Gouldson 2016
Gouldson 2016
Gouldson 2016
Research paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cities are central to the fight against climate change, but the IPCC recently noted that many cities — and partic-
Received 23 February 2015 ularly those in the developing world — lack the institutional, financial and technical capacities needed to switch
Received in revised form 23 September 2015 to low emission development paths. Based on detailed case studies of three Asian cities, this paper finds that the
Accepted 28 October 2015
adoption of low emission development strategies (LEDS) at the urban level could be economically attractive.
Available online xxxx
However, it also argues that without a coordinated multi-level, cross-sectoral governance framework these op-
portunities for low carbon urban development are likely to be left unexploited. As these governance conditions
Climate are frequently not in place, we argue that these case study cities, and cities in similar contexts, are likely to
Carbon miss even the economically attractive low carbon development opportunities and become increasingly locked
Mitigation in to higher cost, higher carbon development paths. Due to their growing size and importance, we conclude
Cities that the presence or absence of governance arrangements that enable the adoption of low carbon development
Governance strategies in Asian cities will have global implications for climate change.
Asia © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction and mechanisms introduced at higher scales — city plans are often
adopted to contribute to national climate mitigation strategies that are
Cities must be central to global climate change mitigation and the themselves established in response to international frameworks and
adoption of low emission development strategies (LEDS). Urban areas agreements (Anguelovski & Carmin, 2011; Franzén, 2013; Schreurs,
are home to more than half of the world's population, are responsible 2010).
for around three quarters of global energy use and energy-related Arguably, the cross-sectoral aspects of climate governance are
greenhouse gas emissions and are growing rapidly (Gouldson et al., equally important at the city scale. Although some authors have ex-
2015; IPCC, 2014; UN DESA, 2014; WHO, 2014). However, the IPCC plored the potential for integrating climate policy goals into sectors
(2014) reports that many cities, and particularly those in the developing such as energy, transport or housing at the national level (c.f. Adelle &
world, lack the political will and the institutional and financial capacities Russel, 2013), there have been very few analyses of the need for such
needed to shift to more energy and carbon-efficient development paths. cross-sectoral coordination at the urban level. Without such coordi-
Many authors have emphasised the role that new governance nation, climate policy may be left in the domain of relatively weak
arrangements could play in enabling urban-level responses to climate environment departments and overlooked by the frequently more
change (Acuto, 2013; Betsil & Bulkely, 2006; Corfee-Morlot et al., powerful and better-resourced departments in municipal government.
2009; Franzén, 2013; Matsumoto et al., 2014; OECD, 2010). There has The ‘mainstreaming’ of climate goals into the key areas of urban policy
been a particular interest in multi-level governance arrangements that is therefore critically important.
might improve the fit and the interplay between actors and institutions With the exception of China (c.f. Balme & Yi, 2014), Asian cities have
at the global, national, regional and local levels (Gouldson et al., 2015; been largely neglected in research on governance for climate mitigation.
Matsumoto et al., 2014; Paavola, Gouldson, & Kluvankova-Oravska, This is an important gap in light of Asia's immense importance to cli-
2009). Effective multi-level interactions across these scales are needed mate change mitigation efforts. Asia contributed 27% of global emissions
because urban action on climate change is partly determined by policies in 2011, or 30% if emissions from land use change and forestry are in-
cluded (WRI, 2014); moreover, its contribution to global emissions is
expected to increase significantly in the coming years in both absolute
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Gouldson). and relative terms (IEA, 2013). The forecast increase in energy use and
0264-2751/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010
2 A. Gouldson et al. / Cities xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
carbon emissions from Asia largely relates to expected levels of eco- Each of the studies considered energy use and emissions from the
nomic and population growth that will be concentrated in urban cen- metropolitan area, including those from direct consumption of fuels
tres. Cities in Asia are projected to absorb an additional billion people and waste facilities within local authorities' reach (so-called Scope 1
over the next twenty-five years, which will demand huge investment emissions) and those produced while generating the electricity con-
in housing, energy, transport and waste infrastructure (Puppim de sumed within the city (Scope 2 emissions). The studies therefore took
Oliveira et al., 2013). These investments provide an opportunity to pur- into account the energy mix, carbon intensity and the production and
sue aggressive urban LEDS — failing to take these opportunities will lead transmission efficiencies of electricity supply. Due to lack of data, none
to further lock in to costly, carbon-intensive development modes. The of the studies considered emissions from industrial processes (typically
urban planning decisions — or, in the many instances of unplanned or included in Scope 1). We also did not include embedded energy or
ungoverned urban development, the ‘non-decisions’ (Crenson, 1971) carbon in the goods or services produced or consumed within the city
— made during this period are therefore critically important. (Scope 3 emissions) due to the methodological complexities highlight-
This paper explores the scope and options for urban LEDS in Asia by ed by Macrotullio et al., (2012). Other research has found that account-
examining opportunities for low carbon development in three cities: ing for embedded energy through consumption-based carbon accounts
Kolkata in India, Palembang in Indonesia and Johor Bahru in Malaysia. is likely to reduce the carbon footprint of producer and exporter cities
These case study cities are not necessarily representative — they were and to increase the carbon footprint of consumer and importer cities
selected as they have been the focus of in-depth studies by the authors (Satterthwaite, 2008; Hoornweg et al., 2011; Gouldson et al., 2015).
