W56KGZ-23-R-6000 Amendment 0002 Syrian Line Haul

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U0002 02-Aug-2023
6. ISSUED BY CODE W56KGZ 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than item 6) CODE


APO 09316





X The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offer is extended, is not extended.

Offer must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended by one of the following methods:
(a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted;
or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE
REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter,
provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.




office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT T O T HE AUT HORITY OF FAR 43.103(B).

D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority)

E. IMPORTANT: Contractor is not, is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office.

14. DESCRIPT ION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter
where feasible.)

The purpose of this amendment is to do the follow ing:

1. The deadline to receive Request for Proposals has been extended to 09 August at 03:00 PM local time.
2. Language relating Attachment 02 and Attachment 03 regarding Past Performance Volume III has been added to Section L and Section M.
3. Rating Tables have been changed from ordinal to adjectival.
4. Provision 252.215-7007 has been added.
5. Additions made to PWS as indicated in Summary of Changes.
6. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.



(Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer)
EXCEPTION TO SF 30 30-105-04 STANDARD FORM 30 (Rev. 10-83)
APPROVED BY OIRM 11-84 Prescribed by GSA
FAR (48 CFR) 53.243

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The following have been modified:

** Do not share this solicitation with other vendors unsolicited proposes will not be evaluated. **

CONTRACTING ACTIVITY: 408th CSB; Regional Contracting Office – Erbil, Iraq

Government Points of Contact:
Contracting Officer (KO): Pedro Costas; [email protected]
Contracting Specialist (KS): Timothy Johnson; [email protected]
Contracting Officer Representative (COR): will be announced for each task order.

Pricing: Each truck’s price should consist of of the total cost of the transportation to and from the ESSA and all cost
associated with transportation, and all costs associated with fulfilling the Government's requirement, minus Defense
Base Act Insurance.

Type of Contract:
The United States Government will award a multi-year Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity type Contract (IDIQ)
utilizing Firm-Fixed-Price task orders in accordance with FAR 16.5. This contract is for transportation services from
EAB to various locations throughout the ESSA. This is a Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC) IDIQ. The
prices will be fixed based on the unit prices for each type of truck in the solicitation.

Task Orders:
Each task order will be for an estimated quantity per each vehicle that the USG predicts they will need based on the
timeframe identified in the Task Order’s Period of Performance. The COR will send the contractor a SLH Truck
Order Form (Attachment 04) with their signature and the contractor will send back a signed copy to the COR and
the Contracting Office at [email protected].

Period of Performance:
The ordering period this for contract will remain in effect is from 11 September 2023 to 10 September 2028. Each
Task order will have its own individual period of performance.

Minimum Amount:
The guaranteed minimum amount for this contract is $1,500,000.00.

Maximum Amount:
This contract cannot go over $65,000,000.00. (Contract Ceiling)

This contract will be awarded and paid in Iraqi Dinar (IQD) and each task order will be awarded and paid using

DBA Insurance:

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Contractor shall submit evidence of Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance policy and invoice within 14 days after
receipt of this Contract. The DBA Insurance Policy shall cover a year. The DBA insurance will need to be renewed
annually until contract completion on 10 September 2028.

INSURANCE: The Contractor shall carry sufficient insurance in accordance with local and national laws and
regulations to cover the cost for replacement or repair of Contractor leased or owned equipment that could be lost,
stolen or damaged through accidents, criminal acts, acts of war and natural acts. Insurance must be maintained
during the life of this contract and proof of insurance provided to the PCO/ACO upon request. The USG is not liable
for claims generating from any of the above. Moreover, the contractor agrees to indemnify the United States
Government for any costs or liabilities arising out of the performance of this contract.

Evaluation Factors:
The government will conduct evaluations using the tradeoff approach and procedures for the Evaluation Approach
and Factors for Award, considering solely the offeror’s response to this RFP. Evaluation Factors are provided in
Section M of this solicitation.

**Offers submitted in response to this solicitation shall be in the English language. Offers received in other than
English shall be rejected. **


The following have been modified:




Part 1 General Information

1. General
The Syrian Line Haul (SLH) is a non-personal service(s) multi-year task order contract under which the personnel
rendering the service(s) are not subject, either by the contract’s terms or by the manner of its administration, to the
supervision and control usually prevailing in relationships between the Government and its employees.

1.1 Description of Services/Introduction

The SLH is a non-personal service(s) multi-year task order contract to provide line haul from Erbil Air Base (EAB),
Iraq, to various locations in the Eastern Syria Security Area (ESSA), to include the retrograde of cargo from various
locations in the ESSA to EAB, Iraq.

1.2 Background
The United States Government (USG) requires line haul transportation services to transport all classes of supply and
equipment in support of operations in Syria.

1.3 Scope
The Contractor shall provide non-personal service(s). Line haul services will be provided from EAB, Iraq, to
locations in the ESSA. At EAB, line haul services on load day will include loading cargo at various locations
throughout the base and transporting said cargo to the Syrian Logistics Cell (SLC) marshaling yard for vehicle

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staging. At EAB, line haul services may transport cargo or trailers from the EAB Aerial Port of Debarkation
(APOD) to the SLC marshaling yard. Line haul services may be used in the ESSA to transport the below supply
categories from one location in the ESSA to another location in the ESSA (intra-theater movement). In addition, line
haul services may transport the below supply categories from the ESSA back to EAB.

Line haul services include transportation for supply classes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and multi-class
cargo, with or without operators, as defined in this Performance Work Statement (PWS). Except for those items
specified as government-furnished property and services, the Contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment,
supplies, facilities, transportation, tools, materials, supervision, and other items and non-personal services necessary
to perform line haul services. The Contractor shall ensure the physical security, integrity, and safety of the
transported materials and equipment as specified by each defined SLH truck order. The Contractor’s performance
shall be monitored by the USG Contracting Officer (KO) and/or Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). The
Contractor shall provide transportation equipment and operator(s) within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving an
SLH truck order from the USG. The Contractor shall recover disabled equipment and/or cargo and repair and/or
replace disabled equipment per the PWS. The estimated quantity of work with the specific type of line haul
transportation will be defined on each truck order.

1.4 Objectives
The objective of this contract is to provide line haul assets to fulfill all USG cargo transportation requirements (all
classes of supply) in support of military operations in Syria.

1.5 Period of Performance

This requirement will have an ordering period of five years from 11 September 2023 to 10 September 2028. Period
of performance will begin once the first task order is issued.

1.6 General Information

1.6.1 Quality Control Plan (QCP)

The offeror shall submit a draft QCP to ensure services are performed in accordance with the PWS. The QCP shall
describe the procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure the non-recurrence of defective services. The QCP shall also
describe the procedures that address the areas identified in Technical Exhibit 1, “Performance Requirements
Summary (PRS)” of the PWS, and compliance with all the terms and conditions of Section 5, Specific Tasks, of the

The Contractor’s Proposed QCP shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer (KO) for review with the Contractor’s

The USG will review the QCP during evaluation. Once awarded, the USG will notify the Contractor in writing of
acceptance of the plan or return their comments to the Contractor within 10 days. If the USG has provided
comments, the Contractor shall have five days to submit a Final QCP. After receipt of the Final QCP, the Contractor
may receive the Contracting Officer’s acceptance in writing. Any proposed changes to the accepted QCP must be
resubmitted for approval by the Contracting Officer no later than 10 days before the anticipated change and before
implementation by the Contractor. The timeline noted above will apply for review and acceptance of proposed
changes. At a minimum, the QCP must include and answer the following to be acceptable:

(a) A chart showing the organizational structure and lines of authority, the names, qualifications, duties,
responsibilities, and classification of each member of the Contractor's Quality Control Team;

(b) How the Contractor will monitor work to ensure performance complies with all deliverables (etc.
timelines, deadlines, and goals);

(c) How the Contractor will monitor work to ensure performance complies with all specifications and
requirements of the contract, including the contract’s clauses;

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(d) How the Contractor will monitor and ensure staff qualifications remain current and valid including
Department of Defense (DoD) Contractor Personnel Office (DOCPER) processes/approvals throughout contract

(e) How the Contractor will ensure all keys issued will remain controlled items (Paragraph 1.7 Key

(f) How the Contractor will identify, investigate, and correct any non-conforming performance and prevent
similar deficiencies in the future; and

(g) How the Contractor will file and save all Quality Control related documents for the life of the contract
plus five years.

1.6.2 Quality Assurance

The USG will evaluate the Contractor’s performance under this contract in accordance with the Quality Assurance
Surveillance Plan (QASP). This plan primarily focuses on what the USG must do to ensure that the Contractor has
performed according to the performance standards. In addition, it defines how the performance standards will be
applied, the frequency of surveillance, and the acceptable quality levels (performance thresholds).

1.6.3 Recognized Holidays

The following provides information on recognized holidays. If the submittal of any documentation (e.g.,
deliverables, submittals, etc.) deadlines fall on a holiday, the closest work day before the holiday will apply as the
deadline for submittal. U.S. Holidays

During the performance of this contract, the USG does not recognize any U.S. holidays. Work shall be performed on
U.S. federally recognized holidays unless otherwise directed by the KO. Host Nation Holidays

During the performance of this contract, the USG does not recognize any local holidays. Work shall be performed
on local Host Nation holidays unless otherwise directed by the KO.

