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Jing Wu1,*, Laibin Zhang1, Morten Lind2, Wei Liang1, Jinqiu Hu1,
Sten Bay Jørgensen3, Gürkan Sin3, and Zia Ullah Khokhar4
College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum,
Beijing, China
[email protected]
Dept. Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
[email protected]
Dept. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
Lyngby, Denmark
Dept. Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
[email protected]
1 Introduction
In petroleum and natural gas industries, hazard identification has been advocated, and
required by the government licensing authorities or clients to meet with the goals of
Corresponding author.
M. Ali et al. (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2013, LNAI 7906, pp. 421–430, 2013.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
422 J. Wu et al.
Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) since 1960s. Hazard
identification is included in the risk management as the first stage towards identifying
and formulating major accidents scenarios needed for risk calculation. Especially, oil
and gas production is becoming more and more complex with the application of
monitoring and detection systems such as DSC, SCADA system, whose advantage is
to strengthen the ability of automatic detection to enable adjustment of the process and
to enlarge the information sources for operators. But at the same time, operators have
difficulties in coping with large amounts of alarms under abnormal conditions, The
insufficient support by the control systems and data records leads to the situation that
some hazards are not detected in time and propagated up to a higher level in operation
hierarchy. So techniques for hazard identification recently have attracted much
attention both from research communities and application companies [1].
The Definition of a Hazard in the Oxford Dictionary is " a thing that can be
dangerous or cause damage . How to systematically identify the hazards in an
operating process and visualize the hazard propagation paths to help operators to
make a wise decision under emergency situation is a big challenge faced by
researchers. HAZOP developed in the late 1960s at Imperial Chemical Industries
(ICI), among other available techniques aimed at identification of hazards is widely
applied in situations where processing of hazardous materials take place, in oil and
gas processing plant for instance. It is here important to ensure a high level of
completeness of the set of deviations considered. Because hazards identification is the
primary element of risk evaluation also the qualitative aspects of risk evaluation are
dependent on an adequate description (in terms of cause and consequence models) of
the hazards. The key issues for these aspects are completeness, consistency and
correctness [2]. As a consequence, well-structured HAZOP methods are popular in
particular in complex processes. However, the standard HAZOP methodology is
lacking the consideration of the level and extent of decomposition of the plant into
sub-systems. This is usually decided by the expert team leader, and to a large extent,
the manual cause and consequence analysis of hazards depends on the experience and
knowledge of the HAZOP team. Thus, in last two decades, improved HAZOP
methods have successfully overcome some above problems, through development of
different tools to assist the HAZOP studies, some of them are HAZOPExpert in
continuous process [3], PHASuite in chemical processes [4], PetroHAZOP case-based
reasoning in petroleum industries [5], CHECKUP tool [6] and Functional HAZOP
assistant [7]. Among them, Functional HAZOP assistant proposed by Rossing et al.
based on Multilevel Flow Modeling (MFM) represents functional knowledge with
easier understanding of real system and provides a very efficient paradigm for
facilitating HAZOP studies and for enabling reasoning to reveal potential hazards in
safety critical operations. MFM is a qualitative reasoning model that could be used to
assist the Hazop team by ensuring coverage and consistency and improve
completeness. MFM divides the system into subsystems according to the functions
in terms of goals, relations and components and provides a set of reasoning rules
which can be used to perform automatic HAZOP study and reveal the potential
hazards and the casual paths of a hazard in a visual way. MFM can in this way help
operators to understand the system in functional terms and give them a basis for
decision making.
Hazard Identification of the Offshore Three-Phase Separation Process 423
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to apply MFM with the role
concept in a case study of an offshore three-phase separation process in oil and gas
industry. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. A brief description of
an offshore three-phase separation process is given in section 2. Section 3 describes
after short introduction of MFM how the reference system for the present research is
modeled. The hazard identification based on the HAZOP technique using the MFM
editor and reasoning software is introduced in section 4. Finally, section 5 is
The offshore three-phase separation process, used as a case study here, is commonly
applied in offshore oil and gas industry. The process schematic is shown in Fig.1. The
purpose of the separation system is to separate two flows of feed, mixture of crude,
water and gas stream. Both feed flows have flow rate of 3600 kg/h, pressure of 56
bar and temperature of 50 oC. The components of the feed flows are water, methane,
ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, methanol, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
isobutene, isopentane, MEG, and four pseudo components representing higher
number of higher number of hydrocarbons.
The two fluid streams are mixed before entering the three-phase separator, which is
designed to separate the gas, as well as separate the oil and water. A safety valve
provides protection against unwanted pressure buildup. The weir inside the separator
maintains the oil level, and the level controller maintains the water level. The oil is
skimmed over the weir. The level of the oil downstream of the weir is controlled by a
level controller that operates the oil export valve. The gas flow out through a mist
extractor to a pressure control valve that maintains constant vessel pressure. Then it
passes to a compressor which increases the pressure of the export gas, which is driven
by a variable motor speed. At the outlet side of the compressor a heat exchanger is
connected with water as cooling medium. The cooler is regulated by a temperature
control loop. Also an anti-surge controller loop is installed to protect the compressor
from entering a surge condition. More details about the process can be found in [8].
Node3, Function: Gas transport. From the gas outlet of the separator back to the inlet
of separator including compressor 23KA0001, motor 23EM0002 and heat exchanger
3. Heat Removal Subsystem (HRS). Goal: To transport the heat inside the gas to
the environment.