on the economic case for low carbon investment — but understanding The extent of the adjustments that would be required if embedded en-
trends and opportunities in these cities can generate insights that ergy was taken into account is not clear, but due to the industrial and
have a wider relevance, particularly for other cities that are in com- export-oriented nature of the economies within which our case study
parable development contexts or that are facing similar governance cities exist, it is likely our estimates of per capita emissions would be
challenges within Asia. Key data for the three cities are provided in lower if Scope 3 emissions were included (Davis & Caldeira, 2010).
Table 1. Trends in energy use and emissions between 2000 and 2013 were
The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we outline the used to forecast trends to 2025. These projections assume that no addi-
methodology used to identify trends in energy use and carbon emis- tional climate and energy policies are introduced in this period, apart
sions and to evaluate the economic case for and potential impacts of from planned investments in electricity generation, transmission and
low carbon investment at the urban level. We then introduce the distribution, which are accounted for in the changing carbon intensity
three case studies. For each, we consider the relationship between of electricity between 2015 and 2025. The studies therefore assume
different levels of governance in each country, current patterns in ener- that growth in the different cities can continue in the near future as it
gy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the opportunities has in the recent past: for example, we project a consistent relationship
for cost effective low carbon investment. We also discuss the cross- between growth in income per capita and rising levels of vehicle own-
sectoral nature of the challenge by highlighting the distribution of low ership and use. In practice, many cities might encounter structural limits
carbon development opportunities across sectors. We then compare to growth such as gridlock in the transport system.
the findings for each city, and identify some of the barriers to the adop- Longlists of low carbon measures that could be adopted in the hous-
tion of urban LEDS. This underpins a discussion about mechanisms to ing, non-domestic buildings, transport, industry and waste sectors were
improve coordination across different levels of governance and to main- then prepared for each city through extensive reviews of the academic,
stream climate considerations into different spheres of policymaking. policy and grey literatures.1 These lists included measures for the
We conclude by reflecting on the importance of building multi-level, household and non-residential buildings sectors including small-scale
cross-sectoral climate governance frameworks if Asian cities are to renewables, improved building standards and more energy efficient
adopt and pursue urban LEDS. heating/cooling, lighting and appliances. For the transport sector they
included measures such as enhanced provision of different forms of
2. Cases, approach and methods public and non-motorised transport and the adoption of more fuel-
efficient vehicles. For industry, a wide range of energy efficiency mea-
A common methodology was adopted across the three case studies. sures was included and for the waste sector measures such as enhanced
The methodology has three stages: recycling and methane capture from landfill sites were considered. To
turn these longlists into shortlists, a process of iterative participatory
1. An assessment of trends in energy use and GHG emissions between appraisal was utilised (see Fraser, Dougill, Mabee, Reed, & McAlpine,
2000 and 2013 and of the implications of these trends continuing 2006) with stakeholder panels selecting the measures that were appro-
to 2025. priate to local conditions in each of the three cities.2
2. An analysis of the scope for economically attractive low carbon in- Preliminary estimates of the lifetime costs and benefits (expressed
vestments in the electricity sectors serving each city over the next as a net present value (NPV) calculation) of each shortlisted measure
decade (2015–2025), developed from a bottom-up evaluation of a were then generated using estimates derived from the grey and aca-
wide range of low carbon electricity generation measures. demic literature on its technical and economic performance. This eco-
3. An analysis of the scope for economically attractive low carbon in- nomic analysis considered only the private financial costs and benefits
vestments in different sectors over the next decade (2015–2025), of deployment in each context, comprising lifetime capital, running
developed from a bottom-up evaluation of a wide range of climate and maintenance costs, compared with Business as Usual (BAU) prac-
mitigation measures. tice. Again adopting a process of iterated participatory appraisal, these
estimates were reviewed and refined by stakeholder groups to ensure
Table 1 that they were locally appropriate and as realistic and accurate as
Key statistics for the cities of Kolkata, Palembang and Johor Bahru in 2014. possible. We adopted a standard real interest rate of 5% and assumed
Kolkata, India Palembang, Johor Bahru, an annual increase of 3% in real energy prices. Prices for measures
Indonesia Malaysia were held constant (at 2014 levels) without taking technological
Population 14.7 million 1.5 million 1.8 million learning in the low carbon sector into account, thereby making the
GDP per capita (USD) 2139 2940 14,790
Energy use per capita (kgoe) 243 861 2862 1
The data sources used in the three studies are presented in Appendix A.
Emissions per capita (tCO2-e) 1.69 1.98 11.55 2
Full lists of the participants in the stakeholder panels that were drawn on in each of
Energy bill (% of GDP) 9.1% 18.7% 15.2%
the three cities are detailed in Appendix B.
