A Indirect Transfer Taxation in India

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Indirect Transfer Taxation in India: From Vodafone

to Cairn

Srikanth Vasudevan & Meyyappan Nagappan*

Indirect transfers refer to situations where when foreign entities own shares or assets in India, the shares of such foreign entities are transferred
instead of a direct transfer of the underlying assets in India. There are innumerable permutations to such indirect transfers, many of which have
been sought to be taxed by the Indian Government in the recent past. Beginning from the Vodafone case involving a tax demand of approximately
USD 2.1 billion, which was followed by knee-jerk amendments to the Income Tax Act annually, to the recent Cairn case involving a tax demand
of approximately USD 1.6 billion, the imposition of this tax has taken quite a few twists and turns. This article seeks to summarize and present a
brief timeline of the issues related to indirect transfers, including the unintended issues that arose and those that continue to remain unresolved.
These unresolved issues present potential concerns for future investments into India and for current foreign investors with investments in India.
Further recognizing that unilateral measures by countries in taxing indirect transfers can result in incoherence and uncertainty, the United
Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Bank Group have come out with a
draft paper aimed at achieving international consensus on this issue.

1 INTRODUCTION to ‘accrue or arise in India’. The tortuous journey commencing

India includes within the scope of its tax net any income with Vodafone is yet to reach a clear destination. In fact,
that accrues or arises in India. India also taxes income that recently an Income Tax Appellate Tribunal ruled against
is deemed to accrue or arise to a person in India irrespec- Cairn UK Holdings Limited with respect to an indirect
tive of whether such person is a tax resident in India.1 transfer transaction that occurred many years prior to the
However, with respect to the power of the Parliament to controversial retrospective amendment that was introduced
enact legislations with extra-territorial applicability, the by the Government in the wake of the Vodafone ruling. The
Supreme Court has laid down that there needs to be a genesis of the indirect transfer provisions, which continue to
sliver of nexus with India for the application or enforce- allow for retrospective application, is better understood in the
ment of law extraterritorially.2 Therefore, with respect to context of the Vodafone ruling which is discussed below.
indirect transfers, normally there should not be sufficient
nexus to trigger applicability of Indian income tax laws 2 THE VODAFONE DECISION
since the asset that is being transferred and the parties to
the transaction are situated outside India. The same was Vodafone International Holdings BV (hereinafter
confirmed by the Supreme Court of India in the Vodafone ‘Vodafone’), a Netherlands tax resident, sought to acquire
case as well, which stated that absent a specific law, there the entire share capital of CGP Investments (Holdings)
was insufficient nexus to tax the indirect transfer. Limited (hereinafter ‘CGP’), a Cayman Islands tax resident
Thus, the crux of the question relating to taxation of ultimately held (through various non-Indian entities) by
indirect transfers revolves around what income can be deemed Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited

Member, Tax practice, Nishith Desai Associates, Mumbai, India, email: [email protected] and Senior member, Tax practice, Nishith Desai Associates,
Mumbai, India, email: [email protected]
The relevant portions of s. 5 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 read as follows:
‘5. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total income of any previous year of a person who is a resident includes all income from whatever source derived which

(b) accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise to him in India during such year;
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total income of any previous year of a person who is a non-resident includes all income from whatever source derived which –

(b) accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise to him in India during such year.’
GVK Inds. Ltd v. The Income Tax Officer [2011] 4 SCC 36.

INTERTAX, Volume 45, Issue 10

© 2017 Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands

(hereinafter ‘HTIL’, another Cayman Islands tax resident). (i) cannot be extended to cover indirect transfers of capital
CGP, through various Mauritian and Indian companies, assets, since such a reading would render the last condition
indirectly held a 67% stake in Hutchison Essar Limited under section 9(1)(i), namely the situation of the capital
(hereinafter ‘HEL’), an Indian tax resident. The considera- asset in India, nugatory.5
tion for the transaction was around United States Dollar Further, specifically in the case of capital assets being
(hereinafter ‘USD’) 11.1 billion. shares of a company, the Supreme Court observed that
One of the major arguments of the Revenue, was that while contractual rights may be capital assets and trans-
the acquisition of CGP shares by Vodafone should be ferring such rights may amount to a transfer of a capital
taxable in India by virtue of section 9 of the Income Tax asset, shares being a bundle of rights cannot be broken up
Act, 1961 (hereinafter ‘ITA’), which reads as follows: into individual components, like right to vote, manage-
ment rights, controlling rights etc. and be regarded as
9. (1) The following incomes shall be deemed to accrue or arise
constituting a transfer of separate capital assets situated in
in India:–

(i) all income accruing or arising, whether directly or indirectly,

through or from any business connection in India, or through 3 FINANCE ACT, 2012
or from any property in India, or through or from any asset
As a reaction to the Vodafone decision, the Government of
or source of income in India, or through the transfer of a
India, swiftly introduced legislative amendments to the
capital asset situate in India. [Emphasis added]
ITA, with the following intent:
The Revenue advocated for the application of a ‘look
Certain judicial pronouncements have created doubts about the
through’ approach towards the interpretation of section
scope and purpose of sections 9 and 195. Further, there are
9 of the ITA, contending that if there is a transfer of a
certain issues in respect of income deemed to accrue or arise where
capital asset situated in India ‘in consequence of’ an
there are conflicting decisions of various judicial authorities.7
action taken overseas, then all income derived from
such transfer should be taxable in India. Therefore, the
Revenue sought to recover around USD 2.1 billion The Government made retrospective amendments to
which, in its view, was required to be withheld from purportedly clarify the scope of the legislative provi-
payments made to HTIL under domestic withholding sions pertaining to income deemed to accrue or arise in
obligations that applies to all sums remitted to a non- India.
resident that is subject to tax. The Finance Act, 2012 (hereinafter the ‘2012 Act’)8
The Supreme Court of India, in Vodafone International introduced Explanation 4 and Explanation 5 to section 9
Holdings B.V. v. Union of India3 (hereinafter ‘Vodafone’), (1)(i) the ITA, which read as follows:
partially reversing the decision of the Bombay High Explanation 4.– For the removal of doubts, it is hereby
Court,4 negated the aforesaid contention of the Revenue. clarified that the expression ‘through’ shall mean and
The Supreme Court considered the last sub-clause of sec- include and shall be deemed to have always meant and
tion 9(1)(i) as a charge on capital gains arising from transfer included ‘by means of’, ‘in consequence of’ or ‘by reason
of a capital asset situated in India thereby requiring the of’.
satisfaction of three conditions, namely the existence of a
capital asset, the situation of such capital asset in India and Explanation 5.– For the removal of doubts, it is hereby
its transfer. It further held that the main purpose of section clarified that an asset or a capital asset being any share
9(1)(i) is to create a legal fiction where income that accrues or interest in a company or entity registered or incor-
to non-residents outside India due to the transfer of a porated outside India shall be deemed to be and shall
capital asset situated in India would be deemed to accrue always be deemed to have been situated in India, if the
or arise in India. The Supreme Court observed that a legal share or interest derives, directly or indirectly, its value
fiction has limited scope and that the ambit of section 9(1) substantially from the assets located in India.

