Czech Agricultural Forestry and Veterinary Universities

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Czech Agricultural, Forestry

and Veterinary Universities

Czech Agricultural, Forestry
and Veterinary Universities
Czech University of Life
Sciences Prague
Kamýcká 129
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Faculty of Environmental
Republic. It has been developing agricultural education and research
since 1906 when it was founded as the School of Agricultural and
Forestry Engineering at the Czech Technical University. Nowadays, our
Faculty covers an extensive range of applied biology research including
agricultural and horticultural sciences, food quality and nutrition,
Address: natural resources management, rural development, environmental
Kamýcká 129 protection, and many other areas of interest. Thanks to a variety of
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol study programmes, strong orientation on research, modern facilities,
and international recognition, the Faculty is very attractive for both
number of students: 3 500, number of employees: 250 domestic and foreign students.
(academic year 2015/2016)
Consider the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources as
ABOUT US your destination for developing skills and knowledge needed to tackle
The Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources (FAFNR) modern agricultural and environmental challenges!
has the longest tradition of all the agricultural faculties in the Czech


The Faculty participates in diverse international projects, most notably Currently, the FP7 project “Resource Preservation by Application of
those sponsored by FP7 and H2020 EU programmes. The Department Bioefectors in European Crop Production” (BIOFECTOR) is being
of Agroecology and Biometeorology recently successfully finished solved at the Department of Agro-environmental Chemistry and Plant
the FP7 project “Practical Implementation of Coexistence in Europe” Nutrition with allocated budget of 151 630 €. This project is focused
(PRICE) focused on economic aspects of co-existence regulations which on the development and strategic application of natural products
would be required to grow genetically modified crops in European (microorganisms, plant and composts extracts), recycling materials to
conditions. Budget allocated to the Department was 123 254 €. alternative products, or improving efficiency of mineral fertilizers.

x The faculty has agreements with almost 100 universities within
The broad team of experts coordinated by FAFNR developed and verified Europe and overseas enabling extensive students mobility and staff
unique software tool based on GIS database called IS RESTEP. These exchange.
freely accessible interactive maps allow calculations of energy potential x All facilities for practical training such as experimental field and
of all major renewable sources available in any region of the Czech stable, ornamental garden, glasshouses, horse barn and riding hall
Republic to find economically and environmentally suitable locations are located in or in walking distance from campus.
for intended RES unit installations. The newly invented software has
been widely used since its publication on by the state DEGREE COURSES (taught in English)
administration, private sector, and public in the Czech Republic, but can
be easily modified and implemented for other countries all around the
Agriculture and Food
world. The activity was realised under EC LIFE+ Environmental Policy Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
and Governance program with total allocated budget of 1 400 000 € of
which the Faculty received 238 141 €. MSc.:
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (Double Degree with ENSAT
Toulouse, France)
Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering (Joint
Degree with BOKU Vienna, Austria)
Natural Resources and Environment

General Crop Science
Special Crop Science
General Animal Science
Special Animal Science
Agricultural and Forestry Phytopathology and Plant Protection
Agricultural Chemistry
Exploitation and Protection of Natural Resources
Fig 1: RESTEP map of the energy potential in forest harvest residues (Czech Republic).
SUCCESS STORY – TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology
Department of Agroenvironmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition
Department of Agroecology and Department of Botany and Plant Physiology
Biometeorology was involved in Department of Genetics and Breeding
development and optimization Department of Husbandry and Ethology of Animals
of rapid test for detection of Department of Chemistry
herbicide resistance in weeds. The Department of Quality of Agricultural Products
RISQ (Resistance In-Season Quick Department of Microbiology, Nutrition and Dietetics
Test) is an in-season universal Department of Plant Protection
method for detecting herbicide Deparment of Soil Science and Soil Protection
resistance in weeds to a wide Department of Forage Crops and Grassland Management
range of herbicide modes of Fig. 2: Testing of Silky bent grass on Department of Crop Production
action prior to field application. herbicide resistance using RISQ test. Department of Animal Husbandry
RISQ can provide results in 14 to Department of Veterinary Sciences
21 days and enables growers to make and informed herbicide selection Department of Water Resources
before field application. The development was sponsored by Syngenta Department of Horticulture
Limited (UK) and has now been widely introduced to provide fast weed Department of Landscape Architecture
resistance information for growers and consultants all over the world. Department of Zoology and Fisheries

The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of the Czech
University of Life Sciences Prague offers a wide range of education
and research covering the areas of management, economics, ITC,
systems engineering, public administration and regional development
which reflect the needs of the entire economy and society. Based on
the conclusions of the Bologna Conference of Universities and Higher
Education Representatives, the studies are divided into three levels
- bachelor, master and doctoral, each with corresponding degrees.
Several bachelor-degree, master-degree and PhD programmes are taught
Kamýcká 129
exclusively in English. The long lasting tradition and the development
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol
of pedagogical, research, scientific and international activities are
number of students: 9 931, number of employees: 207 reflected in acknowledging these important areas of academic life in
(academic year 2015/2016) the accreditation of the habilitation and professorship proceedings.


FEM CULS Prague is involved in several international research projects VOA3R – virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository:
in economics, informatics or social sciences. The most important Sharing Scientific and Scholarly Research related to Agriculture, Food
projects are as follows. and Environment (2010–2013, 7FP).

COMPETE – International comparisons of product supply chains CERTCOST – Economic Analysis of Certification Systems for Organic
in the agro-food sectors: determinants of their competitiveness and Food and Farming (2008–2011, 7FP).
performance on EU and international markets (2012–2015, 7FP).

FARMPATH – Farming Transitions: Pathways Towards Regional Sustainability

of Agriculture in Europe (2011–2013, 7FP).

