1 s2.0 S2772671123003030 Main
1 s2.0 S2772671123003030 Main
1 s2.0 S2772671123003030 Main
Keywords: In this paper, a standalone photovoltaic (PV)-battery storage (BS) based microgrid (MG) is presented with a
Dual VSCs 415V-AC bus. The PV array is linked to the main voltage source converter (VSC1) DC-link to maximize power
PV array production in an efficient and cost-effective single-stage structure. This is achieved through an incremental
MPPT-based INC algorithm
conductance (INC) maximum power point (MPP) tracking approach. Moreover, a secondary converter (VSC2) is
PR controller
Battery storage
connected to BS for power flow management. MG performance is evaluated under various operating conditions.
Steady-state and dynamic performances of MG are studied for variations such as changes in solar PV irradiance
and load unbalances.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Singh).
Received 5 November 2023; Received in revised form 8 December 2023; Accepted 17 December 2023
Available online 19 December 2023
2772-6711/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
• Clean and Renewable: Solar PV systems generate electricity without maintenance, the other compensates, ensuring continuous power
emitting greenhouse gases or pollutants during operation, making supply. This fault-tolerant operation contributes to the resilience of
them a clean and environmentally friendly energy source. the power system.
• Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Solar PV plays a crucial role in 4) Improved Voltage and Frequency Control: Parallel operation enables
reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, helping to mitigate climate better control over voltage and frequency in the power system. VSCs
change by decreasing the overall carbon footprint of the energy actively regulate these parameters, helping to maintain stable and
sector. reliable power delivery.
• Decentralized Power Generation: Solar PV systems enable decentral 5) Flexibility and Modularity: VSCs are modular in design, allowing for
ized power generation, which means electricity is produced closer to easy scalability by adding or removing units as needed. This modu
the point of use. This reduces transmission losses and enhances en larity enhances the system’s flexibility and facilitates adjustments
ergy resilience. based on changes in power demand.
• Technological Advancements and Innovation: Ongoing research and 6) Reduced Power Losses: Operating VSCs in parallel helps distribute
development in solar PV technology continue to improve efficiency, power more efficiently, reducing transmission losses and optimizing
reduce costs, and introduce innovations that enhance performance. the overall energy transfer process.
• Energy Independence: Solar PV generation contributes to energy in
dependence by diversifying the energy mix and reducing dependence The following are the features of this microgrid (MG).
on imported fossil fuels.
• Long Lifespan and Durability: Solar panels have a long lifespan, typi • An INC control extracts peak power from a solar PV array. In a single-
cally 25 years or more, and require minimal maintenance. This stage configuration, the elimination of a boost converter reduces the
durability contributes to the long-term reliability of solar PV systems. need for supplementary components, hence lowering losses and
improving the cost-effectiveness of the MG system.
Solar PV solar energy generation by itself is not always adequate to • The enhancement of power rating is achieved by the parallel
meet utility demand. Therefore, BS is used. Moreover, when a solar PV connection of voltage source converters (VSCs) at the point of com
array generates more electricity than needed, the excess energy is stored mon coupling (PCC).
in BS [13]. Various types of energy storage, such as battery energy • Steady-state and dynamic performances of MG system are analyzed,
storage, flywheel energy storage, and superconducting magnetic energy with satisfactory results.
storage (SMES) are presented in [14]. The battery is often used as energy
storage due to its high energy density. Battery energy storage is used for This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes a standalone
system stability and to meet the peak power demand [15]. solar PV-battery storage (BS) based MG system. Section 3 provides
Bollipo et-al [16] have reported several maximum power point comprehensive details of control approaches that are used. In Section-4,
tracking (MPPT) techniques, such as fuzzy logic (FL), constant voltage MATLAB simulation results of MG are analyzed in detail. Section-5
(CV) and incremental conductance (INC). MPPT algorithms are used in demonstrates the real time implementation results of MG system. Con
photovoltaic (PV) systems to maximize the energy harvesting from solar clusions are presented in Section 6.
