Butterfly Life Cycle

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• Lesson Ideas
• Mini-Books
• Charts & Diagrams
• Learning Activities
Welcome to the
Butterfly Life Cycle
Printable Packet
Welcome to the butterfly life cycle pack for kindergarten
and first grade!
Use this pack to help you teach about the butterfly life cycle.
With lessons, activities, leveled mini-books, manipulatives, and
more, we have you covered to teach science, reading, writing,
and even supplement your math and word study lessons.

What You Will Find Inside:

• From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Science Poem • A class chart, Caterpillars and Butterflies:
to build excitement. This page is full color and Compare and Contrast, and a Venn
is perfect for projecting. Diagram—a handy pair of diagrams to help
students compare and contrast two stages of
• KWHL: Science Graphic Organizer to track the life cycle.
students’ knowledge and misconceptions
throughout the unit. • A file-folder game, Caterpillar Chat, for
reviewing elements of each stage of the life
• Butterfly Life Cycle: Thematic Song to begin cycle. This game is in full color and is perfect
diving into the topic and keep on hand for
for a science center.
reference throughout the unit.

• Flutter-By Butterfly: Spring Word Wall • Supplemental activities, templates, and

teaching tips and lessons. Both Caterpillar
to help students learn content-specific
and Chrysalis (Patterns and Activities) and
vocabulary. Includes tips for use, word list,
Butterfly (Pattern and Activities) include
and more.
reproducible templates and standards
• A draw and write prompt, All About connections.
Butterflies, that can be used to help students
practice learned vocabulary to respond to a • A science craftivity, Butterfly Egg, clearly
displays the different stages of the life cycle.
Great as a make-and-take, to share with
• Four leveled mini-books for differentiated families, or to display. Includes teaching tips,
reading. Includes A Caterpillar: Literacy poem, and more.
Building Booklet (level B), A Butterfly Grows
Up (level D) and its Spanish companion Una
Mariposa Crece (level C), and Becoming a
1 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.

Butterfly (level F).

• Two different types of stationery, Butterfly:
Stationery (With or Without Lines) and
Butterfly Lined Stationery, for writing
poems and stories or taking notes and doing
research for the unit.

• Butterfly Cycle: Poetry Frame, gives

students an opportunity to show what they
now know. This resource is also great to use
as you return to the KWHL chart as a final

• Butterfly Pop-Up: Science Manipulative

helps build school-home connection. It’s an
easy-to-make craftivity with text students
and families can share.

Lessons and activities in this pack will help you meet Common Core Standards as follows:

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.2: With prompting

and support, identify the main topic and
retell key details of a text.

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.7: With prompting

and support, describe the relationship
between illustrations and the text
in which they appear.

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.2: Identify the main

topic and retell key details of a text.

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.1.7: Use the

illustrations and details in a text to describe
its key ideas.

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.2: Use a
combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose informative/explanatory
texts in which students name what they are
writing about and supply some information
about the topic.

• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.2: Write
informative/explanatory texts in which
students name a topic, supply some facts
about the topic and provide some sense
of closure.
2 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.

Purpose Resource(s) Used Suggested Use

Introduce and build • From Caterpillar to Project From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Science Poem.
excitement for new Butterfly: Science Poem Read aloud the poem once, then again encouraging
unit students to join in.
• KWHL: Science Graphic
Organizer Explain that students will be studying the butterfly’s
life cycle and ask them to think about what they
already know (from the science poem, illustrations, or
prior knowledge). Begin filling in the KWHL: Science
Graphic Organizer. Ask students to talk in pairs about
what they know and what they would like to learn.
Depending on your students’ ability level, you may
copy the organizer on chart paper or give students
their own copies.

Be sure to keep the chart on display throughout the

unit. As students learn more, they may refer to the
chart to identify misconceptions or to add more
questions. By the end of the unit, students will be
able to add to the L column to reflect what they have

Build knowledge, • Butterfly Life Cycle: Read Butterfly Life Cycle: Thematic Song aloud. You
part one Thematic Song may wish to project the poem, print and hand out
copies, and/or copy it on chart paper. Ask students
to use what they learn to keep adding to the KWHL

Point out and define important vocabulary words in

the song and in the science poem mentioned above,
including chrysalis, caterpillar, and butterfly.

Explain that you will be creating a special word wall

just for content-specific vocabulary.

Build content- • Fluttery-By Butterfly: Assemble and share the Flutter-By Butterfly: Spring
specific vocabulary Spring Word Wall Word Wall using the directions, suggestions, and
template provided.
• All About Butterflies
Review the words and definitions you’ve encountered
• Optional: Butterfly: so far, add them to the list, and explain you’ll be
Stationery (With or adding more words as the unit unfolds. You may also
Without Lines) choose to use or add to the included story starter.
Give students the butterfly stationery to use for their
• Optional: Butterfly Lined
Alternatively, have students use the words they are
learning to write what they know about butterflies.
Have students share their writing and illustrations with
one another.
3 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.
Purpose Resource(s) Used Suggested Use
Build knowledge, • A Caterpillar: Literacy Provide each of your students with a differentiated
part two Building Booklet mini-book so they can learn the stages of the butterfly
life cycle through reading on their own. Select mini-
• A Butterfly Grows Up books based on your students’ reading levels (use the
Spanish version of A Butterfly Grows Up with your
• Una Mariposa Crece
• Becoming a Butterfly
You may wish to scaffold independent reading by
starting students off in guided reading groups or by
having students read in pairs. Have students hold
on to their mini-books to reread and eventually take
home and share with their families.