Internationalization is one of the most important strengths of the x 98 percent of our students are able to find jobs after graduation.
faculty.The faculty hosts annually students from more than 70 countries, x The faculty offers a unique European Agrarian Diplomacy study
and has entered into bilateral agreements with over 100 universities all programme of which the graduates find jobs in major European
over the world.This facilitates the students and teaching staff mobility as institutions.
well as cooperation in research.The latest information from prestigious
institutions can be presented at the faculty thanks to cooperation with DEGREE COURSES
reputable foreign professors and experts. During the summertime, BSc.:
more than 200 students, mostly from the United States, visit the faculty Economics and Management (en)
as participants of several summer schools. The university campus thus Business Administration (en)
Economics and Management
provides a really unique and multicultural environment. Economics and Cultural Studies
Business and Administration
Public Administration and Regional Development
Systems Engineering
Informatics (en)
Economics and Management (en)
European Agrarian Diplomacy (en)
Business Administration
European Agrarian Diplomacy
Economics and Management
Economics and Cultural Studies
The MONIQUA Methodology for evaluation of the quality of life Public Administration and Regional Development
Systems Engineering
in regional communities (accredited by the Ministry of Regional Informatics
Development), uses indicators which cover the needs of 180 Czech Project Management
Local Action groups comprising 6, 250 municipalities.They are presented Informatics (en)
in cartographic maps in the software tool.
Management (en)
We have created an algorithm which identifies VAT frauds. This Sector Economics and Economics of Enterprise (en)
predictive system makes it possible to identify a set of high risk subjects, Management
which could be checked by the standard mechanism of tax audit applied Sector Economics and Economics of Enterprises
by the Czech tax administration. Regional and Social Development
Systems Engineering
Information Management
We have developed a software that enables students to acquire tacit Information Management (en)
management knowledge due to interaction with artificial intelligence.
Department of Economic Theories
Department of Economics
Department of Humanities
Department of Information Engineering
Department of Information Technologies
Department of Languages
Department of Law
Department of Management
Department of Psychology
Department of Statistics
Department of Systems Engineering
Department of Trade and Accounting

now „Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS)“.The University
is located in the city of Prague, Czech Republic; which is regarded as
one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The Faculty has remained an integral part of CULS. Staff activities have
Address: been mainly teaching and research as well as expertise appraisal and
Kamýcká 129 consultancy. There are ten departments with equipped laboratories
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol and centres for projects developmental workshops. The Faculty of
Engineering has signed several international agreements with European
number of students: 2 200, number of employees: 122 universities whereby the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
(academic year 2015/2016) applied by CULS provides better academic conditions for students
mobility through exchange programmes or courses with the European
ABOUT US partner universities. PhD candidates or graduates have been among the
The Faculty of Engineering (formerly Faculty of Mechanization) was best students or researchers of CULS as well as International Awards
founded as part of the University of Agriculture established in 1952, related to science and research publications.


The international relations of the Faculty of Engineering play an and bio-systems engineering. International teachers are members of the
increasingly important role in the mainstream of teaching and research academic staff involved in teaching and research. The Faculty has been
through summer school programmes and workshops for foreign also the coordinator of a number of international projects including
students. The students and staff international exchange internships are “The establishment of agricultural training centre in Indonesian region
essential for the faculty’s continuing knowledge transfer and acquisition. Tapanuli” and “Machinery induced compaction of agricultural soil and
The Faculty has been involved in developmental projects focused on mitigation strategies in the Danube region”.
agriculture mechanization and technology, precision farming, energetic

The Faculty of Engineering has improved its wide scope of research
x 90 percent of the students find job immediately after graduation.
focused on agricultural and food processing technologies both in the
Czech Republic and beyond, for instance, in the Indonesian province, x Strong cooperation exists with private sectors relating to the
North Sumatera. The number of international publications by local development of the agricultural machines and food processing
researchers has increased tremendously which are indexed in Scopus technologies.
and/or Web of Science.

Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural machinery
Road transportation and city traffic¨
Waste disposal technology and techniques
Technological equipment of constructions
Trade and Business Dealing with Machinery
Information and Control Technology in Agri-food Complex
Maintenance Engineering
Technology and Environmental Engineering
Agricultural machinery
Road transportation and city traffic
Waste disposal technology and techniques
Technological equipment of constructions
Trade and Business Dealing with Machinery
Information and Control Technology in Agri-food Complex
The Faculty of Engineering in cooperation with Farmet a.s. has invented Maintenance Engineering
a high-boron wear resistant steel for components and tools widely
used in agricultural machines of the 21st century. Ph.D.:
Engineering of Agricultural Technological Systems
Technology of production processes
Agricultural technology and mechanisation
Power engineering
Marketing of machines and technical systems
Quality and dependability of machines and devices
Department of Agricultural Machines
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
Department of Machinery Utilization
Department of Material Science and Manufacturing Technology
Department of Mathematics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Physics
Department of Quality and Dependability of Machines
Department of Technological Equipment of Buildings
Department of Vehicles and Ground Transport

Sciences Prague (CULS) for research into and study of tropical and
subtropical regions. It was established in 1961 as the “Institute of
Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture”, which was later renamed to
the “Institute of Tropics and Subtropics” (ITS). The faculty itself was
established on 1st January 2013.
Kamýcká 129 The FTA offers education in agricultural, environmental and rural
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol development in specific tropical and subtropical regions at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. FTA graduates are awarded
number of students: 539, number of employees: 57
B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees – we offer three bachelor, six master and
(academic year 2015/2016)
two doctoral programmes, eight of them are taught in English. Teaching
activities are conducted by four FTA departments, which are equipped
ABOUT US with the necessary facilities: experimental greenhouses in the Botanical
The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA) is an independent, educational, garden, fields, laboratories, farms and computer hardware and software
research and scientific academic body of the Czech University of Life infrastructure.


FTA has been coordinating several Erasmus Mundus projects, x Derbianus Conservation: The Western Derby Eland Conservation
e.g. EURASIA2 (Action 2), ALFABET (Action 2) and ASK Asia Programme in Senegal
(Action 3), has been a partner in other EM projects (EURASIA x Establishment of the Centre of Agricultural Education in the Bié
and EULAlinks) and Horizon 2020 project PROIntensAfrica. The Province, Angola
Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences has outstanding and long-term x Establishment of a Development and Extension Centre for
experience in the coordination of development projects with the Sustainable Agriculture in Peruvian Amazon
Czech Development Agency – in Angola, Bosnia, Cambodia, Ethiopia, x Renewable Energy Resources for Rural Areas in the Thua-Thien
Georgia, Haiti, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Peru, Hue Province,Vietnam
Senegal, Uzbekistan,Vietnam and Zambia. Examples of the development
projects with research activities are:

