DonateBlood Final Documentation

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The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many
people and it is always a pleasure to remind the fine people in the Jigme Namgyel Engineering
College for their sincere guidance we received to uphold our project. All that we have done is only
due to such supervision and assistance and we would not forget to thank them.

We respect and thank Mr. Yonten Tshering (Associate. Lecture), project guide and Ms. Sonam
Wangmo (Associate. Lecture), Mr. Rinchen Tobgay (Associate. Lecture) and Mr. Jamyang Tashi
(Associate. Lecture), for providing their invaluable guidance, comments and suggestions
throughout the course of the project.

In addition, we are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from all staffs of IT Department who helped us in successfully completing our project
and especially to our classmates who have made valuable comments and suggestion on our project
which gave us and inspiration to improve the quality of the project.

Finally, we apologize all other unnamed who helped us in various ways to complete our project

There is an expectation that the blood will always be there when it is really needed. Blood donor
volunteers constitute the main supply source in an effective blood supply chain management. They
feed blood stocks through their donation. In an emergency situation, if the stocks are insufficient,
the only source of blood supply will be the people who request on social network sites such as
Facebook, WeChat, and WhatsApp, and donate the blood on a voluntary basis. It is certain that
time is a very important component in such situation. For this reason, the health care center should
call or request the nearest available donor in order to ensure to get the service as quickly as possible.
The smart phone application is developed to enable people in need of blood to view the information
of nearby blood donors volunteer and communicate with him/her in the emergency situations.
Through this smart phone application, the interested and voluntary blood donors will be required
to register as blood donors by providing details such as their name, contact information, blood
group and location

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... i
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ v
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. v
List of Acronyms, Keywords ....................................................................................................... vi
List of Symbols ............................................................................................................................. vii
CHATPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Project Aims and Objectives .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem statement ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Advantages of New System ................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Project Scope ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Communication Model ........................................................................................................ 3
1.7 Feasibility ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.7.1 Technical feasibility ...................................................................................................... 4 Description of software ............................................................................................. 5 Operational Feasibility .............................................................................................. 6 Policy Feasibility ........................................................................................................ 6 Schedule feasibility .................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Risk Management .............................................................................................................. 10
1.8.1 Risk Identification and Analysis ............................................................................... 10
1.8.1 Risk Control ................................................................................................................ 11
CHAPTER 2: LITURATURE REVIEW .................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................. 13
3.1 Software Process Model .................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Project Schedule: Project Timeline ................................................................................. 15
3.3 Process Modelling .............................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1 Context Diagram ........................................................................................................ 15
3.3.2 Data Flow Diagram .................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Data Modelling................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.1 Logical Data Modeling ................................................................................................... 18
3.4.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) ........................................................................ 19
3.4.3 Data Dictionary ........................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 4: TESTING ............................................................................................................ 23
4.1 Unit Testing ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Performance Testing ......................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Manual Testing .................................................................................................................. 23
4.4 Compatibility Testing ........................................................................................................ 24
CHAPTER 5: OUTCOME/RESULT ........................................................................................ 25
5.1 Welcome Screen ................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 Home Screen ...................................................................................................................... 26
5.4 Slide Menu .......................................................................................................................... 27
5.3 Login page .......................................................................................................................... 28
5.4 Register Page ...................................................................................................................... 29
CHAPTER 6: FUTURE SCOPE AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................ 30
6.1 Future Scope ...................................................................................................................... 30
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 31
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 32

List of Figures
Figure 1 Gantt Charts for DonateBlood App .................................................................................. 7
Figure 2 Network Diagram for DonateBlood App .......................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Graphical Network Diagram for DonateBlood App ......................................................... 9
Figure 4 Critical Path for the development Process ........................................................................ 9
Figure 5 General Overview of Waterfall Model ........................................................................... 13
Figure 6 Context Diagram Process ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 7 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 8 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 9 Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) ............................................................................... 19

