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TRATHCT ARRAS ATES CTU HAT? Masitadnon Ge erPRTM, 2038 -ov:20PM O4MIN READ eae RES + oft copy Short ink © 9031 Views gfrer AIAN APS HAGA ASAP PACA PAH SH W ARIAS PUPS CTS FHI Sot Tarts SP HAN A TATA SPB PITT BA DATS FHT AHSAN TAA SCA, asbr sraTfa fice cB, ARANCACT ICT AAA AAAS SASS VATS WISTS AH FACT SHAG CaP sy wane - Faroe sree TRATOTCT ARRAS oreTATAS ASB ancot aferrTres ye fers «AP BAT BTS + WHBCHSs Hee safes + Teviss v ones aafefas abeamrs © ta cafes PSST TACT TATA ATHAAT TT ASTM THAT TIAA BA BIG Fat BSA OE ALIA SF AS SS AUS fa WaAioo 1m, afTSTST ax VOTH HCAS (aaifie cH Gefars Heise Fo) STG AA, + Ga ary, * MSM (Men Who Have Sex With Men/ S84 93F3 GI BAT ASAT FIC GIASRT fig =) * Gender Identity (wratfge fers afte) * SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights/@lq 448 sada BP 9 wifes) + SOGI (sexual orientation (is #f6), gender identity/aaerhgs fra afaeR:) * SOGISEC (sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristic) © Sha ReeTy + Ga afsers + aa ear + taftaran fer oiftor * CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education/@itar wise Rarao Fret) © Draeran (“Tafa Sures IPS HS A ATA How, VIVA AA SSTS IPS TAT AT EE TIER) DIAMSSNA MAB MSCS AF HI SISA FA THT 13 VATE 8 AGS ATT ARR BOATS FACTS HAT AICS ANS CALS G ATT SAAT! HAT CHAT GIT GST AT AAS ASH FAT HANS APE Gory SICA! TAS ASAT OITA ‘Vata’ THAT UIP, Faas sara eGo Gtaseta CATO ANS SA TAT AOE AINA, + Gia oa aera arg 6 ufden = igo lao fier ae, ‘Cafear 11 UIP, Fas Vaca phos Pat Il BAI GINA, + taftaan Gia after = TAS at Gostat + Giana ala wf = fagpo Ataot « Caféaan firm offen = ATS HET APS ST SPS SEAT TAT orirrap ites ratte: eect AereHFaAG MITCTETCAA BPI RET ATC AIC SITAATCAT | ofS acer Stat SASS ee SINAC AID AID fey saeEA frie atcanfow aT ASHAS SA A MOPAGTH IAT AI SHANATSIA YI IBC! BIC AGA ACT A, FST Fret CAC TCH ATC BITS FA INGA AA! fafem, phe wars, ats: AoA es ccs aeTEcta Afar, PA HATS A THAR AARAAT AAS ABTA HT T HVAT ROG SIG SA CHAI AAI MAA IBGE WS AA WG AA SMPASSNA, sea TIS FA TH GAT RES GAAS SITS ACSI AST HATSTAA areca Facarferor TACT AAMT Sat She fet Star Grd Seah, Sacer HAE Aa ASH eS HATH 2 TIMADICS IA SIGS NT BW AT ARE ACHTGIS WL GOCATSSA SSA SMES APIS aafers ABA! GTA IReTEACTS PANS, AHSAN @ TAA TG ASH UST ARG AAafws-HMS, TR FACRAAOTA BTA ROR ATE MSE Gt GANA ABIL FCS CATH DRNGT PASAT [Paretar THAT T SHPMIASSIAS APH CAE GT AICS ASAT FIAT ACT CRIS ART SS AI ofoorfer aE1y Ser AT! Did eile SICHSAIA BPA GAT AATCC VHS GTA BSAA MAY Dis HAT GIT BAPE + aa Rita: ‘aor efSrare @ ATA ary’ » Ree ori: sea a: Ate Bion, Ale Hey, Ala Caf’ + ola ote: sora wafers + ogdt nia: Gia Frets Gres OM ofS CHT A A OAT CTS BIA HA AQT OAS HAT SF AAT, TATA! ST aT Seierns Beam seta aaa ofaoniers anos atl Sa oicrs Aces BUNA UB AIS BIAl Aaa Rarer Grarcersta aa Pics sat SAA UB BI 2ooo HHS 3 Od Hrarereiaam fac TAIACt STH Bae RI Tacs GP TAR a OC APS UT HTS wy Fal AFG GAIA SHAT SS RT og0 AA Aa! OS Greases ails ogee efter cafe ANAT ATA AA SIMBA YI GY, ES BRET GAT HIT GAG GAR SIT PAS MTA QANST CY GAS SINS FA SICTIBAT ICS MAST of: gay ong: akwH aferate 6 Ga ary orf 2: faSta onita: “ary rar’ ccs ‘wfseta’ - aia wfters, aia nenery, an aa ord 0: gota oie: sete aah enS isn ag 8: ogd nin: Hrarersn s Rorwt or @: Boe nin: Hrarerstaam: waa, Heyes ase Gta Fret wey Asif Adnan (Bse ongETA, 0x9 om:e0PM paevious post NEXLPOST RET HRA anwreTs cere STAT Lo mere ARR ccoreTE cise ate Hf 8 Share 6 ntps://chintaporadh.comnia/9792 noo © ASIE ADNAN ART eafSfate ATaTSIA ACD SIAN? Hd Positacnor se sR, 0x8 -ov:34PM © 10 MIN READ SIG RES tie + cafeish copy short ink © 2857 Views aes Rita: aus afecate 6 aia ary FRG PICs ETTAamy efSa AREA OTS APTN fg VPS ALT IIL SHOT AST SSCS AMS ATH TATA APIS WHS Ros Bo BA ASH AHS HAST GHATS AA THIOHSS UT AH HICH APA BTS BBA SHAM IPO GL AT