Vodafone International Holdings B.V. v. Union of India [2012] 341 ITR 1. For a detailed analysis of this decision, reference may be made to Nishith Desai Associates, Vodafone
Victorious in Multi Billion Tax Battle, http://www.nishithdesai.com/information/research-and-articles/nda-hotline/nda-hotline-single-view/article/vodafone-victorious-in-
multi-billion-tax-battle.html (accessed 30 July 2017).
Vodafone International Holdings B.V. v. Union of India [2010] (112) BomLR 3792.
Vodafone International Holdings B.V. v. Union of India [2012] 341 ITR 1, para. 78.
Ibid., at para. 88.
Memorandum to the Finance Bill 2012, at 19.
For an analysis of the budget, the proposals in which were legislated upon through the 2012 Act, reference may be made to Nishith Desai Associates, India Budget 2012: A
Jolt to Foreign Investors, http://www.nishithdesai.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Html/Budget2012/BUDGET%20HOTLINE_March1712.htm (accessed 30 July 2017).

Indirect Transfer Taxation in India

The 2012 Act also introduced clarificatory explanations to in Figure 1. The authors have, for the sake of simplicity,
definitions of ‘capital asset’9 and ‘transfer’ under section 2 assumed a structure wherein the subsidiaries are wholly
of the ITA in the following terms: owned subsidiaries.
Explanation.– For the removal of doubts, it is hereby
clarified that ‘property’ includes and shall be deemed to
have always included any rights in or in relation to an 4 SHOME COMMITTEE AND FINANCE ACT,
Indian company, including rights of management or 2015
control or any other rights whatsoever; … .
Clearly the amendments introduced by the 2012 Act were
Explanation 2.– For the removal of doubts, it is hereby intended to negate the basis for the Vodafone decision. The
clarified that ‘transfer’ includes and shall be deemed to have amendments were viewed adversely by various stakeholders.
always included disposing of or parting with an asset or any Considering that the ‘clarificatory’ amendments went against
interest therein, or creating any interest in any asset in any a Supreme Court decision on the point, there were wide-
manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, absolutely or spread concerns about the certainty, predictability and sta-
conditionally, voluntarily or involuntarily, by way of an bility of tax laws in India. In this backdrop, the Government
agreement (whether entered into in India or outside India) appointed an Expert Committee under the chairmanship of
or otherwise, notwithstanding that such transfer of rights Dr Parthasarathi Shome to analyse the issues pertaining to
has been characterised as being effected or dependent upon the retrospective amendments relating to indirect transfer.
or flowing from the transfer of a share or shares of a The Expert Committee submitted a draft report to the
company registered or incorporated outside India; Government in 2012 (hereinafter the ‘Shome Report’).10
Most controversially, all of the aforesaid amendments intro- The Shome Report observed that the manner of intro-
duced by the 2012 Act with retrospective effect were duction of amendments by the 2012 Act led to a conflation
deemed to have been inserted with effect from 1 April of two issues by those who reacted adversely to the amend-
1962, thereby being made applicable to transactions that ments, the two issues being retrospectivity in tax law and
concluded prior to 2012 (which was the case under the Cairn taxation of indirect transfers. The Shome Report sought to
case discussed later, where the impugned transactions were untangle the two issues.11 Pursuant to the recommenda-
completed between 2006 and 2007). tions contained in the Shome Report, the Finance Act,
A classic situation wherein the indirect transfer provisions 2015 (hereinafter the ‘2015 Act’)12 introduced certain
introduced by the 2012 Act would apply is depicted below amendments to relax the harshness with which the 2012

S. 2(14) of the ITA broadly defines capital asset to mean ‘property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not connected with his business or profession’.
Draft Report of the Expert Committee on Retrospective Amendments Relating to Indirect Transfer (2012), at 4.
Ibid., at 4.
For an analysis of the budget, the proposals in which were legislated upon through the 2015 Act, reference may be made to Nishith Desai Associates, India Budget Insights
(2015–16), http://www.nishithdesai.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Html/Budget2012/BUDGET%20HOTLINE_March1712.htm (accessed 30 July 2017).