List of Tables
Table 1 Roles & responsibilities...................................................................................................... 3
Table 2 Contact Information ........................................................................................................... 4
Table 3 List of Requirement for the development of DonateBlood ................................................ 5
Table 4 Description of software used for during the development process .................................... 6
Table 5 Identified Activities ............................................................................................................ 8
Table 6 Estimating Task Duration ................................................................................................... 8
Table 7 Sequence of Activities ........................................................................................................ 9
Table 8 Critical Path Calculation................................................................................................... 10
Table 9 Risk Identification and Analysis ...................................................................................... 11
Table 10 Risk Control ................................................................................................................... 11
Table 11Project Timeline .............................................................................................................. 15
Table 12 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 Description........................................................................ 16
Table 13 Data Dictionary for DFD ................................................................................................ 17
Table 14 Data Dictionary - Entity table......................................................................................... 20
Table 15 Data Dictionary -Relationship ........................................................................................ 20
Table 16 tbl_userLogin .................................................................................................................. 21
Table 17 tbl_donorBloodgroup ..................................................................................................... 21
Table 18 tbl_locationDetails.......................................................................................................... 21
Table 19 tbl_donorDetails ............................................................................................................. 21
Table 20 tbl_requestList ................................................................................................................ 22

List of Acronyms, Keywords

ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram
DFD Data Flow Diagram
SCD System Context Diagram
PDF Portable Document Format

WBS Work Breakdown Structure

PERT Program Evaluation Review Technique
O Optimistic
R Realistic

P Pessimistic
ET Estimated Time
TE Earliest Time
TL Latest Time
PC Personal Computer
RAM Random Access Memory
OS Operating System
DIT Department of Information Technology

List of Symbols



Multiple Attribute

Key Attribute


Source or sink


Data Store

Over the past year, the hospital or blood bank agency/clinics faces a problem of insufficient
matching blood stored for emergency patient which results the loss of innocent lives. Still now some
blood bank agency strives for the same circumstances in some places. Most of the time respondent
relatives or the agency have to look for the blood donor but hardly dines some with the matching
blood group. Nevertheless, the government have been trying to adjust the blood bank wherever
needed as well as some agency who often participate in the process or organizing campaign and
collecting blood and other procedures such as managing sticks, approving blood requests and
updating donation information. But whatever it is done sometimes becomes insufficient and lead
finding for the matching donor. In such situation, there are some solution that solves the problem of
insufficient blood bank stocks, that is through the use of mobile smart phone application where the
donor or voluntary donor can donate the blood by going to the nearby blood bank stores or the
concern group of people.
However, there is lacks in the donation process in the system as there is no direct communication
between the donor and the blood bank agency in need of a specific blood type. As a result, this app
is just beneficial for the donors not for the clinics or agency to find the needed blood type directly
and promptly. The application by MoH allows users in need for blood to find nearest donors.
Although this application helps finding donors, but the ease of communication with the donors is
not prompt or clear enough and it requires man power as the blood seeker has to contact each donor
individually. Also, there is no application that provides a proper communication channel to notify
donors about the blood donation requirements.
Therefore, to overcome these issues we came up with our application titled “DonateBlood”, which
is developed to easily search for blood in the nearby areas for emergency, create a faster
communication channel and ask for the immediate donor nearby. In this app one will be able to
contact the donor in real time and get the donation. When a patient needs a blood donation, the
agency (where the patient is admitted) can use this app to search the donor and contact the blood
donors in the vicinity or nearby places based on their location. The registered donors will get
notification, call or mail about the blood donation needed at a specific clinic where they can go and
donate the blood.
This app provides blood seekers with the functionality to request the blood donor, call the donor,
send message and mail to the donor instantly as well as provides editable functionality to the donor
if incase any chances to be made for all time.
1.1 Project Aims and Objectives
The aim of developing the DonateBlood application is to create a huge blood donation community,
who will be able to receive and donate blood in the fastest way possible. We want that no Bhutanese
will suffer from lacking of blood. No matter how rare the blood group is an ailing person will
always get a match of his or her blood group. The donor and receiver can find each other via the
mobile application and the nearest donor with the most similar features will be marked as best

1.2 Problem statement
Even today, the practice of searching and arranging blood donors in times of emergency is through
their family member, relatives, friends and neighbors, which otherwise is cumbersome and time
consuming. Moreover, people has created group in social media such Facebook, WhatsApp, and
WeChat called Bhutan Youth 4 Peace Promotion. But group member fails to donate the blood
because the information in social media were only known by member of that group. The need for
blood is even broadcast through the conventional media such as radio, newspaper, or television
advertisements. Although, in Hospital that has blood bank system provides blood during bank
system facility. Even if the blood is provided from the blood bank the recipient must replace the
same units of blood in the Hospital for future requirement.