AISH HGSIT AI ABSA TATA FACT SIS Fal GASSES Sal Gia APSA ACI, ACT ABSA FAATA GT, ABT HT PRT Sa SHTSTOT HAST SHAT AT HATS HAHA OCHA HCA BS FRA! TAS CH SS CTS VATS Teas OD Kons afte sera Pacor | sper ROH ASIST VI WBS LAA STACI ASE BIT ACR OFT HABTAT COB RSS AP SAS PAI PBS ACA HCA AN SICA ATS HACE IP ARGH YS west GACT Ror SrScas SHfSrTTIS AAMASS ae ATV sifacra (ECOSOC) aa Barast oims crcl Cre FR fy wASA sie [2] eifSrceds SII Po AIAwls VIpieta SANA Clat Yow SH BATT MSGS AAG! AST 1G BSE AAA area AAS ETS 3 ABS! O8SF AAAS SAS BoP eters et! ates Sse Cet ASOT aera ais qe ase afSaes! fg wISRos Ya) MAT AT Sat RAS ARTA WHS GOTH IAS CTT HABIT HE IS HAT HAIG ASAT ara) Oe Oa ACH HASTA HASTSTH DIG Bala YEN HT IAT ACT ISIS NOS GS HSPN GPSS! ANAC GSIAS SF BA BAT aeatecast SRA ARGS HCA CTS Fires rt fy oT Rorh aafins ‘a8e7 afScate’-aa TANS TATA BIG FAS SH FA MSHAPSA ANT (94g aT) TRATCT ARGH SPTSTAA ANT HATS FEST HABIN SAAT RAP TAT ATT BIT DIAS | PITTS AIH Hw Sra Sat SAS ft ww FerCHA HCL ATASTT Fs aspera FGI SIE Sal! OS HACE AfSaes "Rohs Sa Ava oa CAMA AAAS HAMAS ASSN T ATTOAALNAT “17 ARIA AI HCA MSM ‘ARM | MSM BI Men who have sex with men (aq AST A Wey ASAT weal Gia eos fetes BA) aa HEPES aT PISA US TY AMT STITEPATA CATR: FRAG PICs Cara fics Boras aaa BeAr CofA VTA AA ST CSN HASTA UMNPSSsd Prat a1 CIB cs FAG AVTCTAT Sat PrataaT as AY UfSerot far TAM SMPs ieorcy! ACA at BIA TATA STs AARET Te WAST aa 8 BsPACra iar AS" aT USE Heda CofA Seafeet CTI [4] rae, BHRRICT AAPG ca Ste Fars Gey Prayer AT BISTSA (NAZ Foundation International) acy Gane oF SAIS] ACT ACT YS BS FA GATS Cola BIST MCT TATHACNS | Paracas Gey HATTA YI ' Ata APHOHA S ‘HSS FRA HI FIA ACL So dw AT ARAMA COM BA TF CAPT MGIMGPAS CIMT! afS brat wavs fay A sy FTG], ARTIS VITA AIHA A SA VGA AT PISCHAATT APTA SHOT TH RTO! SAR SHAT A SSATP ATT TT ISG STAI AAT |[7] CATES TH-A GRIMAGA OY GAM dv-4 Para WA I HPS AT TMNT ACHP CABICS RRTOT PifBat SHTCHTSIA CHS BISTH AAI] . pees ey ee ce ca Services i our origin Naz Foundation, Distinguished Uk-Based Global Non-Profit Organization, Uindertook A Comprehensive Study On The Insieata Landscape Of Se 46 Of Gender And Sexuol Minority (BSk) Come In Bangladesh B86 To Morch 187 nGonglodoch Though SURAT AT PROC 1 APS AHS MTOTBA ROS Sea SAT TH CPT varrieraa cimatta afesrorat [9], From: % i x The Person Shale Ahmed was born in 1971 in Dhaka. He completed his SSC in 1988 from Nawabpur Government High School, and completed his Master's degree from Jagannath University in 1997. His father was an official of the government, and his mother was a housewife. From his childhood, he participated in many different cultural events organized by Bulbul Academy. He is currently serving as the Executive Director of the Bondhu Social Welfare Society. Prior to the establishment of the Society, Anmed worked as a Project Associate at the Naz Foundation. During his professional life, he conducted a survey named “Strategic Response to the Reproductive and Sexual Health Needs of MSM in Dhaka.” The information that was gathered through the survey about the difficult lives of MSM in society and their health problems inspired Ahmed to start working for changes in this field. He is currently serving as a member of the Government of Bangladesh committee to draft the HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. racers eweror wba SBC sas sr CC reas Egle GH IEE TRATETCT AAAS SETA GAM Sat Taher CTH, FCT] Bel PRT RESTS AAC TCS PR STAT SIP AATSICS AB optoref AAA NAAT CATS MHA TF CPT SACP CHTAAB-a ASS TS AAT AF AHIOHA IP AARG-B 10g OSTA COPPING THOS GIA TA HHS TEs MSSbs Basa I, ‘ PICAR FICL OAT AAT A Sodv HICH OT OLA AACACT YI HCL MT PAE BA YI CIA, HA AY, BOMHS 139 MAP MAS TORT GY TOP PT PAA! AMAT BATT RAM, TH-T TOMA GAWD, OT (Prerrerrr) S12 COTeTTSt PURER PAA CART PIT AT PGT P IA PIT PAC, CT CART PET ART