Act amendments operated. Chiefly, two relaxations were Further, Explanation 7 also clarifies that only such portion
introduced by the 2015 Act, as summarized here in below: of the income of the non-resident transferor as is attribu-
table to the assets located in India shall be deemed to
(1) De Minimis Thresholds: The 2015 Act, through
accrue or arise in India.
Explanation 6 to section 9(1)(i) of the ITA (hereinafter
The 2015 Act also introduced exemptions from the
‘Explanation 6’), introduced certain thresholds for the
scope of the indirect transfer provisions in the case of
invocation of indirect transfer provisions through the
transfers of Indian assets pursuant to overseas amalgama-
application of Explanation 5 to section 9(1)(i) of the ITA
tions and demergers involving foreign companies, subject
(hereinafter ‘Explanation 5’). Essentially, Explanation 6
to the satisfaction of certain conditions.15
states that a share or interest shall be deemed to derive
Reporting requirements: Section 285A of the ITA
value substantially from assets located in India only if
was inserted by the 2015 Act, requiring an Indian concern
the fair market value of such assets
through which or in which Indian assets were held to
(a) exceeds the amount of Indian Rupees (‘INR’) 10
comply with certain reporting obligations. The obligation
Crores (approximately USD 1.5 million); and
is on the Indian concern that holds Indian assets or in
(b) represents at least 50% of the value of all assets
which the Indian assets are held, meaning if there is a
owned by the company or entity.13
structure where the foreign entity owns an Indian com-
(2) Small Shareholder Exemption: The 2015 Act,
pany which in-turn owns a subsidiary or which holds the
through Explanation 7 to section 9(1)(i) of the ITA
Indian assets in itself, the Indian holding company
(hereinafter ‘Explanation 7’), provides that indirect
through or in which the Indian assets are held would
transfer under Explanation 5 shall not apply if the
have to comply with this requirement.
non-resident, directly or indirectly, does not hold
the right of management or control (including a
right which would entitle the person to the right 5 CBDT CLARIFICATIONS ON INDIRECT
of management or control) or holds voting power, TRANSFER
share capital or interest exceeding 5% of the total
voting power, share capital or interest (as the case In March 2015, the Central Board of Direct Taxes
may be) of the company or entity which directly (hereinafter ‘CBDT’) issued Circular No. 4/2015 (here-
owns the assets situated in India.14 inafter ‘Circular 4’) clarifying the applicability of

Explanation 6 reads as follows:
‘Explanation 6. – For the purposes of this clause, it is hereby declared that –
(a) the share or interest, referred to in Explanation 5, shall be deemed to derive its value substantially from the assets (whether tangible or intangible) located in India, if, on
the specified date, the value of such assets –
(i) exceeds the amount of ten crore rupees; and
(ii) represents at least fifty per cent of the value of all the assets owned by the company or entity, as the case may be;.’
Explanation 7 reads as follows:
‘Explanation 7. – For the purposes of this clause, –
(a) no income shall be deemed to accrue or arise to a non-resident from transfer, outside India, of any share of, or interest in, a company or an entity, registered or
incorporated outside India, referred to in the Explanation 5,
(i) if such company or entity directly owns the assets situated in India and the transferor (whether individually or along with its associated enterprises), at any time in the
twelve months preceding the date of transfer, neither holds the right of management or control in relation to such company or entity, nor holds voting power or share capital
or interest exceeding five per cent of the total voting power or total share capital or total interest, as the case may be, of such company or entity; or
(ii) if such company or entity indirectly owns the assets situated in India and the transferor (whether individually or along with its associated enterprises), at any time in the
twelve months preceding the date of transfer, neither holds the right of management or control in relation to such company or entity, nor holds any right in, or in relation to,
such company or entity which would entitle him to the right of management or control in the company or entity that directly owns the assets situated in India, nor holds
such percentage of voting power or share capital or interest in such company or entity which results in holding of (either individually or along with associated enterprises) a
voting power or share capital or interest exceeding five per cent of the total voting power or total share capital or total interest, as the case may be, of the company or entity
that directly owns the assets situated in India;
(b) in a case where all the assets owned, directly or indirectly, by a company or, as the case may be, an entity referred to in the Explanation 5, are not located in India, the
income of the non-resident transferor, from transfer outside India of a share of, or interest in, such company or entity, deemed to accrue or arise in India under this clause,
shall be only such part of the income as is reasonably attributable to assets located in India and determined in such manner as may be prescribed;.’
The relevant portions of s. 47 of the ITA in this regard read as follows:
‘47. Nothing contained in section 45 shall apply to the following transfers:–

(viab) any transfer, in a scheme of amalgamation, of a capital asset, being a share of a foreign company, referred to in the Explanation 5 to clause (i) of sub-section (1) of
section 9, which derives, directly or indirectly, its value substantially from the share or shares of an Indian company, held by the amalgamating foreign company to the
amalgamated foreign company, if –
(A) at least twenty-five per cent of the shareholders of the amalgamating foreign company continue to remain shareholders of the amalgamated foreign company; and
(B) such transfer does not attract tax on capital gains in the country in which the amalgamating company is incorporated;
(vicc) any transfer in a demerger, of a capital asset, being a share of a foreign company, referred to in the Explanation 5 to clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 9, which
derives, directly or indirectly, its value substantially from the share or shares of an Indian company, held by the demerged foreign company to the resulting foreign company,
if –
(a) the shareholders, holding not less than three-fourths in value of the shares of the demerged foreign company, continue to remain shareholders of the resulting foreign
company; and
(b) such transfer does not attract tax on capital gains in the country in which the demerged foreign company is incorporated:
Provided that the provisions of sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) shall not apply in case of demergers referred to in this clause;’