1.6.4 Operating Hours

The USG facility office hours, facility operating hours, and the Contractor support hour requirements often coincide;
however, they may differ. Please refer to the following. Government Facility Office Hours

The USG facility office hours are typically 0800-1700 daily, Monday through Saturday; however, SLH
transportation occurs on a rolling schedule, and the COR will always ensure phone/email contact accessibility and
facilities access when required for successful SLH transportation operations. Government Facility Operating Hours

The USG facility office hours are typically 0800-1700 daily, Monday through Saturday; however, SLH
transportation occurs on a rolling schedule, with operations beginning as early as 0600 on load and push days,
including weekend days. Therefore, the COR will always ensure phone/email contact accessibility and facility
access when required for successful SLH transportation operations. Contractor Support Hours

The Contractor shall provide support twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, throughout the period of
performance. The Contractor shall maintain an adequate workforce at all times for the uninterrupted performance of
all tasks defined within this PWS. When hiring personnel, the Contractor shall keep in mind that the stability and
continuity of the workforce are essential to mission success.

1.6.5 Place of Performance


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The work under this contract will be performed at EAB, Iraq, and various ESSA locations. The Contractor shall
ensure all drivers understand they must drive in contested environments for multiple days.

1.7 Type of Contract

The USG will award an Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Contract.

1.8 Security Requirements

The following information is provided on security related matters.

1.8.1 Security Program

Contractor personnel performing work under this contract must be screened and approved for work with the USG at
time of the proposal submission, and must maintain the level of security required for the life of the contract. The
security requirements are IAW with the DoD Contract Security Classification Specification (DD Form 254), which
is currently accessible at the following link: http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/forms/eforms/dd0254.pdf General Protection / Security Policy and Procedures

The Contractor and all associated subcontractor employees shall provide all information required for background
checks to meet installation access requirements specified by the Installation Provost Marshal Office, the Base
Defense Office, the Base Operations Support and Integration (BOS-I) Office, and the Operation Inherent Resolve
(OIR) Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB) S2 Intelligence Section. The Contractor and all associated
subcontractor employees shall comply with all personal identity verification requirements (FAR clause 52.204- 9,
Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel) as directed by DOD, HQDA, and/or local policy. In addition
to the changes otherwise authorized by the changes clause of this contract, should the Force Protection Condition
(FPCON) at any individual facility or installation change, the USG may require changes in Contractor security
matters or processes.

1.8.2 Installation Access:

The Contractor and all subordinate personnel must maintain the ability to access EAB, Iraq; must maintain the
ability to access delivery destinations and navigate throughout Syria as required; and must meet the approval of base
access/clearance for all drivers (e.g., Asayish screenings and U.S. Counter Intelligence Support Team [CIST]
reviews). To gain access to EAB, all Contractor employees/drivers shall undergo a background check and enroll in
the installation biometrics database. All Contractor personnel, including subcontractors, requiring entry to any
installation shall request and coordinate directly with the COR. The Contractor shall ensure EAB security access
requirements are known and briefed to its employees. Access to U.S. installations, buildings, and controlled areas is
limited to personnel who meet security criteria and are authorized by Host Nation law to work in that country.
Failure to submit required information/data and obtain required documentation or clearances will be grounds for
denying access to U.S. installations, buildings, and controlled areas. The Contractor shall ensure that any
subcontractors used in the performance of this contract comply with these requirements and that all employees of
both the Contractor and any subcontractor utilized by the Contractor are made aware of and comply with these
The Contractor’s employees will receive an access badge and an “escort required” pass at the EAB Security
checkpoint after receiving clearance from the EAB security teams, which consists of screening and enrollment at the
OIR CSSB biometrics (bio) shed and identity verification at the USG Gatekeeper on-the-Move Biometrics (GOTM-
B) station. The Contractor will collect all driver and supervisor phones for turn-in on load day/day three at the OIR
CSSB bio shed. All drivers’ phones must have a valid driver identification card/license attached by a band or stored
together in an unsealed bag. Depending on the situation, the OIR CSSB S2 will return all phones upon driver release
at the SLC marshaling yard or OIR CSSB bio shed. The Contractor and subcontractor employees must check into
the OIR CSSB bio shed for initial screening and enrollment in the biometrics system on EAB. The Contractor
drivers/trucks will be escorted onto EAB and to the SLC yard by USG personnel. The Contractor shall prohibit the
use of installation access badges by any persons other than the Contractor’s employees. The Contractor shall
develop procedures covering badge control that shall be included in the QCP. Such procedures shall include the
turn-in of any issued badges by employees who no longer require access to the installation. The Contractor shall
immediately report any occurrences of a lost badge to the COR. All personnel working on behalf of the Contractor
shall have a USG or installation-approved escort when visiting inside designated offices or other USG Installation
facilities. All driver replacements and substitutions must be communicated as quickly as possible to the OIR CSSB

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S2 to ensure sufficient time for driver background checks and CIST screenings. The OIR CSSB S2 retains the right
to deny vehicle and driver access to the Syrian Line Haul mission for security concerns.

The Contractor shall be aware of and comply with the requirements associated with Installation Access Control. The
USG is not liable for any costs related to performance delays due solely to a firm’s failure to comply with
Installation Access Control System (IACS) processing requirements.

The Contractor shall return installation passes to the issuing IACS office when the contract is completed or when a
Contractor employee no longer requires access. Vehicle and Driver Assignment / Identification

Within eight hours of receiving a truck order from the COR, the Contractor will provide the COR and OIR CSSB S2
with a list of drivers, vehicles, and other applicable information that will be used during the execution of the truck
order. This will initiate the process of obtaining installation access clearance where necessary. The list shall identify
the driver’s name, any aliases for the driver, driver’s date of birth, driver’s birth location (town/city), driver’s phone
number, driver’s nationality, driver’s tribe, driver’s local governmental identification number, vehicle type, vehicle
year, make, and model, vehicle plate number, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) along with owner/company
name. Any changes to the list must be coordinated and communicated to the SLH COR and OIR CSSB S2 as the
changes occur. Installation Pass Log

In addition, the Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer, via the COR, an initial installation pass log within
three (3) days after contract award. Installation passes are intended for the Contractor’s management/supervisory
personnel, not every driver. The log must, at a minimum, contain the following information: the driver’s name, any
aliases for the driver, the driver’s date of birth, the driver’s birth location (town/city), the driver’s phone number, the
driver’s nationality, the driver’s tribe, the driver’s local governmental identification number, vehicle type, vehicle
year, make, and model, vehicle plate number, VIN, owner/company name, and dates driver entered/exited EAB. The
log shall be updated as employees are added or removed. The updated installation pass log shall be current and
available at any time upon request by the USG and submitted to the COR within five days after any changes to the
log. Individual Termination or Expiration of Employment

The Contractor shall collect the installation access passes the same day employment of an individual has expired or
has been terminated and shall return them to the issuing office within one day. Contract Termination or Cancellation

Upon termination or cancellation of this contract, the Contractor shall collect all outstanding installation access
passes and return them to the issuing office within three days.

1.8.3 Local Nationals and Third Country Nationals

Local national and third-country national Contractors providing SLH transportation services require background
checks as determined by the USG. At a minimum, before beginning performance, Contractors employing local
national and third-country nationals shall furnish the Contracting Officer via the COR with current documents
required for working on a US installation no later than during the post-award meeting. In addition, forwarding
correspondence from the Contractors shall identify the associated contract number.

1.8.4 Physical Security

The Contractor shall safeguard all USG equipment, information, and property provided for Contractor use. At no
additional cost to the USG, the Contractor shall ensure that all USG property in possession or custody of the
Contractor is properly secured and always safeguarded. The Contractor shall implement security measures to
safeguard and protect USG cargo and property against unauthorized access, theft, misuse, damage, and harm. In the
event of an identified threat to an installation, or a heightened force protection, the Contractor and/or its associated
subcontractor may be required to adjust delivery routes to minimize vulnerability risks and enable direct delivery to
Department of Defense (DoD) facilities. The Contractor shall be held accountable for compensating the USG for
any equipment lost, stolen, and/or damaged.

Page 8 of 31 Covered Trucks and Sensitive Cargo

USG will officially seal all Cover Trucks and Sensitive cargo before departing its origin. The tampering with and/or
breaking of this seal by any party other than the designated recipient is strictly prohibited. Once the cargo is loaded
and secured, drivers are permitted access to the cargo containers once arriving at the cargo’s final delivery
destination. Responsible Contractor employees appointed by the Contractor should carry additional seals.
Appointees will reseal trucks every time cargo is downloaded at a destination, but trucks are still carrying other
cargo for delivery to future destinations. Drivers caught in the cargo containers may be blacklisted from working
with any future USG line haul contract. Additionally, drivers delivering vehicles shall not retain the keys to
respective vehicles upon completed delivery. If the driver retains the keys and departs, the vendor will be charged
the cost of the replacement key and any other associated costs. Class I Deliveries

For truck orders that require delivery of food and water, the Contractor and associated sub-contractor employees
delivering food and water within an Army-controlled installation, facility, or area under this contract shall transport
the supplies in delivery conveyances (trailers, vehicles, containers) maintained to prevent tampering, adulteration, or
contamination of the supplies. If applicable, refrigerated delivery conveyances shall be equipped to maintain a
temperature as required by the Schedule of Supplies/Services or as otherwise prescribed in the individual truck
orders. All delivery conveyances will be subject to inspection at all times and in all places by the KO, COR, and the
Base Veterinarian. When the sanitary conditions of the delivery conveyance(s) have led, or may lead to, product
contamination, adulteration, constitute a health hazard, the delivery conveyance is not equipped to maintain
prescribed temperatures, or the transport results in the product "unfit for intended purpose," supplies tendered for
acceptance may be rejected without further inspection. As the holder of a contract with the DoD, the Contractor
shall ensure that all products and/or packaging have not been tampered with or contaminated. Delivery conveyances
will always be locked or sealed except when actively loading or unloading. All incoming drivers and operators shall
provide adequate identification upon request. Load Securing Equipment

The Contractor shall ensure that cargo on lowboy or flatbed trailers is properly secured per U.S. Surface
Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) PAM 55-20 Tie-down Handbook for Truck Movements. Passengers
The Contractor shall not allow passengers to travel in vehicles that are performing work as part of the SLH
transportation contract. Each truck will retain the same driver for the entirety of the SLH convoy.