PICTHIAL LNT TH... CTR TA TRAMCACTS IAIAIT (MSM) AREA CHATS MF IAS ATA AB FACT SHOT TAM GUAT) ONT AT CICS AMT PITT CY IAIAIT TAMIA CNT AY WATS FAITH FACS BU THAT PT SVT IS PACA OT GY PIT BAT ares ray Pra PRT PITT ACCT, GA ACO SMA OL PITS IPC BMT) AT abt cra BE! aAtere, Resa Brame (Riser PTE arAaReTE TA) AGT, FECT 13 OCTET BIG BT IAL IABA STAI FAT FAT SMT BIT ATA Per aT 9 He FR Pra CITI® PHYS) IAA ONT AT OCS ACP TAT BOTT Rear freico wm, crore anf Fics Picea Bical amt abt rence ents er eat CGT UT FBR RMS OFF YCMONS PICIT GT! 10) [1] lremembered him often saying, “I feel proud to be a part of history. We are working against the stigma, against the odds.” APCOM Attps:// CTY A APPS SAaLS AACR SHASTA ABS Aas | AAT SPTASTATAS STON aifSwror et Pravay AAI 11) Prana @ ora aT ARG AFT AHA FS YI AGH SMHS ATA SPAT HAHA APY, GIR ROH AAAS AHSAN At ROS HABA BPH AGATA HC AAAS TF-7 AST AAS PA PAS YM AT AB HAACS APTA TANT (CARE Bangladesh) 44 FRI ROY PI PAW GH TA IF! AIG! SAS TAA TH wifes oe BSH, GUAMTICSA FORA Me VMSGifSs Sas att (DFID) ere [12]. Ue FAG aS res fAfSa feet afer view wera SRA! Peghiers AAT AST PATA GAT BH 3a OTdra (Sarah) ares Gara 394 AS cares TH VAR CATA MARS! ABSIT SPAT APTN HASAN ‘A’ AST Gat RANT FAGA AE Tgcwsd oat Sat WW AAT GTO! ASNGT Aa WH YES aay Atenas aa Matis an HAs UMTNeA Ss ea Ha CA FIC HAST FAS ASSIA! GAS Ht BA OHTA ABA YSIS ISA AHA IAL wrcyhig (AAT HIST) GF ATO SNS GY TARO AS GF BAI[13], Ee TPS AA AHO STAT GA CO AAG AB OFITSEH SBA, ATR, ABGMBS Ae AGS Boa SH WA VS fla GAA Gas VICATS COR AS AAMHCTS AACS AARTSSTHIA AARH, ‘PTT HT COTHE PAPA AT, FAS PEND Colts WT ROHATG FIT BA [14] OAT STS ACSSIAS-T AST SSSASTNG HASNT AMAT @ AA PH FCT GAARA SM COTS CHET SHTYF GNB ACA] 2000 Het CAC ARCTST FPOTTIGS ANG SIT BS SH BA PAS WATT AI TF-T FOOT ASH Ase! AAAS HIST SAI A abd cos 4 Reals emgydf 2a BS! OI OT OUGEHBACS SUAS TCT VT PH 2009 HIF ATA BUSA G SPITS WHT GS HASIA 8 Rergicrd WATT Pars GD BA GATT Vcd a6 Cola Sea TF! 8 GoTEse SATT SCT APTI AH (15) Sates ag aeeTETets rade PT CoA PREPS DISTT TITEL! Svd9 CATH SP BA fo Hor Tad afSorait fsa Oa Fa Obras AIH Go AICS APT PON AAR Bgrrd Rost SAS ASAT AC 1[16] APATHY GST CATS FAPIANCT ABSA ATG COTM! ee AOS SB BT TTC SHR STAT AAT MA] TT PTSTS AT HATS CAG GUAT CAPA 099-SH HINTS DAA HT AMC (MASH?) CSA HT PRATT et ATA AIST 2090 HIT BIAS eT Pratarer VITRO Deaf st [17], orafice dddb WIC PIT GH Halt AG SAS Fad WM TF PUT SAAN HATS BE HASTAC FAT PRA SAT AANA HACE TS AHS STAT oa rf eae {1] Bernstein, Mary. "Identity politics." Annu. Rev. Sociol. 31 (2005), 560 [2] International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) - svoftas aR crt RG GID sqoofbas GF WeES AIA SH Pat aE aafine Giftcard aetass « waite aac Sick oma Sst Sat [3] Bernstein, ‘Identities and Politics’, 558 [4] Remembering Shivananda Khan, APCOM’s founder on Human Rights Day, Dennis Altman khan-apcoms-founder-on-human-rights-day-2/, [5] Khan [6] Bandhu Social Welfare Society (BSWS), Annual Report 2021, p. 10 [7] Hossain, A. "Bangladesh: Review of LGBT situation in Bangladesh." The Greenwood Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues Worldwide (2010): 333-346. [8] [9] Prior to the establishment of the Society, Anmed worked as a Project Associate at the Naz Foundation. During his professional life, he conducted a survey named “Strategic Response to the Reproductive and Sexual Health Needs of MSM in Dhaka.” [10] | remembered him often saying, “I feel proud to be a part of history. We are working against the stigma, against the odds.” Shale Ahmed, Executive Director, Bandhu Social Welfare Society (Bandhu) [14] Remembering the Legacy of Shivananda Khan (1948 - 2013), the Founder of APCOM, 2013-founder/ [12] “Around the same time, The Society was accepted as a partner of Care Bangladesh; and later, through the support of USAID, The Netherlands Embassy and DFID, the Society was able to expand its work to different areas of the country.” [13] Hossain, Adnan. "Section 377, same-sex sexualities and the struggle for sexual rights in Bangladesh." Austl. J. Asian L. 20 (2019): 115. [14] Hossain, Adnan. "Section 377, Wilson, Ara. "NGOs as erotic sites." Development, sexual rights and global governance 29 (2010): 86. Hall, Kira. "Intertextual sexuality." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 15, no. 1 (2005): 125-144. [15] Hossain, Adnan. "Section 377, [16] A tale of two decades 20-year achievements leading to impacts 1996-2016, Bandhu Social Welfare Society , Executive Summary, p 8 17] Khan himself faced declining health, and it is believed he died by committing suicide at this home. - Death gv Asif Adnan se cigeTf, sone ob:3aPM NOt st NEXT POST STC cof ares eer ta? ef 3 share 6 https://chintaporadh.comi/9794 a9o00©8 ASIE ADNAN me ARATHCT Sal ATSTSIA AMT SIAN? HA 2 Positacnon se srpTA, 2038 09:09PM © 14 MIN READ SIG RES tie + cafeish copy shortlink @ 1242 Views faSte oni: arp ora’ cars “wfeera’ - ata wafers, Gia eNTTY, Cie tafoas mss ef TRETCTCT ARAB CUBS SIT PT TAA PIAS BET ABST MHfScatg’ GT ‘GIA APT O'S TATA HRTSA OIATS GH BA 2000/09 2a HH 9 HAA CATH Ge Smita IPT TASCA ‘Aa Hetery’ Ror fois Sea orers ‘ATA afters’ aa wife fice Oren Cofs Sat A THM TY AAT SST ON TAT fIHS AMASIA WHIP HAT AAs MALTA BA TH AOA! GIA SPY AAR AITH AST DAIS OS AA PA IA AHS AaoIs oA Cites Ue ROT QT AA CHS A SHES Oar act Hrs fAers Bea are Preferred HAT fH ard Yt BB atafers Ez! Section 377, same-sex sexualities and the struggle for sexual rights in Bangladesh, PICA FACE AIS SIMA QIGTRA AST FAC, "CTR SPIGA NOGA CIE HS ACT QA CASI TIA SIT STN Chis sagt e wat gre ae gre Rares HaTH FH apres Fer oS AAAAH QAA-IT ATHBSTAT" [1] SAS itera Fic Hiss a8 TIS Srfercrs ars afat Yor Lat AAI 2099 AN ABIFTS Creating A Public Space And Dialogue On Sexuality And Rights: A Case Study From Bangladesh ata face [2] 4 faced ora AR SPS CHAT FH aS Bet GRE aarafers QA-as Praps 7 aeTTs Rows SRITS A GIST SICA AB ATH CIHR OITA SRC FATTY CTA GIA omtre eg wet ont aga aca Fifea, ors Oh aA BIG WHS, TCA FO HSI Uist GIs Fi aifSrnatd yora yfoca cea! ypar: Creating A Public Space And Dialogue On Sexuality And Rights: A Case Study From Bangladesh Prataiea ACT ISHS TS SGA, L0G HT AST CITA FAT FAST STATS AS ATTA PACHBA ALTAR PAT AS ARACCNS 2 AIG SIS PAS SAT AH SHA Sta! VATS GHB APSA PAPA WPA BA gw AMATI fal (Stora STAI ‘Ata afar’ Frc) FAITE SUF COMMA GAT 2009 CAH EIS PAfSa ABs, ears gas TORaaT HUI MIAIGAT PAS SH BA INOS Stat SorAIAg Bea Arr aATfesreaA PISTAICS BCT HASTA HATA SACTA ACH VCS TEM BA ‘ANA AA MSTA APH VAHTA’ (Sexual And Reproductive Health & Rights -SRHR) faow pata atcoet! SICA ARISTA SAN, Context, institutions and actors The international and national contexts for sexual health and rights have been described briefly in the background section. January 2007. In the current climate in Bangladesh, sex- ual rights of minorities are severely undermined by the Rashid, Sabina Fol, Hilary Standing, Mahrukh Mohiuddin, and Farah Mahjabeen Ahmed. “Creating a public space and dlatogue on sexuality and rights: a case study from Bangladesh,” Hearth Research Policy and Systems 3, no. 1 (2011): 1-8 "BE ITE UN AGT NAA FAAE ATLATN SCT 2000 HIT FACET RODDED AH GCTAFATD HUSH SCMAS IFS MSAMSP ATT CUB! (9 FAICHA) ALA FAP ITT BIGAMATS BA IAC OIA OCT SAT AT AMA Te {OT AT PACS AA MATE TA! 2009 AT SAGAMATS IP CANE AMAT BAPTA weer Beare fof! "(3 GIG RPT GAS ATO AAS, HASTA, Ig GHB RS TETANY BA) SICHGAT BT TRACT FATT 8 BT Age Aiawra wfc secs aia eas FSR ES Fa Races CRIA, Page 4 of 9 forward. From this meeting there was a realization that despite the silence, there was much enthusiasm and sup- port for moving sexuality discussions out into the public arena. This was a