Therefore, current system has limitation such as:

• Unavailability of blood during emergency.
• Lack of voluntary donation of blood
• Time consuming in finding donor as well as asking for donation.
• Limited information and details of donor.
• Manual management of blood donor and seeker information.

1.3 Advantages of New System

DonateBlood Application is developed mainly with the objectives to resolve the existing issues
that largely leads to insufficient donor when needed. The current system has all the possible
solutions to the existing system as it enhances the donor finding and donation process by providing
full user friendly, easy to use, fast functionality of the application. The following lists shows the
advantage of proposed system over the existing system;

• No need to find a contact details of blood donor, the seeker can easily find the donor contact
details from the app.
• Find donor nearby; the blood seeker can use the app to find the donor from the same gewog
or dzongkhag.
• Request for blood donor; the blood seeker can also request for a blood donor using the app.
• Call, sent message and email; the blood seeker can easily call the donor from the app by
using the inbuild call, sending message and email button.

1.4 Project Scope

The Scope of the project is that in a very short span it provides user with many facilities. It provides
an elegant management of blood, list of hospitals, blood banks and donors online. The main
purpose of this project is to interconnect all the blood banks, hospitals, donors into a single network,
validation, store various data and information of blood and health of each individual. This system
is used to store data over a centralized server which consist of database where the individual’s
information cannot be accessed by a third party.

1.5 Roles and Responsibilities
The project included three members, from which one was selected as a project leader. The work
that needed to be completed for the completion of the project were divided between three members
were categorized as, application developer and documenter where programming and the
documentation should go hand in hand. Besides that, the team members should support each other
for the successful completion of the project. For that, specific roles and responsibilities are set to
team leaders and members too.

DonateBlood App
Roles and Responsibilities
Name Roles Responsibilities
Sonam Phuntsho Project Manager • Guide the team members.
• Distribute the tasks to the team members.
• Manage the resources.
• Set weekly based project meeting.
Sujan Mongar • Follow the team leader with proper discussion.
• Members should support team leader.
• Should attend the project regularly except the
genuine case.
• Inform the group leader when a problem occurs.
Team Member
Chimi Thinley • Follow the team leader with proper discussion.
• Members should support team leader.
• Should attend the project regularly except the
genuine case.
• Inform the group leader when a problem occurs.

Table 1 Roles & responsibilities

Advantages of using pair programming technique

• Different ideas and knowledge can be shared between team leader and team member.
• Can develop better communication skills.
• Errors are caught quicker and issues are resolved Project can completed on time with pair
programming technique.
• We are able to learn different perspective from other people.

1.6 Communication Model

Communication plays an important role in doing the project successfully. The success of most
projects depends on how team members are interactive to each other. It is the foundation where we
can use to build the team, demonstrate our leadership, and provide timely direction. The various

communication methods used in delivering project information’s are through Mobile Phone,
Facebook, WhatsApp, emails and meeting.
In doing the project, the types of communication methods used are:
Written communication:

• We mainly used WhatsApp application to communicate with ourselves in doing the project.
Here files and documents are transferred between group members to make every member
aware of the project. And also used MEGA Sync to upload our work in cloud storage so
that files and documents are uploaded to make every member aware of the project.
Oral communication:

• We mostly communicate between group members by sitting together and making a

discussion regarding the project issues.
• Also used mobile phones in making the calls and WhatsApp to make calls when the network
is available.
Contact Information of DonateBlood crew

Position Name Phone Number Email_Id Facebook_Id

Project Sonam Phuntsho +975-77774540 sonamphuntsho@jne https://www.faceboo

Member Sujan Mongar +975-16920393 Sujanallaymongar50 https://www.faceboo

[email protected]

Member Chimi Thinley +975-17361551 chimithinley@yahoo https://www.faceboo


Table 2 Contact Information

1.7 Feasibility
The objective of the feasibility study is to determine the viability of an idea, such as ensuring a
project is legally and technically feasible as well as economically justifiable. This phase focuses
on explaining the benefits of the project and its feasibilities. The project “DonateBlood” is
developed to fulfill all the types of feasibility ensuring its cost tangible, intangible, one time,
recurring and benefit.