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010
A. Gouldson et al. / Cities xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3
estimates of economic and environmental performance of the mea- While most states are establishing climate action plans in response
sures more conservative. to national directives, their ambition and effort varies substantially ac-
The estimates of GHG mitigation potential for each shortlisted mea- cording to their development agenda, climate vulnerability and the eco-
sure were based on avoided emissions from substituting renewable nomic opportunities associated with mitigation (Atteridge et al., 2012).
energy for fossil fuel generation, energy demand reduction through State-level participation in national schemes is also uneven: for exam-
efficiency improvements, or waste emissions avoided, relative to BAU ple, many states have not established credible renewable energy targets
levels. We evaluated the potential scope for deploying each of the mea- despite a national goal of 15% (Shrimali, Tirumalachetty, & Nelson,
sures in the various sectors in the period to 2025 based on low carbon 2012), while the Energy Conservation Building Code has only been im-
programmes in comparable cities and consultations with local authori- plemented in 8 of 29 states (Pahuja et al., 2014).
ties. These assessments took into account the life spans and replace- Different institutions are responsible for coordinating climate policy
ment rates of existing systems, which offer scopes to substitute more in each state, including the Department of Science and Technology, the
energy or carbon-efficient alternatives, and also rates of change and State Pollution Control Boards and the Department of Environment.
growth in the relevant sectors of the city. The estimated scopes for de- These differences naturally shape the policy focus and instruments
ployment were subject to participatory review in expert workshops. adopted in each state (Atteridge et al., 2012). Climate change policies
Finally, we drew together the results of our economic and carbon as- still tend to overwhelmingly be sector-based rather than cross-
sessments to determine the potential impact of exploiting all of the cost sectoral. For example, only a few local authorities have integrated
effective measures (i.e. those with a positive NPV). These scenarios climate considerations into spatial planning in Indian cities (Kumar &
allowed us to understand overall investment needs and paybacks, as Geneletti, 2015).
well as the potential emission reduction through the deployment of Our case study city, Kolkata is the third largest city in India
economically attractive options. In developing these scenarios, we (Demographia, 2013), with a population of 14.1 million in 2011
recognise that some of the measures interact with each other so that (Chandramouli, 2011). Although it is the economic hub of the Eastern
their performance will depend on whether/to what extent another op- Region, there are stark inequalities in the city: one third of the popula-
tion is also adopted. For example, the carbon savings from more efficient tion lives in slums (Ghosh, 2013), where inhabitants lack access to grid
air conditioners depend on whether there are green building standards electricity, clean water, sanitation or adequate housing. Population den-
in place. When we were determining the potential savings across a sec- sity reaches 23,149 people/km2 in parts of the city (KMDA, 2007).
tor or across the city economy, we calculated the effect of each measure At the state level, the West Bengal Government has actively
on the potential energy savings of other measures to develop realistic decentralised governance to local councils, increasing the scope for
assessment of their combined impacts. For example, any carbon savings the Kolkata Municipal Development Agency to plan and manage
from more efficient air conditioners are deducted from the emission re- urban development. The focus in the City Development Plan is on
ductions associated with green building standards. expanding housing through the construction of townships and tack-
ling congestion by building expressways and transit corridors
2.1. Case study 1 — India and Kolkata (KMDA, 2007). Despite Kolkata's vulnerability to climate change
(particularly rising sea levels and more extreme weather), mitigation
India has the largest aggregate energy demand in the world after and adaptation have not meaningfully been mainstreamed into spatial
China and the United States, and demand is rising rapidly (Ahn & planning compared with other megacities in India such as Mumbai
Graczyk, 2012). However, per capita energy consumption in India re- and Delhi (Kumar & Geneletti, 2015). The West Bengal State Climate
mains low. Though Indian energy is relatively carbon-intensive, per Change Action Plan (Government of West Bengal, 2012) remains the
capita emissions are only one third of the world and 14% of the OECD authoritative climate policy document for the city.
averages (Ahn & Graczyk, 2012). Within Kolkata, we find that emission intensity of GDP will fall by
In international climate negotiations, India asserts that it must be 35.2% between 2005 and 2020 — substantially higher than India's na-
able to increase energy use per capita — and correspondingly, its tional target of 20–25% during the same period, and by 45% between
absolute levels of carbon emissions — to achieve inclusive growth and 2005 and 2025. However, these relative benefits will be outweighed
eliminate poverty. Even so, the Government of India announced in by the absolute impacts of ongoing population and economic growth
2010 that it would endeavour to reduce the (non-agricultural) emission in the coming years. We find that total GHG emissions from the city
intensity of its GDP by 20–25% by 2020 in comparison to the 2005 level. grew by 38.5% between 2000 and 2014, and will grow by a further
India's new willingness to set climate targets was influenced by growing 52.0% (relative to 2014 levels) by 2025 under BAU conditions. With in-
energy security concerns, increasing opportunities to access interna- dustrial development deliberately limited within the city boundaries,
tional climate finance, growing public awareness of climate change vul- the most significant source of consumption and growth is the residen-
nerability, the priorities of new political leadership and international tial sector (see Fig. 1).