crucial turning point as many of the participants at this initial meeting identified colleagues, friends, NGOs, and other stakeholders in Bangladesh and abroad working on and promoting sexuality and rights. The team perceived that there was an urgent need for a broader approach and conversation about sexuality and rights in the larger community. Rashid etal, Creating " OB BS CIB Gee (ST CT NATO ACHE ANAC SCE CI MAA LACT NGM WINE SAP GN 9 Take (eA! [4] 8 eariaita wife Ia FAC DFID (Department of International Development), sara Rati Raat waft ast afSerma facets HASTA ac ayaa TRI [5] Acknowledgements We acknowledge the financial support of (Grant HD4) provided by the UK Department for nal Development (DFID) for the Realising Rights Research Programme he views expressed yas cbena sant errant sean mre HT RTE PI _hutps:/aseels publishing service gov uk/medio/S7a08ba8ed915d6522-000e07/monograph sexuailyrights,p Dr, Rashid introduced the first speaker, Dr. Hilary Standing, a Research Fellow from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) University of Sussex, England; and Director of the Research Programme Consortium (RPC) on Realizing Rights: Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health for Poor and Vulnerable Populations, sno snow BIN GRP HET CAH GYR WA BN AP AA 2009 AA GME, STH Ferafearercars HSH FF aT For GB oaersP AAT GOAT BIS GPO ‘GSI tre Craft’ (Frere Alor) 4a 89d VSB CTaChSs TEAK SANSA Fat RA] SABAH UMAR BS JHA, FHSS, Sta, Hfyara Yaw, SAAT ase TRATICCTS RASA TST @ UOTPVSS | STAT BA NSAI aS TACs Sas Yet afafatt nate at faa ge frefemacas Trae renew BT PACT I SRST GAB ALM AST AT GACY, AAA IAQ HABA SECT |foiiftera aPtienht a BTS SAAS a BEIT Sa COTS HBAS, AT SATS: oz ffears ae Bos Riss DRI This led to the School of Public Health hosting an international conference on Gender and Sexuality in July 2007 with prominent speakers and activists from Turkey, India, Pakistan, USA, United Kingdom, Kenya and Bangladesh who contributed papers, with over 150 participants attending. The workshop covered a range of topics such as society’s prejudices towards minority groups, and issues faced by LGBT members in living in a heterosexually dominated society. As the conference was being held at the BRAC Centre and hosted by the Unive y, this gave the subject matter legitimacy and credibility. We therefore decided to invite a diverse group of policy actors and practitioners (women’s groups, activists, researchers, academics, media profes- sionals, students, and health providers, NGOs and gay, lesbian and transgender groups). Rashid etal, Creating. " TRY PRAHA TYSS AML GV ANT IA AMA FRET GI Reratararers, O18 (PAA) FAITTS CAG IA ALAM AST HT! SAAT OTS SS PATH IA ATO NTA (AAA, SPSS, ACAIG, SITPICTTTE, PAPER ARPA, WA, SIAM AABN, IAG, TIP, CIT IT inererenm) Risa space araga cratcas Brats 31"[6] Rsrwiacend ug ghia ta Poraagptatet Svs are eratferta (IWHC) Ace ABS AAG ATCHA HINT HH ATG TAAL BHT GB AIA HNC TACT PACIAR, OAT TANT ‘Aa UIs’ Wares Sars SPAT fies STAT Paes 8 aaferelS erfSarcwas AaCPTA WS (UNFPA) Ae FTAA ALT are oe Fira ca 2 ofS brea Sta WHS SCY VITA THIMA AIL GONE BISTHAAS FITAG |[7] BORAIP ATT BRIS QA MEHTA (IWHC) aa CT aquica we fies Patt ee CTS BA Hea ATISAT! A ACAI WS fet SPrectd Gay Ga CON far werent! aPrecta for KaCTs ATGTS BAG Sat m, Soon after the International conference in 2007, the School was approached by the International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), interested to fund further activities on sexuality and rights in Bangladesh. Two training workshops and a follow up workshop were held with this funding. Three core groups were targeted. One group was academics from outside Dhaka to encourage them to develop sexuality dissemination activities and provide a space for discussions among academics and students outside