Synthesize learned • Caterpillars and Display the Caterpillars and Butterflies: Compare and
knowledge Butterflies: Compare and Contrast chart and discuss how the two creatures
Contrast are similar and different. Fill out the Venn Diagram
together as a class, or have students work in pairs.
• Venn Diagram Encourage students to use not just the chart, but also
what they have learned through the mini-books, other
• Caterpillar Chat
resources from this pack, and/or supplemental reading
and research.

Use the Caterpillar Chat game to help students

put together all they have learned. This game asks
students to recognize various aspects of the four
stages of the life cycle. You may wish to laminate the
colorful pieces so the game can be used over and over
as part of a learning center.

Connect across • Caterpillar and Chrysalis Complete any or all of these activities to enrich your
subject areas (Patterns and Activities) reading, writing, math, and art lessons:

• Butterfly (Pattern and • Hungry Caterpillar’s Calendar

Activities) • Caterpillar Diary
• Caterpillar Cycle Puzzles
• Butterfly Symmetry
• Butterfly Puppet
• Butterfly Math Puzzles

Provide hands-on • Butterfly Egg: Early This craftivity will help students visualize the cycle of
learning experience Learning Activity the butterfly while creating an appealing display to
share with families. Consider having students create
the craft with help from a buddy class. Ask students
to “present” the life cycle to their buddies using the
included poem.
4 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.
Purpose Resource(s) Used Suggested Use
Inspire creativity • Butterfly: Stationery Use these writing papers for a variety of purposes:
and writing (With or Without Lines)
• Use with the story starter from the Flutter-By-
• Butterfly Lined Stationery Butterfly Word Wall. or have students write
stories of their own.
• Encourage students to take notes throughout
the unit.
• Ask students to write poems about butterflies.
• Have students write informative essays about
the butterfly using the work done in this
unit or from research you may conduct as a

Wrap up unit and • Butterfly Cycle: Poetry Use the Butterfly Cycle: Poetry Frame to wrap up the
assess learning Frame unit. Students can fill in the prompt and decorate the
page. This is a great way for students to show what
• KWHL: Science Graphic they have learned. You can use completed pages to
Organizer create a special display for a bulletin board.

After students have completed their poetry frames,

revisit the KWHL: Science Graphic Organizer from the
beginning of the unit. Have students reflect on what
they have learned and pose any new questions they
have that they may want to research independently.

Share learning with • Butterfly Pop-Up: Science This craftivity is perfect for sending home to help
families Manipulative students share what they have learned through this
unit. The craft is simple to make with scissors, tape,
and coloring supplies. The text of the pop-up book
is ideal to read together as a family. Plus the activity
includes extensions that families can complete
5 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.
Butterfly Life Cycle

From Caterpillar
to Butterfly
Watch me wiggle from my egg
leg, by leg, by leg, by leg.

Watch me munch leaves high and low

and grow, and grow, and grow, and grow.
Science Poems Flip Chart © Maria Fleming, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Watch the chrysalis I create

and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

Watch me spread new wings to dry

and fly, and fly, and fly . . . goodbye!
6 ∞ Science Poems Flip Chart © Maria Fleming, Scholastic Inc.

Name ___________________________________________________________ Date _________________________

Fill in this chart before, during, and after studying a new topic.

Topic: __________________________________________________

What I Know What I Want to Know How I Can Find Out What I’ve Learned

7 ∞ Science Graphic Organizers & Mini-Lessons © Maria L. Chang, Scholastic Inc.

Butterfly Life Cycle
(sung to “Miss Lucy Had a Baby”)

The butterfly is happy,

She’s laid all of her eggs.
Out pops a caterpillar
Crawling on its legs.

The baby caterpillar

50 Thematic Songs Sung to Your Favorite Tunes © Meish Goldish, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Is very, very thin.

But then it eats and eats until
It bursts right through its skin!

Soon the caterpillar

Has grown so very big.
So next the caterpillar
Climbs on a leaf or twig.

The caterpillar makes a shell,

And there it hangs inside.
In time the shell starts cracking,
And soon the parts divide.

The shell is nearly open,

Wow! It’s really strange!
8 ∞ 50 Thematic Songs Sung to your Favortie Tunes © Meish Goldish, Scholastic Inc.

The caterpillar in the shell

Has undergone a change!

Now that the shell is open,

Look what’s coming out:
A fully grown butterfly
Is fluttering about!

Flutter-by Butterfly y
Our Butter fl

Life Cycle W

pen these beautiful wings so bold,
then list butterfly words for the wings to hold.

ecorating Ti
Suggested Cover D p

Word List Cut the butterfly and caterpillar from construction paper
or craft foam, and glue them to the front of the file folder. Use
antennae permanent markers to outline their shapes and add other
branch details. Outline details on the foam version with glitter glue
butterfly or puff paints. Laminate the construction-paper version,
caterpillar if desired.
change Story Starters

For instant writing ideas, cut and paste the following writing
prompt onto the back of your file-folder word wall.
Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls © Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic Teaching Resources

laid ✁
Our Butterf ly Life Cycle Story Starters
9 ∞ Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls © Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic Inc.

life cycle
Use your own words to
migrate tell how a caterpillar
monarch turns into a butterfly.
Name your favorite type
wings of butterfly, and tell how it looks.

Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls © Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic Teaching Resources
10 ∞ Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls © Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic Inc. fold edge

Our Butterfly
Life Cycle Words

folder opens here

Super-Easy File-Folder Word Wall How-To’s

1. Use a copier to duplicate the desired shape,
plus story starters, onto copy paper. For an
attractive, sturdy cover, consider copying or
tracing the shape directly onto construction
paper or craft foam whose color best matches
the theme and design of the word wall.

(Tip: Use craft glue or rubber cement to mount

the shape onto the front of a file folder, being
careful to align edges labeled "Fold Edge" with the
Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls © Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic Teaching Resources

corresponding folder edge. Use scissors to trim the

Cover- shape along the dash lines.)
2. Color and decorate as desired. If you choose to print
Look to these (Look for specific Cover Decorating Tips offered with
tips for instant directly onto white or contruction paper, after printing
ideas to add add any desired colors with crayons or markers, glue
texture, sparkle, pieces in place on the folder, then laminate the entire
and shine to folder. To use, write words inside the folder with a dry-
each month-by- erase marker. Use diaper wipes to erase the words so
month file the word wall may be reused.
folder! Short on 3. If you choose to use craft foam, use only
time? Parents permanent markers to draw cover details on the
unable to foam, and let the ink dry thoroughly before using.
volunteer in the (Water-based markers tend to smear. You may
classroom may want to test the markers you intend to use before
11 ∞ Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls © Mary Beth Spann, Scholastic Inc.

be eager to drawing directly on the shape.) Do not attempt

construct word- to laminate word walls made from craft foam.
wall folder
4. Open the folder, and write “Our Butterfly Life
covers complete
Cycle Words" inside of the folder spread. Use the
with special
remaining space to record vocabulary words
decorative linked to the word wall theme.

5. If you wish to offer students story-starter suggestions,

close the folder and glue the label reading “Our Butterfly
Life Cycle Story Starters” to the top of the back cover.
Use the remaining space to record story-starter sugges-
tions or generate starters of your own.

All About Butterflies

by ________________________________

In the box, draw a picture of a colorful butterfly.

Word Ban k

Write three things you know about butterflies. Use the word bank if you
need help.
12 ∞ 50 Month-by-Month Draw & Write Prompts © Scholastic Inc.

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
If I were a butterfly, I would ________________________________________________

50 50 Month-by-Month Draw & Write Prompts Scholastic Professional Books

Page 163 • A Caterpillar
13 ∞ Literacy-Building Booklets © 2007 by Suzanne Moore and Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Inc.


A caterpillar hatches.

by ____________________
A Caterpillar
14 ∞ Literacy-Building Booklets © 2007 by Suzanne Moore and Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Inc.

A caterpillar eats.

A caterpillar grows.

here. •
Page 3:
Page 165 • A Caterpillar
15 ∞ Literacy-Building Booklets © 2007 by Suzanne Moore and Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Inc.


A caterpillar rests.
Glue • here. Glue • here.
A caterpillar changes.



Page 4:

Page 5:

16 ∞ Literacy-Building Booklets © 2007 by Suzanne Moore and Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Inc.

A caterpillar?

No, a butterfly!

Page 166 • A Caterpillar
17 ∞ 25Page 17Mini-Books
• for Emergent
Animals, Animals Readers
•A Butterfly Carol Pugliano-Martin,
© 1999 byGrows Up Scholastic Inc.

I began as an egg this tiny.

Inside the egg, I became
a caterpillar. 1

After I hatched, I ate a lot Then I hung from a leaf and

and grew and grew and grew! 2 changed into a chrysalis. 3
Inside the chrysalis, I turned different colors.
I was very busy changing! 4 I grew wings. 5

Then guess what happened? 6 I became a beautiful butterfly! 7

18 ∞ 25 Science Mini-Books for Emergent Readers © 1999 by Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Inc.
• Animals, Animals • A Butterfly Grows Up Page 18
19 ∞ 25Page 17Science
• Mini-Books
Animals, for Emergent
Animals • A Butterfly
Readers ©Grows Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Inc.
1999 byUp

n a m a r iposa Al principio, soy un huevo

U cr ece chiquito. Dentro del huevo, me
transformo en oruga. 1

Cuando salgo del huevo como Luego me cuelgo de una hoja

mucho y ¡crezco, crezco, crezco! 2 y me transformo en crisálida. 3
Dentro de la crisálida, Cambio de colores.
me transformo. 4 Me crecen alas. 5

Y luego, ¿adivinen que pasa? 6 ¡Soy un hermosa mariposa! 7

20 ∞ 25 Spanish Science Mini-Books for Emergent Readers © 1999 by Carol Pugliano-Martin, Scholastic Inc.
• Animals, Animals • A Butterfly Grows Up Page 18
21 ∞ Mini-Book of
the1Week © Maria
• May, Week Fleming, Scholastic
4 • Becoming Inc.
a Butterfly

Becoming a Butterf ly

Hello, world! A caterpillar chews through

the egg’s shell. The caterpillar is tiny at first.
But it eats lots of leaves and grows fast.