pressure (Isaksen & Stokke, 2014; Michaelowa & Michaelowa, 2012; The electricity supplied to Kolkata comes primarily from low-grade
Thaker & Leiserowitz, 2014). coal generation with highly inefficient transmission and distribution
At the national level, India's National Action Plan on Climate Change systems. This means that electricity is highly carbon-intensive — emis-
explicitly focuses on development needs with ‘co-benefits for address- sion levels are ~ 1.5 tCO2/MWh, double best practice generation from
ing climate change’, emphasising the relative importance of economic this type of coal (IEA, 2010). Some improvements in the carbon intensi-
growth for domestic policymakers (Atteridge, Shrivastava, Pahuja, & ty of electricity supplied to Kolkata are possible through investments in
Upadhyay, 2012). The Plan outlines eight climate strategies of which electricity systems. We estimate that retrofitting 6045 MW of coal-fired
four promote mitigation: (1) the National Solar Mission; (2) National power generation in West Bengal could reduce emissions from the grid
Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency; (3) the National Mission on by 11.6% by 2025 relative to BAU levels. Although we predict that this
Sustainable Habitat; and (4) the National Mission for a Green India would require investments of INR39.7 billion (USD679 million), these
(Government of India, 2008). The National Action Plan remains the would generate annual savings of INR18.2 billion (USD311.8 million)
guiding document for Indian climate policy (Pahuja, Pandey, Mandal, thereby paying for themselves in c.2 years.
& Bandyopadhyay, 2014), although the Five Year Plans effectively up- At the city level, we find that Kolkata could reduce its carbon emis-
date the policies and targets. The current Five Year Plan establishes, sions by 20.7% in 2025 relative to BAU levels through economically at-
for instance, additional renewable energy capacity targets of 13 GW of tractive investments within the city. This would require an investment
hydropower, 5.3 GW of nuclear capacity, 15 GW of wind and 10 GW of INR119.3 billion (USD2.0 billion), which would generate annual sav-
of solar (Government of India, 2013). ings of INR30.4 billion (USD0.52 billion). This package of investments
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010
4 A. Gouldson et al. / Cities xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
policies continue to favour high carbon energy. Subsidies for diesel, ker-
osene and electricity continue, despite reforms to gasoline subsidies
(Sambijantoro, 2015), and regulatory frameworks continue to favour
coal over geothermal options (Smith, 2012).
It is widely understood that, if Indonesia is to achieve its emission re-
duction targets, it will do so through improved forest governance rather
than by pursuing more carbon-efficient forms of urban or industrial
development. However, provinces in Indonesia are expected to develop
local Action Plans for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions that align
with the national Action Plan, but are tailored to local resources, oppor-
tunities and vulnerabilities. With the finalisation of these local Action
Plans, and with climate change issues mainstreamed into provincial de-
velopment plans, local authorities will be responsible for implementa-
tion. National government agencies envision themselves providing
overall coordination, technical assistance and capacity development
Fig. 1. Emissions (MtCO2-e) by sector for Kolkata, India, between 2000 and 2025. (Murtiningtyas, 2012).
The pronounced drop in emissions in 2008–2009 is partially a function of the global finan- Sub-nationally, although Jakarta dominates the political and eco-
cial crisis and partially a function of new regulation requiring vehicles over fifteen years
nomic landscape, Indonesia has thirteen cities with populations from
old to be taken off the road.
1 to 3 million. The relatively small populations and infrastructure
deficits facing these cities may offer their local authorities more scope
to pursue urban LEDS than Indonesia's single megacity. With its popula-
would pay for itself in 3 years and continue to generate annual savings tion of 1.5 million, our case study city of Palembang is representative of
for the lifetime of the measures. While most of the economic savings many of these second-tier cities. It is the capital of the state of South Su-
identified were in the transport sectors — demand management and ve- matra and a major port, and industrial hub for Indonesia. Significant in-
hicle efficiency standards in particular — substantial carbon savings dustries include textiles, wood and paper products, chemicals and
were available in all sectors. Green building standards, more efficient pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastic products, fabricated metals, and
appliances and retrofitting residential buildings all proved to have sig- machinery. While its economy is growing at rates of 6–7%, access to
nificant mitigation potential. electricity is unreliable, and consumption per capita remains low.
Rapid industrialisation combined with a growing vehicle fleet means
2.2. Case study 2 — Indonesia and Palembang that air pollution and congestion pose severe problems.
Palembang is seeking national and international support to pursue
If emissions from land use change and forestry are taken into more sustainable development trajectories. The city has been selected
account, Indonesia is one of the largest GHG emitters in the world by the Ministry of Transport as one of three cities to showcase sustain-
(National Climate Change Commission, 2010). Although it has the able transport options. The city council is collaborating with German
fourth largest population, Indonesia's energy demand is the sixteenth Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ) to reduce air
largest in the world. This illustrates both relatively low levels of energy pollution and with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
consumption per capita (18% of the OECD average) and the significant to improve solid waste management. The city council is therefore al-
potential for Indonesia's energy-related GHG emissions to increase ready seeking to mainstream environmental issues into development
with population and economic growth. planning.