1.7.1 Technical feasibility

The software and hardware requirements for the development of this project are not many and are
already available. The work for the project is done with the current equipment and existing software
technology. The development of DonateBlood App can be done on single personal laptop or

personal computers (PC) that can be purchased easily from the market. We not only focus on
development rather deployment of software and help every user.

The table below shows the things requirement for the development and deployment;

For Application Development For Application Users

Hardware Requirements Hardware Requirements
• Minimum RAM: 8GB • RAM: Minimum 512MB RAM
• Hard Disk: 500 GB • MEMORY: 50MB Space
• Processor: Intel core i3 and above

Software Requirements Software Requirements

• Operating system: Windows 7 and above • OS: API level 19 or higher or
• Android Studio for developing(coding) froyo version
• Microsoft project for planning and scheduling
• Edraw Max
• Adobe illustrator: Photo editing tool for logo
• Front-End Language: Java and Android
• Back-End: Firebase

Table 3 List of Requirement for the development of DonateBlood Description of software

Software Description
Microsoft Project Microsoft project is the project management software developed and sold by
Microsoft which is designed to assists a project manager in developing the
plan, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget,
and analyzing workloads.

Firebase Firebase is a real time database, that is a cloud-hosted database. Data is stored
as JSON and synchronized in real time to every connected client. When you
build cross-platform apps with iOS, Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all the
clients share one Realtime Database instance and automatically receive
updates with the newest data.

Adobe XD Adobe XD is the all-in-one UX/UI solution for designing websites, mobile
apps, and more. Adobe XD allows user to create animated prototypes through
linking artboards. We have used this software as prototyping our app.
Android Studio Android studio is the integrated development environment (IDE) for the
Googles Android operating system, build on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA
software and designed especially for the Android development.

Adobe illustrator Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by
Adobe Systems. We used it for the logo design and photo editing.

Table 4 Description of software used for during the development process Operational Feasibility

As our project is highly in need in community nearby, we came up with the idea of developing the
android base application. To some extend we have included the all features in our project that can
help in fulfilling the requirement of the DonateBlood so that in future, it will be more beneficial to
every needy people as well as hospital as they do not have to announce the need of blood in any
media. Policy Feasibility

While doing the project we should study the policy framed by government or some private
organizations so that after finishing the project every customer can use our application freely
without any objection from government or private agents. Therefore, our project is along with the
policies and have no objections from the any organizations or government. Schedule feasibility

If a project has high probability to be completed the schedule feasibility is evaluated as high. In
many cases the project will be unsuccessful it takes longer than it was estimated. The time schedule
required for the developed of this project is very important since more development time effect
machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of other systems but DonateBlood can be
developed in the considerable amount of time.

PERT Model
The program (or project) evaluating and review technique is a statistical tool used in project
management which was designed to analyze and represent the task involved in completing the
given project.

Advantages of PERT model

• Helps in making large project easier
• It provides a graphical display of project activities that helps the users to understand the
relationships among the activities
• It is ideal technique for tactical level planning and operational level control of project

Disadvantages of PERT model

• PERT is not easily scalable for smaller projects.
• The network chart tends to be large and unwieldy requiring several pages to print and
requiring especially sixed paper.

Gantt Charts

Figure 1 Gantt Charts for DonateBlood App

Network Diagram

Figure 2 Network Diagram for DonateBlood App

Identify all activities
1 Define Requirement
2 Requirement Collection
3 Report Design
4 User Interface Design
5 Database Design
6 User Documentation
7 System Testing
8 Installation & User

Table 5 Identified Activities PERT Analysis

Estimating Task Duration


ACTIVITY ESTIMATE ET = (o + 4r + p)/6
1 Define Requirement 4 5 7 5.2
2 Requirement Collection 7 8 12 8.5
3 Report Design 4 5 7 5.2
4 User Interface Design 12 14 16 14
5 Database Design 40 50 60 50
6 User Documentation 4 5 7 7.1
7 System Testing 6 7 9 14
Installation & User
8 1 3 4 2.8

