H CH 06 Skeletal System Enrile - Pimentel.Rosero.2A
H CH 06 Skeletal System Enrile - Pimentel.Rosero.2A
H CH 06 Skeletal System Enrile - Pimentel.Rosero.2A
● Produce bone matrices and become ● have a relatively thin, flattened shape. Flat bones
osteocytes. Osteoblasts connect to one are well-suited to providing a strong barrier
another through cell extensions and around soft organs such as the brain and heart.
surround themselves with bone matrices to Examples of flat bones are certain skull bones, the
become osteocytes. Osteocytes are located
in lacunae and are connected to one another ribs, the scapulae (shoulder blades), and the
through canaliculi…bone forming cells, have sternum.
extensive endoplasmic reticulum and
numerous ribosomes. They produce D. Irregular Bones
collagen and proteoglycans, which are
packaged into vesicles by the Golgi ● include the vertebrae and facial bones, which
apparatus and released from the cell by have shapes that do not fit readily into the other
three categories. These bones tend to have
B. Osteocytes specialized functions, such as providing
protection while allowing bending and flexing of
● Once an osteoblasts has secreted enough certain body regions such as the spine.
bone matrix to become surrounded by it the
cell is then referred to as an osteocyte. The
osteocytes retain their connections to
neighboring osteocytes through their cell
extensions. It becomes relatively inactive,
compared with most osteoblasts, but it is
possible for them to produce the
components needed to maintain the bone
C. Osteoclast
6.6.1. Skull
● The 22 bones of the skull are divided into
those of the braincase and those of the face.
● The braincase (neurocranium), which encloses
the cranial cavity, consists of 8 bones that
immediately surround and protect the brain
● 14 facial bones (viscerocranium). form the
structure of the face.
● Thirteen of the facial bones are rather solidly
connected to form the bulk of the face.
● The mandible, however, forms a freely
movable joint with the rest of the skull. Scapulae
● appendicular = appendage
● Acromion Process
● Consists of the bones of the upper and lower
○ extends from the scapular spine to
limbs, as well as the girdles, which attach the
form the point of the shoulder.
limbs to the axial skeleton.
○ Look at the Figure 2
○ Clavicle
Figure 4: Arm Forearm
● has two bones: Ulna and Radius
Figure 3: The Clavicle
Ulna Radius
Figure 5: Forearm Wrist
● Relatively short between the forearm and the
● Composed of: 8 Carpal Bones
8 Carpal Bones Description
Male Female
Iliac crest
● seen along the superior margin of each ilium,
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
● an important hip landmark, is located at the
anterior end of the iliac crest.
Pubic Symphysis
● where hip bones converge anteriorly and
articulate with the sacrum posteriorly at the
Sacroiliac Joints
● is the socket of the hip joint.
Obturator Foramen
● is the large hole in each hip bone that is
closed off by muscles and other structures.
Look at the Figure 7:
Figure 8: Pelvis
Practice Question:
6.7.4. Lower Limb ● Region between the knee and the ankle
● Contains two bones: Medial Tibia and Lateral
● Consists of the thigh, leg, ankle, and foot.
Tibia Foot
● consists of seven tarsal bones
1. Medial Cuneiforms
2. Intermediate Cuneiforms
3. Lateral Cuneiforms Figure 12: Arches
4. Cuboid
5. Navicular
6. Talus
7. Calcaneus
Metatarsal Bones
Figure 12: Foot
● Arranged, and numbered in a manner very
similar to the metacarpal bones and
phalanges of the hand.
● metatarsals are somewhat longer than 6.8.1. Joints
metacarpal bones whereas the phalanges of
the foot are considerably shorter than those ● or articulations, are commonly named
of the hand. according to the bones or portions of bones
that join together.
Three Primary Arches in the Foot ● Example: Temporomandibular Joint is between the
temporal bone and the mandible.
1st and 2nd. Two longitudinal arches extend from
the heel to the ball of the foot. Classification of Joints
3rd. Transverse arch extends across the foot.