of Dhaka, who are often overlooked in metropolitan debates. Another group was journalists and advertising agencies to encourage writings on sexu- ality and discuss representations (and the absence of) and constructions of sexuality in the media and in advertisements. Currently in Bangladesh, there is noth- ing written on the diversity of sexualities, or often these issues are biased or misrepresented. The third group was the LGBT community who remain mainly under- ground, with only some visibility of MSM and transgen- der groups who work under the umbrella of HIV/AIDS organizations. The idea was to provide non-conforming sexual groups the capacity and space to argue for advo- cacy, training and build their own agenda to fight for their basic rights. Rashid et at, Creating. “a BiB ab01 Pot DIBA TRA WTSI PAM! VCS Gla OHA TAA ATATT ADRS Sea (sexuality dissemination activities) wma FATS GeMRS BI A TIPS TAA SHTSICGNS GC QAI STNBA PAA GNA BEA arash aber far siearftres ag feat HA! AS BEA Oat AitrwT few feraecs Venfie aa aa Afar s Rear Giawra feta aae Borger (sae TAIT Gorgas SIGHS) FET SITIBAT BEAM... SE oft fart GaRafatG eT, TAT GTS Pet SSAA SS (ANAC) HTT Bre Fey QAAHAT AAR DISACTSIA SP SCY VAT AASOTAAG /ARSH HTT SOOAISHNS BISA HSC SIS SA (Ste BAG Sara) Sewer fet oF non-conforming GHA HASH THAG GS GAA BA CANT, TCS Slat ora Gifts uftera fren ao sara Gr Porgy acerst sta, are, uprecencait sare oes |[8] Udie ATMS Ws WSCAS @ ABars HGS AARHABs Ie SA IAC Bono safer, ais WAS RfSa NeTsACS Mftat SIE Sala YI are frera: AAARSSIS BAS UF SEPA! 2009 HCAS BREACH SCBA FATT FOE arsies Vier SEL AT BW HAI AACS 9¢0 Ge ‘CSRIGIAA’ PICA ATT CASTS FACT ETA AAT ATTICS SIMASTS CT GBS Gt FAT CIGFHDAA GAT 200e FH VITSIOAS, AHS sats as ASH BAT HAT TCT FT sho AAPG: Seat HHA AISA! AAR MATAR VAVHAS Sy FACT BAG CRIA AAR TAAOSTA SIG BAA GA LOO HIT GNA CHAT FH SOG SATS QAI BHT SHEA AS!B OTB a HY COS SS, UA AW Centre of Excellence for Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights! a8 @a Coffs aif: ort criss ais wea STS SIL] 2009 ASH 200 Wit HAT HANGS DISH IFAT AGA ATHY SNAG ATH CAT, ested stakeholders grew. Throughout this period, we the implications of the Bangladesh penal code 377, and more recently a meeting on a South Asian network working on human rights for LGBT communities across South Asia. "OB YCM FAN GCG, OAT PASH CATE Care BS IF CPTI BB BIT! CAAT ANT Cafe care 9718 FER RCTAT (BACT) ACTA PIA) CI AAACAT IAS BATT STAT CHAS) AACPT ASAT 014 MA-T MAT OTRAS ITS IBD ABS CrTRTTCTA BIS CITA! TRANS APES OPT ECS IeACAAE ARATICIS ATATMT PTT fier sre ars Ory aie AREY oT aberré Hane ara RAGS ETT weafe!"[10] Pres fire fre Rafeora waster o orgy Apo Aaerata Vso FT whee Df a ASG BIE Sala OSHS Cra STAT! BTA CTATA rer ST ABT Gia RepiSa asta AT GA SABAH SUITS | BHT SICOPASTAS ATT fifea Rafer, Sere aca cree wafers Referees Reg reat ARE HTB SA HTS SATS AF GHGS YS BI ATT! ‘story to be broadcast. " DRIGT, CHAO IA SBIR FAT BTA F CNL AT AMTBICS HATA CTUCHY FAS CMS FAT HY AIA APTS MSC MEF NBN T ACT BHAT HITT FB CMA YABIT AUT DHA BLY PIG! MUAH ASTIMASEA BHT FA TASS HOTT MBE AAMAG NTT IA HABIT GA FACIE, IAS TEE BAT ATHTT APT LANL! ONT IAT ARMAE MCCS ACT Bait Grey ITB 1g Coft BracaAI" [11] ‘snes opera’ aa ate AARRa CITT AOS BSASS CATHAY ag HI APIC 3 GAS ATSIC TH PUVA GAIGPAA CTAB S BCH STANT ARAN DICT SATIS ABTA i DIES SOMA TRATHCTS AEASB SII ASSIA ASHAS BA AA SCT ASIA GAT ARAB SMCS SES Sefer ASH SSAA GIS “ACHSTST' FRETS PRPS STS STS ASIA AA APY @ APY GTA DIAN GIS ATH BI GH SEA AAT SUAT PISA HTN ACA HAA HAST ABT ALIS A SCA Carat Crs wafers", ‘Ae Cafban', ANS Prost Aas ‘CSTSIS STACOPELB a ATST ofS ord! The Yao a8 we Wet CAA FA IST a - la Apfsa HARASISAT 8 MTT! HisA SAAS LAVAS acest afosr ar waearat SUN OMA STAT ACR FACT ATT BIAS FAI Ses stores Sewy, TES ae Pare HT STA HCCC FATA OFA TT | 2009 FIT BB BA