An overall MFM model for this three-phase separation process is shown in Fig.3. In
the following we will explain the MFM model by each flow structure representing
functions of the subsystems.
water chamber represented by the storage function sto1. The separator and the
transport are related by a participant relation since it is assumed not to influence the
flow of water. The transport function is also connected by a participant relation pa6
with the function sto1 representing the storage of water provided by the water
chamber since the state of the storage (amount of water) cannot influence the flow of
water transported (tra5). The function tra6 represents the transfer of water out of the
water chamber of the separator provided by outlet pipe, including the water level
control valve (LV0001). It is connected with an influence to sto1 since the level of
water influences the transfer of water out of water chamber of the separator.
The flow structure mfs1 (oil mass flow B) in the bottom left corner of Fig.4: After
being separated by the three phase separator sep1, the oil is transported (tra7) to the
oil chamber whose function is represented by sto2. Similarly, the separator and
the transport are related by a participant relation since it is assumed not to influence
the flow of water. The transport function is also connected by a participant relation
pa9 with the function sto2 representing the storage of water provided by the oil
chamber since the state of the storage (amount of oil) influences the flow of
oil transported by tra7. The function tra8 represents the transport of oil out of the oil
chamber of the separator provided by outlet pipe, including the pipe flow rate control
valve (25MV0003).Then through pipe (represented by the balance function bal2) it is
connected to the transport of oil (tra9) provided by oil export pump (23PA0001),
which is connected with efs2 by a producer-product relation pp1. The relation pp1 is
labeled with tra22, which represents the electrical power of motor (sou6) supplied to
the pump (sto6) so that the oil flow rate tra9 can be maintained at its desired value
represented by the objective obj3. Tra23 and tra24 represents transfer of the energy
into kinetic energy of the oil (tra23 and sin8) and friction losses in the circulation loop
(tra24 and sin9). The balance bal3 represents the function of the pipe between the
pump and oil level control valve tra 10(LV0002) It is connected with an influence to
bal3 since the level of oil influences the transfer of oil out of oil chamber of the
The flow structure mfs1 (gas mass flow C) in the top right corner of Fig.4: After
being separated by the three phase separator sep1, the gas is transported (tra11) (25
ES0002) through pipe (bal4) into compressor 23KA0001. Similarly, the compressor is
also driven by motor EM0002 and obtains its driving energy from the energy flow
structure efs3, whose energy transformation can be referred to the flow structure efs2.
The control flow structure cfs6 represents the regulation of the motor speed control
the compressor. Then the gas flows through pipe (tra13) between the compressor and
heat exchanger whose function here is represented by sto3. The gas production is
exported out of the heat exchanger from the outlet pipe and pipe volume valve 25
ES0005 (tra14) to the next gas processing unit.
flows are transported (tra17) and (tra18) to the next processing units represented by
the sink functions sin4 and sin5. The gas energy flow is transported to heat exchanger
(sto5); the mass flow of cooling medium (from sou5 to sin 7) takes away some heat
from the gas flow. A desired temperature of the gas product (sin6) is maintained by
regulating of the outflow pipe valve 23TV0003 tra20 which control the outflow
product of gas flow (tra 19).
Fig. 5. Possible causes identified by the MFM reasoning engine (left) and Extended MFM
model of water mass flow A with roles (right)
Bal4 fill: Low flow through the inlet of compressor (bal4 fill, primary cause), for
example, the inlet filter plugging.
Tra12 loflow: Low flow of gas through compressor (tra12 loflow, primary cause)
caused by low flow passed through the flow or impeller channel in compressor (bal5
fill, secondary cause) or low conversion of the energy into kinetic energy in
compressor (tra26 loflow, secondary cause) or outlet pipe of compressor partly
blocked (tra 13 loflow, secondary cause), for example, the pipe network resistance
increased. The low conversion of the energy into kinetic energy in compressor caused
by the low driven power stored in compressor (sto7 lovol, tertiary cause) or the
overload of compressor (sin 10 hivol, tertiary cause). The low driven power stored in
compressor (sto7) is caused by the low energy transported (tra25 loflow, quaternary
cause), which is originally rooted in low speed of the compressor motor (sou7 lovol,
quintuple cause). The low gas flow in pipe (tra13) between compressor and heat
exchanger is caused by the high level in the heat exchanger tube (sto3 hivol, tertiary
cause), which is originated from UV0001 valve partly closed (tra28 loflow,
quaternary cause) or 25ES005 valve partly closed (tra14 loflow, quaternary cause),
which is due to the gas production above the quota (sin3 hivol, quintuple cause), in
another word, the overmuch deduction of gas production.
The HAZOP table of this deviation is summarized in Table 2.
extension of MFM with roles (agent, object, instrument etc.) may endow the
potential for identifying hazards that are not only described with guide words in
HAZOP studies such as ”more", "less", "none" which is discussed above and applied
in [7], but also other guide words such as" part of ", "as well as", "other than".
In the case of the three-phase separator, we will apply a patient role r1 and an agent
role r2 on the separation function. The patient and the agent here mean the entity
undergoing the effect of some action and the doer of the action, respectively.
Specifically, in the sentence "the separator separates the mixture flow of crude oil,
water and gas stream", the separator has the agent role and the mixture flow of crude
oil, water and gas stream has the patient role. A patient role is adopted here instead of
object role proposed in [11] because the mixture flow undergoes a change of phases
and being processed by the separator, and also the separation effect is dependent on
the properties of the mixture flow and agent role separator. It is suggested to
distinguish between object and patient roles. When only the extrinsic properties (like
location) and not the intrinsic properties of a physical are changed by the action the
item is an object of the action. For example, when water is transported by a pipe, the
water has an object role since it is moved from one place to another place by the agent
(the pipe) without any state change. The patient role is different and very important
because it allows the identification of possible hazards caused by the change of
properties (composition, temperature, pressure) in mass or energy flow.
Table 2. HAZOP analysis of a deviation of flow of gas in outlet pipe from separator
2.Low flow passed through the flow or 2.Outlet gas flow pressure
controller 23ASC0001
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