Nexans - 19 33kV Three Core

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19/33kV Three Core Sales

Phone: 1300 CABLES
[email protected]

19/33kV Three Core, Individually Screened and PVC Sheathed Stranded Conductors
up to 10kA fault level


• Stranded compacted conductor

• Semi-conductive insulation screen
• Copper wire screen
• XLPE insulation
• Semi-conductive conductor screen
• FIllers
• PVC sheath
International IEC 60228;
IEC 60502-2

National AS/NZS 1125; AS/

NZS 1429.1

Construction characteristics
Conductor flexibility Class 2
Conductor shape Circular
Outer sheath PVC
Dimensional characteristics
Nominal overall diameter -
Electrical characteristics
Rated Voltage Uo/U (Um) -

Conductor flexibility Rated Voltage Uo/U (Um)

Class 2 ­

All drawings, designs, specifications, plans and particulars of weights, size and dimensions contained in the technical or commercial documentation of Nexans is
indicative only and shall not be binding on Nexans or be treated as constituting a representation on the part of Nexans.
Generated 21/3/24 Page 1 / 5
19/33kV Three Core Sales
Phone: 1300 CABLES
[email protected]


Cross Nom. Nominal Number of Diam.
Conductor over Approx.
sectio insulation Screen screen over
diam. insulatio weight Nexans Ref.
n thick. Area wires (nb x screen
[mm] n [kg/100m]
[mm²] [mm] [mm²] mm Ø) [mm]
19 x 0.85
50 8.05 8.0 25.566 32.34 28.866 355.0 XNHA19AA003CXAA
mm Ø
27 x 0.85
70 9.65 8.0 27.166 45.96 30.466 415.0 XNHA20AA003CXAA
mm Ø
36 x 0.85
95 11.36 8.0 28.876 61.28 32.176 480.0 XNHA22AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
120 12.76 8.0 30.276 68.09 33.576 525.0 XNHA23AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
150 14.17 8.0 31.686 68.09 35.186 580.0 XNHA24AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
185 15.67 8.0 33.186 68.09 36.686 635.0 XNHA25AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
240 17.98 8.0 35.496 68.09 38.996 730.0 XNHA26AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
300 20.1 8.0 37.816 68.09 41.316 820.0 XNHA27AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
400 22.95 8.0 40.666 68.09 44.166 955.0 XNHA28AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
500 26.5 8.0 44.216 68.09 47.716 1120.0 XNHA30AA003CXAA
mm Ø


A.C. Conductor Capa. (all
Max. DC Resist. Inductive Insulation
resist. 50Hz and at 90 cores­
Cond. 20°C react. 50Hz resistance at 20°C Nexans Ref.
°C screen)
[Ohm/km] [Ohm/km] []
[Ohm/km] [µF / km]
0.641 0.821 0.147 18000 0.134 XNHA19AA003CXAA
0.443 0.568 0.136 16000 0.148 XNHA20AA003CXAA
0.32 0.41 0.129 15000 0.164 XNHA22AA003CXAA
0.253 0.325 0.124 14000 0.176 XNHA23AA003CXAA
0.206 0.264 0.12 13000 0.189 XNHA24AA003CXAA
0.164 0.211 0.117 12000 0.202 XNHA25AA003CXAA
0.125 0.161 0.112 11000 0.222 XNHA26AA003CXAA
0.1 0.13 0.108 10000 0.242 XNHA27AA003CXAA
0.078 0.102 0.103 9100 0.267 XNHA28AA003CXAA
0.062 0.082 0.099 8100 0.297 XNHA30AA003CXAA

All drawings, designs, specifications, plans and particulars of weights, size and dimensions contained in the technical or commercial documentation of Nexans is
indicative only and shall not be binding on Nexans or be treated as constituting a representation on the part of Nexans.
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19/33kV Three Core Sales
Phone: 1300 CABLES
[email protected]


Current Dielectric loss DC Resistance of Zero sequ. Zero sequ.
per phase per phase the Screen at 20°C resist. 20°C react. 50Hz Nexans Ref.
[A/km] [W/km] [Ohm/km] [Ohm/km] [Ohm/km]
0.798 60.7 4 0.56 2.317 0.099 XNHA19AA003CXAA
0.885 67.3 3.8 0.39 1.62 0.088 XNHA20AA003CXAA
0.977 74.3 3.6 0.29 1.203 0.081 XNHA22AA003CXAA
1.051 79.9 3.5 0.26 1.048 0.077 XNHA23AA003CXAA
1.126 85.5 3.4 0.26 1.002 0.073 XNHA24AA003CXAA
1.204 91.5 3.3 0.26 0.961 0.069 XNHA25AA003CXAA
1.324 101 3.2 0.27 0.923 0.065 XNHA26AA003CXAA
1.444 110 3.1 0.26 0.897 0.061 XNHA27AA003CXAA
1.591 121 3 0.26 0.874 0.057 XNHA28AA003CXAA
1.773 135 2.9 0.26 0.858 0.052 XNHA30AA003CXAA