We were first coordinator of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project in the x 95 % of our students find job within 5 months after graduation.
Czech Republic with Eurasia2 project focused on exchange of students x More than half of the students’ final theses are based on their
and staff among 20 universities in Europe and Asia, transfer of know-how research in tropical and subtropical countries.
and capacities in the field of Life Sciences. Based on this experience
we have been selected by the European Commission as coordinators DEGREE COURSES
of other Erasmus Mundus/Erasmus + projects (e.g. ALFABET, ASK
Asia or IQAT projects. The project ASK Asia was selected as “example
of good practise” by the EACEA. Agriculture in Tropics and Subtropics (Czech)
Sustainable Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (Czech)
International Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development
(English) – open in 2016/17
Animal and Food Science in Tropics and Subtropics (English)
International Development and Agricultural Economics (English)
Sustainable Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics (English)
Tropical Crop Management and Ecology (English)
Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry (English)
Wildlife Management in Tropics and Subtropics (English)
Agriculture in Tropics and Subtropics (Czech)
Sustainable Rural Development (English)
We started higher education in Angola after long-term civil war in Department of Animal Science and Food Processing
2003, built the Centre for agriculture education (high school), and Department of Economics and Development
within 4 years over 300 graduated students, now working in the field of Department of Sustainable Technologies
agriculture. Several of these alumni from Angola where selected by the Department of Crop Sciences and Agroforestry
Czech government and supported with scholarship for foreign students. Botanical Garden of Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
They successfully graduated at the FTA and presently they are working Experimental breeding farm for elands and guanacos
at the Ministries of Agriculture or national institutions in Angola.

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague of Life Sciences Prague. One of the reasons for creating this new
Faculty of Environmental faculty was a growing demand for specialists with scientific knowledge
and a practical orientation toward the environment. The Faculty of
Sciences Environmental Sciences is an institution known for its multidisciplinary
Address: approach in dealing with issues of environmental conservation and
Kamýcká 129 sustainable development. Our team of experienced professionals
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol from ecology, hydrology, landscape planning, land consolidation, waste
management, environmental modelling, soil protection and many others
number of students: 2 760 (including 53 ERASMUS students) is motivated to apply its research findings in teaching students and to
number of employees: 125 researchers implement such outputs in practical applications. The modern faculty
(academic year 2015/2016) offers a wide range of interesting programmes in conservation of
the environment, nature and landscape at bachelor, master and PhD
ABOUT US levels. Our programmes provide the required educational training for
The Faculty of Environmental Sciences was established in 2007 as an a number of official authorizations such as, among others, environmental
independent research and teaching college within the Czech University impact assessment (EIA/SEA).


Horizon 2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions): A new methodological approach for identification of industrial pollution:
Brachiopods as sensitive tracers of global marine environment: Insights Isotope fingerprinting and bacterial community changes (ISOFIN),
from alkaline, alkaline Earth metal, and metalloid trace element ratios partners are the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environement
and isotope systems. Research (Bioforsk) and The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU).

Nordic funds: COST:

Assessing water quality improvement options concerning nutrient and Biochar as option for sustainable resource management.
pharmaceutical contaminants in rural watersheds, partner is the Norwegian
Institute for Agricultural and Environement Research (Bioforsk).

Methodology for identification of pollution sources x Our students and researchers are awarded with the most
We are currently developing a novel methodology for identification prestigious grants (e.g. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions)
of pollution sources, which is based on metal isotope fingerprint using and get experienced at the world’s leading institutions
data from various environmental samples (e.g., snow, lichens, soils, peats, (e.g. Duke University).
atmospheric particles). The project is cooperation with Norwegian x Our graduates have the highest gross salary and have the third
institutes NIBIO and NGU and focuses on two polluted areas in the lowest unemployment rate among all nine agricultural faculties
Barents region with several smelters and metal industries and in the
of Czech universities.
Upper Silesian region polluted by intensive metal and coal industry.
This approach will allow a precise evaluation of pollution sources, their
contributions and range.
Applied Ecology
Water management
Landscape Technical and Administration Services
Landscape Planning

Applied Ecology
Environmental Geosciences
Nature Conservation
Regional Environmental Administration
Environmental Modelling
Landscape Engineering
Landscape Planning
Land and Water Management
Water in the Landscape
Landscape and Land Management
Artificial habitats for selected animal species.
The methodology is focused on
Applied and Landscape Ecology
temporary placement of selected
Environmental Modelling
threatened species (amphibians,
Water Regime Improvement in Landscape
reptiles and selected invertebrates)
in artificial habitats as a possible
method of ex situ conservation DEPARTMENTS
measures. The issue has not yet Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Spatial Planning
been solved both in the Czech Department of Environmental Geosciences
Republic and abroad. Artificial Department of Ecology
habitats have been developed within the project supported by TAČR Department of Land Use and Improvement
and on the base of intensive cooperation between CULS Prague and Department of Water Resources and Environmental Modeling
NaturaServis ltd. Company. Department of Applied Ecology

in the Czech Republic where students can study forestry and wood
sciences at university level, and the only institution with study
specializations in Game Management, Preservation of Natural objects
and Taxidermy. Scientific, research, development and expert activities
are focused on the fields of forestry and timber processing.
Kamýcká 129 The faculty consists of 10 departments on the campus, and a large
165 21 Praha 6 – Suchdol arboretum and other teaching and research equipment in the
number of students: 1 929, number of employees: 160 University Forest Enterprise in Kostelec nad Černými lesy near Prague.
(academic year 2015/2016) The Faculty staff has 160 members, of them 12 professors, 19 associate
professors and 75 assistants and researchers.

ABOUT US The Faculty closely cooperates with the University Forest Enterprise
The Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences is an important educational in Kostelec nad Černými lesy for educational, research and scientific
institution with a long tradition. The Faculty is one of two institutions purposes.


Intensive international cooperation in education and research has been Long-term research is interconnected with the practical sphere. Key
unfolding for many years, participating in educational and scientific areas of research and development are e.g.: silviculture, forest ecology,
organizations’ activities, collaborating in miscellaneous international dendrology, phytocoenology, tree species breeding and biotechnologies,
projects, organizing and participating in international conferences and stand structure, forest and growth processes on various levels,
competitions. The Faculty is a member of important organizations, operations mechanization, forest technology, structural utilization
e.g.: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), of wood and wood-based materials, forest economy, environment
European Forest Institute (EFI) and its Regional Office for Central and economy, forest evaluation, policy and legislation.
Eastern Europe (EFICEEC), Conference of Deans and Directors of
European Forestry Faculties and Schools (CONFEST) Interuniversity
Consortium for Agricultural and Related Sciences in Europe (ICA).