Recent criticism of Indonesia's weak forest governance and opportu- Within Palembang, per capita energy consumption has been grow-
nities for international funding has led it to assume a relatively proac- ing steadily in recent years, and is expected to accelerate between
tive role in global climate negotiations (Resosudarmo, Ardiansyah, & 2014 and 2025. When combined with rapid economic growth, particu-
Napitupulu, 2013). It was among the first developing countries to larly in the industrial sector, this means that emissions from Palembang
pledge emission reductions, committing at the Copenhagen Conference have increased by 143.8% between 2000 and 2014, and are expected to
of Parties “to materialise 26 to 41% CO2 equivalent emission reduction” increase by a further 164.6% (relative to 2014 levels) in the period to
by 2020, relative to BAU levels (Government of Indonesia, 2010). 2025 if BAU trends continue (see Fig. 2). However, these increases will
Indonesia's focus has been on reducing emissions from deforestation be outstripped by economic growth: we project that the emission
and forest degradation where it has large opportunities to attract inter-
national finance and technical assistance (National Climate Change
Commission, 2010). The international community and national govern-
ment have relatively neglected the massive increase in energy-related
emissions in Indonesia over the last decade (Resosudarmo et al., 2013).
At the national level, implementation of climate plans has been
lagging, partially due to competition among government ministries
(Resosudarmo et al., 2013). Regarding non-forestry emissions, the
Ministry of Environment, National Commission on Climate Change
and National Development Planning Agency all have legitimate claims
to lead cross-sectoral mitigation activities (Resosudarmo et al., 2013),
while the Ministries of Finance, Industry, Public Works and Transport
also have important roles to play (Murtiningtyas, 2012).
The energy sector is guided by the Energy Mix Policy, which sets a
target of 15% renewable energy generation by 2025. The National En-
ergy Agency has proposed to increase this to 25% by 2025 (Jupesta
et al., 2011), although this target includes ‘new energy’ such as coal liq- Fig. 2. Emissions (MtCO2-e) by sector for Palembang, Indonesia, between 2000 and 2025.
uefaction and gasification (Director General of New and Renewable The dramatic increase in industrial emissions in 2015–2016 is based on the anticipated
Energy and Energy Conservation, 2011). Despite these targets, national completion of a new fertiliser factory in the city.
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010
A. Gouldson et al. / Cities xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5
intensity of economic activity will fall by 64.5% between 2000 and 2025 by a feed-in tariff; an energy efficiency target of 4000 ktoe per year by
(Colenbrander et al., 2015a). 2015, prioritising more efficient lighting, appliances and buildings;
To some extent, anticipated growth in emissions could be mitigated and the construction of energy-from-waste infrastructure (Economic
through state-level investments in the electricity sector. Analysis of the Planning Unit, 2010). Mitigation measures are therefore sectorally fo-
economic options for this sector suggest that it would be possible to in- cused (Khailani & Perera, 2013) and insignificant relative to, for exam-
stall 1000 MW of geothermal power and to retrofit 514 MW of natural ple, the expansion of installed coal-fired capacity by 3.4 GW between
gas-fired power plants in Sumatra. This would reduce emissions from 2008 and 2013 (Oh et al., 2014).
the grid by 12.2% by 2025 (relative to BAU levels). This would require At a local scale, urban development in Malaysia is governed by the
an investment of IDR35.0 trillion (USD2.9 billion), generating annual Federal Department of Town and County Planning, while most miti-
savings of IDR2.3 trillion (USD175 million) so that the investments gation actions are sectoral and directed by the relevant government
would pay back in just over 15 years. agency. Local action plans must align with state and national plans
There is scope for proportionately larger emission reductions (Khailani & Perera, 2013). The centralised governance structures
through urban action. We find that Palembang could reduce its carbon mean that low carbon action at a local or regional level is often driven
emissions by 24.1% in 2025 relative to BAU levels through economically by the national government: for example, the cities of Putrajaya and
attractive investments. This would require an investment of IDR4.77 Cyberjaya have been developed by national government to showcase
trillion (USD405.6 million), which would generate annual savings low carbon cities in Malaysia (Ministry of Energy, Green Technology
of IDR5.14 trillion (USD436.80 million). The package of investments and Water, 2012).
