Ed204 Pointers
Ed204 Pointers
Ed204 Pointers
•According to Collins dictionary, diversity is •The wheel consist of primary or core and
"the state or quality of being different or secondary dimensions of diversity. The
varied; a variety or assortment; a point of categories put forward the effect of these
difference; the inclusion of people of differences on a person's beliefs,
different races, genders, religions, etc. expectations, and life experiences.
•They are influenced by people we
•The dimensions are the components that encounter, places we go to or live in, and
comprise the whole person. experiences we go through.
•The primary or core dimensions are in the •The second dimension is composed of
inner circle. geographical location, marital status,
religious beliefs, parental status, income,
•These are the stronger ones. education, work experience, military
experience, first language, family status,
•These are the characteristics we were born and work and communication styles.
with or established by significant
experiences we had or people we (Loden and Rosener's Diversity Wheel
interacted with. (Loden 1991).)
Addressing Diversity Through The Years: •To provide children with special needs
appropriate educational services with the
Special and Inclusive Education
mainstream of basic education.
Inclusive Education -Focuses from the view •To enhance strategical key areas in human
of disability that results on how to cope
resource development, family involvement
from the interaction between the
and active participation of government and
environment and the condition of the non-government organizations or the
person with disability. NGOs.
-Look on the necessary adjustments to the
learning community and will develop or
enhance a teaching strategy involving To achieve the goals in inclusive education,
person with disabilities. the following principles should be met;
Special Education -Emanates from a 1. Responsiveness to rights
medical view of disability.
2. Sensitivity and Responsiveness to Context
-Focuses on correcting deficits of persons
with disabilities to enable them to function 3. "No learner left behind"
effictively in society.
What is the focus of In 2002, Booth and Ainscow came up with
Functional/Rehabilitation Model? an Index for Inclusion, which aims to direct
educational instruction toward developing
- It focuses on learning new skills. On the their own next steps and action plans if they
other hand, functional or rehabilitation want to restructive into becoming more
model refers to the assistance given by inclusive.
professionals to those who have an
acquired disability, in the hang of gaining
back one's functionality.
"It takes on the social model of disability as
its starting point, builds on good practice,
and then organizes the index work around a
D. The Social Model cycle of activities which guide schools
•According to the social model, 'disability' is through stages of preparation,
socially constructed. investigation, development and review
(UNESCO 2005-30).
• The social model seeks to change society
in order to accommodate people living with
impairment. It does not seek to change
persons with impairment to accommodate
society. It supports the view that people
with disability have a right to be fully
•Three Dimensions of the Index DIMENSION C
02. Build key people -a rigid "one size fits all" type of curriculum
that does not allow room for individual
-The government recognizes the need for differences can significantly stunt one's
teacher training, both in the special needs learning and opportunity for growth.
education and general education levels.
SPECIAL EDUCATION VS. MAINSTREAMING With the shift to inclusive education, the
VS. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION role of special education (SPED) teachers
suddenly seems to be reduced to ony “as
•Special education is the practice of needed”.
educating students in a way that
accommodates their individual differences, 4. Include transitions in planning
disabilities, and special needs.
An abrupt systematic change that is not
•Mainstreaming is the practice of placing well-planned or that disregards practices—
student with special education needs in a whether existing or implied—may hinder
general education classroom during specific the shift to inclusion and cause resentment
time period base on their skills. from all stakeholders. Instead, currenet
practices have to be respected and honored
•Inclusive education refers to all students so as to facilitate a gradual shift to inclusive
being able to access and gain equal education.
oppurtunities to education and learning.
• Project interest
Learners should have the opportunity to • Complete one of the three journal
assume each of the roles. prompts provided
a. Facilitator • Select a learning interest packet
b. Recorder from the anchor option file box
c. Summarizer/Timekeeper
d. Presenter • Select at least one area of test prep
e. Errand monitor practice you believe you need to
Implement routines for collaborative work
a. establish working course • Work on your Orbital or
b. have a plan for “quick finishers” Independent Project
c. have a plan for when to ask for help