Our experts worked in various countries of the World. In Central x Graduates from all programmes find employment easily, their
Vietnam we created a forest management plan establishing employment rate reaches 98% in the long run.
multifunctional forest on the area about 10000 ha and we reforested
the area 43 ha on demonstration plots in the commune Phong My. In DEGREE COURSES
Indonesia, in the province North Sulawesi, we created a special plan
for erosion control around Lake Tondano and on demonstration plots
we practically showed various patterns of agroforestry in total area of
40 ha. In Guatemala we created a special plan of forest and landscape Forestry (taught both in Czech and English)
development for the commune San Mateo Ixtatan. Wood Technology
Game Operation and Management
Game Management (taught in English)
Economics and Administration Services in Forestry
Wood-Processing and Furniture Industry Business
Conservation and Taxidermy

Forest Engineering (taught both in Czech, and English)
Wood Engineering
Forest, Water and Landscape Management (taught in English)
Tropical Forestry and Agroforestry (taught in English)

Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding
Forest Management
Forest Protection and Game Management
Our geneticists have developed a new and effective method of planting Economics and Management of an Enterprise
seed orchard of forest trees, which is now applied by the two largest Technology and Mechanisation in Forestry
forestry state companies in the country.
Department of Wood Products and Wood Constructions
Department of Genetics and Physiology of Forest Trees
Department of Forest Ecology
Department of Forestry and Wood Economics
Department of Forest Management
Department of Forest Technology and Constuctions
Department of Game Management and Wildlife Biology
Department of Forest Protection and Entomology
Department of Silviculture
Department of Wood Processing

University of South Bohemia
in České Budějovice
Branišovská 1645/31a
370 05 České Budějovice
The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South
Bohemia in České Budějovice (FFPW USB) was established on 1st of
September 2009. FFPW is a very complex workplace within Europe
with bachelor, master and PhD studies, scientific and applied research,
inaugural and professorial rights in the field of fisheries and protection
of waters. The Faculty has experimental background for study and
research of pond culture, aquaculture, aquaponics, water ecology,
toxicology, fish diseases, reproduction, genetics, fish and crayfish
breeding, biomonitoring, protection of waters and a unique library on
Zátiší 728/II
389 25 Vodňany
number of students: 232 Our motto is:We are a young active Central European scientific faculty
number of employees with PhD students: 203 that creates a self-sustaining economic, social, dynamic and nature-
(academic year 2015/2016) friendly Europe.


x FFPW USB participates in following FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects; x FishBOOST – Improving European aquaculture by advancing
x AQUAEXCEL 2020 – Aquaculture infrastructures for excellence selective breeding to the next level for the six main finfish species;
for European fish research; x IMPRESS (ITN Marie Curie) – Improved production strategies for
x TRAFOON – Traditional Food Network to improve the transfer of endangered freshwater species;
knowledge for innovation; x COST Actions – Assessing and improving the quality of aquatic
x OrAQUA – European Organic Aquaculture – Science-based animal gametes to enhance aquatic resources – The need to
recommendations for further development of the EU regulatory harmonize and standardize evolving methodologies, and improve
framework and to underpin future growth in the sector; transfer from academia to industry or Aquatic gametes as model
for fundamental cell motility studies.


x More than half of our Ph.D. students come from abroad

(Europe, Asia, Africa).
x Annually, we published about 100 papers in prestigious peer
review scientific journals.
x We offer English study of master degree in Fishery and
Protection of Waters and PhD degree in Fishery.
x We have invested into our equipment and buildings nearly
18 million EUR within last 5 years.


Fishery (taught in Czech)
SUCCESS STORY – INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Protection of Waters (taught in Czech)
The FFPW USB is a partner of AQUAEXCEL2020 project kicked off
in October 2015. The project aims to support the sustainable growth MSc.:
of the aquaculture sector in Europe. AQUAEXCEL2020 comprises Fishery and Protection of Waters
a large group of 22 leading European aquaculture research facilities that (taught in Czech and English)
work towards advanced integration and standardisation of tools for
aquaculture research. AQUAEXCEL2020 aims support and conduct Ph.D.:
world-class aquaculture research. One of the key aspects of the project Fishery (taught in Czech and English)
is to provide subsidised access to its top-class aquaculture facilities
as well as numerous highly pertinent services for researchers from DEPARTMENTS
academia and industry. AQUAEXCEL2020 will also provide training for
Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology
transnational access users, aquaculture researchers, technical staff and
industry stakeholders. Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters
Institute of complex systems
South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture
and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses


The FFPW USB innovated feeding technology of the common carp in
ponds with higher omega 3 fatty acids. Carps are fed by special feed
containing rape, extruded flax seed, cereals, soya bean, carp premix and
stabilizing agents in an appropriate ratio. Flax seed, rape seed oil or
blueweed oil can be added as well. The feeding technology ensures that
200 g portion of carp flesh contains nutrients as follows: 800 mg omega
3 fatty acids, of which 400 mg of highly unsaturated fatty acids, including
200 mg of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid. On the market,
this product is known as Omega 3 carp.

The Faculty of Agriculture is one of eight faculties composing the
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The present
portfolio of the faculty fully reflects the recent European trends – to
complement the primary productive function of agriculture with its
non-productive ones. The broader perspective encompasses not only
particular technologies, but also the context in which agriculture
operates, including natural, social, economic and cultural aspects. Rural
space / countryside / land-scape issues attract still growing interest
as both the subject of teaching and research realized at the Faculty.
Studentská 1668
Faculty orientation gives graduates possibilities being successful on
370 05 České Budějovice
the employment market as well as encourages scientific and research
number of students: 1 220, number of employees: 120 integration in the frame of national and international scale.
(academic year 2015/2016)


Research activities at the Faculty of Agriculture have a strong application by mining, or monitoring of nuclear power plant impact on the
character. Working with partners from the private sector and research environment.
institutions is the rule. It covers a whole area of science and research
at the Faculty from the preparation of projects, the solution of specific The most significant projects are solved within the framework of the
problems and use of results in practice. As an example we can mention COST, KONTAKT and ERASMUS+ partnership programme. In the past
application of knowledge in cattle and pig breeding, protection of dealt FP6 project EULACIAS “Breaking the spiral of unsustainability in
genetics resources and food quality control. Significant is the area of arid and semiarid areas in Latin America using an ecosystems approach
landscape, particularly water system, remediation of areas devastated for co-innovation of farm livelihoods.