Table 6 Estimating Task Duration

Sequencing of activities


1 Define Requirement -
2 Requirement Collection 1
3 Report Design 1
4 User Interface Design 2,3
5 Database Design 4
6 User Documentation 5
7 System Testing 5
8 Installation & User Training 7,6

Table 7 Sequence of Activities

Graphical Network Diagram

Figure 3 Graphical Network Diagram for DonateBlood App

Critical Path Calculation

Figure 4 Critical Path for the development Process

Critical Path Calculation

On Critical
Activity TE TL Time
(TE – TL)
1 5 5 0 √
2 14 14 0 √
3 5 23 18
4 28 28 0 √
5 78 78 0 √
6 83 83 0 √
7 85 85 0 √
8 88 88 0 √
Table 8 Critical Path Calculation

1.8 Risk Management

Risk management is the identification assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by
coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the
probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
The main objective of Risk Management is to minimize, monitor and control the probability of
infortune events that may occur while doing the project. It is also to assure that uncertainty does
not deviate the endeavor from goals thus maximizing the realization of opportunity.

1.8.1 Risk Identification and Analysis

Risk Description Examples
People risks The project might not proceed in the way we scheduled Sick,
because team member could not turn up when project Communication
manager called.
Moreover, there might be risk in posting the progress of
project on Facebook since the people around the world will
overtake our project.

Estimation This risk includes lack of availability of funds. This could Lack
risks happen if we had done the project without any proper Expenditures
management in term of feasibility and deliverables.

Requirement This risk mainly arises from the gathering of requirement Required soft
Risk soft copy of DonateBlood. copy
Technology This risk arising out of software & hardware defects or the System Failure,
Risk failure of an underlying service or a platform. For instance, virus attack
halfway through the project you might realize the particular
hardware and software not mainly mean for respective project
so it does not satisfy our performance. Apart from this, there
could be issues in the platform used to build your software or
a software update of a critical tool that no longer supports
some of your functions.

Table 9 Risk Identification and Analysis

1.8.1 Risk Control

Example of Risks Possibility Solution
Sickness of Low It is vital to keep our health protected while during the
Members project. So, take food on time, visit the hospital if your body
shows the symptom of the diseases.

Communication Medium The communication between the team leader and team
member is must to complete the project on time without any
delay. In our project, team leader should conduct meeting and
assigns the task to team member and do accordingly.
Constant communication between team members.

Lack Expenditures High Proper estimation and management can be good ways of
gathering the requirement in project.

Laptop/desktop High Bring the laptop in advanced after the project topic selected.

System Failure High Before using the system, check the system that hardware and
required software are installed.
Backup of project progress, so that whenever system fails
backup can be used to complete on time.

Virus attack Medium Always update windows defender. The Windows Defender
in Windows 10 comes with many features and provides the
best features compared too many of the anti-virus
application. The windows defender took care of the threats
that could possibly enter the system through removable

Table 10 Risk Control

“Blood Bank Management Information System in India” introduces the review of main features,
merits and demerits provided by the existing Web based Information System for Blood Banks
(Vikas Kulsherehtha,Dr. Sharad Maheshwari, 2016). This study describes the comparison of
various existing system and provide some more idea for improving the existing system describes
about the benefits of management information system in blood bank (Vikas Kulshreshtha, Dr.
Sharad Maheshwari, 2016). The paper is basically focused on the blood bank management
information system. It discusses about the beneficiaries of the blood bank management information
“Android Blood Bank” describes about the android application which timely updates the
information regarding donors where the admin accesses the whole information about blood bank
management system (Prof. Snigdha, Pratiksha Lokhande, Siddhi Kasar , Pranita, 2016). Blood is
an important aspect for all living things. It proves to be a lifesaving component in case of
emergency requirement. None of the online blood bank offers the direct contact between donor and
blood bank. This is the major drawback of the existing system. Existing systems are time
consuming; require more manpower and it is costly. The current proposed system will provide the
voluntary donors to register themselves as a donor by providing information such as name, blood
group, contact information, etc. and based on information provided the recipients can contact the
The app we present here is adequate for searching blood donors for available blood and thereby
saving valuable time and money. This application provides necessary options to serve people on
their emergency need making them free from worrying for blood by providing lot of donors at a
single click. This application is to create an e-Information about the donor and organization that
are related to donating the blood. This software help to register all the donors, Blood collection
details, location etc. When registration is completed, a user becomes a donor who will be able to
open an account providing fundamental information with email ID and Password. They can modify
their account information by updating, mobile number, location and password.

