UK National Annex To Eurocode 2 BS EN 1992-1-1 2004

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UK National Annex to
Eurocode 2: Design of
concrete structures —
Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

ICS 91.010.30; 91.080.40

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

Committees responsible for this

National Annex

The preparation of this National Annex was entrusted by Committee B/525,

Building and civil engineering structures, to B/525/2, Structural use of
concrete, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Association of Consulting Engineers

British Cement Association
British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd.
Building Research Establishment
Concrete Society
Department of Transport (Highways Agency)
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Scottish Building Standards Agency
UK Steel
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Co-opted members

This National Annex was Summary of pages

published under the authority This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, page i, a blank
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee page, pages 1 to 20, an inside back cover and a back cover.
on 8 December 2005 The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.
© BSI 8 December 2005

First edition December 2005

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
National Annex:
Committee reference B/525/2
Draft for comment 05/30134002

ISBN 0 580 47244 2

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

Committees responsible Inside front cover
Introduction 1
NA.1 Scope 1
NA.2 Nationally Determined Parameters 1
NA.3 Decisions on the status of informative annexes 19
NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information 19
Bibliography 20
Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in
BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 2
Table NA.2 — Recommendations for normal-weight concrete quality for
exposure classes XC, XD and XS and cover to reinforcement for a 50 year
intended working life and 20 mm maximum aggregate size 15
Table NA.3 — Recommendations for normal-weight concrete quality for
exposure class XC and cover to reinforcement for a 100 year intended working
life and 20 mm maximum aggregate size 17
Table NA.4 — Recommended values of wmax 18
Table NA.5 — Basic ratios of span/effective depth for reinforced concrete
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

members without axial compression 18

Table NA.6a) — Minimum mandrel diameter to avoid damage to reinforcement
for bars and wire 19
Table NA.6b) — Minimum mandrel diameter to avoid damage to reinforcement
for welded reinforcement and fabrics bent after welding 19

© BSI 8 December 2005 i

Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

National Annex (informative) to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of

concrete structures — Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

This National Annex has been prepared by BSI Subcommittee B/525/2, Structural use of concrete. In the
UK it is to be used in conjunction with BS EN 1992-1-1:2004.
NA.1 Scope
NA.1.1 This National Annex gives:
a) the UK decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters described in the following subclauses of
BS EN 19921-1-1:2004:
— 2.3.3 (3) — (4) — 6.4.3 (6) — (1) — 11.3.5 (1)P
— (1) — 5.1.3 (1)P — 6.4.4 (1) — (1) — 11.3.5 (2)P
— (1) — 5.2 (5) — 6.4.5 (3) — 9.2.2 (4) — 11.3.7 (1)
— (2) — 5.5 (4) — 6.4.5 (4) — 9.2.2 (5) — 11.6.1 (1)
— (3) — 5.6.3 (4) — 6.5.2 (2) — 9.2.2 (2) — 11.6.1 (2)
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— (1) — (1) — 6.5.4 (4) — 9.2.2 (7) — 11.6.2 (1)
— (1) — (1) — 6.5.4 (6) — 9.2.2 (8) — (1)
— (2) — (2) — 6.8.4 (1) — (3) — 12.3.1 (1)
— (2) — 5.8.5 (1) — 6.8.4 (5) — 9.5.2 (21) — 12.6.3 (2)
— 3.1.2 (2)P — 5.8.6 (3) — 6.8.6 (1) — 9.5.2 (2) — A.2.1 (1)
— 3.1.2 (4) — 5.10.1 (6) — 6.8.6 (3) — 9.5.2 (3) — A.2.1 (2)
— 3.1.6 (1)P — (1)P — 6.8.7 (1) — 9.5.3 (3) — A.2.2 (1)
— 3.1.6 (2)P — (2) — 7.2 (2) — 9.6.2 (1) — A.2.2 (2)
— 3.2.2 (3)P — (4) — 7.2 (3) — 9.6.3 (1) — A.2.3 (1)
— 3.2.7 (2) — (5) — 7.2 (5) — 9.7 (1) — C.1 (1)
— 3.3.4 (5) — 5.10.3 (2) — 7.3.1 (5) — 9.8.1 (3) — C.1 (3)
— 3.3.6 (7) — 5.10.8 (2) — 7.3.2 (4) — (1) — E.1 (2)
— (3) — 5.10.8 (3) — 7.3.4 (3) — 9.8.3 (1) — J.1 (3)
— (5) — 5.10.9 (1)P — 7.4.2 (2) — 9.8.3 (2) — J.2.2 (2)
— (6) — 6.2.2 (1) — 8.2 (2) — 9.8.4 (1) — J.3 (2)
— (7) — 6.2.2 (6) — 8.3 (2) — 9.8.5 (3) — J.3 (3)
— (8) — 6.2.3 (2) — 8.6 (2) — (2)
— (13) — 6.2.3 (3) — 8.8 (1) — (3)
— (1)P — 6.2.4 (4) — (1) — (4)
— (3) — 6.2.4 (6) — (3) — (2)

b) the UK decisions on the status of BS EN 1992–1–2:2004 informative annexes; and

c) references to non-contradictory complementary information.
NA.2 Nationally Determined Parameters
UK decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 are given in
Table NA.1.