PV arrays. The primary function of MPPT is to dynamically adjust the
operating point of the PV array to ensure that it operates at the System configuration
maximum power point (MPP) on the solar PV array voltage-current
curve, also known as the I-V curve [17,18]. The INC MPPT algorithm Fig. 1 illustrates MG system configuration, a standalone system based
allows for real-time adjustments to the operating point, ensuring that the on a single-stage solar PV array-BS. Numerous components are used in
solar PV array operates at the maximum power point under varying this configuration. These components include ripple filters, local loads,
environmental conditions. While simplicity is an advantage, it’s essen interfacing inductors, a solar PV array, BS, parallel voltage source con
tial to consider the application’s specific requirements. Because of its verters (also known as VSC1 and VSC2), and ripple filters. The current
simplicity and minimal hardware requirements, the INC MPPT algo ripple of VSC is reduced with interfacing inductors. The use of ripple
rithm is suitable for low-cost solar power systems [19,20]. This makes it filters effectively mitigates voltage ripples. Ripple filters are composed
an attractive choice for applications where cost-effectiveness is a pri of resistors (Rf) and capacitors (Cf) interconnected at the PCC. The power
mary consideration. Meanwhile, fuzzy logic (FL) and constant voltage flow regulation and power quality (PQ) improvement is achieved using
(CV) MPPT have more complexity [21]. two parallel VSCs. All parameters of MG are specified in Appendix.
This paper deals with a parallel inverter structure [22,23] in a
standalone MG with BS and solar PV array. Parallel operation of VSCs Control strategy
has gained significant popularity to enhance power availability. This
inverter’s configuration can potentially reduce power requirements of Fig. 2 presents control algorithms used in main VSC1, secondary
electrical devices. Some key aspects of parallel operation of VSCs and its VSC2, and MPPT-based INC control. Illustrations of these controls are
potential to reduce power requirements of electrical devices are as presented in this subsection.
MPPT-based INC control
1) Increased Power Transfer Capacity: Each VSC contributes a certain
amount of power output based on capacity. When operated in par Fig. 2(a) illustrates a flowchart of MPPT based on the INC method.
allel, the power outputs of individual VSCs are aggregated, resulting The control logic of the MPPT-based INC method is as follows.
in a cumulative power output that is the sum of the contributions
from each VSC. • If the incremental conductance is positive, the system moves away
2) Enhanced System Reliability: System reliability is improved by from the MPP. The algorithm adjusts the operating point in the di
operating VSCs in parallel. If one VSC experiences a fault or requires rection that increases power.
maintenance, the remaining VSCs continue to provide power, • If the incremental conductance is negative, the system is moving
reducing the risk of downtime and improving overall system towards the MPP. The algorithm adjusts the operating point in the
reliability. direction that decreases power.
3) Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: Parallel operation provides redun • When the incremental conductance is approximately zero, the sys
dancy in the system. If one VSC fails or is taken offline for tem is close to the MPP, and the adjustments become smaller.
S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
Fig. 2. Control algorithms (a) MPPT control, (b) Primary VSC1 control, (c) Secondary VSC2 control.
The power Ppv is expressed as the product of voltage and current PV current at peak power and is ξ equal to 0.01.
(Ppv=Vmp*Imp). The incremental conductance (dImp/dVmp) is the current
rate of change with respect to voltage. Primary VSC1 control
Mathematically, the method of INC control is expressed as,
( ) This section explains many components of VSC1 control. It includes
dImp − Imp
= (1) the computation of unit templates and primary VSC1 control, as
dVmp Vmp
depicted in Fig. 2(b).