SRW BNA SHA fea TM AACS, Abstract This article describes and analyses The impetus for this work came from "cu ( COMMCAT) TRG PRT NTO IA SHABIT FACT TIAMAT PITH SUAT BAT IAS (AACA) BICHE CPATNE ANG PATE AAMT SPT YF DB RAIGIAAT HAA COTTA ACT FSM ONG PUMA BT COA" [12] adie wrens Preaicrd FHS UGUMN- Hess Saws Gory feet arose FASANO Ak VATA AA fAgiSa (Viera CAR ‘ATCT @ Vara’) VTA CTEM, a NSAdaacs aoits Sata Ales Tact Ala fApiSa sans Srpat BT SAT Ola SAR Vlora Gi Hes PS OlCTS STAN, rather than one of rights and positive wellbeing. Building on its local research knowledge, broader conception of sexual and reproductive health rights that starts from local understandings of rights. It ",,. POUMEP IA TATMAPIAT BPA DIAS BA AST CBBIGIAAT TET TTON FART CNTBA OB FAIA CIT (Gre rakes aaen) feat Faeyr FRIES, GRIP, APIA IA TAHACAT MENAT PATE... 1113] OORTE DIF RO SIS SACS ACI WI TG afore Ros HHA AISA S ASTI APT ACA PIMACTCS HPSS SHCA CRAIC CATS ‘FAN’ 1A ROA! ‘HADATS CITT BIR’ TAM AT ISIS SHAT COA AGT ‘ATTN GETS OT AAS, TAK ASTER YET LATA BHT SIA FICE FAITE ARACTNOT CATA! Frage ania offer oa: aaa asia AASAOs TUS Borgia Sart Soaps firesa Sa Gears Sa 4 fAcsH IT AA, broader conception of sexual and reproductive health rights that starts from local understandings of rights. "OB agge xara 1, (ate Rafa) a8 Saree aga RANT IF KACIT Biter orteicr BaTePICat ae Carats fae care araat wrer ara Pera... "[14] 8 SOHC BT SH FH HBAS AAC Ola SIMBA FACS FH SPICHA AIPA foatt Sistas owes WAafSA Sat Seas BACT! commitments (ibid). The process described in this paper contributed to effecting change in three of the structural areas identified by the ORS report as critical to final out- comes. The | : & a e 5 & = a 8 = - renas. © FITS, G3 SOPCTA ATH GHGS TPA WHT Sa AGI ISAT at CATR TAT ACSA IPRA FITTS HATS ASHAG SATS MMs (TAT fafeara EHP SA) | 40 ‘ATeToT ae Basra’ (SYR, GAH acerst Teas) Gey sates ES ATS Vx epnfss al + faStaw, a8 Somes Set fear, HASTA UMSiSss, esIs aa GAPSaHS PHS TUS ‘CAA Gay TIMATACEA HHS" otew Gedeal fAfSe MTCATCTCATAT AIH CITT APMIS Vs AAR SHB Sars aide @ GTI Sea Pray oF | + DONS, 48 BooC ATH GAM AA Herts Bp rw we CUMAAMSIS BU Tea HAT COM AAA! A AeTOTA erica Haters EBT aa Ramee Hae GST ACIRI[15] IPS AB AIHA OAT TIAA BHT HAS ATT SACHA, However, public arena. "TMA ACNE A IH HH, NITE, ATPICCAS, IAS, MO PATPIT, TRATAB IT TCA ATE ICO RAST COPA GIAAT ITS FH, CAAT CASTS CHM AMD ETAT NAA PHA MOA, TANTS ACT TPH IT BCH MACACTS ANTOT IA CHBIS FART GAMBA SIM CO Pa IB SHEN COTM FSA" [16] atts Fs BUSINESS ao p January 06, STANDARD 2024 Brac Uni to be early recipient from Soros’s $1 billion fund Ml EDUCATION Mir Mohammad Jasim geo0oo Brac university will promote the values of open society, including free expression and diversity of belief OAT CIS ‘ATT AR oreTTa APH Gs User’ few gees Sriera Gas ES RAS! Seay Gh ATT TSA AVACS GAAS SIH COA AIOE TG WOT AEST WORLD adel ie th FORUM core acer 28 Be ages OF OY ee SIPS COTA 91S APT TATA AAA SICA AS TGCS AUCH TH CPU CRCPNIAT ACT ASSASTHHNS GPICHA STA ATTAVHTS 3 ‘ANT @ SCT ATT PY Vasa’ AA THA OIA ABTA Ax SHS ACT YS SA AT! Awa, TSICAS 4x RShdasors Te AAAS acerera TAA ey TGS Cols AI PTO Apo ATTA HY CPA SITS a9 STS BETA HTS WAT oFree ote gets eakhtecrcs| afer Ral eS RfSa GARE mesa! ATTA AT ANS BS EG TTA WI TATA ABI HAST SIH GB BATT AFT Old AUIS SF BA TRATHC APRA oes OST ATT mea tf eee [1] Hossain, Adnan. “Section 377, same-sex sexualities and the struggle for sexual rights in Bangladesh." Austl. J. Asian L. 20 (2019): 115. [2] Rashid, Sabina Faiz, Hilary Standing, Mahrukh Mohiuddin, and Farah Mahjabeen Ahmed. "Creating a public space and dialogue on sexuality and rights: a case study from Bangladesh." Health Research Policy and Systems 9, no. 1 (2011): 1-9. [3] Ibid, p 4 [4] Ibid [5] report-sexuality-and-rights-workshop-january-2007 sonra area facta Pfeaw - e07/monograph sexualityrights.pdf [6] Rashid et al, Creating, p4 [7] wROeake ha afSstot Ber, GABA wa (Joan Dunlop) azz uprigara Gietea (Adrienne Germain) | aaa Ga a8 afoora waa UCT APIA PISCHIG PI PACT BST Ga SI BACT HTS VISTH TA OTRwIASaRo hs Sy HAG APIA AA APNG BISCHIGS AGATA CAC! grants/grantee/international-womens-health-coalition/ [8] Rashid et al, Creating, p 4 [9] “In 2008, | established a Centre for Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights with seed funding from a UN organization, pushing for laws to stop child marriage; prov g.a safe space for LGBTQI communities and working to develop online resources and teachers.” professors-working-together-to-improve-the-lives-of-vulnerable- populations-in-bangladesh [10] Rashid et al, Creating, p5 [11] Ibid, p7 [12] Ibid, p 1 [13] Ibid, p2 [14] Ibid, p 3 [15] Ibid, p 7 [16] Ibid, p 7 [17] The Buinesss Standard, Brac Uni to be early recipient from Soros’s $1 billion fund, 2020 recipient-soross-1-billion-fund-39805 gov Asif Adnan {8 99 orgRT, x028--on:04PM TTC GRA oor cree STA? fs TTT ART scores corer aT fo Share o nooo ASIE ADNAN. STRATA MARAE AteT SIA TW SIAN? MH 0 Masitachan (se srPTM, 2038 -ov:20PM O14 MINREAD SIG RES tie + cafeish copy Short ink @ 1074 Views gan oria: goren cafes anes mer of FRAGA PIS CTF fc RGIATA DIG Ob, CRT BH ISR APIA ATIC A PCH HIT IAS VAS DET ABLAS VAGUS AHGATS ATG 851 SADT AS SANTA ATS ATT Gia WH Yost Aa SACOT| TASTAY unfeesbcra RSA GARTIE a8 APHIS THT SATA, Sooo HT GY ATC APSA AITTS TS (CF AATCC AAS STATA 3 COPA SAI af far SIRFTCCT ANAC SIT SEH! TTC TA AAAS SMS ioorcas afSor aca’ FIA PAH YORK MGT VAI TF GPT SATHANA Ss ACT GAT SAT RTA IE AI Oe BASICS “TAA Ser faba SACS RICA AMAA AT BT HAPTA 3-H AAS GH BA ACHIAPAS GIT ATTA | WPA FOHGS OPS AH SY AVION GY GAA SHAY IPO AAT Sites aoc 2008 HIG HSS GYCA AIT AT GL CF AMAA PREP CU A OTA [ 1), FEE CT TTT AIS Bahr BAI 2oor TG GTS BMTAPHS 3-91, TAH VP ‘aRsTert (Boys of Bangladesh/BoB) | STEN RS AH ASST DS (TSA Began sah) Bs oe 3 ofS ory ea [2] bob boys of bangladesh OASTSGS APTN SEPT ‘CI FOTIA Aa ‘for oni -a SIGIGA SATS GE PG Is OP TRATONT 3 BVS eer fast TASC GT AS WH TARGA OS AS TI PAS’ Sas YLT TE UEP AAT TS TTAT art APTS FT Vwlas AIS OAS TSA SEM BOOT DIDI | VAMC TF CAPT STIAPATA oats aco afoomaectia orien far aero fag, fer seofae vas ve TGA sraratera fac! 2000 AIG THEA WI THF WG GS IAM VB IANACTA ASS TAA fie Tara 9 Ser pada FI FACT ARATCTCT GARRATS sremtara AAAS frer DB ACTIAS SIA BS GAN OS 4 AAAS SIGS A BTA aes Safe [3] umnfefoor: 2S AS TAS IGS UP TANTS SRT VASTIRA ABORT Is GEBSTAT ‘FSCS MN’ -a Ace MAS US| HAST TITS GH BS 2009 CAH] OT TAA GNC CORA FF ares Har SEB ara QA SHAMS AMBEHSS SAP UCA SHAT SA TH OS TATA! Who We Are What WeDo hee Blog OurHistory Photo Gallery LGBT in Bangladesh Volunteer Contact Us XULHAZ & TONOY ~ Reminiscence Braoys of Bangladesh, Our History 8 CAIN HACIA ASAT A SEAT Sra ASA ‘Soe iG a arse Olat onfSfiorey SHAT Rar 8, Baas AARAAE acest Aw ste Fat TSHMHSS ABSA WAG WHA ATG GIT GB BA OA! DISS AGS AT ATCT SIA Sat OH SS IAD SEVP IATA! Looe HCH AIA qieas ator anifeafatba este aeegq sore Dia caafes Grits Sab BSca aca BIW AGS SA Slat ABTS HASTA Vara FACT ALATA IAA ASP GO To AICS ACA! [4] GAAS CF ISB HPO SIA! But in 2008 when the political situation settled down a bit, BoB planned to revive its regular activities and started o pride indeed! itps://wob 10080 htrp:/ww poysofpangladesh orgihistory of e-group.htm) 3050.8 HD ae TEE TCE RH BA PR TRE GIST STAYS aAhBfaes acerst far ster sat fist aPrata Riss RADA FACT CATT SITS SA ZF CAS TRAST ASG HASTA HATA 1 GTP DOA BS TAH GG WNC WA SHS ATH SANTI [5S] A GIP UAT SS AAAS ANH FASE AP'S HASTA HHA AATSITS Sorat ares TAS SoSiorcrs SAT SA [6] ACTA oa VF CRINS CIMT aag az afSdTors wes wis WHS fer TI SSeS PrataeT

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