© BSI 8 December 2005 1

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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

2.3.3 (3) Value of djoint 30 m Use the recommended value (1) Partial factor for shrinkage 1,0 Use the recommended value
action ¾SH (1) Partial factor for prestress 1,0 0,9
¾P,fav (2) Partial factor for prestress 1,3 1,1
¾P,unfav (3) Partial factor for prestress 1,2 Use the recommended value
¾P,unfav for local effects (1) Partial factor for fatigue loads 1,0 Use the recommended value
¾F,fat (1) Partial factors for materials for Table 2.1N Use the recommended values
ultimate limit states ¾C and ¾S (2) Partial factors for materials for 1,0 Use the recommended value
serviceability limit states ¾C
and ¾S (2) Value of kf 1,1 Use the recommended value
3.1.2 (2)P Value of Cmax C90/105 Use the recommended value. However, the shear strength
of concrete classes higher than C50/60 should be
determined by tests, unless there is evidence of
satisfactory past performance of the particular mix
including the type of aggregates used. Alternatively,
shear strength of concrete strength classes higher than
C50/60 may be limited to that of C50/60.
3.1.2 (4) Value of kt 0,85 1,0
3.1.6 (1)P Value of µcc 1,0 0,85 for compression in flexure and axial loading and 1,0
for other phenomena. However, µcc may be taken
conservatively as 0,85 for all phenomena.
© BSI 8 December 2005

3.1.6 (2)P Value of µct 1,0 Use the recommended value

3.2.2 (3)P Upper limit of fyk 600 MPa Use the recommended value
3.2.7 (2) Design assumptions for 0,9¼uk Use the recommended value
reinforcement: value of ¼ud
3.3.4 (5) Value of k 1,1 Use the recommended value
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)
© BSI 8 December 2005

Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

3.3.6 (7) Design assumptions for 0,9¼uk or if more accurate values are Use the recommended values
prestressing tendons: value of not known:
¼ud = 0,02
fp0,1k/fpk = 0,9 (3) Value of cmin,b Post-tensioned bonded tendons in Use the recommended values
rectangular ducts: greater of the
smaller dimension or half the greater
Post-tensioned bonded tendons
circular ducts: diameter.
Pre-tensioned tendons: 1,5 × diameter
of strand or plain wire, 2,5 × diameter
of indented wire. (5) Structural classification and Table 4.3N for structural classification Use BS 8500-1:2002, Tables A.6, A.7, A.10, A.11, A.12,
values of minimum cover due Tables 4.4N and 4.5N for values of A.13 and A.14 for recommendations for concrete quality
to environmental conditions cmin,dur for a particular exposure class and cover reinforcement c.
cmin,dur Table NA.2 and Table NA.3 may also be used because they
present the same information given in BS 8500-1 but in a
more compact form. (6) Value of %cdur,¾ 0 mm Use the recommended value (7) Value of %cdur,st 0 mm 0 mm unless justified by reference to specialist literature
such as the Concrete Society’s guidance on the use of

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
stainless steel reinforcement [1]. (8) Value of %cdur,add 0 mm 0 mm unless justified by reference to specialist literature (13) Value of k1, k2, k3 k1 = 5 mm Use the recommended value

k2 = 10 mm
k3 = 15 mm (1)P Value of %cdev 10 mm Use the recommended value (3) Value of %cdev under controlled Expressions (4.3N) and (4.4N) Use the recommended values
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision (4) Values of k1 and k2 k1 = 40 mm k1 = 40 mm

k2 = 75 mm k2 = 65 mm
5.1.3 (1)P Simplified load arrangements The following load arrangements Use any of the following three options.
should be considered: a) Consider the two load arrangements recommended in
a) alternate spans carrying the design the Eurocode for alternate and adjacent spans.
variable and permanent load b) Consider the two following arrangements for all spans
(¾QQk + ¾GGk + Pm), other spans and alternate spans:
carrying only the design permanent
1) all spans carrying the design variable and
load ¾GGk + Pm;
permanent load (¾QQk + ¾GGk + Pm);
b) any two adjacent spans carrying the 2) alternate spans carrying the design variable and
design variable and permanent loads permanent load (¾QQk + ¾GGk + Pm), other spans
(¾QQk + ¾GGk + Pm); all other spans carrying only the design permanent load ¾GGk + Pm;
carrying only the design permanent the same value of ¾G should be used throughout the
load, ¾GGk + Pm. structure;
c) For slabs, use the all spans loaded arrangement
described in b)1) if:
1) in a one-way spanning slab the area of each bay
exceeds 30 m2;
2) the ratio of the variable load Qk to the permanent
load Gk does not exceed 1,25; and
3) the variable load Qk does not exceed 5 kN/m2
excluding partitions.
When analysis is carried out using the load arrangement
described in b)1), the resulting support moments except
those at the supports of cantilevers should be reduced by
20 %, with a consequential increase in the span moments.
In this context a bay means a strip across the full width
of a structure bounded on the other two sides by lines of
© BSI 8 December 2005

The load arrangements in a), b) and c) are drafted using

BS EN 1990:2002, Expression (6.10). Although not shown
here, they can also be drafted using BS EN 1990:2002,
Expressions (6.10a) and (6.10b).
5.2 (5) Value of Ú0 1/200 Use the recommended value
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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)
© BSI 8 December 2005

Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

5.5 (4) Moment redistribution k1 = 0,44 For steels with fyk k 500 MPa
formula: values of k1, k2, k3, k4, k2 = 1,25(0,6 + 0,001 4/¼cu2) k1 = k3 = 0,4
k5 and k6 k3 = 0,54 k2 = k4 = 0,6 + 0,001 4/¼cu2
k4 = 1,25(0,6 + 0,001 4/¼cu2) k5 = 0,7
k5 = 0,7 k6 = 0,8
k6 = 0,8 For steels with fyk > 500 MPa, more restrictive values than
those given for steels with fyk k 500 MPa may be need to
be used.
PD 6687 gives further guidance on the redistribution of
bending moments.
5.6.3 (4) Values of Úpl,d Figure 5.6N Use the recommended values (1) Value of Ælim Ælim = 20·A·B·C/Æn Use the recommended value (1) Value of k1 0,31 Use the recommended value (2) Value of k2 0,62 Use the recommended value

5.8.5 (1) Methods of second order Choice of the following two simplified Use either method
analysis methods.
a) Method based on nominal stiffness.
b) Method based on nominal
5.8.6 (3) Value of ¾cE 1,2 Use the recommended value
5.10.1 (6) Methods to avoid brittle failure Methods A to E Any of the methods A to E may be used.

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
of prestressed members (1)P Maximum stressing force: k1 = 0,8 Use the recommended value
values of k1 and k2 k2 = 0,9 (2) Maximum stressing force: 0,95 Use the recommended value
value of k3 (4) Minimum strength of concrete k4 = 50 % Use the recommended value
at various stages of k5 = 30 %
prestressing: values of k4
and k5
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision (5) Increase of stress at time of k6 = 0,7 Use the recommended value
transfer of prestress: value
of k6
5.10.3 (2) Prestressing force immediately k7 = 0,75 Use the recommended value
after tensioning: values of k7 k8 = 0,85
and k8
5.10.8 (2) Value of %Öp,ULS 100 MPa 100 MPa unless the tendon is outwith ¶d from the tension
face, in which case %Öp,ULS = 0. ¶ = 0,1 for d U 1 000 mm;
¶ = 0,25 for d k 500 mm; the value of ¶ may be
interpolated for the values of d between 500 mm
and 1 000 mm.
5.10.8 (3) Values of ¾%P,sup and ¾%P,inf ¾%P,sup = 1,2 Use the recommended value
¾%P,inf = 0,8
Both values taken as 1,0 if linear
analysis with uncracked sections is
5.10.9 (1)P Values of rsup and rinf For pre-tensioning, unbonded tendons: rsup = 1,0
rsup = 1,05 and rinf = 0,95 rinf = 1,0
For post-tensioning, bonded tendons:
rsup = 1,10 and rinf = 0,90
When appropriate measures (e.g.
direct measurements of pretensioning)
are taken:
rsup = 1,0 and rinf = 1,0
6.2.2 (1) Values of CRd,c, vmin, and k1 for CRd,c = 0,18/¾c Use the recommended values
normal shear vmin = 0,035k3/2fck1/2 See also 3.1.2 (2)P for a requirement for concrete
k1 = 0,15 class > C50/60
6.2.2 (6) Value of É É = 0,6[1 – fck/250] Use the recommended value
© BSI 8 December 2005

See also 3.1.2 (2)P for a requirement for concrete

class > C50/60
6.2.3 (2) Limiting values of cotÚ 1 k cotÚ k 2,5 1 k cotÚ k 2,5, except in elements in which shear co-exists
with externally applied tension (i.e. tension caused by
restraint is not considered here). In these elements, cotÚ
should be taken as 1,0.
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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)
© BSI 8 December 2005

Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

6.2.3 (3) Values of É1 and µcw É1 = É as described by É1 = É

Expression (6.3N) or takes the values However, if the design stress of the shear reinforcement
given in Expressions (6.10.aN) is below 80 % of the characteristic yield stress fyk, É1 may
and (6.10.bN) be taken as:
µcw takes the values given in É1 = 0,54(1 – 0,5cosµ) for fck k 60 MPa
Expressions (6.11.aN), (6.11.bN) and É1 = (0,84 – fck/200)(1 – 0,5cosµ) > 0,5 for fck U 60 MPa
(6.11.cN) µcw is as follows:
1 for non-prestressed structures
(1 + Öcp/fcd) for 0 < Öcp k 0,25fcd
1,25 for 0,25fcd < Öcp k 0,5fcd
2,5(1 – Öcp/fcd) for 0,5fcd < Öcp < 1,0fcd
Öcp is the mean compressive stress, measured positive, in
the concrete due to the design axial force. This should be
obtained by averaging it over the concrete section taking
account of the reinforcement. The value of Öcp need not be
calculated at a distance less than 0,5dcotÚ from the edge
of the support.
Note that the values of É1 and µcw should not be such as
to give rise to a value of VRd,max greater than 200(bw)2 at
sections more than d from the edge of a support. For this
purpose the value of bw does not need to be reduced for
In the case of straight tendons, a high level of prestress

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
(Öcp/fcd > 0,5) and thin webs, if the tension and the
compression chords are able to carry the whole
prestressing force and blocks are provided at the
extremity of beams to disperse the prestressing force it
may be assumed that the prestressing force is distributed
between the chords. In these circumstances, the
compression field due to shear only should be considered
in the web, i.e. µcw = 1.
See also 3.1.2 (2)P for a requirement for concrete
class > C50/60.
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