Indirect Transfer Taxation in India

indirect transfer provisions in case of dividends received (2) The date of the transaction, if the difference in the
from a foreign company. The CBDT noted that indirect book value between the date of transfer and as on the
transfer provisions sought to clarify the source rule of last date of the previous accounting period is more
taxation pertaining to income arising from indirect than 15%.
transfer of assets situated in India. It was therefore
This essentially means that parties have to do multiple
clarified that the declaration of dividend by a foreign
rounds of valuations of different kinds to even assess
company would not be taxable in India as it does not
whether the indirect transfer thresholds are breached. At
have the effect of transferring underlying assets located
the very minimum, from a conservative perspective, the
in India. Thus, dividends declared and paid by a foreign
following valuation reports would be required:
company outside India in respect of shares which derive
their value substantially from assets situated in India (1) A valuation report assessing book value as on the last
would not be deemed to be income accruing or arising date of the previous accounting period;
in India by virtue of indirect transfer provisions.16 (2) A valuation report assessing the book value as on the
Reporting requirements: Pursuant to the introduc- date of the transaction;
tion of reporting requirements under section 285A by the (3) A valuation report assessing the value of Indian
2015 Act as discussed above, rules in this regard were assets as per indirect transfer valuation rules as on
prescribed vide notification No. S.O.2226(E) dated 28 the specified date based on reports provided under
June 2016 which inserted Rule 114DB of the Income (1) and (2) immediately above;
Tax Rules, 1962, that provide for very onerous (4) A valuation report of the foreign entity and its
reporting requirements which among others include global assets as per indirect transfer valuation rules
details of the holding structure, the intermediate compa- as on the specified date based on reports provided
nies and other documentation which the Indian concern under (1) and (2) above.
may not be able to legally obtain. Further, the transaction
Such an exercise is cumbersome, expensive and prac-
has to be reported within ninety days of the completion
tically unworkable as well since should the indirect tax
of the transaction if the transaction involves the transfer of
be applicable, then tax will have to be withheld at the
control or management. In other cases, the transaction
time of payment of consideration on the date of transfer
has to be reported along with the filing of the annual
itself. However, it is impossible to understand the value
of the Indian assets in comparison to the foreign assets
Valuation rules: Vide the same notification No.
on the date of the transfer if the specified date happens
S.O.2226(E) dated 28 June 2016 detailed valuation
to be the date of the transfer due to a more than 15%
rules were prescribed by the Government for the lim-
difference in the book value of the assets of the com-
ited purposes of determining the fair market value of
pany. Therefore, it would be impractical to expect the
the Indian assets to establish breach of the indirect
buyer to withhold the proportionate amount of tax on
transfer thresholds. The specific valuation rules pre-
the date of the transfer if it happens to be the specified
scribe the adding back of any liabilities that were
deducted while calculating the fair market value
For the sake of completeness, it is to be noted that once
through other internationally accepted methods. This
the indirect transfer provisions are found applicable, the
was to ensure that there was no reduction of the fair
Income Tax Rules, 1962 state that tax has to be paid in
market value of the Indian assets through any increases
proportion to the Indian assets which form part of the
in the liabilities of the concerned entities. Further,
global pool of assets as certified by a local accountant in
separate rules and methods have been prescribed with
respect to each asset class such as listed shares, unlisted
Circular 41 of 2016: While the amendments intro-
shares, interests in a partnership and other capital
duced by the 2015 Act brought some relief from the
assets, both in India and abroad making it very com-
harshness of the operation of the indirect transfer provi-
plicated and cumbersome to comply with.
sions, there remained substantial lack of clarity with
Further, such valuations have to be conducted as on the
regard to the scope of the said provisions. Some of the
‘specified date’ prescribed in the ITA which is one of the
key issues that came to the fore as a result of the CBDT’s
following dates:
clarifications are discussed below:
(1) The last day of the previous accounting period for the
(1) Multiple levels of taxation on the same income:
concerned entity. Which means that it would depend
Various offshore funds register with the Securities
on the accounting period for the concerned foreign
and Exchange Board of India (hereinafter ‘SEBI’) as
entity and not 31st March as per Indian law; or
Foreign Portfolio Investors (hereinafter ‘FPIs’) to

CBDT, Circular No. 4 of 2015, at 2.


gain exposure to listed Indian securities. Such funds Therefore, Circular 41 failed to assuage concerns on the
often adopt open-ended structures, allowing for fre- issue of multiple levels of taxation on the same income.
quent subscriptions and redemptions by investors in The impact of Circular 41 in this regard has been partially
the fund. mitigated due to amendments introduced in the 2017
Budget as discussed later below.
In order to address the queries raised and to examine the
issues raised by stakeholders, particularly private equity/ (2) Corporate reorganizations: Since the definition of
venture capital funds and FPIs, the CBDT constituted a ‘transfer’ includes an extinguishment of rights or
working group. On 21 December 2016, the CBDT issued sale of an asset, shares of a foreign company in this
Circular No. 41 of 2016 (hereinafter ‘Circular 41’) to issue case, it would mean that at the time of a re-organi-
clarifications on the applicability of the indirect transfer zation a holding company that owns subsidiaries
provisions. that derive its value from assets in India would be
The CBDT herein followed an extremely literal subject to indirect transfer tax at the time of its
approach to the reading of the indirect transfer provisions, merger or re-organization as it extinguishes its
which did little to assuage the concerns of various stake- rights with respect to the subsidiary’s shares.
holders. The CBDT clarified that where De Minimis Additionally, the shareholders of the holding com-
Thresholds are satisfied, redemption by investors of their pany would also be subject to indirect transfer tax
shares in the fund will be taxable in India unless the since their rights in the shares of the holding com-
investors are covered by the Small Shareholder pany would be extinguished in the case of a re-
Exemption even if the fund has paid applicable taxes on organization or merger.
its transactions in India.17
Circular 41 clarified that the exemption under section 47
When the FPI has already paid Indian taxes on its
(viab) of the ITA only applies to income upon indirect
transactions, subjecting gains derived by investors upon
transfers earned by foreign amalgamating companies and
redemption leads to economic double taxation of the same
does not extend to shareholders of an amalgamating for-
income. Moreover, the clarification exposed the anomaly
eign company.21 Circular 41 also clarified that the exemp-
that gains derived by the investors are subject to taxation,
tion available to amalgamations under section 47(viab) is
when the FPIs themselves may be exempt under Indian
restricted to foreign corporate entities and does not extend
tax law.18 Further, if investors are subject to tax in their
to foreign non-corporate entities.22
home jurisdictions on the redemption gains, there could
Therefore, both foreign non-corporate entities and their
be further layers of tax, especially if there are limitations
investors can be subject to indirect transfer provisions. As
on availment of tax credits.
such, for an offshore fund merging into another offshore
The problems highlighted above are especially true of
fund, the investors of the former fund may not rely on
master-feeder structures,19 where feeder funds pool their
section 47(viab) and could be subject to indirect transfer
monies into a master fund in a particular offshore jurisdic-
provisions. Similar would be the case in any other corpo-
tion, which in turn invests in India. Redemption requests
rate re-organization.
by shareholders satisfying the Small Shareholder
Exemption can set in motion a series of capital redemp- (3) Withholding and retrospectivity: CBDT was
tions and multiple levels of taxation. Circular 41 clarified asked to clarify whether FPIs could be treated as
that if an ultimate shareholder satisfies the Small being in default for failure to withhold tax when
Shareholder Exemption, he would not be subject to taxa- such FPIs, in accordance with the position of law
tion on indirect transfers.20 However, in order to satisfy as existing at the time of redemption/transfer, did
the requests of such a shareholder, feeder and master funds not withhold tax on payments to meet redemption
may be required to undertake capital redemptions and be requests. In this regard, it is pertinent to note
subject to multiple levels of taxation on indirect and that the Shome Report had recommended that
direct transfers respectively. no person should be treated as being in default

