Science 9 Q4 Week 7

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The Journey of

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Most Essential Learning Competency

Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, and distributed

To the Learners

This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the lesson
objectives. Read and follow the simple instructions as your guide.
1. Set a conducive learning space at home so you can focus on your studies.
2. Seek assistance from your parents or guardian to guide you in doing the
3. Take down important concepts and list questions you would like to ask from your
4. Reflect and apply the concepts that you have learned.

The Writer

In this module, you are expected to explain how electrical energy is generated,
transmitted, and distributed. Specifically, you should be able to:
✓ trace the energy transformation in electrical power plants;
✓ differentiate a step-up from a step-down transformer; and
✓ cite ways to minimize power loss in the generation, transmission, and
distribution of electrical energy.

Looking Back
Directions: Read and analyze each question carefully. Write your answer of the space
provided before each number.

____1. Two objects are in the state of thermal equilibrium. This means that they have
A. constant work C. different temperature
B. the same work D. the same temperature

____2. There are three basic ways in which heat is transferred. Which is NOT included
in the list?
A. conduction C. induction
B. convection D. radiation

____3. Heat flows from high to cold temperature. What do you call this process?
A. cooling C. spontaneous
B. nonspontaneous D. warming

____4. What causes heat to flow?

A. energy C. constant temperature
B. work D. temperature difference

____5. Machines are never 100% efficient. Which BEST supports this statement?
A. Machines are not perfect.
B. There is insufficient fuel to run the machine.
C. Some of the work done by a machine is used to overcome friction.
D. All the above.

Directions: Try to complete this crossword puzzle.

3 A I

5 I N

Down: Across:

1. a device that converts voltages 3. the bulk movement of electrical

from one value to another energy from a power plant to the
2. the final stage in the delivery of substation
electric power 5. the process of generating
4. the supply of electric current to a electricity from sources of
house or other building for primary energy
heating, lighting, or powering

Brief Introduction
Have you ever wondered how electrical appliances such as television, electric fan,
refrigerator, etc. work? What powers these appliances up? Yes, electricity makes them
work. But where did it come from? How did it arrive at your home? This module will
take you into a deeper understanding of how electricity is generated, transmitted, and
distributed for consumption.

Electricity is a form of energy that deals with the movement of electrons. It is

one of the primary sources of energy widely used today. Electric energy is produced by
transforming other forms of energy into electrical energy. There are stages in preparing
electricity before it reaches the end-users – homes or establishments.

Stages of Electric Power Supply

1. Generation
Generating electric power from the primary source of energy (such as thermal
energy from the underground) is the first stage of the electric power supply. Electricity

is generated from a power plant. There are two types of power plants depending on how
they generate electricity.
Thermal power plants like fossil fuel, nuclear, and solar thermal power plants
utilize fuel to heat water from a reservoir to convert it to steam. On the other hand,
kinetic power plants such as hydroelectric and windmill power plants use the
movement or flow of the wind and water to turn the turbine.

2. Transmission
The electricity generated
from power plants is delivered to
substations by transmission lines.
National grid refers to a network of
transmission lines connecting the
substations all over the country.
Transmission lines allow
electric energy generated from
power plants to be delivered to
substations using electrical wires.
However, these wires have the
resistance that opposes the flow of
current. The longer the wire gets,
the higher its resistance. Thus,
power loss happens in the process.
In this case, an electrical device
known as a transformer is used. It
is used to transfer electrical energy
from one circuit to another. This
device allows an increase or
decrease of voltage level. A step-up
transformer is used to raise the
voltage while the step-down
transformer reduces the voltage. Flow of Electricity
Source: Exploring Life Through Science-Science 9, p.466
3. Distribution

At the substations, electricity is finally distributed to the consumers or

households. Here, a step-down transformer is used to reduce the voltage of electricity
from transmission lines.

Figure 1 Step-up vs. Step-down Transformer

Image Source:

Power Loss
During the stages mentioned above, some energy is lost. Most of it takes place
during transmission and distribution of electricity due to technical and nontechnical
issues. Power loss can at least be minimized by considering the following:
✓ thorough plans and designs of powerlines,
✓ utilization of suitable equipment,
✓ regular inspection and maintenance, and
✓ replacement of inefficient/malfunctional equipment.

Activity 1

✓ Trace the energy transformation in electrical power plants.

Directions: Trace how energy transformation happens in electric power plants. Use
the form of energy in the box to complete each statement.

A. Trace the energy transformation in a geothermal power plant.


Electrical Energy

Mechanical Energy

Thermal Energy

Image Source:

1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ___________________

from the ground in turbines in generator

B. Trace the energy transformation in a hydropower plant.


Electrical Energy

Kinetic Energy

Mechanical Energy

Potential Energy

Image Source:

4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________ 7. _____________

water at high water through in turbines in generator
level pipes

C. Trace the energy transformation in a wind power plant.


Electrical Energy

Kinetic Energy

Mechanical Energy

Image Source:

8. ___________________ 9. ____________________ 10. ____________________

in wind in turbine in generator

Activity 2

✓ Differentiate a step-up from a step-down transformer.