Faculty of Agriculture regularly co-organizes summer schools, focusing x Faculty of Agriculture is awarded the “Excellent Organization”
on sustainable agriculture, which are attended by students from all over by the EFQM Excellence Model.
Europe. x Students can make experiments in both conventional and organic
small plot experiments research areas.
PhD. students of the Faculty of Agriculture regularly perform professional x Faculty use its own research brewery.
internships in foreign partners (e.g. USA, Argentina, Vietnam, Kenya,

Biology and protection of “hobby” organisms
Land adjustment and real estate (Trade)
Agricultural biotechnology
Sustainable systems in agricultural land)
Agricultural technology, marketing and services
Biology and protection of “hobby” organisms
Land adjustment and real estate Trade
Agricultural and transport machinery
Agricultural engineering
Agricultural biotechnology
SUCCESS STORY – TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Applied and landscape ecology
Faculty of Agriculture logs annually at the Industrial Property Office General plant production
a series of patents, utility models and other applied outputs. The General zootechnics
application sector subsequently concluded a license agreement to Plant production
commercially exploited results. Worth mentioning is foliar nutrition Animal husbandry
Agricultural biotechnology
preparation for plant nutrition NanoFyt Si or syrup from the berries of
Agricultural chemistry
the elderberry containing natural antioxidants.
Zoohygiene and prevention of livestock diseases
We developed managing DEPARTMENTS
electronic system for Agricultural machinery and services
dairy farming.The system Agroecosystems
was built as a model for Animal husbandry sciences
dairy farming with the Applied chemistry
classic parlour created Biological disciplines
in collaboration with Landscape management
company Agrosoft. Plant production
Quality of agricultural products

Mendel University in Brno
Zemědělská 1/1665
613 00 Brno
of AgriSciences
The Faculty of AgriSciences was founded over 95 years ago. We
endeavour to deliver the best education and teach the most useful

of AgriSciences
skills for practical use in the agricultural and food industry. Several new
facilities have been built to create an even better teaching environment.
According to their specialisation, students have hands-on experience
in the food technology pavilion with its start-to-finish meat or dairy
production and complete bakery, experimental breweries and others.
The zoology department offers modern teaching premises including an
ossarium, an autopsy room, and for instance large water tanks for warm
and cold water fish. Other students have the use of large glasshouses
Zemědělská 1/1665
with phytotrons, well-equipped workshops for mobile technology and
613 00 Brno
a bio-gas station to name just a few. As it is important to see the reality
number of students: 10 200, number of employees: 1 200 beyond theoretical information, students take field trips to visit farms -
(academic year 2015/2016) among others our own farm in Žabčice.


Horizon 2020 (RP215001, 115844 FILODIAG, EUR 361,750 from 7RP (7AMB14SK033), from 1/1/2014 to 31/12/2015, CZK 0.050,
1/2/2015 to 31/1/2017, Ultra – Fast Molecular Filovirus Diagnostics Research into Control Parameters in Bionic Systems of Safe Biomass
(FILODIAG), coordinator: GNA Biosolutions GmbH (Germany), and Waste Energy Transformation, Ing. Tomáš Koutný.
provider: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint undertaking, prof. RNDr.
Vojtěch Adam, Ph.D. Leonardo (RECDEV), from 1/1/2014 to 31/12/2016, CZK 0.507,
Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation,
COST MŠMT (LD14020), from 1/1/2014 to 31/12/2016, CZK 0.551, Ing. Bohdan Stejskal, Ph.D.
Options for Terrestrial Remote Sensing for Ascertaining Actual
Evapotranspiration of Select Field Crops, prof. Ing. Zdeněk Žalud, Ph.D. Hormonal modulations of plant responses to environmental cues
and their projection into plant growth and development represent
key activities of CEITEC MENDELU necessary for sustainability of
agricultural production under rapidly changing climate conditions.

x All you need to study can be found in a single campus (all in one).
In cooperation with the
x We actually have two experimental breweries, bake our own breads and
National Drought Mitigation produce meat products.
Centre (Nebraska, USA) we
developed a system (www. DEGREE COURSES for monitoring BSc.:
and forecasting agricultural Agribusiness Land Consolidation and Soil
drought in a 500x500m space Agricultural Machinery Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
grid for the Czech and Slovak Agroecology Plant Production
Animal Breeding Plant Protection
Republics. The number of users is of the order of thousands. Food Technology Waste Management
General Agriculture
We have taken part in Resumption of Plant Production in Semiarid
Regions of Northern Gobi project under the Patronage of Czech Agribusiness Fishery and Hydrobiology
Ministry of Agriculture aimed at researching the Dornogobi area in Agricultural Engineering (also in ENG) Food Quality and Safety
Eastern Mongolia to find sources of water and suitable farming land.This Agricultural Machinery Food Technology
project resulted in a fully-functional farm with facilities for processing Agroecology Horse Breeding and Rural Tourism
Animal Biotechnology Plant Biotechnology
and preserving plant products. Animal Breeding Plant Production
Animal Nutrition Plant Protection
SUCCESS STORY – TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Automobile Transport Rural Development
Ecotrophology Waste Technology and Management
Under a Czech government project (TAČR), the Faculty contributes to
improving the competitiveness of Czech food-producing and related Ph.D.:
Agricultural Chemistry (also in ENG)
industries setting up trends in strategic specialisations. Agricultural Technology and Machinery (also in ENG)
Applied and Landscape Ecology (also in ENG)
Coloured wheat “PS Karkulka”. We breed and test coloured wheat Applied Animal Breeding
that generates natural colours in the caryopsis, primarily antokyans Applied Bioclimatology (also in ENG)
and carotenoids. They are suitable for the manufacture of wholesome General Animal Breeding (also in ENG)
General Plant Production (also in ENG)
foodstuff that apart from nutritional value has a positive effect on the Molecular Biology and Genetics of Animals (also in ENG)
consumer’s health (the antioxidant effect). Plant Anatomy and Physiology (also in ENG)
Plant Protection
We are the first research institution focusing on the analysis of medicinal Properties and Processing of Agricultural Materials and Products
Special Plant Production (also in ENG)
marijuana.We have built a unique medicinal marijuana grow system that Structural Biology (also in ENG)
fully complies with the Czech legislative conditions and requirements Waste Technology
imposed by the Dutch partner, Bedrocan Beheer company.
Department of Agrochemistry, Soil Science, Microbiology and Plant Nutrition
Department of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology
Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology
Department of Plant Biology
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Animal Breeding
Department of Molecular Biology and Radiobiology
Department of Morphology, Physiology and Animal Genetics
Department of Crop Science, Breeding and Plant Medicine
Department of Technology and Automobile Transport
Department of Food Technology
Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage Production
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Engineering
Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Apiculture

The Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology at Mendel University
in Brno (FFWT MENDELU) is one of the major university teaching
institutions in the Czech Republic, concentrating on research and
academic activities in the areas of arboristics, furniture design and
furniture technology, forestry, landscaping, timber structures and wood
building construction, wood technology and timber management and
furniture design on bachelor, master and doctoral levels, and in research
and expertise in the respective fields. Our mission is to facilitate
education, to support scientific research and to nurture creative
ecologically sound activities related to land, forests, wood and interior
with an emphasis on ecology and aesthetics. Our faculty is a part of the
Zemědělská 3, 613 00 Brno
Mendel University in Brno, a public university whose tradition dates
number of students: 1757, number of employees: 301 back to 1919.
(academic year 2015/2016)


The Faculty of Forestry andWoodTechnology as a partner in international overall goal is to provide integrated response measures to Predict,
research consortia involved in solving excellent European research Prevent and Protect European agricultural and forestry sectors and
programs as an example Horizon 2020 or programmes supporting natural ecosystems from native and alien pest threats. Other major
trans-national cooperation e.g. COST Action, Visegrad Funds, etc. The projects include projects solved for the Czech Development Agency
Faculty gets the most resources from the EEA Grants and the Czech in Ethiopia and Zambia, which deal with the use of water resources
Development Agency. The most important current project includes for sustainable agricultural production, remediation and reclamation of
project Horizon 2020 EMPHASIS (Contract no. 634179). EMPHASIS´s degraded lands and providing fodder for milch cattle of small farmers.

We offer master programme European Forestry and master programme x All you need to study can be found in a single campus (all in one).
Forestry and Landscape Management (double degree with Lapland x We offer 52 courses fully taught in English.
University in Finland).
We cooperate with more than 90 universities in Europe. BSc.:
Forestry (courses of study Forestry, Management of Natural Resources in
the Tropics and Subtropics)
Furniture Design
Furniture Design and Furniture Technology
Timber Structures and Wood Building Construction
Wood Technology and Timber Management
European Forestry
Forest Engineering
Furniture Design
Furniture Engineering
Landscape Engineering
Wood-Working Engineering
Timber Structures and Wood Building Construction
Applied Geoinformatics
Renewable Resources Economics and Management
Forest Ecology
Forest Phytology
Our faculty has first wood research centre in the Czech Republic. We Forest Protection
have developed new software for calculation and evaluation of low Game Management
Landscaping and Landscape Conservation
capacity roadways, which can also propose optimal solution to project
Furniture Technology
architects. Silviculture
Technology and Mechanization in Forestry
Wood Processing and Timber Technology
Constructions for Forestry and Landscape Engineering
Department of Forest Management and Applied Geoinformatics
Department of Geology and Soil Science
Department of Forest and Forest Products Technology
Department of Forest and Wood Products Economics and Policy
Department of Forest Botany, Dendrology and Geobiocoenology
Department of Forest Ecology
Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
Department of Furniture, Design and Habitation
Department of Landscape Management
Department of Mathematics
Department of Silviculture
Department of Wood Processing
Department of Wood Science

Faculty of Business and Economics is a modern and constantly
developing school, which follows trends in education and research. It
offers both economic and IT study programmes at all three levels of
university education in Czech and in English. There are nearly 4,000
applicants on average each year. In 2011–2015 FBE was evaluated as the
best business school in Moravia and the 3rd best business school in the
Czech Republic.
Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno
number of students: 3000, number of employees: 120
(academic year 2015/2016)


The research focus of faculty can be grouped into these basic ICT and methods for monitoring and assessment of environmental
areas: changes as a tool for the promotion of bio-economic innovation and
process control
Socio-economic problems of modern society in the context of regional
and national economic policies Since it is currently putting emphasis on interdisciplinary nature of
research, the faculty created several research teams linking the various
Harmonization and coordination of tax systems in the EU industry-specific institutes. Our researchers participated on number of
national or international projects including FP7, Horizon 2020, Nordic
funds, etc.

The “Commerce communication” specialization is offered at master’s
level. Students like it even though it is one of the more demanding. x 95 percent of our students find job within 5 months after
It requires not only study effort, but also work on real practical graduation.
projects, mostly in cooperation with non-profit and public funded x 9/10 CULS students were satisfied with their courses.
organizations. The emphasis is put on teambuilding. Courses forming
this specialization (Brand building, Public relations and Media strategy) DEGREE COURSES
focus on current trends in marketing communication. “It was great that
we had also lectures of professionals”, says one of the alumni. Most BSc.:
of the students find their employment before they finish their studies
and we are pleased that many of them find courage to start their own Economics and Management – Business Economics
business and they are doing well. and Management

Economics and Management – Business Economics
and Management
System Engineering and Informatics – Economic Informatics

Economics and Management – Business Economics
and Management
Systems Engineering and Informatics – Economic Informatics
Public Policy and Administration – Finance
Some of our computer science students know that just a diploma DEPARTMENTS
is not enough and they manage to pass three network academies Department of Economics
offered at Faculty of Business and Economics (Cisco, Juniper, MikroTik). Department of Business Economics
Department of Informatics saved them hundreds euros which they Department of Management
would pay for these professional certificates. With these certificates,
Department of Statistics and Operation Analysis
they can find employment much easier. Some companies consider them
more important than university diploma itself. Thanks to very well Department of Accounting and Taxes
equipped laboratory, our students are at the top of the range. Department of Marketing and Trade
Department of Informatics (Department of IT and Computer
Department of Law and Social Sciences
Department of Finance