Mini-Book of the Week © Maria Fleming, Scholastic Teaching Resources


A butterfly lays an egg on a leaf. The egg

is small enough to fit on the head of a pin.

22 ∞ Mini-Book of
• May,
© Week Fleming,
Maria 4 Scholastic
• Becoming Inc.
a Butterfly

Becoming a Butterf ly

of the
of Week
the Week
© Maria
© Maria
Hello, world! A caterpillar chews through

the egg’s shell. The caterpillar is tiny at first. The caterpillar hangs upside down

But it eats lots of leaves and grows fast. from a twig. It grows a hard shell called
a chrysalis (CRIS-uh-lis). It rests for about

two weeks. Inside the chrysalis,
Look! The caterpillar has turned into a the caterpillar is changing.
butterfly! One day, the butterfly will lay
an egg on a leaf. What do you think
an egg on a leaf. The egg
A butterfly laysChrysalis
will happen then?
is small enough to fit on the head of a pin.


page 2 • May, Week 4 • Becoming a Butterfly

How to Make the Mini-Book
How to Make the Mini-Book
Becoming a Butterf ly

Becoming a Butterfly Becoming a Butterf ly

Format: step book
Becoming a Butterfly Egg

1. Print single-sided
Format: step book

copies of the Chrysalis

book pages. Butterfly

1. Print single-sided
2. Cut apart the mini-book Caterpillar

pages along the dotted lines.of the

copies Chrysalis

3. Stack the pages in order with the cover on

book pages.
top, followed by egg, caterpillar, chrysalis,

and butterfly. 2. Cut apart the mini-book

4. Align the pages along the top
pages edge and
along thestaple
dotted lines.
them together.
3. Stack the pages in order with the cover on
top, followed by egg, caterpillar, chrysalis,
and butterfly.
4. Align the pages along the top edge and staple
them together.
23 ∞ Mini-Book of the Week © Maria Fleming, Scholastic Inc.

Mini-Book of the Week © Maria Fleming, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Caterpillars and Butterflies:
Compare and Contrast
How are a caterpillar and a butterfly
alike and different? B
Butterfly Wing


6 Legs
24 ∞ Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Inc.

Antenna Caterpillar

4 Legs Legs Leg

Venn Diagram

25 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.
y er

y e rs:

Caterpillar Chat Players: 2

Players: 2–3
This game provides practice in recognizing the four stages

in the life cycle of a butterfly.

Players: 2–4

Players: 3
Review the life cycle of a butterfly with children. Explain and discuss the different
events related to each of the four stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly.
Ask children to share their thoughts about what the critter in each stage might
think about the process it experiences in the life cycle.

AssemblIng the gAme

1 Cut out the file-folder label and pocket. Glue the

label onto the file-folder tab. Tape the sides and
bottom of the pocket to the front of the folder.


Cut out the directions, answer key, and game cards. X]gnhVa^h

When the game is not in use, store these items in XViZge^aaVg

the pocket on the front of the folder.

 Cut out the two sides of the game board and glue
them to the inside of the folder.

 Cut out and assemble the game spinner.

26 ∞ File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Inc.

extendIng the gAme

• Put the game cards in a basket. Then pass the basket around a circle of
children. Invite each child to pick a card, read the sentence, and name the
stage of the butterfly‘s life cycle that the sentence tells about.

• Tap into students’ knowledge about the life cycle of a butterfly by building a
caterpillar. First, a child tells a fact related to a butterfly‘s life cycle. Then he
or she taps another child. The second child cites a different fact and then
moves close to the first child, forming a short caterpillar. The first child then
taps another child, and so on, until the entire class connects into a long,
informed caterpillar.

File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
27 ∞ File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Inc.

Caterpillar Chat Label and Pocket, page 91

C a te r p i l l a r C hat

Caterpillar Chat File-Folder

Label Games
Caterpillar Chat

Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Players: 2

Caterpillar Chat Players: 2–3

g e t r e A d y t o P l Ay

Shuffle the cards. Deal five cards to each player. Stack the restPlayers:
facedown. 2–4

1 Spin the spinner. What butterfly life cycle stage does it stop on?
Name it. Players: 3

 Look at your cards. Do you have a card that tells about that stage?
• If so, find that stage on the game board. Place the card on a box
for that stage.
• If not, take a card from the top of the stack. Does the card
tell about the stage? If so, place it on a box for that stage.
If not, keep the card and your turn ends.

 After each turn, check the answer key. Is your answer correct?
If not, take the card back.

 Keep taking turns. The first player to get rid of all of his or her
cards wins the game.

P L A Yi NG T iP

When no cards are left in the stack, players continue the game
using the cards in their hand.
page 93Scholastic Inc.

Caterpillar Chat
A. Rhodes,

Answer Key
and ©Answer

egg: Caterpillar: Chrysalis: Butterfly:

• I come from a butterfly. • I eat the egg I lived in. • A caterpillar spins me. • I break out of a
Color: Science

• I am very tiny. • I have many legs. • I hang from a twig. chrysalis.