Directions: Complete the statements below that differentiate a step-up from a step-
down transformer. Choose your answer from the word bank below.

cellphone charger high power plant 11000V

decrease low secondary
doorbell low 110V

Comparison Step-Up Transformer Step-Down Transformer

Definition Increase the output voltage. 1) _______ the output voltage

Voltage Input is 2) _______; Input is high;
Output is high Output is 3) _______
Winding High voltage winding is the High voltage winding is the
4) _______ winding. primary winding.
Current Current is low Current is 5) _______
on the secondary winding. on the secondary winding.
Output 6) _______ or above 7) _______ ,24V, 20V, 10V, etc.
Application 8) _________, X-ray machine, 9) _________ 10) _________, etc.
microwaves, etc.

Activity 3
✓ Cite ways to minimize power loss in the generation, transmission, and
distribution of electrical energy.

Directions: Briefly explain the picture and explain some ways on how to minimize
power loss in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity.

Picture A
Image source: _________________________________
Picture B
Image source: _________________________________
Picture C
Image source: _________________________________

Electricity is generated from primary sources in power plants. These different forms of
energy are transformed into electrical energy.

Electrical energy is transmitted from a power plant to substations through transmission

At this last stage, reduced power voltage is now ready for distribution to households and
establishments to power up electrical appliances and devices.

Transformer is a device that is used to increase or

decrease the voltage level. Step-up transformer is used
to increase the voltage while step-down transformer is
utilized to decrease the voltage.

Image source:

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Identify what is being referred to by each statement below. Choose your
answer from the choices below.

distribution national grid

electricity power plant
high thermal energy
low transformer
mechanical energy steam

________1. This is the site where electrical energy is generated.

________2. This electrical device is used to increase or decrease voltage.
________3. Geothermal power plant starts with this type of energy.
________4. Thermal power plants utilize fuel to heat water from a reservoir to convert it
to ______.
________5. A form of energy which deals with the movement of electrons that is widely
used to power up appliances.
________6. It is the final stage in the delivery of electric power.
________7. Step-up transformer has a ______ output voltage.
________8. Step-down transformer has a ______ output voltage.
________9. It is another term for the network of lines connecting substations in the
________10. It is the form of energy exhibited by a rotating turbine.

Directions: Identify the letter of the correct answer. Write it before the number.

____1. Which is the CORRECT order of stages in the flow of electricity from the power
plant to your home?
A. distribution-generation-transmission
B. generation-transmission-distribution
C. generation-distribution-transmission
D. transmission-distribution-generation
____2. Geothermal power plants are widely used as a main source of electricity. Which
shows the sequence of energy transformation in this power plant?
A. chemical → mechanical → electrical
B. mechanical → thermal →electrical
C. nuclear → mechanical → electrical
D. thermal → mechanical → electrical
____3. What equipment can be used to increase or decrease the voltage of electricity?
A. generator C. transformer
B. power line D. turbine
____4. Which of the following can be used to reduce voltage?
A. aluminum wire C. step-up transformer
B. copper wire D. step-down transformer
____5. Because of resistance present in electrical cables and wires, power loss occurs
during the transmission of electricity. The following can be done to reduce this
loss EXCEPT for ________.
A. Use gold metal wires.
B. Replace incorrectly sized transformers.
C. Improve the connection quality of conductors (power lines).
D. both B and C


We are done with the last module of this quarter. Is there anything you realized
from this topic? Answer the following reflective questions:

1. What have you learned from the module?


2. Based on experience, does electricity consumption contribute to climate change?


3. As a student, how are you going to conserve electricity?


I am so proud of you for successfully finishing this module! Do not forget to

thank those who guided you. I hope you learned a lot. Congratulations on making it this
far. You have finished GRADE 9 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is worth

Quarter 4 : Week 7

Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________ Teacher: _______________

Learning Competency: Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted, and distributed
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________

Looking Back
1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. ___________


1. ____________________ 6. _______________________
2. ____________________ 7. _______________________
3. ____________________ 8. _______________________
4. ____________________ 9. _______________________
5. ____________________ 10. _______________________
Activity 2 UP AND DOWN

1. ____________________ 6. _______________________
2. ____________________ 7. _______________________
3. ____________________ 8. _______________________
4. ____________________ 9. _______________________
5. ____________________ 10. _______________________

Picture A Picture B Picture C

________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Ch Activity 3
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
Check Your Understanding ________________________
Reflection ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
1. _______________________________________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
3. _____________________ ________________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
5. _____________________ ________________________ ________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________ ________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
10._____________________ ________________________ ________________________
__ __ __

Posttest ___ ___ ___

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. ___________

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