1.8.5 Operations Security (OPSEC) Requirements

Contractor personnel shall adhere to facility security policies and restrictions. The Contractor shall immediately
report suspicious activities to security personnel. USG issued access badges shall not be worn outside designated
facilities where visible to the general public.

1.9 Post-Award Conference/Periodic Progress Meetings

The Contractor shall attend any post-award conference convened by the contracting activity or contract
administration office in accordance with FAR Subpart 42.5. As appropriate, the KO, COR, and other USG personnel
may meet periodically with the Contractor to review the Contractor's performance. At these meetings, the KO will
apprise the Contractor of how the USG views the Contractor's performance, and the Contractor shall advise the USG
of problems, if any, being experienced. Appropriate action shall be taken to resolve outstanding issues. These
meetings shall be at no additional cost to the USG.

1.9.1 Communication/Information Meetings

The Contractor shall attend, participate in, and furnish input to scheduled and unscheduled meetings, conferences,
and briefings related to the functions and services herein as required by the USG to provide effective communication
and impart necessary information. In addition, the Contract Manager or designated representative shall attend
meetings as requested by the USG. Meeting attendees shall, at times, include Contractor managerial, supervisory,
and other personnel knowledgeable of the subject matter. Meetings may start or end outside of regular duty hours.

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1.10 Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)

Refer to Part 2 of this PWS for the definition of a COR. As determined by the Contracting Officer, a COR will be
appointed and identified by a letter of designation, a copy of which will be provided to the Contractor by the KO.
The designation letter states the COR's responsibilities and limitations, especially concerning cost or price changes,
estimates, or delivery dates. The COR is not authorized to change any of the terms and conditions of the resulting
order. The COR monitors all technical aspects of the contract and assists in contract administration. The COR is not
authorized to obligate the USG. The COR is not authorized to request additional work if the work is not written in
the contract. The COR is authorized to perform the following functions: assure that the Contractor performs the
technical requirements of the contract, perform inspections necessary in connection with contract performance,
maintain written and oral communications with the Contractor concerning technical aspects of the contract, issue
written interpretations of technical requirements, including USG drawings, designs, specifications, monitor
Contractor's performance and notify both the KO and Contractor of any deficiencies, coordinate availability of USG
property, and coordinate site entry of Contractor personnel.

1.11 Key Personnel

The following personnel is considered key personnel by the USG: Contract Manager and Alternate Contract
Manages. The Contractor shall provide a Contract Manager who shall be responsible for the performance of the
work. The name of this person and an Alternate Contract Manager, who shall act for the Contractor when the
Contract Manager is absent, along with a Curriculum Vitae (CV) for each of these individuals, shall be provided in
writing to the Contracting Officer no later than during the post-award meeting. The Contract Manager and Alternate
Contract Manager shall have full authority to act for the Contractor on all contract matters relating to the daily
operation of this contract. The Contract Manager or Alternate Contract Manager shall be available to the USG to
perform services twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Qualifications for all key personnel are listed

a. Contract Manager and Alternate Contract Manager: Shall be responsible for the performance of the
work. The name of this person and an alternate who shall act for the Contractor when the Manager is absent shall be
designated in writing to the COR. The Contract Manager or alternate shall have full authority to act for the
Contractor on all contract matters relating to the daily operation of this contract. The Contract Manager/Alternate
should speak fluent English.

1.12 Identification of Contractor Employees

All Contractor personnel attending meetings, answering USG telephones, and working in other situations where
their Contractor status is not obvious to third parties must identify themselves to include proper marking of signature
blocks in correspondence to avoid creating an impression in the minds of members of the public that they are USG
officials. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure that all documents or reports produced by Contractors are suitably
marked as Contractor products or that Contractor participation is appropriately disclosed.

1.13 Contractor Identification Badges

Contractor personnel shall be easily identifiable by displaying badges IAW Contractor Identification (AE Reg. 27-
715). The Contractor (including subcontractors) shall provide each employee with an easily readable identification
badge. The badge must include the employee’s name, the Contractor’s company name, the functional area of
assignment, and a recent color photograph of the employee. Companies with USG contracts will require their
employees to wear these badges visibly when performing work at USG workplaces unless this would be impractical
because of mission or safety considerations. The Contractor shall collect all ID Badges upon completion of the
contract or termination of an employee. A listing of issued ID cards shall be furnished to the KO prior to the contract
performance date and updated as needed to reflect Contractor personnel changes.

1.14 Contractor Travel

Contracted drivers will not be required to travel, other than for purposes of performing SLH transportation truck
driving services from EAB, Iraq, to/throughout the ESSA, and back.

1.15 Non-Disclosure Requirements

Performance under this contract may require the Contractor to access data and information proprietary to a USG
agency, another USG Contractor, or of such nature that its dissemination or use other than as specified in this work

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statement would be adverse to the interests of the USG or others. The Contractor and Contractor personnel shall not
divulge or release data or information developed, or obtained under the performance of this PWS, except to
authorized USG personnel or upon written approval of the KO. The Contractor shall not use, disclose, or reproduce
proprietary data with a restrictive legend other than as specified in this PWS. All documentation showing individual
names or other personal information shall be controlled and protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act of
1974, Public Law 93-579, 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 552a.

1.16 Protection of Government and Contract Information

Per Public Use Notice of Limitations stated by Defense Imagery Management Operations Center and contained at
www.dimoc.mil/resources/limitations/ the Contractor shall not cite any information (e.g., contract information,
pictures, locations, etc.) obtained through this contract on any hard copy or digital marketing tools to include its
company website.

1.17 Non-Disclosure Statements

The Contractor shall provide signed non-disclosure agreements to the USG no later than five days prior to
commencement of work under the contract. Disclosure of information by Contractor personnel may result in
removal of Contractor personnel from performance under this contract.

1.18 Phase In/Phase Out Period

To minimize decreases in productivity and to prevent possible negative impacts on additional services, the
Contractor shall have personnel on board during the twenty days phase-in/phase-out periods. During the phase-in
period, the Contractor shall become familiar with performance requirements to commence the full performance of
services on the contract start date.

1.19 Safety Laws and Regulations

The Contractor shall comply with FAR 52.236-13, Accident Prevention (November 1991), the references contained
therein (e.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385-1-1)), and applicable
Host Nation Safety Laws and Regulations.

1.20 Authorization to Perform Services in Iraq (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) and Syria
Contractors performing services in Iraq (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) and Syria shall comply with Iraqi/Kurdistan
Regional Government and Syrian laws. The Contractor shall determine whether performance requires registration
with host nation authorities or authorization to do business in Iraq (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) and Syria and, if so,
shall comply with all requirements. Whether or not registration or authorization to do business is required, the
Contractor shall determine what documents or authorization its employees and any subcontractor employees must
possess to work in Iraq (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) and Syria. The Contractor shall ensure affirmatively that its
employees and subcontractor employees possess such documents or authorizations.

By acceptance of and performance under this contract, the Contractor affirms that it has complied with the
requirements above. Compliance with this requirement, U.S. law, Iraqi/Kurdistan Regional Government law, and
Syrian law is a material contract requirement. Noncompliance by the Contractor or subcontractor at any tier shall be
grounds for issuing a negative past performance evaluation and terminating this contract for default.

1.21 Required Training

The following provides information on training requirements.

1.21.1 Anti-Terrorism (AT) Level I Training

All Contractor employees, including subcontractor employees, who are employed under the contract, shall complete
AT Level I Training within ten (10) days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this
requirement into the contract, whichever applies, or ten (10) days after employment of new personnel. Contractor
personnel travelling overseas shall complete area of responsibility (AOR) specific AT awareness training for U.S.
based Contractor employees and associated subcontractor employees. The Contractor shall submit certificates of
completion for each affected Contractor employee and subcontractor employee to the COR (or to the Contracting
Officer, if a COR is not assigned) within five (5) days after completion of this training by all employees and
subcontractor personnel (A.011). AT Level I awareness training is available at https://jkodirect.jten.mil. Contractor

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personnel shall complete refresher training every twelve (12) months except AOR specific AT Level I training
which shall be completed as required by local AT policies

If training cannot be conducted on the website, the Contractor shall coordinate with the COR who will contact the
local AT Officer at their assigned location for classroom training. Contractor personnel completing training in the
classroom will receive a certificate or the training attendance roster signed by the AT Officer. Verification of the
training shall be provided to the COR within ten (10) days after completion of the training.

1.21.2 iWATCH Training

The Contractor and all associated subcontractors shall brief all employees on the local iWATCH program (training
standards provided by the requiring activity ATO). This locally developed training will be used to inform employees
of the types of behavior to watch for and instruct employees to report suspicious activity to the COR. This training
shall be completed within ten (10) days after the contract is awarded and within ten (10) days after new employees
commence contract performance, with the results reported to the COR within fifteen (15) days after the contract is
awarded and within fifteen (15) days after new employees commence contract performance (A.012). Verification of
the training shall be provided to the COR within five (5) days after completion of the training.Training slides can be
found on the Army OneSource we site:

1.22 Contractor Quick Reaction Notification

Due to the current Contingency environment and changing mission requirements, all contractors shall follow the
below instructions in reference to reaction notifications:

1.22.1 Once notified in writing by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor will have 24 hours to remove all assets
from the operating area.

