21st Century 1st Sem

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21st Century In Literature

Lesson 1: Philippine Literary History from Pre-Colonial to

Contemporary World

• means battle of wits

comes from the Latin word “litera” means among participants
an acquaintance with letters. • a phrase that
-It is a body of work, either written, oral, gives advice and effectively embodies
visual, containing imaginative language that commonplace truth based on practical
realistically portrays trough emotions, and experience or common sense
experiences of the human conditions • a traditional or composed
song typically characterized by stanzaic
form, refrain, and simplicity of melody
• used in witchcraft
and/or enchantment. Chant may be
considered speech, music, or a heightened
-These include setting, theme, structure or stylized form of speech
point of view and diction. All these elements • a long poem, typically one derived
are greatly influence by the social economic from ancient oral tradition, narrating the
and religious condition of the time period that deeds and adventures of heroic or
the text are written in. legendary figures or the history of a
nation. (e,g: Lam-ang- Ilocano;
Hinilawod- Panay; Kudaman-Palawan;

A literature of varying human

interest, close to the religious and
political organizations of the ancient

• - is a genre of folklore that consists • Propaganda Movement- was a period of

of a narrative featuring human actions time native Filipinos were for reforms.
perceived or believed both by teller and The movement’s prominent members
listeners to have taken place within human were: Jose P. Rizal, Mariano Ponce and
history. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
• Planted seeds of nationalism to Filipinos
• The language shifted from Spanish to
-has two classifications: Tagalog
• Literature
• Pasyon- long narrative poem
about the passion and death of 1. The literary forms during this time were:
Jesus Christ Propaganda Literature, Political Essays,
• Senakulo-it is the dramatization Diariong Tagalog and La Solidaridad
Of the Pasyon 2. The Political Novels were: Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo by Dr. Jose
• Secular ( Non- Religious) Rizal
3. The Revolutionary Literature were:
• Korido- Colorful tales of Political essays (e.g. Kalayaan) and Poetry
Chivalry made for singing and (e.g. True Decalogue, Katapusang Hibik ng
chanting Pilipinas, Liwanag at Dilim)
• Awit- is a popular narrative
song and poetry that forms a
ballad. The songs are often
about oppression, history, daily
life for peasants, and other thomasites were the first teacher
socially relevant topics.
• Prose Narrative- this form
describes important events in •
life either real or imaginary

