Report Certificate (AJ2) 2
Report Certificate (AJ2) 2
Report Certificate (AJ2) 2
External Viva-voice
Name of the Examiners:
Signature :
The Satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the progress and completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance and
encouragement ground my efforts with success.
I consider it is a privilege to express my gratitude and respect to all those who guided me in the
progress of my project report.
I express my sincere words of gratitude to the honourable principal Dr. D. P. Nagarajappa, for his
I express my deep sense of gratitude to internal project guide Dr. Srinivasulu M, Department
of Master of Computer Applications, for supporting and encouraging at each stage of my
project work and guided me to do my best.
I also sincerely express my gratitude for all the Teaching and Non-teaching staff of MCA
Department, UBDTCE Davanagere, who directly or indirectly helped me in completing the
Last but not least I want to thank My Parents for their moral support and my beloved Friends for
their help and suggestions.
USN : 4UB22MC013
Abstract i
Acknowledgment ii
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iv
List of Abbreviations v
Nomenclature vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 General Structure of IoT 2
1.2.1 IoT Application Layer 2
1.2.2 IoT Network Layer 3
1.2.3 IoT Perception Layer 3
1.3 Routing in IoT 4
1.3.1 IoT Sink 6
1.3.2 Clustering in IoT-WSNs 7
1.3.3 IoT Gateway 9
1.4 Major Issues in IoT Network 9
1.5 Importance of IoT Routing 11
1.6 Research Challenges 14
1.6.1 Gaps on IoT Routing Protocols 14
1.7 Research Motivation 16
1.8 Research Objectives 17
1.9 Research Methodology 18
1.9.1 Contributions of QEMR Algorithm 18
1.9.2 Contributions of COOC Algorithm 18
1.10 Thesis Organization 19
2 Literature Review 20
2.1 Review Plan 20
2.2 Review on energy efficient routing in IoT 20
2.3 Review on QoS Aware Routing Protocols in IoT 29
2.4 Review on Communication Overhead Aware Routing Protocols in IoT 33
References 107
Fig. 4.4 Process of clustering and CH selection using pigeon optimization algorithm 56
Fig. 4.6 Overall layer model for Kronecker neural network (KNN) 62
Fig. 5.1 Typical structure of IoT network with COOC routing algorithm 67
Table 2.1 Summary of research gaps from Energy efficient routing protocols 27
Table 2.2 Summary of research gaps from QoS aware routing protocols 32
Table 6.3 Average end-to-end delay (ms) comparison over node density 92
Table 6.7 Packet loss ratio (%) comparison over node density 94
Table 6.11 Packet delivery ratio (%) comparison with node density 99