would therefore pay for themselves in less than one year and continue Several Malaysian cities and regions are pursuing climate mitigation
to generate annual savings for the lifetime of the measures. Nearly actions within the frameworks of the National Physical Plan and State
half of this mitigation potential is in the industrial sector, where Structure Plan (Ho, Matsuoka, Simson, & Gomi, 2013). Foremost
different forms of fuel switching are among the most cost and carbon- among these is the Iskandar Malaysia Special Economic Corridor,
effective options. However, to encourage industry to move away from which has set an emission intensity reduction target of 50% by 2025 rel-
carbon-intensive diesel-powered electricity generation will require ative to 2005 levels (UTM, IRDA, & Kyoto University, Okayama Universi-
the provision of more reliable electricity supplies and this is largely ty, National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2012). The cities of
outside of the influence of the city itself. Subsidy reform proved very Johor Bahru and Pasir Gudang are ‘flagship zones’ in Iskandar
economically attractive — although this could only be delivered by the Malaysia. These closely linked cities had a combined population of 1.8
national government — while energy-from-waste options proved high- million in 2014, growing at approximately 4% per year (AECOM,
ly carbon-effective. 2009). Manufacturing contributes 45% of GDP in the Southern Johor
Economic Corridor, dominated by the electrical and electronics, petro-
2.3. Case study 3 — Malaysia and Johor Bahru and oleo-chemical and agro-processing industries (IRDA, 2006). Johor
Bahru is also emerging as a commercial and services centre, while
Malaysia's energy demand tripled between 1990 and 2010 so that it Pasir Gudang is an important port.
now has the second highest energy demand per capita in Southeast Asia Within Johor Bahru, our analysis suggests that the city will cut the
after Brunei. Relatively high energy consumption per capita combined carbon intensity of GDP by 69.8% between 2000 and 2025 under BAU
with relatively carbon-intensive energy means that although its GDP conditions, outstripping regional or national targets. However, despite
is c.60% of the OECD average its per capita carbon emissions are 76% of improvements in emission intensity, we find that the absolute level of
the OECD average (World Bank, 2015). emissions produced by Johor Bahru increased by 317.6% between
In international negotiations on climate change, Malaysia has volun- 2005 and 2014, and will increase by a further 83.8% (relative to 2014
tarily committed to reduce the emission intensity of GDP by up to 40% levels) by 2025 if BAU trends continue (see Fig. 3) (Colenbrander et
based on 2005 levels by 2020. However, the Malaysian government al., 2015b).
has explicitly emphasised that any improvements in the emission inten- There is limited potential for emission reductions from electricity
sity of GDP are conditional on technology transfer and financial support generation in Peninsular Malaysia as major investments in coal-fired
from Annex I countries, and that climate action is secondary to contin- electricity supply — with capacity to meet growing energy needs
ued development (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, for many years — have already been made. However, we find that
2010: XIV). installing 600 MW of natural gas-fired power plants equipped with
Malaysia's stance on climate change is significant because it is argu- the best available technologies and replacing 2000 MW of natural
ably the most economically advanced of the rapidly industrialising gas and 120 MW of diesel power plants with solar photovoltaic
countries in Southeast Asia. There is therefore a risk that its large and panels would be cost effective. These measures would reduce
fast-growing neighbours (Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam) will emu-
late its energy- and carbon-intensive development path. Malaysia's re-
luctance to take a leadership role in international climate negotiations
may be attributed in part to its large fossil fuel reserves. Oil-related rev-
enue contributed 40% of total government revenue in 2010 (Economic
Planning Unit, 2010), and the country is projected to remain a net oil
and gas exporter until 2035 (Rahim & Liwan, 2012).
Domestically, Malaysia is currently expanding electricity generation
capacity in order to meet growing demand, with significant planned in-
vestments in coal-fired and nuclear power plants (Khor & Lalchang,
2014). While energy efficiency and renewable energy are relatively
cost effective, the government is not meaningfully pursuing these
options (Oh, Lalchand, & Chua, 2014). Instead, Malaysia maintained
generous subsidies for fossil fuels until 2014, which reduced the incen-
tives to conserve energy or invest in clean energy.
The current Malaysia Plan (2011–2015) establishes or maintains a
number of national low carbon programmes. These include a renewable
energy target of 985 MW by 2015 (5.5% of installed capacity), facilitated Fig. 3. Emissions (MtCO2-e) by sector for Johor Bahru, Malaysia, between 2000 and 2025.
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010
6 A. Gouldson et al. / Cities xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
emissions from the grid by 2% by 2025 (relative to BAU levels), re- significantly reduce the carbon intensity of grid electricity in these cities,
quire an investment of MRY23 billion (USD6.9 billion), generate an- and that the expansion of coal-fired power plants supplying the Suma-
nual savings of MYR1.9 million (US$576 million) and pay back the tra grid will actually increase the carbon intensity of electricity con-
investment in 12 years. sumed in Palembang. However, the dashed lines in Fig. 4 show the
At the city level, we find a substantial scope to reduce emissions. Our potential carbon intensity of grid electricity with the implementation
analysis suggests that Johor Bahru could reduce its carbon emissions by of economically attractive low carbon measures in the electricity sector.
24.2% in 2025 (relative to BAU levels) through economically attractive These investments would reduce emissions from electricity generation
investments. This would require an investment of MYR3.33 billion by 11% in West Bengal, 12% in Sumatra and 2% in Peninsula Malaysia.