- No Freedom of Speech Almost all themes in most writings dealt
-common theme was nationalism,country, with the development or progress of the country-
love and life in the barrios, faith, religion and like the green revolution, family planning,
the arts proper nutrition, environment, drug addiction
and pollution
-tried to stop pornography or
those writing giving bad influences on
1. Haiku- a three-line poem with 17 the morals of the people
syllables,written in 5,7,5 syllable -All school newspapers were
count temporarily stopped and so with school
-focusing on images from organizations
nature, haiku emphasizes simplicity,
intensity, and directness of expression -themes of poems dealt with
patience, regard for native culture,
2. Tanaga (maikling tula) – four-line customs and beauties of nature and
stanza with the syllable count of 7-7- surroundings
7-7 and a rhythm scheme of AABB
- Filipino poetry was romantic
-expresses insights and life and revolutionary. Bilingual education
lessons was initialized
3. Karaniwang anyo- the usual and - Filipino songs dealt with the
common form of poetry themes that were true-to-life like
those grief, poverty, aspirations for
freedom, love of God, of country and of
Noteworthy writer of the period was fellowmen
Carlos P. Romulo who won Pulitzer
Prize for his bestsellers “ I saw the fall
of the Philippines” and “ I see the
Philippines Rise” and his “Mother
America and my brother Americans”
Lesson 2: Canonical Authors and
Works of Philippine National
Artist in Literature and in
• – “How my brother Poetry
Leon brought home a Wife?”
• – “Kahapon, Ngayon,
at Bukas”
• – “ Wanted: A
Historical-biographical criticism
Chaperon” examines literature through the perspective of
• – “Poems 55” and “ the author's historical context. This approach
My Brothers Peculiar Chicken” assumes that the significance of a particular
• – “ The Charmers’ Box”, piece of literature is inextricably linked to its
“Bonsai”, “A blade of fern”, and “ His historical context.
native Coat”
aims to evoke an emotional response in
• – “ The man who
the reader through language chosen and arranged
could be Poe”, “ Death in a factory”, for its meaning, sound, and rhythm
“The other woman”
• – “The trilogy of Saint
Lazarus” and “ Galaw ng Asoge”
• “The sorrow of
Vaudeville”, “ The woman who had two 1. structure 7. theme
navels”, “Summer Solstice”
2. form 8. tone
3. speaker 9. mood
4. sound devices 10. syntax
5. figurative language 11. diction
6. rhyme 12. Meter
refers to the way in which the
text is set out to the reader. This includes
things like line spacing, line length, and –
paragraph size also known as Francisco
Baltazar, was a prominent Filipino poet, and is
- the voice of the poem, similar to
widely considered as one of the greatest Filipino
a narrator in fiction literary laureate for his impact on Filipino
used to create certain
effects in the poem to convey and reinforce Hagonoy, Bulacan (1903-
meaning through sound. 1970) Poet, playwright, novelist He practice
-four most common sound devices <committed art= and he was known as the
are repetition, rhyme, alliteration, and <Manunulat ng Manggagawa.= In his view, the
function of a writer is to act as the conscience of
assonance the human spirit in the face of inequity and
way for writers to oppression.
create a link or comparison between concrete
objects and abstract ideas - Hisworks talked about the struggles of
Filipino laborers Works: Isang Dipang Langit,
- the correspondence of two or more Luha ng Buwaya, Mga Ibong Mandaragit (first
words with similar-sounding final syllables Filipino Socio-Political Novel that exposed the
placed so as to echo one another ills of the society.) NATIONAL ARTIST FOR
-used by poets and occasionally by prose LITERATURE – 1973
writers to produce sounds appealing to the
JOSE GARCIA - VILLA Singalong, Manila (1908-
reader's senses and to unify and establish a 1997) Known as DOVEGLION Known as the
poem's stanzaic form COMMA Poet . He was the finest contemporary
describes the rhythm poet regardless of race and language.
-combination of the number of beats
-He introduced the reversal consonance
and the arrangement of stressed and non- and comma poems <First, a poem must be
stressed syllables in each line magical, then musical as a sea gull, and it must
refer either to actual hold as fire as well. NATIONAL ARTIST FOR
arrangements of words or to the rules of LITERATURE – 1973 Works: Footnote to Youth,
grammar and conventions of word order that Many Voices, Have Come, Am Here, The
are reflected but also sometimes challenged in Anchored Ange
such arrangements.
refers to the operating language of
poetry, language employed in a manner that
sets poetry apart from other kinds of speech or
- Paco, Manila (1917-2004) The F. SIONIL JOSE ROSALES (19244- present)-
most distinguished Filipino writer in English His
- known as Quijano de Manila His He is the founder of the Philippine
contribution: exploration of the Philippine
Chapter of the International Organization PEN
colonial past under Spain and his probing into
the psychology of social danger as seen by the -NATIONAL ARTIST FOR LITERATURE-
young. 2001
known as
-Works: The Woman Who Had Two Rio Alma.
Navels, Ballad of the Five Battles, Rizal in
Saga, Almanac for Manilenos, Cave and -Founded LIRA( Linangan sa Imahen,
Shadows (about Martial Law time) Summer Retorika at Anyo)
CARLOS P. ROMULO (1899-1985) - first Asian
president of UN General Assembly and the
Philippine Ambassador to US country’s best writer of
comic short stories
-He changed the Independence Day from
the most important progenitors of the modern LITERATURE- 2003
Filipino short story in English
introduced to tagalog literature what is known
N.V.M. GONZALES (1915-1999)- Distinctively as Bagay Poetry.
wrote of the Filipino life and of the Filipino in
the world. He said “There is no such thing as -
children’s literature”
)- He held
regular funded and unfunded workshops
throughout the country to bring poetry and
EDITH TIEMPO (1919-2011)- Mother of
fiction closer to people who otherwise would
Philippine Literatuure. Founded and directed
not have the opportunity to develop their
siliman National Writers Workshop in
creative talent.
Dumaguete City.
Developed a • Static Character- stays the same
social realist tradition in Philippine Fiction. throughout the story
• Dynamic also called Developing- means the
NATIONAL ARTIST FOR LITERATURE- character changes, the change may be small
2000 or large as the story progress