CBDT, Circular No. 41 of 2016, at 1. For a detailed analysis of Circular 41, reference may be made to Nishith Desai Associates, India’s Tax Regulator ‘Clarifies’ Indirect
Transfers: Adds to the Morass of Investor Woes, http://www.nishithdesai.com/information/news-storage/news-details/article/indias-tax-regulator-clarifies-indirect-transfers-adds-
to-the-morass-of-investor-woes.html (accessed 30 July 2017).
E.g. long term capital gains arising from the sale of equity shares listed on a recognized stock exchange in India are typically exempt from income tax, subject to the
satisfaction of certain conditions, including the payment of securities transaction tax.
Master-feeder structures and the issues highlighted above can operate even in non-FPI contexts. E.g. in the case of private equity / venture capital funds investing in unlisted
Indian securities.
CBDT, Circular No. 41 of 2016, at 2.
Ibid., at 3.
Ibid., at 4.

Indirect Transfer Taxation in India

for failure to withhold with respect to income registered with SEBI and to investments made by non-
becoming chargeable on account of retrospective residents, directly or indirectly, in Category I and
amendments carried out through the 2012 Act.23 Category II FPIs.26
These recommendations were made on the basis While providing welcome relief to the aforementioned
that any alternate course of action would result in specified categories of foreign investors, the amendment
the imposition of a burden of impossibility of has not provided relief to affected groupings including
performance and cause undue hardship to the tax- Category III FPIs, private equity and venture capital
payer. However, the CBDT, in response to the investors. While the Finance Minister’s speech indicated
query, merely stated that the provisions of the that a clarification would be issued exempting offshore
ITA shall apply,24 therefore scarcely providing redemptions arising out of taxable redemptions/sales in
any clarification or comfort. India, and thereby alleviating the issue of multiple levels
of taxation, the fine print of the Finance Act, 2017 does
Circular 41, instead of addressing the concerns of various
not provide any such exemption. Further, no clarification
stakeholders, reinforced the harshness of the operation of
in this regard has so far been issued even post the enact-
the indirect transfer provisions. Post issuance of Circular
ment of the Finance Act, 2017. The Finance Act, 2017
41, CBDT received representations from various stake-
has also not clarified on transactions such as offshore
holders, including FPIs and venture capital funds, wherein
mergers, demergers or re-organizations which result in
they expressed their dissatisfaction, especially with the
the indirect transfer provisions being triggered.
failure to address the issue of potential multiple taxation
of the same income. Therefore, the CBDT issued a press
release dated 17 January 2017 communicating that pend-
ing a decision on the matter, Circular 41 has been kept in 7 SELECT CASE LAW ON INDIRECT TRANSFER

abeyance since. PROVISIONS

7.1 Sanofi
6 FINANCE ACT, 2017 Soon after the enactment of the 2012 Act, the High Court
Considering that the CBDT’s clarifications on the applic- of Andhra Pradesh, in M/s. Sanofi Pasteur Holding SA v.
ability of indirect transfer provisions had stirred up a Department of Revenue27 (hereinafter ‘Sanofi’), was con-
hornet’s nest, there was an expectation that the Finance fronted with the question of whether indirect transfer
Minister would announce measures providing for greater provisions would prevail in the context of tax treaty
clarity on the issue. Typically, announcements made on provisions. The Revenue here sought to claim over INR
the fiscal policy front in the budget are incorporated 1,058 Crores (approximately USD 164.8 million). The
through legislation in the Finance Act for the particular impugned transaction, between three French entities,
financial year.25 involved the acquisition by Sanofi Pasteur Holding SA
Pursuant to announcements made in the Finance (hereinafter ‘Sanofi Pasteur’) of the entire share capital of
Minister’s speech, the Finance Act, 2017 has introduced ShanH SAS (hereinafter ‘ShanH’) from Meriuex Alliance
two provisos to Explanation 5 stipulating that the (hereinafter ‘MA’) and Groupe Industrial Marcel Dassault
indirect transfer provisions shall not apply to invest- (hereinafter ‘GIMD’) in July 2009. ShanH held about
ments made, directly or indirectly, by non-residents in 80% of the shares in an Indian concern, namely Shanta
foreign institutional investors (for income arising Biotechnics Limited (hereinafter ‘SBL’) and hence the
between the financial years 2011–2012 to 2014–2015) question of indirect transfer arose.28

Supra n. 10, at 64–65.
CBDT, Circular No. 41 of 2016, at 6.
The Finance Minister’s speech for the Indian Union Budget for the financial year 2017–2018 (1 Apr. 2017–31 Mar. 2018) was delivered on 1 Feb. 2017. Thereafter, the
Finance Act, 2017 has been passed. For a detailed analysis of the Union Budget 2017–2018, reference may be made to Nishith Desai Associates, India Budget Analysis 2017–
18, http://www.nishithdesai.com/information/research-and-articles/nda-hotline/nda-hotline-single-view/article/india-budget-analysis-2017-18.html?no_cache=1&cHash=
220b45800a7409f2a176d3f5bae6f155 (accessed 30 July 2017).
The FPI regime traces its source to the SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014, which has repealed the erstwhile foreign institutional investor regime (also
under SEBI’s purview) under the SEBI (Foreign Institutional Investors (Regulations), 1995, with the regimes serving as the primary means for institutional investors to gain
access to listed securities in India.
Category I FPIs typically consist of government and government-related investors such as central banks, governmental agencies, sovereign wealth funds or international and
multilateral organizations or agencies. Category II FPIs typically consist of broad-based funds, university funds, pension funds etc. Category III FPIs, the only category not
covered by the exemption currently, consist of persons who are neither Category I FPIs nor Category II FPIs, typically charitable foundations, corporate bodies, trusts,
individuals and family offices.
M/s. Sanofi Pasteur Holding SA v. Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance [2013] 354 ITR 316 (AP).
Ibid., at para. 1.