Czech Republic. We offer an exclusive opportunity to develop oneself
in the unique environment of the cultural agricultural landscape of
Lednice-Valtice, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We have an extensive team of experts specialising in floriculture,

fruit growing, nursery management, viticulture and enology, floristry,
horticultural machinery, processing and postharvest technology,
refrigeration and storage.We could also not do without our authorised
landscape architects, ecologists, landscapers and urban planners.
Valtická 337
As a part of our current study programmes we prepare specialists in
691 44 Lednice
production and ornamental horticulture, processing of horticultural
number of students: more than 1 100 products, quality of plant food sources, landscape architecture and
number of employees: 60 highly qualified lecturers viticulture and enology.
(academic year 2015/2016)
From research point of view the main topics are evaluating the impact
of drought on plants through analysis of the nutritional quality of
ABOUT US horticultural crops and products to the breeding of new varieties,
The Faculty of Horticulture, based in Lednice is an institution with developing new foods or use of mycorrhizal fungi to increase
the longest tradition of horticultural research and education in the productivity in horticulture.


Research covers the technologies used to grow fruit and grapevine, Czech-Chinese scientific and research cooperation in cultivation and
vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamental species. It comprehensively introduction of the Prunus variety (2010–2013).
covers the evaluation of taxa, varieties and hybrids, the maintenance
and use of gene pool collections of fruit, vines and special plants, as well
as agro-technical requirements, post harvest technology, the quality of
horticultural products and production systems and on analyses of the
composition of wine.An important area of research is the application of
genetics and molecular methods in breeding and cultivating horticultural
plant species. From Landscape Architecture point of view is research
focused primarily on developing landscape architecture methods and
tools for the application of cultural, artistic and historical contexts in
the development of the urban and rural environment.

COST: Application of next generation sequencing for the diagnosis of

viruses and virus-like diseases of grapevine (2015–2017)

Development of a reliable system for detection and quantification of

pathogens evoking GTD and GTD survey in the Czech wine regions

Vitivinicultural wastes valorisation for biologically active compounds


CONTACT: Development of methods and study of stress metabolism

and genomics in China and the Czech Republic (2012–2015);

In 2013 the Landscape Architecture study programme received x Gene pool collection of horticultural crops contains more than
international accreditation from EFLA (European Federation for 1,300 varieties.
Landscape Architecture). x We are the only faculty in the Czech Republic providing full
university education in Landscape Architecture.
In 2015 the international joint degree study programme was accredited
among three countries (Poland, Slovak and Czech Republic). x Most of the vintners and winemakers in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia are graduates from the MENDELU Faculty
of Horticulture.


Viticulture and Wine-growing
Quality of Plant and Food Products
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Realization

Landscape Architecture
Management of Landscape Realization
International Master of Horticulture Science
Mixture of saturated fatty acids and its use for inhibition of alcoholic Ph.D.:
or malolactic fermentation and dose reduction of sulphur dioxide in Horticulture
winemaking technology. Patent No. 303556. Landscape Architecture

Viticulture and Enology
Horticultural Machinery
Vegetable Science and Floriculture
Breeding and Propagation of Horticulture Plants
Post-Harvest Technology of Horticultural Products
Planting Design and Maintenance
Garden and Landscape Architecture
Landscape Planning
Mendeleum – Genetics and Plant Breeding Institute

The Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies (FRDIS)
was founded in 2008. We intended to offer a completely new type of
study programme preparing specialists to be able to solve problems in
agricultural and socially developing regions. The idea of the faculty is to
offer students complex education - not only theoretical lessons, but
also practical skills which are so much requested these days.

Nowadays FRDIS MENDELU offers Bachelor and Master programmes.

Four study programmes are taught in Czech and four in English
language. At the Faculty Czech and foreign students and teachers often
meet with each other. The selected subjects are taught by experienced
foreign lecturers from all over the world. A huge advantage is the
Address: possibility to participate in an internship abroad where students gain
třída Generála Píky 2005/7 practical skills. Within the exchange stays the faculty cooperates with
613 00 Brno – Černá Pole many prestigious European and world Universities.
number of students: 1 218, number of employees: 86
(academic year 2015/2016


The project “EcoFairTrade – an innovative approach to integrate the fields of study focused on developing countries by implementing mainly
right to food to the university lectures in Europe” (EuropeAid; 1/3/2013 scholarly internships in developing countries.
– 29/2/2016) aims to develop training modules covering human right to
food into the university curricula. The project „Increasing awareness and propagation of functions of forests in
landscape and in-nature riverbeds in urban environment as a component of
The aim of the project “Improvement of professional competences of ecosystem drainage basin service“ (EHP-CZ02-OV-1-032-2015; 1/1/2015
students of bachelor study program International Development Studies – 30/4/2016) focuses on the increase of public awareness of the
through the system of practical internships in developing countries” importance and value of functions of forests and in-nature riverbeds
(CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.025; 01/12/2011 – 31/12/2014) is to innovate the in urban areas.


x We offer all study programmes completely in English.

x We organize students’ recruitments for prospective international
students offering them an opportunity to undergo an admission
procedure in their own country.


Regional Development,
International Territorial Studies (both in Czech and English)

Regional Development,
International Territorial Studies (both in Czech and English)
The project EcoFairTrade – an innovative approach to integrate
the right to food to university lectures in Europe is implemented in DEPARTMENTS
cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, MISEREOR, Mendel
University and other universities in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium Department of Regional and Business Economics
and Croatia. So far the lecture series has been joined by 150 students Department of Social Development
and academics from partner universities. Department of Applied Statistics and Demography
Department of Territorial Studies
Formulation and completion of four final theses related to the issue of Department of Environmentalistics and Natural Resources
Right to Food has been supported in 2015 (Zambia, Ghana and RSA). Department of Regional Development and Public Administration
Department of Languages
Department of Project Management


More than 100 students have become
familiar with creation and implementation
of developing projects which were verified
during internships in one of selected
developing areas (Ghana, RSA, Chile,
Peru, Thailand, Zambia and Nicaragua)
and consequently have defended results
of these individual projects before an
international committee.

Many individual projects developed by

students in cooperation with university
teachers and local NGOs have helped
directly to local families and communities.