3.1 Software Process Model
In the development field, lots of process model such are Incremental Model, Spiral Model,
VModel, and Waterfall model are developed to assist the application/software developers in
following certain processes to get the successful output. The model used for developing this project
is a waterfall model.
Waterfall Model
It is a popular version of the system development lifecycle model for software engineering. It is
often considered the classic approach to the systems development lifecycle; the waterfall model
describes a development method that is linear and sequential. Waterfall development has distinct
goals for each phase of development. Imagining a waterfall on the cliff of a steep mountain. Once
the water has flowed over the edge of the cliff and has begun its journey down the side of the
mountain, it cannot turn back.
General Overview of waterfall model

Figure 5 General Overview of Waterfall Model

The phases of Waterfall Model are:
Requirement Gathering and Analysis: All the requirements in the developing the system is
collected in this phase. Requirements are basically collected by analyzing the needs of the end user
and checking them for validity and the possibility to implement them. For the application, the
various requirement was gathered through the internet and focal personnel. Moreover, we had
interview with doctor of Dewathang hospital and ask through Messenger group called Bhutan
Youth 4 Peace Promotion (BYPP).
System Design: The system has to be properly designed before any implementation is started as
the implementation will be totally dependent upon system design. This basically involves an
architectural design which describes the main blocks and components of the system, their
interfaces, and interactions.
Implementations: According to the system design, the work is aiming to start a coding. The
implementation phase of the project involves of writing long lines of coding, the design that was
created in the system design phase was worked upon in this phase.
Testing: Testing must be done in parallel with development. The best time to test in immediately
after a module is finished.
Deployment of System: After the testing phase, the system is being deployed in the live
environment and it will be used for the first time. In case there are some changes to be made, it
has to be fixed to make the system workable, and it is forwarded to the next phase. After several
times of the testing, a design was finalized when the output of our work matches the skeleton design
in the design phase.
Maintenance: Any additional problem that occurs will be solved in this phase for future
improvement of the project and to make it more efficient. In this phase, various materials were
deployed in the application which made the application look aesthetically beautiful.

3.2 Project Schedule: Project Timeline
Schedule/Plan Durations Start Date Finish Date
Planning 4 days Wed 20-02-2019 Sat 23-02-2019
Problem defining 1 day Wed 20-02-2019 Wed 20-02-2019
Produce the project schedule 2 days Thu 21-02-2019 Fri 22-02-2019
Assess Project feasibility 1 day Fri 22-02-2019 Fri 23-02-2019
Analysis 7 days Sat 23-02-2019 Thu 28-02-2019
Requirement Collection 2 days Sat 23-02-2019 Sun 24-02-2019
Requirement Analysis 2 days Sun 24-02-2019 Mon 25-02-2019
Process modeling 1 day Tue 26-02-2019 Tue 26-02-2019
Data Modeling 1 day Wed 27-02-2019 Wed 27-02-2019
Review Deliverables 1 day Thu 28-02-2019 Thu 28-02-2019
Design 50 days Fri 01-03-2019 Tue 16-04-2019
Database Design 10 days Fri 01-03-2019 Fri 08-03-2019
User Interface Design 45 days Sat 09-03-2019 Sat 13-04-2019
Reports Design 1 day Sun 14-04-2019 Sun 14-04-2019
Review Deliverables 1 day Mon 15-04-2019 Mon 16-04-2019
Testing 7 days Tue 17-04-2019 Sun 23-04-2019
System Testing 2 days Tue 17-04-2019 Wed 18-04-2019
User Acceptance 3 days Thu 19-04-2019 Sat 21-04-2019
Review Meeting 2 days Sun 22-04-2019 Mon 23-04-2019
Implementation 9 days Tue 24-04-2019 Tue 32-04-2019
System Integration 3 days Thu 24-05-2019 Sat 26-05-2019
User Documentation 5 days Sun 27-05-2019 Wed 31-05-2019
Review meeting 1 day Thu 01-06-2019 Thu 01-06-2019
Installation & User Training 1 day Fri 02-06-2019 Fri 02-06-2019
Table 11Project Timeline