1.22.2 Contractor assets not removed within the given timeframe will be the responsibility and liability of the

1.22.3 The Government will not be liable for any assets not removed, or abandoned, by the Contractor.

1.23 Notice to Proceed

The notice to proceed will be provided once an approved Defense Base Act Insurance Polciy and proof of payment
is received.


2. Definitions and Acronyms

2.1 Definitions
Although not inclusive of every term used within this PWS, the following provides a list of definitions used
throughout this PWS and commonly used in the acquisitions field.

Contracting Officer (KO)

means a person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related
determinations and findings on behalf of the USG. Note: The only individual who can legally bind the USG.

Contracting Officer's Representative (COR)

As defined in DFARS 202.101, means an individual designated and authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer
to perform specific technical or administrative functions. DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.72, Part II Definitions states
the following when defining a COR: “Defined in subpart 202.101 of Reference (f). Any individual delegated
responsibilities pursuant to subpart 1.602-2 of Reference (e), regardless of local terminology, must be certified in
accordance with this instruction. For example, local terminology can be COR, Contracting Officer’s technical
representative, technical point of contact, technical representative, alternate COR, administrative COR, assistant
COR, line item manager, truck order manager, quality assurance personnel, quality assurance evaluator, or COR

Page 12 of 31

management.” In addition, Army Regulation 70-13, Chapter 2, paragraph 2-2g, states, in part, the following when
providing other surveillance support personnel to assist the COR when needed, “…These other surveillance support
personnel may serve as on-site representatives of the COR in performance of actual contract surveillance if they
meet all COR requirements and have been appointed by the Contracting Officer as alternate CORs.”

means a supplier or vendor awarded a contract to provide specific supplies or service to the USG. The term used in
this contract refers to the prime.

Contractor-acquired Property
means property acquired, fabricated, or otherwise provided by the Contractor for performing a contract and to which
the USG has title.

means, unless otherwise specified, a calendar day.

Defective Service
means a service output that does not meet the standard of performance associated with the Performance Work

means anything that can be physically delivered, but may include non-manufactured things such as meeting minutes
or reports.

Government-furnished Property
As reflected in FAR 52.245-1, Government-furnished Property “means property in the possession of, or directly
acquired by, the USG and subsequently furnished to the Contractor for performance of a contract. Government-
furnished property includes, but is not limited to, spares and property furnished for repair, maintenance, overhaul, or
modification. Government-furnished property also includes contractor-acquired property if the contractor-acquired
property is a deliverable under a cost contract when accepted by the USG for continued use under the contract

Government Property
means all property owned or leased by the USG. Government property includes both Government-furnishedand
Contractor-acquired property. Government property includes material, equipment, special tooling, special test
equipment, and real property. Government property does not include intellectual property and software.

Property Administrator
means an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer appointed in accordance with agency procedures,
responsible for administering the contract requirements and obligations relating to Government property in the
possession of a Contractor.

High Level Objective (HLO)

means a key overarching result-based objective for a project necessary to achieve the project’s vision. HLOs are
similar to Level 2 in a Work Breakdown Structure. Each HLO may contain several statements to flesh out the areas
necessary to meet the objective.

Physical Security
means that part of security concerned with physical measures designed to safeguard personnel; to prevent
unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material, and documents; and to safeguard against espionage,
sabotage, damage, and theft.

Quality Assurance
(or Government contract quality assurance) means the various functions, including, inspection, performed by the
USG to determine whether a Contractor has fulfilled the contract obligations pertaining to quality and quantity.

Page 13 of 31

Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)

means the key USG-developed surveillance process document, and is applied to Performance-Based Service
Contracting (PBSC). The QASP is used for managing Contractor performance assessment by ensuring that
systematic quality assurance methods validate that Contractor quality control efforts are timely, effective, and are
delivering the results specified in the contract or truck order. The QASP directly corresponds to the performance
objectives and standards (i.e., quality, quantity, timeliness) specified in the Performance Work Statement (PWS). It
provides specific details on how the USG will survey, observe, test, sample, evaluate, and document Contractor
performance results to determine if the Contractor has met the required standards for each objective in the PWS. The
QASP, with very few if any exceptions, is an internal to USG document.

Quality Control
means all necessary measures taken by the Contractor to assure that the quality of an end product or service shall
meet contract requirements.

means the specific results-based activities required to satisfy HLOs. A statement contains a result, the context of the
statement, and the required action(s). Statements focus on “what” is to be accomplished; however they are not
prescriptive in describing “how” the outcome is to be achieved. Each HLO may have several statements to flesh out
the areas necessary to meet the objective. Statements are similar to Level 3 in a Work Breakdown Structure.

means one that enters into a contract with a prime Contractor. The USG does not have privity of contract with the

Work Day
The number of hours per day the Contractor provides services in accordance with the contract.

Work Week
Monday through Sunday (7 days per work week), unless otherwise specified.

2.2 Acronyms
Although not inclusive of every term used within this PWS, or that may be included in an acquisition, the following
provides a list of acronyms commonly used in the acquisition field.

ACOR Alternate Contracting Officer's Representative

AE Army in Europe
AFARS Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
AHA Activity Hazard Analysis
AOR Area of Responsibility
AR Army Regulation
AT Anti-terrorism
ATCTS Army Training Certification Tracking System
BOS-I Base Operations Support-Integrator
CAC Common Access Card
CCE Contracting Center of Excellence
CFE Conventional Forces Europe
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CONUS Continental United States (excludes Alaska and Hawaii)
COR Contracting Officer’s Representative
COTS Commercial-Off-the-Shelf
DA Department of the Army
DD250 Department of Defense Form 250 (Receiving Report)
DD254 Department of Defense Contract Security Requirement List
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center

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DoD Department of Defense

ESSA Eastern Syria Support Area
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
GFP Government Furnished Property
GOTM-B Gatekeeper on the Move-Biometrics
HLO High Level Objective
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
IA Information Awareness
IAC Installation Access Control
IACO Installation Access Control Office
ID Identification
IGCE Independent Government Cost Estimate
IT Information Technology
JTR Joint Travel Regulation
JPAS Joint Personnel Adjudication System
KO Contracting Officer
OCI Organizational Conflict of Interest
OCONUS Outside Continental United States (includes Alaska and Hawaii)
ODC Other Direct Costs
OPSEC Operations Security
PA Property Administrator
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PIPO Phase In/Phase Out
POC Point of Contact
PRS Performance Requirements Summary
PWS Performance Work Statement
QA Quality Assurance
QAP Quality Assurance Program
QASP Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan
QC Quality Control
QCP Quality Control Program
RA Requiring Activity
RCO Regional Contracting Office
SIGE Safety and Health Protection Plan
SLH Syrian Line Haul
TE Technical Exhibit
USAG United States Army Garrison
USCENTCOM United States Central Command
USG United States Government
UOM Unit of Measure


3. Government Property and Services

3.1 Services
The USG will coordinate to provide USG personnel and vehicles to conduct escort of Contractor vehicles upon entry
and while on Erbil Air Base (EAB). The USG also coordinates and provides security throughout the convoy
movement process from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR) to Syria (prograde) and back (retrograde). The Contractor
agrees to NOT hold the USG at fault for damages to Contractor equipment caused by acts of war, acts of the public
enemy, third parties, and acts of God.

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For every SLH truck order placed, the USG will provide the Contractor with a truck order form, complete with a
USG representative signature; the Contractor must sign and return the SLH truck order to the USG to acknowledge
SLH truck order placed for execution.

3.2 Facilities
The USG will NOT provide any facilities to the Contractor in support of performing work.

3.3 Utilities
The USG will NOT provide any utilities to the Contractor in support of performing work.

3.4 Equipment
The USG will NOT provide any equipment to the Contractor in support of performing work.

3.5 Special Tooling and Test Equipment

The USG will NOT provide any special tooling and test equipment to the Contractor in support of performing work.

3.6 Materials
The USG will NOT provide any materials to the Contractor in support of performing work, to include food, water
and fuel.

3.7 Training
The USG will NOT provide any training to the Contractor in support of performing work.

3.8 Common Access Cards (CAC)

The USG will NOT provide CAC to contracted employees.


4. Contractor Furnished Property and Services

4.1 General
The Contractor shall furnish all personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, transportation, tools, materials,
supervision, and other items necessary to perform services as described in the PWS and associated contract
documents, except for those items specified in Part 3 Government Property and Services.

4.2 Materials
The Contractor shall provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Office supplies and materials such as, paper,
printer cartridges, and all other office supplies and materials needed in the performance of this contract; automated
data processing equipment (ADPE) such as computers, copy, printer, and fax machines.

4.3 Vehicles and Equipment

The Contractor shall provide equipment that shall include but is not limited to: covered trucks, flatbed trailers, long
lowboy trailers, bobtail tractors, and refrigerated (reefer) trucks. The Contractor shall ensure that the long lowboy
trailers are of proper dimensions and capacities to carry equipment such as armored D9 dozers, rough terrain
container handlers (RTCH), front-end loaders, extra-large armored vehicles (M1-series Abrams Tanks, M2-series
Bradley Fighting Vehicles, etc.), Heavy Equipment Transporters (HET) and M1000 HET trailers, MAXXPROs,
cranes, and other equipment commonly used by the USG. In most cases, the largest military equipment/cargo the
Contractor will need to transport will weigh 148,000 lbs or less, be 622 inches long or less, be 157 inches wide or
less, and be 161 inches tall or less. The Contractor shall adhere to all special instructions in the SLH truck order
requiring transporting unusual or non-standard items. Additionally, the Contractor shall provide the following
equipment to properly secure cargo loads: tie-down devices, ratchet straps, extra-large tarps to cover large military
vehicles and equipment during transport, 3/8” chains and binders, and truck-mounted winches. The Contractor shall
provide the following long lowboy trailers for order: 3-axles, 4-axles, 5-axles, and 6-axles (with and without winch)
IAW the specifications denoted on the SLH truck orders.