• I stick to a leaf. • I eat lots of leaves. • I have a hard covering. • My wings dry out
before I fly.
• I start the butterfly’s life • I grow very fast. • A caterpillar rests inside
cycle. of me. • I have six legs.
• I shed my skin.
• I use antennae to smell.

• A caterpillar grows • I spin a shell around • A caterpillar changes

inside of me. myself. inside of me. • I drink nectar from

28 ∞ File-Folder

• A caterpillar eats me. • A butterfly comes out

of me. • I lay tiny eggs on leaves.

File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources

i eat i break
i come from A caterpillar
the egg out of a
a butterfly. spins me.
i lived in. chrysalis.

My wings
i am i have i hang from
dry out
very tiny. many legs. a twig.
before i fly.

i have
i stick to i eat lots i have
a hard
a leaf. of leaves. six legs.

i start the A caterpillar i use

i grow
butterfly’s rests inside antennae
very fast.
life cycle. of me. to smell.
29 ∞ File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Inc.

A caterpillar A caterpillar i drink

i shed my
grows inside changes nectar from
of me. inside of me. flowers.

i spin a A butterfly i lay

A caterpillar
shell around comes out tiny eggs
eats me.
myself. of me. on leaves.

Caterpillar Game Cards

30 ∞ File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Inc.

Caterpillar Chat Game Board (left side), page 97


Caterpillar Chat
Game Games Board
in Color: Science
(left© Immacula

side) A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources

along this edge
thisedge and
and attach
attach to next
to page 99. page.
31 ∞ File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Inc.

Caterpillar Chat Game Board (right side), page 99 Cut along this
Cutedge this edge
along and attach
andtoattach to page
previous 97.

Caterpillar Chat
Game Games Board
in Color: Science
© Immacula

A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources




r f


y s



32 ∞ File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Inc.

brass fastener

Assemble the spinner using a

paper clip and brass fastener as
shown. Make sure the paper clip
Caterpillar Chat Spinner spins easily.

Caterpillar Chat Spinner 101

File-Folder Games in Color: Science © Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4 Spring & Summer
Caterpillar & Chrysalis

33 ∞ BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose © Scholastic Inc.

© Scholastic Teaching Resources
BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose Scholastic Teaching Resources
Caterpillar & Chrysalis Spring & Summer 4
Use these activities with cards 4–5.

finally emerges from the chrysalis? Post the diary entries in the
Hungry Caterpillar s appropriate sections of the display.

Create a time line and puppets to retell a favorite story. Caterpillar Cycle Puzzles
Share Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Philomel, 1969). After Make puzzles to practice sequencing skills and learn about life cycles.
reading the story, set out a large, oblong sheet of craft paper to make a Make a reduced-sized copy of each pattern (caterpillar, chrysalis, and
story map. Divide the sheet into eight sections, labeling each with a butterfly) for each child and cut it out. In addition, cut small paper
day of the week from Sunday to Sunday. Then look through the book circles for eggs. Give each child an oblong strip of tagboard and have
with children, inviting them to draw and label the foods the caterpillar children glue on the four pictures in order (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis,
ate each day. Next, use the caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly patterns butterfly). Let children color the pictures
to make puppets (attach to craft sticks Book Links
if they wish, and help them write a label Standards
and decorate). Hang your story map on Standards for each stage. Then have children cut ● Knows that living things go
a wall and invite small groups to use ● Retells a story with attention to strips into
theirBook four pieces to make a through a process of growth
their puppets to retell the story in the sequence of main events
puzzle. Have them mix up their pieces and change
sequence, using their “caterpillar ● Understands calendar time in ● Understands the concept of
and then trade with a partner to put position in a sequence
days and weeks
calendar” as a guide. them in the correct
Book Linkssequence.
Caterpillar Diary Learning Differences
Write diary entries about the butterfly’s life cycle. Kinesthetic learners might enjoy acting out a butterfly’s life cycle
As you are raising caterpillars in the classroom (or reading books as you narrate. Have children curl up in a ball as eggs, hatch and
Tip crawl out as caterpillars, roll themselves in a blanket to form a
describing the life cycle of a butterfly), discuss what the caterpillar or chrysalis, and then emerge and fly away!
butterfly needs to survive and how it spends its time. Have children
record what they have learned, in the form of a diary. Make one copy
of the caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly patterns (enlarge if desired),
and have children color the patterns. Divide a bulletin board into
three sections and place a pattern at the top of each (caterpillar on the Book Links
left, chrysalis in the center, and butterfly
The Caterpillar and the Polliwog by Jack Kent (Prentice-Hall, 1982). A confused
on the right). As you observe or read Standards polliwog thinks he will become a butterfly in this charming life-cycle story.
about each stage in the butterfly’s life ● Uses the senses to make Charlie the Caterpillar by Dom DeLuise (Simon & Schuster, 1990). Charlie learns
cycle, invite children to write or dictate observations about living things a lesson about friendship as he grows from caterpillar to butterfly.
a diary entry describing what they have ● Knows that animals need
certain resources for energy
Book Links
Clara Caterpillar by Pamela Duncan Edwards (HarperCollins, 2001). Brave Clara
learned. How does a caterpillar spend saves her friend Catisha from a hungry crow through camouflage.
and growth, such as food,
its day? What does the chrysalis look water, light, and air

34 ∞ BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose © Scholastic Inc.

