3.6 Prevention of Emission of Funnel Sparks
3.6 Prevention of Emission of Funnel Sparks
3.6 Prevention of Emission of Funnel Sparks
To ensure prevention of soot accumulation and emission of sparks from exhaust uptake.
3.6.2 General
Optmise engine governor settings and fuel timings and maintain all components
involved in engine combustion properly
Optmise filtering and purification of fuel
Keep fuel oil service and settling tanks drained of water
Maintain fuel oil viscosity as per lab analysis report
Carry out dry and water washing of turbocharger turbine and blower side
Keep turbocharger air suction filter clean - renew as required
Clean air cooler air side regularly
Rectify exhaust gas and oil leakages in engine room
Avoid running engine on low loads for prolonged periods. If this is not feasible then
to run up engine every day to normal cruising RPM to blow off all soot deposits
Optmise main engine cylinder oil dosage
Clean scavenge spaces and drains regularly
Only bypass scavenge limiters and load programs in emergencies
Commence exhaust gas boiler (EGB) water washing immediately after arriving in
port to give sufficient time for soot to dislodge after starting circulating pump
Remove all remaining soot and do not allow to dry up. Inspect EGB thoroughly to
confirm that it is clean
Note 2
Fuel treatment on board should be in accordance with TEC-JOL-003-12. Annex 8 of this manual.
Technical and Maintenance Manual 01-Nov-2018 Rev 0 Page 2 of 2
Note 3
Start circulating pump for an hour immediately after EGB water washing. Collect and remove dislodged
soot at bottom of the EGB before departure. Repeat this a few times if time permits.
Inspect and check the integrity of funnel wire mesh, if fitted. If found defective/ torn. Consult Vessel
Manager for necessary repairs.