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4.4 Background Checks

The Contractor shall provide vehicle operators who can pass Background Checks in accordance with this PWS and
as determined by the USG, per OIR CSSB S2 Intelligence Section Standing Operating Procedures.


5.1 Basic Services

The Contractor shall provide truck driver personnel, management, tools, supplies, equipment, materials, facilities,
supervision, and other non-personal services necessary to perform line haul services as directed by SLH truck orders
issued under this contract, to include, but not limited to, those specified in Section 4 of this PWS. There will be no
USG Furnished Property as a result of this contract.

5.2 Tasks

5.2.1 Class I Deliveries

For contracts that require delivery of food and water, the Contractor and associated sub-contractor employees
delivering food and water within an Army-controlled installation, facility, or area under this contract shall transport
the supplies in delivery conveyances (trailers, vehicles, containers) maintained to prevent tampering, adulteration or
contamination of the supplies. If applicable, refrigerated delivery conveyances shall be equipped to maintain a
temperature as required by the Schedule of Supplies/Services or as prescribed in the individual SLH truck orders.
All delivery conveyances will be subject to inspection at all times and in all places by the KO, COR, and the Base
Veterinarian. Delivery conveyances will always be locked or sealed except when actively loading or unloading. All
incoming drivers and operators shall provide adequate identification upon request.

5.2.2 Driver and Truck Information List

Within eight hours of receiving an SLH truck order, the Contractor will provide the COR with a driver and truck
information list that will be used during the execution of the SLH truck order. This will initiate the process of
obtaining installation access clearance where necessary for USG controlled areas. The driver and truck information
list shall be in Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet format and include the following categories: Truck Plate#,
Driver Name, Company, Year, Make, Type, VIN #, Mobile/Cellular Phone #, JINSEYAH or National ID #, Date of
Birth, Place of Birth and Tribe. Any changes to the list must be immediately coordinated with and communicated to
the COR.

5.2.3 Passengers
The Contractor shall not allow passengers to travel in the convoy. Each truck should be driven/operated by only one
assigned driver per Ground Lines of Communication (GLOC) convoy mission.

5.2.4 Contractor Supplied Vehicles

The Contractor shall provide vehicles/equipment on the truck order, including 40-foot covered trailers, long lowboy
trailers, 40-foot flatbed trailers, bobtail tractors, and reefer (refrigerator) trucks. The Contractor shall provide
serviceable vehicles and operators according to the SLH truck order. The OIR CSSB Mobility Team may visually
inspect every truck. When a truck is deemed questionable, the SLH COR shall make a final determination if the
truck is mission capable. All provided equipment must be in good operational order. Tires must be in serviceable
condition for the safety of the Contractor’s drivers, the public, and the transported USG cargo. All vehicles and
equipment delivered by the Contractor shall have a FULL tank of fuel, and interior/exterior cargo areas shall be
clean to prevent damage to cargo.

5.2.5 Long Lowboy Trailer Specifications

The Contractor shall ensure that the long lowboy trailers are of proper dimensions to carry equipment such as
dozers, rough terrain container handlers (RTCH), front-end loaders, extra-large armored vehicles (M1-series Abrams
Tanks, M2-series Bradley Fighting Vehicles, etc.), Heavy Equipment Transporters (HET), MAXXPROs, cranes, and
other equipment commonly used by the USG. In most cases, the largest military equipment/cargo the Contractor
will need to transport will weigh 148,000 lbs or less, be 622 inches long or less, be 157 inches wide or less, and be
161 inches tall or less. In addition, the Contractor shall adhere to all special instructions in the SLH truck order when
required to transport unusual or non-standard items.

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5.2.6 Load Securing Equipment

The Contractor shall ensure that cargo on line haul assets are properly secured to ensure safety during movement,
IAW SDDC PAM 55-20. The Contractor shall provide equipment during transport, 3/8” chains and binders, and
truck mounted winches.

5.2.7 Transporting Military Equipment & Vehicles

The contractor shall ensure all military equipment/vehicles are tarped while transported during prograde, intra-
theater, and retrograde operations. Contractor remains liable for any damage caused to military equipment during
transport. If equipment is not damaged when loaded, but damage is discovered during unloading, there is a
presumption that the damage was incurred during transport.
5.2.8 Insurance
The contractor shall purchase DBA insurance only from carriers that are authorized to provide such coverage by the
United States Department of Labor (DoL). This requirement also applies to all subcontractors. The DoL maintains a
website that contains a complete list of authorized insurance carriers: http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dlhwc/lscarrier.htm.
Carriers authorized to provide DBA insurance are identified with the letters “DB” in the column titled “Acts
Covered.” The DBA must be for the full term of the contract; no work will commence until the contracting officer
receives a paid DBA Insurance receipt and a notice to proceed is issued.

5.2.9 Equipment Inspections & Maintenance

The Contractor shall inspect line haul transportation and equipment and correct defects and required repairs to
ensure the equipment operates safely. All equipment provided by the Contractor shall pass a functions check by the
COR before being accepted by the USG for performance under the contract. The Contractor shall perform
preventative maintenance services in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The Contractor shall
furnish the USG copies of its maintenance service records upon request. In accordance with the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Title 49-Transportation, Volume 1, Chapter III, Federal Motor Carrier safety Administration,
Department of Transportation.

5.2.10 Inoperable Vehicles

For line haul services or convoy operations, the contractor shall repair or replace any inoperable vehicle within six
hours of notification by the USG. The USG will not be held liable for payment of non-operational vehicles that are
not rectified within this time frame.

5.2.11 Contractor Availability/Responsiveness

The Contractor or the Contractor’s designated representative shall be available to the COR and KO twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week. The Contractor or the Contractor’s designated representative must respond to the
COR and KO within one hour of the sent communications requiring a response. The Contractor shall inform the
COR of issues or potential issues that might affect performance within one clock hour of identifying said issues.
Verbal reports shall be followed up by written reports within three days.

5.2.12 Serious Incident/Accident Report

The Contractor will provide incident information immediately upon knowledge of the incident to the COR. Any
accidents involving civilians will be immediately reported to the COR and KO. Serious incidents/accidents may
include (but are not limited to) vehicle collision, cargo damage, cargo disappearance, driver/Soldier injury during
driving and/or cargo upload/download procedures.

5.2.13 Pilferage Plan

The pilferage plan shall outline the contractor’s strategy to monitor the transportation process for potential pilferage
opportunities at origins, along routes, and destinations; incident reporting procedures; and strategy for the immediate
recovery of pilfered assets. This plan shall be furnished to the COR and KO within 10 days of the contract award.

5.2.14 Safety Plan

The Contractor shall establish a safety plan. The COR shall document reviewing the Contractor’s safety plan before
the execution of the contract. The Contractor shall ensure safety procedures are in effect to guarantee that operations

Page 18 of 31

are performed safely. This plan shall be furnished to the COR and KO within 10 days of the contract award and on
request of the KO or if changes are made.

5.2.15 Combatting Trafficking in Persons (CTIP)

The contractor shall comply with clause 52.222-50 Combatting Trafficking in Persons (included in the solicitation
and contract award and can be found in full text at https://www.acquisition.gov/). The Contractor shall notify its
employees of the USG’s zero tolerance policy described in this clause and the actions that will be taken against
employees for violations of this policy. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, removal from the contract,
reduction in benefits, or termination of employment.

5.2.16 Licensed/Trained Operators

All Contractor personnel operating transportation equipment shall have valid operator qualifications or driver’s
licenses to operate such equipment. The Contractor shall ensure all operators meet the required licensing and/or
operational certifications where the equipment will be used. The Contractor shall provide a list of its licensed or
certified operators with proof of licensing or certification to the COR or KO upon request. In addition, each operator
shall always have a copy of the license and/or certificate. The Contractor shall also be prepared to provide a cell
phone number, date of birth, place of birth, Nationality, and tribe information for each driver/operator ever utilized
in performing any truck order. All Drivers selected for convoy movement must remain eligible to travel and fulfill
the requirements of the mission.
5.2.17 Inspection/Deficiencies
Prior to acceptance by the USG, all work, equipment, and locations will be inspected. All equipment is subject to a
functions check. The Contractor shall be available to correct deficiencies in accordance with the time frames
specified in this PWS.

5.2.18 Hazardous Material

The Contractor shall be responsible for any hazardous material while operating line haul transportation and
equipment (i.e., oil, fuel, fluids). In the event of contamination to the existing soil, the Contractor shall remediate the
contaminated site within forty-eight hours or as directed by the KO, local Host Nation, or authorized USG
personnel. The Contractor shall ensure that remediating materials are available for immediate use during the
execution of each truck order in case an incident occurs.

5.2.19 Personal Protective Equipment

The Contractor shall provide all personal protective equipment (PPE) to equipment operators. PPE items, including
but not limited to safety steel-toe shoes, coveralls or equivalent, safety goggles, eye protection, hearing protection,
hard hats, and gloves, may be needed to comply with local equipment operation policies. Required PPE should be
determined in accordance with USG Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local host nation
regulations, and appropriate military service policies.

5.2.20 Transparency in Order Fulfillment

Contractors are responsible for notifying the Contracting Officer, prior to performance, of insufficient vehicles or
funds remaining under the relevant task order for any assigned request made by the Contracting Officer
Representative, to include those under Attachment 4. Contractors risk not being compensated by the United States
Government for those orders placed in excess of amounts on the relevant task order as the Contracting Officer
Representative has no authority to place orders in excess of amounts awarded in Task Orders.