● Located at the connection between the five ● is based on Structure and Functions.
metatarsal and the three cuneiforms and the
cuboid. Structure
Note: The arches serve as an adjustable layer to
assist in the two main functions of the foot: ● Fibrous, Cartilaginous, and Synovial Joints
1. To support the body in its upright position
both while standing and in forward during
walking Fibrous Joint (exhibit little or no movement)
2. And to absorb the shock when the foot
contacts the ground. ● articulating surfaces of two bones united by
fibrous connective tissue
● They have no joint cavity and exhibit little
or no movement.
● Joints in this group are further subdivided
on the basis of structure as sutures,
syndesmoses, or gomphoses.
1. Sutures
● fibrous joints between the bones of the
2. Syndesmoses
● bones are separated by some distance and
held together by ligaments.
3. Gomphoses
● consist of pegs fitted into sockets and held
in place by ligaments. The joint between a
tooth and its socket is gomphosis.
Synovial Joints
1. Articular Cartilage
● Provides a smooth surface where the bones
2. Joint Cavity
● Articular surface is enclosed within a fluid
Cartilaginous Joints (Slight movement) 3. Joint Capsule
● Helps to hold the bones together while still
● Unite two bones by means of cartilage. allowing for a movement.
● Slight movement can occur in these joints. 4. Synovial Membrane
● Connecting Cartilage can be: ● lines the joint cavity everywhere except
○ Hyaline Cartilage (Synchondroses) over the articular cartilage.
○ Fibrocartilage (Symphyses) ● where Synovial Fluid is produced.
● may also extend a Tendon Sheath
5. Synovial Fluid
● Forms a thin, lubricating film covering the
surfaces of the joint.
● a complex mixture of polysaccharides,
proteins, lipids, and cells.
6. Bursa
● may extend as a pocket or sac in certain
synovial joints.
● Bursitis
○ inflammation of a bursa.
4. Pivot Joints
● Restrict movement to rotating around a
single axis.
● Each pivot consists of a cylindrical bony
process that rotates within a ring composed
partly of bone and partly of ligament.
● Example: Rotation between the axis and
atlas when shaking the head “no.”
1. Plane Joints
● Or gliding joints
● Consists of two opposed flat surfaces that 5. Ball-and-socket Joints
glide over each other. ● Consists of a ball (head) at the end of one
bone and a socket in an adjacent bone into
which a portion of the ball fits.
● Allows a wide range of movement in almost
any direction.
● Examples: Shoulder and hip joints
2. Saddle Joints
● Consists of two saddle-shaped articulating
surfaces oriented at right angles to each
● Movement can occur in two planes.
6. Ellipsoid Joints (Condyloid Joints)
● Elongated ball-and-socket joints
● The shape of the joint limits its range of
movement nearly to that of a hinge motion,
but in two planes.
● Examples: between occipital condyles of
the skull
3. Hinge Joints
● permit movement in one plane only
● Consists of a convex cylinder of one bone
applied to a corresponding concavity of the
other bone. Function
1. Synarthroses (non movable)
● Examples:
○ Sutures
○ Teeth
○ Mandible
Flexion Abduction
● A bending movement that decreases the angle of ● Movement away from the median or midsagittal
the joint to bring the articulating bones closer plane
together. ● To bring together
● Flexion movement in foot: ● Example: Jumping Jacks
○ Plantar Flexion
■ Movement of the foot toward
the plantar surface, as when
standing on toes.
○ Dorsiflexion
■ Movement of the foot toward
the shin.
Eversion Inversion
11. Excursion
Other Movement Types that are identified: ● A movement ● returns the digits
unique to the to the anatomical
thumb and little position
7. Protraction 8. Retraction finger.
● Occurs when the
● glides anteriorly ● Glides posteriorly tips of the thumb
and little finger are
brought toward
each other across
the palm of the
● At the age 30, bone mass is at its highest:
● The thumb can
also oppose the ○ Men generally have denser bones than
other digits women because of the effects of
testosterone and greater body weight.
○ Race and ethnicity affects bone mass.
○ African-Americas and Latinos have
higher masses than Caucasians and