, firm clay and soft clay
frequency of 12.226 kHz is calculated. In the third formations. Properties of steel pipe are: 206,000 MPa
step, 210 elements are used for modelling pipeline for Young’s modulus, 0.3 for Poisson’s Ratio, and 7850
and Pipe Soil Interaction (130 PIPE-elements and 80 kg/m3 for the density for steel. The density of concrete
PSI-elements). In this case the natural frequency of is 3,040 kg/m3. Three combinations of end conditions,
12.226 kHz is obtained. Therefore, change does not i.e. pinned/pinned, fixed/pinned and fixed/fixed, were
occur in the natural frequency of offshore pipelines considered for each span length.
by increasing of the number of elements. Therefore, As the Figures 8, 9 and 10 indicate, the pipeline
the average number of considered elements has been frequency increases with shortening of pipeline length
used (110 elements). and fixity against rotation at the ends of the pipe.
In the ABAQUS model, the element size along the Seabed soil is able to change noticeably the intensity of
side-spans varies from large elements at the pipe- natural frequency. The natural frequency in the pipeline
ends to small elements at the pipe shoulder. This is increases with the increase of the soil stiffness.
referred to as a biased discretization. In addition, Therefore, dense sand has the greatest influence on the
buffer zones with a high number of elements have natural frequency when the free spanning support is the
been introduced at the mid-span close to the pipe fixed-fixed boundary condition. Nevertheless, the soft
shoulders in order to obtain a stable FEM-scheme. clay has no influence on natural frequency provided
For the single-span pipeline, the ABAQUS Model that the pipeline boundary conditions in both sides of
uses 70 PIPE-elements and 40 PSI-elements as free spanning are fixed-fixed boundary condition.
illustrated in Figure 7.
Fig. 7: Schematized illustration of mesh in the ABAQUS model Fig. 8: Effect of seabed soil on the natural frequency in fixed-
for the single-span pipeline. fixed boundary condition
Journal of the Persian Gulf (Marine Science)/Vol. 3/No. 8/June 2012/9/25-34
Yeghoobi et al. / Determining Natural Frequency of Free Spanning Offshore Pipelines…
4. Conclusions
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