6.1 Applicable Publications (Current Editions)

The following publications, manuals, regulations, forms etc. are mentioned in this PWS and are listed below.

 Department Of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification (DD Form 254)

 Department of Defense Security Agreement (DD Form 441)
 National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DoD 5220.22-M)
 Installation Access Control (AE Reg 190-16)

Page 19 of 31

 The Army Physical Security Program (AR 190-13)

 Contractor Identification (AE Reg 27-715)
 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385-1-1)
 Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program (DoD 8570-M)
 Information Assurance Training Certification and Workforce Management Directive (DoDD 8570.01)
 Information Assurance (AR 25-2)
 Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2004/108/EC)
 Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability (AR 735-5)
 Federal Acquisition Regulations (https://www.acquisition.gov)
 Environmental Protection & Enhancement (AR 200-1)
 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49-Transportation, Volume 1, Chapter III, Federal Motor Carrier
safety Administration, Department of Transportation


7. Attachment and Technical Exhibit List

Technical Exhibit A – Performance Requirements Summary

Technical Exhibit B – Deliverables Schedule

Attachment 1 – Combatting Trafficking in Persons (CTIP)

Performance Requirements Summary (PRS)


PRS#1 - PWS para 5.2.2 Contractor provides the Driver and 80% Compliance; no more than 3
Truck Information List within eight (8) discrepancies found per month
The Contractor shall provide drivers hours of receiving the SLH truck order
& trucks list. from COR.
PRS#2 - PWS para 5.2.4 All vehicles arrive clean with tires in a 100% Compliance; zero deviations
serviceable condition and full fuel tank. from the standard.
The Contractor shall supply vehicles
for line haul.
PRS#3 - PWS para 5.2.6 Cargo is properly secured IAW SDDC 100% Compliance; zero deviations
PAM 55-20. Inspections conducted on from the standard.
The Contractor shall ensure proper load day.
Cargo Tie-Down procedures.
PRS#4 - PWS para 5.2.7 Contractor shall ensure that all US 100% Compliance; zero deviations
Military equipment and vehicles are from the standard.
The Contractor shall execute tarped during transport to and from
contractor responsibilities. Syria.
PRS #5 - PWS para 5.2.8 Purchase DBA Insurance for the full 100% Compliance; zero deviations
term of the contract and provide receipt from the standard.
to Contracting Office.
PRS#6 - PWS para 5.2.9 & 5.2.17 Contractor conducts routine 100% Compliance; zero deviations
maintenance and quality inspections on from the standard.
The Contractor shall complete commercial trucks provided.
equipment inspection &

Page 20 of 31

PRS#7 - PWS para 5.2.10 Contractor shall repair/replace any 100% Compliance; zero deviations
deficient/inoperable vehicle within 6 from the standard.
The Contractor shall recover hours of notification by the USG
inoperable vehicles. (COR).
PRS#8 - PWS para 5.2.11 Contractor/Contractor’s designated 100% Compliance; zero deviations
Contractor representative shall respond to from the standard.
communications from the COR and KO
The Contractor shall remain that require a response or
available and responsive. acknowledgement within
one (1) hour of the sent message (text or
PRS#9 - PWS para 5.2.12 Contractor shall report any and all 100% Compliance; zero deviations
serious incidents. from the standard.
The Contractor shall provide serious
incident / accident report (SIR).
PRS#10 - PWS para 5.2.15 Combatting Trafficking In 100% Compliance; zero deviations
Persons: Contractor shall not engage in from the standard.
The Contractor shall comply with any form of human trafficking.
clause 52.222-50 Combat
Trafficking in Persons.
PRS#11 - PWS para 5.2.16 All contract employees have valid 100% Compliance; zero deviations
operator qualifications. from the standard.
The Contractor shall provide
licensed / trained operators.
PRS#12 - PWS para 5.2.18 Contractor properly manages all 100% Compliance; zero deviations
HAZMAT. from the standard.
The Contractor shall handle
hazardous material responsibly /
IAW USG regulation.
PRS#13 - PWS para 5.2.19 All contract employees have and use 100% Compliance; zero deviations
required Personal Protective Equipment from the standard.
The Contractor shall provide (PPE).
Personal Protective
Equipment to employees.


Deliverable Frequency # of Copies Medium/Format Submit To

A.001 Once – with proposal and no One each Electronic delivery Directly to the
Quality Control Plan later than 30 days prior to any via email using KO
(paragraph 1.6.1) anticipated changes. Microsoft Office
Word or Power Point

A.002 At the time of proposal, as One each Electronic delivery Directly to the
Security Program PII/background changes, and via email using KO, COR, and
(prargraph 1.8.1 & every time drivers report to Microsoft Office OIR CSSB S2
sub-paragraphs) EAB to execute a SLH truck Excel 2013

Page 21 of 31

Deliverable Frequency # of Copies Medium/Format Submit To

A.003 Every time USG places a SLH One each Electronic delivery To the SLH
Vehicle & Driver truck order. via email using mailbox:
Assignment / Microsoft Office [email protected]
Identification Excel 2013
(Drivers List)
A.004 Within 3 days after contract One each Electronic delivery To KO via COR
Installation Pass Log award; changes within 5 days via email using
(paragraph after any changes. Microsoft Office
Excel or Word 2013

A.005 Collect driver access passes One each In-person delivery Directly to COR
Individual same day as individual’s via the COR to the
Termination / employment expiration; return issuing office
Expiration of to the issuing office within 1 day
Employment after expiration.
A.006 Collect all employee access One each In-person delivery Directly to COR
Contract passes and return to issuing via the COR to the
Termination office within 3 days of contract issuing office
(paragraph termination/cancellation.
A.007 Once, no later than during the One each Electronic delivery Directly to KO
Local National/TCN post-award meeting. via email using
documents for Microsoft Office
working on a US Excel or Word 2013
(paragraph 1.8.3)
A.008 Once, no later than during the One each Electronic delivery To KO via COR
Key Personnel post-award meeting. via email using
Designation Microsoft Office
(paragraph 1.11) Excel or Word 2013

A.009 A listing of issued ID cards shall One each Electronic delivery To KO via COR
Contractor be furnished to the Contracting via email using
Identification Officer prior to the contract Microsoft Office
Badges (paragraph performance date and updated as Excel or Word 2013
1.13) needed to reflect Contractor
personnel changes.
A.010 No later than five days prior to One each Electronic delivery To KO via COR
Non-Disclosure commencement of work under via email using
Statements the contract. Adobe PDF
(paragraph 1.18)
A.011 Complete no later than 10 days One each certificate Electronic delivery Directly to COR
AT Level I Training after contract award; provide per trained via email using
(paragraph 1.22.1) certificates of completion no contractor employee Adobe PDF
later than 5 days after training
A.012 Complete no later than 10 days One each signed Electronic delivery Directly to COR
iWATCH Training after contract award; report training roster, via email using
(paragraph 1.22.2) training results no later than 15 accounting for all Adobe PDF
days after contract award. contractor

Page 22 of 31

Deliverable Frequency # of Copies Medium/Format Submit To

A.013 No later than 10 days post- One each Electronic delivery To KO via COR
Pilferage Plan contract award. via email using
(paragraph 5.2.13) Adobe PDF

A.014 No later than 10 days post- One each Electronic delivery To KO via COR
Safety Plan contract award. via email using
(paragraph 5.2.14) Adobe PDF

Page 23 of 31


The Contractor shall not engage in human trafficking under penalty of contract forfeiture. The COR is the primary
line of defense against human trafficking. He or she must be able to recognize the signs and take appropriate action
as required. Listed below is a list of indicators and resources. The latest international resource links can be found
through the links below. The posting of flyers found on the below website is encouraged.

To request help or report suspected human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline
at 1-888-373-7888. Or text INFO or HELP to the Resource Center at: Be Free (233733).

Common Work and Living Conditions/Situation of Trafficked Persons:

The Individual(s) in Question:

 Is not free to leave or come and go as he/she wishes
 Is under 18 and is providing commercial sex acts
 Is in the commercial sex industry and has a pimp/manager
 Is unpaid, paid very little, or paid only through tips
 Works excessively long and/or unusual hours
 Is not allowed breaks or suffers under unusual restrictions at work
 Owes a large debt and is unable to pay it off
 Was recruited through false promises concerning the nature and conditions of his/her work
 High security measures exist in the work and/or living locations (e.g. opaque windows, boarded up
windows, bars on windows, barbed wire, security cameras, etc.)

Exhibits Poor Mental Health or Abnormal Behavior:

 Is fearful, anxious, depressed, submissive, tense, or nervous/paranoid
 Exhibits unusually fearful or anxious behavior after bringing up law enforcement
 Avoids eye contact

Exhibits Poor Physical Health:

 Lacks health care
 Appears malnourished
 Shows signs of physical and/or sexual abuse, physical restraint, confinement, or torture

Lack of Control:
 Has few or no personal possessions
 Is not in control of his/her own money, possesses no financial records, nor bank account
 Is not in control of his/her own identification documents (ID or passport)
 Is not allowed or able to speak for themselves (a third party may insist on being present and/or translating)
 Claims of just visiting and inability to clarify where he/she is staying/address
 Lack of knowledge of whereabouts and/or does not know what city he/she is in
 Loss of sense of time
 Has numerous inconsistencies in his/her story

This list is not exhaustive and represents only a selection of possible indicators. Also, the red flags in this list may
not be present in all trafficking cases and are not cumulative. Learn more at www.traffickingresourcecenter.org

(End of PWS)

Page 24 of 31


The following have been added by reference:

252.215-7007 Notice of Intent to Resolicit JUN 2012

The following have been modified:

52.212-1 ADDENDUM

1. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: Contractor must include the following items in the proposal response package
to be considered for award. Complete in its entirety the “Offeror” portion of the Standard Form 1449 (Blocks 30a,
30b & 30c). An official having the authority to bind your company contractually must sign and date the SF 1449.
One copy of the SF 1449 must bear an original, authorized signature. Offerors shall insert the per unit price for all
contract line items numbers. The U.S. Government reserves the right to request additional pricing information after
receipt and evaluation of quotes. The vendor shall fill in the check boxes in clauses/provisions 52.204-24, -25, and -
26 as applicable.

2. PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS: Submission of Proposal and questions shall be via email to the Contract Specialist
Timothy Johnson at [email protected], the Contracting Office at [email protected] and
Contracting Officer Pedro Costas at [email protected]. The subject of the email shall state “W56KGZ-
23-R-6000 Syrian Line Haul”. Offerors are required to acknowledge solicitation by completing blocks 30a and 30c
and signing block 30b of the SF1449. Offerors agree to hold prices firm for 90 calendar days from the date specified
for receipt of quote.

3. DEADLINE: Parties interested in providing responses to the RFP are required to submit a quote to the Contract
Specialist Timothy Johnson at [email protected], Contracting Office at [email protected], and
Contracting Officer Pedro Costas at [email protected] no later than the proposal due date annotated in
block 8. RFIs due NLT 24 July 2023 12:00PM Local Iraq Time. Offeror’s may submit modifications to their
proposal at any time before the solicitation closing date and time and may submit modifications in response to any
amendment(s), or to correct a mistake at any time before award.

4. CURRENCY: The proposal shall be in Iraqi Dinar (IQD). Failure to submit offers in IQD shall render the
vendor(s) proposal unacceptable. Award will be made IQD. Payments shall be made via Electronic Funds Transfer
(EFT), unless circumstances beyond a contractor’s control prevent this.

5. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for award, all offerors must be registered and approved in the JOINT
solicitation close date. In addition, all subcontractors at Tier 1 level who will be contracted by the prime (including a
U.S. prime contractors) during the life of the contract must be registered in JCCS by the award date or within 30
days of contract if unknown at award.

Vendors, including subcontractors at the Tier 1 level must input current and authentic copies of the following
documents into JCCS to complete the JCCS registration process:

1. A valid and current SAM Unique Entity Identification (UEI) or valid and current CAGE or NATO Cage Code.

Page 25 of 31

2. A current and valid Articles of Association, and/or current Letter of Incorporation. This information is not
required if it is a sole proprietor company.
3. A business license.
4. A Tax Identification Number, trade license, tax clearance letter, commerce license, or any other country specialty
5. Completed questionnaires is JCCS with signed certification within six months prior to review.
6. Current and valid photo identification of all owners and/or board of directors and all key employees.

The vendor/offeror must submit a listing of all proposed subcontractors, at the Tier 1 level, to the KO by the close of
the solicitation. If no subcontractors are expected to perform during the life of the contract, the prime must submit a
negative response to the contracting officer before the award date. Failure to be registered in JCCS at the prime and
subcontractor levels and failure to inform the contracting officer of the names of all subcontractors (or provide a
negative reply) may deem the vendor/offeror non-responsive and ineligible for award.

A “subcontractor” means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm (company) that furnishes supplies or services to
or for a prime contractor or for another subcontractor.” For US contractors who are registered in the System for
Award Management (SAM), registration is completed by providing the DUNS Number and CAGE Code on the
Company Questionnaire and uploading the Questionnaire into JCCS.


Volume I Technical (Factor I)

The offeror’s technical submission shall detail a sound and feasible approach to address all applicable requirements
of the RFP, PWS, and associated attachments. It shall further demonstrate the offeror’s understanding of the
requirement and the resources required for performance. The Technical factor are categorized as follows:

Instructions Subfactor 1 – Technical Approach

The offeror shall submit a written technical approach proposal, which addresses the Performance Work Statement
(PWS) and all aspects of the solicitation requirements. The offeror shall describe how it will successfully complete
the tasks and the technical requirements of the PWS and key personnel requirements. At least 1 of the 2 key
personnel listed below are required to speak English.

Note: Statements that the offeror understands, can, or will comply with the specifications, and phrases such as
“standard procedures will be employed” or “well known techniques will be used” etc. will be considered

Instructions Subfactor 2 – Quality Control Plan (QCP)

The offeror shall submit a notional Quality Control Plan to ensure services are performed in accordance with the
PWS. The QCP shall describe the procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services.
The QCP shall also describes the procedures that address the areas identified in Technical Exhibit 1, “Performance
Requirements Summary (PRS)” of the PWS and compliance with all the terms of conditions of the Section 5,
Specific Tasks, of the PWS.

Instructions Subfactor 3 – Pilferage Plan

The offeror shall submit a notional Pilferage Plan that outlines the offeror’s strategy to monitor the transportation
process for potential pilferage opportunities at origins, along routes, and at destinations, incident reporting
procedures, and strategy for the immediate recovery of pilfered assets.

Volume II – Price (Factor II)

a) In order to maintain a minimum level of commonality between proposals, each offeror is required to complete in
its entirety the one (1) worksheet included in the Pricing Schedule (RFP Attachment 01).

Page 26 of 31

The Government shall provide the monthly quantity for each truck types. The offeror shall insert the proposed prices
for each truck type and the estimated prices for the Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance in the respective Unit Price
cells. The remainder of the cells will be automatically calculated with the built-in formula. The Pricing Schedule
(RFP Attachment 01) shall be sent in a file format that includes all formulas, macro, and format information. Print
image is not acceptable.

b) For proposal preparation purchases, the expected date for initiation of contract performance is 11 September

c) Offeror shall submit price proposal in Iraqi Dinar (IQD). The failure to submit offers in IQD shall render the
offeror’s proposal unacceptable.

d) Special Instructions

o Each task order will be for an estimated quantity per each vehicle that the USG predicts they will need based on
the timeframe identified in the Task Order’s Period of Performance. The COR will send the contractor a SLH Truck
Order Form (Attachment 04) with their signature and the contractor will send back a signed copy to the COR and
the Contracting Office at [email protected].

o Loading will be conducted at either the Syrian Logistics Cell Yard (SLC Yard) or Movement Control Team Yard
(MCT Yard). Specific locations for delivery in Syria will be coordinated for each SLH Truck Order. The contractor
agrees to hold the US government harmless for damages to their equipment caused by acts of war, acts of the public
enemy, third parties, and acts of God.

The contractor agrees not to hold the US government liable for damages to their equipment caused by acts of war,
acts of the public enemy, third parties, and acts of God.

Volume III – Past Performance (Factor III)

a) The offeror shall only submit no more than three (3) past performance references that is/are considered recent and

Recent past performance is determined to be ongoing projects or projects completed within the last three (3) years
from the date of issuance of this solicitation.

Relevant past performance is determined to have combined present and past performance effort involved similar
scope and magnitude (not less than $10 million USD equivelant) of effort and complexities this solicitation requires.

b) The offeror shall provide narrative descriptions outlining the offeror’s past performance with contracts, as a prime
or major subcontractor, which is the same or similar scope and magnitude (not less than $10 million USD
equivelant) in nature, size, and complexity to the service being procured under this solicitation. The submittal shall
include rationale supporting your assertion of relevance and how it was determined that the work performed
previously was the same or similar scope and magnitude in nature, size, and complexity to the work specified by this
solicitation. Offerors shall explain what aspects of the contracts/orders are deemed relevant to the proposed effort,
and to what aspects of the proposed effort they relate. At a minimum, the information required to complete
“Attachment 03 - Experience Information Sheet” will be included in the narrative descriptions of each of the
offeror’s contracts offered as examples of past performance. Completed Attachment 02 – Past Performance
(Revised) is also encouraged.
c) Past Performance Volume III shall contain the following information specified under the “Experience Information
Sheet” for each of the past performance reference submitted to demonstrate recent and relevant past performance.

Past Performance Sheet

1) Contract/Order/Call Number & Award Date

2) Price

Page 27 of 31

3) Period of Performance/Delivery Schedule.

a. Original completion/delivery date (if applicable)
b. Revised completion/delivery date (if applicable)
4) Contact Information – Address and phone number for the Government (or commercial) procuring contracting
activity and contract administrative activity (if applicable).
5) Contracting Officer’s Name, e-mail address, and phone number
6) Contracting Officer’s Representative’s Name, e-mail address, and phone number
7) Rational/Relevancy Descriptions


a) Award will made to a single offeror who is deemed responsible, whose proposal conforms to the solicitation, and
whose proposal, judged by an overall assessment of the factors and sub factors evaluation criteria and other
considerations specified in this solicitation, represents the best value.

b) Trade-offs between price and non-price factors are permitted. Inaccurate or incomplete price proposals may be
grounds for eliminating a proposal from competition.

c) All responsive proposals will be evaluated for priced and non-priced factors using ordinal rankings.

d) Discussions: As set forth in FAR 52.212-1(g), the Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a single
contract without discussions with offerors (except clarifications as described in FAR 15.306(a), Clarifications and
award without discussions); however, the Government reserves the right to hold discussions if later determined by
the Contracting Officer to be in the best interest of the Government. Therefore, the offeror’s initial proposal should
contain the offeror’s best terms from a price and technical standpoint. The Government reserves the right to seek
clarification of an offer/proposal if the Contracting Officer (KO) determines clarification necessary.


