AMM Bulletin Vol11 No4
AMM Bulletin Vol11 No4
AMM Bulletin Vol11 No4
Volume 11, No. 3 October 2019
Dear Readers, the new editorial team is in place and we assure you that we will offer
our best to meet your expectations. The newsletter has established itself as an
amalgamating medium for the rapidly evolving research community on Machines,
Objectives and Mechanisms and Robotics. It is thus an honour for me to be the new Editor-in-Chief of the
Activities newsletter and continue the excellent work of past editors, in collaboration with Dr. Ashish
The main objective of AMM is to Singla, Dr. Nirmal Baran Hui, Dr. B. Vinod and Dr. Shantipal S. Ohol. On behalf of the AMM
contribute to Mechanical Design Editorial Team, I extend warm welcome to the readership of this news bulletin.
at all levels starting from
academic research to industrial An enormous amount of work has been done into the advance of this bulletin and it is
initiatives, thereby enhancing my sincere belief that you will see it being reflected in the forthcoming editions. The news
the quality and reliability of bulletin aspires to have strong impact in the domain of machines, mechanisms and allied
indigenous machines. fields. We are presently witnessing significant issues in real world which are highly complex
With this in view, AMM in nature. As researchers, we aim to seek ways to apply science and technology in the field
organises the International and of machines and mechanisms to meet such challenges. The timely and effective
National Conference on dissemination of the efforts of the scientific community is, thus of utmost importance. We
Machines and Mechanisms, welcome contributions in form of discussions and short reports demonstrating their practical
iNaCoMM, and the workshops usefulness into solving real world challenges from our intelligent and attentive readers.
on Industrial Problems on
Machines and Mechanisms, Report of workshop conducted on Rehabilitation and Wearable Robotics at IIT Ropar by
IPRoMM regularly. PunjROBOTICS is presented in the current issue. Further, to help future researchers in
locating mentors in the domain of Machines, Mechanisms, Robotics and Automation, a
database of student and researcher community has been set-up by AMM and details of PG
and PhD thesis, conferences and workshops organized and projects awarded has been
assimilated as much as possible and recorded in the current issue. Hope the readers find it
Contact Details
Prof. P M Pathak Prof. S. Sanyal
Secretary, AMM Nov 06 2019 Editor-in-Chief
About the Association of Machines and Mechanisms (AMM)
Editorial Team of the News Bulletin
Dr. S Sanyal (Editor-in-Chief, News Bulletin)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department
NIT, Raipur- 492010, Chhattisgarh, INDIA
Dr. Ashish Singla (Editor –North Zone) Dr. Nirmal Baran Hui (Editor –East Zone)
Associate Professor, Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
TIET, Patiala-147004, PUNJAB, INDIA. NIT Durgapur, WEST BENGAL, INDIA.
Phone: +91 8427950635 Phone: +91 9434788117
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. B. Vinod (Editor –South Zone) Dr. Shantipal S. Ohol (Editor –West Zone)
Professor and Head Associate Professor,
Department of Robotics and Automation Mechanical Engineering Department,
Engineering, PSG College of Technology, College of Engineering, Pune – 411005,
Coimbatore - 641004, INDIA. MAHARASHTRA, INDIA.
Phone: +91-422-2572177 Phone: +91 9850503949
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Design is not how it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works
*** Steve Jobs
Report of Workshop on Rehabilitation and Wearable Robotics
Under PunjROBOTICS, a workshop was conducted on Rehabilitation and Wearable Robotics on October
11, 2019 at IIT Ropar. The PunjROBOTICS platform was set-up by Dr. Ekta Singla and her team at IIT Ropar
in 2016 in order to formulate a common platform to coordinate local activities in robotics area. The workshop
has been sponsored technically by AMM, where eminent personalities from India and abroad had participated.
During this one day workshop, current issues and challenges faced by different research groups in the field of
rehabilitation and wearable robotics were focussed upon. More than 30 participants including UG, ME, PhD
students and faculty members of different engineering colleges had attended the workshop. Four expert talks
were delivered by experts from academia, industry and research organizations like CSIR and DRDO. The
workshop commenced with the opening remarks by Dr. Ekta Singla, organizing secretary, IIT Ropar. She
emphasized on the importance of this workshop and the importance of PunjROBOTICS in bridging the gap and
enhance interdisciplinary research in this area. Thereafter, the workshop was inaugurated by Prof. S K Das,
Director, IIT Ropar.
The first expert talk was given by Prof. Ahmed Chimori, LIRMM-CNRS, France on the following topic
of “Control of Wearable Robotic Devices: Overview, Challenges and Applications”.