The Revenue, inter alia, argued that the acquisition 7.2 Cairn
amounted to an indirect transfer of the shares of SBL, and
income arising to the sellers therefrom was therefore charge- The latest decision relating to indirect transfer is the ruling
able by virtue of the indirect transfer provisions. The High of the Delhi Bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
Court examined the construct of Article 14 of the tax treaty (hereinafter ‘ITAT’) upholding a tax demand of
between India and France (hereinafter ‘India-France approximately INR 10,247 crore (approximately USD
DTAA’), which deals with taxation of capital gains. As per 1.6 billion) against Cairn UK Holdings Limited (the
Article 14(5) of the India-France DTAA, gains arising from ruling hereinafter being referred to as ‘Cairn’).30 The
the alienation of shares, not being shares of a company the dispute pertains to certain corporate restructuring
property of which consists directly or indirectly principally transactions carried out between 2006 and 2007 within
of immovable property, representing a participation of at the Cairn group for the consolidation of the group’s
least 10% in a company which is resident of a contracting Indian businesses. The impugned transaction involved
state may be taxed in that state. Further, Article 14(6) the transfer of shares in Cairn India Holdings Limited
governs residuary situations stating that gains from aliena- (hereinafter ‘CIHL’), a Jersey resident which in turn
tion of property other than those mentioned in Articles 14 held various of the group’s Indian subsidiaries (and
(1), 14(2), 14(4) and 14(5) shall be taxable in the contracting therefore CIHL’s shares derived their value substantially
state where the alienator is resident.29 from assets located in India), by Cairn UK Holdings
The High Court observed that as per India-France DTAA, Limited (hereinafter ‘CUHL’) to Cairn India Limited
while the transfer of shares of an Indian company by a (hereinafter ‘CIL’), an Indian resident.
company resident in France is taxable both in France and The ITAT upheld the retrospective application of the
India, transfer of shares of a company not resident in France levy and confirmed the tax demand on the basis of the
or India can only be taxed where the alienator is resident. indirect transfer provisions under the ITA. However, the
Despite arguments by the Revenue with respect to a lack of ITAT provided some relief to CUHL by holding that it
substance at the French company level, the High Court went was not liable to pay penal interest on the principal
on to hold that transfer of shares of a French entity with amount for late payment of taxes which becomes payable
underlying Indian assets should not fall under Article 14(5) by virtue of the confirmation of applicability of indirect
of the India-France DTAA as Article 14(5) does not have a transfer provisions.31 It is also useful to note that as per
‘see through approach’. Accordingly, the court held that Article 14 of the tax treaty between India and the UK,
such a transfer should also fall under Article 14(6) and be save for a few exceptions in respect of air transport and
taxable only where the alienator is resident, i.e. France. shipping, each State is permitted to tax capital gains as
Thus, Sanofi is an authoritative ruling supporting the per its domestic law. Therefore, the relief afforded to the
position that the indirect transfer provisions under the taxpayer under the India-France DTAA in Sanofi as dis-
ITA do not override those contained in India’s tax treaties. cussed above could not be availed by CUHL in Cairn with
It is also further relevant to distinguish situations that respect to the tax treaty between India and the UK.
would fall under the scope of Articles 14(5) and 14(6). The Cairn ruling has brought to the fore the issue of retro-
This becomes crucial when dealing with question of spective application of the indirect transfer provisions and
indirect transfer that arise with respect to other tax trea- highlighted the harshness of the manner in which they oper-
ties that have similar language. Generally, most treaties ate. Considering that the ITAT was not empowered to go into
have similar language with the main exceptions being the the constitutionality of the provisions, it is probable that Cairn
tax treaties with US and United Kingdom. does not represent the final position on the matter and that

The relevant portions of Art. 14 of the India-France DTAA read as follows:
4. ‘Gains from the alienation of shares of the capital stock of a company the property of which consists directly or indirectly principally of immovable property situated in a
Contracting State may be taxed in that Contracting State. For the purposes of this provision, immovable property pertaining to the industrial or commercial operation of
such company shall not be taken into account.
5. Gains from the alienation of shares other than those mentioned in paragraph 4 representing a participation of at least 10 per cent in a company which is a resident of a
Contracting State may be taxed in that Contracting State.
6. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that mentioned in paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a
Cairn UK Holdings Limited v. Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International Taxation) – Circle 1(2)(1) New Delhi, ITA No. 1669/Del/2016 (Assessment year 2007–2008). It
is important to note that the ITAT is not empowered to go into issues of validity of the amendments introduced by the 2012 Act, especially with relation to the
retrospective application. It is also pertinent to note that CUHL has challenged the validity of the retrospective application of the amendments before the International Court
of Justice under the Agreement between the Government of India and Government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the Promotion and
Protection of Investments and that the matter is accordingly sub-judice. For a detailed analysis of the ITAT decision in Cairn, reference may be made to (a) Nishith Desai
Associates, Retrospective Capital Gains Tax on Indirect Transfers: The Ghost of the Vodafone Case Revisits Cairn (UK), http://www.nishithdesai.com/information/news-storage/news-
details/article/retrospective-capital-gains-tax-on-indirect-transfers-the-ghost-of-the-vodafone-case-revisits-cairn.html (accessed 30 July 2017); and (b) Ameya Mithe, Joachim
Saldanha & Mansi Seth, India’s Retrospective Indirect Transfer Tax: The Cairn Tax Saga and Beyond, 86(12) Tax Notes Int’l 1099, 1099–1105 (19 June 2017).
Cairn UK Holdings Limited v. Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International Taxation) – Circle 1(2)(1) New Delhi, ITA No. 1669/Del/2016 (Assessment year 2007–2008), at
para. 41.