3.3 Process Modelling

3.3.1 Context Diagram
A System Context Diagram (SCD) in engineering is a diagram that defines the boundary between
the system, or part of a system, and its environment showing the entities that interact with it. It is
also similar to the block diagram

Figure 6 Context Diagram Process

Flow Description
Input Output
Blood Donor Gets request from seeker and can update the Give profile details
profile details
Public Gets profile details and donor information’s Null

Table 12 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 Description

3.3.2 Data Flow Diagram

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the ‘flow’ of the data through an
information system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as preliminary step to
create an overview of the system without going into great detail, which can later be elaborated.
Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Figure 7 Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Data Flow Diagram Level 1

Figure 8 Data Flow Diagram Level 1

Data Dictionary for Data Flow Diagram

Flow Description for Level 1

Input Output Description
Add, modify or delete Updated information Donor information will be
donor information updated in the database

Table 13 Data Dictionary for DFD

3.4 Data Modelling

Data modelling id the process of documenting a complex software system design as an easily
understood diagram, using text and symbols to represent the way data needs to flow. The diagram
can be used as a blueprint for the construction of new software or for re-engineering a legacy
Traditionally, data models have built during the analysis and design phase of a project to ensure
that the requirements for a new application are fully understood. A data model can be thought as

the flowchart that illustrates the relationships between data. Although capturing all the possible
relationships in a data model can be very time intensive, it is an important step that shouldn’t be
rushed. Well documented conceptual, logical and physical data models allow stake-holders to
identify errors and make changes before any programming code has been executed.

3.4.1 Logical Data Modeling

Structure English
Process 1: Maintain Donor Information

DO login as donor
IF changes are there on the profile details
THEN updates or maintain the profile details database

1. Update profile details
DO donor want to update the information
THEN modify the profile details

Process 2: View Request List

DO donor want to view the request list

THEN display the request list

Process 3: Search for donor

DO public want to search matching donor

THEN click on the search button
THEN display the donor list
3.4.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 9 Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3.4.3 Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary - Entity table

Entity Relationship Description

Donor_id Unique ID of donors

Name Name of donors
ConfirmedPassword ConfirmedPassword of donors
Password Password of donors
Date of Birth Date of Birth of donors
Donor Gender Gender of donors
Blood group Blood group of donors
CID_no CID_no of donors
Email Email of donors
Contact number Contact number of donors
Dzongkhag Dzongkhag of donors
Gewog Gewog of donors
Public Null Null

Table 14 Data Dictionary - Entity table

Data Dictionary -Relationship

Entity Relationship Description

Register Donor will register all the donor information
Update Add, modify, delete the information of the donor
View Can view the updated information of donor

View and Update Will either view or update the information

View Can view the donor information’s

Public Search Can search for the registered donors

Request Send request for the donor

Table 15 Data Dictionary -Relationship

Database Relational Model

Field Data type Relationship

Email Account Varchar
Password Varchar

Table 16 tbl_userLogin


Field Data type Relationship

Donor_id Number Primary key
Blood Group Varchar

Table 17 tbl_donorBloodgroup


Field Data type Relationship

Donor_id Number Primary key
Dzongkhag Varchar
Gewog Varchar

Table 18 tbl_locationDetails


Field Data type Relationship

Donor_id Varchar Primary key
Name Varchar
Password Varchar
ConfirmedPassword Varchar
Date of Birth Date
Gender Varchar
Blood group Varchar
CID_no Number
Email Varchar
Contact number Number
Dzongkhag Varchar
Gewog Varchar

Table 19 tbl_donorDetails

Field Data type Relationship

Request_id Number Primary key
Name Varchar
Blood group Varchar
Contact number Number
Dzongkhag Varchar
Gewog Varchar

Table 20 tbl_requestList

Testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding the software
bugs. It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program or
application or product:

• Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development
• Works as expected
• Can be implemented with the same characteristic.