Abstract: Assisting disabled and elderly people in daily activities using wearable devices has gained a particular interest
these last decades due to the highly increasing rate of dependent people. The rise in life expectancy is set to continue;
combined with the decrease in birth rates, this should accelerate more the aging of the population. Consequently, this will
certainly have a great impact on the development of assistive wearable devices. Thanks to the latest advances in portable
device technologies in terms of compact/miniaturized design, low cost and energy consumption, their wearability has
known an important progress.
The talk was focused on wearable robotics challenges, recent advances in this field, and some proposed control solutions
for exoskeletons. The proposed control solutions were illustrated through numerical simulations as well as real-time
The second expert talk was delivered by Dr. Neelesh Kumar, Principal Scientist, CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh. The
details of the talks are as given below:
Abstract: Recent trends in medical technology is witnessing the sprung in use of Robotic methods for different applications
of rehabilitation, classified as resistive, assistive and augmentative. Wearable biped robots, popularly known as
Exoskeleton Devices, mimicking the human gait, near naturally, presents a unique opportunity for the restoration of
impaired gait caused by various disorders. Initiated with rigid/fixed architecture fully actuated, mechanized machines, it in
turn into flexible mechanism, anthropometrically suitable, hybrid actuation and portable power sources enabled devices
making the augmentation and assistance available as per demand. The methods for identification of wearer’s intent based
on neuro-bio-signal is gaining popularity among researchers.
Exoskeletons are the devices that reside in the category of wearable robotics with an external structural mechanism with
joints and links corresponding to those of the human body. Exoskeleton with their applications in rehabilitation medicine
and virtual reality simulation offer benefits for both disabled and healthy populations. Exoskeleton device can be used as
a capability magnifier or as an assisting device for spinal cord injury patients, stroke patients, and the elderly. CSIR-CSIO,
working relentlessly in the area of Mobility Assistive Gait Device for Rehabilitation (MITRA) has designed and developed
an active exoskeleton for lower limbs including actuated hip, knee and ankle joints for both limbs. It is a perfect example
of technology serving human needs where it is required most, improving the quality of life of the millions in need of special
assistance. The exoskeleton design not only assists humans but also tries to improve their gait. MITRA is a boon to
paraplegics, aiding them to stand upright, walk and do exercises for faster rehabilitation. The MITRA device developed by
CSIR-CSIO will be available at one-fifth of the cost of the similar imported devices.
The third expert talk was given by Prof. Gurvinder Singh Virk, former Technical Director at InnoTecUK,
Cambridge and now working as the Founder of Endo-energy Systems at Mohali. Prof. Virk focussed on the
overview and importance of regulatory issues to be followed in medical and non-medical applications. The details
of the talk given by Prof. Virk is as follows:
Abstract: The current trend in robotics is to develop new markets in service and medical sectors. In this respect, the global
ageing societal concerns are a major driver for realizing the new robot products. The potential for eventual
commercialization is high but the new markets have to be created and developed. The presentation will describe applied
research to develop commercially viable wearable assistive robots for elderly persons so that they stay independent living
in their own homes for as long as possible. Medical and non-medical applications need to be considered and an overview
of the regulatory issues in the urgently needed new robot products will also be described.
The fourth talk was given by Mr. S Nagarajan, Scientist D at DRDO-DEBEL Bangalore. Mr. Nagarajan has
shared his experience, issues and challenges involved in making the lower-extremity exoskeleton being
developed at DEBEL, Bangalore for load augmentation of soldiers. The details of the talk are as given below:
Abstract: Soldiers are often required to carry heavy loads and perform strenuous activities resulting in increased fatigue,
energy expenditure and reduced efficiency. Implementation of augmentative exoskeletons will result in improving their
combat operational efficiency, which has to overcome many technological challenges like sensing, actuation, control
strategies, human machine interface and simulation.
The presentation discusses about the significance of modelling and simulation for design and development of
augmentative exoskeleton. The main objective of simulation is to ensure that there is an optimal force distribution between
human and exoskeleton. It also provides insights into the design of mechanical structure, sizing of actuators and control
strategy with respect to various biomechanical activities. Even though there is a long way before we could achieve these
grandiose objectives there has been a many significant steps taken towards this direction which will be discussed along-
with various solved and unresolved challenges.
Panel Discussion: A good amount of time in the workshop was kept for panel discussion, where all the experts from
different domains shared the ideas, issues involved and the challenges faced by them. Many of the workshop participants
utilized this opportunity to take the advice of the experts and clear their doubts on specific topics.