is where and when the story

happened. The setting can be also the main
force that the characters encounter such as
flood or earthquake.

Lesson 3: Fiction and Non- the sequence of the events in the story

-has been derived from the Latin word
“Fictus,”which means “to form.”
-refers to narrative in prose like novels ,short
stories and also novellas

-literary genre that presents factual stories
well told - is defined as any struggle between
-The word “creative” refers to the use of two entities. Usually, the protagonist or the
literary craft and literary techniques and main character encounters a conflict with the
devices of fiction, yet presents a literature of antagonist. The conflict may be: Character vs
fact. character; Character vs nature or natural forces;
Character vs society or culture; Character vs God;
and Character vs himself or herself.

are the people or animals who do the is the lens that the author
action in the story provides its readers, so that they will see the
story in the particular view or angle.
-An English novelist E.M Forster, identified -The story is generally told in one or two points
that characters can be either flat or round, of views, the First-person point of view and
static or dynamic Third-person point of view.
• Flat Character- one who has only one
or two character traits example a bad is the central idea or insight about life
guy or human behavior
• Round Character- has many character
traits and play important roles or the
main character. it is an essay based on personal
experience or a single event
• - is a true story about a time or
period of one’s life
• it is about the writer’s
life story from birth to present the way the writer
paints the scene

- it is an essay counterpart to
about an issue or topic that uses literary descriptive imagery
devices refers to the actual events that take place
- is an article or essay about travel within the bounds of your narrative
that uses literary devices
is a writing crafts about food
and cuisine with the use of literary devices
• refers to the boundaries of plot
is a constructed biographies or essays
of real people using literary devices • is the order of the events
• determines how quickly the
readers move through the story

is the accurate and authentic writing, it is

not made up like fiction.
the writing must be
based on research such as interview, personal
experience Lesson 4: Blog and Textula
the writer must be
able to document an events or personal - is a frequently updated web page used for
experiences personal commentary or business content.

include personal experiences, feelings, - is the genre of poetry read in mobile

thoughts, and opinions. For instance, when phone and has originated as a traditional
tagalog form of poetry called Tanaga
writing a personal essay or memoir
the writer is -employs communication technology in the
required to explain the personal experience or sharing of tanaga
topic to the reader.
creative nonfiction is often
written in an essay format for example the • is one of the most popular
personal essay, literary journalistic essay and types of blogs on the internet. It’s a big
brief essay industry with a huge global audience
As mentioned, creative • attract a lot of readers who
nonfiction is a literature of fact. Yet, the are interested in recipes, ingredients,
writer applies many of the literary devices of healthy eating, fine dining, and other
fiction writing such as;
food related stories

• - These blogs make it easy for • used by the playwright
other travelers to learn about a destination and director to create the desired
they have never been to. stylistic effect.
• They have a variety of •
readers, interested in topics ranging from •
culture, arts, local news, and politics
• It serves as a personal

diary or commentary in a digital format,
often written in a conversational and •
informal tone •

