ICSE - X - MTP-2 - Eng Lang - M.A. - 23-24
ICSE - X - MTP-2 - Eng Lang - M.A. - 23-24
ICSE - X - MTP-2 - Eng Lang - M.A. - 23-24
1. (i) Description of the stadium — Number of Screens — The floodlights reached the sky — The size of the
country flags — The seating arrangement — Accommodation — The grassy green lawns — The border of
the field built up with placards — People were going insane for every ball — The vibrations of the cheering
crowd — One of the best experience in life.
(ii) Life is a journey full of twists and turns, ups and downs — One such incident that changed my life — a
beautiful summer evening — My family and I decided to go on an adventurous camping — among the
serene woods we set up our tents — The next day my friend and I decided to explore the surrounding area
— carelessly, we started to ascend a cliff without proper safety — Amidst the thrill, I lost my grip and
plummeted downwards, towards the abyss. — A group of hikers managed to rescue me. — It was a
bittersweet moment — This incident served as a catalyst — I became more empathetic towards others.
— This incident taught me the importance of appreciating life's blessings — It shaped my character and
transformed my perspective towards life.
(iii) The stance to be taken clearly (either for or against)
4 arguments with instances to support your view.
Conclusion — clearing the stance stating the view.
(iv) Must have the opening sentence (as mentioned in the question)
Story should have clear connection with the opening sentence.
Must be an own creation and not be based on borrowed material.
Story should contain the following elements :
1. Title
2. Plot
3. Characters
4. Dialogues
Story must incorporate the following components :
(a) Setting
(b) Complication
(c) Climax
(d) Resolution
(e) Logical conclusion
(v) Must be connected to the picture very clearly.
Can be a short story
(Containing all the essential elements of a story)
A description of the picture
An account of the subject of the picture.
A narration in flash back.
[Any writing related to the picture is accepted but only itemization of the picture is not accepted.]
ICSE – X : 2023–’24 English Language : Mock Test–2 MODEL ANSWER
The Manager,
The Highlands Hotel,
Uttarakhand – 400 073.
Dear Sir, / Sir,
The customer details — room number, date of check in and check out.
Description of the camera, the last time you remembered its use, the place where you had last seen
the camera.
Give the detail of other circumstances on what exactly happened.
Provide necessary details to receive your object back.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Reema Das
ICSE – X : 2023–’24 English Language : Mock Test–2 MODEL ANSWER
(ii) To : [email protected];
Cc : [email protected]
Subject : Invitation of Book Fair
Dear Sir,
I Abir Roy, the school captain of St. Helen School is taking the proud privilege to invite you on behalf of my
school, for the fourth Annual Book Fair. It will be held on 25th January, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
at the parking area of St. Helen School.
I am honoured to invite you and all the students of your institution. We would be very happy if you grace
our institution with your presence.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Reema Das
(School Captain)
St. Helen School
4. (i) 1. (c) dwarfish
2. (c) unflinching
(ii) (d) delicasies
(iii) (a) Eelie arrived at Tiger Haven, the narrator's home in northern India, in early 1970. That morning, the
narrator was sitting on a river bank when he noticed a gang of road workers approaching, behind
them followed Eelie.
(b) The narrator's aim was to see if he could bring him up and set him free in the wild, thereby making a
small but valuable contribution to the dwindling leopard population, in the forest behind his home.
(c) The fact that both Eelie and Prince were growing up made it easier for them to forge links of friendship
between the two species. They had an immense trust and affection between them.
(d) ‘‘Once Eelie and Prince caught a young chital stag and between them pinned it to the ground, but
displayed their immaturity by coming in search of me, allowing the stag to get away.’’
(e) One morning the leopard was guarding his first kill of a full-grown chital hind. However, he was driven
off his own kill by his small canine companion. It was an amazing display of forbearance on the
leopard's part.
(iv) 1 2 3 4 5
On the first meet, Eelie
came to nip Prince. Eelie
remained aggressive all day. Second
day the atmosphere was calmer.
Third day Eelie and Pr ince
went off together to explore.
Accep tance seemed complete. Both growing
up together was easier to
forge friendship. They grew unusual
trust and affection between them.
ICSE – X : 2023–’24 English Language : Mock Test–2 MODEL ANSWER