6.2.4 (4) Range of values of cotÚf 1,0 k cotÚf k 2,0 for compression Use the recommended value
1,0 k cotÚf k 1,25 for tension flanges
6.2.4 (6) Value of k 0,4 Use the recommended value
6.4.3 (6) Values of ¶ ¶ = 1,5 for a corner column Use the recommended values
¶ = 1,4 for an edge column
¶ = 1,15 for an internal column
6.4.4 (1) Values of CRd,c, vmin and k1 for CRd,c = 0,18/¾c Use the recommended value
punching shear vmin = 0,035k3/2fck1/2 See also 3.1.2 (2)P for a requirement for concrete
k1 = 0,1 class > C50/60
6.4.5 (3) The value of maximum VRd,max = 0,5Éfcd Use the recommended value
punching resistance adjacent
to column VRd,max
6.4.5 (4) The distance kd of the outer k = 1,5 k = 1,5 unless the perimeter at which reinforcement is no
perimeter of punching shear longer required is less than 3d from the face of the loaded
reinforcement from the area/column. In this case the reinforcement should be
perimeter Uout placed in the zone 0,3d and 1,5d from the face of the
6.5.2 (2) Value of É’ É’ = 1 – fck/250 Use the recommended value
6.5.4 (4) Value of k1, k2, k3 k1 = 1,0 Use the recommended value
k2 = 0,85
k3 = 0,75
6.5.4 (6) Value of k4 k4 = 3,0 Use the recommended value
6.8.4 (1) Values of ¾F,fat and parameters ¾F,fat = 1,0 Use the recommended values
for S-N curves Values of parameters for S-N curves
for reinforcing steels given in
Table 6.3N
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Values of parameters for S-N curves

for prestressing steels given in
Table 6.4N
6.8.4 (5) Value of k2 5 To be determined by consulting specialist literature
6.8.6 (1) Values of k1 and k2 k1 = 70 MPa Use the recommended values unless other values are
k2 = 35 MPa agreed with appropriate authorities
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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)
© BSI 8 December 2005

Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

6.8.6 (3) Value of k3 0,9 1,0

6.8.7 (1) Fatigue: values for N and k1 N = 106 cycles Use the recommended value
k1 = 0,85
7.2 (2) Value of k1 0,6 Use the recommended value
7.2 (3) Value of k2 0,45 Use the recommended value
7.2 (5) Value of k3, k4, k5 k3 = 0,8 Use the recommended value
k4 = 1,0
k5 = 0,75
7.3.1 (5) Limitations of crack Table 7.1N Use Table NA.4
width wmax
7.3.2 (4) Value of Öct,p fct,eff in accordance with 7.3.2 (2) Use the recommended value
7.3.4 (3) Maximum crack spacing in k3 = 3,4 Use the recommended value
Expression (7.11): values for k3 k4 = 0,425
and k4
7.4.2 (2) Values of basic span/depth Table 7.4N Use Table NA.5
8.2 (2) Values of k1 and k2 k1 = 1 mm Use the recommended value
k2 = 5 mm
8.3 (2) Minimum mandrel Table 8.1N Use in Table NA.6a) and Table NA.6b)
diameter Ìm,min
8.6 (2) Anchorage capacity of a welded Fbtd = ltdÌtÖtd k Fwd Use the recommended value

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
8.8 (1) Additional rules for large Ìlarge > 32 mm Ìlarge > 40 mm
diameter bars: limiting bar size (1) Beams: minimum As,min = 0,26(fctm/fyk)btd U 0,001 3btd Use the recommended value
reinforcement areas (3) Beams: maximum As,max = 0,04Ac Use the recommended value
reinforcement areas
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision (1) Beams: minimum ratio of span ¶1 = 0,15 ¶1 = 0,25

bending moment to be assumed
at supports in monolithic
construction (1) Anchorage of bottom ¶2 = 0,25 Use the recommended value
reinforcement at an end
support: area of steel provided
over supports with little or no
end fixity in design
9.2.2 (4) Minimum ratio of shear ¶3 = 0,5 Use the recommended value
reinforcement in the form of
9.2.2 (5) Minimum shear reinforcement Ôw,min = (0,08Æfck)/fyk Use the recommended value
9.2.2 (6) Maximum longitudinal spacing sl,max = 0,75d(1 + cotµ) Use the recommended value
of shear assemblies
9.2.2 (7) Maximum longitudinal spacing sb,max = 0,6d(1 + cotµ) Use the recommended value
of bent-up bars
9.2.2 (8) Maximum transverse spacing st,max = 0,75d k 600 mm Use the recommended value
of links (3) Value of smax,slabs For principal reinforcement: Use the recommended values except for post-tensioned
3h k 400 mm slabs where reference may be made to specialist literature
For secondary reinforcement: such as The Concrete Society’s design handbook [2].
3,5h k 450 mm
Except in areas with concentrated
loads or maximum moment where:
For principal reinforcement:
2h k 250 mm
For secondary reinforcement:
3h k 400 mm
© BSI 8 December 2005

9.5.2 (1) Minimum diameter of Ìmin = 8 mm Ìmin = 12 mm

longitudinal reinforcement in
9.5.2 (2) Minimum area of longitudinal As,min = 0,10NEd/fyd or 0,002Ac, Use the recommended value
reinforcement in columns whichever is greater
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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)
© BSI 8 December 2005

Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

9.5.2 (3) Maximum area of longitudinal As,max = 0,04Ac outside laps unless it The recommended values apply. The designer should
reinforcement in columns can be shown that the integrity of the consider the practical upper limit taking into account the
concrete will not be affected and that ability to place the concrete around the rebar. This issue
the full strength is achieved at the is considered further in PD 6687.
As,max = 0,08Ac at laps
9.5.3 (3) Maximum spacing of scl,tmax should take the least of the Use the recommended value
transverse reinforcement in following three values:
columns scl,tmax a) 20 times the minimum diameter of
the longitudinal bars;
b) the lesser dimension of the column;
c) 400 mm.
9.6.2 (1) Minimum and maximum area As,vmin = 0,002Ac Use the recommended value
of vertical reinforcement in As,vmax = 0,04Ac outside lap locations
walls unless it can be shown that the
integrity of the concrete is not affected
and that the full strength is achieved
at the ULS. This limit may be doubled
at laps.
9.6.3 (1) Minimum area of horizontal As,hmin = 25 % or 0,001Ac, whichever is Use the recommended values. Where crack control is
reinforcement in walls greater important early age thermal and shrinkage effects should
be considered explicitly.
9.7 (1) Minimum area of distribution As,dbmin = 0,1 % but not less than 0,2 % in each face
150 mm2/m in each face and in each

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
reinforcement in deep beams
9.8.1 (3) Value of Ìmin for pile caps 8 mm Use the recommended value (1) Value of Ìmin for columns and 8 mm Use the recommended value
wall footings
9.8.3 (1) Value of Ìmin for tie beams 8 mm Use the recommended value

9.8.3 (2) Minimum downward load for q1 = 10 kN/m To be determined for each individual project
tie beams
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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

9.8.4 (1) Values of q2 and Ìmin q2 = 5 MPa Use the recommended values
Ìmin = 8 mm
9.8.5 (3) Values of h1 and As,bpmin h1 = 600 mm Use the recommended values
As,bpmin from Table 9.6N (2) Force to be resisted by q1 = 10 kN/m q1 = (20 + 4n0) where n0 is the number of storeys
peripheral tie: values of q1 and q2 = 70 kN q2 = 60 kN
q2 (3) Minimum tensile force that an Ftie,int = 20 kN/m Ftie,int = [(qk + gk)/7,5](lr/5)(Ft) U Ft kN/m
internal tie is capable of where
(qk + gk) is the sum of the average permanent and variable
floor loads (in kN/m2);
lr is the greater of the distances (in m) between the
centres of the columns, frames or walls supporting any
two adjacent floor spans in the direction of the tie under
consideration; and
Ft = (20 + 4n0) k 60.
Maximum spacing of internal ties = 1,5lr. (4) Internal ties on floors without q3 = 20 kN/m Ftie = (1/7,5)(gk + qk)(lr/5)Ft U Ft kN/m
screed: values of q3 and q4 q4 = 70 kN where
(gk + qk) is the sum of the average permanent and variable
floor loads (in kN/m2);
lr is the greater of the distances (in m) between the
centres of the columns, frames or walls supporting any
two adjacent floor spans in the direction of the tie under
consideration; and
Ft = (20 + 4n0) k 60.
Maximum spacing of transverse ties = 1,5lr.
© BSI 8 December 2005
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Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)
© BSI 8 December 2005

Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision (2) Force to be resisted by Ftie,fac = 20 kN per metre of the façade Ftie,fac = Ftie,col = the greater of 2Ft k ls/2,5Ft and 3 % of
horizontal ties to external Ftie,col = 150 kN the total design ultimate vertical load carried by the
columns and/or walls provided column or wall at that level. Ftie,fac in kN per metre run of
at each floor level: values of wall. Ftie,col in kN per column.
Ftie,fac and Ftie,col Tying of external walls is only required if the peripheral
tie is not located within the wall.
ls is the floor to ceiling height in m.
PD 6687 gives additional requirements related to the UK
building regulations.
11.3.5 (1)P Value of µlcc (lightweight 0,85 Use the recommended value
aggregate concrete)
11.3.5 (2)P Value of µlct (lightweight 0,85 Use the recommended value
aggregate concrete)
11.3.7 (1) Value of k k = 1,1 for lightweight aggregate Use the recommended value
concrete with sand as fine aggregate
k = 1,0 for lightweight aggregate (both
fine and coarse aggregate) concrete
11.6.1 (1) Values of ClRd,c, vl,min and k1 ClRd,c = 0,15/¾c ClRd,c = 0,15/¾c
vl,min = 0,30k3/2flck1/2 vl,min = 0,03k3/2flck1/2
k1 = 0,15 k1 = 0,15
11.6.2 (1) Value of É1 É1 = 0,5½1[1 – flck/250] Use the recommended value

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (1) Value of k2 0,08 Use the recommended value
12.3.1 (1) Values of µcc,pl and µct,pl (plain µcc,pl = 0,8 µcc,pl = 0,6
concrete) µct,pl = 0,8 µct,pl = 0,6
12.6.3 (2) Value of k 1,5 Use the recommended value