© Scholastic Teaching Resources
like and where is it located? What BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose Scholastic Teaching Resources

Book Links
5 Spring & Summer
Butterf ly

35 ∞ BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose © Scholastic Inc.

© Scholastic Teaching Resources
BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose Scholastic Teaching Resources
Butterf ly Spring & Summer 5
Use these activities with cards 4–5.

Butterfly Symmetry Butterfly Math Puzzles

Butterflies are a great way to introduce the concept of symmetry. Use the butterfly pattern to practice number sentences.
Make a copy of the pattern for each child. Provide children with Make several copies of the butterfly pattern, and write an equation on
squeeze bottles of tempera paint, and have them make different- each. Write a numeral on each wing and the operation sign (+, –) in
colored splotches on one wing of the butterfly. Then just fold, press, the center. On a separate index card, write the numeral that answers
and unfold to see a symmetrical pattern. Point out that the butterfly’s the equation. Try creating several butterflies with number sentences
wings are a reflection of each other. For a greater challenge, pair that result in the same answer (6 – 2, 2 + 2, 1 + 3). Then cut each
children up to make symmetrical butterfly into three parts by separating the wings from the body, and
butterflies. Have the first partner color place all the pieces in a center in mixed-
one wing and then pass to the second ● Understands and applies basic
up order. Each day, post an index card Standards
partner. It’s the second child’s job to concepts of the properties of with a different numeral. Challenge ● Understands basic whole
follow the pattern, creating its geometry children to “build” as many butterflies number relationships
symmetrical opposite with the same ● Extends simple patterns as they can to create a number sentence ● Adds and subtracts whole
colors on the other wing. that equals the day’s numeral.

Butterfly Puppet
This easy puppet craft makes a butterfly “emerge” from its chrysalis!
Provide each child with one copy of the chrysalis pattern, one copy of
the butterfly pattern, a craft stick, and a paper towel tube cut to seven
inches in length. First, have children paint the butterfly and glue the
craft stick in the center on the back. Then have them color the
chrysalis pattern green or brown and glue it onto the length of paper
towel tube. When the butterfly and chrysalis are dry, help children
carefully curl the butterfly’s wings inward
and slide the puppet into the tube (with
the craft stick poking out the bottom). Standards
● Understands the structure and Book Links
Children can hold their chrysalis with
function of organisms The Butterfly Alphabet by Kjell B. Sandved (Scholastic, 1996). Find each letter
one hand and gently pull down on the ● Knows how to use structures
of the alphabet hidden in the wings of photographed butterflies.
stick with the other to see the butterfly and functions in artwork
The Butterfly House by Eve Bunting (Scholastic Press, 1999). A girl and her
emerge and spread its wings! grandfather build a habitat for growing butterflies.
Book Links
Waiting for Wings by Lois Ehlert (Harcourt, 2001). Beautiful collages celebrate
the life cycle from egg to butterfly.

36 ∞ BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose © Scholastic Inc.

© Scholastic Teaching Resources
BIGGIE Patterns With a Purpose Scholastic Teaching Resources

Life Cycles

Butterfly Egg
Use this large leaf prop to highlight the
stages in a butterfly’s development.

Meeting the Standards: Science

Understands the structure and function of cells
and organisms:
• Knows that living things go through a process of
growth and change
Materials (per child)
butterfly life cycle cards, label, and butterfly patterns
Butterfly Egg

(next page)
■ crayons

■ scissors This leaf holds a butterfly egg so small.

■ 9- by 12-inch green construction paper A caterpillar hatches out and starts
■ glue stick
to crawl.
■ black marker

It eats and grows, and eats some more.
Making the Prop
It makes a chrysalis. Changes are in store.
❶ Color and cut out the life cycle cards, label, and
butterfly patterns.
After days of waiting, there‘s some activity.
❷ Cut a large leaf shape from the green
construction paper. Out comes a butterfly to fly away free!
❸ Glue the life cycle cards around the edges of the
37 ∞ Early Learning With Puppets, Props, Poem & Songs © Kemp Henry and Moore, Scholastic Inc.

leaf, starting with card 1 at the top and spacing

the other cards evenly and in order around the leaf.
❹ Glue the label and butterfly to the center of the leaf.
Be sure to glue only the center of the butterfly in
place, leaving the wings free to flap back and forth.
❺ Use the black marker to draw eyes and antennae
on the butterfly.
Using the Prop
Use the prop and poem to help children understand
the stages in a butterfly’s life cycle. As children recite
each line of the poem, have them find and point to the
corresponding picture on their leaf. On the last line,
invite them to “flap“ the wings of the butterfly in the
center of the leaf.

Early Learning With Puppets, Props, Poems & Songs © Kemp Henry and Moore, Published by Scholastic Teaching Resources 1
Butterfly Life Cycle Patterns

’s L ife label

rf ly
A Butte
life cycle cards

38 ∞ Early Learning With Puppets, Props, Poem & Songs © Kemp Henry and Moore, Scholastic Inc.

