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Photoelectric Effect: Energy Quantization of Energy Hertz

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Photoelectric Effect

• The photoelectric effect provides a direct

confirmation for the energy quantization of energy.
• In 1887, Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect.
• The emission of electrons from metal surface when Heinrich Hertz
illuminated by light or any other radiation of
suitable wavelength (or frequency) is known as
photoelectric effect.
• The emitted electrons are known as photoelectron
and current constituted by these electrons is
known as photocurrent.
Laws of photoelectric effect:
1. Photoelectric emission starts as soon as radiation falls on metal
2. Minimum frequency (called Threshold frequency, ν 0) is required to
eject photoelectrons from metal surface.
3. Photocurrent is proportional to the intensity of the incident light but
not frequency of light.
4. The K.E of photoelectron is depend on the frequency of incident light
but not intensity of incident light.
Dr. Goutam Mohanty
These experimental findings cannot be explained using the classical mechanics.
Einstein’s photoelectric effect
• In 1905, Einstein successfully explained this effect.
• Light consist of photons and each photon has an energy hν.
• Each photon can eject One electron from the metal surface. Einstein
• A part of photon energy is used to eject electron and rest is used to give K.E. to the ejected
• Governing equation,
hν = φ + K.E = hν0 + ½(mv2) , Where φ = work function

According to classical physics,

=> ½(mv2) = hν - hν0 • an electron would keep on absorbing energy-at a
=> eVs = hν - hν 0 continuous rate-until it gained a sufficient amount; then
it would leave the metal.
Where Vs is the stopping potential. • Further experiments showed that an increase in intensity
(brightness) alone can in no way dislodge electrons from
the metal.

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

(1. Photocurrent vs Intensity) (2. Stopping potential vs Frequency)

(3. Photocurrent vs Applied potential with different frequency)

Dr. Goutam Mohanty
4. Photocurrent vs Applied potential with diff intensity
Wave-Particle duality
• Although it is quite difficult to accept that a radiation will have both wave and
particle characters.
• The existing experimental facts, particularly interference, diffraction, and
polarisation force us to consider radiation as a wave.
• At the same time, the phenomena like photoelectric effect, Compton effect, black
body radiation, and emission and absorption spectra suggest us that radiation has
particle nature as well.
• Hence, we can conclude that radiation sometimes behaves as a wave and at
other times as a particle, i.e., it has wave-particle duality. Here it is important to
remember that radiation cannot exhibit its particle and wave properties

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

De-Broglie Hypothesis of Matter-Waves
 In 1924, Louis De Broglie suggested that this duality is true not only for
radiation but it is also true for all the moving material particles of the
universe. It means that like radiation, matter also have wave-particle duality.
It is verified experimentally by Davisson and Germer.
Louis De Broglie
According to de Broglie, a moving particle always has a wave associated with
it and the motion of the particle is guided by that wave in the same way as a
photon is controlled by a wave. The wavelength of the matter-wave is given

Can we realize wavelength of large object??

• Ex-1: For an electron having mass me (9.1x10-31 kg)moving with velocity 106
m/s. then = 725nm
• Ex-2: For an object having mass 0.1 kg with velocity 20m/s, then =
3.3x10-25 nm
Dr. Goutam Mohanty
Different forms of de-Broglie wavelength
• If particle is associated with a K.E (Ek), then

• If particle is associated with the help of electrostatic energy, then K.E=qV, so that

• When the particles accelerated with the help of thermal energy, then K.E = 3/2 (kT).
So that
• When the particle is moving with a velocity comparable to that of light, then mass of the
particle no longer remains constant. It will vary according to the relation:


• De-Broglie wavelength is associated with electron, i.e

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

Properties of de Broglie matter-waves:
• The lighter particles have greater wavelength than the heavier particles.
• The smaller the velocity of the particle, the greater is the wavelength associated with it.
• From the expression of the de Broglie wavelength, i.e., = (h/mv), if v = 0, then = ,
whereas if v = , then = 0. This shows that the matter-waves are generated only when
the particle is in motion.
• Matter-waves are independent of the charge. Thus, they are produced by both charged
and uncharged particles. This shows that the matter-waves are not electromagnetic
waves; they are entirely different waves.
• The velocity of the matter-waves is not constant. It depends on the velocity of the
particle, while the velocity of the electromagnetic wave is constant.
• The velocity of matter wave may be greater than velocity of light.
• The wave and particle aspects of matter never appear simultaneously.
• Wave velocity of matter wave is given in terms of group velocity, vphase= c2/vgroup
• Wave particle duality introduces the concept of uncertainty.

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
• Bohr’s Model: The following are the shortcomings
• Valid for single electron species only
• Did not explain splitting of lines: Zeeman effect- due to magnetic field and Stark effect –dueWerner
to Heisenberg
Electric field
• Electrons are moving in a fixed orbit.
• Heisenberg: The position and momentum of a microscopic particle (i.e. electron) cann’t be
exactly determined simultaneously.
• Mathematically, , where x= position and px = momentum

• (In form of energy and time)

• (In form of Angular momentum and angle)

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

• We know that an object can be seen by illuminating it with light rays consisting of
photons. When a beam of light reflected from the surface of the object reaches
our eye or any measuring device, the object will become visible.
• According to the principle of optics, the accuracy with which a particle can be
located depends upon the wavelength of the light used. The uncertainty in
position is ± λ.
• Shorter the wavelength, the greater will be accuracy in measuring the position.
But shorter wavelength will mean high frequency and high energy of the striking
• This means that the striking photons will impart greater momentum to the
electrons at the time of impact. This will lead to greater uncertainty in velocity.
• Thus, both the exact position and momentum (velocity) for such particles cannot
be measured simultaneously. If we try to have a control on one we lose control
over the other and vice versa.
Dr. Goutam Mohanty
Phase and Group Velocity
• Let us consider a wave whose displacement Y is given as
Where a = amplitude ,
ω = 2πf = angular frequency
k = 2π/λ = propagation constant
• The ratio of angular frequency and propagation constant is called as phase velocity or wave
velocity. i.e.
• For a plane of constant phase,

0 =

Hence , the velocity of propagation of plane of constant phase through a medium is known as
phase velocity or wave velocity. Dr. Goutam Mohanty
• If velocity of propagation of de-Broglie wave is then we can write,

, where = de Broglie wavelength

The de Broglie wavelength can be written as

But we know E = hν and E = mc2

So we can write


Dr. Goutam Mohanty

• The velocity with which a wave packet or group of waves associated with the moving
particle travel is called as group velocity ( �) where as individual particle velocity is
called phase velocity. The group velocity is denoted as vg and expressed as

• Consider TWO waves represented as:

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

• Amplitude of the modified wave is

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

Relation between and :

• This is the required relation between and �

in a medium in which phase velocity is frequency

• For non-dispersive medium = �

Dr. Goutam Mohanty

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