A.2.1 (1) Value of ¾s,red1 1,1 Use the recommended value

A.2.1 (2) Value of ¾c,red1 1,4 Use the recommended value
A.2.2 (1) Value of ¾s,red2 and ¾c,red2 ¾s,red2 = 1,05 Use the recommended values
¾c,red2 = 1,45
A.2.2 (2) Value of ¾c,red3 1,35 Use the recommended value
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Table NA.1 — UK decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (continued)

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Subclause Nationally Determined Parameter Eurocode recommendation UK decision

A.2.3 (1) Value of ½ and ¾c,red4 ½ = 0,85 Use the recommended values
¾c,red4 = 1,3
C.1 (1) Values for fatigue stress range, Table C.2N Use the recommended values
minimum relative rib area ¶ = 0,6
and ¶
C.1 (3) Values of a, fyk, k, ¼uk For fyk a = 10 MPa Use the recommended values
For k and ¼uk a = 0
Minimum and maximum values for fyk,
k, ¼uk in accordance with Table C.3N
E.1 (2) Values of indicative strength Table E.1N Does not apply in the UK — see the guidance in (5)
J.1 (2) Value of As,surfmin 0,01Act,ext Does not apply in the UK — see PD 6687 for an alternative
Annex J
J.2.2 (2) Value of tanÚ 0,4 k tanÚ k 1 Does not apply in the UK — see PD 6687 for an alternative
Annex J
J.3 (2) Value of k1 0,25 Does not apply in the UK — see PD 6687 for an alternative
Annex J
J.3 (3) Value of k2 0,5 Does not apply in the UK — see PD 6687 for an alternative
Annex J
© BSI 8 December 2005
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Table NA.2 — Recommendations for normal-weight concrete quality for exposure classes XC, XD and XS and cover to
© BSI 8 December 2005

reinforcement for a 50 year intended working life and 20 mm maximum aggregate size
Exposure conditionsa Cement/ Nominal cover (cmin + %cdev)c to reinforcement (including prestressing steel) in mm and associated
combination recommended designed concrete and equivalent designated concrete
types 15 + %cdev 20 + %cdev 25 + %cdev 30 + %cdev 35 + %cdev 40 + %cdev 45 + %cdev 50 + %cdev

Carbonation XC1 Dry or All C20/25, 0,7, \ \ \ \ \ \ \

induced permanently 240 or
corrosion wet RC25
XC2 Wet, rarely All — — C25/30, \ \ \ \ \
dry 0,65, 260 or
XC3 Moderate All except IVB — C40/50, C32/40, C28/35, C25/30, \ \ \
humidity 0,45, 340 0,55, 300 0,60, 280 0,65, 260
XC4 Cyclic wet and or RC50 or RC40 or RC35 or RC30
Chloride XD1 Moderate All — — C40/50, C32/40, C28/35, \ \ \
induced humidity 0,45, 360 0,55, 320 0,60, 300
corrosion \ \
XD2 Wet, rarely I, IIA, IIB-S, — — — C40/50, C32/40, C28/35,
excluding dry SRPC 0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
from IIB-V, IIIA — — — C35/45, C28/35, C25/30, \ \
seawater 0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
IIIB, IVB — — — C32/40, C25/30, C20/25, \ \
0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
XD3 Cyclic wet and I, IIA, IIB-S, — — — — — C45/55, C40/50, C35/45,
dry SRPC 0,35, 380 0,40, 380 0,45, 360
IIB-V, IIIA — — — — — C35/45, C32/40, C28/35,

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
0,40, 380 0,45, 360 0,50, 340
IIIB, IVB — — — — — C32/40, C28/35, C25/30,
0,40, 380 0,45, 360 0,50, 340
NOTE 1 \ indicates that the concrete given in the cell to the left applies.
NOTE 2 Reference should be made to BS 8500-1:2002, Annex A for selecting the quality of concrete subjected to freeze/thaw conditions and concrete in aggressive ground conditions.
Exposure conditions conform to BS EN 206-1:2000.
Cement/combination types are defined in BS 8500-2:2002, Table 1.
For values of %cdev, see BS EN 1992-1-1:2003, (1) and (3).
The recommended designed concrete is taken from BS 8500-1:2002 and described in this table in terms of strength class, maximum w/c ratio, minimum cement or combination
content in kg/m3. The equivalent recommended designated concrete is taken from BS 8500-1:2002 and indicated in this table by the designation RC.
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Table NA.2 — Recommendations for normal-weight concrete quality for exposure classes XC, XD and XS and cover to reinforcement

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
for a 50 year intended working life and 20 mm maximum aggregate size (continued)
Exposure conditionsa Cement/ Nominal cover (cmin + %cdev)c to reinforcement (including prestressing steel) in mm and associated
combination recommended designed concrete and equivalent designated concrete
types 15 + %cdev 20 + %cdev 25 + %cdev 30 + %cdev 35 + %cdev 40 + %cdev 45 + %cdev 50 + %cdev