3 4


5 6
Early Learning With Puppets, Props, Poems & Songs © by Lucia Kemp Henry and Suzanne Moore, Scholastic Teaching Resources 2
The Big Book of Classroom Stationery © Scholastic Teaching Resources
39 ∞ The Big Book of Classroom Stationery © Scholastic Inc.
The Big Book of Classroom Stationery © Scholastic Teaching Resources
40 ∞ The Big Book of Classroom Stationery © Scholastic Inc.
Name Date

My Creative Writing Page!

41 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.

© Teacher's Friend, a Scholastic Company

May May

1. Create a poem in 1. aCreate

circle.a poem in a circle.
2. Write about the four
2. Write
of athe
four stages of a butterfly—egg,
caterpillar, pupa inside
a chrysalis,
a chrysalis, and butterfly!

Butterf ly Cycle
Butterf ly Cycle
1 1
Egg Caterpillar
Egg Caterpillar

Itty-bitty, teeny-weeny. _____________________

Itty-bitty, teeny-weeny. ____________________
You have to squintYou to have to squint to
even see me. even see me.
When I hatch, When I hatch,
I wonder what I’ll be.
I wonderWhenwhatI change,
I’ll be. When I change,
I wonder what I’ll be.
I wonder what I’ll be.

4 Butterfly
4 Butterfly
Pupa in a Chrysalis
Pupa in a Chrysalis
42 ∞ Instant Poetry Frames Around the Year © Betsy Franco, Scholastic Inc.

A butterfly in flight!A butterfly
When I inchange,
flight! When I change,
That’s what I’ll be! That’s
I wonder
what I’ll
whatbe! I wonder what
I’ll be. I’ll be.

3 3

by __________________________________________________
by __________________________________________________

40 40
Instant Poetry Frames Around the Year ©Instant
Betsy Franco,
Poetry Frames
the Year
© Betsy Franco, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Butterfly Pop-Up
Students make a pop-up book and observe
the changes a caterpillar goes through
as it metamorphoses into a butterfly.

utterflies lay their eggs on plant leaves. When a caterpillar
S TANDARDS hatches out of an egg, it feeds almost continuously on leaves
and plants. As the caterpillar gets bigger, it molts, or sheds,
its skin and grows a new one. This molting happens several times,
{ Characteristics of
Organisms until the caterpillar is fully grown. When a caterpillar sheds its skin
for the last time, a hard case called a chrysalis forms around its
{ Life Cycles of
body. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar’s body breaks down and
transforms into an adult butterfly—with wings, scales, antennae,
{ Organisms and Their and six legs. After a few weeks, the butterfly emerges from its case.
Environments The new butterfly hangs upside down while its wings unfold and
dry. The butterfly then takes off in search of sweet nectar for food
and to look for a mate. Many butterflies live only a couple of
43 ∞ Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Inc.

weeks, while others may live several months.


{ reproducible pages
{ scissors
{ tape Making the Book
{ stapler
{ colored pencils,
crayons, or markers
1 Photocopy pages 46 and 47. Color and cut out the
three pieces with the solid black lines around them.
{ pocket mirrors
2 Fold pages 2 and 3 and pages 1 and 4 along the dotted
lines so that the blank sides face each other inside.
Nestle pages 2 and 3 inside pages 1 and 4 so that page 1 is
on the outside. Staple the pages together as shown.

Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources

3 Open the book to the center

and line up the left edge of the
butterfly piece with the back of page
2 as shown. Tape the edges together.
Repeat with the back of page 3 and
the right edge of the butterfly.

4 Gently push the butterfly in toward the center fold of the book. Close the
book and crease it.

Teaching With the Book

1 Draw an outline of a butterfly on the board and ask students to guess what
it is. They may say it is a butterfly or a moth. Find out what students
know about butterflies. Ask: “Are butterflies born with wings?” (no) “What are
butterflies called when they are born?” (caterpillars) “What do they look like?”
(wormlike creatures)

2 Invite students to color, assemble, and read their butterfly pop-up books.
Let them decorate the blank pages opposite pages 2 and 3 with their own
drawings of caterpillars and butterflies.

3 Ask: “What kind of animal are butterflies?” (insects) Explain to students

44 ∞ Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Inc.

that all insects have three body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. Insects
also have six legs, and most have wings and antennae. Invite students to turn to
the back of their books to see the different parts of a butterfly’s body. Have
them compare the butterfly’s features with those of the caterpillar.

4 Ask children to study the pop-up butterfly in the center of their book.
What do they notice about the wings? (They look the same on each side—
they are symmetrical.) Show students how they can tell if an object is
symmetrical. Have them take turns placing a pocket mirror on the center of the
butterfly. If they see the mirror image, the object is symmetrical. Let students
use this method on pictures of different kinds of butterflies to find out if all
next page.)
butterfly wings are symmetrical. (See Resources, next page.)

Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Make a Butterfly
Make extra copies of the butterfly pattern in the lift-and-look book for each
student. Invite students to make butterfly puppets using the pattern. Encourage
sources them to color and decorate their butterflies. Then have students form a paper or
Re More toringDo
pipe-cleaner big enough to fit the tip of their forefinger. Have them fold up
the wings and then tape the butterfly’s body to the ring. Students can wear their
butterfly Your
puppetsOwn Butterfly
and move their hands up and down to make the wings flap.
Students can witness firsthand the life cycle of
w To order caterpillars, a butterfly right in your own classroom. To
call Insect Lore at build a butterfly habitat, use sharp scissors to
1-800-LIVE-BUG or cut off the top of an empty, clear, one-liter
visit their Web site at plastic bottle. Place a piece of cheesecloth over
the open end. Use a rubber band to hold it in
place. Add twigs and leaves for the caterpillar.
You can order caterpillars from science supply
catalogs. (See Resources, left, for more
information.) Have students monitor their
caterpillar every day and record their
observations. When the butterfly emerges
from its chrysalis, release the butterfly into
your schoolyard or a nearby park.