Indirect Transfer Taxation in India

they might come up for examination by the higher judiciary. below the de minimis threshold. Hence, transfer of
That being said, the ruling has contributed to the tax uncer- these shares should not attract indirect transfer tax.
tainty and magnified investor discomfort regarding the opera- (3) Shares of UK Co I derive INR 14 Crores (approxi-
tion of the provisions. mately USD 2.2 million) worth of value from under-
The Cairn ruling also goes to show that there remain lying Indian assets and therefore breaches the de
unresolved issues due to the manner in which the indirect minimus threshold. However, since it has more
transfer provisions have been drafted, and even the solu- than INR 18 Crores worth of assets outside India,
tions and/or concessions being fashioned by the legislature it derives more than 50% of its value from non-
do not adequately address the mismatch between the Indian assets. Hence, transfer of shares of UK Co I
legislative intent and the ultimate consequences. Below, should not attract indirect transfer tax.
the authors seek to analyse certain ambiguities in the (4) Shares of Fr CoI, Fr Co II and US Co should not be
language of the indirect transfer provisions, which could subject to indirect transfer tax as the value they
be the seeds to future disputes. derive from underlying Indian assets is less than
the de minimis threshold. However, even if the
8 ILLUSTRATION TO DEMONSTRATE value derived was higher than the de minimis
APPLICABILITY OF INDIRECT TRANSFER threshold, while the individuals would be subject
to indirect transfer tax, as they own more than 5% of
the voting powers or share capital effectively in Mau
Co, US Co could still claim to fall under the small
In the illustration provided in Figure 2 above, the shareholder exception. Additionally, while the
authors attempt to highlight the different nuances French resident individual could potentially claim
involved in the applicability of indirect transfer provisions treaty benefits, based on the Sanofi case explained
in real world situations: below, the residents of UK or US do not have a
favourable DTAA in this regard.
(1) Mau Co holds two Indian subsidiaries directly and two
more Indian subsidiaries indirectly. Since the total Further, despite US Co having less than 5% of the
value of the Indian companies amounts to INR 20 effective shareholding or voting powers in Mau Co, if
Crores (approximately USD 3.1 million), the de mini- it has any contractual management rights with respect
mis threshold for applicability of indirect transfers is to Mau Co, or any other contractual rights that effec-
breached (which is INR 10 Crores i.e. approximately tively allow it to exercise control over Mau Co, then
USD 1.5 million) and therefore transfer of shares of the small shareholder exception should not apply to it.
Mau Co would be subject to indirect transfer tax.
Further, only Ind-Holdco I and Ind-Holdco II would
be subject to reporting obligations under section 285A.

(2) Shares of UK Co II derives only INR 6 Crores IN INDIRECT TRANSFER PROVISIONS

(approximately USD 0.9 million) worth of value (1) Operation of tax treaties: Sanofi highlighted the
from underlying Indian assets and therefore falls manner in which provisions of tax treaties can be


employed to overcome the applicability of the indir- Mauritius resident holding shares in a company
ect transfer provisions under the ITA. Many other which is not resident in India (including shares in
tax treaties which India has entered into, including another Mauritius resident company), income aris-
the popular tax treaty between India and Mauritius ing upon alienation of such shares can be considered
(hereinafter ‘India-Mauritius DTAA’), allow for resi- to be income arising from ‘other property’ and hence
dence based taxation with respect to property other taxable in Mauritius i.e. residence of the alienator
than shares of a company resident in a contracting even if such shares derive their value substantially
state. For example, Article 13(4) of the India- from Indian assets. The following diagrams Figure 3
Mauritius DTAA deals with capital gains arising and Figure 4 depict structures in which the treaty
from ‘other property’ i.e. property not specifically (the authors have considered the India-Mauritius
dealt with in the other provisions of Article 13. DTAA for the purposes of the diagrams) could
With respect to shares, Article 13 only deals with possibly be leveraged in the manner described
shares of a company resident in a contracting state.32 above to overcome the applicability of indirect trans-
Therefore, it is possible to take a view that for a fer provisions.

Scenario 1

Scenario 2

The relevant portions of Art. 13 of the India-Mauritius DTAA read as follows:
‘3A. Gains from the alienation of shares acquired on or after 1st April 2017 in a company which is resident of a Contracting State may be taxed in that State.

4. Gains from the alienation of any property other than that referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 3A shall be taxable only in the Contracting State of which the alienator is a