Seawater XS1 Airborne salts I, IIA, IIB-S, — — — C50/60, C40/50, C35/45, \ \

induced but no direct SRPC 0,35, 380 0,45, 360 0,50, 340
corrosion contact \ \
IIB-V, IIIA — — — C45/55, C35/45, C32/40,
0,35, 380 0,45, 360 0,50, 340
IIIB, IVB — — — C35/45, C28/35, C25/30, \ \
0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
XS2 Wet, rarely I, IIA, IIB-S, — — — C40/50, C32/40, C28/35, \ \
dry SRPC 0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
IIB-V, IIIA — — — C35/45, C28/35, C25/30, \ \
0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
IIIB, IVB — — — C32/40, C25/30, C20/25, \ \
0,40, 380 0,50, 340 0,55, 320
XS3 Tidal, splash I, IIA, IIB-S, — — — — — — C45/55, C40/50,
and spray SRPC 0,35, 380 0,40, 380
zones IIB-V, IIIA — — — — — C35/45, C32/40, C28/35,
0,40, 380 0,45, 360 0,50, 340
IIIB, IVB — — — — — C32/40, C28/35, C25/30,
0,40, 380 0,45, 360 0,50, 340
NOTE 1 \ indicates that the concrete given in the cell to the left applies.
NOTE 2 Reference should be made to BS 8500-1:2002, Annex A for selecting the quality of concrete subjected to freeze/thaw conditions and concrete in aggressive ground conditions.
Exposure conditions conform to BS EN 206-1:2000.
Cement/combination types are defined in BS 8500-2:2002, Table 1.
For values of %cdev, see BS EN 1992-1-1:2003, (1) and (3).
The recommended designed concrete is taken from BS 8500-1:2002 and described in this table in terms of strength class, maximum w/c ratio, minimum cement or combination
content in kg/m3. The equivalent recommended designated concrete is taken from BS 8500-1:2002 and indicated in this table by the designation RC.
© BSI 8 December 2005
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Table NA.3 — Recommendations for normal-weight concrete quality for exposure class XC and cover to reinforcement for
© BSI 8 December 2005

a 100 year intended working life and 20 mm maximum aggregate size

Exposure conditionsa Cement/ Nominal cover (cmin + %cdev)c to reinforcement (including prestressing steel) in mm and associated
combination recommended designed concrete and equivalent designated concrete
types 15 + %cdev 20 + %cdev 25 + %cdev 30 + %cdev 35 + %cdev 40 + %cdev 45 + %cdev 50 + %cdev

Carbonation XC1 Dry or All C20/25, 0,7, \ \ \ \ \ \ \

induced permanently 240 or
corrosion wet RC25

XC2 Wet, rarely All — — C25/30, \ \ \ \ \

dry 0,65, 260 or
XC3 Moderate All except — — — C40/50, C35/45, C32/40, C28/35, \
humidity IVB 0,45, 340 or 0,50, 320 or 0,55, 300 or 0,60, 280 or
RC50 RC45 RC40 RC35
XC4 Cyclic wet and
NOTE 1 \ indicates that the concrete given in the cell to the left applies.
NOTE 2 Reference should be made to BS 8500-1:2002 for selection of concrete with a one hundred year intended working life and in XD and XS exposure classes.
Exposure conditions conform to BS EN 206-1:2000.
Cement/combination types are defined in BS 8500-2:2002, Table 1.
For values of %cdev, see BS EN 1992-1-1:2003, (1) and (3).
The recommended designed concrete is taken from BS 8500-1:2002 and described in this table in terms of strength class, maximum w/c ratio, minimum cement or combination
content in kg/m3. The equivalent recommended designated concrete is taken from BS 8500-1:2002 and indicated in this table by the designation RC.

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

Table NA.4 — Recommended values of wmax

Exposure Reinforced members and prestressed Prestressed members with bonded tendons
members without bonded tendons (frequent load combination)
(quasi-permanent load combination)
mm mm
X0, XC1 0,3 0,2
XC2, XC3, XC4 0,3 0,2b
XD1, XD2, XD3, XS1, 0,2 and decompressionc
XS2, XS3
For X0, XC1 exposure classes, crack width has no influence on durability and this limit is set to produce acceptable appearance.
In the absence of specific requirements for appearance this limit may be relaxed.
For these exposure classes, in addition, decompression should be checked under the quasi-permanent combination of loads.
wmax = 0,2 mm applies to parts of the member that do not have to be checked for decompression.

In the absence of specific requirements (e.g. water-tightness), it may be assumed that limiting the
calculated crack widths to the values of wmax given in Table NA.4, under the quasi-permanent combination
of loads, will generally be satisfactory for reinforced concrete members in buildings with respect to
appearance and durability.
The durability of prestressed members may be more critically affected by cracking. In the absence of more
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

detailed requirements, it may be assumed that limiting the calculated crack widths to the values of wmax
given in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Table 7.1N, under the frequent combination of loads, will generally be
satisfactory for prestressed concrete members. The decompression limit requires that all parts of the
bonded tendons or duct lie at least 25 mm within concrete in compression.