The contractor shall purchase DBA insurance only from carriers that are authorized to provide such coverage by the
United States Department of Labor (DoL). This requirement also applies to all subcontractors. The DoL maintains a
website that contains a complete list of authorized insurance carriers: http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dlhwc/lscarrier.htm.
Carriers authorized to provide DBA insurance are identified with the letters “DB” in the column titled “Acts


The following have been modified:

52.212-2 ADDENDUM
ADDENDUM TO 52.212-2 Evaluation – Commercia Products and Commercial Services

Basis for Award: Trade-Off

1. Award will made using FAR 15 to a single offeror who is deemed responsible, whose proposal conforms to the
solicitation, and whose proposal, judged by an overall assessment of the factors and sub factors evaluation criteria
and other considerations specified in this solicitation, represents the best value.
2. Trade-offs between price and non-price factors are permitted. Inaccurate or incomplete price proposals may be
grounds for eliminating a proposal from competition.
3. All responsive proposals will be evaluated for priced and non-priced factors using adjectival rankings.
4. Discussions: As set forth in FAR 52.212-1(g), the Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a single
contract without discussions with offerors (except clarifications as described in FAR 15.306(a), Clarifications and

Page 28 of 31

award without discussions); however, the Government reserves the right to hold discussions if later determined by
the Contracting Officer to be in the best interest of the Government. Therefore, the offeror’s initial proposal should
contain the offeror’s best terms from a price and technical standpoint. The Government reserves the right to seek
clarification of an offer/proposal if the Contracting Officer (KO) determines clarification necessary.
5. Evaluation Procedure will be as follows:
a. All proposals will be reviewed for timeliness. If the proposal is received after the closing date, the proposal
will not be opened.
b. Timely proposals will be reviewed for compliance to the solicitation. If the proposal does not comply with
the requirements of the solicitation, the proposal will not be evaluated further and the offeror will be notified
that the proposal is non-compliant.
c. All responsive proposals will be evaluated for price and non-priced will be evaluated using adjectival ratings
being assigned for all non-price factors.
d. All responsive and responsible proposals will be evaluated for past performance. Past performance
information is one indicator of an offeror’s ability to perform the contract 41 successfully.
e. The Government reserves the right to refrain from awarding to any offeror in the event that all offerors
progressing beyond the evaluation are determined to have offered pricing that is not considered fair and
reasonable. The award shall be based on the best value. To arrive at an award decision, the Contracting
Officer (KO) will integrate the evaluation results based on the identified evaluation factors. To be eligible
for award, a proposal must be deemed responsive, having met the requirements of all factors and subfactors
(Technical Factor and Subfactors, Past Performance, and Price), and have a rating no worse that marginal on
any factor.
f. Non-price factors when combined is approximately equal in importance to price. Therefore, Factor I is
equal to Factor III and Factor II is approximately equal to Factor I & III combined. Each subfactor of Factor
I are equal in weight when combining to determine the adjectival rating for Factor I.
g. The Government will conduct evaluations using the best value approach and may utilize FAR 15 for
Evaluation Approach and Factors for Award, considering solely the offeror’s response to this RFP. The
offeror shall submit a proposal which demonstrates its ability to perform and meet the requirements in the
PWS. If an offeror provides a proposal which merely repeats the PWS without elaboration, or fails to present
more than a statement indicating its capability to comply with the RFP terms with no support or detail how
they will perform, the offeror will be determined non-responsive and removed from consideration for award.
By responding to this RFP, the offeror agrees to meet all the requirements incorporated herein, including
those listed in the PWS and any applicable attachments.
6. Evaluation Factors:
1. Three (3) factors with three (3) subfactors will be used to evaluate offeror’s proposals:
a. Factor I: Technical
i. Subfactor 1: Technical Approach
ii. Subfactor 2: Quality Control Plan
iii. Subfactor 3: Pilferage Plan
b. Factor II: Price
c. Factor III: Past Performance
A. Factor I: Technical
The Government will evalute and assign the combined Technical Subfactor according to Table 2 and assign a rating
to each subfactor according to Table 3.
Table 2
Adjectival Rating Description
Outstanding Proposal demonstrates an exceptional approach and understanding of the
requirements and contains multiple strengths and/or at least one significant
strength, and risk of unsuccessful performance is low.

Good Proposal indicates a thorough approach and understanding of the

requirements and contains at least one strength or significant strength, and
risk of unsuccessful performance is low to moderate.

Page 29 of 31

Acceptable Proposal meets requirements and indicates an adequate approach and

understanding of the requirements, and risk of unsuccessful performance is
no worse than moderate.
Marginal Proposal has not demonstrated an adequate approach and understanding of
the requirements, and/or risk of unsuccessful performance is high.

Unacceptable Proposal does not meet requirements of the solicitation and, thus, contains
one or more deficiencies and is unawardable, and/or risk of performance is
unacceptably high.

Table 3
Adjectival Rating Description
Outstanding Proposal demonstrates an exceptional approach and understanding of the
requirements, contains multiple strengths and/or at least one significant

Good Proposal demonstrates a thorough approach and understanding of the

requirements and contains at least one strength or significant strength.

Acceptable Proposal demonstrates an adequate approach and understanding of the


Marginal Proposal has not demonstrated an adequate approach and understanding of

the requirements.

Unacceptable Proposal does not meet requirements of the solicitation and, thus, contains
one or more deficiencies and is un-awardable.

Subfactor 1: Technical Approach

The Government will evaluate all responsive and responsible offeror’s technical approach to ensure it demonstrates
a clear understanding of the Performance Work Statement (PWS) and provides evidence of the ability to accomplish
all such requirements. The approach must demonstrate how the contractor will successfully complete the tasks and
the technical requirements of the PWS and key personnel requirements.
Note: Statements that the offeror understands, can, or will comply with the specifications, and phrases such as
“standard procedures will be employed” or “well” known techniques will be used” etc. will be considered
Subfactor 2: Quality Control Plan (QCP)
The Government will evaluate the Quality Control Plan (QCP) to confirm procedures to identify, prevent, and
ensure non-recurrence of defective services as well as 44 these procedures address the areas identified in Technical
Exhibit 1, “Performance Requirements Summary (PRS)” of the PWS and comply with all the terms and conditions
of the Part 5, Specific Tasks of the PWS.
Subfactor 3: Pilferage Plan
The Government will evaluate the Pilferage Plan to ensure the offeror submits a Pilferage Plan that adequately
outlines the offeror’s strategy to monitor the transportation process for potential pilferage opportunities at origins,
along routes, and at destinations, incident-reporting procedures, and strategy for the immediate recovery of pilfered
B. Factor II: Price

Page 30 of 31

The price will be evaluated for all responsive and responsible offeror. The Government will evaluate offeror’s price
to determine fair and reasonableness.
Total Evaluated Price (TEP):
The estimated amount proposed Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance, Contract Line Item Number 0006 will not be
evaluated nor included in the TEP; however, the cost of DBA insurance will be included in the total contract
Reasonableness: For a price to be reasonable, it must represent a price to the Government that a prudent person
would pay in the conduct of competitive business. The Government will determine price fair and reasonableness
using one or more of the price analysis techniques at FAR 15.404-1(b)(2). Generally, prices offered in anticipation
of price competition are reasonable.
C. Factor III: Past Performance
Past performance is a measure of the degree to which an offeror, as an organization, has satisfied its customers, and
efficiently and effectively managed their contracts on projects of similar scope and magnitude. Past performance
history will be used to gauge the level of risk. The Past Performance evaluation will assess the offeror’s probability
of successfully performing the required effort as indicated by: (1) past performance reference provided by the
offeror (at a minimum, the information required to complete “Attachment 03 - Experience Information Sheet”), (2)
Past performance questionnaires (pages 1-3 of “Attachment 02 – Past Performance”) and (3) data independently
obtained from other Government and commercial sources available.
i. Recent past performance is determined to be ongoing projects or projects completed within the last three
(3) years from the date of issuance of this solicitation.
ii. Relevant past performance is determined to have combined present and past performance effort involved
similar scope and magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires.
iii. Offerors without a record of recent and relevant past performance or for whom information on past
performance is not available or so sparse that no meaningful past performance rating can be reasonably
assigned, the offeror may not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on past performance. Therefore, the
offeror will be determined neutral. In the investigation of an offeror’s past performance, the Government
has the right to contact the former customers, government agencies, and other private and public sources of
information. The Government will evaluate the offeror’s Past Performance on an adjectival basis and assign
a rating as defined below in Table 1.

TABLE 1 – Past Performance

Rating Definition
Substantial Confidence Based on the offeror’s recent/relevant performance record, the
Government has a high expectation that the offeror will successfully
perform the required effort.
Satisfactory Confidence Based on the offeror’s recent/relevant performance record, the
Government has a reasonable expectation that the offeror will
successfully perform the required effort.
Neutral Confidence No recent/relevant performance record is available or the offeror’s
performance record is so sparse that no meaningful confidence
assessment rating can be reasonably assigned.
The offeror may not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on the factor
of past performance
Limited Confidence Based on the offeror’s recent/relevant performance record, the
Government has a low expectation that the offeror will successfully
perform the required effort.
No Confidence Based on the offeror’s recent/relevant performance record, the
Government has no expectation that the offeror will be able to
successfully perform the required effort.



Page 31 of 31


CLIN 0006
The contract type has changed from FFP to COST.
The pricing detail quantity has changed from 5.00 to UNDEFINED.


DBA Insurance
The contractor shall purchase DBA insurance only from carriers that are
authorized to provide such coverage by the United States Department of Labor
(DoL). This requirement also applies to all subcontractors. The DoL maintains a
website that contains a complete list of authorized insurance carriers:
http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dlhwc/lscarrier.htm. Carriers authorized to provide
DBA insurance are identified with the letters “DB” in the column titled “Acts
FOB: Destination
PSC CD: V112


(End of Summary of Changes)

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