University of Veterinary and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno
Palackého třída 1
612 42 Brno
FACULTY The Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology prepares the experts
OF VETERINARY in the field of food hygiene. Education of these experts is a task, which
represents university educational as well as research background for
HYGIENE the field of veterinary food hygiene in the Czech Republic and nowadays
is the only so oriented veterinary educational institution not only in
AND ECOLOGY our country but also within Europe. The faculty provides university
education in accordance with the requirements prescribed the directive
36/2005/EC, on the recognition of professional qualifications. In 2004
the Faculty underwent the second international evaluation, the result
Palackého tř. 1946/1
of which stated that the faculty fulfils the requirements for veterinary
612 42 Brno
education prescribed by the directives of the European union and that
number of students: 958, number of employees: 210 the study programme represents an application of the “from stable to
(academic year 2015/2016) table“ concept.


Scientific and research activities are based on research grants from are organized within individual teams at departments.The faculty is also
grant agencies (especially the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, successful in terms of drawing subsidies from operational programmes.
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, The faculty is one of the key partners in the CEITEC project. The aim
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the National Agency for of the project is to create a Centre of scientific excellence in the field
Agricultural Research and the Internal grant agency of the Ministry of biomedicine and material research, the outcomes of which shall
of Health). Since 2014 the faculty has participated in the international contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and human health.
project HORIZON 2020. The faculty‘s scientific and research activities

The faculty was chosen by European Commission as a training institution
in the area of food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (in 2012 x The university is active as a member of the European University
and 2013) – “Better training for safer food”. Training is designed for Association, EUCEN, VetNEST, FVE and the European Union
all staff of competent authorities of Member States involved in official of Veterinary Hygienists through the Chamber of Veterinary
control activities so as to keep them up-to-date with all the aspects of Surgeons of the Czech Republic.
Community law.
Since 2011, the faculty has been organizing the summer school of
food hygiene. The students have the option to complete the standard BSc.:
education of the students of veterinary faculties by especially practical Food Quality and Safety
knowledge in the field of food safety. Animal Protection and Welfare
Food Quality and Safety
Animal Protection and Welfare
Food Hygiene and Ecology
Food Hygiene and Processing Technology
Diseases of Wild and ZOO Animals
Veterinary Toxicology and Toxicology of Foodstuff
Veterinary Ecology
Veterinary Public Health and Animal Protection
SUCCESS STORY – TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Nutrition and Dietetics of Farm Animals and Hygiene of Food and
Faculty realized a successful project on the basis of cooperation Plant Origin
with the company MP Krásno, a.s. in 2013. The project concerned Veterinary Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biophysics
the development of new long-life heat-treated meat products. This
cooperation helped to detect the source of spoilage (Weissella DEPARTMENTS
viridescens) in this group of products. It had a great significance for the Section of Veterinary Ecology and Wildlife Diseases
field of meat processing in the Czech Republic. Department of Ecology and Diseases of Game, Fish and Bees
Department of Biology and Wildlife Diseases
Section of animal and plant production
Department of Animal Nutrition
Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Hygiene
Section of food hygiene and technology
Department of Meat Hygiene and Technology
Department of Milk Hygiene and Technology
Department of Vegetable Foodstuffs Hygiene and Technology
Section of veterinary protection of public health
Department of Veterinary Public Health,
Animal Protection and Welfare
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine obtain complete
FACULTY medical education with the veterinary specialization and are fully capable
OF VETERINARY to assert as private veterinarians, employees of the State Veterinary
Administration of the Czech Republic, consultants and specialists in
MEDICINE pedigree animal breeding service, in the institutes for research and
diagnostic of all kinds, in agrarian and animal breeding organizations,
work for pharmaceutical or insurance companies, in food processing
industry, in the civil service etc.
Palackého tř. 1946/1
They can also work in the field of health service, epidemiological
612 42 Brno
protection, inspection, control, trade, management, ecology, hygiene
nnumber of students: 1019, number of employees: 325 etc., at high and secondary schools and universities and in other places.
(academic year 2015/2016)


Research activities of the faculty are focused on different aspects National Agency for Agricultural Research and the Agency for medical
of veterinary medicine and are realized with different partners as research of the Ministry of Health). The faculty is also involved in
universities, research institutes or commercial companies in the Czech two major research project. The first is Central European Institute
Republic as well as in USA or in western European countries. Majority of Technology (CEITEC) project with focus in biomedicine and ICRC
of research funding comes from different grant agencies (Grant Agency projects focused on clinical research.
of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the


x The faculty has a very strong and extensive English study program
and is issuing diploma supplement. Foreign students can also
come in the frame of Erasmus or Ceepus programmes.


Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Medicine

Section of Morphology and Physiology
Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology
Department of Physiology
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Faculty of Veterinary medicine underwent international evaluation in Section of Pathobiology
2013 to defend the place at List of Evaluated and Approved Institutions Department of Pathological Morphology and Parasitology
by EAEVE.This result confirm that faculty fulfils the requirements of the
Department of Animal Genetics
European legislation for veterinary training and veterinary education
requirements of EAEVE and FVE in accordance with Directive 2005/36/ Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
EC as regards the training of veterinary surgeons and ranges the faculty
among the best Veterinary faculties in Europe. Section of Small Animals Diseases
Avian & Exotic Animal Clinic
Small Animal Clinic
Clinic Laboratory for Small Animals

Section of Large Animals Diseases

Equine Clinic
Ruminant and Swine Clinic
Large Animal Clinical Laboratory


The faculty organizes several summer schools. The most interesting
are Surgical Summer School, Summer School for Exotic Medicine and
Surgery and Summer school of Parasitology. The faculty also organizes
stays for students at different foreign universities in Europe or United


Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 2

Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources 4
Faculty of Economics and Management 6
Faculty of Engineering 8
Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences 10
Faculty of Environmental Sciences 12
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences 14

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice 16

Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters 18
Faculty of Agriculture 20

Mendel University in Brno 22

Faculty of AgriSciences 24
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology 26
Faculty of Business and Economics 28
Faculty of Horticulture 30
Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies 32

University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno 34

Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology 36
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 38
Text by:
Team of authors of the faculties presented

Photos by:
Front cover – LUMOimages/, back cover: Budimir Jevtic/
Infographics – Rashad Ashurov/
page 39 – Matej Kastelic/, Ditty_about_summer/
All other photos in this publication were provided by the faculties presented.
Published in 2016
by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Těšnov 17, 117 05 Praha 1, Czech Republic, [email protected]
ISBN 978-80-7434-294-3

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