Table NA.5 — Basic ratios of span/effective depth for reinforced concrete members without
axial compression
Structural system K Concrete highly stressed Concrete lightly stressed
Ô = 1,5 % Ô = 0,5 %
Simply supported beam, one- or two-way 1,0 14 20
spanning simply supported slab
End span of continuous beam or one-way 1,3 18 26
continuous slab or two-way spanning slab
continuous over one long side
Interior span of beam or one-way or two-way 1,5 20 30
spanning slab
Slab supported on columns without beams 1,2 17 24
(flat slab) (based on longer span)
Cantilever 0,4 6 8
NOTE 1 The values given have been chosen to be generally conservative and calculation may frequently show that thinner members
are possible.
NOTE 2 For two-way spanning slabs, the check should be carried out on the basis of the shorter span. For flat slabs the longer span
should be taken.
NOTE 3 The limits given for flat slabs correspond to a less severe limitation than a mid-span deflection of span/250 relative to the
columns. Experience has shown this to be satisfactory.
NOTE 4 The values of k in the table may not be appropriate when the form-work is struck at an early age or when the construction
loads exceed the design load. In these cases, the deflections may need to be calculated using advice in specialist literature, e.g. the
Concrete Society’s report on deflections in concrete slabs and beams [3] and an article for the Magazine of Concrete Research
entitled Are existing span to depth rules conservative for flat slabs? [4].
NOTE 5 The ratio of area of reinforcement provided to that required should be limited to 1,5 when the span/depth ratio is adjusted.
This limit also applies to any adjustments to span/depth ratio obtained from Expressions (7.16a) or (7.16b) from which this table has
been derived for concrete class C30/37.

18 © BSI 8 December 2005

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

Table NA.6a) — Minimum mandrel diameter to avoid damage to reinforcement for bars
and wire
Bar diameter, Ì Minimum mandrel diameter, Ìm,min for bends, hooks and loops
(see BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Figure 8.1)
mm mm
k16 4Ì
>16 7Ì
NOTE Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of reinforcement should generally be in accordance with BS 8666.

Table NA.6b) — Minimum mandrel diameter to avoid damage to reinforcement for welded
reinforcement and fabrics bent after welding
Location of transverse bar defined as a multiple of the bar diameter bar Minimum mandrel diameter, Ìm,min
diameter, Ì
mm mm
Transverse bar inside or outside a bend or centre of a transverse bar 20Ì
k4Ì from a bend
Centre of transverse bars >4Ì from a bend 4Ì for Ì k 16
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

7Ì for Ì k 20
NOTE Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of reinforcement should generally be in accordance with BS 8666.

NA.3 Decisions on the status of informative annexes

BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 informative Annexes A, B, D, F, G, H and I may be used in the UK.
BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 informative Annexes E and J are not applicable in the UK. PD 6687 provides an
alternative informative Annex J that is acceptable for use in the UK.
NA.4 References to non-contradictory complementary information
NA.4.1 General references
The following is a list of references that contain non-contradictory complementary information for use with
BS EN 1992-1-1.
— PD 6687:2005, Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1-1 and BS EN 1992-1-2.
— Guidance on the use of stainless steel reinforcement, Technical Report 51, Concrete Society, 1998 [1].
— Post-tensioned concrete floors — Design handbook, Technical Report 43, The Concrete
Society, 2005 [2].
— Deflections in concrete slabs and beams, Technical Report No. 58, Concrete Society, 2005 [3].
— VOLLUM, R.L. and T.R. HOSSAIN, Are existing span to depth rules conservative for flat slabs?,
Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 54, issue 6, 2002 [4].
— Standard method of detailing structural concrete — A manual for best practice, The Institution of
Structural Engineers/Concrete Society, [5].
NA.4.2 References for conforming to UK Building Regulations 2000
The Building Regulations 2000 [6] requires that a building shall be constructed so that in the event of an
accident the building will not suffer collapse to an extent disproportionate to the cause. Approved
Document A to the Building Regulations 2000 [7] cites the details and design approaches in BS 8110 as
being one acceptable method of meeting this requirement. BS 8110 will be superseded by BS EN 1992-1-1,
however, not all the requirements of BS 8110 feature in BS EN 1992–1–1. Therefore, those requirements
of BS 8110 that are not covered by BS EN 1992-1-1 have been incorporated into PD 6687 as
non-contradictory complimentary information.

© BSI 8 December 2005 19

NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004


Standards publications
BS 8110 (all parts), Structural use of concrete.
BS 8550-1:2002, Concrete — Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 — Part 1: Method of
specifying and guidance for the specifier.
BS 8550-2:2002, Concrete — Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 — Part 2: Specification for
constituent materials and concrete.
BS 8666, Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete. Specification.
BS EN 1990:2002, Eurocode — Basis of structural design.
BS EN 206-1:2000, Concrete — Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity.
PD 6687:2005, Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992–1–1 and BS EN 1992-1-2.

Other publications
Licensed copy:Royal Haskoning, 03/11/2009, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

[1] CONCRETE SOCIETY. Guidance on the use of stainless steel reinforcement, Technical Report 51,
Camberley: Concrete Society, 1998.
[2] CONCRETE SOCIETY. Post-tensioned concrete floors — Design handbook, Technical Report 43,
Camberley: Concrete Society, 2005.
[3] CONCRETE SOCIETY. Deflections in concrete slabs and beams, Technical Report No. 58, Camberley:
Concrete Society, 2005.
[4] VOLLUM, R.L. and T.R. HOSSAIN. Are existing span to depth rules conservative for flat slabs?,
Magazine of Concrete Research, vol. 54, issue 6, 2002.
detailing structural concrete — A manual for best practice, London: The Institution of Structural
Engineers/Concrete Society, 2006.
[6] UNITED KINGDOM. The Building Regulations 2000. London: The Stationery Office.
[7] UNITED KINGDOM. The Building Regulations 2000 Approved Document A: Structure. London: The
Stationery Office, 2004.

20 © BSI 8 December 2005

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