The workshop concluded with distribution of certificates to all the participants along with a group photograph.
1. ME Thesis
2. PhD Thesis
3. Conference/Workshop/STTP/FDP Announcement
4. Projects
5. Project Vacancy (JRF/SRF/PDF)
6. Summer Internship for Students
1. ME Thesis
S. Student Supervisor ME/MTech/MS Thesis Affiliated Collaborative
Year Conference
No. Name Name Title College/University Work with
Modelling, Control and
Dr. T K Bera Experimentation for Thapar Institute of
1 and Dr. Ashish 2019 Vibration Suppression of Engineering and - -
Singla Single Link Flexible Technology, Patiala
Mr. Chaitanya
Mass and Grade
Tiwari, Dr. Thapar Institute of
Ashwin Estimation of
2 Sivakumar 2019 Engineering and Tata Motors -
Dhawad Commercial Vehicle
Palanivelu, Dr. Technology, Patiala
using Kalman Filter
Ashish Singla
Dr. T K Bera Thapar Institute of Cummins
Naval Cam Gear Walk Off in a
3 and Dr. Ashish 2019 Engineering and Technologies -
Gupta Diesel Engine
Singla Technology, Patiala India Pvt. Ltd
Trends in
Visvesvaraya (FTME-2011),
Design and Finite
M. Sadiq A. Dr. B. S. Technological National
4 2011 Element Analysis of -
Pachapuri Manjunath University, Belagavi, Conference on
Flexural Bearing
Karnataka Recent
Advances in
Engineering -
July 2011
Ankit Prof. Vijay PDPM IIITDM
5 2019 ----
Nakoria Kumar Gupta Jabalpur
Design and modelling of
Aman Prof. Vijay PDPM IIITDM
6 2018 Stewart Platform based
Shree Kumar Gupta Jabalpur
Classification of EEG
Rohit Prof. Vijay PDPM IIITDM
7 2018 Signals for Different
Gautam Kumar Gupta Jabalpur
Hand Movements
Ocean Energy
Rommel Prof. Vijay PDPM IIITDM
8 2018 Harvesting for Indian
Nath Kumar Gupta Jabalpur
Ocean Waves
Dr. Hemant Kinematics and
Anil Kumar
9 Jayantilal 2010 Dynamics of Open Link NIT Surat
Nagarsheth Mechanisms
2. PhD Thesis
3. Conference/Workshop/STTP/FDP Announcement
S. Conference/Workshop/Summer Details of
Dates Venue Any Other Details
No. School/FDP/STTP Organising Member
4th International and 19th Naional Dr. Rajeev Kumar,
Dec 5-7,
1 Conference on Machines and IIT Mandi Organizing
Mechanisms (iNaCoMM-2019) Secretary, IIT Mandi 9/
The 6th Joint International Conference
on Multibody System Dynamics and Prof S K Saha,
Nov 1-5,
2 The 10th Asian Conference on IIT Delhi Conference Chair,
Multibody Dynamics (IMSD- IIT Delhi
4. Projects
S. PI Affiliated Funding
Co-PI Names Year Project Title Journal/Conf. Publication
No. Name College/University Agency
P. V. Nandihal, V. Kumar, S.
K. Saha, A. Singla, S. P.
Design and
Dr. T K Bera Singh, T. K. Bera, "Dynamic
Development of a Thapar Institute of
Dr. (TIET, Patiala), Modeling and Experimental
2018- Three-Link Rigid- Engineering and DST-
1 Ashish Prof S K Saha Validation of a Single-Link
2021 Flexible Manipulator Technology, Patiala SERB
Singla (IITD), Prof S P Flexible Manipulator",
for High Speed and IIT Delhi
Singh (IITD) ECCOMAS 2019 Multibody
Dynamics Conference,
A Google form has been prepared for updating the details and can be accessed by all at the following link:
Note: Intents are invited for hosting workshop on Industrial Problems on Machines and Mechanisms
(IPRoMM 2020) and 5th International and 20th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms
(iNaCoMM 2021). Intent can be mailed at [email protected] duly forwarded by institute
authority. All the intents received will be discussed during the general body meeting of AMM to be
held at IIT Mandi during iNaCoMM 2019.
Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. S Sanyal, NIT Raipur
Editorial Members: Dr. Ashish Singla, TIET Patiala [Editor – North Zone]
Prof. N B Hui, NIT Durgapur [Editor – North Zone]
Prof. B Vinod, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore [Editor – South Zone]
Dr. S S Ohol, COE Pune [Editor – West Zone]