Here, the negative sign is introduced to ensure that the INC is
negative when the system moves towards the MPP and positive when Unit templates estimation
moving away. INC MPPT algorithm is summarized as follows, Generated voltages on load lines (vLab, vLbc) are converted into phase
( ) load voltages.
dImp − Imp dImp
= , ∗
= 0, Vmp (d) = Vmp (d), (2) 1 1 1
dVmp Vmp dVmp vLa = (2vLab + vLbc ), vLb = ( − vLab + vLbc ), vLc = ( − vLab − 2vLbc ), (5)
3 3 3
( )
− Imp dImp
, ∗
> 0, Vmp (d) = Vmp (d) + δ, (3) Unit templates are estimated as,
dVmp Vmp dVmp
vLa vLa vLa
( ) uda = , udb = , udc = (6)
dImp − Imp dImp Vk Vk Vk
< , ∗
< 0, Vmp (d) = Vmp (d) − δ (4)
dVmp Vmp dVmp Where, Vk represents voltage amplitude, which is calculated as,
In this context, V*mp represents peak power voltage, Imp represents
S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
√̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
Vk =
∗ v2La + v2Lb + v2Lc (7) Where, Verror2 (d) = v∗Lb (d) − vLb (d) (18)
i∗vsc2c (d + 1) = m0 Ver2c (d) + m1 Ver2c (d − 1) + m2 Ver2c (d − 2) − n1 i∗vsc2c (d − 1)
Loss weight component computation
− n2 i∗vsc2c (d − 2)
DC-link voltage of solar PV array is regulated based on weight loss.
This work uses a proportional-integral (PI) controller to compute loss (19)
weight by evaluating the discrepancy between primary VSC1 reference
voltage (RV) and computed DC-link voltage. Lossless component (wloss)
is estimated as follows. Verror2 (d) = v∗Lc (d) − vLc (d) (20)
wloss (d + 1) = wloss (d) + kp1 (Ver1 (d + 1) − Ver1 (d)) + ki1 (Ver1 (d + 1)) (8) Where
( )
Where, Ver1 is error signal. This error signal is calculated as, 4 + 4Ts wcut + w20 Ts2 kp + 4Ts ki wcut
m0 = , m1
4 + 4Ts wcut + w20 Ts2
Ver1 (d) = Vdc1 (d) − Vdc1 (d) (9) ( 2 2 ) ( 2 2 )
2w0 Ts − 8 kp + 4Ts ki wcut 2w0 Ts − 8
= , n1 =
Where V*dc1(d) and Vdc1(d) are the reference and sensed DC-link volt 2 2
4 + 4Ts wcut + w0 Ts 4 + 4Ts wcut + w20 Ts2
ages, respectively. ( ) ( )
4 − 4Ts wcut + w20 Ts2 kp − 4Ts ki wcut 4 − 4Ts wcut + w20 Ts2
m2 = , n2 =
Reference currents calculation 4 + 4Ts wcut + w0 Ts2 2 2 2
4 + 4Ts wcut + w0 Ts
Net weight component is evaluated as,
i∗era2 = i∗a2 − ia2 , i∗erb2 = i∗b2 − ib2 , i∗erc2 = i∗c2 − ic2 (21)
wnc = wff − wloss (10)
Hysteresis controller receives the current errors, which are calcu
Where, wff is the feed-forward term of solar PV array, which is calculated lated as the difference between the reference VSC2 currents (i*a2, i*b2,
as follows. and i*c2) and the measured currents (ia2, ib2, and ic2). Subsequently,
2 × PPV these pulses generate the VSC2 switching signals.
wff = (11)
3 × Vk
Simulated results
Where, Ppv is the power of solar PV array output.
These reference currents are calculated by multiplying with total Simulation results obtained through a designed model of MG system
weight component (wnc) and unit templates (uda, udb, and udc), which are in MATLAB are presented to verify the effectiveness of a standalone PV-
given as follows, BS-based MG system. These results are extensively discussed in detail.
i∗a1 = wnc × uda , i∗b1 = wnc × udb , i∗c1 = wnc × udc (12) Parameters used in standalone PV-BS based MG systems are provided in
Switching pulse generation
The first stage of VSC1 control method involves the production of a Steady-State behavior of PV-BS based MG
switching pattern using the hysteresis current controller. The hysteresis
current controller switching implies estimating reference current errors Fig. 3(a) shows behavior of MG based on solar PV array-BS sources.
and sensed current errors in the following manner. This MG system consists of various waveforms, including solar PV
voltage (Vpv), solar PV current (Ipv), load voltages (vL), load currents (iL),
i∗era1 = i∗a1 − ia1 , i∗erb1 = i∗b1 − ib1 , i∗erc1 = i∗c1 − ic1 (13)
VSC1 currents (ia1, ib1, and ic1), VSC2 currents (ia2, ib2, and ic2), DC-link
voltages (Vdc1, Vdc2) and BS power (Pb). The VSC2 is controlled to
Secondary VSC2 control improve power quality while ensuring the DC-link voltage’s continuity.