Make a Butterfly
Make extra copies of the butterfly pattern in the lift-and-look book for each
student. Invite students to make butterfly puppets using the pattern. Encourage
them to color and decorate their butterflies. Then have students form a paper or
pipe-cleaner ring big enough to fit the tip of their forefinger. Have them fold up
Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources
the wings and then tape the butterfly’s body to the ring. Students can wear their
butterfly puppets and move their hands up and down to make the wings flap.
45 ∞ Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Inc.

Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Butterfly Pop-Up Book
Butterfly Pop-Up Book

How are a caterpillar and a butterfly

alike and different? Butterfly
How are a caterpillar and a butterfly
alike and different?
Butterfly Wing
Butterfly Wing Pop-Up
Egg What is hatching
Antenna from the egg?
Egg What is hatching
Antenna from the egg?

It’s a tiny
6 Legs caterpillar. Watch it
It’s a tiny nibble leaf
6 Legs caterpillar. Watch
after itleaf.
Antenna Caterpillar nibble leaf
after leaf.
Antenna Caterpillar

4 Legs Legs Leg

See it grow and grow. 1
46 ∞ Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Inc.

4 Legs Legs Leg

See it grow and grow. 1

Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Butterfly Pop-Up Book
Butterfly Pop-Up Book

How are a caterpillar and a butterfly

alike and different? Butterfly
Butterfly Wing Pop-Up
Egg What is hatching
Antenna from the egg?

It’s a tiny
6 Legs caterpillar. Watch it
nibble leaf
after leaf.
Antenna Caterpillar
The butterfly One day the caterpillar
sips sweet stops growing.
flower juice, A hard case, called a chrysalis,
called nectar. forms around it.
47 ∞ Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Inc.

4 Legs Legs Leg

See it grow and grow. 1



The butterfly finds a mate.

Inside, the caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
Then it lays its eggs.
Turn the page to let the butterfly out! 9
What will hatch from the eggs?
Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives © Silver & Wynne, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3 2
Text Credits: page 6 taken from Science Poems Flip Chart by Maria Fleming © 2011 Maria Fleming;
page 7 taken from Science Graphic Organizers & Mini-Lessons by Maria L. Chang © 2006 Maria L.
Chang; page 8 taken from 50 Thematic Songs Sung to Your Favorite Tunes by Meish Goldish © 1999
Meish Goldish; pages 9–11 taken from Month-by-Month File-Folder Word Walls by Mary Beth Spann ©
2003 Mary Beth Spann; page 12 taken from 50 Month-by-Month Draw & Write Prompts by Danielle
Blood © 2002 Danielle Blood; pages 13–16 taken from Literacy-Building Booklets by Suzanne Moore
and Lucia Kemp Henry © 2007 Suzanne Moore and Lucia Kemp Henry; pages 17–18 taken from 25
Science Mini-Books for Emergent Readers by Carol Pugliano-Martin © 1999 Carol Pugliano-Martin;
pages 19–20 taken from 25 Spanish Science Mini-Books for Emergent Readers by Carol Pugliano-
Martin © 2000 Carol Pugliano-Martin; pages 21–23 taken from Mini-Book of the Week by Maria Fleming
© 2005 Maria Fleming; page 24 adapted from Lift & Look Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives by
Donald M. Silver and Patricia J. Wynne © 2000 Donald M. Silver and Patricia J. Wynne; pages 26–32
taken from File-Folder Games in Color: Science by Immacula A. Rhodes © 2009 Immacula A. Rhodes;
page 37–38 taken from Early Learning With Puppets, Props, Poems & Songs by Suzanne Moore and
Lucia Kemp Henry © 2007 Suzanne Moore and Lucia Kemp Henry; page 42 taken from Instant Poetry
Frames: Around the Year by Betsy Franco © 2004 Betsy Franco; pages 43–47 taken from Lift & Look
Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives by Donald M. Silver and Patricia J. Wynne © 2000 Donald M.
Silver and Patricia J. Wynne.

Other pages from this workbook were previously published in or adapted from: BIGGIE Patterns
With a Purpose; The Big Book of Classroom Stationery: Grade 4–6; and Welcome Butterflies! Chart.

Photos ©: cover butterflies: Liliboas/iStockphoto, Rocksweeper/Shutterstock, Jag_cz/Shutterstock;

cover bottom: JitkaUnv/iStockphoto; 1 left: ryasick/iStockphoto; 1 right: AmbientIdeas/iStockphoto; 2
top: padung/Shutterstock; 2 center: Liliboas/iStockphoto; 2 bottom: ilikestudio/Shutterstock; 6: Beth Van

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without written permissions of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write
to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

ISBN: 978-1-338-60342-2
Butterfly Life Cycle Pack © 2019 by Scholastic Inc.
All rights reserved.

48 ∞ © Scholastic Inc.

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