Lesson 5: Drama •

composition in verse or prose

intended to portray life character, or to tell a •
story usually involving conflicts and emotion •
through action and dialogue •
- typically designed for theatrical •

indigenous rituals
in the form of Lesson 6: Imagery
-3 elements (Myth,Mimeris, is the use of figurative
Spectacle) Early Chronicles
language to represent objects, actions,
• they used dramas and ideas in such a way that it appeals
such as Zarzuelas to our physical senses.
-popularized during the Spanish
colonization is the comedia, also known
as Moro-Moro
• American Colonization- most apparent considers the use of
through the bodabil (Vaudeville) color, shapes, size, and patterns.
• movie actor and considers clue
actresses could no longer appear in films words for music, silence and noise.
as the Japanese confiscated all film
equipment appeals to sense
• of smell should include nice fragrances
has evolved to become an amalgamation and bad odors.
appeals to sense of
touch should include clue words for
texture, movement and temperature.

pertains to
flavors or the sense of taste
Lesson 8: Multimedia Formats
the use of words as and like to show
comparison in Interpreting Literary Text
direct comparison between two
words without the use of any word clue. as computer-controlled
the use of highly exaggerated integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and
statements, most of the time not leading to moving images (video), animation, audio
reality (Marshall, 2001)
gives human
characteristics to inanimate objects.
involves the repetitive
occurrence of similar initial consonant
sounds among words in a statement website containing
6. used to mimic sounds of informational articles about a person’s own
objects or actions referred to when spoken opinions, interests and experiences. These are
usually changed regularly
7. the use of literal language to convey
its opposite meaning. graphical technique to visualize
connections of ideas and pieces of information.
a traditional Filipino
Lesson 7: Context poem. A particular example of this poem is a
tanaga that consists of 4 lines with 7 syllables
is formed by the each with the same rhyme at the end of each
beliefs, education, culture, and experiences of line.
the author. - It contains a series
means you have to focus of pictures or pages of information (slides)
on the language used in the literary text and arranged in sequence and often displayed on a
how it is used to convey meaning large screen using a video projector
- a visual, stylized arrangement of
words or tags within textual content such as
reading the lines websites, articles, speeches and databases
have to Video - an electronic device used to record,
determine the meaning of certain words and copy, playback, broadcast, and display moving
expressions within the text not by using the visual media
dictionary, but by using context clues
takes your
imagination outside of the text, develops
critical thinking Lesson 9: Anecdote
must focus on short entertaining or interesting
understanding the social, economic, political story about a real incident or person
and cultural forces affecting the literary work
PURPOSES OF ANECDOTES adaptation process involves
copyright and the concept of
• TO BRING CHEER plagiarism. The ethical process
• TO REMINISCE involves the preservation of an
• TO CAUTION original idea.

Lesson 10: Literary Adaptation (BASED ON THE NOVEL The Claws of Light)

ability to make fit or suitable by • BULAKLAK NG CITY JAIL

changing, or adjusting • BAKIT HINDI KA CRUSH NG CRUSH MO
simply taking an • ANG LARAWAN
existing story and reworking it into a different
genre, medium, or perhaps temporal context.
ICT (or Information and Communication
To adapt’’ means to transpose or rearrange from Technology) skills - are about understanding
one medium to another.” and applying a range of computer programmes,
EXAMPLES: software and other applications
adaptation of WILLIAM -help the editors to craft a better and
SHAKESPEARE’S THE TAMING OF THE nicer literary works through making good
SHREW conceptual designs on literary outputs
• DIARY NG PANGET(2014) - makes their workload lighter through the
use of some web applications which can detect
plagiarism and other related issues in writing.

the dialogue and the actions Multimedia - computer information can be

are preserved more or less intact. represented through audio, video, and
animation in addition to traditional media
based on a literary or (i.e., text, graphics drawings, and images).
other original source which captures the
essence of the original, often by using -computer-controlled integration of text,
cinematic equivalents for specific graphics, drawings, still and moving images
literary techniques (Video), animation, audio, and any other media
where every type of information can be
only a superficial resemblance exists represented, stored, transmitted and processed
to the original source digitally.

In the adaptation process, the writer

must take into account not only the
legal side of the process but also the
ethical side. The legal side of the

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