4.1 Unit Testing

A unit is the smallest testable part of an application like functions, classes, procedures, interfaces.
Unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they
are fit for use. Unit tests are basically written and executed by software developers to make sure
that code meets its design and requirements and behaves as expected. The goal of unit testing is to
segregate each part of the program and test that the individual parts are working correctly. This
means that for any function or procedure when a set of inputs are given then it should return the
proper values. It should handle the failures gracefully during the course of execution when any
invalid input is given.
In the case of our project, the unit testing was done every time a particular function or class are
completed. It would show only the particular changes that were made. It shows us in which part
the application is failing. For example, when there is code error in database creation, the android
studio doesn’t show the error as a database are integrated into the software, unit testing helps us in
making sure that each part of the codes is coded correctly and working fine.

4.2 Performance Testing

Performance testing is testing that is performed, to determine how fast some aspect of a system
performs under a particular workload. It can serve different purposes like it can demonstrate that
the system meets performance criteria. It can compare two systems to find which performs better.
Or it can measure what part of the system or workload causes the system to perform badly.

The performance test will be doing using the “Diagnostic Tools” which come as inbuild in window
operating system. It provides user to analyze which program is utilizing the amount memory, CPU
and disk consumption. So that we can priorities the application that required for testing.

4.3 Manual Testing

Manual testing includes testing a software manually, i.e., without using any automated tool or any
script. In this type, the tester takes over the role of an end-user and tests the software to identify
any unexpected behavior or bug. There are different stages of manual testing such as unit testing,
integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing. Testers use test plans, test cases, or
test scenarios to test a software to ensure the completeness of testing. The application was installed
in our personal computer and checked whether the application runs smooth without crashing and
generating an error.
4.4 Compatibility Testing
Compatibility testing is basically the testing of the application or the product built with the
computing environment. It tests whether the application or the software product built is compatible
with the hardware, operating system, database or other system software or not. It ensures
compatibility of the system/application/website built with various other objects such as other web
browsers, hardware platforms, users, and operating systems etc. It can be automated using
automation tools or can be performed manually and is a part of non-functional software testing.
The compatibility testing was performed manually by installing the application on the various
devices of the different vendor having different android versions.

5.1 Welcome Screen
This is the welcome screen for the application. When the app is launched this page is the first page
to appear. After this page it will bring up the home page.

5.2 Home Screen
After the welcome screen disappears this is the page that load into the phone. This page provides
the users or the public the searching user interface where they can enter the required information
in the field and search for the donor. As well as they can slide the menu from the left and go to
multiple page.

5.4 Slide Menu
When they swipe right from the left side, they will get the side menu option with list of menus;
login, signup, request, how to use, and about. They can go to each menu by clicking on the menu

5.3 Login page
If the public user wants to be a donor, they can click on the sign in menu option from the side
menu and they will be sent to login page.

5.4 Request Page
The public users or seeker can request for the blood donor using the request form.

6.1 Future Scope
Once the android application is installed in mobile, then user can directly access the application
and search for the donor, request for donor and more. This system was developed to provide user
friendly working interface, ease control and in faster way.
The DonateBlood Application can be added enhanced with more features and productivity tools to
enable donor as well as blood seeker friendly user working interface, chat privately with each other,
and give the seeker the donors location with GPS tracking capability. This system will also be
integrated with the features to notify the registered donor about the timing for donation, request
donor and location of nearby donation blood bank. The system at present does not have the GPS
tracking capability, no conversation forums and no notification features. Which only allows the
donors to login and keep information to the blood bank.
The application developed presently has a simple interface yet effective user interface, the
application can be worked upon to make an advanced option in the application which would
increase interactivity with the user.

DonateBlood app is especially designed to be used by the patients seeking blood, registered
blood donors, hospitals and BHUs. This will help the users in such a way that users can locate
different volunteer blood donors and hospitals in locality and then request for the blood in case
of emergency. The users will be able to view information about different blood banks along
with their repository, the information of the registers users who need blood in case of emergency
and the blood donors who wish to donate blood when required.
Therefore, this app will assist the patients seeking blood to locate and search blood who is need
of blood anytime and anywhere.


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