Reviewer M4
Reviewer M4
Reviewer M4
What is It
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5. Choose the activity that you will practice.
As you know, practice helps you develop good skills. Good skills help you
perform better and make the activity more enjoyable.
6. Choose activities for which you can get good instruction.
Good instruction helps you understand how to use the biomechanical principles
that you have learned, as well as other principles that affect the activity. This
knowledge can help you practice better, learn better, and perform better.
7. Consider activities that you can
enjoy now and also later in life.
Being active should be a lifetime goal.
Choose activities that you enjoy now,
even if you may not do them later in
life. But also choose activities that you
enjoy now and that you will be able to
perform and enjoy in the years ahead.
What’s More
Many sports require practicing more than a few skills to become proficient. For
example, basketball players must practice shooting, dribbling, passing, catching and
defensive skills. Follow these guidelines to improve your sport skills:
• Get good instruction. If you learn a skill incorrectly, it will be hard to improve,
even with practice.
• At first do not worry about
details. When you first learn a
skill, concentrate on the skill as a
• As you improve,
concentrate on one detail at a
time. If you try to concentrate on
too many details at once, you may
develop what is called paralysis of
• Keep practicing. When you play a game without having the proper skills, you
often develop bad habits that hinder your success.
• Avoid competing while learning a skill. Competing while learning a skill is
stressful and does not promote optimal learning.
• Think positively. If you think positively while you practice, you will learn
faster and become more confident in your abilities.
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• Choose an activity that
matches your skill-
related fitness. Use the
information from your self-
assessment skill- related
fitness to help you choose
a sport in which you are
most likely to succeed.
What I Can Do
Task 3. Perform at least two (2) sports you prefer to do in a week. Identify the
challenges encountered during the activity and give possible solutions in overcoming
these challenges.
Sports Challenges Solutions
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