Indirect Transfer Taxation in India

It is unclear whether the legislature while enacting the persons entering into an otherwise completely off-
indirect transfer provisions contemplated the application shore-based transaction. In the absence of a clarifica-
of the residual clause(s) of capital gains provisions in tax tion, such as the one that the CBDT has issued in
treaties to overcome the indirect transfer provisions.33 the context of dividends through Circular 4, the
Further, structures such as the ones depicted above are extension of section 56(2)(x) to offshore transactions
also open to examination from the perspective of the can be fraught with issues.
general anti-avoidance rules provisions under the ITA (4) Fragmentation of holdings: As discussed above in
(GAAR) which have come into effect from 1 April 2017. section 8 above, it may be possible to fragment
holdings in a manner to fall below the de minimis
(2) Corporate reorganizations: As discussed above, the
thresholds and avoid the applicability of indirect
CBDT, in Circular 41, has clarified that the relevant
transfer taxes. However, there may be minor con-
sub-clauses in section 47 of the ITA which provide
cerns surrounding the manner in which the tax
exemptions from the applicability of indirect trans-
authorities may interpret Explanations 5 and 6,
fer provisions in the case of amalgamations or
particularly that fragmentation is not possible, that
demergers (as the case may be), do not extend to
indirect transfer would arguably apply to all holding
the shareholders of the entities undergoing the rele-
companies so long as the underlying asset is more
vant corporate reorganization.34 The problematic
than INR 10 Crores (approximately USD 1.5 mil-
conclusion arising from the CBDT’s clarifications is
lion). This would mean that, in the illustration
that while entities undergoing re-organization may
provided as Figure 2 above, the effective value
be exempted from the applicability of indirect trans-
derived from underlying assets could be less than
fer provisions, shareholders of such entities may not
INR 10 Crores (approximately USD 1.5 million) (as
be so exempt. The anomalous manner of the applica-
in the case of the French and US residents) and yet
tion of the exemptions around corporate reorganiza-
indirect transfer provisions would apply since the
tions, which are otherwise tax neutral, enhances the
value of the underlying Indian assets is above the
possibility of a dispute around the applicability of
de minimis threshold (value of Indian assets in the
the indirect transfer provisions.
illustration is INR 20 Crores i.e. approximately
(3) Income from other sources: Section 56(2)(x) of
USD 3.1 million).
the ITA taxes, save for certain limited exemptions,
(5) Tax on notional capital gains: The Finance Act,
as ‘income from other sources’ the receipt of money
2017 introduced a new provision section 50CA
or property without consideration or with inade-
which deems the sale price of an unlisted share to
quate consideration.35 The provision includes within
be the fair market value, as computed in accordance
its ambit receipt of shares for less than fair market
with the prescribed rules. Assume that a share was
value. While such taxability is understandable when
bought at INR 100 (approximately USD 1.56) and
there is a nexus to India (in terms of residence of the
that it is being sold today at INR 120 (approxi-
parties involved and/or situs of capital asset), a see-
mately USD 1.87). Normally, capital gains would
mingly unintended extension of the provision argu-
have been payable on the gain of INR 20 (approxi-
ably brings within India’s tax net the transfer of
mately USD 0.31). However, if as per the prescribed
shares of a foreign company between tax non-resi-
rules, the fair market value is determined at INR
dents of India at less than fair market value if such
160 (approximately USD 2.49), then irrespective of
shares derive value substantially from assets located
the fact that the shares are actually sold at INR 120
in India. This is made possible due to the deeming
(approximately USD 1.87), tax will have to be paid
fiction introduced by the indirect transfer provisions
on a notional gain of INR 60 (approximately USD
in the ITA. This unexpectedly affects, potentially
0.93). While this was brought in to bring about
adversely, the freedom of contract of two offshore
consistency in the capital gains section of the ITA,

It is worth mentioning here that India has, in 2016, renegotiated popular treaties with Mauritius and Singapore to amend the construct around capital gains taxation from
residence-based to source-based. However, these changes do not extend to the residuary clauses in capital gains provisions of these treaties, which continue to provide for
residence-based taxation of capital gains which are not specifically dealt with in preceding paragraphs of the respective capital gains provisions.
CBDT, Circular No. 41 of 2016, at 3.
The relevant portions of s. 56(2)(x) of the ITA read as follows:
‘(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1), the following incomes, shall be chargeable to income-tax under the head
‘Income from other sources’, namely:–

(c) any property, other than immovable property, –
(A) without consideration, the aggregate fair market value of which exceeds fifty thousand rupees, the whole of the aggregate fair market value of such property;
(B) for a consideration which is less than the aggregate fair market value of the property by an amount exceeding fifty thousand rupees, the aggregate fair market value of
such property as exceeds such consideration:


this may not have been intended to apply in an loopholes confirm the same. With the progress of time,
indirect transfer situation. However, by virtue of the situation does not appear to be heading towards a
this section, once a share of a foreign company is resolution and in fact seems to be evolving in a more
deemed to be a capital asset situated in India, the complicated direction. This is primarily due to the unin-
sale price will be deemed to be the fair market value tended effects of new provisions being introduced and the
irrespective of the actual sale price. This section harshness in the original legal fiction.
further complicates a complex situation and now However, as stated and demonstrated above, the final
the parties will have to undertake an additional word is not out yet on the validity of the amendment
valuation exercise as per special rules prescribed to introducing indirect transfer provisions. Although, it is
calculate fair market value for this purpose, over and likely to take years for the matter to be heard and finally
above the valuation reports required to assess applic- decided, in the interim, there are still structuring possi-
ability and the proportionate amount of indirect bilities to explore, to reduce or to mitigate exposure to the
transfer tax. uncertainty created by the indirect transfer provisions.
(6) Stock market transactions on foreign exchanges: Businesses and individuals should tread carefully and
Indirect transfer tax has had the unintended effect of ensure that GAAR under the ITA are not triggered while
having an impact on the transaction of shares of a attempting to mitigate the risks associated with indirect
foreign company in a foreign exchange, when such transfers. The future in this respect, in the short and
foreign company derives substantial value from medium term, looks difficult but manageable until final
underlying Indian assets. For a shareholder to fall clarity is provided by either the Government, the legis-
outside the small shareholder exception, such share- lature or the courts.
holder needs to have more than 5% of the capital or Further, recently the United Nations, International
voting rights of such company or any right in the Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-opera-
management or control of such company at any point tion and Development and World Bank Group issued a
in time in the twelve months preceding the actual discussion draft to achieve international consensus with
transfer. Thus, this is an aspect that shareholders need respect to taxation of offshore indirect transfers.36
to be cognizant of as it could have significant impli- While the article primarily deals with indirect transfer
cations especially to individual investors or high net of immovable assets, the article has specifically dis-
worth individuals who are not fully informed and are cussed Vodafone case as well. Most importantly it
trading such shares on stock exchanges around the observes that while unilateral responses to the issue of
world. It is also pertinent to note that the frequency taxation of indirect transfers, such as the introduction
and volume of trade on stock exchanges may make of indirect transfer provisions in the ITA, are under-
already onerous reporting obligations on Indian con- standable, such measures risk introducing incoherence
cerns under section 285A of the ITA exponentially and further uncertainty in an already uncertain interna-
more difficult to comply. tional taxation system.
Keeping this in mind, and the fact that India has been
driving the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project with
10 CONCLUSION the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Indirect transfer provisions were introduced as a reaction Development, it is hoped that the Indian government will
to a Supreme Court verdict and the continuous stream of mitigate the harsh operation of the indirect transfer provi-
issues, clarifications and amendments to plug the sions in line with developing global approaches to this issue.

United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and World Bank Group, Discussion Draft: The Taxation of Offshore
Indirect Transfers – A Toolkit, http://www.oecd.org/tax/discussion-draft-toolkit-taxation-of-offshore-indirect-transfers.pdf (accessed 7 Aug. 2017).


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