(USD1.01 billion), which would generate annual savings of MYR2.56 The provision of more reliable, lower carbon electricity would also
billion (USD0.77 billion). This package of investments would pay for it- enable cities in each region to explore a wider range of mitigation
self in 1.3 years and continue to generate annual savings for the lifetime options. However, the governance arrangements that are needed to
of the measure. Over half of the emission savings potential for Johor exploit these options are lacking in each context.
Bahru relate to the transport sector, where the most cost effective op- In Malaysia, delivering low carbon measures in the electricity sector
portunities relate to the promotion of hybrid and more fuel-efficient ve- would need coordinated action among four federal agencies and imple-
hicles and the adoption of new traffic management schemes. The most mentation by the utility company Tenaga Nasional Berhad (Chua & Oh,
carbon-effective options relate to new fuel standards. 2010). In Indonesia, the national Ministry of Energy and Mineral Re-
sources and the state Ministry for Environment combine to govern the
3. Comparative analysis and discussion public electricity utility PLN (Indriyanto et al., 2006). In India, the elec-
tricity sector was historically the responsibility of vertically integrated
The analysis presented above shows that GHG emissions are rising state-owned monopolies such as the West Bengal State Electricity
rapidly in all three of the case study cities. Yet structural changes in Board but recent reforms have shifted power to national policymakers
the city economies and background trends in energy efficiency are lead- (particularly the Ministry of Power) and regulators who oversee what
ing to significant improvements in energy and carbon intensity. The are now disaggregated and liberalised energy markets. In all instances
Indian government has stated that it will endeavour to reduce the emis- then, responsibilities are spread between different ministries and agen-
sion intensity of its GDP by 20–25% by 2020 in comparison with the cies and across multiple levels. Climate action for the electricity sector
2005 level. This analysis shows that Kolkata will reduce its emission in- requires multi-level, inter-agency coordination.
tensity by 35.2% over this period even under BAU conditions. Similarly, Within the cities studied, our results also indicate that there is a sig-
the Malaysian government has committed to reduce the emission in- nificant scope to reduce carbon emissions (relative to BAU trends)
tensity of GDP by up to 40% based on 2005 levels by 2020 while the through exploiting economically attractive low carbon options. As is
analysis shows that Johor Bahru will reduce its emissions by 63.5% shown in Fig. 5, the rate of increase of emissions from each city could
over this period under BAU conditions. Although the Indonesian gov- be reduced significantly through cost effective options in the residential,
ernment has not offered specific emission intensity reduction targets, commercial, transport, industry and waste sectors. The most economi-
Palembang is on track to reduce the carbon intensity of GDP by 30.9%. cally attractive options in each city are presented in Table 2 — as can
These city-level achievements under BAU conditions and without in- be seen they include a range of different measures that need to be ap-
vestment in low carbon measures such as those analysed above suggest plied across all of the different sectors.
that national climate commitments are readily achievable and lack To enable the widespread adoption of these measures, policy in-
ambition. Even if governments choose only to exploit those options terventions are likely to be needed from national, state and local gov-
that are economically attractive, our results demonstrate that there is ernments and from policy areas including energy, finance, housing,
a substantial scope to attain further improvements in carbon intensity transport, land use planning and economic development. Raising
by implementing LEDS in Asian cities. awareness and securing support for the promotion of the different
In all three instances, cost effective low carbon options are readily elements of LEDS from these multiple and at times competing policy
apparent across the different sectors. In the electricity sector, the results domains are a major challenge in all contexts, but it is especially pro-
show that there is untapped potential to decarbonise supply to each of nounced at the urban level in the contexts considered here. There are
the three case study cities. The unbroken lines in Fig. 4 show the carbon some instances where municipal governments have the powers needed
intensity of grid electricity consumed by each city under BAU condi- to intervene effectively, but there are many others where the powers
tions. It is apparent that there are no planned investments that will are absent, are under-developed or are diffused and fragmented.
Fig. 4. The carbon intensity of the electricity grid serving each city between 2000 and 2025 Fig. 5. GHG emissions from each city between 2000 and 2025 under BAU conditions (un-
under BAU conditions (unbroken line) and with the deployment of economically attrac- broken line) and with the deployment of economically attractive low carbon measures
tive low carbon measures (dashed line). (dashed line).
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010
A. Gouldson et al. / Cities xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7
Table 2 institutional capacity to deliver LEDS at the local scale, whether through
The five most carbon-effective options in each city. a regulatory or project-based approach.
City Measureb Carbon savings In Kolkata, the municipal authorities and development agencies
(ktCO2-e) have been able to build institutional capacities for action in areas such
Kolkata, India Adopting green building standards for 100% of 6768 as waste management as the powers in these areas were both devolved
new buildings in the commercial to the municipal level and concentrated in departments that were able
Deploying the most energy efficient air 6003 to sign up to a low carbon agenda. In other areas though powers were
conditioners currently available in the domestic
spread across different departmental or functional boundaries, and
Retrofitting fibreglass urethane roofs for 20% of 4989 path-dependencies meant that departments were more likely to sup-
existing households port higher carbon than lower carbon development paths. In transport
Deploying more energy efficient air 3688 planning for example, ongoing commitments to road building limited
conditioners than BAU in the domestic sector the potential to support public and non-motorised transport modes
Deploying the most energy efficient 3529
entertainment appliances currently available in
more effectively. In other instances, most notably for electricity supply,
the domestic sector the power to influence was not concentrated at the city scale, and mu-
Palembang, Replacing diesel with biodiesel in industry 7048 nicipal agencies depended on state and national level policies and
Indonesia Supplementing diesel boilers with solar water 6730 wider market conditions over which they had very little influence.