Cross Nom. Nominal Number of Diam.
Conductor over Approx.
sectio insulation Screen screen over
diam. insulatio weight Nexans Ref.
n thick. Area wires (nb x screen
[mm] n [kg/100m]
[mm²] [mm] [mm²] mm Ø) [mm]
29 x 0.85
50 8.0 8.0 25.516 49.37 28.816 460.0 XNHP19AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
70 9.6 8.0 27.116 68.09 30.416 560.0 XNHP20AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
95 11.49 8.0 29.006 68.09 32.306 665.0 XNHP22AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
120 13.07 8.0 30.586 68.09 33.886 765.0 XNHP23AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
150 14.49 8.0 32.006 68.09 35.506 875.0 XNHP24AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
185 16.1 8.0 33.616 68.09 37.116 990.0 XNHP25AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
240 18.53 8.0 36.046 68.09 39.546 1190.0 XNHP26AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
300 20.7 8.0 38.416 68.09 41.916 1410.0 XNHP27AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
400 23.6 8.0 41.316 68.09 44.816 1730.0 XNHP28AA003CXAA
mm Ø
40 x 0.85
500 26.5 8.0 44.216 68.09 47.716 2070.0 XNHP30AA003CXAA
mm Ø

All drawings, designs, specifications, plans and particulars of weights, size and dimensions contained in the technical or commercial documentation of Nexans is
indicative only and shall not be binding on Nexans or be treated as constituting a representation on the part of Nexans.
Generated 21/3/24 Page 3 / 5
19/33kV Three Core Sales
Phone: 1300 CABLES
[email protected]


A.C. Conductor Capa. (all
Max. DC Resist. Inductive Insulation
resist. 50Hz and at 90 cores­
Cond. 20°C react. 50Hz resistance at 20°C Nexans Ref.
°C screen)
[Ohm/km] [Ohm/km] []
[Ohm/km] [µF / km]
0.387 0.494 0.147 18000 0.133 XNHP19AA003CXAA
0.268 0.342 0.139 16000 0.148 XNHP20AA003CXAA
0.193 0.247 0.128 15000 0.165 XNHP22AA003CXAA
0.153 0.196 0.123 14000 0.179 XNHP23AA003CXAA
0.124 0.159 0.12 13000 0.191 XNHP24AA003CXAA
0.099 0.128 0.116 12000 0.205 XNHP25AA003CXAA
0.075 0.098 0.111 11000 0.227 XNHP26AA003CXAA
0.06 0.079 0.107 9800 0.247 XNHP27AA003CXAA
0.047 0.063 0.102 8900 0.272 XNHP28AA003CXAA
0.037 0.051 0.099 8100 0.297 XNHP30AA003CXAA


Current Dielectric loss DC Resistance of Zero sequ. Zero sequ.
per phase per phase the Screen at 20°C resist. 20°C react. 50Hz Nexans Ref.
[A/km] [W/km] [Ohm/km] [Ohm/km] [Ohm/km]
0.796 60.5 4 0.37 1.485 0.099 XNHP19AA003CXAA
0.883 67.1 3.8 0.26 1.062 0.091 XNHP20AA003CXAA
0.984 74.8 3.6 0.26 0.989 0.081 XNHP22AA003CXAA
1.068 81.1 3.5 0.26 0.949 0.076 XNHP23AA003CXAA
1.142 86.8 3.4 0.27 0.922 0.072 XNHP24AA003CXAA
1.227 93.2 3.3 0.27 0.897 0.068 XNHP25AA003CXAA
1.353 103 3.2 0.26 0.872 0.064 XNHP26AA003CXAA
1.475 112 3.1 0.27 0.858 0.06 XNHP27AA003CXAA
1.624 123 3 0.27 0.845 0.056 XNHP28AA003CXAA
1.773 135 2.9 0.26 0.835 0.052 XNHP30AA003CXAA

All drawings, designs, specifications, plans and particulars of weights, size and dimensions contained in the technical or commercial documentation of Nexans is
indicative only and shall not be binding on Nexans or be treated as constituting a representation on the part of Nexans.
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19/33kV Three Core Sales
Phone: 1300 CABLES
[email protected]


Current carrying capacity table (in Amps) - 19/33kV Three Core

Conductor cross­section
[mm²] Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
50 204 158 217 168 156 121 205 159 170 132
70 252 196 269 209 198 153 250 194 213 165
95 306 237 328 254 238 184 299 232 255 197
120 352 272 377 292 271 210 341 264 290 224
150 397 307 427 330 304 236 381 295 324 251
185 454 351 488 378 345 268 431 334 366 284
240 533 413 575 445 402 312 499 388 424 330
300 609 472 658 509 456 354 563 438 478 372
400 701 548 759 593 542 424 640 502 562 440
500 797 632 864 686 610 484 718 570 630 499

In air touching (3 core) In air spaced (3 core) In air enclosed (3 core)

Underground Direct Buried (3

Underground ducts (3 core)

All drawings, designs, specifications, plans and particulars of weights, size and dimensions contained in the technical or commercial documentation of Nexans is
indicative only and shall not be binding on Nexans or be treated as constituting a representation on the part of Nexans.
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