The waveform shows that the solar PV array operates at a constant solar
Fig. 2(c) shows secondary VSC2 control operating in VCM. It refer irradiation at 1000 W/m2, while solar PV array supplies electricity to
ences load voltages are denoted as, both battery and loads.
( ) ( )
2π 2π
v∗La = Vt∗ sin(ωn t), v∗Lb = Vt∗ sin ωn t − , v∗Lc = Vt∗ sin ωn t + (14) Dynamic performance PV-BS based MG at load and PV irradiance
3 3
Here, three-phase reference voltages (vLa*, vLb*, and vLc*) are
compared to sensed load voltages (vLa, vLb, and vLc) and three-phase When one phase of the load is deactivated, it exhibits varying cur
current errors are sent to PR controllers. The hysteresis current rents across multiple phases, leading to an unbalanced load. Fig. 3(b)
controller generates VSC2 triggering pulses from PR controller outputs. illustrates the operation of MG at a condition of unbalanced loads. The
Equations of PR controllers, which function as voltage regulators, are load imbalances are detected at 0.36 s and 0.45 s. The DC-link voltages
given here [28], of VSC1 and VSC2 are unaffected since the loads are unbalanced. When
an imbalanced load is effectively handled, the voltage and current at the
i∗vsc2a (d + 1) = m0 Ver2a (d) + m1 Ver2a (d − 1) + m2 Ver2a (d − 2) − n1 i∗vsc2a (d − 1)
output demonstrate no distortion. In Fig. 3(c), a reduction in irradiance
− n2 i∗vsc2a (d − 2) from 1000 W/m2 to 700 W/m2 occurs at a time of 0.36 s. Additionally,
(15) solar PV array irradiance decreases from 700 W/m2 to 200 W/m2 at
0.41 s, indicating a corresponding decrease in power output of solar PV
Where, Verror2 (d) = v∗La (d) − vLa (d) (16) array. Consequently, solar PV arrays cannot supply electricity to loads
linked to them. Therefore, battery supplies insufficient power. Fig. 3(d)–
i∗vsc2b (d + 1) = m0 Ver2b (d) + m1 Ver2b (d − 1) + m2 Ver2b (d − 2) − d1 i∗vsc2b (d − 1) (e) illustrate total harmonics distortion (THD) of load voltage, which is
− d2 i∗vsc2b (d − 2) 3.10 %. THD of load current is 19.16 %, while THD of load voltage re
(17) mains lower. It complies with the criteria given in the IEEE-519
S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
Fig. 3. Performance of PV-BS-based MG system (a) Steady-state performance, (b)-(c) Dynamics at load unbalanced and solar PV irradiance change, (d) THD of vL, (e)
THD of iL.