Multi-level governance arrangements were more of a top-down than
Promoting landfill gas utilisation 3802
Promoting energy-from-waste (combined heat 3414 a bottom-up nature and so the capacity to adopt key aspects of urban
and power) LEDS was restricted.
Promoting energy efficiency in the fertiliser 3166 All of these examples show that cities alone frequently lack the ca-
industry through steam reforming pacity to push forward with climate change mitigation, even when
Johor Bahru, Replacing diesel with biodiesel in industrya 43,798
there are significant co-benefits at the local level. In some instances,
they might be able to ‘cherry pick’ particularly attractive and accessible
Biofuel is assumed to be carbon-neutral in this analysis. This would demand effective
low carbon measures that fall within the sphere of influence of a single
supply chain management.
Where two mutually exclusive options are among the top five, the less carbon-effec- department and that are relatively simple to implement. But their ca-
tive has been removed from this list. pacity to go further is frequently dependent on support from across mu-
nicipal government, from higher levels of government and from non-
state actors and agencies. In the absence of such governance arrange-
ments, Asian cities such as those studied are likely to continue with
In Johor Bahru, the importance of establishing enabling multi-level business as usual modes of development, even when technically viable
and cross-sectoral governance arrangements is especially apparent and economically attractive alternatives are readily available. This high-
in the area of transport policy and planning. In Malaysia, as in many lights the view that tackling climate change is a political and institution-
other contexts, only national government has the financial capacity al rather than a technological or economic challenge.
and legislative authority to mandate or to offer either tax incentives
to promote the up-take of more efficient or hybrid cars. Historically, 4. Conclusions
however, transport policy at the national level in Malaysia has pro-
moted vehicle sales in an effort to support the national automobile Given their growing scale and significance, Asian cities will have to
industry (Barter, 2004). Local and regional governments can lay the be active in the global fight against climate change if it is to be effective.
groundwork for investments in bicycle lanes or Bus Rapid Transport However, as is frequently the case in the global South, there are many
systems by conducting feasibility studies and preparing spatial other pressing priorities for local governments with limited resources
plans, but individual authorities often do not have sufficient capacity and capacities. However, by focusing on three case study cities in Asia,
or incentive to coordinate across metropolitan areas (OECD, 2014). we have highlighted the presence of substantial economic opportunities
While the five municipal authorities within Johor Bahru have com- to deploy low carbon measures at the city scale. Municipal authorities
pleted a pioneering collaborative Local Plan, an integrated transport therefore have a significant scope to pursue urban LEDS in ways that
authority could enable new forms of policy and planning and help will also foster economic development. Moreover, low carbon initiatives
unlock new financial resources at the city scale (Hall & Jonas, 2014). at the city scale could generate knowledge and innovations that can
The adoption of an integrated transport authority and the policy inte- have wider economic and social benefits, in addition to inspiring climate
gration that it could enable would also require support from national action in other cities and at a national scale. Whether cities exploit these
government. opportunities depends significantly on the governance conditions that
In Palembang, experiences in the waste sector highlight the need are in place. The multiple policy levers that need to be pulled to access
to consider broader governance capacities. Some of the most eco- these opportunities exist at different scales and in different sectors.
nomically attractive low carbon measures, such as waste prevention Although the cities have some freedom to act, particularly in contexts
and composting, require active support from non-state actors, particular- of decentralised governance, their capacity to act could be significantly
ly businesses and households if they are to be adopted. The ability of the enhanced with more supportive and effective multi-level governance
severely resource constrained waste management department in the arrangements. Without more coordination between international, na-
municipal government to engage and to secure such support is extremely tional, regional and local institutions, integration into different sectoral
limited. Other economically attractive measures, such as energy-from- priorities and policies, and engagement between the public, private
waste and landfill gas utilisation, require significant upfront capital and civic sectors it seems likely that cities in Asia will lock in more
expenditure and close cooperation with the national electricity utility. fully to high-cost, high carbon development paths. Because of the global
As well as collaborating with state and national government within significance of Asian cities, this would substantially affect our collective
Indonesia, Palembang City Council has partnered with the Japan Interna- ability to avoid dangerous levels of climate change.
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ity for better waste management (JICA, 2015), and has established a Acknowledgements
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Clean Development Mechanism (CDM, 2009). This demonstrates how in- The research paper upon which this paper is based was part-funded
ternational multi-level governance and finance can help build the by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centre for Climate
Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
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Please cite this article as: Gouldson, A., et al., Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia,
Cities (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.010