USE CASE DIAGRAM FOR E-Voting System Using Block Chain
• User : This represents the person casting a vote in the
Login: This could represent a login screen or API that verifies the
voter’s identity.
OTP Generator: This object generates a one-time password (OTP)
that is sent to the voter’s phone number.
OTP SMS: This represents an SMS message containing the one-
time password. It is unclear from this diagram if the system itself,
or a separate SMS service, delivers the OTP SMS.
OTP Verification: This object verifies that the OTP entered by the
voter matches the one that was sent.
Vote Storage: This object stores the cast vote. It is unclear from
this diagram if this refers to a local storage unit or a database on a
remote server.
Result Generation: This object generates the results of the
election after all the votes have been cast.
Data Transfers
The data appears to flow throughout the system as follows:
1. The voter interacts with the Login object, likely entering their
login credentials.
2. The system authenticates the voter through the Login object.
3. The OTP Generator object creates a one-time password.
4. The OTP is sent to the voter’s phone number via the OTP SMS
5. The voter enters the OTP into the system.
6. The OTP Verification object verifies that the OTP entered by the
voter matches the one that was sent.
7. Upon successful verification, the system grants the voter
access to cast their vote.
8. The voter selects their candidate and casts their vote.
9. The cast vote is stored in the Vote Storage object.
10. After all the votes have been cast, the Result Generation
object generates the results of the election.