S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
from 2.1 to 3.5 GHz. This system is equipped with 16 GB of random- Dynamics of PV-BS based MG at varying solar PV irradiance and
access memory (RAM). A 128 GB solid-state drive (SSD) is employed unbalanced loads
in terms of storage. Additionally, this system incorporates a Kintex7
field-programmable gate array (FPGA). It comprises 32 channels for Fig. 5 depicts load current (iL), VSC1 current (ivsc1), VSC2 current
digital inputs, 32 channels for digital outputs, 16 channels for analog (ivsc2), solar PV array current (Ipv), load voltage (vL), solar PV array
inputs with a resolution of 16 bits and a voltage range of ±20 V, and 16 voltage (Vpv), and BS current (Ib) waveforms. Fig. 5(a)-(b) depict a
channels for analog outputs with a resolution of 16 bits and a voltage change in solar PV irradiance in PV-BS-based MG, from 600 W/m2 to
range of ±16 V. In addition, this OPAL-RT PC platform provides 200 W/m2 at 0.32 s. Fig. 5(a) shows that load current is constant and
essential commands for real-time control and monitoring of MGs. Per ivsc2 currents are increased due to solar PV irradiance variation. Fig. 5(b)
formance data is captured and stored with a digital storage oscilloscope illustrates a scenario when solar PV array power decreases to zero,
(DSO). Real-time modeling and monitoring enable a comprehensive leading to a positive battery current, representing discharging mode of
examination of MG behavior and associated responses to various battery. Figs. 5(c)-(e) illustrate the performance of the MG during load
scenarios. removal and addition. During the load variations, ivsc2 currents are si
nusoidal at solar irradiation of 1000 W/m2. Fig. 5(e) shows that the
battery is charged with more power during the load decrease and that no
Fig. 5. System performance at solar PV irradiance variations and unbalanced loads (a)-(b) Solar PV irradiance change, (c)-(e) Load removal, and load addition.
S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
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S. Singh et al. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 7 (2024) 100408
Sunaina Singh was born in Najibabad, India, in 1998. She Bhim Singh (SM’99, F’10) has received his B.E. (Electrical)
received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the from University of Roorkee (Now IIT Roorkee), India, in 1977
Kunwar Satya Vira College of Engineering and Management, and his M.Tech. (Power Apparatus & Systems) and Ph.D. from
Bijnor, India, in 2019. She is currently working towards the M. IIT Delhi, India, in 1979 and 1983, respectively. In 1983, Dr.
S. degree with the Centre for Automotive Research and Singh joined Department of Electrical Engineering, University
Tribology, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. Her research interests of Roorkee, as a Lecturer. He became a Reader there in 1988. In
includes renewable energy, Power Quality, energy storage and December 1990, he joined the Department of Electrical Engi
application of control techniques for grid interfaced systems. neering, IIT Delhi, India, as an Assistant Professor, where he
has become an Associate Professor in 1994 and a Professor in
1997. He has been ABB Chair Professor from September 2007
to September 2012. He has been Head of the Department of
Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi from July 2014 to August
2016. He has been the Dean, Academics at IIT Delhi from
August 2016 to August 2019. He has been JC Bose Fellow of DST from December 2015 to
June 2021. He is the SERB National Science Chair Professor at IIT Delhi since July 2021.
Prof. Singh has guided 117 PhD. dissertations, and 179 M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(R) theses. He
Vivek Narayanan (M’18) was born in Kerala, India, in 1993. has filed 107 patents. He has executed 90 sponsored and consultancy projects. He has co-
He received B. Tech. degree in Electrical and Electronics En authored a textbook on power quality: Power Quality Problems and Mitigation Techniques
gineering from the College of Engineering Thalassery, Kerala, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2015. His-areas of interest include solar PV grid
India, in 2015 and the M. Tech. degree in Power Electronics interface systems, microgrids, power quality mitigation, solar PV water pumping,
and Drives from Government College of Engineering Kannur, improved power quality AC-DC converters and electric vehicles.
Kerala, India, in 2017. He is currently working toward his Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technol
ogy Delhi (IIT Delhi), India. His-research interests include
power electronics, solar and wind energy conversion systems, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
energy storage, power quality improvement in the distribution Ph.D. degree in power systems from Sambalpur University,
systems and microgrids. He was the recipient of the IEEE Sambalpur, India, in 2004. He is a Professor with the Depart
EEEIC/I&CPS Europe Best Poster Award and the IEEE ICPC2T ment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Best Paper Award in 2019 and 2022. (IIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India. His-research interests include soft
computing, signal processing, power quality, renewable energy
systems, power system protection, electric vehicles and
charging infrastructure, cyber-security of power systems and
IoT. He is an Associate Editor for the IET Smart Grid, and an
Editor for the IETE Journal of Research.